#But you know. Like An affectionate “you darn fool ”.... probably. Lol
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bittenbyyou · 1 year
Stolen Moments
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High School!AU | MCU!Peter Parker x Best Friend!Reader
genre: fluff
description: You and Peter’s first kiss didn’t go the way you planned.
word count: 2.6k
warnings: references to Spider-Man: Far From Home, Peter not knowing any fairytales/Disney princesses and being a lovable dork
a/n: Another snippet based on real life events of how my bf and i got together lol. Enjoy the fluff and please feel free to let me know if you liked it!
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One thing you loved most about your best friend was his inability to remember classic fairy tales. No matter how many times you summarized them, Peter would find a way to botch it every single time. Even going so far as to invent alternative story lines, which never failed to crack you up. You would tease him endlessly for it, but then he’d grill you for having never watched Star Wars or any of the Harry Potter movies. That’s what we’d call balance in your friendship.
“Fairy tale pop quiz!” Peter groaned dramatically as he plopped down on his couch, phone in hand with your big grinning face on FaceTime. 
“Not fairy tales… anything but those. They’re my weakness,” he whined. You laid on your side in bed, giggling.
“The great Peter Parker who’s in band, robotics, and the decathlon can’t recall a few simple fairy tales?”
“Well, I actually quit those,” he shared, ruffling the back of his hair with a sheepish grin. Your face fell, eyes wide and concerned. 
“Wait, when? Why?”
It’s not like Peter could tell you he was Spider-Man even though he really, really wanted to. The less you knew, the better. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if anything happened to you.
“I’m really busy.”
“Stark Internship?”
His eyes lit up when you gave him a reason. “Right, yes!” 
Thank god for your incredible memory. “Makes sense. It’s been a while since we’ve even FaceTimed each other. You’re usually so busy at night.”
He saw the way your lips pouted as your crestfallen eyes looked away from the camera, making his chest feel tight. “I miss you too.”
Your gaze flickered back up to meet his own. Peter gulped, wondering if he sounded too emotional. Too affectionate. Too… obvious.
“Touché, Parker,” you said, rolling onto your back. “Okay, no more stalling. Tell me… which fairy tale princess ate the poison apple?”
Peter shut his eyes tight, thinking carefully. You both went to LegoLand one time and there was a display case that had the poison apple. You had asked him the same question then, pointing at the apple excitedly.
“Before we’re old would be nice,” you teased. Peter lifted up his index finger and shushed you. 
“Hold on, I got it,” His eyes fluttered open after remembering there was a small sign next to the poison apple display. “Little Mermaid.”
“Why would The Little Mermaid eat a poisonous apple?!” You bursted out into laughter at his confidence. “Dude, you said the same thing back when we went to LegoLand. The sign was in the wrong spot.”
“Darn it,” he muttered with a snap of his fingers. 
“I’ll give you a hint. Weather.”
“... Tornadoes?”
“What princess has “tornado” in her name?!” you exclaimed, trying your best not to wheeze. Peter couldn’t help but join in the laughter, knowing he was making a fool of himself. 
“You snorted,” he said in a taunting voice. “Gross.”
“Shut up, you love it.”
It’s true. He loved your laugh. Mostly because you always laughed with your whole body and sometimes would keel over. Even in public. In fact, you were probably about to fall off your bed right this second because your face suddenly became blurry and shaky. 
“Did you almost fall?” 
You successfully caught yourself and your phone before it fell on your face. “No,” you readjusted your position and cleared your throat, “Try again. It’s cold weather.”
“It can’t be Frozen… I think I’d remember that. You’ve never said anything about an apple in Mulan the many times you’ve told me her story…” You nodded many times, appreciating the fact he remembered your love for Mulan. You saw how his brows furrowed in concentration, loving how serious he was taking this. “Snow White.”
“Good j—”
“Oh!” he shouted all of a sudden, almost giving you a heart attack. “She’s the one with the seven smurfs, right?!”
Oh Peter Parker….  You’re the cutest human alive, you thought. 
Another wave of laughter overcame you, which intensified tenfold once you saw the big dumb smile on Peter’s face. The boy really thought he got it right.
“No… honey, they’re dwarfs,” you said once the laughter subsided.
“... Same thing,” he said, followed by a shrug. “I knew that.”
“Oh, we’re in for a long night. How about Jack and the Beanstalk?” That one should be easy.
“Ooh! Um… wait, I got it, quit laughing, I haven't even started,” he said, chuckling at how you placed a hand on your mouth to refrain from laughing more. “A guy sells a dog or cow or sheep for beans that grow into a big bean stalk and climbs up there and I think there’s a giant in the clouds? I don’t know.”
“I like how you completely disregarded the part where he was persuaded to sell his animal for magical beans, but okay. Pretty good.” You gave him a wink, which he returned. 
“Told you I’m good at this.”
“Uh huh. Last one.”
Peter gave you a nod. “Go for it.”
“Easy. She’s the one with long hair, with the glass shoes that’s supposed to be a perfect fit but somehow falls off and I think the guy uses her hair to find her and climb the castle before midnight when some magic wears off…”
You didn’t have enough energy to laugh and risk your abs becoming a liability, so you opted for parting your lips open slightly, shocked at how someone could be so, so wrong. 
“I think there’s some sisters or step sisters in it too!” he added, giving himself a pat on the back. “Nailed it.”
“Quite the opposite,” you said, shaking your head. “I love your dumbass sometimes.”
He knew you were using the word as a term of endearment, so it made him smile. He loved you too. So much. 
“What’s occupying all that headspace of yours these days that you can never remember the stories?” you teased. 
You are… and Spider-Man, Peter thought to himself. 
"Oh you know, there's an ongoing battle between my inner monologue and my stomach's incessant cravings for Aunt May's chocolate chip cookies. Spoiler alert: the cookies usually win."
“Oh my gosh, her cookies are the best.”
You both laid on your sides, a comforting silence blanketing the two of you for a few seconds. 
“So um…” you started to say, a twinge of nervousness in your voice. “Because your knowledge on Cinderella is so—”
“Awful,” you corrected, smiling at his lame joke. “I was wondering if you wanted to go see the school play this Friday. They’re performing Cinderella.”
Peter sat up from his couch. “You mean, you and me, g-going together?”
“Yeah. MJ didn’t want to go because seeing a damsel in distress who solely relies on a man saving her kills her vibe.” Peter chuckled at that. “Are you and Ned doing anything?”
“Oh good,” You paused. “You can invite him to come too!”
Peter hid his disappointment by placing his phone down on the couch for a split second, gathering his thoughts. Why was he assuming that this was a date? Of course you’d ask Ned to come too. He was so silly.
“Peter?” you said. “Peter~, are you still there?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m here.” He picked up the phone and gave you a thumbs up. “I’ll go. And I’ll ask Ned about it.”
“Cool. See ya then. Goodnight.”
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Peter was so nervous. Which he knew was ridiculous because this was not a date, yet he spent hours picking out an outfit. What does one even wear to a school play anyway? In the end, he slipped on a white button-up with some jeans and headed to the school. 
He saw you standing by the front doors, wearing a pretty blouse and shorts. Simple but cute nonetheless. You always looked pretty to him. 
“Hey! Sorry I’m late,” Peter said while running up the steps to get to you. “Were you waiting long?”
You shook your head. “Not at all. The play starts in five minutes, so you made it on time.”
“Good. Good…” Now that he was up close, Peter noticed how you styled your hair differently from what you usually did. “Did you do something to your hair?”
“Yeah… is it weird?”
Peter shook his head rapidly. “No, you look good.”
“Just good?”
“Great. Spectacular. Fantastic,” he said with exploding hand motions.
You giggled. “Okay Mr. Thesaurus. Where’s Ned?”
“Ned told me he didn’t want to go.” Which Peter was secretly thankful for, but he’d never let you know that.
“Okay. Then it’ll just be us two. Let’s go.”
The two of you walked to the front doors and you didn’t miss how Peter practically ran in front of you just to open it first. You thanked him and then made your way to the school’s auditorium. Peter always suggested sitting in the back, claiming it had the best view but in reality, it’d be the easiest for him to slip away if duty called.
You did notice his backpack, finding it slightly odd he brought it to school after hours. However, you didn’t think too much of it because Peter always carried a backpack. It was handy when the two of you hung out at the mall and snuck in snacks into the movie theater or when you accidentally bought too much stuff at Target after claiming you only needed one thing.
“I bet Betty is going to look so beautiful. She’s Cinderella,” you said as you sat down on Peter’s left side. 
You’re beautiful. 
“Really? And Ned’s not the prince? I wonder how he feels about that.”
“Oh, they broke up,” you informed him. “I found out yesterday.”
“What? Dang, we could’ve had a double date,” he joked, testing the waters with you. You playfully smacked his arm. 
“In your dreams.”
The lights soon dimmed, letting you and Peter know the play was about to begin. Honestly, the play was far more entertaining than expected because it turned out to be a parody of Cinderella, much to your horror. Peter was relishing at how upset you were, whispering to him every few minutes on how the story “wasn’t accurate.” Honestly, it was super adorable seeing you so worked up.
You leaned close to Peter’s ear, causing his breath to hitch. “This is so ridiculous. It’s supposed to be a pumpkin carriage, not pumpkin pie.”
“... There’s supposed to be a carriage?” he whispered back. 
“See, this play is tainting your mind.”
“But you can’t tell me you’re not enjoying it.”
“It is pretty funny,” you admitted, noticing his arm on your shared armrest. You were about to place your hand on top of his when Nick Fury’s stern voice echoed loudly in his ear.
“Parker. Are you in position?”
“No,” Peter said loud enough for you to hear. You immediately retracted your hand and Peter realized what you were about to do. 
“No…?” you said softly. The look of hurt in your eyes made Peter panic.
“And why the hell not?” Nick Fury interrogated. Peter slapped his ear/earpiece to shut it up. 
“I-I didn’t mean that. Um… I need to go to the restroom.”
“You okay?”
“I’m…” His mind raced for an excuse. “I’m feeling sick, um, I ate dairy and you know I’m lactose intolerant and all that.” He got out of his seat awkwardly, your eyes never leaving him. It pained him to see you so worried. “Oof, I’m feeling it now. Gonna be a while.”
He held onto his stomach to make for a convincing act. 
“Okay. Feel better.”
He apologized to you and then ran out of the auditorium.
“Parker, you better be on your way,” Fury’s voice warned.
“I’m coming,” Peter huffed, looking at the backside of your head one last time before disappearing. 
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Peter finished his mission by the time the play had already ended. He saw you were sitting at the front of the school on the steps, so he had to go through the back and exit as if he had come from the restrooms. 
“Whoo~! That was painful,” Peter said as he approached you, hand on his stomach and backpack on his back. He let out a sharp exhale and watched your expressions to see if you were buying it. “I really shouldn’t have eaten that ice cream… I’m sorry. I left you all alone.”
“It’s okay. Betty says hi by the way.”
“Oh. Hi.” He held his hand up and waved at you as if you were Betty. That earned a chuckle from you. “I really am sorry. What did I miss?”
He took the seat next to you on the steps. “Well, it’s safe to say you’ll never learn the real story of Cinderella. Or at least the Disney version.”
“Was it that bad?”
“The worst.” 
He nudged his shoulder against yours, flashing you a warm smile. “Are you mad at me?”
“A little. I waited outside the restrooms for you, but you took so long.”
“... It really hurt my bowels. The battle was rough.”
You rolled your eyes. “Uh huh. You know what, I’ll forgive you if you can answer one thing. What’s something pretty much all the Disney princesses have in common?”
Peter pouted his lips in confusion, searching his brain for a possible answer. “They’re… girls?”
“No… they all get kissed by the end of the movie.”
“O-Oh… Oh. Oh~,” he shot you a perplexed look. “Have you… ever been kissed?”
You nodded. “Yeah. By my ex-boyfriend.” Ah, right. Peter was not fond of him at all. “What about you?”
“Me? No…” he looked down at the cement. “Not yet.”
“Didn’t you and Liz date? You guys didn’t kiss?”
He shook his head. “No. And I’d probably messed it up anyway.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Well in the movies and stuff it’s always perfectly well executed.”
You scooted a bit closer to him so that your knees would touch. “That’s only in movies. Most people’s first kiss is awkward.”
“Was yours?”
“Yeah. But I’d like to think I’m way better at it now.”
That made Peter’s eyes widen, but he still kept his gaze glued to the ground. “I-Is that so?”
“I mean… Do you want to find out?”
He finally lifted his head up to look at you. You reached your hand over, caressing the side of his face and he leaned into your touch right away. Was this a dream? Because his heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest. Having his first kiss was one thing but having it with you? That’s all he ever wanted. 
“There’s no such thing as a perfectly executed first kiss. But I’d like to try to give you one if you want,” you said softly. 
“Y-Yeah… that’d be nice.” 
You smiled and leaned in closer, but Peter got too eager and pecked you on the lips first. He couldn’t help it. He’s been wanting to kiss you since forever. So yeah, it was sloppy and unplanned with zero technique. He honestly almost missed. You stared at him, too stunned to speak for a moment before your face twisted into frustration. 
“That's not how it was supposed to be! I was going to kiss you soft and sweet and slow and it was supposed to be romantic. You ruined it!”
“I’m pretty happy with it,” he said nervously. The look you gave him screamed murder. 
“Ugh. Well, that’s all you get. Your first kiss. Rushed and terrible.”
“I can live with that.”
You blushed for the first time that night and Peter had to stop himself from doing a backflip out of joy. 
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sir-sunny · 3 years
Ah shit, while I was out here with my Sondamnami and Fukagiri agendas you were out here making me see Harunami and love it. I've been played. Here's some hcs.
- Chiaki, insightful sweetheart that she is, is never once intimidated by Maki. She sees how nice she can be real easy, and it definitely helps that she's so straightforward in her desire to be friends with people.
- Maki def brings out Chiaki's competitive side in full force. She's not necessarily a huge trash talker, but she is the one to first make some snide comments while playing, which activates the trash talk in Chiaki. Bonus points if the trash talk for both of them eventually just devolves into flirting "as a distraction."
- Chiaki is so soft and gentle when it comes to physical affection, which definitely is good for Maki. Maki I think is more tense and awkward at first, but over time becomes nearly as soft. Though Maki's definitely the type to do hugs that squeeze the life out of you on occassion.
- Maki is obvs the protective one of the both of them. She doesn't doubt that Chiaki can defend herself in the face of adversity, but that doesn't mean that she's not very willing and able to help her. She probs at least encourages Chiaki to take self defense or something. Chiaki insists she knows how to Falcon Punch. They compromise by Maki teaching her some things inbetween playing Smash Bros. Chiaki now knows how to kill.
- I do imagine if anything happens though, Chiaki absolutely keeps pepper spray on her lol. She's no fool.
- I think once Maki gets comfortable, she and Chiaki both are clingy when they're sleepy. They do cuddles,,,, They do hand holdies. They play viddy games while Chiaki's laying on Maki's lap. Maki gives a little smooch every time they finish a game,,, its so soft.
- Also catch them both trying their best to get each other to do Healthy Habits. Chiaki out here like "Maki you should sleep 8 hours at least ok that's a normal amount and also keeping a knife under your pillow is dangerous at least keep it in your night stand." While Maki's out here like "Chiaki chips and a rice krispy treat is not dinner you need to eat real food. Yes I know you feel too bad to move to the kitchen it's because all you've eaten today is chips and a rice krispy treat."
omgomgomgomg pls u have no idea how happy these made me im in shambles aaaaaaaaaaaa im about to talk a lot alkhfakjsfv
maki is the silent type abd she knows that people are uneasy around her (whether it's because of her immensely intimidating demeanor or because those who know abt her real talent) so she's caught off guard when sweet little chiaki from class 77b starts going out of her way to talk to her. she probably expects chiaki to ditch her after a while but when chiaki consistently meets up with her to play games, maki cautiously lets herself enjoy their time together (also because god darn chiaki is super sweet and super cute ok sue her)
YES AUFGHG chiaki of course isnt the type to talk trash while playing a game but her and maki's little back and forth is just SO fun aksjdfgh i like to think that chiaki gets all giddy when she trash talks and maki just loves to see this side of her <3 also YES, their banter devolving into (not so) subtle flirting (tauntingly calling each other sweetheart and princess👀)
alskfhkajf maki going deathly still when chiaki falls asleep on her (she wakes up to see that maki hasn't moved a single inch) poor maki actually rly enjoys chiaki's little affectionate gestures but she's not good at voicing it so chiaki probably assumes she's uncomfortable and backs off (maki has to to initiate the gestures herself to let chiaki know "pls cuddle w me and hug me i rly enjoy this")
oh absolutely maki is very protective of chiaki. yes, she could fend for herself if needed but she does feel really safe around maki :)
okokokok chiaki and maki being super soft and tender i love it so muchhh,, maki loves to hold chiaki and chiaki loves to be held
i love them trying to take care of each other when theyre really not great at taking care of themselves aksjfgajhf theyre trying <3 maki agrees to not sleep with a knife under the pillow because chiaki starts sleeping in the same bed as her and chiaki agrees to eat actual meals becasue maki goes through the trouble of cooking for her :)
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