greenteaandtattoos · 2 years
fuck last night’s episode was so good. it had a little bit of everything: riddles, exploration, stomach-churning tension, laughs and giggles, a beloved character “death”, lore, a Big Bad encounter, making us feel Emotions, character backstory, the dm making rolls we don’t know what for, a grand entrance and exit, a serene and beautiful ending with just a hint of the unknown and danger at the last second. 
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raptorix · 2 years
3 Campaigns and 30+ years of Exandrian campaign history with campaign character crossovers could mean we could easily play the game of 6 degrees of separation.
-Orym has Imogen send a sending to Keyleth with a concise update about the connection between the assassins & the Apogee Solstice.
-Keyleth & her mother Vilya are probably doing their Ashari best of investigating & acting on what they can to protect Exandria & the Prime Material plane from plane shifting fuckery during this solstice.
-Jester probably has Vilya on her sending gossip chain. Jester has likely informed the rest of the M9 about what Vilya’s been up to.
-Beau & Caleb have always had the Cerberus Assembly’s shit on their radar, and probably know something big is up for the Apogee Solstice. Whiffs of Ashari involvement might be a tantalizing thread to follow for the Empire Kids.
-Beau & Caleb are in contact with 2 other Arcana Pansophical members/contacts with Allura & Yussa. They probably keep tabs on what the Cerberus Assembly keeps up with for their own reasons.  IDK if the Pansophical checks in with each other, but if anyone else tried to do a sending to Planerider Ryn, (a founding member of the Aracana Pansophical), they’d see she’s been petrified on a divination.
-As another tumblr user already suggested, Matt may have had Liam & Marisha do rolls to see how well Caleb & Beau are following the trail to Ludinus’ Moon Plans.
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thelonebookman · 2 years
When they inevitably animate campaign three, they need to move Heaven and Earth to cast Jason Statham as the gatekeeper.
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shorthaltsjester · 2 months
rewatching c3ep48 for silly reasons and forgot it was also the episode with relvin and matt mercer please tell me everything about that man. there are so many interesting body language choices and facial expressions that are like. not in conflict with but definitely complexify the Gruff Man aura and . i would like to know every thought he’s ever had actually .
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greenteaandtattoos · 2 years
gonna riot if ryn is dead. she is absolutely not allowed to die.
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greenteaandtattoos · 2 years
me, on the brink of hyperventilating:
thull: “punishment it is then”
my gay ass: oh... oh no... 
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greenteaandtattoos · 2 years
oh, if ryn is dead, bell's hells is going to blame the hell out of themselves because it was them destroying the malleus key in the feywild that caused this key to beef up its security
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greenteaandtattoos · 2 years
what the fuck sam
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