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NAVI : ……...
EMMA : Navi…? Is something wrong? You never come out of your own accord.
NAVI : …Is the Dream King really such a great guy?
NAVI : The King of Dreams? What’s that even supposed to be? He's just a boring, old, sloppy human, like everyone else, right?
EMMA : What?
EMMA : Don't speak ill of the Dream King.
GUI : Yeah, that's right… You can't be too disrespectful, or…
NAVI : Or what?
GUI : H-Hey…!
EMMA : (Navi…?)
NAVI : Those flowers.
CROW : What do you have against the Dream Flowers?
NAVI : ...I don't like them!
ITSUKI : …I don't understand. What are you even doing out here, Navi?
EMMA : Come on, now.
EMMA : (He seems really freaked out... I wonder…)
After Gran's scolding, Crow and Itsuki stayed up all night to finish their observations.
The next day...
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ITSUKI : Ughh...
EMMA : Oh, good morning. Did you finish your report?
ITSUKI : Felt like it took forever... I didn’t think it was ever gonna end...
ITSUKI : Yeah, yeah. Paperwork really is a huge pain in the ass...!
EMMA : At least we talked HQ into accepting it. Good luck, Itsuki!
ITSUKI : Right… I made you go through a lot of trouble for that. I’m just gonna have to do my best then, I guess.
EMMA : Come to think of it, where are Crow and Gran?
ITSUKI : They left me and went to town earlier this morning... They told me to let you know they were, "Going to the Grand Crossroads". Exact words.
EMMA : The Grand Crossroads? Why would they go there?
KAI / GUI : Arghh...
EMMA : (Where are those sad voices coming from…)
KAI : Shit, we're still not done!
EMMA : Is that the joint assignment Kai and the others were talking about?
GUI : Yeah~... I'm not making any progress~… We can't do any of this without Sion's help~…
EMMA : …And where's Sion?
KAI : I don't know. Still sleeping like a dumbass.
GUI : The professor isn't here today. Lectures have been called off… I just hope Sion will help us finish the assignment...
SION : Vision For The Coexistence of Sorcery and Magic in Sorciana 100 Years From Now.
SION : Who would even entertain such nonsense? In these days of conflict between the two sides…
SION : ……I don’t have time for such idle dreams!
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EMMA : (Est-San is away on a survey and... And I promised I'd help everyone.)
EMMA : (I know he's just gonna shut me out, but I have to try and talk to Sion…)
??? : Ee-Aw-Ee-Aw-Ee-Aw-Ee-Aw!!!!
EMMA : What the-!?
ITSUKI : That stuffed dear… is screaming at us!? It's like its ringing in my head…
GUI : This stuffed deer is actually a magical tool I turned into a communication device! It doesn't reach very far but it does reach the front door...!
??? : Ee-Aw-Ee-Aw-Ee-Aw-Ee-Aw!!!!
EMMA : (I'm sorry, but that's more than a little creepy……!)
KAI : Hi. Who is it?
SORCIANA POLICEMAN : This is the SORCIANA POLICE! We're looking for Professor Est, is he here!?
KAI : No. Sensei is out right now, but--
SORCIANA POLICEMAN : Are you serious!? At a time like this…
KAI : Hey, what's going on here!?
SORCIANA POLICEMAN : There's been a disturbance at the Grand Crossroads! Please, we need his help, ASAP!
SORCIANA POLICEMAN : I have to go… Please tell Professor Est as soon as he gets back! I'm begging you!
EMMA : The Grand Crossroads, isn't that where Crow went...?
KAI : The Grand Crossroads… Oh! Right, there was supposed to be a big assembly there!
KAI : A lot of sorcerers and magicians were meeting up to try and resolve the on-going conflict…
EMMA : …Oh, no. Navi, Evan, Himmel! Can you hear me!?
HIMMEL : …If you're ordering us to reply. Then, yes, we can hear you.
EMMA : Ordering you? No. No. I wasn't ordering you to do anything.
EMMA : Have you guys felt the presence of a Black Fairy…!?
NAVI : Yeah. I've been sensing him for a while now.★
EMMA : That can't be…! Why didn't you tell me!?
EVAN : No such order was given.
EMMA : No such--
ITSUKI : Emma, be mad at them all you want, but we need to get over there, right now!
EMMA : …Y-Yeah, you're right.
KAI : I'm coming, too. Sensei's not here, and if things are as bad they say, people are gonna get hurt!
GUI : Me, too…!
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SION : --Wait.
KAI : Sion, you came at the right time! We've got to get to the city, right--
SION : There's no need to explain. I was listening in through that taxidermied deer of Gui’s.
SION : I'll go to the Grand Crossroads. You guys stay here.
KAI : Wha-??
SION : Kai, you've only been a qualified Meister for a year. In other words, you're still a rookie.
KAI : Why does that matter?
SION : And Gui's magical tools aren't exactly made for combat. Not to mention, it would be counterintuitive and dangerous for him to go there with no magic.
GUI : That's… I mean sure, I have… I have zero magical power, but…
SION : Don't do anything foolish. Being reckless is only gonna cause more problems, what if you hurt the guild's reputation?
SION : You might not care how people look at you… But I don't want anything ruining my reputation.
KAI : Hey Sion. You really don't believe in us, do you…?
GUI : K-Kai! I'm sure Sion is… He's just worried about us.
SION : ……Ugh! No, that's not it at all, I'm just saying--
GUI : But… If anyone's hurt out there, you're gonna need Kai's magic, and…
GUI : And as for me, I can help coordinate the evacuation efforts…! I have a magic tool I can use as a loud speaker…
KAI : That's right. I can't just leave someone out there who might be hurt!
GUI : With Kai's healing magic, your light magic, and… And my magical tools… Do you really not think we can make a difference…?
SION : I don't use light magic!
KAI : We don't have time for this shit! Let's go!
SION : Hey, wait, right there! You single-celled idiot!
GUI : Hey, you two, don't leave me~…!
EMMA : …We're late enough to this party, let's go!
ITSUKI : Man, I'm really worried about Crow and Gran.
EVAN : Hmph… So it's down to us to help you out again. How convenient.
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HIMMEL : I don't want to waste my time on this…
NAVI : …Tsk.
EMMA : (I hope they're okay…)
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