sadclowncentral · 9 months
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[ID: Excerpt from The Picture if Dorian Gray: "The painter's absurd fits of jealousy, his wild devotion, his extravagant panegyrics, his curious reticences—he understood them all now, and he felt sorry. There seemed to him to be something tragic in a friendship so coloured by romance." //End ID]
just shoot me in the head next time oscar wilde how about that
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youngpoetblog · 4 years
My heart has been broken so many times
I've been thorn apart like a gripped old cloth
My faith has been tested
I've been tortured
I have cried and i have suffered silently all of my life
I only learnt to share my pain with only my inner self
But Dear Lord I AM Ready
I am ready to let it all out
Yes I am ready to forgive and it’s time for me to let go,
Of all the aches and pain that’s making me feel low,
I need for you to help me move on and rise above,
All of the negativity that’s suppressing my spirit of love,
You told me that I must forgive in order to be free,
But how can I forget the sharp blades that were deliberately
carved in me,
I know anything is possible, although difficult to overcome,
But if you can forgive, and still love me after all that I have done,
I’m willing and I’m ready to be a better person and cast,
The accumulation of negativity right back in the past!
Jesus my LOVE...
My heart is your home
So let your love take control
Your words make my heart smile...
Your gaze make my heart range with your desiire
Your touch is the pillar of my confidence
In your palms, my heary is made calm.
I searched for what would soothe me like the knowledge of your love does...
Oh lord i didnt find
I searched for what would drive me crazy like your word does...
But still i didn't find
I searched for what would challenge my morality like your power does...
Still i found not
Then i found that you had mysteriously drilled me into the well of your light
How do u do it Jesus when you call my name
Its like my world reshuffles at the mention of your name
You created the world and authorised me as a god
Your beautiful hand created everything and put me at the Top
People deny you LORD that you are all in all
That YOU'RE the truth and the light
You don't speak in vain
And your ever faithfulness proves that you're the Greatest of all
That you're bigger than the biggest
That you're wiser than the wisest and
And that you're stronger than the strongest
Out of your mercy you gave me a taste of the reality of your Love
LORD if the stars were made to worship you why can't I
And if creation sings your praises then i will too
Open my eyes Messiah to see the things that makes you cry
Break down my pride and all the walls that were build here inside
Now lord i am ready lets wine and dine in your love
Lord i am ready
Take my hand precious Jesus
I have heard a song say
But when you tried to do as much
I went another way
I asked you to lead me to the right
And when you did just that
I walked and take the left
Because i wanted to fulfill my destiny
My purpose on this earth
But how wiĺl i ever do that if i dont consult
You first
Lord i am READY
So lead me i will follow, i have said that so many times
But my own way and my own choices
Have left me empty and hollow
Lord i am ready
So take my hand Precious Lord
I come in all my simplicity
Please listen i am asking you once again
I'll give you all of me this time
I will surrender my whole being to you
I will lay my life if thats what it takes just for you
I Am Ready
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