bones-and-whatnot · 2 years
Maybe The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) is my new favorite film ever of all time ever ever.
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All Those Things They Couldn’t Say - A Runaway Baudelaires AU
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Chapter Forty-Three - Violet breaks into a Carnival
They tried to stay as far from Olaf’s car as they could without losing his trail. Klaus and Sunny switched on the wheel while Violet fell asleep first, dozing off on Isadora’s shoulder. She seemed perturbed in her sleep, fidgeting quite a bit and kicking a little, so Isadora ran her hand up and down her arm and tried to keep her as comfortable as possible. She managed to pull the hospital gown off of her, tossing it behind them and straightening out Violet’s clothes. 
“She lost her jacket.” she commented at one point. 
Klaus shook slightly, but kept his eyes on the road. “Do you think she’s okay?” 
“I think so. Just shaken up.” Isadora muttered. “I’m sure you’ve been through worse.” 
Klaus shuddered and was about to say that they had not, but… the more he thought about it, the more he realized that “worse” was probably the entire stretch of time starting when they walked into Lemony’s apartment, and wouldn’t end for quite some time. 
Duncan seemed to notice his fear, as he reached over, putting a hand on Klaus’s arm as he drove. “Hey, you okay?” 
Klaus shut his eyes and nodded. “Just worried about Violet. I- we don’t even know what happened.” 
“She doesn’t look too hurt.” Duncan said. “Just that cut-” 
“Duncan, you don’t understand.” Klaus gripped the wheel. “Olaf’s threatened- he has plans for each of us, just to torture our parents. The things- the things Violet’s already been through, with him and with…” he tried not to close his eyes, he had to focus on the road, focus on the car that was honestly just a dot in the distance right about now… “It’s just… really scary stuff.” 
Duncan and Isadora shared a look, and then Duncan squeezed his arm a little tighter. “I- I know you’re scared. But she didn’t even seem that hurt when we found her, just confused. What matters is we got her out- we all got out of there.” 
Klaus bit his lip. 
“And, hey.” Isadora leaned forwards, also putting her hand on his shoulder. “Listen, Klaus, I… I think I know a bit of what’s going on, and I don’t think anything happened. I think she just got… scared and a bit scarred. Nothing more.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“We can always ask her when she wakes up.” 
“How do we have that conversation? And with Sunny in the car?” 
“Sunny’s asleep.” 
Klaus glanced back for just a moment. “She’s faking it.” Sunny flipped him off. 
“Listen, Klaus,” Duncan said, “No matter what happens, we’re all together, and we have a plan. Even though we’re, like, driving right at this bastard- we have weapons, we have the upper hand because he doesn’t know we’re coming, and we have each other.” 
Klaus slowly looked ahead to make sure there wasn’t a bend in the road soon, and then he turned to look at Duncan, tears at the edge of his eyes. 
“Yeah.” he finally said. “We’re together.” 
Then they fell silent and Klaus kept driving. 
It was late in the next day when Olaf’s car started to slow.
Klaus, who was driving at the time, hit the brakes hard. Everyone jolted as the car slid to a stop, and Sunny let out a wail of annoyance. Violet sighed and rubbed her eyes, before picking her sister up and bouncing her on her knee. “What’s up? You almost hit a rabbit again?” 
“Olaf’s pulling in somewhere.” Klaus set the car into park, and then leaned up as far as he could get, peering through the windshield. “He went under an arch with a sign on it, and I think I see a booth or two, but that’s all I can spot from here.” 
“Great. We can stop driving.” Violet yawned and glanced around. “Klaus, keep the car here, we’ll walk the rest of the way. We don’t want Olaf to see the car.” 
“Then what do we do?” Duncan asked. 
“We figure it out when we get there.” 
Slowly, Klaus slid open the door, and everyone clambered out of the car. Violet took a minute to open her bag, pulling out a spare sweater to throw over her shirt, before putting her bag back on her back, smiling at the familiar weight. The straps on the Sunnybag were broken, so Violet held one hand and Klaus held another, helping her walk a little as they started off. 
“Where are we, exactly?” Isadora asked. 
“The Hinterlands.” Klaus explained, adjusting his glasses slightly. “Unfortunately pretty open, meaning we could get spotted at any time. Hands on knives, kay?” 
Isadora and Duncan quickly nodded and threw their hands to their pockets. 
Klaus hesitated, and then turned to Violet. “Are you okay?” 
Violet shrugged, staring down at Sunny. “Still a little… bleary, I guess is the word. But other than that, I think I’m okay.” 
“What… what happened?” 
Violet bit her lip. “He took me to see Mother and Father. Lots of threats, lots of…” she gripped Sunny’s hand a bit tighter. “Lots of hurt. I don’t remember a lot, they drugged me up pretty bad. He didn’t have much time to- to do much, though, cause they were prepping me for surgery. I don’t even know why- why they bothered to do a surgery-thing, I was-” 
“It was a clear trap.” Duncan said, eyeing her confusedly. “To draw Klaus and Sunny to you.” 
Violet shook her head. “I just… I guess I just expected you to keep running.” 
“We’re not losing anyone else.” Klaus said. “We’d never leave you behind.” 
“All we do is run.” 
“Are we running now?” 
“Erly.” Sunny muttered, looking down at her feet as she took some more steps forward. “But we’re running towards something. Not away.” 
“That’s right.” Klaus nodded. “We’re running to our parents.” 
Violet glanced back up at the distant sign, watching it get bigger and bigger with every step they took, and shook her head to clear it. “I think there was someone else, too. But… it might be the drugs, fucking with my head.” 
“Someone else?” Klaus asked. 
“I think you mentioned that.” Isadora muttered. 
Duncan quickly whipped out his commonplace book, flipping through. “Yeah. When you told us to drive to Olaf you mentioned someone else, I made a little note here.” he pulled out a pencil and started writing some more. “Who was there?” 
Violet shrugged. “I don’t know. I kinda thought… I don’t know, maybe a child. A boy, I think, but I’m not too sure. I couldn’t get much of a look, it was dark and…” she clenched her fist. “I was a bit distracted at the moment.” 
“Do you think it’s someone important to your parents?” 
“I can’t think of any kids they’d know other than us. Maybe if one of their old friends had a child? But then… I just… I don’t wanna be a downer, but I don’t see why that kid would still be alive.” 
“Maybe Olaf or someone else in the troupe has a kid,” Duncan suggested, scribbling fast, “And he’s just an abusive piece of shit.” 
“Would not surprise me.” Klaus muttered. 
“I don’t know. I think he was chained up, too.” Violet considered. “You’d think that if it was a kid of his or his employees-” 
“What do you mean chained up?” Klaus jumped. “You didn’t mention that!” 
Violet paled and glanced back at the sign. It was a bit bigger, they could probably read it in a few steps if they were paying attention. She lowered her voice, hoping they’d take her cue to be quieter. “I didn’t… think it was necessary to point out?” 
“Did he chain you?” 
“Not, um… not me. Just…” she glanced quickly to Sunny, wondering if they should discuss this in front of her. Sunny just gave her a worried look, and she said, “Just… had Mother and Father chained to the wall. So they couldn’t… get very far. Or… get to me.” 
Klaus also squeezed Sunny’s hand, and Isadora and Duncan moved so they were right beside Violet and Isadora could grab her other hand comfortingly. 
“I’m gonna kill him.” Klaus muttered. 
“Well, that’s the plan, brother dear.” Violet sighed. She looked up and then said, “Right, okay, anyone ever heard of Caligari Carnival?” 
Everyone looked over at the sign, with fading letters and a picture of a boy being chased by a lion, and shook their heads. 
“Cool.” Violet fell quiet for the next few paces, but when she could see more, she said, “You see that rollercoaster?” 
“Looks busted.” Isadora muttered. 
“Feel like nobody would want to go to a carnival with a broken rollercoaster.” Duncan deduced. 
“Now, Duncan, Isadora, here’s a great lesson for you.” Violet turned to them, narrowing her eyes. “When a place is not crowded, it means you are less likely to be spotted, but it also means you’re less likely to get help when you need it.” 
Isadora nodded, but Duncan replied, “That’s better for us, I think. We’re on the offensive, so Olaf has less help than he needs.” 
Violet gave him a surprised smile. “I guess that’s about right. But, we still need to be careful.” She looked up again. “What else do you guys see up there?” 
“Phone booth and ticket booth. Ticket booth isn’t occupied.” Isadora said. 
“Caravans, and tents. Not very many.” Klaus said. 
“Olar.” Sunny said. “Olaf’s car.” 
Violet took a deep breath, glancing at the black car, parked roughly in front of one of the caravans. “Right. Nobody’s moving about, probably because it’s getting late. But we should be cautious. I suggest we move behind the caravans til we get to the one Olaf’s parked in front of. Listen in and figure out what he’s doing so we can plan. Or, if we’re lucky, we can bust in and immediately kill him.” 
“Sounds good.” 
They fell silent, and once they reached the carnival, Klaus picked up Sunny and held her as they scampered behind the booths, and then behind a battered caravan. Klaus pointed ahead to the one Olaf was parked near, and they all groaned when they saw the VFD eye painted on the side. 
“Of fucking course.” Violet muttered. 
She crept up first, pulling a knife from the pocket of her bag and keeping it in hand, just in case. As they made it to the side of the caravan, they started hearing raucous laughter. Klaus gestured to Olaf’s car, then pointed to the tire and made a slashing motion. Violet considered, then pocketed her knife for just a moment to sign back at Klaus. 
If the tires are slashed, he’ll know someone’s here. 
Klaus shrugged, and Violet crept by the caravan door, leaning against it to listen. Though the adults inside were so loud- inebriated, she assumed- that she didn’t really need to, and the others heard just fine. 
“I’m telling you, Lulu, these children might be more trouble than they’re worth.” Olaf said, and they heard a clink of some kind of glass. “We actually had one of them in the hospital, but her bratty siblings got some other orphans to do their dirty work and help her escape. Honestly, I’m starting to think we should just kill one of the Baudelaires and leave their body where the kids can find it, just as a warning.” 
Violet and Klaus froze, and then relaxed a little when Esme said, “Now, darling, we talked about this. It’ll be much more fun to kill the children in front of both of them, then pick one to watch the other one die first.” 
“Maybe we could cut a foot off. Didn’t we discuss that? To keep them from running again?” 
“Unfortunately none of us knows how to deal with blood loss.” Esme tutted. “Can’t have them die before we want them dead.” 
“My Olaf,” a new, unfamiliar voice, a bit quieter than the others. “I still don’t know what you want Madame Lulu to do. I’ve asked the spirits for the location, please, of the Baudelaire children, please, many times. They are starting to get restless, please. You do not want to deal with angry spirits.” 
“Angry or not, they better tell me where those brats are heading next. It takes them long enough each visit as it is.” 
“My Olaf, the spirits are tired, please, and Madame Lulu is tired. You come all the time, asking her to look into her crystal ball and find the same fugitives, please, for you, and Madame Lulu is not, please, seeing much results. Madame Lulu needs to be paid, you know, to keep the carnival running, please. It’s in danger as it is, please. There are not enough freaks, please, in the House of Freaks, because these are the only ones who will not demand to be paid. The gift caravan is lousy, please.” 
“Oh, Lulu, quit whining. We’ll get you your money.” 
“How, my Olaf?” 
“Yeah, Olaf, how are we paying her?” the voice of the Hook-Handed Man. 
“Wait.” a White-Faced Woman. “Are we even getting paid?” 
“Oh, shut up.” Olaf said. “Listen, Lulu, I’m sure we can think of something. Perhaps this…” a pause as he rifled through a bag. “Pearl necklace, yes. Stole it from a nurse at Heimlich Hospital.” 
“No, no.” Esme’s sharp voice. “You promised that to me. Lulu needs to stop asking so much of my boyfriend.” 
“I thought she was married.” Duncan whispered to Isadora. 
“She’s a bitch, Duncan, what did you think?” 
Violet shushed them and then returned to her post at the door. Still, she signed quickly to Klaus, Esme seems jealous. Maybe we can use that. Klaus shrugged, while Sunny bit the collar of her shirt and strained to hear the adults’ voices. 
“-girlfriend of yours, my Olaf.” Madame Lulu finished. 
“My Olaf.” Esme said. 
“I just assumed she was here, please, for the Baudelaires.” 
The children froze. 
“I mean, torturing that whore and her parasite of a ‘husband’ is a bonus part of this expedition.” Esme was saying, and her voice got a bit low; they could almost hear her nasty smile. 
“Then why don’t you, please, keep all the prisoners in one place like before? There’s only so many places, please, to hide someone in this wasteland, please, of the Hinterlands-” 
“We can’t keep them together, they keep running off and making a mess of things.”
“It’s hard, please, for Lulu to keep these people in her carnival and also run a business-” 
“Oh, please, Madame Lulu,” they heard Olaf say, “Surely we can think of some way to repay you and your…” a pause, as he took a chug of whatever alcohol they were drinking, “Spirits. How about a new show? New shows draw audiences…” 
Violet sighed and gestured to a spot a little away from the caravan. They all slowly crept away, and once they were a safe enough distance, Violet whispered, “They’re staying a while, and our parents are hidden somewhere here. It’s too dark right now and they could leave that caravan at any time, so we should find a place to hide, and then tomorrow get some disguises on and search through.” 
“It’s risky.” Isadora said, drumming on the ground with her fingers. 
“Do you think this ‘Madame Lulu’ is really magic?” Duncan asked. “Olaf said she showed him where you guys were.” 
“Naw.” Violet shook her head. “It’s just like San Fernando Valley.” 
“What’s San Fernando?” 
“Mother and Father thought they might be being tracked, but we’d spent all our money when I needed new glasses.” Klaus explained, “So they hid at a fair in a town called San Fernando. Mother gathered newspapers, Father and I snuck around town and eavesdropped on people, and Violet worked the lights.” 
“We set up a caravan and Mother played fortune-teller.” Violet said. “We used the gathered local news and information Klaus and Father got and ‘predicted the future’ until we had enough money to get the fuck outta there.” 
“She’s probably running the same scam.” Klaus shrugged. “Olaf found us at Monty’s and the Mill on his own, but I bet for Josephine he came here.” 
“That Volunteer taxi driver probably sent a telegram about us that Lulu intercepted.” Violet considered. “And at Prufrock- I bet she either got information about new students or someone got a photo of us wandering the grounds.” 
Klaus narrowed his eyes. “I wonder…” he trailed off. 
Klaus shook his head. “Not important right now. We need to find somewhere to hide.” 
“Are you sure we can’t look now?” 
“If we search in the dark, we lose a lot of visibility, meaning it’s easier for us to fall into a trap, and if we turn on a flashlight, we’re spotted.” Violet said. “And while Olaf and his idiots may be drunk and probably about to pass out, we have no idea if Lulu plans on sleeping, or if they decide to wander around a bit. Tomorrow, though, we can quickly discern if they’ve left by if Olaf’s car is still there, and if they stay, we sneak around in the light, figure out where they are, and either avoid them until we find our parents or start the whole ‘murder’ plan.” 
“Somnum,” Sunny said, meaning something like, “Where are we gonna find somewhere to sleep? All the employees are probably loyal to Lulu.” 
Violet narrowed her eyes, and then Duncan said, “She said she’s not paying the employees of the freakshow. If we throw some money their way I bet they’d keep quiet.” 
“Good idea.” Violet nodded. “Which caravan do you think-” 
“Probably the one with ‘freaks’ spray-painted on the side.” Isadora suggested. 
“Great. Let’s head over.” 
They crept to the caravan, checked to make sure nobody was about to exit Lulu’s, and then Violet knocked on the door. 
They waited a moment, before a man opened the door, blinking. He looked down sadly at them. “Oh, carnival guests. Have you come to laugh at the freaks? Cause our hours don’t extend after dark.” 
Violet glanced at the man, noticing a hunch on his back. She then held out a fistful of cash. 
“You keep this, let us sleep in here, and tell no one.” 
His eyes widened. “You’re paying us?” 
“Yeah. Let us in, please. We are tired as hell.”
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amplesalty · 5 years
Day 26 - The Man Who Laughs (1928)
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Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?
As it is written in the great traditions of this blog, all films starting with ‘The’ must immediately be followed by a second movie starting with ‘The’. Just ignore that whole Town That Dreaded Sundown misstep...Still, we have the earliest point on our timeline for this year, all the way back in the 20’s. That’s a final answer as well, I don’t have plans to go back to the 1910’s in these last few days. I’ll have to plan that out in a future year, maybe 2021. Give the cinematic world a chance to release some good movies in 2020 and then just have a movie from every decade from like the 1900’s onwards.
This was the era before talkies but I’m a little confused on the sound used here. I was always under the impression that music would be performed live at a screening to accompany the pictures or maybe there’d be a recording of music played alongside it. There is music here but there’s also some sound effects thrown in and crowd noise during certain parts. There’s no dialogue though so maybe this is like some sort of transitional period between the silent and sound era where they were experimenting with limited sound?
There’s a sense of familiarity in this movie, it being a Universal picture so it has Carl Laemmele’s name slapped all over it. But also you have Conrad Veidt as Gwynplaine, who was also Cesare in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Plus, Mary Philbin as the love interest Dea, who played Christine Daae in the 1925 version of The Phantom of the Opera. Apparently Lon Chaney was meant to play Gwynplaine here but due to difficulties in obtaining the rights to adapt the story, they ended up making Phantom instead. This was a story written by Victor Hugo and published in 1869, Hugo also known for Les Mis and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
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That and providing the names for Victor and Hugo: Bunglers in Crime.
Of course, the massive elephant in the room is the grinning visage of Gwynplaine on the poster there, very much inspirational for a certain clown character in the future. That’s right, he’s the prototypical Krusty. No wait, the other one...
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To be honest, this isn’t really a horror movie but there’s something creepy about that face. It ties into that early Universal thing and with Joker in the cinema at the moment, what better time to watch this? I’m getting vibes of Cesar Romero here moreso than any other version. Minus the painted moustache, obvs.
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Before we start, let’s pan over the credits, specifically looking at the dog. Calling it Homo really throws me off at times. I’m not sure if it’s meant to be short for something but it’s kinda funny when it cuts to the text to show what the characters are saying and you get “Shut up, Homo!”.
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Our story takes place in 17th century England, with King James II dispatching with one of his rivals, Lord Clancharlie, who he sends to the Iron Lady, not Maggie Thatcher but some form of Iron Miaden device. To make matters worse, Clancharlie’s son has been sold off to Comprachicos who have disfigured him with a permanent Chelsea smile so that he may ‘laugh forever at his fool of a father’. The Comprachicos are banished and leave the child behind, he finds a blind baby beside its mother who has frozen to death and he seeks shelter at the caravan of Ursus.
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Time passes to the children all grown up and Gwynplaine is now famous as a travelling clown known as ‘The Laughing Man’. Hugh Morrus?
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What’s really weird is that Gwynplaine and Dea are now romantically linked. Presumably they grew up together with a sibling sort of bond so that’s a bit creepy. He still has some reluctance though as he feels inadequate, thinking himself not good enough for her due to his disfigurement.
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Meanwhile, Duchess Josiana takes a shine to him. Maybe she just has a thing for disfigurement or she’s just really put off by the man she’s arranged to be married to. Or maybe he’s put off by her, he looks a little Tutti Frutti, if you know what I mean...
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The former court jester Barkilphedro, now working under Queen Anne, comes to learn of the lineage of Gwynplaine but things don’t pan out quite as I was expecting. He always comes off quite devious so I thought he was going to start manipulating things to his own ends, maybe some blackmail here or there. It starts going that way as the Comprachico that originally discovered the truth is arrested and ‘dies’ under mysterious circumstances but Barkilphedro pretty much tells the Queen and she puts things in motion to have Gwynplaine restored to power and married to the Duchess so she can keep herself in the life she’s become accustomed. Maybe Bark is more loyal than I thought, he still acts in an underhanded manner by trying to separate Gwynplaine from his old life and Dea but he’s still acting in the interest of the royal family.
It’s definitely an emotional piece at times, just the general isolation that Gwynplaine has existed in from childhood and continues to suffer now with people mocking his appearance. There’s a bittersweet moment as well later on where the carnival has been led to believe that Gwynplaine has died whilst in custody but, in order to spare her feelings, Ursus tells everyone that the show must go on and the crew fake the sound of the cheering crowd. Even through his own grief, his main concern is to tell her to listen to the adoring crowd that loves Gwynplaine more than ever.
It feels a little long but I don’t know how much of that is down to having to stall so you can read the dialogue between characters or read signs or letters that would be quickly summed up through normal speech. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a silent movie, I always feel slightly lost during them as they’re something you have to focus on and my attention span always fails me. It is something that intrigues me though, the idea of them being more universal and being able to convey things through body language and facial expressions alone. Obviously Gwynplaine’s face is very striking but Ursus can be very expressive at times and Bark always seems to have a devilish look on his face.
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In all of that near 2 hrs though, the biggest disappointment is that still couldn’t find time to show us the 5 legged cow. They talk up this big attraction as part of the freaks on show, like the two snouted pig, at the carnival but all we get is a distant crowd shot. Don’t promise a 5 legged cow if you can’t deliver!
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apsychrenegade · 7 years
Vive Latino 2018
Los días 17 y 18 de marzo de 2018 se llevará a cabo la 19 edición del Festival Vive Latino y con ello un sinfín de emociones y buenos momentos musicales del rock en español y sus vertientes.
El Vive Latino 2018 está en camino. Los pormenores, detalles y actividades que formarán y albergarán parte del encuentro, que de entrada ya tiene fechas confirmadas, se darán a conocer más adelante, se informó en un comunicado de prensa.
Vive Latino es una expresión de sentir y vivir, es una religión que con el paso de los años se ha transformado para bien más de una vez y ha mutado en varias ocasiones de piel, todo para dar y ofrecer lo mejor de sí.
Con las fechas confirmadas el público ya podrá prepararse para una fiesta llena de color, de aroma, de sentido, de distracción y de convivir con las diferentes tribus urbanas que se dan cita en cada edición, donde la hermandad emana y se convierte en un grito al unísono de «¡Vive Latino!».
Cartelera Vive Latino 2018
Gorillaz, Morrissey, Noel Gallagher High Flying Birds y Queens of the Stone Age son los cabezas de cartel internacionales del Vive Latino 18.
A ellos hay que sumarles todos estos nombres:
424 A.N.I.M.A.L Airbag Allison Amandititita Banda Baston Banda Regional Mixe Belako Camilo Séptimo Cartel De Santa Centavrvs Chicano Batman Cuca Donkristobal El David Aguilar El Mato A Un Policía Motorizado Elsa Y Elmar Enjambre Entre Líneas Fito Páez Francisca Y Los Exploradores Vs Juan Ingaramo Francisco El Hombre Gondwana Gorillaz Haragan Y Cia Heavysaurios I.M.S Infected Mushroom José Octavio I Kali Uchis Kase. O Kchiporros Klub Kuervos Del Sur La Beriso La Gusana Ciega La Lupita La Toma La Vela Puerca La Vodkanera Las Pastillas Del Abuelo Leslie Ground Little Dragon Los Amantes De Lola Los Amigos Invisibles Los Blenders Los Cafres Los De Abajo Los Jaivas Los Mesoneros Los Moustros Del Espacio Exterior Los Pericos Los Tres Love Of Lesbian Mala Rodriguez María Daniela Y Su Sonido Lasser Millonario Molotov Morrissey Nicola Cruz No Tiene La Vaca Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds Panteón Rococó Paté De Fuá Pussy Riot Pvris Queens Of The Stone Age Residente Riesgo De Contagio Ritmo Peligroso Rock En Tu Idioma Sinfónico II Sabino San Pascualito Rey Santa Estilo Sergio Arau Y Los Heavy Mex Sexy Zebras Sierra León Swingoriginal Monks Titan Ubon Vaya Futuro Vetusta Mortal Victimas Del Dr. Cerebro Viernes Verde
El Vive Latino 2018 se celebrará 18 y 19 de marzo en el Foro Sol, y el pasado lunes 6 de noviembre se abrió una venta especial para fans. En esta se podían adquirir abonos generales o platino a precios preferenciales de 2050 y 2,550 pesos respectivamente (aunque todavía no sabemos cuáles son los precios oficiales).
El martes 7 de noviembre se han dado a conocer los precios de los boletos en la fase 2, así como el cartel oficial.
Actualmente solo quedan disponibles boletos de la fase 5 a 2050 $.
Compra tu boleto
Vive Latino 2018: Horarios
Actualmente se desconocen los horarios del Vive Latino 2018, sin embargo, en la imagen superior puedes consultar el reparto de artistas por día.
Próximamente más información.
Ediciones anteriores
Comienzan los preparativos para la celebración del Vive Latino 2018. El Circuito Indio da el pistoletazo de salida a la futura edición del festival.
Cuatro semanas, cuatro conciertos, doce ciudades, ciento cuarenta y cuatro artistas es lo que será Circuito Indio, quienes retoman la idea que alguna vez tuvo Rockampeonato al llevar de gira a la República Mexicana a gran parte de artistas emergentes, solo que aquí no hay una competencia entre bandas nuevas, sino que trata de llevar a todos los rincones estas propuestas.
Los organizadores en conferencia de prensa, dijeron que Circuito Indio es una respuesta al apoyo que los clubs han hecho para ir formando artistas que en algun momento podrían convertirse en headliners del Vive Latino, por lo que apoyarán a todas las doce plazas en la República con equipo y logística para que todas las bandas tengan solo que preocuparse por su actuación y no por cuestiones técnicas que siempre atraviesan.
Estos son los foros y ciudades que formarán parte de Circuito Indio:
Foro Indie Rocks @ CDMX Doppler @ Texcoco Landó @ Toluca The Pit @ Cuernavaca Cactux / Tezla @ Morelia Foro Independencia @ Guadalajara La Glotonería @ Querétaro Road House @ San Luis Potosí Maybach Concert Hall @ León Dunkhelheit @ Pachuca Txalaparta @ Oaxaca
Habrá varios ciclos en Circuito Indio:
Ciclo 1: del 11 de mayo al 3 de junio
Jumbo con Thermo Descartes a Kant con Golden Ganga Kill Aniston con Canseco y Sputnik Los Daniels con Serbia Novedades Carminha con San Pedro El Cortez Pato Machete con Dharius Blackvoid con Les Deuxluxes Sonido San Francisco con La Furia con Lujuria Sonidera Costera con Salvador y el Unicornio Madame Recamier con Los Impacientes y Luis Tolidos
Ciclo 2: del 8 de junio al 1 de julio
Carla Morrison con Jandro The Plastics Revolution con Los Románticos de Zacatecas Nunca jamás con Monos Piratas Arianna Puello con Rap Komunion Yokozuna con Sexy Zebras La Sucursal de la Cumbia con Digital Charanga Joliette con HKBO Candy con Vaya Futuro Sotomayor con Mylko Jessy Bulbo con Carmen Costa Esteman
Ciclo 3: del 6 de julio al 29 de julio
Ciclo 4: del 31 de agosto al 23 de Septiembre
Ciclo 5: del 28 de septiembre 28 al 21 de octubre
Ciclo 6: del 26 de Octubre al 18 de noviembre
Ciclo 7: del 23 de Noviembre al 16 de diciembre
Venta de boletos en la app oficial y e-Ticket a partir del próximo miércoles 3 de mayo. Los boletos comenzarán desde los $120.
Fuente: Me Hace Ruido
El Vive Latino 2017, se celebrará los días 18 y 19 de marzo en el Foro Sol de la Ciudad de México. El festival tiene que confirmar aún horarios.
El Festival Iberoamericano de Cultura Musical Vive Latino (Vive Latino, el Vive) es un festival de rock y diversos géneros musicales alternativos que se realiza anualmente desde 1998 (excepto 1999 y 2002) en el Foro Sol de la Ciudad de México, organizado por OCESA.
A la fecha cuenta con 17 ediciones celebradas. En el 2017, el Vive cumplirá su decimoctava edición. A lo largo de cada una de éstas se han presentado agrupaciones musicales consolidadas en el gusto masivo, así como bandas emergentes y con una menor difusión comercial.
Como su nombre lo indica, el festival centra su atención en la participación de músicos latinoamericanos; sin embargo, paulatinamente se ha ido incorporando la participación de grupos y solistas invitados provenientes de otras regiones del mundo y en otros idiomas.
El crecimiento y consolidación del Vive Latino lo convierten hoy en día en el festival de rock más importante de Latinoamérica. De esta forma, el VL es la sede obligada de los músicos más reconocidos de esta región para exponer sus sonidos ante más de 70 mil espectadores promedio por día.
A partir del 2009 se implementó la Carpa Intolerante, espacio favorable para que los asistentes tengan la oportunidad de conocer bandas que de otra manera pasarían desapercibidas, algunas por tener una trayectoria importante, pero corta o reciente, y otras por su carácter underground o alternativo. Los sonidos de esta carpa están abiertos a fusiones, jazz, rock progresivo, experimentos sonoros, etc.
El festival es también una muestra de arte urbano, graffiti, propuestas escénicas, expresiones artísticas emergentes. Cuenta con la presencia desde el comienzo de sus ediciones con el espacio Tianguis Cultural del Chopo como uno de los elementos emblemáticos del ambiente que rodea al festival.
Entre las bandas que destacan como principales está la agrupación argentina Babasónicos -quienes ya han participado en varias ediciones del festival, los Caligaris, Enanitos Verdes, Hombres G, el músico británico de indie folk Jake Bugg, la cantante mexicana Julieta Venegas, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs -una de las agrupaciones que se ha presentado en más ocasiones en este festival-, Rancid y Prohepts of Rage.
Otras banbas que se unen son Ataque 77, El cuarteto de Nos, Inspector, Kinky, La Sonora Santanera, La Tremenda Korte, Little Jesus, Mexican Dubwiser, quienes se han colocado en los favoritos del público mexicano con varios años de trayectoria. Desde España, además de Hombres G, actuarán: Carlos Sadness, Celtas Cortos, La Pegatina, Novedades Carminha e Izal.
Este año aún no se conocen las bandas que pisarán las tablas del Foro Sol.
Ya conocemos algunos horarios del Vive Latino 2017:
Estos son los horarios Vive Latino 2017:
Sábado 18 de marzo
Carpa Doritos 13:55 / Tessa ia 14:55 / JotDog 16:00 / Izal 17:15 / Meme 18:45 / Little Jesus 20:25 / The Pretty Reckless 22:10 / Foxygen
Carpa Intolerante 13:30 / El General Paz & La Triple Frontera 14:15 / Out of Control Army 15:05 / Crew Peligrosos 15:55 / Burning Caravan 16:45 / Wakrat 17:40 / Novedades Carminha 18:30 / Xixa 19:25 / Shoot The Radio 20:25 / Beta 21:25 / Candy 22:25 / El Zombie 23:25 / Fanko
Domingo 19 de marzo
Carpa Doritos 14:00 / Árbol de Ojos 15:10 / Orkesta Mendoza 16:20 / Lng/Sht 17:35 / Seis Pistos 18:55 / Javier Corcobado 20:25 / Marky Ramone 22:10 / Dolores de Huevos 23:55 / Moonspell
Carpa Intolerante 13:30 / Mexican Juligans 14:15 / Los Veltons 15:05 / Akasha 15:55 / Los Desenchufados 16:40 / Jazmín Solar 17:30 / Chingadazo de Kung Fu 18:25 / Juana La Rodillona 19:20 / Orquesta 24 Cuadros 20:15 / Monocordio 21:20 / Neón 22:30 / Los Rayobacks 23:30 / Faauna
La venta de boletos ya comenzó el 3 y 4 de noviembre con una venta especial, donde la Fase 1 se vendió en $1,050 el abono general y $1,415 el abono platino, los cuales ya están agotados.
Ahora se encuentran en la Fase 4, donde el abono general (2 días) cuesta $1,468 y el abono platino (2 días) está agotado.. Esta terminará hasta que se agoten los boletos destinados a esta fase.
Habrá tres fases más, donde los boletos irán desde los $1,300 a los $1,900 en abono general.
from El Ukelele http://ift.tt/2j5ZlAp via IFTTT
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Six Baudelaires AU, Part Three {AO3} {Masterlist} {Part One} {Part Two}
Chapter Two → in which Violet saves everyone’s asses
“Everyone stay calm and help me!” Violet shouted. 
The Baudelaire siblings were falling, but it was okay. They could fix it. They had to fix it. They had to fix it and save Sunny. 
Klaus jumped to his feet, nodding, as Lilac stumbled back, running to grab onto Nick, who was clinging as tight as he could to Solitude. Lilac, the oldest of the six children as well as the most goth, would probably be a great help to Violet right now; she could use a mechanic while they were falling down a slope in a caravan to certain doom, but she didn’t look very focused at all. She often reminded them it was her responsibility to take care of them all, and now that Sunny had been captured, she looked about as distraught as she’d been when Nick and Violet had been taken away. 
Violet grabbed her ribbon, ripping it off her wrist and tying back her hair as fast as she could. She couldn’t be distracted by something as trivial as her hair while she was trying to save all their lives with some sort of invention- Lilac may be a mechanic, fixing everything she could, but Violet was an inventor; she made things from scratch and made things better. And right now she needed to make something to save their sorry asses. 
She took a quick look at the hammocks still on the wall, and said, “I need you to help me get those down!” 
“Shouldn’t we make a brake?” Klaus asked. 
“The wheels are spinning too fast for a brake!” Violet said. “We need to make a drag chute! Nick, hold onto Soli, we don’t want her falling in this caravan!” 
Nick didn’t seem to hear her, but he did cling very tight onto his little sister, who was screaming into his sweater. Nick was the older of the two twin boys, and he, normally, was quite the daredevil and explorer, and it used to be almost impossible to get him to stay still or listen to instructions. But recently, after his extended captivity under the control of Count Olaf and Esme Squalor, he had become more quiet, more prone to fearful tears, and much more secretive. His siblings didn’t quite know all that had happened to him, and they were starting to think that they did not want to. 
Klaus, the other twin, was more of a researcher than any form of inventor or athlete, but he managed to run over to the hammocks, pulling them down as he shouted, “Drag chute?” 
“Parachutes that show racecars down!” Violet replied, grabbing the hammocks from him and shouting, “Lilac, can you help me with tying?” Lilac didn’t respond, instead just clinging to Nick and Solitude. “Alright, okay! Klaus, find something sticky.” 
In Lilac and Nick’s arms, Solitude let out a wail. She was a toddler at the moment, who had quite the interest in herpetology, which was a very useful interest that unfortunately was not good at stopping a falling caravan. Inside her pocket was her pet, Babbitt, who was very startled and kept chirping and leaning up against her in the hopes of calming her down. Solitude had been very attached to Nick since they’d helped him escape from Count Olaf, and now it looked like she might never let go of him again. 
Klaus nodded and ran to a large cupboard, throwing it open and digging through. He felt a cold rush as he ran through all the kitchen ingredients; their youngest sister, Sunny, only barely a toddler, had recently graduated from an interest in biting to an interest in cooking, but now she was in danger. Count Olaf had captured her, and was trying to kill her siblings so that she would be the only inheritor of the Baudelaire fortune. She must have been so frightened. 
“Klaus, you find anything?” 
“Um, lots of sticky things.” Klaus said. “What do you need?” 
“All of them! Mix them together, now!” 
Klaus grabbed a pitcher and began pouring everything in. They lurched around some kind of bend, and Solitude screamed, very loudly, “Fuck!” 
“Lilac, get up and help me!” Violet screamed. 
Finally, Lilac released Nick, looking up with shock. Then she ran forwards, helping Violet tie the hammocks together. 
“Klaus!” Violet shouted. “When I say the word, Lilac and I are going to throw the drag chute out the window, and I want you pouring that slime out the other window. Hopefully it should interfere with the wheels, and the drag chute will slow down the caravan enough to save us!” 
“We’re just going to through the chute out the window?” 
“No, you idiot! We’re tying it to the doorknob first!” 
Lilac glanced at Violet. “Devil’s tongue knot?” 
Violet shook her head. “We’re using the Sumac knot.” 
“I don’t know that one.” 
“That’s cause I invented it.” 
“I don’t know how to tie a knot you invented!” 
“Just watch me!” 
Violet and Lilac ran towards the doorknob, and Violet started to tie, Lilac quickly following her example. 
“Klaus, now!” Violet shouted. 
Klaus poured the slime out the window, and the sisters threw the caravan door open, tossing the drag chute into the wind. They all froze a moment, terrified, and then the hammocks swelled behind the caravan, slowing them down considerably. The sticky mixture hit the wheels, immediately causing it to slow more. 
“It’s working!” Klaus cheered. 
“We’re not done yet.” Violet said, running to the table by the side of the caravan. “Now that the wheels are slowing down, we can use this as a brake.” 
“What?” Klaus said, but Lilac caught on quickly. She and Violet grabbed the table by its legs and dangled it out of the caravan so that it dragged on the ground. There was a loud scraping, and Lilac and Violet had to hold tight for several minutes as the caravan continued to slow, until it finally, with a creak, stopped altogether. 
“We did it.” Violet said. 
“You did it.” Lilac said quietly. 
Violet glanced around. Nick and Solitude were still clinging to each other, eerily quiet, which she did not think was a good sing. She stood up and looked at Klaus. “Okay,” she said, “Gather whatever might be useful.” 
Klaus nodded, and Lilac said, “Useful?” 
“To rescue Sunny.” Violet said. “Move your ass.” 
Lilac stared at her in wonder for a second, and then she nodded and started running. 
“Nick,” Klaus said, “Do you remember where the headquarters are from the map?” 
Slowly, Nick looked up, and nodded. 
Violet climbed over towards her brother, holding out her hand. “Come on, stand up.” she said. “Once we get out of this caravan, we’ll wipe our stupid makeup off.” 
“It’ll be cold.” Lilac said quickly. “So we’ll need coats. I think there’s some still here.” 
“Grab whatever you can, and then hurry out.” Violet said. “We’ll need to take stock of where we are; besides, the caravan might start moving again.” 
“No!” Solitude said, as if her pure stubbornness could prevent physics from working. 
“I’ll help Nick out.” Violet said. “You two grab everything.” 
She took Nick’s hand and led him out of the caravan, jumping onto the steep mountain path. Nick quickly sat on the road, still clutching the toddler, who was hugging him and muttering, either to him or Babbitt or both. Violet moved slightly, and then called, “Um, you’re gonna want to hurry outta there.” 
“Why?” Klaus asked nervously. 
Violet peered around the caravan. “We stopped right in front of a fucking cliff, that’s why.” 
Behind the caravan was a split path. One led only a few feet before a large drop-off that Violet could tell fell quite a ways. The other path led to a dark, churning stream that Violet realized was probably very deep. They were lucky that they’d stopped on time; either way the caravan went, they would have died. 
“Son of a…” Lilac muttered, and after a second, her and Klaus climbed out, both carrying piles of possibly useful items in their arms. 
They jumped out, and as soon as they hit the ground, they heard an ominous creak. The siblings turned and stared as the caravan started to roll back. 
“Shit.” Klaus said, as it fell down the left path, going right off the cliff. 
There were several silent seconds before the crash, as the caravan was slowed by the drag chute. However, the Baudelaires knew that it would be absolutely no use to them now. 
“Okay, put the items on the ground.” Violet said. “Klaus, Nick, Soli, you get started on rubbing your makeup off.” 
“Shouldn’t we keep it on for disguises?” Klaus asked. 
“Our disguises are useless now.” Violet said. “Lilac, help me take inventory.” 
Lilac took a deep breath and then dropped to her knees, sorting everything into piles. Violet joined her, as she tossed the boys makeup wipes and they got to work cleaning their faces, before helping Solitude. Nick quickly unbraided the rubber snakes from her hair, which had been helping her impersonate a gorgon, while Klaus wiped her face. 
“Okay,” Lilac said, shivering slightly, “We have quite a few coats, a butterknife, a handmirror, a pitcher, a wool poncho, a Caligari Carnival sweater, and a ukulele.” 
“Perfect.” Nick finally spoke, looking over at them as he untangled a snake and tossed it to the ground. “We can sing while we die.” 
“We’re not going to die.” Violet said. “And don’t throw those snakes away. Who knows what we’re going to need?” 
“Here, you guys can use the wipes.” Klaus said, tossing the case at his sisters. “We’re done.” 
Lilac took a wipe, starting to rub off the false tattoos on her arm. She blew a hair out of her face; still powdered in a bright color, her hair had fallen from her buns, though they still remained tied, now making her look like she’d decided to wear pigtails. Violet took a wipe and got to work on the false burn on her face, as Nick and Klaus walked over, Nick still tightly gripping Solitude’s hand as she toddled after them, still softly crying. 
“Is Babbitt okay?” Violet asked carefully, and Soli nodded as her frog hopped to her shoulder, chirping helpfully. 
“I think,” Lilac said, “Someone should wear the sweatshirt and poncho, because it’s cold- Violet, you definitely take one, you’re still in a hospital gown and Klaus’s coat.” 
“Soli should have the poncho.” Violet said, taking the sweatshirt and flipping it inside-out- she really didn’t feel like advertising Caligari Carnival at the moment. “These coats won’t fit her, the poncho can function as a blanket. I’ll take the knife, too.” 
Lilac bit her lip. “Okay. Everyone else, take a coat. We can put the snakes in the pitcher- it’s still a bit sticky, but it doesn’t really matter. Someone carry the ukulele, worst case scenario we could use it to start a fire. Someone take the handmirror, too. Nick, you said you know where we should be going?” 
“We can… follow the river.” Nick said quietly. “It begins at the center of the mountains, where the Headquarters are located. If we follow the river away from the ocean, we’ll reach it.” 
“How long will that take?” Lilac asked. 
Nick shrugged. 
“Sunny?” Solitude asked, sniffling a little. 
“Olaf sounded like he wanted to kill our surviving parent, too.” Violet said, throwing on the sweatshirt before grabbing a coat. “So he’ll be headed there. Hopefully we’ll be able to reach it before he does, and then we could find help to rescue Sunny.” 
“Do…” Klaus hesitated, putting an arm around Nick and holding him very close, “Do you think that one of our parents might actually be there?” 
Lilac bit her lip, and Violet said, “There’s no way to know.” 
Klaus stared hard at the ground. “Which one do you think survived?” 
They all fell completely silent. 
“Let’s get moving.” Lilac said. “Before it gets too dark.” 
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Six Baudelaires AU, Part Two {AO3} {Masterlist} {Part One}
Chapter Twenty-Eight → in which the Baudelaires visit a Carnival
Once again, nobody was sure if Nick slept at all. When they all awoke, still in the trunk, Nick was still softly crying, and Lilac held him and sung a little. He leaned against her, shaking and muttering, “I need out. Let me out. Let me out.”
“Soon. Really soon.” Lilac promised, starting to cry herself. “You’re not trapped anymore. Nobody’s going to hurt you.”
Nick didn’t respond, even when Solitude hugged him and let out a comforting hum, prompting Lilac to sing again, trying to soothe him a little.
Violet and Klaus were curled up together, Sunny inbetween them. When Lilac paused, Violet said, “How are we getting out of here?”
“We’ll have to hope they don’t open the trunk right away.” Lilac sighed.
“Where are we going?” Soli asked.
“I don’t know.” Lilac said. “I don’t know anything. This… this was a bad plan.”
“It wasn’t.” Violet said, still shaking. “Soon as- fuck.”
The car parked, and the siblings all huddled together. Solitude patted her pocket to make sure Babbitt was still there, and Sunny growled, prepared to throw herself at someone and bite them should they open the trunk. Nick tried to quiet his crying, but he didn’t succeed very well.
“Does this mean we’re here?” the Hook-Handed Man asked.
“Of course we’re here!” Olaf snapped. “Look outside, this is clearly Caligari Carnival!”
The Baudelaires heard doors opening, and the Bald Man said, “Do you think she can tell us where the Baudelaires are now?”
“She knows every time we ask.” Olaf said.
“I don’t know, Olaf.” Esme sighed. “I don’t like her.”
“You don’t like any woman I talk to.”
“Where is she, anyway? Shouldn’t she come to greet us?”
“She’ll be in her caravan, Esme. Like always.”
“Should we get the wine out of the trunk, boss?” one of the white-faced women asked, and the Baudelaires froze.
“No,” Count Olaf said, “Madame Lulu always has something for us. Hurry it up, we haven’t got all night.”
The Baudelaires remained very quiet, listening to Olaf’s troupe walk away. When they stopped hearing footsteps, Sunny said, “Merrill,” which meant something like, “We’d better get out of this trunk.”
Lilac nodded and pushed it open, and Nick immediately scrambled out, running a little ways past the car and hugging himself, taking deep breaths and staring up at the sky. The other Baudelaires slowly emerged, with Lilac and Klaus stopping to help Solitude and Sunny onto the floor, and Solitude quickly placing Babbitt on the ground so the frog could go pee somewhere.
Babbitt hopped away, and the siblings glanced around. They were parked beside a faded sign that read Caligari Carnival, and behind the sign was an abandoned ticket booth and a small telephone booth, beyond which was just the endless stretch of the Hinterlands. In the distance was a large but broken-looking roller coaster, and several caravans, with one large tent in the middle.
To their surprise, the closest caravan had the Eye painted onto the side.
“VFD.” Nick said nervously, and Solitude walked over to him, holding up her arms so he could pick him up.
“What?” Klaus asked.
“The Eye. VFD.” Nick said.
“What do you mean,” Violet said, “The Eye is VFD?”
“Look.” Nick walked slightly towards the caravan, and his siblings quickly followed. He held out a finger, tracing lines. “See the slope here? That’s the V. Here’s the F-”
“D.” Sunny said, pointing to the pupil.
“The Eye is VFD?” Violet asked.
Nick nodded, and then he completely froze over as they heard a burst of laughter from the caravan.
“Well.” Lilac said shakily. “We found the troupe.”
Without another word, Violet and Klaus crept to the caravan door, kneeling down to listen. Sunny quickly followed, and soon their siblings joined them, though Nick really wished he was anywhere else.
“I am thrilled, please, to see you, my Olaf.” said a woman’s voice. “Welcome to the caravan of mine. How is life for you?”
“We’ve been swamped at work, Madame Lulu.” the Hook-Handed Man said. “Those orphans have been very difficult to keep in one place for a long time.”
“Well, one time, we got that one boy to stop running and backtalking,” Esme said with a wicked laugh, and Nick slowly started to back away, “Didn’t take long to break him, did it?”
“Yes,” said Olaf, “If it wasn’t for his bratty siblings, the Baudelaire fortune would be as good as ours.”
“Oh, do not worry, my Olaf,” said the woman who must have been Madame Lulu. “My crystal ball tells me that my Olaf will prevail.”
“And when exactly is that?” Esme asked sharply.
“Very soon, please.” replied Madame Lulu. “What gifts have you brought me, my Olaf?”
Violet shivered in the cold air, wrapping her arms around herself; she still only wore the hospital gown. Klaus quickly took his jacket, wrapping it over her shoulders.
“Well,” Olaf said, “You can have this pearl necklace I stole from a nurse at Heimlich Hospital.”
“Very good!” Lulu said. “More wine, my Olaf?”
“Of course.” Olaf said. “But we need your skills right now, Lulu.”
“The Baudelaire brats slipped away again,” said the Bald Man, “And the boss was hoping you’d be able to tell us where they went.”
“And where the Sugar Bowl is,” Esme said, and Nick flinched and backed away more.
“And, just as importantly,” Olaf said, “We need to know if one of the Baudelaire parents survived the fire.”
“You know the rules of crystal ball, my Olaf.” Lulu said, in almost a whine. “At night, the crystal ball must be sleeping in the fortune-telling tent, and at sunrise you may ask one question.”
“Then I’ll ask my first question in the morning,” Olaf said, “And we’ll stay until all our questions are answered.”
“Oh, my Olaf,” Madame Lulu said, “Times are very hard for Caligari Carnival. Not many people come  to see Madame Lulu or crystal ball, the gift caravan has lousy souvenirs, and there are not enough freaks, please, in the House of Freaks. Madame Lulu has no money, please, and it is hard to do fortune-telling when Madame Lulu is so poor.”
“Once we get the Baudelaire fortune,” Olaf said, “You’ll have plenty of money.”
“You said that about the Quagmire fortune, my Olaf,” Madame Lulu sighed, “And the Snicket fortune, and the-”
“Yes, we get it.” Esme groaned.
“We must think, please,” Lulu said, “Of something to make Caligari Carnival more popular. Madame Lulu was hoping that the troupe of my Olaf could put on a big show. Many people would come to see.”
“The boss can’t get up on stage.” said a white-faced woman. “He’s supposed to be dead.”
“Yes, and Lulu,” Olaf said, “Surely money isn’t important for fortune-telling.”
“Surely it is, my Olaf.”
“Oh, but Madame Lulu, what if we told you-”
Nick leapt to his feet and ran.
His siblings quickly jumped up and followed him, with Violet pulling Klaus’s coat over herself. Nick stopped by the phone booth, leaning against it and shutting his eyes, trying to steady his breathing.
“Nick, are you alright?” Lilac asked.
Nick shook his head, looking on the verge of a panic attack.
“We need to leave.” Klaus said. “But I don’t know where we can go in the Hinterlands. There’s nothing for miles, we could die of thirst or get attacked by wild animals.”
“Steal Olaf’s car.” suggested Solitude.
“I’ll drive!” Sunny cheered.
“No, we’d run out of gas eventually.” Violet said. “And even if we go anywhere, we’re murderers, remember?”
“And Madame Lulu said she’d help him find us.” Lilac said.
“I don’t know.” Klaus said. “I’ve never read any evidence that fortune-telling is real.”
“But if Madame Lulu keeps knowing where we are…” Violet said.
Slowly, Nick pulled away from his siblings, and said, “We could try calling someone.”
“Who would we call?” Lilac asked.
“Mr Poe?” Violet suggested. “Jerome?”
“Jerome might listen to us.” Klaus agreed.
Lilac moved into the phone booth, picking it up. “Operator?” she asked, and her siblings crept closer to listen. “Can you connect me to Jerome Squalor?”
They heard a distant, bored voice say, “Please put proper money into the machine.”
“We haven’t got money.” Lilac said. “But it’s an emergency.”
“Please state the nature of your emergency.”
“I’m trapped in the Hinterlands with my siblings and a man who wants to torture and kill us,” Lilac said, “But he faked his own death and blamed us so that everyone would think we were criminals and we wouldn’t have anyone to go to for help. He’s already tried to kidnap my brother and sister, and he’s tried to hypnotize my brother and locked my baby sisters in a cage. We need someone to help us, before he finds out we’re here and does something worse. Please, help us.”
There was no response. Lilac waited a long moment, and then screamed with frustration and slammed the phone back into the receiver.
“Li?” Sunny asked.
Lilac took a few breaths, and then said, “We’re on our own. We can steal the car, I’ll figure out how to make it move without gas, if we run out.”
“But, Li,” Violet said quietly.
Violet bit her lip. “If she can find out if one of our parents is alive…”
They fell silent, and then Solitude said, “We stay.”
“Where could we hide all night?” Lilac asked. “The people in those other caravans work for Madame Lulu, they probably wouldn’t help us.”
Nick clenched his fists, and then said, “We could steal Olaf’s disguises.”
“What?” Lilac jumped.
“All his costumes are in the trunk.” Nick said. “That’s what we were sitting on. She… she said she needed more… more freaks. We can be freaks.”
“Gabrowha?” Sunny asked.
“Why wouldn’t it work?” Violet replied to her, nodding at Nick. “Olaf fools everyone with his disguises, and if Madame Lulu thinks we’re somebody else, we can stay and find some answers.”
“It seems risky,” Klaus said, “But we do need to stay.”
Solitude hugged Nick’s leg. “I’m in.” she said.
Lilac glanced between her siblings, and then sighed. “Alright. What does he have?”
They moved over to the trunk, opening it. Klaus and Violet started digging though, their faces falling whenever they noticed a costume they recognized. But there were plenty of items they’d never seen before, as well.
“We could try to be a clown.” Violet said, picking up a wig.
“You know any tricks?” Lilac asked. Violet shook her head.
“I found a makeup kit.” Klaus said. “That’ll be useful.”
“Look at how big this robe is.” Lilac said, picking it up. “Two people could fit in that.”
Klaus considered. “Not a bad idea, Li.”
Klaus turned to Nick, who was staring out into the distance of the Hinterlands, almost as if he recognized it. “I, um, know you’re not doing great with small spaces, but what if we both wore the robe and said we were a two-headed person?”
Nick considered, and then shrugged.
“And then, well,” Klaus said, “If you… if you get scared in front of them, I’ll be right here.”
Nick slowly nodded, and then Klaus took the robe from Lilac.
Solitude peered into the trunk, and asked, “What do freaks do?”
“Well,” Lilac said carefully, “Sometimes people are born different, and rude people think it’s fun to pay money to go stare at them.”
“Awful.” Solitude said.
“It is.” Lilac nodded. “But we’re going to have to deal with it until we get our answers, and then we’ll figure out what to do.”
“I could use the makeup on myself.” Violet said. “Mother taught me how to apply fake scars to myself, when she appeared in that play about the murderer. And she taught me how to apply burn scars, and-”
“Scales?” Solitude asked, looking up at her.
“Yes, actually.” Violet said.
Solitude pulled a box from the trunk, opening it to see a lot of very real-looking rubber snakes- probably intended to use to scare anyone who was scared of such things- and said, “Medusa.”
“You want to be a gorgon?” Klaus asked. “You can’t turn things to stone.”
“We could say she’s defective.” Nick said carefully, once again turning towards the Hinterlands in confusion. “She’s a freak even to the other gorgons.”
Sunny pulled another wig out, and said, “Lupa,” which meant, “I could probably wrap this around myself and look like a baby wolf.”
“You could be a werewolf.” Klaus suggested.
Sunny considered. “Half-wolf?”
“I mean, sure.” Klaus said.
“I found some talcum powder.” Lilac said, pulling a can out of the trunk. “For those of us who don’t use wigs, we could whiten our hair.”
“Oh,” Violet said, “I think I see a ginger wig, I could use…” she froze, then, staring down into the bottom of the trunk.
“Vi?” Lilac asked. “Are you okay?”
Slowly, Violet reached into the trunk, and pulled out her ribbon.
They all stared for a while, and then Violet said, “He must’ve… he must’ve kept this. When he was… was prepping me for surgery. I… I wonder if my clothes are here, too.”
Lilac and Nick shared a look, and then Lilac picked up a small doll and said, “This dress is about Soli’s size, she could fit if she keeps her clothes on underneath. Klaus, can you help the girls into their costumes while… while the rest of us get what we need?”
Klaus hesitated, and then nodded. Soli took the doll and grabbed Sunny’s hand, and they followed Klaus over to the phonebooth, where he sat with them to help.
As soon as the toddlers were out of earshot, Lilac said, “Vi? Listen, I… I need  you to be completely honest with me, no judgement, I won’t cry if-”
Violet, still staring at her ribbon, said, “No.”
Violet shook her head. “No, he didn’t… they didn’t… I was unconscious a lot, yes, but I would know, right? And… I was awake when they put the hospital gown on, I tried to kick him and one of the henchpeople shoved it on, so… no. I don’t think… I don’t think that happened.”
“Vi, are you sure?”
Violet nodded, glancing at Nick, who was staring very hard at the ground and hugging himself. “I wouldn’t lie about… this. He didn’t-”
“It’s just…” Lilac said. “He’s threatened to- to do that to you before.”
“I am aware.” Violet growled, and she carefully tied her ribbon around her wrist. “Okay, I’ll take this wig and this long black dress. I can put burn scars on my face, say I got my face burned off in an accident.”
Lilac bit her lip and nodded, slowly pulling out a big, dark blue shirt. “I could wear this over my dress, if I tie up my skirts, so this’ll just look like a short dress. I know how to make fake tattoos, we can do that all over my skin.”
“That’ll work, I guess.” Violet said.
Then, carefully, Nick said, “Vi?”
Nick opened his mouth, as if to say something, but instead he started to cry again. Violet ran over and hugged him very tight.
“I’ll be fine.” she whispered. “They didn’t do anything too bad.”
Nick nodded.
“Will you be okay? Facing them?”
Nick didn’t answer for a while, as Lilac pretended to ignore them and gathered the last of what they’d need, and then he said, “I’ll be in disguise. And I’ll be with you all.”
Violet pulled away, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tight. “Come on.” she said. “Let’s go play with makeup.”
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Six Baudelaires AU, Part Two {AO3} {Masterlist} {Part One}
Chapter Thirty → in which the Baudelaires put on a show
“Wait, sir!” Violet said, racing forwards. “Did you say one of the Baudelaire parents is alive?” 
The Hook-Handed Man gave her a curious look. “What do you care, freaks?” 
“Well,” they were surprised when Nick spoke up, only looking a little concerned, “We’ve been reading about the Baudelaires in The Daily Punctilio. We’re very interested in their case.” 
“Well,” the Hook-Handed Man said, “Those kids’ parents were supposed to be dead, but Madame Lulu looked into her crystal ball and saw that one of them was alive. It’s a long story, but it means we’re all going to be very busy. Count Olaf and Madame Lulu left me in charge of the House of Freaks while they’re gone, which means I get to boss you around, so hurry up!” 
Sunny growled and Solitude hissed, subtly sliding Babbitt into her pocket and shaking her head. 
“Chabo and Euryale are all set to perform.” Lilac said, and then she put her hand on her hip, remembering her character. “The rest of us’ll be ready eventually.” 
“You’ll be ready now.” the Hook-Handed Man said. “Come on! People want to see the freaks!” 
He left, closing the door, and Hugo said, “Well, we better hurry up. We must always give people what they want, and that man wants us ready right away.” 
“We’ll help Euryale feed her snakes.” Lilac said. “She’s very good at catching bugs for them. Come on, Eur.” 
“Hiss!” hissed Soli, and the Baudelaires moved to the corner. 
“Do you think it’s possible?” Klaus whispered. “Do you think one of our parents is alive?” 
“I don’t know.” Violet said, picking up Sunny. “On one hand, it’s hard to believe Madame Lulu really has a magic crystal ball. But on the other, if she really did tell Olaf where we were every time…” 
“Do you think the Hook-Handed Man could’ve been lying?” Lilac asked. “To see if we reacted? Maybe they’re suspicious of us.” 
“He’s not much of a liar.” Nick said, staring hard at the ground. “Of all the henchpeople, he was… probably the nicest. He actually taught Isadora and me some poetry once while he was guarding. He sucks at lying, too, so Duncan could find out some stuff from him.” 
Klaus gripped his hand again, and Lilac said, “That doesn’t mean Madame Lulu’s crystal ball works.” 
“Tent.” Solitude said, grabbing onto Nick’s leg. 
“You’re right, Sunny.” Violet said. “We’ll need to break into her tent after the show, while she’s still gone.” 
“What are you all whispering about?” Kevin asked. “Are you talking about how freakish we all are?” 
“No.” Lilac said, turning around and rolling her eyes. “We were just talking about Madame Lulu’s crystal ball. It sounds wild. Do you actually believe in this fortune-teller shit?” 
“Well, Madame Lulu wants people to believe it,” Colette said, “So why shouldn’t we?”  
Hugo grabbed a coat off of a rack and said, “We should probably get out there. We want to put on a good show, don’t we?” 
“Debatable.” Sunny said. 
“What’d Chabo say?” Colette asked. 
Quickly, Klaus said, “She didn’t say anything. She just yipped.” 
Sunny smiled and yipped, and then they all made their way out of the caravan. Their coworkers led them to a large tent with the House of Freaks label, where the Hook-Handed Man stood with Esme; both of them looked very impatient. 
“Get inside and put on a good show!” said the Hook-Handed Man. 
“Or I’m allowed to use this on you!” Esme said, holding out something long and damp. “It’s a tagliatelle grande.” 
“What’s a tagliatelle grande?” Colette asked. 
“It’s an italian noodle.” Klaus said, gripping very tightly onto Nick’s hand as his brother tried very hard not to freeze up. 
“That’s right, freak!” Esme said. “If you don’t give the people what they want, I’m allowed to hit you with the tagliatelle grande, which I’ve heard is an unpleasant and somewhat sticky experience.” 
“Don’t worry, ma’am.” Hugo said. “We’re professionals.” 
“Good.” the Hook-Handed Man said. “Now get in and put on a show, freaks.” 
The group made their way into the tent, where there was quite a lot of space. A small wooden stage was in the center, with a few folding chairs placed on it, underneath a banner that read House of Freaks. The White-Faced Woman were in the corner selling beverages, and there were about seven or eight people walking around and waiting for the show. 
The Hook-Handed Man pushed past them, starting to speak as the coworkers rushed towards the stage. 
“Esteemed audience!” he shouted. “Hurry up and buy your delicious cold beverages, because the House of Freaks show is about to begin!” 
“These beverages are warm.” said a confused woman, as the Baudelaires slowly found their own seats; Chabo and Euryale were made to sit on the floor. 
“Wow, look at that feak!” giggled a man. “He’s got hooks instead of hands!” 
“I’m not one of the freaks, I work here at the carnival!” said the Hook-Handed Man. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” the man said. “But maybe if you had a pair of realistic hands, no one would make that mistake.” 
“It’s rude to comment on other people’s appearances.” said the Hook-Handed Man. “Now, everyone, go mock the freaks! Look at Hugo! Instead of a regular back, he has a big hump that makes him look very freakish!” 
“That’s true!” said someone, and the audience gathered around the stage. 
The show was about as bad as the Baudelaires had expected. Hugo was made to try and put on a coat, struggling to wear one that had definitely not been tailored to fit him as the audience laughed. Then Olaf’s henchman tossed an ear of corn on the stage, and Klaus and Nick struggled to eat it, to everyone’s amusement. Colette was forced to twist her body into unusual shapes, and Soli hissed at the audience and made it look like her snake hair was moving, and Kevin wrote his name with both his left and right hands, and Lilac and Violet showed off their tattoos and burns, and Sunny growled and barked at the audience. 
When the show finished, and the freaks ducked back into their caravan, Violet said, “This place is a shithole.” 
“Agreed.” Lilac huffed, glaring at the ceiling. 
“Shit!” Sunny agreed, from where she sat; she had climbed onto the counter beside the stove, and was looking over the hot chocolate Hugo was preparing. 
“It’s awful.” Klaus said. “I hate being stared and laughed at.” 
“How can people think a burn like this is funny?” Violet asked. “Or Babydoll’s tattoos? Or Janus and Elliot eating an ear of corn?” 
“If people thought dropping an ear of corn was funny,” Nick snapped, “They should stay home and drop it themselves.” 
“Well, if it’s what the people want-” Colette said. 
“Why do you stay here?” Lilac asked. 
“Why don’t you want to stay here?” Kevin asked. “There’s nowhere else for freaks like us to go.” 
“Of course there is.” Violet said. “Lot of people are ambidextrous, Kevin. There are ambidextrous florists and air traffic controllers, and all sorts of things.” 
“You think so?” Kevin asked. 
“Of course.” Klaus said. “And it’s the same with contortionists and hunchbacks.” 
“You could find some job where people didn’t think you were freakish at all.” Lilac added. 
“I’m not sure.” Hugo said from the stove, turning around and carrying a tray of hot chocolate. “I think someone with two heads or an obvious scar would be freakish wherever they go. We’re freaks, whether we like it or not.” 
“But-” Lilac began. 
“Let’s just forget our troubles and play dominoes.” Hugo said, putting the tray down. “This hot chocolate is a little different today. Chabo added some cinnamon.” 
The Baudelaires looked up, surprised. “Chabo added it?” Lilac asked. 
“Yes.” Hugo said. “At first I thought it was a freaky wolf recipe, but it tastes very good.” 
“That was a clever idea, Chabo.” Klaus said, looking down as Sunny crawled over. 
Sunny shrugged. “Amme,” she said, which meant, “It’s simple, it just works well with chocolate flavors. Mint or Coconut would’ve worked, too.” 
Lilac looked ready to cry, and Violet said, “Thank you, Chabo,” in a very soft voice. 
“You should be proud of yourself.” Hugo agreed. “If you weren’t a freak, Chabo, you could be an excellent chef.” 
“She’ll be an excellent chef anyway.” Nick said, smiling slightly. 
Violet sighed, and then said, “Why don’t we take this hot chocolate outside? I wanted to peek into the gift caravan.” 
“That sounds like a great idea.” Klaus said. “I think Janus and I will accompany you, if Janus doesn’t mind.” 
“I always found hot chocolate to be an outdoor beverage.” Nick said. 
“Well, don’t take too long.” Colette said. “We’re not supposed to wander around the carnival.” 
“We’ll just drink our hot chocolate and come right back.” Violet said. 
“I’ll go with them, to make sure these nerds don’t get into any trouble.” Lilac stood up, stretching. “Come on, Euryale, your snakes can bite them if they wander off.” 
But as they started to leave, they heard a low rumble, and Nick immediately grabbed onto Klaus’s arm and let out a nervous gasp that was, thankfully, missed in the noise. 
“That sounds like the car of that Count.” Kevin said. “He must be back.” 
“What’s that other sound?” Colette asked. 
They paused and listened, and then heard a roar. 
“Oh shit.” Lilac said. 
They all ran out of the caravan, and looked ahead to see Count Olaf’s automobile stopping right by the House of Freaks’s tent, with a small trailer attached to the end, carrying a large metal cage. Count Olaf and Madame Lulu got out of the car, gesturing dramatically to the cage behind them. 
Thee trailer was filled with lions, and it was so packed that the children were unable to count them. They were clawing at the bars and roaring and trying to rock the trailer. Count Olaf took a whip from his pocket, hitting it against the trailer until the lions quieted. 
“Freaks and normal people!” Olaf announced. “Caligari Carnival is proud to announce the arrival of these fierce lions, who will be used in a new attraction!” 
He turned towards the Baudelaires, flashing them his wicked smile, and Lilac quickly stepped in front of Nick so that nobody could see him shake. 
“These lions will be the most exciting thing at Caligari Carnival!” he shouted. 
Hugo, Colette and Kevin emerged from the trailer, walking over to the Baudelaires. “What’s going on?” Hugo asked. 
“Something bad.” Klaus answered, and Solitude hissed sadly and leaned up against him. 
“You see,” Olaf said, addressing the small crowd of people that had started to gather, “Lions are carnivorous, which means they eat meat-” 
“We know that.” Klaus muttered. 
“-and here at Caligari Carnival, they’ll have the finest meat we have to offer.” Olaf walked over to the freaks, and Lilac resisted the urge to push her siblings behind her. As Sunny growled, Olaf said, “These freaks aren’t like normal people, so their lives are depressing and meaningless. They’ll be happy to exhibit themselves in the name of entertainment.” 
“That is our job.” Colette said. 
“For you see,” Olaf said, “We’re not going to feed these lions regular meals, so they’ll be very hungry for tomorrow’s show. Each day, instead of a show at the House of Freaks, we’ll randomly choose one freak and watch the lions devour them.” 
The Baudelaires and Hugo, Colette and Kevin all stood in horrified silence as the audience let out a cheer. 
“The fun begins tomorrow!” Olaf said. “See you then!” 
The audience dispersed, talking excitedly amongst themselves, and the Hook-Handed Man and Esme approached. “Wow, you were right, boss.” said the Hook-Handed Man. “Things are about to get much better here.” 
“Of course he was right, please.” said Madame Lulu. “He is a brilliant and brave and generous man, please. He thought of lion show, and hit lions with whip, please, and gave lions to Lulu.” 
“He gave those lions to you?” Esme asked, suddenly seeming very upset. “What did you get me?” 
Olaf pause. “Um, nothing. But you can share my whip, if you’d like.” 
“He gave lions to me, please,” Lulu smirked at Esme, “Because of my wonderful fortune-telling.” 
“You should really get your fortune told sometime, Esme. It’s quite impressive.” Olaf said. “We entered the tent and turned off all the lights, and the crystal ball hummed, and then magical lightning crackled above us, and when I closed my eyes and concentrated, Lulu told me that one of the Baudelaire parents is alive and hiding in the Mortmain Mountains. First thing tomorrow morning, she will tell me where the Baudelaires are.” 
Esme turned to give Lulu a dark glare. “And what sort of gift will you give her, then?” 
“Be reasonable, dear,” Olaf said, “The lions will make the Carnival more popular, so Madame Lulu can devote her time to fortune-telling, and we can steal the fortune of the Baudelaires.” 
“Um, excuse me?” said Hugo hesitantly. “Is there a way we can make the carnival more popular without feeding us to lions?” 
“Yeah, I’m not too thrilled about that part.” Lilac agreed, reaching to grab Violet’s hand. 
“Oh, please,” Olaf rolled his eyes. “You all saw the crowd. They can’t wait for you to be devoured by lions. Return to the freaks’ caravan until tomorrow. The rest of us will start digging the lion pit. Let’s do it over by the roller coaster.” 
“I will show you, please, where we keep the shovels.” Lulu said. 
“I’m not going to dig a pit!” Esme said. “I need to talk to my boyfriend alone!” 
“Well, alright.” Olaf said. “Let’s go to the guest caravan.” 
“And I’ll show you where the other henchpeople are,” said the Hook-Handed Man, holding out a hook for Madame Lulu. “They’ll be very excited, they love displays of violence.” 
Once they all wandered off, the Baudelaires stared at their coworkers, trying to think of something to say. 
“Well, maybe we can think of a way to not get eaten.” Colette said. 
“Or we could play another game of dominoes.” Hugo said. 
“Um, we’ll… we’ll be inside once we finish our hot chocolate.” Violet said. 
“You might as well enjoy it.” Kevin shrugged. “You might not have any ever again.” 
He turned and followed Hugo and Colette back into the caravan, and once he’d shut the door with both hands, Nick said what they were all thinking. 
“What the fuck?” 
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apsychrenegade · 7 years
Vive Latino 2018
Los días 17 y 18 de marzo de 2018 se llevará a cabo la 19 edición del Festival Vive Latino y con ello un sinfín de emociones y buenos momentos musicales del rock en español y sus vertientes.
El Vive Latino 2018 está en camino. Los pormenores, detalles y actividades que formarán y albergarán parte del encuentro, que de entrada ya tiene fechas confirmadas, se darán a conocer más adelante, se informó en un comunicado de prensa.
Vive Latino es una expresión de sentir y vivir, es una religión que con el paso de los años se ha transformado para bien más de una vez y ha mutado en varias ocasiones de piel, todo para dar y ofrecer lo mejor de sí.
Con las fechas confirmadas el público ya podrá prepararse para una fiesta llena de color, de aroma, de sentido, de distracción y de convivir con las diferentes tribus urbanas que se dan cita en cada edición, donde la hermandad emana y se convierte en un grito al unísono de «¡Vive Latino!».
Gorillaz y Molotov son los dos nombres que más suenan para estar en la cartelera del Vive Latino 2018.
El Vive Latino 2018 se celebrará 18 y 19 de marzo en el Foro Sol, y el pasado lunes 6 de noviembre se abrió una venta especial para fans. En esta se podían adquirir abonos generales o platino a precios preferenciales de 2050 y 2,550 pesos respectivamente (aunque todavía no sabemos cuáles son los precios oficiales).
El martes 7 de noviembre se han dado a conocer los precios de los boletos en la fase 2, así como el cartel oficial.
Compra tu boleto
Ediciones anteriores
Comienzan los preparativos para la celebración del Vive Latino 2018. El Circuito Indio da el pistoletazo de salida a la futura edición del festival.
Cuatro semanas, cuatro conciertos, doce ciudades, ciento cuarenta y cuatro artistas es lo que será Circuito Indio, quienes retoman la idea que alguna vez tuvo Rockampeonato al llevar de gira a la República Mexicana a gran parte de artistas emergentes, solo que aquí no hay una competencia entre bandas nuevas, sino que trata de llevar a todos los rincones estas propuestas.
Los organizadores en conferencia de prensa, dijeron que Circuito Indio es una respuesta al apoyo que los clubs han hecho para ir formando artistas que en algun momento podrían convertirse en headliners del Vive Latino, por lo que apoyarán a todas las doce plazas en la República con equipo y logística para que todas las bandas tengan solo que preocuparse por su actuación y no por cuestiones técnicas que siempre atraviesan.
Estos son los foros y ciudades que formarán parte de Circuito Indio:
Foro Indie Rocks @ CDMX Doppler @ Texcoco Landó @ Toluca The Pit @ Cuernavaca Cactux / Tezla @ Morelia Foro Independencia @ Guadalajara La Glotonería @ Querétaro Road House @ San Luis Potosí Maybach Concert Hall @ León Dunkhelheit @ Pachuca Txalaparta @ Oaxaca
Habrá varios ciclos en Circuito Indio:
Ciclo 1: del 11 de mayo al 3 de junio
Jumbo con Thermo Descartes a Kant con Golden Ganga Kill Aniston con Canseco y Sputnik Los Daniels con Serbia Novedades Carminha con San Pedro El Cortez Pato Machete con Dharius Blackvoid con Les Deuxluxes Sonido San Francisco con La Furia con Lujuria Sonidera Costera con Salvador y el Unicornio Madame Recamier con Los Impacientes y Luis Tolidos
Ciclo 2: del 8 de junio al 1 de julio
Carla Morrison con Jandro The Plastics Revolution con Los Románticos de Zacatecas Nunca jamás con Monos Piratas Arianna Puello con Rap Komunion Yokozuna con Sexy Zebras La Sucursal de la Cumbia con Digital Charanga Joliette con HKBO Candy con Vaya Futuro Sotomayor con Mylko Jessy Bulbo con Carmen Costa Esteman
Ciclo 3: del 6 de julio al 29 de julio
Ciclo 4: del 31 de agosto al 23 de Septiembre
Ciclo 5: del 28 de septiembre 28 al 21 de octubre
Ciclo 6: del 26 de Octubre al 18 de noviembre
Ciclo 7: del 23 de Noviembre al 16 de diciembre
Venta de boletos en la app oficial y e-Ticket a partir del próximo miércoles 3 de mayo. Los boletos comenzarán desde los $120.
Fuente: Me Hace Ruido
El Vive Latino 2017, se celebrará los días 18 y 19 de marzo en el Foro Sol de la Ciudad de México. El festival tiene que confirmar aún horarios.
El Festival Iberoamericano de Cultura Musical Vive Latino (Vive Latino, el Vive) es un festival de rock y diversos géneros musicales alternativos que se realiza anualmente desde 1998 (excepto 1999 y 2002) en el Foro Sol de la Ciudad de México, organizado por OCESA.
A la fecha cuenta con 17 ediciones celebradas. En el 2017, el Vive cumplirá su decimoctava edición. A lo largo de cada una de éstas se han presentado agrupaciones musicales consolidadas en el gusto masivo, así como bandas emergentes y con una menor difusión comercial.
Como su nombre lo indica, el festival centra su atención en la participación de músicos latinoamericanos; sin embargo, paulatinamente se ha ido incorporando la participación de grupos y solistas invitados provenientes de otras regiones del mundo y en otros idiomas.
El crecimiento y consolidación del Vive Latino lo convierten hoy en día en el festival de rock más importante de Latinoamérica. De esta forma, el VL es la sede obligada de los músicos más reconocidos de esta región para exponer sus sonidos ante más de 70 mil espectadores promedio por día.
A partir del 2009 se implementó la Carpa Intolerante, espacio favorable para que los asistentes tengan la oportunidad de conocer bandas que de otra manera pasarían desapercibidas, algunas por tener una trayectoria importante, pero corta o reciente, y otras por su carácter underground o alternativo. Los sonidos de esta carpa están abiertos a fusiones, jazz, rock progresivo, experimentos sonoros, etc.
El festival es también una muestra de arte urbano, graffiti, propuestas escénicas, expresiones artísticas emergentes. Cuenta con la presencia desde el comienzo de sus ediciones con el espacio Tianguis Cultural del Chopo como uno de los elementos emblemáticos del ambiente que rodea al festival.
Entre las bandas que destacan como principales está la agrupación argentina Babasónicos -quienes ya han participado en varias ediciones del festival, los Caligaris, Enanitos Verdes, Hombres G, el músico británico de indie folk Jake Bugg, la cantante mexicana Julieta Venegas, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs -una de las agrupaciones que se ha presentado en más ocasiones en este festival-, Rancid y Prohepts of Rage.
Otras banbas que se unen son Ataque 77, El cuarteto de Nos, Inspector, Kinky, La Sonora Santanera, La Tremenda Korte, Little Jesus, Mexican Dubwiser, quienes se han colocado en los favoritos del público mexicano con varios años de trayectoria. Desde España, además de Hombres G, actuarán: Carlos Sadness, Celtas Cortos, La Pegatina, Novedades Carminha e Izal.
Este año aún no se conocen las bandas que pisarán las tablas del Foro Sol.
Ya conocemos algunos horarios del Vive Latino 2017:
Estos son los horarios Vive Latino 2017:
Sábado 18 de marzo
Carpa Doritos 13:55 / Tessa ia 14:55 / JotDog 16:00 / Izal 17:15 / Meme 18:45 / Little Jesus 20:25 / The Pretty Reckless 22:10 / Foxygen
Carpa Intolerante 13:30 / El General Paz & La Triple Frontera 14:15 / Out of Control Army 15:05 / Crew Peligrosos 15:55 / Burning Caravan 16:45 / Wakrat 17:40 / Novedades Carminha 18:30 / Xixa 19:25 / Shoot The Radio 20:25 / Beta 21:25 / Candy 22:25 / El Zombie 23:25 / Fanko
Domingo 19 de marzo
Carpa Doritos 14:00 / Árbol de Ojos 15:10 / Orkesta Mendoza 16:20 / Lng/Sht 17:35 / Seis Pistos 18:55 / Javier Corcobado 20:25 / Marky Ramone 22:10 / Dolores de Huevos 23:55 / Moonspell
Carpa Intolerante 13:30 / Mexican Juligans 14:15 / Los Veltons 15:05 / Akasha 15:55 / Los Desenchufados 16:40 / Jazmín Solar 17:30 / Chingadazo de Kung Fu 18:25 / Juana La Rodillona 19:20 / Orquesta 24 Cuadros 20:15 / Monocordio 21:20 / Neón 22:30 / Los Rayobacks 23:30 / Faauna
La venta de boletos ya comenzó el 3 y 4 de noviembre con una venta especial, donde la Fase 1 se vendió en $1,050 el abono general y $1,415 el abono platino, los cuales ya están agotados.
Ahora se encuentran en la Fase 4, donde el abono general (2 días) cuesta $1,468 y el abono platino (2 días) está agotado.. Esta terminará hasta que se agoten los boletos destinados a esta fase.
Habrá tres fases más, donde los boletos irán desde los $1,300 a los $1,900 en abono general.
from El Ukelele http://ift.tt/2j5ZlAp via IFTTT
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