#Buy Lebanese Olive Oil
Benefits of Online Ordering and Delivery Services
Online ordering and delivery services have revolutionized how we access and enjoy products from around the globe. One of the standout benefits of these services is the ability to uncover and experience premium Lebanese olive oil and other traditional products from the comfort of your home.
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The option to buy Lebanese olive oil online grants you access to exclusive, high-quality products not found in local stores. These small-batch products are meticulously produced, ensuring a premium experience. Online vendors offer detailed descriptions and sourcing information, helping you make informed choices.
Ordering Lebanese products online is a journey into the heart of Lebanon's culture, enriching your culinary and artistic experiences. The convenience, quality, and cultural richness offered by these services allow you to enjoy and celebrate Lebanese traditions from the comfort of your home. Embrace this modern way to explore the best of Lebanon’s culinary and artistic heritage. To know more, Read this blog
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byroots · 1 year
Buy Organic Olive Oil by Byroots at an affordable price, available for all skin types, which is good for your skin.
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arabella-au · 9 days
The Role of Olive Oil in Lebanese Cooking
Olive oil is more than just an ingredient in Lebanese cuisine; it is a cornerstone of the culinary tradition. Its rich, smooth flavour enhances a myriad of dishes, making it an essential component of the vibrant and diverse food culture. In Newtown, the love for Lebanese food is evident, and understanding the role of olive oil can deepen one’s appreciation of these delicious dishes.
Historical Background of Olive Oil in Lebanon
Olive oil has been a staple in Lebanese cooking for thousands of years. Ancient traditions highlight its use not only as a food but also in medicinal and ceremonial practices. Lebanon's Mediterranean climate is perfect for olive cultivation, making it one of the prime locations for olive oil production.
Nutritional Benefits of Olive Oil
Olive oil is renowned for its health benefits. Packed with monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and vitamins, it supports heart health, reduces inflammation, and provides essential nutrients. Incorporating olive oil into your diet is a delicious way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Olive Oil in Traditional Lebanese Dishes
A refreshing salad made with parsley, tomatoes, and bulgur, tabbouleh gets its distinctive flavour from a generous drizzle of olive oil, which blends perfectly with the lemon juice and fresh vegetables.
This creamy chickpea dip wouldn’t be the same without olive oil. It’s blended into the mixture and often drizzled on top before serving, adding richness and depth to the flavour.
Baba Ghanoush
A smoky eggplant dip that is smooth and flavourful, baba ghanoush relies on olive oil to achieve its silky texture and enhance its taste.
Cooking Techniques Using Olive Oil
Olive oil’s high smoke point makes it suitable for frying, giving foods a crispy texture while imparting a subtle flavour.
Vegetables and meats sautéed in olive oil retain their moisture and take on a delightful taste, making this a preferred method in Lebanese cooking.
Olive oil is a fundamental ingredient in dressings, bringing together flavours and providing a luscious mouthfeel to salads and mezze.
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Olive Oil in Lebanese Salads
This bread salad, featuring crispy pita and fresh vegetables, is elevated by a tangy olive oil dressing that ties all the ingredients together.
Simple Salad Dressings
A simple mix of olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper is all you need to dress many Lebanese salads, showcasing the oil’s natural flavour.
Olive Oil in Lebanese Mezze
Mezze, a collection of small dishes, often includes bowls of olive oil for dipping. It’s a communal and flavourful way to enjoy this prized ingredient.
The Flavour Profile of Lebanese Olive Oil
Lebanese olive oil is known for its robust, fruity flavour and peppery finish. It stands out compared to other Mediterranean oils, making it a unique addition to dishes.
Sourcing Quality Olive Oil in Newtown
When looking for quality olive oil in Newtown, it’s important to buy from reputable sources. Check labels for authenticity and opt for extra virgin varieties to ensure the best flavour and nutritional benefits.
Olive Oil in Modern Lebanese Cooking
In contemporary cuisine, olive oil is used in innovative ways, blending traditional flavours with modern techniques. Fusion dishes often feature olive oil as a key ingredient, bridging culinary traditions.
Olive Oil and Lebanese Baking
Traditional Breads
Olive oil is used in making manakish and other flatbreads, giving them a soft texture and rich taste.
Sweet Treats
Even in desserts, olive oil shines. It’s used in cakes and pastries, adding moisture and a unique flavour.
Sustainability of Olive Oil Production in Lebanon
Lebanon’s olive oil production practices focus on sustainability. Local farmers employ environmentally friendly methods, ensuring the longevity of olive cultivation for future generations.
Recipes Featuring Olive Oil
Try incorporating olive oil into your cooking with simple recipes like garlic and olive oil pasta or roasted vegetables. These dishes highlight the versatility and flavour of this essential ingredient.
Cultural Practices Surrounding Olive Oil
Olive oil holds a special place in Lebanese culture, with traditions such as the olive harvest festival celebrating its importance. It’s a time for families to come together and honour this ancient practice.
Olive oil is integral to Lebanese cuisine, enriching dishes with its distinctive flavour and health benefits. Embracing olive oil in your cooking not only enhances your meals but also connects you to a rich cultural heritage. So next time you enjoy Lebanese food Newtown, savour the essence that olive oil brings to the table.
What makes Lebanese olive oil unique?Lebanese olive oil is known for its robust, fruity flavour and peppery finish, distinguishing it from other Mediterranean oils.
Can I use olive oil for frying Lebanese dishes?Yes, olive oil’s high smoke point makes it suitable for frying, giving foods a crispy texture while imparting a subtle flavour.
Where can I buy authentic Lebanese olive oil in Newtown?Look for reputable stores or online retailers that offer extra virgin Lebanese olive oil, ensuring authenticity and quality.
What are some traditional Lebanese dishes that use olive oil?Dishes like tabbouleh, hummus, and baba ghanoush prominently feature olive oil, showcasing its versatility and flavour.
How does olive oil contribute to the health benefits of Lebanese cuisine?Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and vitamins, supporting heart health and reducing inflammation, making it a healthy addition to any diet.
Arabella Restaurant
SHOP 12, 489–491 KING ST,
02 9550 1119
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zeedpantry1 · 6 months
Za'atar Spice: Unveiling Its Rich Origins and Flavorful Blend
Are you ready to embark on a flavorful journey through the aromatic world of Za’atar? This cherished Middle Eastern spice blend isn’t just a seasoning; it’s a cultural emblem deeply rooted in history and cherished for its distinctive taste. Join me as we uncover the origins, ingredients, and culinary uses of this beloved spice mixture, available for you to buy Za’atar and bring its magic into your kitchen.
Origins of Za’atar
Za’atar holds a special place in the hearts and kitchens of the Middle East. Its name refers to both a specific herb (Origanum syriacum) known as “za’atar” and the spice blend created from it. Historically, za’atar has been utilized for centuries, traced back to ancient Egypt and referenced in various texts for its culinary and medicinal properties. Now, you can buy Za’atar mix online or from specialty spice stores, offering the convenience of exploring this tradition from your home.
The exact blend and proportions of za’atar can vary regionally and even among families, making it a versatile seasoning that showcases the creativity and preferences of each cook. However, a classic blend typically includes dried thyme, toasted sesame seeds, sumac, and salt, sometimes augmented with other herbs or spices like marjoram, oregano, or cumin.
Ingredients and Flavors
Let’s delve into the core components that create the enchanting flavor profile of Za’atar, available for purchase:
Thyme: This herb forms the backbone of Za’atar. Dried thyme lends a distinctive earthy and slightly floral note to the blend.
Toasted Sesame Seeds: These tiny seeds contribute a nutty and toasty flavor, elevating the aroma and texture of Za’atar.
Sumac: Adding a tangy and slightly sour taste, sumac is a crucial element that balances the blend and gives it its characteristic tartness.
Salt: A necessary component for seasoning, salt not only enhances the flavors but also helps preserve the blend.
Culinary Uses
Za’atar, available for purchase, is a versatile spice blend, finding its way into numerous dishes across the Middle East and beyond. Here are a few delightful ways to incorporate Za’atar into your culinary adventures:
Za’atar Manakish: This Lebanese flatbread topped with olive oil and Za’atar makes for a delightful breakfast or snack.
Grilled Meats and Vegetables: Sprinkle Za’atar over meats or veggies before grilling for an extra layer of flavor.
Dips and Spreads: Mix Za’atar into yogurt, hummus, or olive oil for a delicious dip or spread.
Salads: Add a sprinkle of Za’atar to your salads for an aromatic and tangy kick.
Za’atar is more than just a spice blend; it’s a symbol of tradition, flavor, and cultural heritage. Its versatility in enhancing dishes is a testament to its enduring popularity. Now, with the option to buy Za’atar blends readily available, embrace the aromatic allure of Za’atar and let its flavors transport you to the vibrant landscapes of the Middle East with every bite.
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byroots01 · 10 months
Buy Lebanese Olive Oil
Experience the essence of Lebanon's landscapes in our olive oil. Buy now to enjoy a true Mediterranean treasure that enriches both taste and health.
Buy Lebanese Olive Oil
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zeedpantry · 11 months
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Buy Zaatar Online - Zeed Pantry – ZEED
In 2019, ZEED’s co-founders bonded over their shared love of the perfect Lebanese breakfast – warm za’atar flatbread topped with creamy labneh, rich olive oil, and fresh vegetables – which for most Lebanese-Americans may as well be a distant dream. Today, ZEED makes that dream a reality by offering the opportunity to buy zaatar online, bringing the authentic flavors of Lebanon straight to your doorstep.
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amouls · 2 years
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An article from the archive written for Healthista magazine back in 2014, which I have never shared before. “The best Lebanese food in London (AND it's super good for you) Nutrition by Charlotte Dormon October 30, 2014 When it comes to eating out and eating well. I score Lebanese food high on my healthy eats. My favourite Lebanese restaurant is Amoul’s Hideaway. Owner and glamorous head chef Amoul has built a great reputation for her restaurant by serving the finest, traditional, home-cooked Lebanese food. Amoul’s Hideaway is one of the most chilled out restaurants I have visited in London. It’s got a homely feel and an incredibly relaxed atmosphere – so much so, that you almost feel like you are being hugged all over with it. The café-style restaurant has a bohemian look about it, and the walls are adorned with interesting photography, glowing critic reviews from fashion and food magazines, artwork and paintings. Rustic tables are lit up with candles and atmospheric mood lighting. Amoul’s food may appear rustic and simple, but its quality is exceptional. She is obsessed by using only the best ingredients for her cooking and has all her vegetables delivered from the local market daily. Amoul also visits the meat market twice a week to personally choose all the meat for her dishes. She minces all the lamb only using leg of lamb (a lot of restaurants buy mince in and that often means cheaper cuts of meat are used), as she says it is far leaner and better quality. The chicken and poussin are free range, and absolutely everything served to guests is prepared in her kitchen from scratch with no preservatives or additives ever used. Extra virgin olive oil dresses all salads and rapeseed oil is used for cooking (this is a healthy oil and good for cooking in high temperatures). To give her guests the best authentic Lebanese food experience, Amoul uses the recipes from her family in Lebanon that were passed down to her mother from many generations of aunties, grandmothers and cousins who loved to cook the very same dishes. Much of this is a far cry from the cliched tourist-friendly Lebanese that you see on the Edgeware Road – this is the real deal.” (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkYPRpZIt7G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zenruption · 2 years
Diving Into The Essence Of Traveling: How To Experience A Country Like A Local 
You’re probably an avid traveler if you’re reading this. And even if not, knowing how to blend in with locals is a great traveling tip that everyone should know about. For starters, if you know how to experience a new country like a true local, that means you’ll feel more connected to local culture, which is always a plus. However, if you’re an inexperienced traveler, doing this can be easier said than done. So here are some helpful tips that will dive into the essence of traveling and show you how to have fun like a local. 
Do your research 
This is the first step that you must do, no matter how trite it might sound. Simply, make sure to learn about local customs, traffic rules, crime rates, and of course, their mentality. That will make the experience so much easier and more fun, of course. The good news is, nowadays, there are so many online resources: from traveling blogs and specialized websites to forums and social media.  Therefore, you can find out anything you need in a few clicks. Researching your destination is a must, especially if you’re going there for the first time. Being accustomed to the local lifestyle will help you experience the place to the fullest. 
Learn the basics of a local language 
Whether you’re traveling to Japan or Argentina, learning a few basic phrases and words of a local language is a must. Sure, many people nowadays speak English, but it is considered polite to acknowledge the locals in their native language. Therefore, a few basic phrases such as “How are you?”, “Yes, please” and “Thank you.” should be a part of your vocabulary by the time you arrive. This is especially important in countries where locals aren’t that well-versed in English or are a bit stubborn when they have to speak it. Aside from that, learning some basics of a local language is a sign that you’re a polite tourist. 
Try the local cuisine 
This one is a must, and probably the one every tourist looks forward to. Sure, going to McDonald's or any international fast-food chain might seem convenient, but it is also disrespectful to the locals and their culture. Trying local dishes and other products, whether it’s a delicious Lebanese baba ghanouj, French wine or Greek olive oil will open some new horizons for you. Also, trying new foods will likely be one of your favorite memories from the trip. 
Treat yourself to something nice
Shopping and traveling do hand in hand. Even if you’re not a big shopper, you’d still buy souvenirs for your loved ones, right? So if you happen to visit the Adriatic Coast, then make sure to treat yourself to a luxury shopping experience in Montenegro. If you’re visiting the place, then you should also make sure to use the most out of it, especially when it’s about enjoying and pampering yourself. As long as you shop from local businesses, eat at local restaurants and use local services, you’ll have the time of your life. Locals love it when tourists buy from them, and they’ll always be nice to you. 
Stay in a locally-owned accommodation 
Sure, hotels are super practical and have a lot to offer, but nothing screams “tourist” more than staying in one. Of course, you’re free to stay in a hotel if that works for you, but that won’t help you experience the local life that much. This is why opting to stay in locally-owned accommodation is such a good idea: it gives you a taste of local life because you get to experience it more realistically. Plus, when you stay in locally-owned accommodation, it’ll be easier for you to go to a local market and get a true taste of a local lifestyle. 
Try to make new friends
If you’re planning to stay for more than two weeks, then making new friends is always an amazing way to experience the place like a local. Couchsurfing and home swapping are excellent opportunities to meet friendly locals who’d love to make new friends too. Also, you can check out whether there are any events at the time you’re there. Concerts, music festivals, marathons, and other sporting events are also great places where you can meet a lot of interesting new people. Social media can be of great help when it comes to finding these events and meeting new people. 
Experiencing a country like a local is the best way to enjoy it like a pro. You’ll have more options available, and the entire trip will feel more unique and authentic. These ideas will help you get started, however, feel free to come up with your own ways as well. Mingling with locals and trying to blend in will provide you with a memorable, amazing, and breathtaking travel experience. 
1: https://unsplash.com/photos/UmV2wr-Vbq8 
2: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-in-orange-shirt-holding-aluminum-rectangular-container-104884/ 
3: https://unsplash.com/photos/JOoOPt8tTPY
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ritankim · 3 years
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Where do roots grow?
You have your Lebanon and I have mine.
You have your Lebanon with her problems, and I have my Lebanon with her beauty.
You have your Lebanon with all her prejudices and struggles, and I have my Lebanon with all her dreams and securities.
Your Lebanon is a political knot, a national dilemma, a place of conflict and deception. 
My Lebanon is a place of beauty and dreams of enchanting valleys and splendid mountains.
Your Lebanon is inhabited by functionaries, officers, politicians, committees, and factions. My Lebanon is for peasants, shepherds, young boys and girls, parents and poets.
Your Lebanon is empty and fleeting, whereas My Lebanon will endure forever.
- Gibran Kahlil Gibran, "The Eye of the Prophet" 1920
This ongoing research project is to document, archive and get to know better the plants used in traditional cuisine and medicine in Lebanon. Writing down knowledge passed on culturally, I want to safekeep it. Motivated by the desire to better understand the Lebanese identity, I went down the rabbit hole of all the tastes and smells I love and that remind of Lebanon and that are the work of the women in my family. There is also the desire to fight negative stereorypes of Arab countries as made for and by war, and to recover all the amazing relationship to the land and to science that dates back to hundreds of years in the region. It’s also to fight forgetfulness, the current fragility of rural knowledge, and the threats of deforestation and urbanisation because of the lack of protection to the land. My information also come from NGOS and organism working for the same purpose in Lebanon, and I want to synthetise the informaton into a more accessible, personal and artistic account!
In a way, I also hope to show that food production in Lebanon has traditionally be very decentralized and local and still is: everyone has a parent, family or a neighbour who they can get their essential products from, which means that production knowledge is very widespread outside of cities. With the current econimic collapse, this is particularly important. 
My aunts
Lebanon Biodiversity
Wild Lebanon
The Silk Museum
Slow Food Foundation
Bousfeir or Bitter Orange
Latin name:
Locality: most famously Maghdoucheh 
Method of extraction: Alembic, or Karake for Mazaher. Peeling and cooking for dessert
The smell of bitter orange blossoms is so distinct and it will fill your lungs with absolute bliss when you happen to pass by one in the streets!
Culinary: The flowers from Bousfeir, or bitter orange, are used to make Mazaher, which smells like heaven and has many culinary uses. Mazaher flavours many rice and milk desserts (paired with Mawared, rose water) and is a main ingredient in the sugar syrup (qatr) that accompanies many sweets and pastries. 
If you add a teaspoon of orange blossom water to a cup of boiling water you will make ‘White Coffee’  or Ahweh Bayda, a delicious warm drink served after meals with many soothing properties. You can also pour mazaher tea and coffee for extra flavour!
We also use the peel of the Bousfeir, which is a little bit bitter, to make jams and sweets.  By simmering the juice of bitter orange in sugar, and boiling over medium fire, we make bousfeir syrup which used to prepare refreshing summer cocktails and tahini sauce. 
Medicinal use: We apply mazaher onto people’s faces who feel ill or faint. White Coffee is known to favour digestion and is very soothing and relaxing to drink before sleep.
Spiritual: Mazaher is associated with the celebration of the beginning of Muharram, the Islamic New Year.
Historical Context: 
Where to buy in Brussels: Chaussee de Mons, al Dayaa or other Lebanese brands
Name: Ward Joury 
Latin name: Rosa Damascena
Locality: Bekaa, Akkar, and everywhere !
Method of extraction: Alembic for mawared, drying the buds for zhourat
Culinary: We use Mawared in many desserts such as ma3moul, mhalbiye, baklava, cakes or sorbets. 
Medicinal use: Traditional medicine prescribes bathing in mawared or applying it on areas affected  by sunburns or other burns, allergies, rashes on the skin, as it has soothing and healing properties.
Spiritual: Mawared is also used for religious purposes. It is sprinkled inside mosques, and mawared mixed with zamzam holy water is used to clean the Kaaba in the Muslim holy city of Mecca
Historical context: We first cultivated roses as hedges or barriers around agricultural lands to prevent livestock from entering and destroying crops. It was only 300 years ago that we started distilling Mawared for personal consumption (Moody, 1992) Jabir ibn Hayyan, a renowned scientist, invented the alembic in the early Islamic era, and extraction through distillation became possible. In Lebanon, the production of mawared is still limited, and people consider it an off-season, secondary activity. The Damascus rose blooms in May and June, and production of mawared peaks during these two months.
Where to buy in Belgium: Chaussee de Mons, al Dayaa or other Lebanese brands
Where to buy in Lebanon: Organic women cooperative Jana el Ayadi 
Name: Zaatar
Latin Name: Origanum Syriacum
Native to Lebanon: yes
Culinary Use: Za’atar preparation usually consists of the same basic ingredients: Dried thyme, oregano, marjoram, sumac, toasted sesame seeds, salt and olive oil. Za’atar is traditionally eaten as part of a healthy breakfast and is the classic topping of man’oushe!
Medicinal use: Za’atar (the plant) has expectorant properties (heals coughs and throat infections) particularly when it is brewed in a tea. Thyme can help to clear out the respiratory tracts, so you can add this spice mix to your food when you’re feeling a cold coming on. The immune-boosting abilities of all the herbs involved also helps to ward off illnesses and is part of a very healthy diet.
Historic context: The origins of this name come from Greece and in ancient Greek language thymus stands for courage. Romans prepared baths with thyme and used them for good luck. Ancient Egyptians also believed that if you put thyme under the pillow, it would help with the memory and dreams.
13/06 - au final je creer quand meme une espece d’idee romantique des plantes, surtout dans la represenation graphique - travailler la terre et l’agriculture n’ont pas d’habitude des couleurs aussi vive. c’est un travail rude, physique, et qui a plutot les couleurs du d’une terre seche et des mains rendues reches par le soleil et le travail. ce sont toutes des choses auquels je n’aurait pas acces non plus au Liban, car ma famille et citadine. mais je m’en fait une idee de ma famille plus eloignee, qui elle a des terres mais qui surtout nous a toujours fourni des fruits et des legumes les plus delicieux. ca vient d’un desir et d’une passion pour cette culture, mais aussi simplement de l’appreciation de son origine et surtout de mon penchant pour ces saveurs, et surtout de l’incroyable abilite qu’on ces plantes a nous donner du plaisir et de la sante.  c’est un desir de retour au sources, comme ma propre rebellion contre l’urbanisation de la vie et la depravation de la vie citadine ( donc encore une fois romantisation. je tourne grave en rond.)
lena - whose alambic is it, who taught her how to use it?
not being aloud to work on chadi’s form - foreign workers only..
minth, lemon, fig
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epic-summaries · 5 years
Any mythology fandom of your choice, Character A: REMEMBER YOUR TRAINING! Character B: *panicking* But I didn't have any training!!
I couldn’t make Oedipus yelling, “But I didn’t have any training! I’m the motherfucker who solved the riddle.” work. So let’s write something for the mega fandom, that included Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Someone is going to kill me for writing a David/Jonathan slash fic.
I own the NIV version of the bible, so any quotes are from there. This based on 1 Samuel Chapter 18. And I may have written this with Hallelujah on repeat.
The sound of cheers and blacksmiths working permeated the air. The aromas of burnt-offering infused the nostrils with the natural smells of the Mediterranean. The night was dry and chilly. It was nice. If Jonathan could neglect the celebratory sounds he could hear the serene sea. It has been a while since Yahweh was this pleased. It was properly before his father improperly gave burnt offering. Jonathan had a sneaking suspicion Yahweh was pleased because of the boy in front of him.
David plucked at his lyre. Even when he mindlessly playing there was something about him. Jonathan had never known anyone quite like David. He was the most beautiful person he had ever met. Each curl of his dark hair looked like cherubs had curled them. His tanned olive skin shone in the moonlight escaping the Antolian carpets blocking the blacany entrance. When he played, his tongue slightly escaped his smooth lips. He looked like he belonged in the rich clothing given to him as gifts for defeating the Philistine’s champion. He was radiating with some holy spirit.
David huffed with annoyance. Jonathan has no complaints about his playing but it seemed that David did not think the same.
“What’s wrong?” asked Jonathan.
David didn’t move his eyes from the lyre. It was like there was nothing more fascinating than that lyre. Jonathan had seen many lyres in life. Being a prince, he only saw the best. His father gave him one painted with golden and craved with the greatest of craftsmanship. But David’s lyre looked old, like it had joined Moses and the other Hebrews in the Exodus. The craftsmanship was okay at best. How did David play such beautiful music on that crumby thing?
“Tomorrow we go to battle with the Philistines,” said David.
Jonathan reclined on his brightly coloured couch. “Don’t remind me. I hope my father doesn’t make any stupid oaths again. Or at least make sure I’m in hearing range.”
David gave a nervous laugh. He got up and started to pace around the room. This was curious to Jonathan. Jonathan was given all the training and education Saul’s money could buy. He knew how to use any weapon he could find, but he excelled with the bow. As well, when he first went into battle, he was a cocky young teenager believing that he was invincible and could do no wrong, even thinking infiltrated a Philistine outpost with only your armor-bearer was a good idea. Now as an older teenager with the same strength and swiftness of his father, he still thought himself invincible. He was never nervous before a battle.
“You killed Goliath when no one else could.” David moved the curtains and walked onto the balcony. “EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE IF YOU REMEMBER YOUR TRAINING!” Jonathan made sure David was able to hear him.
The curtains flew open. David held the curtains white fisted. There was panic in David’s eyes.
“But I didn’t have any training!! I’m a shepard’s youngest son!”
“You killed the Philistine’s champion with no training?” David nodded his head. “You’ve never fought in a battle?” David nodded his head. “What about that speech about killing bears and lions?”
“I have killed bears and lions but that wasn’t with a sword, it was with a bow.” David walked back to his lyre and nervously plucked it. “Goliath, bears and lions are different than an army of thousands. It was one on one with my preferred weapon. I felt the Lord embody me when fighting Goliath. But now… ” He plucked at the lyre again using it calm himself down.
“Didn’t your brothers teach you anything?”
“I will quote Eliab when he saw me on the morning of the battle with Goliath; ‘Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the wilderness? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle.’ They didn’t care to teach me.”
That surprised Jonathan. He, Ishvi and Malki-Shua loved to patrice at swords together.
“You seemed so confident giving those speeches to my father. Like when you said ‘this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God.’ or when you said ‘his day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head.’”
David’s head fell into his palms. “It was the heat of battle and the Lord’s spirit possessed me. The Lord was telling me what to say.”
Jonathan saw something in David. He really was a human with fears and doubts. After defeating Goliath rumours went around the camps then the kingdom that David was Michael or another archangel sent by the Lord to protect them. Yet, angels don’t get nervous. But Jonathan also saw something more in David. While he was human, he was not a regular human. The moonlight hit David perfectly. His hair glistened like it was anointed with oil. Jonathan may have been the eldest of Saul’s children but he was not going to be king of Israel.
Jonathan started to take off his robes made of Egyptian cotton coloured with Tyrian purple.
“Why are you getting undressed?” asked David.
Jonathan gave David the robes. Then, he undid his belt and gave it to David, which included his bronze sword. Jonathan then took off his tunic. David looked at him agaped. Jonathan looked around and ran to get his bow made of Lebanese cedar. That was the last thing he gave David.
“I, Jonathan, the son of King Saul of the tribe of Benjamin, will make a covenant with you, David, the son of Jesse of the tribe of Judah…”
“You don’t have to,” protested David.
He did have to. “I give you my princely clothing and my princely weapons for you shall inherit Israel.” David looked confused and honoured. Jonathan took David’s hands in his. “I swear by the Lord, the God of Israel, I will protect you in and out of battle. And when the battle is finished, I will help train you.”
Jonathan gave David a kiss. Jonathan knew that that kiss meant nothing more than a sealing of a pact with David. But he felt something. Was it Yahweh telling him that this was the right thing to do? Or was that he loved him as himself. It was probably a mix of both.
The two young men glazed at each other. It was David went in for another kiss. It was chaste but it lingered.
“You are the chosen of the God of Israel and we will win the battle,” said Jonathan. He moved his hand to David’s cheek.
David held the hand on his cheek. “The Lord will give us victory.”
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mythicaliz · 5 years
cheap eats tips
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I got these asks last night but wanted to wait until i was on my laptop to answer them. so here are some ideas. they arent really recipes, just tips
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my number one way to save money is a chest freezer. obviously not everyone has the money to buy one or the space for one but you can find smaller ones on kijiji. alternatively, if you have a parent or friend who has a large freezer that you can easily access and is willing to give you some room in it that works too. we used to have a basket in my husband’s parents freezer before we got our own, and we give up some space in ours to a friend who lives near by. that being said, use whatever freezer space you have to stock up on things (more on this below)
a crockpot is also a great tool to have and you can find them cheap at thrift stores. It means spending 5 minutes in the morning and coming home to dinner already made. it can be used for so many things. there are no shortage of quick, cheap crockpot recipes on the internet but ill include some ideas below
- i pretty much only buy meat on clearance or sale. clearance meat is just a day or 2 before the sell by date so they have to get rid of it fast. it’s still fine quality. i just freeze it immediately (if you aren’t going to use the whole pack in one meal portion it out into freezer bags). This is why having a big freezer is handy. Once a pack of 3 chicken legs was on clearance for $2. we bought 24 of them and used them on the bbq, baked, in soups and stews, pulled the meat off for casseroles etc. we had like 6 months of chicken for under $50
-save your bones and scraps. have a bag on the go for beef scraps and one for chicken scraps in the freezer (do the same with vegetable peelings, ends, onion skins, etc.) throw a bag of veggie scraps and meat scraps/bones in your crockpot. cover with water and add whatever spices you like, peppercorns, bayleaf whatever. add a good amount of salt and a splash of vinegar. both of these help break down the bones and pull all the minerals from them. cook in the crockpot for 12-24 hours (you may need to add more water). strain it and you now have amazing bone broth which is incredibly good for you and a base for any soup. if you have the space you can freeze in ice cube trays and then put in a ziplock to have convenient broth chunks to throw in pretty much anything. but you can also just freeze it in tupperware, or zliplock bags or whatever.
-if you eat bacon save your grease. keep a mason jar in the fridge and drain any grease off into the jar. then you can sautee veggies and stuff in it and it’s already so delicious
-cut up meat and put it in soups, stews, casseroles etc rather than making it the centre of the dish. if you have 2 people you’re likely to cook 2 full chicken breasts if that’s the main part of your meal, but you could probably get away with one if you are making a dish where the chicken is cut up with lots of veggies and maybe some beans on top of pasta. get it? 
-not meat but eggs are always good to have on hand. inexpensive and so much you can do with them. (in an oven proof skillet: sautee up some veggies, whisk up some eggs and throw them in. top with a bit of cheese if you like. throw it in the oven until eggs are set. you have a fritatta you can eat for dinner or cut into wedges and eat hot or cold for breakfast or lunch)
-lettuce is a scam. don’t buy it. it’s expensive, has almost no nutrition and is pretty shitty for the environment. Spinach or cabbage is a better choice because you can make salads with it but if it starts to get past it’s prime you can cook it or freeze it and throw it in a soup or stirfry later
-root vegetables last a long time and are great. plus they add heartiness to any meal
-use your most perishable produce first, then move onto the heartier stuff. frozen is also great, and sometimes is more nutritious than fresh thats out of season
-apples. they last forever and if they get sad you can make apple sauce (in your crockpot! cup em up, skin on and all, add a little cinnamon and some water and cook until mush. then blend it up) or baked apples (cut em in half and scoop out the core a little. add a bit of butter and brown sugar in the hole. if you have walnuts or pecans you can throw some in there too. bake until soft)
Legumes etc
-legumes, beans, pulses are all amazing sources of protein and inexpensive. you can save even more money buy buying dried ones and rehydrating them in your crockpot. (rinse beans and put in crockpot with 2 inches of water above beans. they should take about 6 hours on high to be tender)
-lentils are also great and have a really nice flavour. you can also use them to thicken soups, one of my favourite dishes is called  Mujadara. it’s lebanese (like me!) you slowly cook a cut up onion in olive oil until it’s all caramalized and delicious. set it aside and cook equal parts rice and brown lentils. you can use water or broth for more flavour. cook until tender, top with your friend onions and it’s like heaven. i’ll cut up a tomato and cucumber and make a little salad on the side with it. 
-stock up on things when you can. say canned tomatoes are on sale. maybe you can’t afford to buy 10 of them, but even if you buy one or two extra cans then you’ve paid less and have them on hand when you need them. also, i realize room can be an issue. don’t feel like all your food has to stay in your kitchen. in college i had a bin under my bed with canned goods and pasta etc. as long as it’s nonperishable keep it wherever you can. 
-buy the largest size you can afford. for most things, it pays to buy in bulk. maybe you have a friend you can go halfsies on bigger items with. an example is rice. gigantic bags that could feed you for a year go on sale for $10. if you can, buy it.
-a lot of people live in food deserts. what that means is you live somewhere that it’s nearly impossible to walk to a grocery store so you end up shopping at convenience stores, gas stations and eating fast food. I suggest a well planned monthly shopping trip to a store that has good deals. Yeah you’ll pay for an uber, but you’ll save more than in the long run and have much healthier food. 
-don’t force yourself to eat things you dont like. so many people try to choke down kale. or rather they buy it and let it rot in their fridge. personally, i like kale, (im sure it helps that i fry up onions in bacon grease and then wilt kale in that :P) but just because it’s some super food doesn't mean you have to eat it or feel bad for not eating it. 
anyway that’s some advice!
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zeedpantry1 · 7 months
Contact us for Za'atar spices, Olive Oils in USA & Lebanon-Zeed
Zeed Pantry offers a diverse selection of authentic Lebanese food, spices, and Extra virgin olive oils sourced directly from small family farms across Lebanon. Our carefully curated collection includes traditional Lebanese ingredients, such as za'atar, sumac and more, allowing you to recreate the rich flavors of Lebanese cuisine at home. Whether you're looking for high-quality spices or exquisite olive oils, Zeed Pantry ensures that each product reflects the essence of Lebanon's culinary heritage. Explore our range and savor the taste of Lebanon with every purchase We deliver the best Lebanese zaatar direct to American homes. ZeedPantry is the best online shopping platform in the USA from where you can buy zaatar online.
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kembungsusu · 3 years
Simple Greek Salad. This Greek salad is a favorite of my father's to make during the summer. We usually have plenty of The ingredients in this salad are so fresh and vibrant that they only need a simple dressing to bring. This Greek salad dressing is fresh, flavorful, easy to make and tastes better than anything you can buy in the store.
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Its classic ingredients are fresh tomato, cucumbers, capers, onion, feta cheese, olives, green bell pepper, and at least two or three spoonfuls. This easy Greek salad recipe is refreshing & delicious! Made with cucumber, tomatoes, olives This easy Greek salad recipe is our new favorite summer side dish!
Hey everyone, it is me, Dave, welcome to our recipe page. Today, I'm gonna show you how to prepare a special dish, simple greek salad. One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I am going to make it a bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
Simple Greek Salad is one of the most popular of current trending foods on earth. It is enjoyed by millions daily. It's simple, it is quick, it tastes yummy. Simple Greek Salad is something that I have loved my whole life. They're fine and they look fantastic.
This Greek salad is a favorite of my father's to make during the summer. We usually have plenty of The ingredients in this salad are so fresh and vibrant that they only need a simple dressing to bring. This Greek salad dressing is fresh, flavorful, easy to make and tastes better than anything you can buy in the store.
To begin with this recipe, we have to prepare a few components. You can cook simple greek salad using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.
The ingredients needed to make Simple Greek Salad:
{Make ready 1 of lebanese cucumber.
{Prepare 2 of tomatoes.
{Get 1/2 of iceberg lettuce.
{Take 30 gr of greek fetta cheese.
{Take 50 gr of kalamata ollives.
{Prepare 1/2 of lemon.
{Take 1/4 cup of olive oil.
{Prepare 1/2 tsp of salt.
Greek salad is a salad bar staple, when it's prepared with proper ingredients it encompasses everything that is good about simple food of the sun. Lettuce Salad - Healthy Salad for Weight Loss - Salad Xà Lách, Cà Chua Và Dưa Leo. Easy Greek Salad recipe, super healthy and delicious, how to cook. Simple Greek Salad is a fresh, light, veggie-based salad.
Steps to make Simple Greek Salad:
Chop all vegetables and cut up fetta cheese, place them in a salad bowl..
Squeeze 1/2 lemon (fresh lemon juice tastes better) into a bowl, pour olive oil and sprinkle some salt, mix it well..
Eat it fresh, dont leave fresh salad too long, it will loose its freshess..
It is traditional in Greek cuisine, and perfect for any summer day. Looking for that simple side dish that will leave everyone raving? Greek salad is a dish favoured by many. But how many actually get it right? I'll show you how easy it Don't mess with the classics.
So that's going to wrap it up for this exceptional food simple greek salad recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I am confident that you can make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don't forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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zeedpantry · 1 year
Zeed Pantry - Buy Lebanese Food Ingredients
Lebanon is home to some of the best wild and cultivated vegetables in the world. As a result, foods from Lebanon are frequently used in ancient cuisine. As a result, ingredients play a big role in ancient cuisine. Buy Lebanese food ingredientsBy using straightforward preparations and delicate seasoning, the flavor of the basic components is allowed to shine through. Bright pickles, dried fruits and nuts, wild herbs and spices, tahini, chickpeas, a lot of lemon juice, and premium olive oil are characteristics of Lebanese cuisine.
Favorite dishes include falafel, shawarma, and hummus, but most people find the thought of creating them at home intimidating. Yet it’s not as difficult as you may assume. The secret to making authentic Lebanese food is to understand what each of these components brings to the table. Buy Lebanese food ingredients anywhere.
Sumac shrubs produce brilliant red berries that are collected, dried, and powdered into a powder. Despite having its origins in the Middle East, the bush is now widespread, especially in regions with milder weather.
Sumac’s zesty and acidic flavor makes it a popular lemon alternative. Even our dressings at Maison Libanaise use it in marinades. In addition to being used as a spice for the Za’atar Fried Chicken and Halloumi Fries, it may also be found in the Levantine Fattoush.
In Israel, Jordan, and Syria, a variety of wild thyme known as za’atar is widely used. It grows in Lebanon’s mountains. The herb also serves as the source of the name for a blend of sumac and sesame seeds. In Lebanese homes, za’atar is used as a table condiment on flatbreads and grilled food. Because of the acidic tones of the sumac and the nutty flavor of the mixture, the dry rub is superbly balanced.
Popular in the Levant, halloumi is a cheese prepared from a blend of goat, sheep, and occasionally cow milk (in Lebanon and the eastern Mediterranean). According to my mother, the entire community would occasionally come together to create a large batch that would be distributed to all of the homes. Halloumi, in my opinion, is just as important to Italian cuisine as mozzarella.
Halloumi has a high melting point, making it flexible for everyday application. When I was younger, I virtually always had grilled or fried halloumi for breakfast. Another favorite was a halloumi manoushe, together with baba ghanoush or hummus. Perhaps I could just eat it plain and drizzle it with honey.
Freekeh, also known as cracked wheat, has long been a well-liked grain in the Middle East and a reliable source of fiber and protein. In the United States and Europe, it is now recognized as a superfood. Freekeh is a bright green color because the wheat grain is collected when it is still fresh. In Lebanon, grilled meats like chicken or lamb are typically eaten with freekeh, a fantastic substitute for rice.
Buy Now: Buy Lebanese Food Ingredients
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karingudino · 3 years
Chams Lebanese Cuisine looks to strike oil with natural product | News, Sports, Jobs
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Chams Eckelman and Rizkallah Helou, the co-owners of Chams Lebanese Delicacies, proudly showcase their virgin olive oil that’s on the market from Lebanon. (Photograph by Jenna Pierson)
PARKERSBURG — A whole lot upon a whole bunch of vibrant inexperienced olives climb an industrial belt after which tumble right into a whirring big vat, the place they’re pressed to supply a ravishing liquid often called one hundred pc virgin olive oil.
Chams Eckelman and Rizkallah Helou, the brother and sister co-owners of Chams Lebanese Delicacies on Market Road in Parkersburg, swell with satisfaction as they present a video of how the method to make imported olive oil from their hometown of Sarba, Lebanon, begins.
Their family-owned olive farm is unfold throughout a number of properties, employs 30 individuals and has existed for generations, in line with Helou. Their brothers are accountable for harvesting and manufacturing operations.
“We don’t use any chemical compounds, no fertilizer, nothing,” Helou mentioned. “Simply by nature, that’s why we focus the very best.”
A whole lot of olive timber kind intricate rows, with a few of the timber being practically 200 years previous.
“You should utilize it like drugs,” Helou mentioned. “It’s good for a lot of forms of illness like kidney stones, diabetes and [high] ldl cholesterol.”
In response to analysis, virgin olive oil is a monounsaturated fats that has been mentioned to lower irritation and the chance of coronary heart illness in average portions.
The olive oil is processed in Lebanon and shipped to Cleveland, Ohio, the place it’s then transported to Athens, Ohio, to be bottled. The duo obtained their first cargo from their homeland final yr.
“It’s so good to scent it,” Eckelman mentioned. “You scent your hometown and your backyard and your loved ones.”
The olive oil is obtainable for buy in 17-ounce bottles at each the restaurant and Mom Earth Meals in Parkersburg.
Eckelman and Helou hope to increase their enterprise additional sooner or later to incorporate different olive oil-based merchandise.
In response to Helou, not one of the olives go to waste. The olives that fall on the bottom previous to fall harvest are used to make cleaning soap, which he hopes to additionally promote quickly.
Eckelman and Helou got here to America in 1988 as refugees fleeing the Lebanese Civil Battle, whereas the remainder of their household was displaced from their hometown to Lebanon’s capital of Beirut for a few years.
Helou was a instructor in Cleveland, and Eckelman was working for a advertising and marketing enterprise after they determined to vary careers.
They’ve owned and operated Chams Lebanese Delicacies for 15 years now, after they have been inspired by pals to open a restaurant.
Each Eckelman and Helou expressed their love for the group and all of the help they’ve continued to obtain all through the years.
“We’ve met a number of good individuals,” Eckelman mentioned. “And I at all times consider that what you need to be you might be … that is America and I really like this nation and I’m so proud to be an American citizen.”
Jenna Pierson could also be reached at [email protected]
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source https://fikiss.net/chams-lebanese-cuisine-looks-to-strike-oil-with-natural-product-news-sports-jobs/
Chams Lebanese Cuisine looks to strike oil with natural product | News, Sports, Jobs published first on https://fikiss.net/ from Karin Gudino https://karingudino.blogspot.com/2021/04/chams-lebanese-cuisine-looks-to-strike.html
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olgagarmash · 3 years
12 Easy & Healthy Cauliflower Rice Recipes to Get in Your Veggies
Are you already on board with the cauliflower rice trend? If you haven’t tried it, grated cauliflower is an excellent low-carb rice replacement thanks to the similar texture of the two. And because it soaks up the flavor of any sauces or marinades you use with it, you’ll hardly notice a difference in taste.
Of course, you will notice the difference from a nutritional standpoint. Instead of feeling weighted down and heavy from a carb-laden meal, you’ll be packing your recipes with this cruciferous powerhouse, naturally high in fiber and vitamins! Cauliflower is considered an unlimited non-starchy vegetable on the Nutrisystem weight loss plan, so you can enjoy as much as you’d like to fight hunger and stay satisfied.
Whether you make it yourself or buy it premade, this is a healthy trend you have got to try. If you’re a cauliflower rice newbie or a seasoned pro, here are 12 of our favorite easy and delicious cauliflower rice recipes to try!
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Think of this recipe as deconstructed sushi! It takes all of the things that you love about a sushi dish but gives it a fresh, healthier spin—including the use of cauliflower rice instead of carb-laden white rice. Packed with additional fresh veggies like cucumbers, avocado and carrots, this is a bowl that you’ll feel good about eating.
Fried rice is an Asian cuisine favorite but it’s also a high-carb dish that’s typically overloaded with salt. Our healthier version uses cauliflower rice and a whole range of other fresh, healthy veggies. All cooked with some scrambled eggs and green onions, you’ll get the flavor and even the texture of your favorite fried rice but in a dish that’s actually good for your waistline and your health.
In this recipe, we swap out starchy potatoes with cauliflower for a low-carb version of your favorite morning hash! It’s got plenty of flavorful ingredients like turkey bacon, eggs, onions and pepper, but it’s a much lighter way to start your day.
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Looking to spice up your rice? This Spanish cauliflower rice recipe is full of flavor with a variety of spices as well as some fire-roasted diced tomatoes, diced onions and fresh cilantro! After all, there’s absolutely no reason your rice has to be plain or boring. This recipe gives you plenty of bold flavor while really packing in the veggies so that you can feel good about your food from all angles.
This is another great “bowl” recipe with the delicious flavors of Asian takeout in a healthier at-home meal. With cauliflower rice at the heart of this dish, you’re already starting off with veggies over carbs which is a win for your waistline. But it also brings the heart-healthy goodness of salmon and a variety of other fresh veggies into the mix, making it a real winner all around. It’s satisfying from both a flavor and a nutritional standpoint.
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This is a simple-but-delicious rice recipe that will liven up your cauliflower rice and leave it bursting with fresh flavor. It makes a great side for a Mexican meal—or any other dish that you’d like to make more complete with a serving of vegetables. It’s so easy to whip up that it’s sure to become a regular staple in your weekly meal plan.
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If it’s fried rice with shrimp that you love, then we’ve got a healthier version of that classic dish, too. Shrimp is a great lean protein that’s delicious and weight loss friendly. With all of the protein from the shrimp as well as the scrambled eggs, this dish is a complete and filling meal that is sure to become a lunch or dinner favorite.
Tabbouleh—a Lebanese dish—is typically an herb and bulgur salad featuring parsley. Our version swaps out the grains for lighter cauliflower rice to reduce carbs and calories per serving. It also features chopped cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and herbs like including parsley. It’s dressed with a simple-but-yummy red wine vinegar and olive oil vinaigrette. It’s garden-fresh and filling!
Tater tots on a healthy eating plan sounds almost too good to be true. But our healthy version includes riced cauliflower instead of potatoes as its base and is crisped in the air fryer! As a result, it’s packed with veggie deliciousness and can be served as an appetizer or even a yummy side.
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Cauliflower rice can be an excellent substitute for white rice in stuffed tomato or pepper recipes. In this version, ground turkey is blended with some cauliflower rice, spinach, onion and parmesan cheese for a hearty-but-healthy filling that tastes amazing, too. After baking these stuffed tomatoes in the oven, they’ll have just the right amount of crisp and will be oozing with flavor.
Some of your favorite tropical flavors are comingling in this super delish bowl which combines a fresh, homemade mango salsa with shrimp and coconut lime cauliflower rice. It’s a little bit more work than some of the other recipes we’ve listed, but it is absolutely worth the effort. Just one bite and you’ll be transported to the tastes of a tropical island!
Check out this recipe submitted by a Leaf visitor! (You can submit your own cauliflower rice recipes on our Recipe Submission page for a chance to be feature on The Leaf. Click here to submit your recipes! >) If you like spicy, then this is a cauliflower rice recipe you have got to try. It’s packed with flavorful zest—including that of a jalapeno pepper! Just the right amount of some low-fat cheddar cheese makes it creamy and delicious. It’s a great way to get an extra serving of veggies into your day.
While these cauliflower rice recipes are simple to make, sometimes life can get busy. We get it! That’s why Nutrisystem is here for you with convenient meal delivery and easy-to-follow weight loss plans. We even offer new pizza bowls that feature cauliflower rice! Stock up on our Supreme Pizza Bowl and BBQ Chicken Pizza Bowl! >
Build healthier habits with a program backed by science. Get started with a Nutrisystem weight loss plan today! >
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source https://wealthch.com/12-easy-healthy-cauliflower-rice-recipes-to-get-in-your-veggies/
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