yogrl335 · 1 year
I saw an interview yesterday of Darren and an Australian morning show. It was lovely. He spoke about his daughter and his music. At one point he mentioned that some members of StarKid would be performing as well. I thought about the nasty (always nasty) remarks the tin hats made about them for performing with him in LA and Mexico.
I’ve never understood the hate but I’ve chalked it up to them believing he’s too good for his college friends - that and the fact they were at his wedding. But it has occurred to me that the hate has more to it than that. They cannot accept that he is loyal. Loyal to friends and colleagues, loyal to his loved ones, loyal to his fans. You see, if he is so strongly loyal then how can they explain his treatment of “the love of his life” Chris Colfer? How can he be loyal, and loving, when he has hidden this relationship for more than a decade. Truly, at this point in time, 13 years after they met, why wouldn’t he just say that he’s realized he is in love with Chris and finally come out into the open? Why is he so fiercely loyal to everyone but Chris? There are two possible answers: 1) he cares more for the money and his career than he does for Chris, or 2) the Criss/Colfer relationship does not exist.
It has never existed.
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porcelainvino · 6 months
destined to be a crisscolfer shipper, forced to be born a decade later
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thomas-mvller · 1 year
@ gnt i refuse to lose against a team whose country calls football "s*ccer" so
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mssi · 2 years
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Is it weird for English speakers to write it as "fútbol"?
i know technically anglos using spanish words for comedic value is one of those things i should find offensive but i don´t really mind it as long as it´s not blatantly disrespectful
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kth1 · 2 years
out of all my years as a bias for taehyung
never have i felt disrespected by followers more than now
nobody runs to me sides the mvp today - while i was just freshly awake - called @taegularities 
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my-wildflwr · 3 months
I always judge men that like football but as soon as the euro or the World Cup start I become One Of Them
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jadipose · 9 months
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tinsil · 1 year
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cavehags · 1 year
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yogrl335 · 2 years
Been busy with politics the last few months. Dear lord, the hate from MAGA is awful; they hate Democrats, LGBTQ people, Blacks, Jews-the list goes in. So now I’ve come from sewers of right wing politics to the smaller sewer of CCers. Same hate, just directed differently. Flowers recently posted yet again about the “handshake” at Trevor live. Per the vipers, Darren met Mia there for the first time. Strange that there are photos of them together when his hair was longer, and they’ve claimed that she was Chuck’s girlfriend before being taped to be a “beard”. How is it then that he had to be introduced? And on a red carpet, not before? What’s the deal with using his left hand to shake? Who does that? And no actual handshake is seen. I would think it more likely that she was nervous about being in public. That would also explain her staying back while he schmoozed with other celebrities after. This weekend their panties are in knots because of an article in which he mentions his wife and child. Like married folks often do. They are like Pavlov’s dogs: say Mia and they foam at the mouth. Add in Bluesy and they have seizures. Today mmack (another reptile) posted a broadside about the coffee drink that Darren likes. It said that there was only a small amount of caffeine in a Ristretto as opposed to an espresso. So I looked it up. A cup of regular coffee averages 95mg caffeine but this can vary a lot depending on size of the cup and type of coffee used. Espresso averages 68mg while ristretto averages 63mg as per yourdreamcoffee.com. Per mmack this indicates a lie, I guess, because how could he be using it when “sleep deprived by a baby”. And how is a 5mg difference translated to one being a minimal amount of caffeine? Thus the great plot is unmasked! In reality it is just another excuse to spout hate toward Mia-a woman they have never met. Review their past postings. First they hated Ryan Murphy for forcing Darren into the closet, ostensibly to sell more records. Then they added Mia because they were dating and added Ricky (because he was a friend to Darren and Mia), blaming him for a lack of roles, which, as a manager, Ricky has nothing to do with. After Glee they briefly didn’t hate Ryan because he was going to help Darren come out. When he didn’t they restarted the hate to RM. They usually hate Starkids because they’re friends. It seems that loyalty and friendship should not occur if you are going to be a big star. They hate several actually gay men like Will, Ricky Martin, Rufus Wainright because they interfere with the snakes’ fantasy world. Now I don’t believe that they will change; there is too much hatred invested in their fandom. Like trump’s MAGA mob, they refuse to see reality. I comment here to try to get through to any fan who might think there is any truth to the fecal matter the CCers post. In case you’re wondering why I don’t go directly to their tumbler sites, I was a follower only to Darren Criss posts as I am to museums and libraries. After the wedding I saw a lot of cruel posts by the reptiles. I commented that they were being nasty about someone they didn’t know. The response from them was to first note that it was my first post/comment and that I sounded like a 34 year old, intimating that I was Mia. Then they blocked me. I am not Mia. I have never met her. I am old enough to be her mother. The fact that they can’t tell a fan from Darren’s spouse indicates little intelligence. They are foul, nasty, bloviating, belligerent bags of hate. Toxic.
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darkfictionjude · 4 months
Idk what is worse Jude the mulato steriotype or us people calling football soccer ☠️
Depends on who you ask some people consider it a capital sun to say s*ccer hahah
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thomas-mvller · 3 months
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S*ccer found dead on a ditch
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smolbrittana · 1 year
chapter 4 is out :)
football!brittana au
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I was really shocked when I found out Juraj Slafkovsky age I was WTF how is he only five months older than me🫥. If he came up to me I’d be like who tf is weird 25 yr old.
This is just wild speculation on my part and completely unprompted but I know that some hockey parents and players are madly obsessed with getting in the NHL that they’ll do anything is there any way that his size and build + the fact that he looks to be in his mid twenties have anything to do with steroids or extra growth hormones ? I’ve heard about that being pretty common in other sports like football (s*ccer for u Americans) for an extra boost because the competition pool is so large but nothing really in hockey
I don't deny it as a possibility, I am sure there are sports parents who go as far as this to make their child more marketable in the eyes of the scouts by making them physically stand out from the "normal" rest, but from my personal experience of being in the hockey environment since the youngest players all the way to the first leagues thanks to my brother, some of those guys are genuinely built like that way sooner than the rest. Genetics have a huge say in it - I have met a fair share of boys who were eighteen, at times even younger, and looked like Juraj build-wise. Then you looked at their parents and they were pretty much the same, showing you where those kids got it from, so it really can be a genetic lottery luck in the case of some of them. Those individuals are then the same ones, who force out genuinely talented kids, who may not have the best build but who have inside of their heads - quite a sad reality of the sport.
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kth1 · 2 years
friendly reminder —> use my tag #usermaggie when you post bts content. i’m always interested in what ccers have created
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