killuaisaprincess · 2 years
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #174
“Digital Communion”
-The seed seems to shiver a little-
[Doc] woah! Did anyone else feel that? - in chat- Deerheart? Are you okay?
[Deer] Her response is very garbled in the chat-
-After a few moments the bar door opens and Flux helps guide a woozy Deer inside-
[Doc] practically runs to her to check her - Deerheart!? What happened?!
[Flux] - She asked me to teach her some more things, we started with reaching the heart of the server, the piece which she comes from
[Doc] Is it a physical thing or a mental place? - xe hold Deerheart gently, smoothing her hair.
[Flux] - Both, she can reach it mentally, but it also exists physically
[Notch] okay, now I'm curious, what does it look like?
[Jeb] is just staring at the newcomers in shock
[Flux] - It's her...  She is a piece of the heart, the physical piece, but it also exists throughout the entirety of the seed thus why she's able to reach it mentally
[Deer] Slumps against Doc-
[Doc] Helps her to sit down- did you get a bad connection my love?
[Deer] Manages to shake her head a little and mumbles something-
[Flux] - It's always a bit overwhelming when one first reconnects with the heart
[Yaunfen] Peaks out from behind Flux's skirt-
[Doc] tell me how to help, anything!
[Notch] must be like a mystical illumination...
[Flux] - She just needs some food and rest, that's all
[Yaunfen] Squeaks and bats at Doc's leg-
[Sam] runs off to start a pot of soup for her-
[Doc] picks up the baby dragon and cuddles them before setting them on the table next to hir.
[Yaunfen] Sniffs the bar top-
[Flux] Steps back from Deer to give her and Doc space-
[Jeb] what on earth is that? And why does she have antlers?!
[Lie] Hisses at Jeb a little- Rude!
[Jeb] a just kind of mumbling to himself, he's more then a little stressed out.
[Flux] Notices Stevie and briefly has a disappointed expression-
[Notch] is just shaking his head- that's the irony, he makes video games, but he's no good at handling stressful situations.
[Flux] Looks at Jeb with a frown- Who is he?
[Notch] that's Jeb, he was a huge part of the creation of the Minecraft game itself. Cp dragged him in as his idea of a joke.
[Flux] Sighs in disappointment- He used to be so much nicer
[Doc] takes a bowl of warm soup from Sam and tries to entice Deerheart to eat a spoonful
[Deer] Opens her mouth-
[Notch] What's the saying? We're all nice to begin with, but what we are when the worlds done screwing us over is a totally different thing. Something like that
[Doc] Gently feeds hir mate, holding her close
[Flux] - I do not know that saying...
[CP] Yawns and snuggles in closer to his mate-
[Jeb] sneaks another taco and chews sullenly
[Notch] So.... What can one do when they achieve the union Deerheart was attempting?
[Flux] - They can sense everything on the seed, correct minor errors with little to no thought, it basically is a better way of being able to maintain the other part of us
[Doc] pulls out a gem for Yaunfen to nom on as well, offering it in pinched fingers
[Yaunfen] Squeaks and rushes over to it only to trip and face plant-
[Notch] but.... Does being better connected make it harder to come and go out of it?
[Doc] freezes at his words, and then helps the baby dragon up. Listening intently.
[Flux] - Not at all, I'm still connected to mine, it becomes nearly sub conscious to deal with
[Jeb] Perks up a little at Flux's voice and looks at Notch. - So? She's your crush huh? She is pretty.
[Notch] SHUT UP!
[Flux] - Crush?
[Notch] Sputters in embarassment-
[Doc] It means he likes you Flux.
[Flux] - Oh?  Well I am amicable towards him as well...
[CP] Snickers-
{Notch] Is blushing a lot.
[Flux] - Are you alright?  You've turned bright red- She reaches forwards to feel his forehead
[Notch] Makes an involuntary happy noise as he's touched.
[Lie] Bats at CP for snickering-
[Doc] Is trying to think of a way to clarify things for Flux and failing. Xe settles for tending to Deerheart.
[Sam] Talks to Flux in his skeleton tongue- He wishes to be your mate.
[Flux] Tilts head curiously- Mate?  I do not understand...
[Sam] Makes a rather bawdy gesture involving a single finger and two others formed into a circle
[Notch] SAM!!! [He understood that part well enough]
[Flux] Is still confused-
[Stevie] - Wait...  Do you not know what sex is?  I thought you were close with our father though...
[Jeb] Man... she is oblivious.
[Doc] Flux? You do have normal anatomy right?
[Flux] - I was your father's companion and confidant, that was all.  Although we were close.  And I'm not sure?  I was the only female there...
[Doc] I think I should give you a check up then. Some time soon. And maybe have a talk with you. Or you can talk to TLOT.
[Flux] - Why would I need to have a talk with TLOT?
[Doc] Yeeeah.... I think this needs to happen. - Starts typing in chat-
[Jeb] Wait, you're calling my brine?
[Lie] - He's not your brine
[Notch] He's not yours dipshit!
[Jeb] You all have the same name, how am I supposed to clarify it!?
[Lie] - The nicknames you ass!  He's TLOT, my mate is CP, there's another who's GK, and our newest is NK!
[Jeb] smaller voice, since he's essencially being yelled at by an angry cat- oh, uh yeah....
[CP] Yet another proud little purr at how his mate is acting-
-There's a litte bamf of someone tping slightly outside-
[Lie] Perks at the noise-
[TLOT] Throws the door open and stands there silhouetted with Steve peeking over his shoulder- He's here?
[Lie] - Unfortunately, blame my mate
[Jeb] Holy.... [He's a bit scarier when you're on ground level]
[CP] Is once again snickering-
[TLOT] Push him up please. I want to talk face to face.
[CP] - Can't, I'm a cat
[Notch] Just don't kill him, okay?
[TLOT] I won't kill him.
[Notch] Muscles Jeb out of the booth and to his feet.
[Jeb] Is having a really hard time as he's avoiding TLOT's eyes but trying not to stare at the rest of him.
[CP] Is grinning widely watching all of this-
[TLOT] Is holding a small diamond item in his hands. With a gesture he force equipts a diamond helm on Jeb- This is for giving me to the Testificates to raise. It's not entirely your fault they were idiots.
[Jeb] whimpers-
[TLOT] He pulls out a chestplate and does the same with it as well. - This is for giving me my powers back. I'm not ungrateful.
[Jeb] Well.. uh...
[TLOT] And this is for trapping me WITH THAT FUCKING NIGHTMARE OF A NOTCH-  He hauls back and punches Jeb directly in the chest nearly shattering the chestplate and sending him flying into the wall by the dartboards.
[Jeb] Shouts as he's hit and then just groans on the floor.
[CP] Is laughing so hard he falls off the table-
[Steve] Makes a diving catch for Cp and grabs him in a hug before he hits-
[CP] Hisses at Steve, but still grinning in mirth at what he just witnessed-
[Notch] Runs to check on Jeb.
[Lie] Stretches and moves closer to TLOT-
[TLOT] Is huffing a bit, his little nostrils are visible as he puffs in diminishing temper.
[Lie] Purrs at TLOT and gently bats at him, looking as adorable as she can-
[TLOT] Gives her a gentle rub around the ears.
[Doc] Feel better?
[TLOT] Yes, actually.
[Jeb] Ooowwwww.
[Notch] You're lucky he armored you first... I think he would have punched a hole in your chest otherwise.
[Lie] Decides to just jump up onto TLOT's shoulders-
[Steve] At Cp,- who's a happy cat? Such a giggly little shit.
[CP] - Fucking Nether that was hilarious...  Now let me go
[TLOT] Just adjusts his stance to keep her steady, between armor and cloak it's not like she's clawing him.
[Steve] Gives Cp a bit of a ear rub and a chin scratch, but does put him back on the table-
[Jeb] Does someone have a little white flag I can wave?
[CP] Looks at his mate-Why are you up there?
[Lie] - Because TLOT is warm
[Stevie] There's gotta be a dirty rag around here maybe?
[TLOT] She looks appropriately regal there, I'm in favor of it.
[Sam] Humph. - throws a white dish towel at Jeb-
[CP] Growls a little, remembering the coronation stuff he needs to do-
[Jeb] Makes an effort to wave it - I give up...
[Notch] Good plan.
[CP] Goes over to where Jeb is and jumps down, landing right on Jeb's bladder before sauntering towards the bar-
[Jeb] Arrrgh!
[Lie] - I still wanna pee on him...
[Notch] Pffft! Cp!
[CP] - Shut it Notch
[Jeb] Can I go home please? I feel like I got run over by a bus....
[Sam] Saunters over with a bottle of rum and holds it out to Jeb.
[Notch] well, you did want to drink with me.
[CP] Takes the opportunity to jump up onto the shelves behind the bar where all the bottles are-
[Jeb] Takes the bottle and turns it side to side, watching the translucent cubes tumble around in it. Before taking an unsteady swig.
[Sam] Watching Cp anxiously-
[CP] Just wanders through the bottles-
[Steve] If you want something I'll get it for you Cp.
[CP] - Nope
[Stevie] - Brother why?
[TLOT] Is calm now and looks around before doing a double take at the familiar voice. - Stevie?
[Stevie] - Yeah?
[Steve] Just grabs Stevie in a hug- I'm so glad you're okay!
[Stevie] - Er... Um, yeah
[Steve] Gonna miss playing kid-type games with you, but you're still welcome to come hang out with us anytime.
[Stevie] - Got it!
[TLOT] It was a terrible circumstance, but I'm glad you're healed.
[Stevie] - Yeah, it's kinda weird.  It's like I have a double set of memories right now because I've now technically had two childhoods
[Steve] Never had one myself, but it looked pretty fun.
[Stevie] - Yeah, it really kinda is...
[TLOT] There's nothing to stop you doing kid stuff if you want to my lamb. Perhaps we should transform the lab into a pillow fort and tell ghost stories over cocoa or something.
[CP] Makes barfing sounds behind the bottles-
[Sam] Goes right to him to make sure he isn't really puking-
[CP] Has a smug expression as he looks right back at Sam-
[Jeb] Looks more then a little drunk. He waves his arms around a bit and Notch helps him up with a patient roll of his beady black eyes.
[Flux] - Will he be alright?
[Notch] Yeah. He's just drunk.
[Jeb] Is slurring a bit and staggers over to TLOT. - Dammm.... man... I'm sorry... you get so, it looks different from above it all, fuck it... punch my ass again. I deserve it...
[TLOT] Flatly- no.
[CP] - If Lie turns me back I will
[TLOT] You'll be naked and knock his head off. That seems extreme on both counts. I think he's had enough. I'm sure you've been torturing him all day or Lie wouldn't have turned you into a cat again.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Lie] - No I did that as soon as I found out he brought Jeb into the server
[Notch] Doc was mean to him as well.
[Doc] Hey!
[Jeb] At Doc - I gotta give it to ya.... I don't know how the fuck you managed to break into and outta that seed....
[Doc] smug -Just my nature.
[TLOT] With a dollop of desperate panic on both ends.
[Lie] -  This also being the very person who managed to find me, an actual human stuck in the game
[Doc] Is making just the tiniest noise that might actually be a purrr.
[CP] - And who has the annoying habit of just dragging people off
[Jeb] At Doc- What the fuck are you...?
[Doc] Almost proudly- No clue.
[Flux] Is looking at the bottles behind the bar-
[TLOT] So uh.... Flux... Doc said you needed some basic education?
[Flux] - Hm?  I'm not certain I do, but they say so...
[TLOT] Why don't you come with me for a few minutes? Just over here-
[Doc] Don't go downstairs. Jewel is sleeping.
[TLOT] It's okay-guides Flux around the corner.
[Notch] Gets up to go back to the others and give them a bit of privacy.
[Doc] Is whispering sweet nothings to Deerheart.
[Flux] Watches TLOT with interest-
[TLOT] Do you mind if I just give you a mental download of the basics?
[Flux] - Oh, I suppose you could...
[TLOT] well I don't want to be invasive and it will be quicker too.
[Lie] Is too lazy to move from his shoulder-
[Flux] - Then please, go ahead
[TLOT] Makes a quick file detailing sexual dimorphisim in humans and what he knows about Testificate genders as well for good measure. Then proper instructions on basic sex, plus oral, and anal. He finishes it with some image files he keeps for reference. Most are illustrations from the kama sutra or realistic fanart from the internet. Then he uploads it all to Flux
[Lie] Catches parts of it and becomes a bright little ball of light on TLOT's shoulder-
[Flux] Her cheeks flush a slightly darker purple as she registers what she's seeing- Oh, and...  This is what Notch wishes to do...  With me?
[TLOT] Well I think he'd like to at least date you first. He seems like the type to want an actual loving relationship like Doc has with Deerheart.
[Flux] - I see...
[TLOT] Just think about it, it's perfectly okay if it's not appealing to you. Most of the Alex's dont have any sex drive at all. It's not a prerequiste or anything.
[Flux] - I will take it into consideration
[Lie] - Whyyyyyyy?  Why did I catch sight of that?
[TLOT] Because my psychic senses are really strong and you're right next to my head? Besides, it's nothing you didn't already know right? We're all adults here.
[Lie] Little embarrassed noises as per the usual-
[TLOT] Pets her with a chuckle.
[Jeb] Is laying across the bar- bllllaaaaaaagh
[Notch] You're a mess...
[CP] Jumps down from the bar shelf and sneaks closer to Jeb-
[Jeb] Grabs Cp unexpectedly and whines at him - I'm soooorrrryyy. Please send me home....
[CP] Scratches- FUCKER LET GO!
[Jeb] Ooowww!
[Lie] - I hate to say it, but maybe we should give him a sobering flower?
[Notch] Just send him home drunk. Then he'll know it wasn't a dream or something.
[Lie] - Yes but wouldn't that make his wife suspicious?
[Notch] Damn... good point. I was trying to think of proof that won't last in any tangible way.
[CP] - Uh the bruise TLOT has rather obviously left on his chest?
[Notch] Oh...Yeah. Should be nearly a perfect square judging by that hit.
[Lie] Jumps down and spawns a sobering flower, she carries it in her teeth over to Jeb before dropping it in front of him- Eat it
[Jeb] small voice-  Can I go home if I eat it?
[Lie] - Yes
[Jeb] scarfs the nasty flower-
[Lie] Waits for it to take effect-
[Notch] No hard feelings man... but we all have axes to grind and things to protect.
[Jeb] Makes a miserable face. - I think I was happier drunk....
[CP] Yawns- Do I have to do this?
[Lie] - Yes CP!
[CP] - Fine, any last words asshole?
[Jeb] Swallows- I'm a terrible selfish ass? And I'm sorry for threatening  your Testificates? Uh... and thank you for killing that NOTCH?
[Doc] I'm glad that you've come to your senses on those things at least.
[CP] Rolls his eyes and looks at TLOT as if asking for the go ahead-
[TLOT] Puts a stern hand on Jebs shoulder and the smaller man cowers under his grip. - I know you have some small clout in what happens to the others. If you find any suffering brines, or more injured NOTCHs you tell us. Or else.
[Jeb] Understood. Wait... more?
[TLOT] Get him out of here Cp. If you please.
[CP] - Fine- He creates an opening and turns towards Jeb- Go through asshole!
[Jeb] Scrambles out - he stumbles as his resolution changes back and grabs at the desk on the other side to keep from falling. He looks back at the opening in disbelief, tracing the edges with fearful eyes.
[TLOT] We'll be watching you. So behave.
[Steve] Toodles!
[CP] Snaps the opening shut-
[Notch] I feel better already... gods he stresses me out...
[CP] - Well that was fun
[TLOT] Gives Cp an eyebrow. - I can tell. You're radiating happy.
[CP] - Shut up
[Deer] Starts stirring-
[Doc] Cradles her lovingingly. - Darling?
[Deer] - Mmmm, everything went really wonky...
[Doc] Wonky how? Like glitched out?
[Deer] - I don't know...  But it felt...  Complete?
[Notch] I can imagine... being one with an entire world?
[Deer] Snuggles closer to Doc- It was so brief though...
[Doc] Well considering that the whole place shook like a spaceship hitting an asteriod belt and you passed out, a little taste should be good enough for a first try. - Xe reaches over to give Yaunfen a little scritch.
[Deer] - I would have never thought to have tried if Flux hadn't mentioned it...
[Yaunfen] Trills around hir gem-
[Doc] Well, she is the expert...
[Notch] Is watching Flux a bit dreamily.
[Stevie] - Still seems odd that we never saw you Flux...
[Notch] Twitches suddenly in pain and sits down.
[Doc] Markus, are you okay?
[Flux] - Notch?
[CP] Looks over curiously-
[Stevie] Is quickly standing- Father?!
[Notch] I feel... bad.... kinda sick all of a sudden...
[Lie] Tilts head curiously- Like you keep getting little zaps of electricity?
[Notch] Winces - yes....
[Lie] - CP...  Has he been in long enough?
[CP] Shrugs- Probably?
[TLOT] Oh dear....
[Steve] It's time for that already?
[Stevie] - What are all of you talking about!?
[Notch] Ow ow ow... - slides to the floor and sits against the booth
[Lie] Jumps down and moves closer to Notch- CP, this is your area of expertise...
[CP] - Yeah but you were the first and ended up having TLOT turn you into a brine...  Plus I was pretty out of it when it actually happened...
[Notch] Has broken out in a cold sweat.
[TLOT] Do we want to....?
[Doc] that shouldn't be needed right? He'll be digital anyway?
[Steve] Doesn't just dying and becoming a digital ghost just make you a creepypasta?
[Lie] Curls up next to Notch to try and comfort him-
[Stevie] - Seriously!?  What is happening!?
[CP] - No, remember, Insanity is what defines a pasta, he'd have to acquire her through trauma at death or near death
[Deer] - Notch, can we get you anything?
[Doc] But you can exist without her. The Slenders don't have her specifically right? They can just hear her?
[CP] - Yeah, but she's still there for them...
[Doc] I'm out of my depth here...
[TLOT] Do we have somethign to cut the pain at least?
[Notch] Making little whimpers of agony-
[Lie] - I'd rather he not be turned into a pasta...
[Flux] - Or perhaps a way to speed up the process?
[Doc] You're the one that's made of magick, do you have any suggestions?
[Flux] - I've never seen or done anything like this though
[TLOT} But what else defines a pasta?
[CP] - The murderous intentions, the blood lust, and a lack of morals for the most part
[Flux] Kneels down close to Notch-
[Doc] Geeze Cp....
[Steve] Pulls a kitted throw from his inventory and puts it around Notch.
[Notch] Shivers from the pain-
[CP] - Look, considering my plan was to just let Lie ride it out and naturally turn digital...  Well yeah...
[Stevie] Also kneels by Notch- Father?- He's genuinely worried, especially since Notch had just promised that he would be the last father Stevie and CP would ever have
[Notch] Takes Stevies hand and clenches it desperately-
[Doc] Lie can you makes something for pain control?
[Lie] - I can try?- She starts with her basic healing flower and starts thinking about pain itself
[Flux] Brushes Notch's hair out of his face-
[Notch] Is sweating and clenching his teeth.
[TLOT] Maybe I can use my suggestion to numb it a bit? - Starts feeding Notch a repeating order to not feel the pain-
[Notch] Is still hurting but a bit less-
[Lie] Is worried as she watches her healing flower curl in on itself-
[Flux] Motions for Sam to give her a cool rag-
[Doc] Can you even tell me what's actually happing Cp?
[Sam] Obliges with a bowl of them -
[Flux] Lays a cool rag on Notch's forehead-
[CP] Sighs- In short, his body is fighting itself.  He's been fine because his human physical self has been the stronger part, but now he's almost at the point of being more digital than physical so the physical part is fighting to maintain it's dominance
[TLOT] Could we give him a transfusion to speed it up?
[CP] - You could try, I have no idea if it will work or not though, Lie was the first time I attempted it and you kinda just switched her over
[TLOT] I volunteer, who else will give?
[Doc] Me.
[Steve] I'm in.
[Lie] - I will as well
[Stevie] - Same with me
[Doc] Cp...? Just a little bit? You're a very strong brine after all.
[CP] Grumbles- Whyyyyyyyyyy?
[Doc] You'll get to see me bleed him dry in return, isn't that enough?
[Notch] Just knock me out... please...
[Lie] Watches as her flower shapes itself into bells-  Well now...
[CP] Grumbles again- Fiiiiiiiiiine
[Doc] Actually he has a good point... Cp let me get a little from you first, I have an idea.
[CP] - Why me?
[Doc] Trust me, I'm gonna need your help in a different way.
[CP] - But I'm currently a cat
[Doc] Is tearing apart several things from hir inventory to make a bag and some needles. - Doesn't matter. We all have the same blood type here 1/0.
[Lie] Rubs against Notch-
[Doc] Xe hooks the bag to the table and takes one of Cp's paws.
[CP] Instinctually extends his claws in warning, them having grown back awhile ago-
[Doc] Gently.... This won't take long- Xe guides the tiny needle into a vein and lets a bit of it flow into the bag before pinching it off.
[CP] Hisses a little-
[Doc] Takes it out and destroys the needle - xe puts a bit of cold paste on Cp's leg to seal the tiny hole. - Okay, now, make your magick. Put Notch in a dream so he won't feel anything while I'm working on him.
{Notch] Freezes in terror. - Please... no nightmares...
[CP] Grumbles but does let off a small burst of his power to send Notch into a neutral dream, nothing happy, nothing scary, or anything else-
[Notch] Sighs as the lines in his face smooth out.
[TLOT] Is watching his mind- Wow... that's some serious emptiness. I didn't know you could do that. It's really Zen.
[Doc] Is nearly done bleeding hirself and then moves on to Steve.
[CP] - Shut up, having no direction for a dream to go is really hard!  I have to keep checking it to make sure it remains that way
[TLOT] I wasn't makign fun, it's really hard not to think of anything.
[CP] - No shit!
[Doc] Deerheart? Can I have a bit from you? Or are you too weak right now?
[Flux] - I'm not sure that's a good idea, she and I are servers, something vastly more complicated and rather different than what you want him to be...
[Deer] - Flux has a point...
[Doc] Okay, I'm sure we'll have enough without inconvenicing anyone anyway. Stevie?
[Stevie] Holds out his arm without a second thought-
[Doc] Gives him a prick with a fresh needle and starts on the third bag-
[Doc] Xe moves on to Lie and sees what she's working on. - That's interesting.
[Lie] - Yeah...  Although it may be pointless by the time your done with this...
[Doc] Anything that minimizes suffering can't be useless. We've needed a similar thing before
[CP] Is busy concentrating on holding Notch's dream but hearing his mates causes him to automatically focus on it, making him slip up and introduce a fond feeling into Notch's dream- Shit...- He scrambles to correct it
[Notch] Grabs at the feeling since it's the only thing near him-
[CP] Jumps into the dream to try to defuse the feeling-
[Noch] Is just floating in a bit of a ball, holding what looks like a thin scarf close to him. It's a visual reprentation of Cp's stray emotion.
[CP] - Let go of that!
[Doc] Takes a little blood from Lie and cleans a few red drops from Lie's white fur before letting her resume her work- Thank you
[Stevie] - Heh, guess this means father will actually be related to brother and I now...
[TLOT] Blood brothers. - He puts out a hand- Saving me for last?
[Doc] Just a little from you, just in case. Since you can heal; I'll use yours first so the transfusion isn't rejected.
[Doc] Clicks on a fresh needle and pokes it into TLOT, the resulting mixed bag seems to be pulsing softly-
[Notch] Just clings tighter, he seems a bit afraid-
[CP] - I'm trying to keep you in a neutral dream!
[Notch] But this... it feels good... I don't even know what it is...
[CP] - A small portion of my feelings for Lie...
[Doc] Picks up Notch and lays him on the pool table, xe's setting up some tubes to drain what he currently has.
[Notch] Oh... Your love for her is tattered... but beautiful.
[CP] Grumbles- Yeah yeah, now let it go
[Notch] Do I have too?
[CP] - Yes!  It's mine!
[TLOT] Nips a finger and puts in in Notch's mouth to keep him at one heart at least while Doc drains his blood.
[Notch] Okay... you're in charge here- He holds out a the little scrap and it floats like a ribbon on a gentle breeze. - I feel like I'm on the edge of death out there... I trust Doc, but please.. stay with me?
[CP] Groans- Whyyyyyyyyy?
[Notch] Because... I'm scared...
[CP] - Fine....
[Doc] Is stowing the blood as it's removed and sets up a bag for the fresh on the other side of him.
[Notch] His body gives a rattling gasp as the mixture with TLOT's blood flows into him. In his mind the white space now has a few sparkles, like a sprinkle of glittering stars.
[CP] Is just floating there, the scrap of his feelings for Lie in his hand-
[Notch] - There's a bit of color, it kind of looks like someone broke up a few random minecraft blocks into pixels.
[CP] - I've never set up a dream like this before so I have no idea if that is normal or not
[Notch] I'm used to having TLOT just talk into my head, he must be very close right now. This feels like him.
[CP] - Well he does like to be involved in these things...
[Notch] And he is a healer.
[CP] - Yeah yeah, just another thing he can do...
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #139
“Aqua the Water dragon, Cuddle pile”
[gem] -over chat to doc- doc I think my egg is hatching.
[Doc] Shit... Endrea? Can you take care of it? Gem is calling for me.
[Endrea] - I can try...- She's never had to do this before
[Doc] Just make sure they have food and water okay? I'll come right back when I'm done with Gem.
[Endrea] Nods-
[gem] -is in the pond at her home she is keeping the egg near it because the egg was found in water-
-The egg is quivering and squeaking loudly-
[Doc] Is zipping along with the spider pokemon clinging in hir mane-
[Doc] Gem! Where are you?
[gem] i'm in my pond at my house
[Doc] Lands nearby- Lets me see! Oh it's the water one! How exciting!
[gem] -is letting the egg touch the water- I wonder how a dragon egg from in water would be like.
-The egg sends ripples across the water as it shakes-
[Doc] Is tapping hir paws with excitment-
[gem] -is trying to splash water over the egg to help it-
-A crack spider webs across the egg, small pieces begin falling away-
[gem] -watches the egg fall apart in her arms-
[Galvantula] is on Doc's forehead- leaning way over to see the rocking egg
-A small dark blue dragon pops out with a distressed squeak, it has small fins on it's head, a small sail going down part of it's back, two front flippers and to fins towards the end of it's long tail to help guide it through the water-
[Doc] It's beautiful! Like nothing I've ever seen before!
[Galvantula]- ZZZrp!
[gem] -lets the egg into the pond- it's a very pretty dragon
-The dragon easily slips into the water, it's gills pumping hard so it can breath properly-
[Doc] Yeah, I think this one wil have to stay here with us. There isn't enough water on the other seed. Hopefully they don't butt heads with Lapras or bug the shit out of Herabrine.
-It's curiously watching them from under the water-
[gem] -is still standing in the pond- they seem small enough to stay here in the pond for now.
-It slowly raises it's head out of the water with a squeak-
[Doc] Somehow I think that won't last...
[gem] -rubs the dragon's head- yea but by the time the out grow it they will be safer to be let into the ocean not just a new born.
-Spins around in the pond-
[gem] awe you're so cute
[Doc] Of course! Just saying though, they grow up fast.
-It sniffs Gem's feet under the water-
[gem] -sinks into the pond so she is fully under water-
[Doc] Speaks loudly- Well, they need a name so I can hook them to respawn. Shall we pick something gender-neutral since we're not sure what they are yet?
[gem] -still under water- lets name them Aqua.
[Doc] Is already making an anvil tag and clicks it on the sinious shape. - There you go.
[Aqua] Darts away as soon as it's named-
[Doc] Should I throw in some fish?
[gem] -opens her arms to hug Aqua- if you would like.
[Doc] Spawns a couple of plain fish that are much smaller then the baby dragon to be either food or compnay.
[Aqua] Is searching for food and snaps at the fish, gumming on them-
[gem] I think they are too solid for them.
[Doc] We need aquarium flakes... - Xe takes out a fish and makes it fall apart into pixels before scattering a few of them on the surface of the water.
[Aqua] Creates a ring of bubbles around the flakes before darting towards the surface to grab them-
[Doc] Nice trick
[Aqua] Goes to explore their pond more-
[Doc] Makes more flakes and gives them to Gem like a stack of seeds.-
[aven] -come out of the house- what's going ... -see Galvantula then starts screaming- AH!
[gem] -pops out of the water to grab them and see what aven is screaming about-
[Doc] It's okay! My pokemon evolved!
[aven] -is still screaming as she is backing up completely scared of Galvantula-
[Doc] Rears up on hir hinds to keep the spider on hir head way out of reach- Aven! It won't hurt you!
[gem] I don't think she will stop she has a phobia of spiders.
[Aqua] Splashes a little-
[gem] -splashes back-
[aven] -is cowering next to the steps-
[BEN] Comes out and pulls Aven into a hug- Hey, calm down, I'm right here
[aven] -hugs ben tightly- spider.
[BEN] - Shhh it's okay, I'll go kill it, don't I always?
[aven] yes
[BEN] Kisses the top of Aven's head before standing and drawing his sword- Okay, now where did this spider go?
[Doc] Is looking embarassed, the Galvantula just looks at hir upside down and shrugs-
[BEN] - Looks around and finally spots it- Oh...
[Doc] Waves- Hi BEN! Wanna see the new baby dragon? It's super cute.
[BEN] - Oh not another one!
[gem] it's a water dragon -still standing in the water-
[Doc] Chuckles- well we are intending to put them in the pocket game I made, but this one's a bit different. It's going to need to stay here.
[Aqua] Tries to squirt BEN-
[BEN] Shrieks and darts back to Aven-
[Doc] Looks at the baby- That wasn't nice! Shame on you!
[Aqua] Trills-
[gem] Aqua no.
[Aqua] Trills again-
[Doc] Shakes hir head. - On a server full of pastas and griefers, you'll fit right in.
[BEN] - No water, bad water
[gem] no squirting aven or ben aqua. -is talking in a scolding manner-
[Doc] Maybe you should put some glass block walls around the pond just in case.
[Aqua] Does a little jump out of the water-
[Doc] Well at least we know Aqua is healthy.
[gem] I will add enough to help block them from squirting anyone.
[Aqua] Gums on another fish-
[Doc] Tosses out some more flakes-
[Aqua] Noms on them-
[Doc] Cute little bugger. Well... if you've got this in hand, I'm going to scamper. No need to further upset Aven and BEN, it was only haste that caused me to bring Jolti-I mean Galvantula over with me in the first place.
[Aqua] Squirts Gem-
[gem] -doesn't mind the water- I will take care of aqua ben and aven from here.
[Doc] Thank you Gem. - Does a little graceful turn and heads back towards Lie's house.
[Endrea] Between watching her children and tending the animals, the children have taken more time-
[Doc] Comes back into the yard- Are you doing okay Endrea?
[Endrea] - Not so much...  I've only got about half of the horses fed
[Doc] Here, I'll help you. - Grabs a hay bale in hir claws and rips it up to distribute the flakes.
-The horses happily begin eating-
[Doc] Is there anything else to do?
[Endrea] - Just the dogs and pigs
[willow] -is once again trying to get into the dog pen-
[oak] -is helping-
[Doc] Bustles about doing as Endrea indicated, the Galvantula helps too, even though the dogs seem a bit afraid of it.
[Endrea] - Willow no!  You'll gt hurt!
[willow] -manages to get over the fence and starts to waddle over to the dogs-
[Galvantula] Grabs the baby dragons in it's many limbs and hops back to Endrea with them
[Endrea] - Thank you- She takes her misbehaving child and then remembers that Lie built a pen out front- I'll be right back- She goes and puts both babies in the pen out front of the house
[Doc] Ha. Time for a time-out for naughty little dragons.
[willow] -makes wining squeaks-
[Doc] Thanks for not running your mom ragged like that Ashe
[Endrea] - No Willow, liquid will hurt you and dogs slober a lot
[Ashe] - What does that mean?
[Doc] Making her chase after you until she's really tired.
[willow] -wines more-
[Ashe] - Oh...  Can I go see Uncle GG now?
[Doc] Let me write him a note and see what he's doing- starts typing in the chat-
[Doc] - reads the chat- He says he'll come over here.
[Ashe] - Yay!
-There's a bit of a bellow from high up and a gush of wind pushes them all back a little as GK lands with a thump and a huge flap of wings. -
[GK] I heard someone wanted to play?
[Ashe] - UNCLE GG!
[GK] You're talking already? Ashe. I'm impressed.
[Ashe] - I can read too!  But we only have two books and mama says we have to stay outside today...
[GK] Really? Dam- I mean shoot! You want to go get more books?
[Ashe] - Yes please!
[Gk] Is it okay for me to take him for a bit Endrea?
[Endrea] - Go ahead, I have to keep an eye on these two anyways
[Gk] Grins- You want to ride me or walk kiddo?
[Ashe] - Ride!  Ride!
[Gk] Hunkers down so he can climb up and then puts his head near Endrea to whisper- Don't worry, I'll keep him away from the adult books-
[Endrea] - Thank you
[Lie] Is getting a bit hungry but doesn't want to leave CP by himself-
[Notch] Is reading a book while Stevie naps.
[Stevie] Starts waking up- Father?  I'm hungry...
[Notc] Oh, Okay! I'll make us some lunch.
[Stevie] Opens his eyes and makes a distressed noise-
[Notch] What's the matter? Are you sick?
[Stevie] - No no no no no!  That's wrong!  It's weird!
[Notch] What's weird?
[Stevie] - The hair!
[Notch] Oh! It was a gift from Doc. Don't you like it? I think it looks nice.
[Stevie] - NO!  IT'S WEIRD!
[Notch] Oh... don't be like that Stevie. My head was cold, and I don't actually like being bald.
[Stevie] - But it's weird!
[Notch] Slumps a little - I still think it looks nice....
[Stevie] Whines-
[Notch] Then this is an important lesson Stevie. Your appearance should always be what makes you happy. You can't live your life trying to mold yourself to other peoples expectations. It only makes you sad, and it's dishonest.
[Stevie] - But it doesn't look right...
[Notch] You thought your brothers eyes didn't look right either, and you got used to that, didn't you?
[Stevie] Thumps feet on floor as he sits on the bed- Yes...
[Notch] Well there you go. Come on, lets get you some food.
[Stevie] - Okay...
[Doc] Slithers up onto the walkway and changes in the hall before tapping on Lie's door. The Galvantula decides to wait in a nook at the apex of the ceiling.
[Lie] - Come in
[Doc] Comes in quietly. - Are you feeling any better?
[CP] Is still tightly curled up-
[Lie] - There hasn't been much progress, and I'm getting hungry but I don't want to leave him
[Doc] I'll get you some food. Be back in a jiffy - heads back down the hall
[Lie] - Thank you!
[Notch] Is bustling around near the furnace while Stevie eats a sandwich. - Oh hi Doc. Busy day?
[Doc] You have no idea...
[Stevie] - Hi Doc!
[Doc] You're looking chipper Stevie. Having a good day?
[Stevie] - Mmhm!  I went and, and, I sheared some sheeps, and I played with Hope too!
[Doc] Aww, did Rose get sheared too?
[Stevie] Shakes head- I tried, but I couldn't catch her
[Doc] She's too small and fast huh? She's a cutie. You guys mind if I use the other furnace? I'm having an idea...
[Notch] Sure, go ahead.
[Doc] Thank you. - Xe pulls out some iron and forms it into a heavy pot and starts rooting around for herbs in the trunks, making a stock with the fish pixels and adding garlic and onion as well, ground into bits between hir gloves.
[Notch] That smells interesting...
[Doc] Maybe good enough to tempt two hungry little cats.
[Stevie] - More kitties?
[Doc] Just your brother and Lie. They're snuggled in their cat shapes.
[Stevie] - Why?
[Doc] Cp had a bad day. She's comforting him.
[Stevie] - Okay
[Doc] You guys want some too? It's a big pot.
[Notch] Sure- holds out two bowls. - You can at least try it Stevie.
[Stevie] - Yes father
[Doc] Gives them each some and divies out the rest into bowls to put the excess away before turning to take some back up to the bedroom.
[Notch] Passes a bowl to Stevie and takes a long drink of his own. - fishy. But good.
[Doc] calls back over hir shoulder- You're welcome-
[Stevie] Takes a sip- Blech!
[Doc] from the next room- I heard that.
[Stevie] Covers his mouth with a hand-
[Notch] Giggles-
[Lie] Is licking CP's head-
[Doc] Comes back in. - I made you guys something special. - Xe sets down a wood block so it's touching the bed near them and sets two bowls of the warm fish soup on top of it.
[CP] Finally lifts his head, his eyes are dim and almost hollow looking-
[Doc] Strokes his head gently. - Come on. I know it hurts, but you can't waste away. Have a little food.
[CP] Lays his head back down-
[Lie] - CP please...
[Doc] Please... we just want to help you.
[CP] Small noises-
[Doc] Lie... you eat. I know you must be starving. I'll keep him warm.
[Lie] Carefully pulls herself away from him so she can eat-
[CP] Has a near panicked expression as his mate starts leaving-
[Doc] Gathers Cp in hir arms and sits cross-legged in front of the bowls. Cp is close enough to touch Lie's tail with his own while she eats. Doc pets him very carefully.
[CP] Just slumps, he has no motivation at all-
[Doc] Scoots a little closer so the other bowl is near enough that he can smell it. - I know you feel cold and sad right now. But making yourself sick and hungry won't help you feel any better.
[CP] Turns away from the food-
[Doc] Is just holding him - I'm sorry Cp. But at least he got to see you one last time, and you know now for sure that he was not the one who tried to kill you.
[CP] His ears flatten a little in guilt-
[Doc] You didn't know. And no one is blaming you.
[CP] He starts crying again-
[Doc] Hugs him close- Just try and focus on everyone who's still here for you. You have a family and people who care about you. You're not alone.
[Lie] Stops eating to lick at CP's face again-
[Doc] Gives him a small kiss on top of the head. - We love you. Don't force yourself to suffer silently, we're here to listen if you want to talk about it.
[CP] Finally makes an effort to move and pulls himself off of Doc's lap and flops onto the bed again-
[Doc] Is that how I motivate you? Just annoy you with love?
[Lie] - A feat only you and TLOT seem capable of achieving
[Doc] Funny, I feel like I'm not doing it intentionally. Maybe because we've both been intimate with him but aren't his actual mate?
[Lie] - Who knows- She's only had about half of her bowl but she returns to CP's side to curl up with him
[Doc] Well if that's all he needs, I can do it easily. Being mad at me certainly seems to get him moving any other time. - Xe does as good of a catloaf as xe can manage in a human body and gets right in the little red cats face. - I love you Cp.
[CP] Tiny grumble-
[Doc] Peppers his head and ears with sweet little kisses- Especially when you're like this, because I can just love on you and theres not squat you can do about it because you're cute and tiny and soft.
[CP] Makes a meek little swat at Doc-
[Doc] Mock scared face- Oh noes! Cp is gonna kick my butt! But wait, he can't cause he's too busy being fluffy and adorable.
[CP] Huffs and slumps, not caring anymore-
[Doc] Goes for the chin scratch.
[CP] Doesn't care-
[Doc] Don't you have a happiness flower Lie? Something to raise his spirits a bit?
[Lie] Hesitates- I have one that I made while very happy...  But I don't think it makes others become happier.  And I don't think I can get into the right mind set to make one right now...
[Doc] Oh.... well it's probably not a good idea to force someone to not feel something anyway. Dammit... I wish I could talk to him directly.
[Lie] - Could TLOT temporarily connect you mentally?  He does have more experience than me...
[Doc] Only if he wanted to make an exchange with me, like he did with you. Somehow I don't think that's appropriate.
[Lie] - Then I have no idea
[Doc] He can't stay a cat forever anyway. Unless that's all he ever wants to be again.
[Lie] - I think we just need to give him time...
[Doc] Well then I'm going to feed him at least. -Xe makes a quick statick hole over Cps belly and pours the soup in before closing it up again.
[CP] - Doesn't even acknowledge that it happens-
[Doc] Sends a message over the chat - Deerheart? Can you teleport to me? I'm inside so please don't change first or you'll bang your head.
[Deer] - Oh, sure- Within a moment she's there, wearing only Doc's spare coat
[Doc] Oh, Deerheart... you look way too good in just my coat. But what's needed is a gentle touch. Cp's had a death in the family, he's very upset. I know you can understand the hostile mobs at least, can you try and get through to him?
[Deer] - Me?  Wha...  What would I be finding out?
[Doc] Just talk to him. I can't listen to him in this shape and there's a good chance he doesn't want to talk to me anyway. He's just.... very sad. He found his real father just in time to see the poor man glitch out of existence moments later.
[Deer] - Oh CP...- She crawls onto the bed and lays curled near the red cat, she reaches out and gently pets him- CP?  Please talk to us...
[CP] - Nothing to say...
[Deer] - There has to be something to say...
[Doc] I know your head is full, that's why you've gone so quiet. Let it out. You'll feel better.
[CP] - I'll be fine...
[Deer] Can't help but smirk a little- Well at least your catch phrase is still going strong
[Doc] I'm glad you kept what he gave you, you have something to remember the good times by.
[CP] - But Stevie has nothing...
[Deer] - Now that can't be true.  Stevie probably has something from him too...
[Doc] Stevie has Markus. And Markus will gladly take your father's place. Even if it's only until Stevie isn't a child anymore. Stevie also has you. You're his hero Cp.
[CP] Scoffs- Some hero I've been...
[Doc] You've been protecting him since the potion hit him. His face lights up when you come in the room. He loves you, worships you. As far as he's concerned you can do no wrong.
[CP] Curls up tighter- Just leave me the fuck alone...
[Deer] - CP...
[Doc] The Ais told me something interesting Cp. A name, someone your father was protecting. Does the name Flux mean anything to you?
[CP] Ears flick back- I think I vaguely recall him saying that name once when he thought we were asleep...
[Doc] I think she might be your mother. And theres a chance that she, as we suspect Deerheart may be, was or is; a creation of your home server in response to your fathers loneliness before you were made.
[CP] This catches CP's attention-
[Deer] - Someone....  Like me?
[Doc] Perhaps, and the sooner you're up and around the sooner we can go back to your home server to search for code traces.
[CP] Tail flicks a little-
[Doc] I don't know about you guys, but I'm excited by the prospect either way
[CP] - We'll see...
[Doc] Tiny quirk of a smile - At least I have your attention. Curious cat.
[CP] - Shut it
[Doc] Ah a little flicker of flame from the ashes, that's encouraging.
[Deer] Flops on their bed- Well I don't know about you Doc, but I'm rather comfy here
[Doc] Yeah I was kind of contemplating a nap. These two would probably enjoy the warmpth. Shame the room isn't bigger.
[Lie] - Hey, I like small spaces
[Doc] Thats' because your second form is adorable and small my crafty little floof.
[Lie] Sticks her little tongue out-
[Doc] Ack! Deerheart she attacking me with cute! I'm slain! - Flops with hir tongue out
[CP] Sighs and curls into Lie again-
[Deer] Laughs- Oh dear, what ever shall I do?
[Doc] Be even cuter! Avenge me!
[Deer] - I can't and you know it
[Doc] Awww, curses! Actually.... You guys stay here, I'll be right back. -gets up and leaves the room
[Deer] - Hm?
[Doc] There's some shuffling and the sound of someone going outside and coming back in. Doc returns with a lot of small noises and a full armload of squirming creatures and the Galvantula on hir heels. The very confused Vulpix is dumped on the bed along with Rose, Hope, the baby wither and Cp's chain chomp.
[Hope] Immediately scampers over to Lie to snuggle with her-
[Rosebud] Bleets and stands shakily on the bed-
[Doc] Gently herds everyone into comfy positions on the bed.
[Notch] pokes his head in - Uh Doc? Why did you bring a sheep into the house? - Notices Deerheart nearly naked- NEVERMIND. I'll leave you to it!
[Chomp] Bounces happily around the bed-
[Doc] Guides Deerheart down so they're both snuggling the cats between them. - There you go Cp. You're surrounded by love.
[CP] - This is not very comfortable...
[Doc] Is it because I'm next to you?
[CP] - Partially
[Doc] Nothings perfect, go to sleep Cp. Lie is right there so you don't have an excuse this time.
[CP] Grumbles but presses closer to Lie-
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