obey-my-headcanons · 1 year
Barbatos hair glow.
You know that teal part? Yeah. Bonus if his tail also glow.
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
Fr though they're such an underrated pair like?? What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall when they were talking alone. I NEED to know exactly what kind of shared trauma they have
oh it's a Lot but i think both of them consider it more of the general weight of just. being a chronodae - it's like universal to the experience, yknow?
though there's definitely a kind of bound-by-bloodshed nature thanks to them both serving in sonno's court, even if neither really likes to think of it. i think i've mentioned this before but at the time they considered each other more co-workers, but i reckon in present day - in peaceful times - their dynamic almost takes on a sworn brothers nature?
with the particular flavour of: not emotionally super close, but have shared and will share things with each other that they wouldn't with any other soul - each holding a deep sense of loyal connection to the other, and not compatible enough personality-wise to spend too much time together, but mellow enough to occasionally have tea and tease each other when the opportunity arises
hang on let me link that newspaper club + their dynamics with the cast post (partially bc i really like it and partially bc there's some stuff about barbatos and mephisto there for you, anon!!)
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ryminsteddiesashanne · 9 months
Rating Obey Me character's Devilgram usernames
Incredibly boring but informative 1/10
Kinda funny 6/10
It looks like the name of a kpop group 31/10
Stupid, I love it 5/10
I'm glad he's aware of how baby he is 7/10
Better than Lucifer's 3/10
As bad as Lucifer's, but i like belphie more 2/10
I hate it 0/10
The abbreviation of his name is cute 6/10
Pretty good for his dysfunctional relationship with technology 4/10
He's adorable (platonic) 7/10
Is it like Han Solo, or is he just weird? 6/10
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another-lost-mc · 5 months
OC Devilgram Reel: Tenebris (@.Tenebris)
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For the longest time, his short list of followers and commenters consisted of Diavolo and a handful of nobles he admired/respected
Most of his photos capture the books/art he likes, or his magical experiments
He doesn't like taking selfies, but he will post pictures other people (usually Diavolo or MC) take of him instead
He blocked Solomon's account
Diavolo leaves comments on all of his photos, even the ones where Tenebris teases him (usually involving some random plans or activity Diavolo has for them to try)
When your little brother says he found a game from the human world he wants to play. #MadeForAges3+ #BeholdTheFutureKing
Lucifer, ButlerBarb and LordDiavolo liked this post.
(They were playing Candyland)
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Return to: OC Masterlist | Obey Me Masterlist
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littlecowmoo · 2 months
Made another tumbler account for Our favorite Devildom butler!
Nothing special about this post
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oh-boy-me · 2 years
Obey Me! Devilgram Posts and Comments: Doll Time/I Kid You Not
So apparently I actually had this one done and I just never posted it lol.  I made sure nothing looked horrendously wrong, but besides that I just left it my translation from back in... *checks doc history* November of 2021.  I can’t comment on this one really bc I don’t remember translating it lmao
日本語は私の第三言語ので、時々間違えます。日本語話者、間違いを見たら教えてください。 (Japanese is my third language, so I make mistakes sometimes.  Japanese speakers, if you see a mistake, please tell me!)
The full transcript is under the cut as always!
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Animal Tea Party (1)
Beelzeburger: I’m excited for the cupcakes
ButlerBarb: You were able to bake them to look delicious
Lucifer: I hope you’ll clean up properly after this
AsmoBaby: You have good taste!
#Cupcakes #TeaParty
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A Walk with Everyone!
LordDiavolo: Please take good care of Barbatos
Belphie: Mammon’s being a proper big brother
stn: Even Mammon is helpful once in a while
DDSimeon: Luke’s come to rely on you
#Walk #Childcare
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Let’s Play with Puppets
Mammoney: It doesn’t look like me at all!
LordDiavolo: If only there were a puppet of me too
L3V1: That reminds me, you gotta return that game
DDSimeon: Solomon is clever (2) even though he’s very young
#Puppets #Handicrafts
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Diavolo’s Self-Indulgent Day
ButlerBarb: Be careful and have a good day
stn: Please inconvenience Lucifer more
monSOLO: Little Diavolo is a freewheeler
Angeluke: I understand why you gave sweets
#Shopping #Balloon
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Got It! (3) Your Heart!
LordDiavolo: That game looks interesting!
stn: Isn’t my face weird?
L3V1: That was pretty good so (4)
Mammoney: Don’t go doing bothersome shit (5)
#StuffedToys #CraneGame
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Let’s Make Stuffed Toys!
AsmoBaby: That’s some surprising concentration!
ButlerBarb: Oh my, is this my influence?
Lucifer: I’m better at sewing (6)
Beelzeburger: I’ll always keep this stuffed toy with me
#StuffedToys #Handmade
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Together Forever
Angeluke: That’s a big stuffed toy
DDSimeon: Should we (7) make one for Luke next time?
Beelzeburger: I carried around the stuffed toy too much
monSOLO: Maybe I’ll try making one too next time
#StuffedToys #EmergencySurgery
1. All the card titles for the event cards are written entirely in kana!  I think this is to make it more childlike, since young children don’t know that much kanji. 2. This could also mean “skilled”. 3. So literally this is “get!” rather than “got it!”, but in Pokemon, Satoshi says this after he’s caught a pokemon, so I think the general implication is that you already got it lol 4. A lot of the time, Japanese will end colloquial sentences with things like けど (but) or し/から (so), and the rest of the sentence is implied.  We do the same in English!  Sometimes I cut it and sometimes I leave it in.  It’s really based on whether I think the character would say it, because it’s more acceptable (けど more so than し) in polite conversation in Japanese than it is in English. 5. In my absence I have gone feral.  Mammon is now allowed to curse whenever I see fit 6. I am not sure who is better at sewing (going with the localization for now, but if anyone has the card and has context let me know who it is!) but they’re better at sewing than they are at something else, not better than somebody else at sewing. 7. I’m using “we” because I don’t know who made the toy
Beelzeburger: カップケーキ楽しみだ ButlerBarb: 美味しそうに焼けましたね Lucifer: あとでちゃんと片付けるように AsmoBaby: いいセンスしてるね! #カップケーキ #ティーパーティー
LordDiavolo: バルバトスをよろしく頼むよ Belphie: マモンがちゃんとお兄ちゃんしてる stn: マモンもたまには役に立つな DDSimeon: ルークがお世話になったね #散歩 #育児
Mammoney: 全然似てねーし! LordDiavolo: 私のパペットもあればいいのに L3V1: そういやゲーム返してもらわないと DDSimeon: ソロモンは幼くても器用だね #パペット #工作
ButlerBarb: お気をつけていってらっしゃいませ stn: もっとルシファーを困らせてくれ monSOLO: 幼いディアボロは自由奔放だな Angeluke: お菓子をくれた理由がわかった #買い物 #風船
LordDiavolo: そのゲーム、面白そうだね! stn: 俺の顔、おかしくないか? L3V1: なかなか筋が良かったし Mammoney: めんどくせえことしてんなぁ #ぬいぐるみ #クレーンゲーム
AsmoBaby: そんな集中力あるの意外! ButlerBarb: おや、私の影響ですか Lucifer: 裁縫の方が才能あるんだな Beelzeburger: ぬいぐるみ、ずっと持っておく #ぬいぐるみ #手作り
Angeluke: 大きいぬいぐるみかぁ DDSimeon: 今度ルークに作ってあげようか? Beelzeburger: ぬいぐるみ、持ち歩きすぎた monSOLO: 俺も今度作ってみようかな #ぬいぐるみ #緊急手術
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clandestinemeeting · 2 years
Barbatos is the funniest mf in this whole game
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onewingednatu · 3 years
Currently thinkin about how Barbatos' Devilgram username is "ButlerBarb" 😭😭😭😭
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Barbatos Art Piece
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The impeccable butler.
Game: Obey Me!
Character Name: Barbatos
Aliases/Titles: Diavolo’s Butler | Greatest Pastry Chef
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ichigo-daifuku · 4 years
The Fantastic Three 🏖️
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beelspillowpet · 4 years
Rediscovered one of my favorite picrews in discord earlier today and had to go back and find the original thread <3
Use this picrew to make a Devilgram of your MCs. Which brother posted it? What’s the Devilgram called? What about the hashtags at the bottom!? I’ll do Jinx first but I’ll add Jin and Momoiji under the cut. <3
@miraculous-ladyfrog @unicornslayer15 @deltatauri @myngxy @reclusiveprincessofsharks
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Beelzeburger A Night in the Human Realm
Lucifer  Don’t stay out too long.
L3VI  Bring me back some stuff too!
AsmoBaby You two are so cute together <3
Jin-Xi-Juju  Going broke on your date LMFAO
#DateNight  #Pum’kin
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Mammoney Last Day of Class
stn  What an interesting approach.
L3VI  Sensei is sus.
Belphie Zzzz...
PinkAlchemist Who gave him his teaching license!?
#GrowingUp  #Teacher
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Belphie A Day in Osaka
Beelzeburger  Bring me some snacks!!
ButlerBarb How elegant of you.
NanaseChan Who told you to post this!?
Lucifer I have a bad feeling about this...
#YakuzaLife!  #FridayNight☆
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obey-my-headcanons · 2 years
Greetings, dear exchange students...
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Welcome to another Obey Me! Headcanon blog!
This blog is just a hobby of a college student, so don't expect some extraordinary posts or routine. Just some silly ideas about our favorite immortal beings. Probably this blog will have a lot of errors and mistakes because I'm not used to maintaining a blog but whatever.
Of course you can help this database of headcanon to grow, and that's why this post is here: to show the rules and the respective tags:
This is a friendly space, any type of discrimination or predatory attitude are prohibited.
No need to say this is a safe space to ANYONE in the LGBTQ+ community. And as a safe space, I have to make clear: NO LEWDING LUKE! Also, we don't accept demoncest headcanons.
This blog is headcanon focused, not a writing blog.
If you want to see a written scenario about your ideas, sorry. This is not the space. But if you send a small paragraph with a little scene, it's still possible to share here.
NSFW is still a debate...
Be mindful we're only having fun here
For the sinners out there who like some spicy stuff... it's still uncertain. If this blog gets open to accepting NSFW headcanons, this page will be updated stating such. For now, only suggestive stuff will be acceptable. (And carefully examined)
Remember there are minors in the Fandom!
I don't think I need to say this, but just in case: headcanons are not canon. It's just our beliefs about a certain character or media for fun or to grow empathy for a character. That's the whole point of this page!
No fighting or attacking other because of headcanons or because that info is not canon. This is called "headcanon database" for a reason.
Tag system:
Basic tags-
#Obey me!
#obey me! headcanons
Character focused tags-
Overworld tag-
#Three Realms
Owner talking tag-
#The Sheep Talks
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
So between Barbaros and Mephisto, who's 'older'?
in past, when both had their full powers intact, they were considered the same 'age', though for different reasons! barbatos is capable of splitting and merging whole timelines accurately (as he does in jtta), while mephisto could destroy and reform an existing space in time to reality-breaking degrees - like two different sides of a coin; time strives for order (barbatos), but is ultimately built from chaos (mephisto)
in present, mephisto isn't really a chronodae anymore, having no powers at all - but i like to think, post-jtta, barbatos would gently tease mephisto about being his younger brother in the hierarchy
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curitura · 4 years
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Demon Lord & Butler's New Cards Icons
LordDiavolo & ButlerBarb
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nais-doodles · 4 years
I'm making a fake Deviltube animation thing and I just wanted to share the names of the thumbnails and main video. I'll also put the names of the "channels" they're on after the '--'
The main video:
[ASMR] Pasta Bake Except It's A Mess Ft. Mammoooon & LEVIACHAN -- ASMRBYBEEL
The thumbnails running down the side:
1) ELDEST SIBLING STRUGGLES FT. NotReallyNoor -- Lucifer
3) Reading My Favourite Stories Part 4 (And Face Reveal!) -- SatansCozyCorner
4) Mansion tour but Barbatos won't come out from behind the camera (ft. ButlerBarbs) -- Lord Diavolo
5) Ava sings kinda nice you know ft. HeyitsAva -- Belphie
(I'll also be releasing a blank template when I post the final product in case you're interested in using it!)
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oh-boy-me · 3 years
Obey Me! Devilgram Posts and Comments: Otaku Panic/Pearls and the Beach
Sorry this is late, I was getting the origin of バカンス and then I started reading about gairaigo, and then I started reading about psuedo-Anglicisms, and THEN I started reading about false cognates, and then the mama/papa phenomenon, then the Arapaho language, and THEN I translated the rest of this set
This set required some more playing around with it than usual, but it was fun to have some creative freedom this time around.
日本語は私の第三言語ので、時々間違えます。日本語話者、間違いを見たら教えてください。 (Japanese is my third language, so I make mistakes sometimes.  Japanese speakers, if you see a mistake, please tell me!)
The full transcript is below the cut!
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A Moment of Tranquility
Mammoney: Get excited too, Lucifer!
Angeluke: I wanna try riding a cruiser too!
DDSimeon: I wanted you to invite me too
LordDiavolo: Looks like it turned out to be a fun vacation
#Vacation(1) #Cruising
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Big Sandcastle of His Dreams!
monSOLO: I really wanted to go to the sea
Belphie: Levi and Satan(2) are both good at taking care of people
LordDiavolo: Maybe I’ll try making a sandcastle too
Lucifer: I’m surprised by its high quality
#Vacation #Sandcastle
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Secret Beach Just for Two
AsmoBaby: Mammon, you aren’t playing beach volleyball?
stn: No way, to think Mammon outsmarted us
ButlerBarb: The more fun a time, the faster it goes by
Lucifer: How long are you planning on goofing off
#Vacation #SecretBeach
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Search for Sea Jewels
monSOLO: On top of the trends as usual
Angeluke: I’ll try looking for sea glass too!
Beelzeburger: You(3) found some nice shells
L3V1: No fair that you guys are matching!
#Vacation #Accessories
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Beel, Enlisted for C.S.(4)
stn: I’ll buy some donuts and come back
Lucifer: Was the noise this morning from the preparations?
LordDiavolo: Cosplay seems interesting!
DDSimeon: You learn new things by reading(5)
#CS(6) #Cosplay
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Belphie, Enlisted for C.S.!
Angeluke: Can you really buy sweets at the venue too?
Beelzeburger: That crowd was tough
monSOLO: I wonder if there are goods unique to the Devildom
AsmoBaby: I wanna release a cosplay photo book!
#CS #IHateCrowds
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Let’s Write a Novel!
Mammoney: Don’t take my things whenever ya feel like it!
stn: Maybe I’ll try to write a novel next time
L3V1: GJ with crunch time(7)
DDSimeon: Congrats on selling out!
#CS #FirstExhibit
1. The word Japanese borrowed is actually “vacances” (hence バカンス “bakansu”), which is the French word for vacation.  Most katakana words come from English, but there are some from other languages too, like French, Dutch, German, Ainu, Sanskrit, Portuguese, etc.  Actually ironically, the word for the UK in Japanese (イギリス “igirisu”) doesn’t come from English lol.  It comes from the Portuguese word for “English”, inglês 2. The localization just cut Satan out lol rude 3. Granted I don’t actually know who found the shells 4. C.S. stands for “Comic Seance”, and in Japanese it’s コミサバ (komisaba), short for Comic Sabbath. 5. The actual translation is “There are new discoveries through reading” but that sounded really weird. 6. The localization translates this as the entire “ComicSeance”, but the Japanese doesn’t say コミックサバト so I kept true to the abbreviation 7. 修羅場 (shuraba) is a slang for the crunch time that mangaka (and I guess authors too) face.  It also means “fight scene”, and from what I’ve heard manga crunch time certainly feels like that lol.  GJ (good job) is from おつ (otsu), the shortest form of “otsukare” (good work) possible.  God for once Levi said something and I understood it
Mammoney: ルシファーも盛り上がれよ! Angeluke: クルーザーぼくも乗ってみたい! DDSimeon: 俺も誘ってほしかったな LordDiavolo: 楽しいバカンスになったようだね #バカンス #クルージング
monSOLO: よほど海に来たかったんだな Belphie: レヴィもサタンも面倒見いいよね LordDiavolo: 私も砂の城を作ってみようかな Lucifer: 完成度の高い砂の城で驚いた #バカンス #砂の城
AsmoBaby: マモン、ビーチバレーしないの? stn: まさかマモンに出し抜かれるとは ButlerBarb: 楽しい時間ほどあっという間ですね Lucifer: いつまで遊んでるつもりだ #バカンス #秘密のビーチ
monSOLO: 相変わらず流行に敏感だな Angeluke: ぼくもシーグラス探してみる! Beelzeburger: いい貝を見つけたな L3V1: お揃いとかズルい! #バカンス #アクセサリー
stn: ドーナツ、買って帰る Lucifer: 朝うるさかったのは準備のためか LordDiavolo: コスプレ、面白そうだね! DDSimeon: 読書には新しい発見があるよね #コミサバ #コスプレ
Angeluke: 会場ではお菓子も買えるって本当か? Beelzeburger: あの人混みは大変だった monSOLO: 魔界ならではの売り物ってあるのかな AsmoBaby: コスプレ写真集出したい! #コミサバ #人混みきらい
Mammoney: 俺のモン、勝手に持ち出すな! stn: 俺の今度、小説書いてみようかな L3V1: 修羅場おつ DDSimeon: 完売おめでとう! #コミサバ #初出展
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