#YMKR Chapter 2
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Several days later, under the clear blue sky…
KAI : Aaand, we're done! Ahh~!
GUI : Our observations... We’ve successfully completed our observations…
EMMA : Well done, everyone!
SION : Tsk. Making such a fuss over observation reports...
KAI : Weren’t you also making a big fuss and crying to the teacher, Sion?
SION : W-Well...
EMMA : I was quite surprised when I heard that Sion’s Dream Flower had turned black…
SION : E-Est!! I have a big problem!
EST : Whoa, slow down. What's going on, Sion? You're not acting like yourself.
EST : You're still recovering from what happened, so try not to get all worked up, okay?
SION : My... My Dream Flower turned completely black!
EST : Oh? Dream Flowers reflect the owner's dream power. It must have been influenced by the dark fairy that possessed you.
SION : I see. S-So once I make a full recovery… The flower will as well? ...W-Well seems I caused quite the commotion…
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KAI : Heh, at least our group project was a complete success! Let's celebrate with a good dinner tonight!
SION : What are you talking about?
SION : It wasn't a complete success. There were many areas where we fell short, especially you, Kai.
SION : Your analysis of magical therapy during the recovery phase is too simplistic.
SION : You haven't observed enough cases, and your focus on the progress of each one is too narrow.
GUI : Uh...
SION : Gui, don't rely on my report too much either. You could have explored at least ten more variations in the magical subject.
GUI : Y-yes... Um, Sion, how do you know so much about the magical subject even though it's not your specialty?
SION : ...The Magia Seminar is a place where you can study both magic and witchcraft.
SION : It's not strange for me to understand your field.
KAI & GUI : ...
SION : What's with those faces? Am I saying something wrong?
KAI : Haha, not at all.
GUI : Right...
EST : Emma, thank you for your help. The students really appreciated it.
EMMA : Hehe, I'm glad I could be of assistance.
EST : I'd like to take a moment to express my gratitude, but there's something urgent I need to discuss.
EST : It's about that gun you asked Gui to analyze. It's going to get a bit... sketchy.
EMMA : !!
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ANGE : Nya~a.
EST : We're back, Ange. Thanks for watching over things.
KAI : Hey, Ange! Were you a good kitty?
GUI : We're back! We'll feed you right away.
ANGE : Nyaa~!
SION : Ange... I'm back.
ANGE : ...Pfft.
EMMA : (Hang in there, Sion...)
We sit down on the couch in the conversation room, being careful not to crowd Sion, who looks particularly dejected.
EMMA : Sorry, Gui. I know you're busy, but there's something I need to say.
GUI : It's... It's fine! You've been a great help, so don't worry about it...
CROW : Thanks, Gui. So, what have you found out about the gun?
GUI : Well...
GUI : This gun is undoubtedly a magical instrument. However, I don't know much about the specific magic embedded in it...
EST : I also tried to investigate it, but it seems to involve very ancient magic.
EST : There are seals and such, making it difficult to decipher. I'm sorry, but we're at a dead end.
EMMA : I see...
GUI : But, I know someone who might have some insight into this. He's an acquaintance of my late grandfather, or more precisely, a friend of my grandfather who passed away.
NOAH : Someone involved in some shady business?
CROW : The kind of people who do things that wouldn't earn them praise, like criminal activities?
GUI : Um, well... this person is not necessarily a bad guy. He wants to make sure that magical instruments like this don't fall into the wrong hands...
GRANDFLAIR : I understand, Gui. Please continue.
GUI : Yes. I asked them myself, and he gave me some information about this gun.
GUI : It seems that this gun is being circulated through a certain black market...
GUI : And the people controlling this distribution route are...
EMMA : ! Who are they?
EST : They are an illegal organization known as the Bloody Lady, rooted in the pleasure capital of Graveland.
NOAH : The Bloody Lady...?
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CROW : An illegal organization, huh? Sounds pretty dangerous.
EMMA : Could they be connected to Nanashi and the others?
CROW : If they’re the one distributing these guns, then…
CROW : …Things could get really bad with these in circulation…
NOAH : So, are we going to fight the Bloody Lady?
EMMA : If they’re Nanashi’s allies and trying to destroy people's dreams just like them, then we’ll have no choice.
GRANDFLAIR : We should exercise caution.
GRANDFLAIR : They’re an underground organization, and we know very little about their numbers or true nature.
EMMA : Waiting until harm is done would be too late. I think we should act immediately.
CROW : I agree. If we keep playing catch-up, we'll never get ahead.
GRANDFLAIR : ...And  if it turns out to be a wild goose chase… We might just end up falling further behind…
EST : There's one more thing I'd like to discuss...
EST : Magia Seminar is willing to help you, too.
EMMA : Huh...?
EST : We wanna work with you to stop Nanashi and the Bloody Lady. We can split our efforts.
EMMA : But...
KAI : Oh, no need to give us the “but it’s dangerous” spiel or anything like that.
GUI : This gun and the remote they had are likely very advanced magical instruments.
EST : It's highly probable that someone well-versed in magic and witchcraft is on the enemy's side.
KAI : So, it looks like it's our turn to shine, right?
GUI : Whether it's magic or witchcraft, magical instruments or not, they are meant to bring happiness to people. I can't allow them to be used to hurt others!
SION : I wanna make up for all the trouble I caused…
EMMA : Everyone...
EST : So, Emma, can we count on you from now on?
EST : As a comrade and, if possible, as our guild keeper.
EMMA : Yes!
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MIRROR : ...
MIRROR : Hmm, that was rather tame and predictable, wasn’t it?
NANASHI : Is that a complaint I’m hearing as soon as we get back~? They threw some surprises our way, you know~.
MIRROR : Everything went according to plan. This is just one of the typical futures I foresee.
NANASHI : Sure, sure, if you say so~
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NANASHI : ...Oh? Impatient as always. I was actually planning on reporting back soon.
??? : How are her abilities?
NANASHI : Purification, you mean? Very real. My Black Fairy was taken away.
??? : I see... hehe.
NANASHI : So, what's the plan from here?
??? : We meet Emma. And… help give them a nudge in the right direction.
MIRROR : The king’s making his move already? It’s too soon…
NANASHI : Mirror’s right… What am I doing all this work for if we're just gonna jump the gun?
NANASHI : ...Whatever. Selfish as always…
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LANNES : Oh, this isn’t good!
INTEL : And you’re noisy. Please, it’s bad enough we have to pull these all-nighters.
LANNES : Apologies. Cleaning up after the chairman again?
INTEL : He disappears at the worst possible moment every time... I want to grind that carefree face into compost.
LANNES : The chairman's habit of going missing isn't something new, though. But he is taking it to the extreme…
INTEL : Sigh... So, what were you yelling about earlier?
LANNES : Well, we received a message from Emma and the others.
LANNES : It seems that the Bloody Lady may be connected to the organization we're chasing, and...
INTEL : What!?
LANNES : It's a serious situation. If the Bloody Lady is involved, it's inevitable that the Primus Club will be...
INTEL : Shh! Keep it down. The Federation isn't officially aware of the relationship between the Bloody Lady and the Primus Club.
INTEL : ...At least not openly.
LANNES : Adult secrets, huh. In any case, it's going to be a sticky situation...
LANNES : Emma… Please stay safe…
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NAVI : Ah~... I had a good nap. Good morning, Master★
NAVI : Wait, everyone's here?
EMMA : Yeah, we were waiting for you and the others to wake up.
CROW : "You’ve remembered something about your past…" …Is that true?
NAVI : Just a tiny bit…
NAVI : I think it was... Mateo? When I got caught up in his miasma and went berserk.
MATEO : ...S-Sorry.
EVAN : At that time, something welled up inside of me.
EVAN : Memories I didn't want to remember. Or should I call them emotions? Scars.
EVAN : Deeply engraved wounds on my being.
EVAN : What colored me black—human despair.
EMMA : ...!
NAVI : When Master asked me back in Reckord, I wasn't sure.
NAVI : But, it was indeed that which turned us into black fairies…
NAVI : We were originally just normal fairies.
NAVI : Just like the fairy tales humans would always dream about as kids, we used to bestow blessings upon them.
NAVI : But not everyone could fulfill their dreams.
NAVI : Some would hit a wall, their dreams shattered, and they'd be consumed by despair to the point of wanting to die.
NAVI : Their deep and dark despair would... also paint over the fairies attached to them.
NAVI : Hopelessly, entirely black.
EMMA : (Human despair... So, that's what it was.)
EMMA : (The black fairy that possessed Gran...)
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??? : ...After all, humans are nothing but weak, fragile, transient beings.
??? : You humans painted me black...
NOAH : Blaming all of humanity. How terrible.
CROW : ...You had to relive such painful memories...
HIMMEL : Well... We still don't know why we became like this, why we were sealed.
EMMA : Is that so?
NAVI : Yeah, sorry for being cryptic★
HIMMEL : But there’s no need to fret. Worrying about our past is futile, after all...
GRANDFLAIR : ...You've suffered so much, worrying like this…
HIMMEL : Hehe... There's really no need. Your prayers, Master, saved us.
EMMA : Huh?
NAVI : When I went berserk... I felt hatred, sadness, fear, I was a mess.
NAVI : But Master's light, it extinguished those feelings.
NAVI : It made me feel... nostalgic somehow.
EMMA : Nostalgic...?
Evan and Himmel remained silent, their heads down.
It seemed like they, too, shared Navi’s sentiments...
NAVI : Hmm, what is a Master, really? Why are you our Master?
EMMA : What am I...?
EMMA : Indeed, what am I...?
ITSUKI : ...Huh?? Isn't Emma still Emma?
CROW : Yeah, that's right. She's our dependable Guild Keeper.
EMMA : Thank you.
EMMA : I don't know why I can use the Key, but I do know what I want to do.
EMMA : I want to protect the dreams of the Meisters as a Guild Keeper. And... the black fairies, too.
EMMA : I don't want to leave them steeped in despair.
EMMA : After hearing Navi's story, that's how I feel.
MATEO : M-Master... Kind.
With a smile, everyone nodded in response to my words.
As for Navi and the others, they blinked their eyes and stared at me for a while.
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NAVI : Master is... too good, it's irritating~
EMMA : Haha, I expected you to say that.
EMMA : But this is how I feel. How about you, Navi?
NAVI : Huh?
EMMA : I haven't really asked you for a clear answer yet.
EMMA : Are you still unhappy about being with us...?
NAVI : .............
NAVI : ...I hate humans.
NAVI : Especially those guys with the hats, I hate them so much!!
NAVI : So, we decided that we’ll beat them together. That's the plan.
EMMA : ...Oh!!
EVAN : If there’s one thing that’s worse than possessing you, it’s being manipulated by them….
CROW : Haha, well said!
NAVI : You understand what this means, right, Itsuki? I might possess you like crazy, and it might harm your body!
ITSUKI : I’ll just have to train seriously now that I understand why you’re so angry.
HIMMEL : Let's show them that their plan is useless.
GRANDFLAIR : We've finally become comrades.
EVAN : Don't misunderstand. We share a common goal, that's all. I still don't like you guys.
CROW : It's fine; Evan is at his best when he's tsundere.
EVAN : Don't call me tsundere!
EMMA : (Maybe... I've gotten a little closer to Navi and the others.)
EMMA : Nice to meet you again, everyone!
NOAH : ...So, what's next? The enemy escaped and we have no idea where they are.
CROW : Goddammit, we're pathetic...
ITSUKI : You were also injured Crow. There was nothing we could do.
CROW : No, we can’t stop now… We have to keep up the chase…
CROW : "Use the Black Fairies to destroy as many human dreams as possible…" What an insane plan…
CROW : And then there's Eden…
NANASHI : Let’s just say that Eden and I have quite the deep connection.
NOAH : ...Hey. You're saying we should follow the black fairies, right?
NOAH : "Quite the deep connection," you said? Maybe Eden is their comrade-
CROW : That's absolutely impossible.
CROW : There's no way he’d go around destroying people's dreams like that…
NOAH : Well, you’re right about that...
EMMA : (Eden is waiting for me at the ends of the earth, Nanashi said that.)
EMMA : (What does that mean...)
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GRANDFLAIR : As for where to go next... We do have one clue…
CROW : ...!! That's the gun they were using, right!?
GRANDFLAIR : Yeah, Noah picked it up amidst the chaos.
EMMA : Picked it up?
NOAH : Yeah, it seemed like they dropped it.
EMMA : Dropped it? That's... is that even possible?
GRANDFLAIR : If we can figure out where it came from, that might give us an idea where to look.
CROW : Huh... What an unusual design... Is that core thing a replacement for the magazine?
ITSUKI : ...A magic core? Is it made of the same compound as Crow's bike?
CROW : Probably. But I can't tell much more than that.
EMMA : They called it a magical tool, right?
EMMA : In that case, I think I know who could help…
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Mateo was successfully purified, and the following day...
Sion, who had been unconscious since the incident, finally awoke. I, along with the members of the Magia Seminar, were visiting him.
SION : ...What have I done…?
KAI : Stop muttering and get some rest. You're still healing.
SION : Rest is unnecessary... I'm fine, I’ve more than healed enough…
KAI : I'll be the judge of that. You're still weak, so stay put.
ANGE : Nya〜n♪
KAI : See? Even Ange agrees.
SION : Well, I'm sorry, Ange, but I have something I need to ask Est…
EST : What is it, Sion?
SION : What I've done is unforgivable. What kind of punishment will be imposed on me? I fear they’ll be revoking my Meister qualification, but everything that happened here is the result of my own weakness. I'm prepared to accept whatever punishment comes my way.
EMMA : Sion...
EST : As a matter of fact, I've already informed the Federation about it. But since it involves the Black Fairies, I believe that, with His Majesty's support, we can protect your Meister qualification.
SION : But I used forbidden magic...
EST : Yes, because you were possessed by the Black Fairy.
SION : What!? No, I...
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EST : Disqualifying a budding talent like yours would be a significant loss to mages everywhere, not to mention the magical world itself. As a teacher and a Meister of sorcery, this is my judgment.
EST : Let me handle the rest.
SION : Est...
EST : Of course, there's one thing I want you to promise.
EST : In the future, do refrain from using forbidden magic. It only brings misfortune to people.
SION : ...
EST : Can you promise me that much?
SION : I promise… Est…
SION : I'm sorry… Sensei… I apologize...
KAI & GUI : Did Sion just call him "sensei"!?
SION : Isn’t it you guys always telling me to call him that?
EST : Haha, oh, I’ll never get used to that…
EMMA : (He’s not used to it, huh? But Est-san is their teacher...)
EST : It's okay. Let's not rush into anything; let's just continue as we were before.
KAI : No way, Sensei. If you start spoiling him now, he'll be an even bigger pain for me to deal with...
SION : Understood, Est.
KAI : Hey! You little sh--!!
EST : Sion, I'm the one who should apologize. I never understood how you felt. I know you desire recognition more than anyone else. That's why I don't want you to rush anything right now. Your power will surely blossom someday. Take your time and nurture it carefully with your friends here at this academy.
SION : Yes, sir.
KAI : Sion, once you're better, let's get back to work on that joint assignment.
GUI : There are so many things I don't understand without Sion’s help...
SION : Heh…
SION : You guys can’t go a day without me, huh?
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EST : Hm… It would seem I've come out of this incident with a little more courage, thanks to my students.
EMMA : Courage?
EST : Yes. I was worried about my being a teacher and whether I was doing it properly, but...
EST : Everyone seems to be growing.
EST : I'm looking forward to their future even more now.
A smile stretched across Est-san’s cheeks as he gazed upon his students in genuine happiness, but also with a hint of melancholic sadness... I couldn't help but gaze at his expression…
EST : By the way... Emma-kun.
EST : I wanted to talk about that fairy who has been watching us through the gap in the door...
MATEO : ...Uh...a...nu...
EMMA : Oh...
Mateo, who had been purified and placed inside the key, was already making a habit of coming out like this. He seemed concerned about Sion…
EMMA : Sion, may I ask a favor?
SION : Of course. After I put you through so much trouble…
EMMA : No, it's not about me at all. It's about the fairy...
SION : The fairy? Wait, you!?
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MATEO : Uh...th...s...i...o...n...
EMMA : Look, Mateo, you want to say something to Sion, right?
MATEO : ...Sion...th...s...
SION : I've suffered quite a lot, you know…
MATEO : S...so...rr...y...
SION : But it's because of my weakness, not yours. Besides, you were also being controlled by that man in the hat.
SION : All that anger, the hatred... I could feel your emotions mingling with mine.
SION : So I don't place any of the blame on you. I'm just glad that your frenzy has subsided.
MATEO : Uh...Sion... Th...ank...y...ou...
SION : Hmph.
EMMA : (Anger and hatred, huh? I wonder how Mateo became a Black Fairy…?)
I gently held the key I was wearing around my neck.
EMMA : (Navi’s still asleep… so it would seem...)
I recalled the words Navi said to me right before returning to the key....
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NAVI : Hey, Master. I'm a bit tired, so I'm going to rest for a while, but when I wake up, there's something I want to talk to you about.
NAVI : It’s my past… I think I remembered something about my past…
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SION : Ugh... Uwaaaaah!!
MATEO : Guh... Gwooooooh...
EMMA : (What's happening to Sion with that intense light?)
NAVI : Uhh...
ITSUKI : Navi...?
EST : Emma, now's the time.
EMMA : Est? But what about Sion...!?
EST : Kai and the others are restraining Sion's magic. The miasma should be weakening as well.
EST : Right now, your prayers might reach Navi and the others.
EMMA : ...!!
Encouraged by Est's words, I directed my prayers to Navi and the others fighting the Moon Wanderers.
EMMA : (Everyone, please calm down...!)
NAVI : Ugh... This feels disgusting...
HIMMEL : I... don't understand what's happening.
EVAN : What... happened?
CROW : Finally awake, huh? We've been in a real mess because of you guys.
EVAN : Did I... cause that wound on you?
CROW : Yeah, that's right. It hurts.
EVAN : ...Huh, guess that explains why it feels like something is missing in my chest.
CROW : Haha, you don't look too good, do you?
HIMMEL : That… felt like being in a nightmare...
GRANDFLAIR : How are you feeling now?
HIMMEL : I... hurt you, and I don't know what to say.
GRANDFLAIR : Don't worry about it. It was just a fight.
NOAH : Yeah, we said whatever we wanted and did whatever we wanted. Feels refreshing, don't it?
ITSUKI : Navi, can you understand my words?
NAVI : ...We were manipulated by them again, weren’t we?
EMMA : Yes.. But now that Mateo's Black Fairy power is weakened, we might be able to save him…
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KAI : Sion! Get a hold of yourself!
GUI : Sion...
SION & MATEO : Eurgh...
EST : Kai, Gui, step back for now! You might’ve weakened the Black Fairy, but he’s still in a frenzy.
KAI : But, Sensei...
EST : You guys have done everything you can....
EST : Emma, I'm sorry, but I need to ask you for one more thing.
EMMA : Of course.
EMMA : ...Navi, Evan, Himmel.
EMMA : I want to purify Sion. Can you all lend me your strength?
NAVI : ...I'm really not in a good mood right now.
EMMA : ...
NAVI : After being messed with by those guys, I'm really on the verge of losing it!
NAVI : I want to smack them down. So, I’m going to possess you, Itsuki!
EMMA : Navi...!
ITSUKI : Hmph... I agree.
CROW : Well, it's about time.
EMMA : Yes.
EMMA : Let's purify Mateo and save Sion!
MATEO : Guh... Gwooooh...!!!
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MATEO : Gwooooooh...!
CROW : Emma, now!
EMMA : Yeah, let me try!
NOAH : Is this... purification?
ITSUKI : Yes, the Black Fairy is the key.
SION : Ugh...
GUI : Sion!
KAI : Wait, don't move him!
KAI : Hmm, he seems to be in no immediate danger. He'll wake up soon.
EST : The ominous magic has subsided. He can breathe easy now.
GUI : Whew, that's a relief...
KAI : You guys are a real fucking pain, y’know that?
EST : The magic we used just now... is exactly the magic I taught you in class.
KAI : Oh, yeah... Though, I'm not too sure I did it correctly...
EST : ...No, you managed a perfect score.
EMMA : (Thank goodness...)
EMMA : ...Huh?
As a result of purifying Mateo & Sion’s souls, my head began to spin with dizziness.
??? : Oops, are you okay?
EMMA : Ah, thank you...
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NANASHI : You're welcome, miss.
EMMA : Huh!? Are you...!?
NANASHI : The bond between fairies and humans, huh? We have witnessed something truly wonderful.
EMMA : Nanashi...!
Before I could distance myself, Crow pulled my arm and separated me from him.
CROW : Don't touch her!!
NANASHI : Oh, you took her from me? Are you trying to bring shame upon my name as a "Phantom Thief"?
CROW : Stop screwing around…
CROW : Who are you guys? What's your purpose in letting the Black Fairies rampage?
CROW : And what do you know about Eden...!?
NANASHI : Eden, huh?
NANASHI : Well, aren’t you a clever one? To commend your efforts, I suppose I can let you in on our little secret~.
NANASHI : First, our goal is to use the Black Fairies to destroy as many human dreams as possible.
CROW, ITSUKI & GRANDFLAIR : What...? You want… Destroy human dreams...?
NANASHI : And second~... Let's just say that Eden and I have quite the deep connection.
CROW : What...!? What do you mean!?
NANASHI : Hehe, both interpretations are correct. Well then, let's meet again.
CROW : W-Wait!
NANASHI : Just so you know, it's better you don’t chase after me.
NANASHI : I'm REALLY good at games like tag and hide-and-seek, you know~? You won't catch me~~
CROW : I told you to stop screwing around!!
EMMA : C-Crow!?
ACE : Big bro! He left without us!
JOE : Leaving his subordinates behind, what an amazing boss!
ACE : What should we do? The Black Fairies are gone, and it's just us against them now.
JOE : Grrr... It can't be helped.
JOE : Ace, let's follow his lead. We'll make a stylish exit of our own!
ACE : Right, let's retreat in style!
JOE & ACE : Run away!!
NOAH : I had a feeling they were small fries… but...
NOAH : Huh? What’s this…?
NOAH : …A gun?
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SION : Ahahahaha!
EST : …Emma's got her hands full with Navi and the Black Fairies… It can't be helped.
EST : I'll hold Sion back. Kai and Gui, I need your help.
KAI : R-Right…!
GUI : Okay, I-I'll take care of it!
SION : Hold me back!? Me!? As if you could hold me!! Hahaha, don't make me laugh!!
KAI : Ngh!? This fucker…!
GUI : Please stop that…! I don't want to fight Sion…
GUI : Whoa!?
EST : Kai, Gui! Don't get any closer!
GUI : But… But! This can't be happening…!
GUI : Sion is really…
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GUI : …Ahh… It's not working…
SION : Gui? What are you doing up so late?
GUI : Oh, Sion. Umm… I made a new magical tool, but I can't get it to work…
SION : Oh, I see. You're magic…
GUI : Y-Yes… So, um… If you don't mind…
SION : What?
GUI : Oh, uh, nevermind. It's nothing…
SION : Give it to me.
GUI : Wha-?
SION : I see… So you're using pyroxene as a catalyst for the light magic…
GUI : Yes! With it you can change the brightness at will! I thought it might be useful for expeditions and things like that…
SION : I suppose you'll also be needing a report on how it feels to use, and how much magic it consumes?
GUI : Y-Yes, would that be okay!? I know you've been busy lately…
SION : Yeah, it's a learning opportunity for me, as well. I'll rope in that single-celled idiot, too.
SION : Kai's been breaking his brain over Est's homework. It'll be a nice change of pace.
GUI : Sion is… A little naive, but he's really kind and looks out for us!
GUI : That's not Sion!
SION : Hahaha... I'm feeling the magic flowing through me! This is what I've been lookng for!
KAI : Hey, Sion, did you even hear what Gui said!?
KAI : You've been talking so much about power, you're like a kid with a toy!
SION : You're the kids! You think you can make your dreams come true by taking it easy in a place as uninspiring as this!?
SION : I don't need Magia Seminar anymore… And I don't need you!!
EST : …Sion… This power of yours… It's not just because you're possessed by a Black Fairy, is it?
EST : You've dabbled in the forbidden arts, too, haven't you?
KAI / GUI : Forbidden Arts…!
SION : ………
KAI : You've gotta be fucking kidding me…
SION : Hahaha… What about it? You've seen what it can do right? Lemme show you!
EST : …Nh… Indeed. That's a lot of power. However…
SION : Ahaha… Hahahaha!!
SION : Gh… Ugh… AHHHH!!!
KAI : Hey, Sion!?
EST : In addition to the use of forbidden techniques, the Black Fairy has spiralled out of control…
EST : He is now in a state where his strength and magic are being rapidly squeezed out of him. At this rate, he could lose his life.
KAI / EST : What!?
EST : I know it won't be easy, but I'll stop Sion. He's dangerous, so Kai and Gui, I need you to stay back.
KAI : I've had enough of this shit, Sion!
GUI : Sion…!
EST : No, I said get back!
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SION : Nh… Don't come any closer… Ugh…
KAI : You're a pain in the ass! A complete jerkoff with a fractured personality complex!
KAI : Am I gonna have to kick your ass to make you understand!? Cuz that's how it seems to me!
SION : …What did you just fucking say? There's nothing you can teach me!
KAI : Don't be a fool! You're fucking dying! And we don't wanna live without you!
KAI : So can't you just rely on us for once in your fucking life… What is Magia Seminar for!?
SION : Kai…
GUI : Sion… I have a lot of respect for you…
GUI : You helped me study and hepled me perfect my magic tools. I… I'm so happy.
GUI : Actually, I might be a little angry with you… But I'm also amazed you have the guts to talk to our teacher like that.
GUI : I admire you. So, please… Please come back to us!
SION : Ugh… Shut up!!
SION : So annoying! That's what you guys always say, always do…
SION : Always tryna get involved in my business without knowing the first thing I'm thinking!
SION : You don't know the weight I'm carrying! You have no idea!!
Look, it's that kid… Oh, it's the sinful one… I can't believe the Dark Clan has been tainted with Light Magic…
KAI : How are we supposed to know when you don't tell us?!
KAI : But I do know one thing. I know you've secretly been working to make your dream come true…
KAI : You want our help… I know you do!
SION : You pain in the ass! I hate your stupid, annoying, troublesome, meddling!!
SION : Always…
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Tainted light… Sinful magic…
KAI : Hey Sion, your light magic is amazing! No way you'll fail with magic like this!
GUI : Sion's magic is… …Warm and beautiful.
SION : Always…
GUI : …Sion?
SION : I thought you'd be happy, you meddling single cell!
KAI : …Ah-Haha! Oh yeah?
GUI : Ehehehe~…
EST : Sion… Stopped moving…?
SION : Ggghh… Aghh…!?
KAI / GUI : Sion!
EST : …No… I don't know how much more his body can take…
EST : Heaven brings the drop of life. Earth brings the breath of life. Know the compassion of a merciful world…
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SION : …Nhh!?
EST : Kai, Gui! I'll try to neutralize the forbidden arts….
EST : While I'm doing that, do you think you can find a way to suppress his magic!?
KAI : But… How do we…
KAI : Oh! Sion, that's it!
SION : …Nh…?
KAI : We did it in the lecture. It's magic control!
KAI : A quick flick, then a swoosh. And then a swoosh at the end… Like that!
SION : Wait… I don't understand that at all! How can you do that with just onomatopoeia?
KAI : We don't have time for this! We're here to help you!
GUI : Sion can surely do this…
SION : Nh! Ha… Haha… You're telling me…
SION : Of course I can…
KAI : Oho, there's the Sion I remember. Let's do this!
KAI / GUI : Ready!
SION : Gghhaaaaaaa!!
MATEO : Gghh… Gwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?
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Kai led us all to a dilapidated research facility on the outskirts of the pavilion.
KAI : It was over here, there was some black miasma rising-- There!!
EMMA : What is that…?
GUI : It's Sion's little hideaway. He never lets us get this close either…
GUI : Ugh… I have a really bad feeling about this… I've never actually wanted to be wrong before~…!
NAVI : I'm sorry, but we need to leave.
HIMMEL : Indeed… They're here…
EMMA : …Huh!?
EST : Sion…!?
SION : Ahahahahahaha!!!
SION : Wow… I can have all the power in the world!
KAI : Sion!! What the fuck are you doing!?
SION : Huh!? No, don't come any closer…!
EST : Watch out!!
EST : Sion… This magic… What have you done?
KAI : Sensei, what the hell is this!? I don't care how strong he is, Sion shouldn't have this kind of power!
GUI : Sion and his magic are both… Pitch Black…!
EST : …….
JOE : Heh, ahahahahaha!! Chaos only repeats itself… Now it's time for round two, Moon Wanderers!
CROW : You guys again!?
GRANDFLAIR : You planted the Black Fairy in Sion just like you did to me!
EMMA : This can't be happening!
NANASHI : Wrong!
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NANASHI : He volunteered…
KAI : Is that so…?
NANASHI : Sion wanted the power to make all his dreams come true.
NANASHI : But… Too bad! I'm afraid Mateo was too much for a runaway like him to handle.
KAI : You!
SION / MATEO : Uuuuu… Wwaaaaa!!!
EMMA : We need to purify Sion, asap!
CROW : You don't have to tell me twice!
We nodded to each other, preparing for the fight to come when…
NOAH : Crow, move!!
CROW : …Wha!?
Out of nowhere a blast of energy flew past Crow, way too close for comfort. Turning toward the attack, we saw…
NAVI : Fu… Fufu…
EVAN : Humans…
HIMMEL : ……..
NAVI : Ugh… Urgh…
EMMA : Navi! It's gonna be okay…
CROW : Wait, Emma! There's-- ...Something's wrong...
He was right… Navi and others… The black miasma was rising from their bodies, too, just like Sion…
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They materialized, gasping for breath… Their eyes filled with black light as they turned to face us.
NANASHI : Ooh~, I see Mateo's influence is far more powerful than I thought.
EMMA : This miasma again!
NANASHI : Mateo's getting really excited. How unexpected… Hm~Hm~.
SION / MATEO : Uuuuuuuuuuuu……. Wwwaaaaaaaaa!!
SION / MATEO : They're gonna regret looking down on me!
SION / MATEO : I'll make them pay for laughing at me and my family!!
CROW : Emma, get away from Navi!
EMMA : I'm still here…
HIMMEL : Heheh…
EMMA : Himmel?
HIMMEL : How stupid… Humanity... What fragile creatures...
HIMMEL : You dream of great things, only to be consumed by despair.
EVAN : You act all righteous, but all you do is betray those you love…
NAVI : People… So selfish and useless… I hate them all!
EMMA : Please… Everyone… Calm down!
GRANDFLAIR : Emma, get back!!
NAVI : Ahahaha!
CROW : Watch out!
EMMA : …Hn!!
EVAN : Raa!!
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NOAH : Korokuro!
KOROKURO : Kuuu!!!
EVAN : …Hm!?
CROW : They're going after Emma…
GRANDFLAIR : They're resisting the purification!?
EMMA : Navi, Evan, Himmel!!
EMMA : (…I can't reach them…)
Their eyes are filled with an even greater hatred than when we'd first met…
EMMA : (Will we really never be able to understand each other… No matter what I say…?)
CROW : Hey, Emma, do you remember what we were talking about earlier?
EMMA : C-Crow…?
CROW : We've said all there is to say. The only thing left to do now…
CROW : Is talk with our fists!
EMMA : Huh!?
ITSUKI : …Wait, fists talk?
NOAH : Not the time, Itsuki!
GRANDFLAIR : Hm. A primitive approach, but that's just like us…
CROW : Okay, then I'm gonna hit 'em as hard as I can!
CROW : Y'know he'd always say, "People aren't that bad."
EMMA : Don't you think this is a little extreme?
CROW : Sometimes fighting is quicker than arguing with each other, y'know? That's the Eden approach!
EMMA : …Yeah, okay, I get it… We gotta blow off steam, right?
EMMA : I know it's crazy, but… I sense something real in their rage and hatred.
EMMA : I want to hear them. And respond in kind.
CROW : Heh. Then it's a good thing I'm here. Evan. Navi. Himmel. Come at me!
CROW : That way if one of us gets hurt, we're both to blame!!
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EMMA : (Sion where are you? I thought I saw him heading this way, but…)
????? : How about this? Do you like that?
EMMA : (That voice just now…)
ANGE : Meow~!
SION : Here kitty, what's this…
EMMA : (Is that Sion's light magic? Whoa, so soft…)
SION : Alright, good kitty, that's it, over here, just a little more…
SION : Just a liiiittle more…
ANGE : Hssssssssssttt!
SION : …!? Ange!?
SION : …….
EMMA : …Hey, Sion? Can we talk?
SION : What the-!? How long have you been standing there!?
EMMA : I wasn't trying to spy! I've been looking everywhere for you, I--…
SION : …Just don't tell anyone what you saw, got it?
EMMA : You got it.
EMMA : So… Do you like animals in general, or is it JUST cats?
SION : I don't have to answer to you.
EMMA : Well, when you put it that way, you're right… I can't force you to tell me.
SION : …………….
SION : …Cats are cute… Right?
EMMA : Uh, yeah, I think so! Especially Ange here, she's a beauty.
SION : …So… What do you want from me?
EMMA : You ran out… I was worried about you…
EMMA : You've got Est, Kai and Gui all worried sick, too. You know that, right?
SION : …No, I didn't know that…
EMMA : Hey, Sion… Can I ask you something?
EMMA : Why do you look so sad all the time?
SION : I haven't given you permission to ask me anything yet…
EMMA : Oh, I'm sorry!
Sion throws a glance my way, assessing me for all I'm worth.
Seemingly making his decision, he takes a short breath.
SION : …I didn't come to Magia Seminar to make friends or be some kind of model student.
SION : I came here to hone my skills as a magician. And that's what I intend to do.
SION : I don't have time to deal with them…
EMMA : I don't understand… Aren't Kai and Gui are working just as hard for the same reason?
SION : They are, but it's just not the same.
SION : The burden I carry… It's different…
EMMA : And what burden is that?
SION : ……..
SION : Fine… You're just gonna read my file anyway…
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SION : I'm from Secundati, the land of spirits.
EMMA : Spirits…
SION : Yeah. The definition varies from place to place. In Secundati, it's what we call the higher beings that control nature itself.
SION : Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Ice, Light, and Darkness. For each Spirit a nation. And for each nation a clan blessed with the power of said Spirit.
SION : I was born into the clan of Darkness. And there isn't a single person in the world who hasn't heard our name.
EMMA : Darkness? But you're… A Light Magician, right?
SION : I'm a heretic...
SION : I was supposed to be chosen by the Spirit of Darkness to master the Anima arts… But instead… I was chosen by the Spirit of Light…
SION : Even still, my family took care of me and treated me as their own… But they were the only ones…
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Why would the venerable Clan of Darkness give birth to a Child of Light? What did his family do to deserve this? How filthy. He's a blight on the family name…
EMMA : …….
SION : That's why I left my home, my country. To hone my skills, become famous and make a name for myself.
SION : To get back at those who slandered my family.
SION : And become a Grand Meister so I could finally make my dreams of mastering the Anima Arts a reality…
EMMA : …Sion?
SION : …You talk too much.
SION : But since you're already here… Give those guys a message for me.
SION : I'm leaving the guild.
EMMA : What, why now all of a sudden!?
SION : I've been preparing for this from the start. I've done a lot of research on my own.
SION : I only came here because I thought it would make it easier for me to become a Grand Meister.
SION : I put my faith in that so called 'genius', but it's not enough to just be like everybody else…
SION : I'm only falling further behind.
EMMA : But…
SION : Leave me alone. I'll do whatever it takes to make my dreams come true.
EMMA : …..SION!!!
SION : …………..
EMMA : You're not the only one with a dream, Sion… I have one, too. So even if you leave this guild, I still want to help you.
SION : …………
SION : …Tsk. So you're a single-celled organism, too…
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JOE : Ughh! They got in our way again.. But they won't get in our way next time. In fact, next time it'll be an all-out stomp!!
ACE : You're right, bro! I mean, c'mon, those guys don't know how to work together at all!
JOE : Ha-ha-ha! Right? How pathetic! Meanwhile lil bro and I are in perfect sync!
ACE : Exactly! All for one and one for all!!
JOE / ACE : Who will become the biggest, baddest, evilest villainest villains of all time? We will! The Dark Night Duo, that's who!
NANASHI : Being so lively and upbeat at a time like this is a talent all its own, I suppose…
NANASHI : Well now, what exactly do we do next? Any ideas, Mateo?
MATEO : Uuwwwaaa…. AWWOOOOOOO!!!
NANASHI : Hmmm, yes. I was thinking that exact same thing. He did look rather lonely after all…
NANASHI : Mateo… Would you like to make a new friend?
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After defeating the Black Fairy released by the Messengers, we face a man named Nanashi.
NANASHI : Huh. So it seems this isn't game over after all…
CROW : Stop screwing around…… And tell us what the Hell you want!
NANASHI : Oh, I thought you knew? I just wanna see this Black Fairies rampage.
CROW : And what's the point of that!?
JOE : Haah… Ha-ha-ha! Way to go, Nanashi! The chaos, it's spreading!
EMMA : Huh!?
Hearing Joe's words, I scan the area.
MAGICIAN 1 : Hah…! Hah….! Look at my power! Your sorcery is but a trick…. It's child's play!
SORCEROR 1 : Sorcery is superior in every way. Magic is obsolete and but a hindrance to true progress.
SORCIANA POLICEMAN 1 : Damn…! So much power!
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New messengers appeared, possessing the few who remained, transforming them into a mob.
JOE : Ah-ha-ha-ha! Good, good! This is exactly what a catastrophe wrought by a great evil should look like!
NANASHI : Joe, can I ask you to stop slakcing off and get back to work? Here. I'll even give you my secret weapon.
JOE : Hm? Ah… Haha, yes, yes, that's it! Leave the rest to us!
JOE : Let's go, Ace! It's time for us to spread a little chaos ourselves!
ACE : Let's do this, bro!
CROW : Wait…
MATEO : Awwooooooooo!!
ITSUKI : …Grhh!?
NANASHI : Not you. Mateo will miss you.
KAI : Emma, we'll take care of them!
EMMA : …Yeah. Please do!
KAI : Oh, I'll take care of it, alright. You guys be careful!
EMMA : (The black mist is thickening…!)
EMMA : Navi, Evan… Himmel! Come out!
EMMA : Please, help the Crow and the others! We need to protect the city…!!!
NAVI : There's no point complaining. Let's just get this over with…
HIMMEL : Yes, yes, orders. What a pain in the ass.
CROW : Thanks, Evan.
EVAN : It's not by choice. Who would want to possess you?
NANASHI : Oh, dear, you guys don't get along, do you?
NANASHI : A pity you've not been able to use the Black Fairies to their full potential.
EMMA : What…?
NANASHI : Let me show you how it's done.
Nanashi lightly snaps his fingers, and the air around him instantly becomes as heavy as lead.
Before I knew it, everyone -- Crow and Navi included -- Were on their knees, gasping for air.
EMMA : (What is this air…! I can't… Breathe!)
EVAN : Ungh…. Gah, argghhh!!
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CROW : H-Hey…! what's wrong with you, Evan!?
EVAN : Ugh, shut up… Shut the fuck up! You traitor!! Get away from me!!
HIMMEL : Oh, the futility, the futility. All in vain. So why are you all still struggling so much…?
NAVI : Ah… Ugh… Yes. Yesss. We hate people. We hate them…!!!
EMMA : Guys…?
NANASHI : Hmph. I just showed them the truth… Hey, Mateo.
MATEO : Ugh… Awwooooooo!
NANASHI : Come on. Possess me…
GRANDFLAIR : Possessed by a black fairy!?
NANASHI : Let's show them exactly how close we are!
JOE : Alright, let's do it Ace! We're the Dark Night Duo! We'll be the world's greatest villains!
ACE : Yeah! Bro, I think I see some civvies over there!
KAI : Wait right there! I won't let you do that!
JOE : Oh, another one of my rivals! I'm sorry, but I'll do whatever the Hell I want!
JOE : Behold this grimoire!
GUI : It's a grimoire!
JOE : Let me explain the wonders of this grimoire to you! With this, the power of the Black Fairy has multiplied many times over!
ACE : Of course, that means we will be powered up too!
SION : What the…!?
JOE : Here you go~. Click!
KAI / SION / GUI : NO!!?
MAGICIAN 2 : Urghh… Ah-Hah-Hah-Hah!!
SORCEROR 2 : unintelligible drivel
JOE : Hahaha, that's it! Now that's what I call a secret weapon!
ACE : Good, goooood~! Magic tools are awesome! Evil is awesome!
SION : What a bunch of idiots… They're really pissing me off.
MAGICIAN 2 / SORCEROR 2 : Ah-Hah-Hah-Hah!!
MALE CIVILIAN : Whoaaaa, what the hell!
KAI : Oh, shit… There are still people in the city! We have to evacuate them or they're gonna get hurt!
KAI : Gui, get everyone out of here!
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GUI : ………
GUI : …Not…!
KAI : Hey, Guy?
GUI : Magic tools are not meant to hurt people…!
KAI : Guy? Hey, wait a minute!
SION : Damn, them all….!
GUI : Give me that grimoire!
JOE : Who the Hell do you think I am!? I don't just give shit away because you ask me to~!
ACE : Yeah, stay away from my brother~!
KAI : Gui!! …He can't hear us anymore…
KAI : Sion, use your light magic to blind them! I'll beat the crap out of them while you're at it!
SION : That's putting it mildly. I'll knock them out in a heartbeat!
SION : All this commotion… If we can keep the ringleaders in check, we'll really make a name for ourselves.
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KAI : What!? What are you talking about!?
KAI : Huh!? What are you doing? You can't use that much magic! Gui's with them!
SION : Gui can handle himself! …I won't let this chance pass me by!
SION : Earlier you said I was worried about you guys. I hate to say it…
SION : But I've got enough on my plate, taking care of my Goddamn self!
KAI : Damn it, I told you to stop!
SION : Light, pierce him!
KAI : Ugh… Binding magic, power amplifier!
KAI : Scratch that light out of the sky!
GUI : …What the!?
SION : What the--!? Kai, you took my magic…?
KAI : I failed…!?
GUI : Oh, no! The magic's out of control!
GUI : Oh, look out!!
FEMALE CIVILIAN : Kyaaaaaahhhh!!!!
KAI / SION : Shit…
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The next day… "I quit Magia Seminar." Sion disappeared, just like he promised…
GUI : Sion… I can't believe he really left…
KAI : …He's serious, isn't he?
KAI : Ah, I may have been a bit too hard on him… But he's such a jerk, I snapped.
EMMA : …You two really wanted Sion to stay, huh?
GUI : …He's really a kind person. And he's very talented and smart and really good at what he does, I… I really looked up to him!
KAI : He's always pissing me off but deep down he's a great guy. I'm at my best henever he's around. He just inspires me to work harder.
KAI : Did he really wanna be alone so badly?
KAI : …So we're not good enough for him, is that it?
EMMA : ……
EMMA : (You hate being with me, too, huh?)
Kai's words had me reflecting on some things, as well.
EMMA : …Hey, Navi? Can I talk to you for a minute. You don't have to come out.
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NAVI : …What?
EMMA : You looked really sick yesterday. It's had me worried…
NAVI : If you're asking if I'm feeling better, of course I'm not…
EMMA : …Right.
NAVI : You don't have to worry about us. It's not like we can disobey our master anyway, right?
NAVI : So you can just go ahead and ignore all that whining we were doing yesterday.
NAVI : We're just tools to use at your convenience, anyway, so just use us as you see fit.
EMMA : N-No, Navi, that's not… I've never looked at you that way, and neither has Crow or the others.
NAVI : I… I'm tired. See you later, Master.
EMMA : No, N-Navi!?
EMMA : (I'm really out of my depth here, huh?)
EMMA : (If you don't like humans. …If you don't like being with me… Then we really need to rethink this whole relationship…)
Nevertheless, they continued to stubbornly avoid me… And there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it…
????? : ………..
????? : That's it. It's okay…
EMMA : (Hm? I recognize that voice…)
EMMA : Noah?
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NOAH : Emma. What's wrong?
EMMA : I was just getting some air. Is it just you out here? I thought I heard you talking to someone just now?
NOAH : Oh, that's Ange. See?
ANGE : Nyaa?
EMMA : Oh, yeah! Hehe, hi Ange! You seem to be in a good mood today.
NOAH : She likes being stroked here, see?
ANGE : Nya〜n♪
EMMA : That's just like you, Noah. You've already captured Ange's heart.
EMMA : So you understand how animals feel, that's… That's good…
NOAH : Hm?
EMMA : If only we could understand each other's feelings as easy as you do, we'd have nothing to worry about…
NOAH : ……?
EMMA : Oh, umm, sorry… That was a little bitchy, huh? Just pretend you didn't--…
NOAH : How the Hell am I supposed to know how others feel?
EMMA : Huh?
EMMA : But… Aren't you always talking to Korokuro?
NOAH : That's because I've known Korokuro for so long, I just know what he's like.
NOAH : It might look like we're talking, but it's not like I'm reading his innermost feelings.
EMMA : Is that so… It always looked to me like it was coming from the heart…
NOAH : What I'm doing is something else entirely.
EMMA : Something else… Entirely?
NOAH : Yes.
NOAH : Humans are such a pain in the ass.
EMMA : Y-Yeah?
NOAH : We know all the words, but all we do is fight. We lie and hide our true feelings. We're really troublesome creatures.
NOAH : That's why I don't fit in. And I never intend to.
No one ever told me the details of how Noah ended up in the Moon Wanderers.
But Gran had once told me that Noah grew up in a place without other humans, and had no contact with them ever since he was a child.
NOAH : But you know what that guy, Eden, told me…?
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EDEN : You don't like being alone, do you? Heh, I see…
EDEN : You're right. Humans are the most troublesome creatures in the world. We're cynical and hide from the things that truly matter.
EDEN : But I'm sure you'll be fine. Just treat them the same way you treat the animals.
NOAH : …Hm? And how do I do that?
EDEN : You're trying to understand them, right?
EDEN : You don't care if they bite you or scratch you. You just wanna know what they're thinking.
EDEN : If you meet someone you think you want to know. Just do the same thing.
EDEN : Sure, you might get in a fight and beat the shit out of one another, but… Once you get past that…
EDEN : You'll start to see the "truth" in them.
NOAH : At first, the Moon Wanderers were a pain in the ass. Now I'm used to them.
EMMA : (You don't care if they bite or scratch you…?)
EMMA : Trying to understand the other person, huh? It sounds so simple, but… But it's a really important part of any relationship… How could I forget?
EMMA : Thanks, Noah, I think I've got a better idea of exactly what I need to do…
NOAH : No need to thank me. It is the king's duty to help his men, after all.
EMMA : Hey, Noah, what exactly do you mean by "King"?
NOAH : The king of the forest, whose duty it is to protect the weak.
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SION : Fuck! I'm so close… I can feel it… I just need more magic…
SION : If only I could perfect the forbidden arts, I'd have all the power I need!
SION : …It'll bring me one step closer to my dream… Of becoming a Grand Meister and mastering Anima's Arts…
????? : …Uuuu… Wwaaa…!!
SION : What the-!? Who's there!?
NANASHI : Hello, apologies for dropping in out of the blue like this.
SION : You were at the crossroads!
NANASHI : Heh, the forbidden arts, you say…? That's the spirit, kid.
SION : What are you doing here!? I'm warning you, don't fuck with me!
NANASHI : Hey. It's Sion, right?
NANASHI : Tell me, Sion, do you want power?
SION : …Huh!?
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After parting ways with Noah, I called Navi and the others out from the key.
NAVI : What is it? Why'd you call me all the way out here…?
EMMA : I have something important to tell you, and I wanted to say it face to face.
EMMA : Navi, I want you guys to tell me how you feel.
NAVI : Huh?
EVAN : You want us to tell you our feelings?
HIMMEL : I'm not sure I understand… What that means…
EMMA : You three have helped us so much already, but you still hate us.
EMMA : So I just… Wanted to ask how you guys feel when it comes to traveling with us.
EMMA : And… I want to know why Navi is so mad at us….
NAVI : Hn!?
EVAN : That's a laughably stupid thing to say, you know that?
HIMMEL : This is useless… There's no point in telling you how we feel.
NAVI : You're looking for this Eden guy, right? Then we have no say in the matter. You're gonna force us to continue this journey with you either way.
EMMA : No. I'd rather stop here than force you to continue against your will.
NAVI : Wah!?
EMMA : If you guys don't want to do this with me, then I don't think we should do it at all.
EMMA : …Even if it's an order from the Dream King, I'd rather suffer alone than give my friends a hard time.
NAVI : Heheh.
NAVI : Heh-- Ha ha ha ha ha ha ! FRIENDS!?!?
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NAVI : Hey~, Master~… Do you really mean that?
NAVI : That we're your friends? That we can do anything we want under your command~?
EMMA : Orders are meaningless. That's why I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to ask you what YOU want.
NAVI : Keh, haha--- Aha-ha-ha-ha!
NAVI : Oh-Hoh, ohh, that's funny… Well… It just so happens there is one thing I've been thinking about for a while now~?
NAVI : Master really is such a good girl, isn't she? I get so frustrated just looking at you.
EMMA : (I was expecting this kind of reaction…)
EMMA : (But… If I back down now… I'll never get another chance to build on our relationship together…)
EMMA : I'm sorry for being such a nuisance, but this is exactly what I want.
EMMA : Ah. And when I say I want this, that doesn't mean I'm ordering you to do it.
NAVI : …So that's it, huh…?
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EVAN : If you'd just shut up and listen for once, you'd know that's exactly what I've been saying.
EVAN : You've been spouting so much bullshit, but then hypocrisy is a human specialty, after all!
HIMMEL : …Please understand… This is an exercise in futility…
HIMMEL : It doesn't matter how badly you want to change… Our relationship with you will not…
NAVI : That's right. You can be just as forceful, arrogant, and unreasonable as the rest. So why wouldn't you just treat us like tools?
NAVI : Human beings are filthy creatures who don't care about anything or anyone else so long as it makes them happy!
EMMA : Navi…?
NAVI : We know this… We've seen it…
EVAN : Man believes they are good so long as they are good to themselves. It doesn't matter who you betray. Not a single strain remains on your hearts!
HIMMEL : Humans are… Weak, soiled with doubt and self-preservation.
That was the loudest cry I'd ever heard from any of them since we'd first met…
The anger, sadness, and hatred in their gazes… I'd never seen anything so heartbreaking. It hurt.
EMMA : (I have to say something… Anything…)
Bombarded by all their emotions at once… I found myself at a loss for words when, suddenly… I felt something warm press itself against my spine.
????? : You guys are really loud. I could hear you way over there, y'know that?
EMMA : Crow!!
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ITSUKI : We've been looking everywhere for you. We were starting to get worried.
GRANDFLAIR : You seemed pretty torn up yesterday.
EMMA : Itsuki… Gran…
I feel the pain in my chest ease as they approach.
Crow gently patted my back once more.
CROW : Seems we're just in time. I've been thinking, as well.
CROW : You remember that pain from possessing me, don't you, Evan? You felt it, too…
EVAN : Of course I do. And I made it clear that I didn't want it.
CROW : Yeah… Yeah, that's right. Then I guess we'll be going our separate ways now, huh?
EVAN : What the--…
CROW : Oh, and by the way, no, I don't forgive you guys for what you did to Gran and Emma.
CROW : But that doesn't mean I'm gonna let it end here.
GRANDFLAIR : Frankly, I can't let you do that to me again. So I was hoping to a little chat with you, one to one.
HIMMEL : …I don't understand. You have the art of domination at your fingertips…
NAVI : This is an act of self-indulgence. Or maybe just overblown pity.
CROW : Self-indulgence? Haha, maybe you're right.
CROW : We don't want you doing anything you don't want to do.
NAVI : …Hahh!?
ITSUKI : Doing something you don't wanna do is draining. Both physically and mentally. Kinda like me writing those reports.
GRANDFLAIR : You're not still complaining about that are you…?
ITSUKI : No, I just… I'm trying to understand. It's a tough thing, being subjected to something without ever knowing why.
ITSUKI : So, Navi… Please tell us why you're so angry…
NAVI : …Ugh.
CROW : We came together by pure chance. I mean, you were forced to possess me and everything, but…
CROW : If you don't want to do it, you don't have to anymore.
CROW : If it's not something you want to do, then of course you're gonna hate it, right?
CROW : That's what Emma's been trying to tell you guys…
EMMA : …Y-Yeah…
CROW : You're not just tools to her. You're her friends. You're one of us.
NAVI : What the Hell are you talking about!? Stop spouting nonsense!!!
NAVI : This is what I'm talking about with you people…
NAVI : So stupid and dumb with your empty promises… Like a garden without the flowers…
...Navi, My Dear Friend...
NAVI : …Did you really love me…?
EMMA : (Love? So it's not that you hate us, you just…)
CROW : Hey, you're not--
KAI : Emma, there you are!
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EMMA : K-Kai?
KAI : We've got trouble…
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Following the attack on the Grand Crossroads we returned to the Laughing Cat House to rest our battle-weary bodies…
EST : The police sent a report. Extensive property damage and more than a few civilian injuries, but no fatalities.
EST : Crow and Gran, as the first to respond to the attack, we thank you for your aid and leadership.
GRANDFLAIR : …So the police aren't mad at us?
EST : Well, things would have only gotten worse had it not been for you and Crow.
EST : I made sure to emphasise that part to the police.
GRANDFLAIR : Thank you… That's much appreciated!
EMMA : That's a relief…
CROW : But what about Mateo? We can't rest easy until we've purified that thing.
NOAH : Seemed ilke you guys were in pretty rough shape…
GRANDFLAIR : …The enemy black fairy was exceptionally powerful. We didn't stand a chance against him.
NAVI : Yeah, yeah, so you're saying we were too weak, is that it?
ITSUKI : …No one's saying that…? Navi, why are you so angry all the time?
NAVI : Do you have any idea how annoying it is being asked such things?
HIMMEL : Well, well… It would seem we're being affected by that other black fairy's miasma.
EVAN : I don't remember much of anything but it was an extremely sickening feeling.
EMMA : I'm just glad everyone could make a full recovery.
NAVI : It's that guy in the hat's fault. He pisses me off…
CROW : That guy with the that was working with those two dark night thugs. I think he said his name was Nanashi?
ITSUKI : His power's the real scary thing.
CROW : He was being possessed by Mateo but the difference between us and him was huge… Dammit…
ITSUKI : And that's not all… He also knew about Eden and Emma…
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NANASHI : Eden awaits.
NANASHI : I’ll be waiting for you at the End of the Road. And thinking of you all the same.
EMMA : …I don't remember… Any of that…
CROW : ……
More questions than answers continued to surface one after another until Est's firm voice cut through the tense silence.
EST : My apologies for changing the subject but may we talk a little amongst ourselves?
EMMA : Yes. Of course.
EST : Thank you. Now then… Kai, Sion, Gui…
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KAI / SION / GUI : ……..
EST : I don't blame you for disobeying me when I told you to stay here.
EST : On the contrary, I think it's a good thing you were able to bravely follow your own initiative.
EST : Many of the people you helped have come to me to express their gratitude.
KAI : Sensei...
EST : However… You fell prey to your emotions and failed to properly assess the situation around you…
EST : You failed to work together, and almost hurt the very people you were trying to save as a result.
EST : If only I'd only been there…
GUI : I-I'm sorry…
KAI : …A-Apologies…
SION : ……….
SION : No… If you'd left me to it, I'd have figured it out on my own…
KAI : Sion, you fucker…!
SION : It's true. Our fight was all your fault. If you hadn't been there, none of this would have happened…
KAI : You say that one more time!
EST : Enough of this!
KAI / SION : …Hmph.
EST : Do you even understand the gravity of the situation you're in? What could have happened? There's no way to fix a mistake like that.
EST : Reflect on this. Long and hard. Before you finally do something you truly regret…
KAI : ……
SION : Tsk… I just…
SION : I'm better than this…
SION : Dammit!
GUI : Sion…!
EMMA : Sion, wait!
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SION : …….
I follow Sion out the room, calling out to him.
EMMA : Sion…
But Sion never once looked back as he disappeared into the depths of the mansion…
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FEMALE CIVILIAN : Kyaaaaaahhhh!!!!
KAI / SION : Shit…
EST : Just in the nick of time!
KAI / SION : Sensei!! / Est!?
EST : Are you hurt?
FEMALE CIVILIAN : I'm okay... Thank you...
EST : That's good. I'm glad to hear that.
KAI : Um, Sensei... We're the one's who--...
EST : We'll talk later. For now, you three should get this woman to safety.
EST : Leave the rest to me.
KAI : ...Understood.
GUI : Y-Yes, sir...
SION : But...
EST : No buts, Sion, just do what I say!
JOE : W-What the-- ...Who are you!?
ACE : You're messing with me and my brother. How dare you get in the way of the great evil Dark Night Duo?!
EST : Great evil, huh? Fufu... Such big dreams...
EST : I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to put a stop to those dreams for now.
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NANASHI : Come on, now. You can't possibly hope to win AND protect them, can you?
NANASHI : The World Exploration Guild - The Moon Wanderers. You guys were good for more than just running your mouths, surely?
CROW : Tsk. This is...! Evan! What are you freaking out about!?
EVAN : Shut up... Shut up! ...You stupid human!
NAVI : Ngh, I hate... I hate human beings...
HIMMEL : It's useless...
EMMA : G-Guys...
MATEO : Awoooo!
NANASHI : Oh, you want to finish them yourself, Mateo?
MATEO : Awoooooo--!!
NANASHI : Hmmm... Very well...
GRANDFLAIR : Quick! Everybody, get behind me.
MATEO : Grrrahhh!!
We were exhausted and wounded to the bone, and now Mateo, cloaked in black miasma, ignored his own injuries to rush toward us…
GRANDFLAIR : Ahhh...!!
EMMA : Gran!
Mateo was on top of Gran before he could even lift his great shield, arm raised up, ready to crush him. Then a flash of light struck Mateo like lightning, pushing him back.
MATEO : Gwaarrooo!?
????? : Nice work, Korokuru!
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EMMA : Noah...!?
CROW : Noah!  You caught up with us!
NOAH : Yeah, I'm done with all my errands. Rouge's still behind on his, so I came out alone.
NOAH : Not that I expected to take a hit like that for you guys.
GRANDFLAIR : I don't know what to say... Thank you for saving my life.
EMMA : Hey, is that...?
NOAH : It's Korokuru!
KOROKURU : Kuru♪!!
EMMA : Huh...?
NOAH : Korokuru can change his size at will!
EMMA : Oh yeah, that's right. ...Well, thank you, Korokuru!
KOROKURU : Kuru♪!!
CROW : That's Noah's trusty sidekick! He's so strong, y'know!?
KOROKURU : Kuru♪!!
CROW : You arrived just in time! Now you're here, they don't stand a chance. Let's do this!
NOAH : Wait, you want me to help? Ugh, you're a pain in the ass!
NOAH : Well, that's okay. It's the king's role to save those less than him.
EMMA : (King...?)
NANASHI : A trustworthy friend, indeed. Hah! How I envy you.
NANASHI : Why is it that all my friends are so messed up...?
NANASHI : No matter. I'm counting on you now, Mateo. So can you hang on just a little longer?
MATEO : Grrahhh... Gwaoooooooo!!
NANASHI : ...So you finally beat me, huh? Bravo.
CROW : I'm done playing games.
JOE : Na-Nanashi! Oh, my God! They destroyed the remote!
ACE : There was this magician! He was so ridiculously powerful, he beat me in one hit!
NANASHI : Hmmm, a mage you say? ...Est... Ugh, sounds like trouble...
NANASHI : ...Alright! Joe, Ace. Let's get out of here.
JOE : What? You expect us to just take this crap? We're the biggest, baddest villains in the whole world! We can still take them!
NANASHI : But surely pulling off a mysterious and tactical retreat is an important skill for even the evilest of evils, no?
JOE / ACE : ...Yes, of course!!
NANASHI : Exactly, so now I'm going to make my dazzling escape~
JOE / ACE : Yes, sir!
EMMA : Leaving so soon?!
CROW : Stop right there!
NANASHI : Now, now, no need to rush things, you'll see me again soon enough~..
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NANASHI : Hey, Emma-kun?
EMMA : What the--! How do you-- ...Know my name...?
NANASHI : Eden awaits.
CROW / ITSUKI / GRANDFLARE : What did you--!?
NANASHI : I'll be waiting for you at the End of the Road. And thinking of you all the same.
EMMA : Nghh...
CROW : What do you know about Eden!?
CROW : Answer me!! Where is he, what is he doing!?
NANASHI : Oh, you do look positively terrifying right now. Careful, you don't wanna go scaring Emma now, do you?
CROW : Ugh...
NANASHI : Farewell. To all the Moon Wanderers, and to Eden's daughter...
NANASHI : ...It was a pleasure to meet you. See you soon♪!
CROW : Wait!!
CROW : ...W-Whoa!?
NOAH : Crow?
EVAN : Hahh... Arghhh...
CROW : Ughhh... I can't... Feel my body...
GRANDFLAIR : Ugh... Is this a reaction to the--...
HIMMEL : ...Nhh...
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ITSUKI : N-Navi... Are... Are you okay?
NAVI : ...It's nothing... Why are you asking me that...
HIMMEL : Yeah... It's useless. We are only... Your property, after all...
EMMA : That's not--
EVAN : Stop acting like you're a good person-- It's really starting to piss me off...
ITSUKI : Navi... Does any of this look okay to you?
EMMA : ...
NOAH : ...Tsk.
NOAH : What a pain...
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"There’s been a disturbance at the Grand Crossroads!" Hearing the news, we rushed to the Grand Crossroads in the center of Sorciana.
KAI : Fuck, this is bad. These buildings are falling apart!
SION : Where are the civilians? Looks like the guards have evacuated the place. But there's still mages and sorcerers here.
GUI : Aww… what in the world is going on?
EMMA : (Kai is right. But… If there's signs of a struggle… Where are the Black Fairies?)
ITSUKI : Hmmm. Such a desolate place with buildings collapsing and debris everywhere… I'm getting a sense of déjà vu.
That's when it happened.
EMMA : Explosions…!?
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JOE : Ungh…. Goddammit!
ACE : Brother, if you keep this up you're gonna get hurt!
EMMA / ITSUKI : The Dark Night Duo?!
CROW : Don't you dare run away from me!
EMMA : Crow…!?
??? : Emma, over here!
EMMA : Gran! What's going on here…?
GRANDFLAIR : We've been keeping a close eye on these two, and heard there was a big meeting of sorcerers and magicians.
GRANDFLAIR : A large crowd like this seemed an obvious target… And sure enough, here they are.
GRANDFLAIR : I warned the police these two were dangerous and had the guards evacuate the town.
GRANDFLAIR : …I can't let them use the Black Fairies like this, but…
EMMA : But…?
SORCEROR 1 : Nuh-Uh! You outdated old wizards! Why can't you see the progress we've made using Sorcery!?
MAGICIAN 1 : Shut up, you're all fools who can't use magic without the help of cheap tricks and formulas! I'll show you what real magic is capable of!
SORCIANA POLICEMAN 1 : You guys stop arguing with each other and get out of here!
MAGICIAN 2 : I don't think so, I'm settling this right here, right now!
SORCEROR 2 : All right, let's do this!
GRANDFLAIR : Heh… So this is how it's going to be.
KAI : Ugh… I can't believe they're still fighting at a time like this…
GUI : Yeah, but… The magician, and the sorcerer… Things don't seem to be all that violent~……
SION : Infighting and petty harassment. It's the traditional art of confrontation.
EMMA : Umm… Wait… So what actually happened to the buildings around here…
ITSUKI : Ha… There's that déjà vu. The ruins Crow destroyed looked an awful lot like this.
JOE : Hahh! Now for Ace's Big Bomb!
CROW : Whoaaaah!
Joe's grenade blows another building to pieces, trapping Crow under the rubble.
EMMA : Crow!
ITSUKI : It's okay, Emma!
EMMA : What…?
The rising dust fades away and a figure breaks through the debris without a scratch.
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CROW : Talk about luck. Seems you blew up everything but me…
JOE / ACE : What!?
ITSUKI : Crow can take care of himself.
EMMA : Yeah, thank goodness… But!
CROW : Okay, now it's my turn. MY special grenade!
ITSUKI : All this destruction… Seems Crow and these two jerks are to blame.
SORCIANA POLICEMAN 2 : Oh, it's you guys. Are you with that guy!? Please, stop him!
SORCIANA POLICEMAN 3 : They're out of control! And the mages and sorcerers aren't listening, either!
EMMA : I'm sorry!
GRANDFLAIR : Crow, stop being so reckless! There are still people here we need to evacuate!
CROW : I know! But these guys aren't exactly pulling punches!
JOE : Hah, you've been a worthy opponent… But it's time we stop playing around!
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EMMA : Is that a… Black Fairy Gun!?
CROW : I won't let you!
JOE : What the--!
Crow's attack knocks the Black Fairy Gun out of Joe's hands.
Without pause, Crow rushes toward Joe and his brother.
CROW : No way am I gonna let you use that!
JOE : What… What the Hell are you…
ACE : H-Hey, bro!!
CROW : What is it with you people? What the hell are you tryna do, letting the Black Fairies run free?
CROW : You're gonna tell us everything.
JOE : Heh… Yeah, yeah, you're all talk…!
As Joe tries to back away, Crow raises his gun.
CROW : Huh? What was―
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??? : Oh~, now that's one unusual gun. And very old, too. Is it a favorite of yours?
CROW : H-Hey? What are you--!? How did you get my--
??? : It's not just your gun, y'know?
??? : Now, what have we got here?
CROW : Eh? …That's my pouch!? The one with the all my free food coupons! Give it back, dammit!
??? : You really think I'd give it back just because you asked me to? You're very naive. I can only imagine how hard this life is on you~…
CROW : Don't even think about it!
??? : Whoops, look at you getting all worked up. The youth of today.
??? : Then, I'll just have to do my best, too.
CROW : Where'd he go?!
GRANDFLAIR : Huh? What's that… My brush is gone!?
ITSUKI : Wow, so is my cane…!
??? : Are you sure that's all~?
ITSUKI : What the--!! My wallet is… I can't find it! Oh no, I'm going to end up like Rouge!
GRANDFLAIR : My glasses…!
??? : Oumi, Oumi♪
EMMA : Wh-Who are you…?
The man flipped his cloak.
He turned to me and gracefully put his hand on his chest.
??? : Nice to meet you, my lady~…
NANASHI : I'm Nanashi, Phantom Thief, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
EMMA : "Phantom Thief"…!?
CROW : You… Are you with these two?
NANASHI : I guess you could say I'm the boss. You took care of my men in Record.
NANASHI : I still owe you for that. So I'm here to steal a certain something.
CROW : A certain something….?
NANASHI : You know, the heart of that young lady right there?
EMMA : What?
EMMA : Um… I can't do that…
NANASHI : Haha, I was rejected in seconds. Now that is quite heartbreaking.
NANASHI : Well… You might not like me, but soon you'll be glued to your seats.
EMMA : Ehh-!?
NANASHI : Mateo, come on out!
The moment Nanashi snaps his fingers, a monstrous Black Fairy materializes behind him…
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MATEO : Ah… Wooooooooooooooooooo!!!
EVERYONE : A Black Fairy…!!
NANASHI : Lookie here, I'll even give you your weapons back. Now come on everyone!
NANASHI : This charade is over, my dear friends!
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NAVI : ……...
EMMA : Navi…? Is something wrong? You never come out of your own accord.
NAVI : …Is the Dream King really such a great guy?
NAVI : The King of Dreams? What’s that even supposed to be? He's just a boring, old, sloppy human, like everyone else, right?
EMMA : What?
EMMA : Don't speak ill of the Dream King.
GUI : Yeah, that's right… You can't be too disrespectful, or…
NAVI : Or what?
GUI : H-Hey…!
EMMA : (Navi…?)
NAVI : Those flowers.
CROW : What do you have against the Dream Flowers?
NAVI : ...I don't like them!
ITSUKI : …I don't understand. What are you even doing out here, Navi?
EMMA : Come on, now.
EMMA : (He seems really freaked out... I wonder…)
After Gran's scolding, Crow and Itsuki stayed up all night to finish their observations.
The next day...
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ITSUKI : Ughh...
EMMA : Oh, good morning. Did you finish your report?
ITSUKI : Felt like it took forever... I didn’t think it was ever gonna end...
ITSUKI : Yeah, yeah. Paperwork really is a huge pain in the ass...!
EMMA : At least we talked HQ into accepting it. Good luck, Itsuki!
ITSUKI : Right… I made you go through a lot of trouble for that. I’m just gonna have to do my best then, I guess.
EMMA : Come to think of it, where are Crow and Gran?
ITSUKI : They left me and went to town earlier this morning... They told me to let you know they were, "Going to the Grand Crossroads". Exact words.
EMMA : The Grand Crossroads? Why would they go there?
KAI / GUI : Arghh...
EMMA : (Where are those sad voices coming from…)
KAI : Shit, we're still not done!
EMMA : Is that the joint assignment Kai and the others were talking about?
GUI : Yeah~... I'm not making any progress~… We can't do any of this without Sion's help~…
EMMA : …And where's Sion?
KAI : I don't know. Still sleeping like a dumbass.
GUI : The professor isn't here today. Lectures have been called off… I just hope Sion will help us finish the assignment...
SION : Vision For The Coexistence of Sorcery and Magic in Sorciana 100 Years From Now.
SION : Who would even entertain such nonsense? In these days of conflict between the two sides…
SION : ……I don’t have time for such idle dreams!
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EMMA : (Est-San is away on a survey and... And I promised I'd help everyone.)
EMMA : (I know he's just gonna shut me out, but I have to try and talk to Sion…)
??? : Ee-Aw-Ee-Aw-Ee-Aw-Ee-Aw!!!!
EMMA : What the-!?
ITSUKI : That stuffed dear… is screaming at us!? It's like its ringing in my head…
GUI : This stuffed deer is actually a magical tool I turned into a communication device! It doesn't reach very far but it does reach the front door...!
??? : Ee-Aw-Ee-Aw-Ee-Aw-Ee-Aw!!!!
EMMA : (I'm sorry, but that's more than a little creepy……!)
KAI : Hi. Who is it?
SORCIANA POLICEMAN : This is the SORCIANA POLICE! We're looking for Professor Est, is he here!?
KAI : No. Sensei is out right now, but--
SORCIANA POLICEMAN : Are you serious!? At a time like this…
KAI : Hey, what's going on here!?
SORCIANA POLICEMAN : There's been a disturbance at the Grand Crossroads! Please, we need his help, ASAP!
SORCIANA POLICEMAN : I have to go… Please tell Professor Est as soon as he gets back! I'm begging you!
EMMA : The Grand Crossroads, isn't that where Crow went...?
KAI : The Grand Crossroads… Oh! Right, there was supposed to be a big assembly there!
KAI : A lot of sorcerers and magicians were meeting up to try and resolve the on-going conflict…
EMMA : …Oh, no. Navi, Evan, Himmel! Can you hear me!?
HIMMEL : …If you're ordering us to reply. Then, yes, we can hear you.
EMMA : Ordering you? No. No. I wasn't ordering you to do anything.
EMMA : Have you guys felt the presence of a Black Fairy…!?
NAVI : Yeah. I've been sensing him for a while now.★
EMMA : That can't be…! Why didn't you tell me!?
EVAN : No such order was given.
EMMA : No such--
ITSUKI : Emma, be mad at them all you want, but we need to get over there, right now!
EMMA : …Y-Yeah, you're right.
KAI : I'm coming, too. Sensei's not here, and if things are as bad they say, people are gonna get hurt!
GUI : Me, too…!
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SION : --Wait.
KAI : Sion, you came at the right time! We've got to get to the city, right--
SION : There's no need to explain. I was listening in through that taxidermied deer of Gui’s.
SION : I'll go to the Grand Crossroads. You guys stay here.
KAI : Wha-??
SION : Kai, you've only been a qualified Meister for a year. In other words, you're still a rookie.
KAI : Why does that matter?
SION : And Gui's magical tools aren't exactly made for combat. Not to mention, it would be counterintuitive and dangerous for him to go there with no magic.
GUI : That's… I mean sure, I have… I have zero magical power, but…
SION : Don't do anything foolish. Being reckless is only gonna cause more problems, what if you hurt the guild's reputation?
SION : You might not care how people look at you… But I don't want anything ruining my reputation.
KAI : Hey Sion. You really don't believe in us, do you…?
GUI : K-Kai! I'm sure Sion is… He's just worried about us.
SION : ……Ugh! No, that's not it at all, I'm just saying--
GUI : But… If anyone's hurt out there, you're gonna need Kai's magic, and…
GUI : And as for me, I can help coordinate the evacuation efforts…! I have a magic tool I can use as a loud speaker…
KAI : That's right. I can't just leave someone out there who might be hurt!
GUI : With Kai's healing magic, your light magic, and… And my magical tools… Do you really not think we can make a difference…?
SION : I don't use light magic!
KAI : We don't have time for this shit! Let's go!
SION : Hey, wait, right there! You single-celled idiot!
GUI : Hey, you two, don't leave me~…!
EMMA : …We're late enough to this party, let's go!
ITSUKI : Man, I'm really worried about Crow and Gran.
EVAN : Hmph… So it's down to us to help you out again. How convenient.
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HIMMEL : I don't want to waste my time on this…
NAVI : …Tsk.
EMMA : (I hope they're okay…)
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After the lecture, I headed down to the shopping district in Sorciana to stock up on the guild's magical supplies.
EMMA : (That should be everything they asked for.)
SION : ……I can’t deal with him right now.
EMMA : (I'm worried about Sion, but… We need to focus on investigating the Black Fairies for now…)
??? : Emma!
EMMA : Ah …… Gran!
GRANDFLAIR : You're in the city, too?
EMMA : Yeah, I just finished buying supplies. Are Itsuki and Crow not with you?
GRANDFLAIR : We decided to split up to cover more ground. Sorciana's a big place.
EMMA : I see. I was thinking of going to the federation branch now, too, to see if they have any information.
GRANDFLAIR : The Sorciana branch….. We absolutely should keep in touch with them.
GRANDFLAIR : Can I come with you?
EMMA : Of course!
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EMMA : It's really crowded in here.
GRANDFLAIR : Yeah, everyone seems to be really busy.
??? : You gotta get it out there somehow!
FEDERATION OFFICIAL 1 : That's why we can't, no matter how much you ask.
ITSUKI : But we need to get these out as soon as possible or we'll get fists dropped on our heads!
FEDERATION OFFICIAL 2 : The deadline has passed, so it needs to be approved by HQ…. And it doesn't help that your report is full of errors and couldn't be accepted anyway!
CROW : Hey… We were in a hurry, you know!
EMMA : Itsuki and Crow? What are they doing here…
EMMA : Wait, Gran!?
CROW : Please, I'm begging you! I'll make sure you don't get dragged into this!
ITSUKI :………Just this once. Send it in. Otherwise, he'll crack my skull!
GRANDFLAIR : Crow, Itsuki.
CROW / ITSUKI : Uh-oh!!!
GRANDFLAIR : What the hell is this?
GRANDFLAIR : Guys-- I can't believe you haven't submitted your reports yet…
GRANDFLAIR : Didn't I make it perfectly clear that you needed to submit them before we arrived in Reckord?
CROW : Is it just me… Or is Gran's tone getting more and more murderous?
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ITSUKI : My head…. My head!
KAI : Ha-ha. Don't worry, guys. If it hurts too much, I can always heal you later.
GUI : A magic tool that can heal a bump to the head… I wonder…
GRANDFLAIR : You'd be pissed off, too. You miss the deadline every year! Every year, you never learn!!
CROW : I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was slammed and I missed it.
ITSUKI : I did submit it on time, but it got rejected because they weren't happy with it. It really broke my heart… 
ITSUKI :  Here's a question for you... Why do we need to describe every single thing about this flower in so much detail, huh!?  
GRANDFLAIR : The Dream Flower Observations are an important duty of every Meister. This was explained to you when you received your own.
The Dream Flowers… Mysterious flowers given to those qualified to become Meisters. Mandatory to be carried at all times, the color and shape of the flower changes in response to the power of the Meister's dreams. The size, color, shape, luminescence…. Meister's must file a detailed report on their Dream Flower each and every year. It's an important record of what kind of dream the Meister is nurturing. According to one theory, they are also seen by the Dream King himself.
CROW : I thought there was still time since Sion hadn't submitted his yet…
GRANDFLAIR : The deadline varies between countries and guilds. Can't you at least keep track of these things… Geez…
KAI : We're due next week.
GUI : It's also supposed to be a joint report…. It's a lot of work…..
EMMA : Dream flowers, huh? I've never actually seen one before.
CROW : Really?
EMMA : Yeah, I've always been taught that a Meister's Dream Flower is an incredibly private and confidential matter.
CROW : What's the worst that could happen?
EMMA : I don't know…
CROW : Well, if there's anyone we can be open and honest with, it's you, of all people.
With that, Crow revealed his flower…
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It was small, with a mysterious shape like nothing I'd ever seen before, and sparkled with a bright red glow.
EMMA : So, this is Crow's dream flower….!
CROW : Yeah! Isn't it pretty?
Following Crow's lead, Itsuki and Gran each took out their own Dream Flowers to show me. A thin, delicate indigo flower. And a large, deep green flower with a pattern like melting paint. Truly, no two are the same.
EMMA : These are….. The different forms everyone's dreams take.
GRANDFLAIR : Exactly. They come in all shapes and sizes, but the goal is to nurture flowers and make them shine brightly.
CROW : Then you'll be a Grand Meister!
GRANDFLAIR : It's just one of the conditions of being a Meister. Someone who won't take on such a responsibility for the federation can't become one.
CROW : You ever think about Eden?
ITSUKI : I wonder what kind of wish Grand Meister Eden made?
EMMA : Wish?
GRANDFLAIR : When you become Grand Meister, the Dream King will grant you one wish.
GRANDFLAIR : It's said to be a reward for offering the Dream King a flower of most exquisite colour. Haven't you heard?
EMMA : …..Eh!? So those stories were all true? I thought it was just a legend between guild keepers.
CROW : If Eden is to be believed, it's true, isn't it?
CROW : Not that he told us what he wished for.
EMMA : Hmm… So once again it's all just stories without proof…
KAI : It really does sound too good to be true…
ITSUKI : So you're not aiming to become Grand Meister?
KAI : Of course I am. I have a dream I want to make come true too.
ITSUKI : …..Yeah. Me too.
CROW : I know it sounds crazy, but if there's a way to make our dreams come true, how can we not try?
GUI : It's that friendly competition between Meisters that's making this world dream about bigger and better things…. It's the same for me… I also have a dream.
EMMA : Meisters have existed for a long time, but it truly was the Dream King that made them what they are today.
GRANDFLAIR : I'll tip my hat to that kind of power.
EMMA : Yeah! He really is a great man, isn't he?
It was just then as I was praising the Dream King that…..
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NAVI : ……..
EMMA : (Navi……?)
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That afternoon, Crow and the Moon Wanderers went to the city in search of information, while I assisted Est in his lecture.
EMMA : I've put together all the materials for the lecture.
EST : You're very efficient. Freed me up to catch up on grading papers, so thank you.
EMMA : Um... Can I take part in the lecture? I just want to see what it looks like.
EST : Of course. You certainly live up to the rumors.
EMMA : Rumors?
EST : Oh, it's not like that. When His Majesty told me about Reckord, he also told me a little bit about you...
Before I can question Est any further, the bell rings, and Kai and the others appear in the auditorium. They take their seats, and the Magia Seminar lecture begins.
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EST : Okay, before we start, I have your written exams on the History of Magic here. So come and get them when you're ready.
GUI : ......56 points!? Oh, that's actually better than I'd expected.......
EST : Gui, you attained a perfect score across every question that had anything to do with magical tools. Let's see if we can improve on the other topics, too, shall we?
GUI : Ugh... Yes, sir...
KAI : Hey Sion. How many marks did you get?
SION : Why don't you tell me first before you go asking about mine?
KAI : ......68 points.
SION : Ha!
SION : I got 72!
KAI : Wah!! You weren't going to tell me if it was lower than mine, huh...?
SION : I would never do such a childish thing, idiot!
KAI : Don't call me an idiot! What's with that smug look on your face? I'm telling you, there's only one question difference.
SION : Magic isn't my speciality. It should've only been natural for me to score lower than you.
KAI : Stop being such a sarcastic asshole......
GUI : Kai ~ ..... Sion ~... Let's not fight every time we have an exam ~.........?
KAI : Damn, you're gonna need surgery to fix that twisted personality of yours.
SION : And you need to raise your blood sugar and fix that temper of yours.
KAI / SION : Hmph!
EST : Make sure you review your mistakes. As for today, we are going to learn how to control our magic.
EMMA : (Est doesn't seem worried in the slightest...)
And finally the lecture began.
EST : Multiply the solution derived by Alter's Magic Law by the magic formula to calculate your own magic suppression value.
EST : Next we can form a phantom curve by referring to the correlation between your calculated suppression value and the magical formula known as Garom's Theory.
EST : Here a magic suppression of around 4/15 is achieved. Next, we'll discuss how to measure the effective time one will be able to supp----
EMMA : (Est's classes are very fast-paced and difficult.....)
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KAI / SION / GUI : ..........
EMMA : (I wonder if everyone has been able to keep up......?)
EST : And that is the end of our class, and the most basic procedure for suppression and control magic.
EST : Does everyone understand?
KAI : Uh... No... I'm sorry, Sensei...
SION : ........There had to be at least 20 words even I couldn't understand...
GUI : I'd be happy if you could explain it in simpler terms~......
EMMA : (I thought so!)
EST : Let's see... You want me to give you a simplified explanation...?
EST : ............
EST : A quick flick, then a swoosh. And then a swoosh at the end... Like that?
KAI / SION / GUI : Uhhhhh......
EST : Hmm... I'd thought I was already explaining things clearly and simply enough today...
EMMA : (Est-San... Isn't a good teacher!?)
The bell rang again, signalling the end of the lecture and Est smiled before taking his leave.
GUI : Miss Emma...... How was your first Magia Seminar lecture.....?
EMMA : Well, whether I can understand the syllabus or not, Est's way of teaching is very unique...
KAI : Ah~....... I respect him, Sensei, greatly, but his way of teaching is...
SION : It can't be helped. It's as if he never improves.
GUI : Sensei tries so hard, though.....
KAI : So, Gui. The usual, please.
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GUI : Oh, yeah, Koetl! Don't worry, it's recorded perfectly!
EMMA : Koetl?
GUI : Oh, um... It's just a... A magical tool for recording conversations.
EMMA : Huh!? Did you make it, Gui?
GUI : ...Yes.
EMMA : You really are a master magician, aren't you? I can't believe you can make such amazing things.
GUI : ......Ehehehe.
KAI : Sorry about that. But with this, I can manage to get through my current studies.
GUI : I'm glad you're using it~ Ah, Sion. This one's for you.
SION : No, thanks...... I don't need it.
GUI : What?
SION : Today's lecture is focused on magic. There's no rush for me to review it.
KAI : Don't listen to him. Lemme guess, "You don't need to study magic", is that it?
SION : ....... That's exactly what I'm saying.
KAI : What... You...
SION : ...........
KAI : Actually... Why have you been acting so weird lately? You don't even work with us on joint assignments.
KAI : What's wrong? Don't just sit there with that look on your face, talk to us!
SION : You're a real piece of work...
KAI : Huh?
SION : What's funny is that Est even gave us such an assignment.
SION : Vision For The Coexistence of Sorcery and Magic in Sorciana 100 years From Now.
SION : Who would even entertain such nonsense? In these days of conflict between the two sides...
KAI : You've got to be kidding me! What do you think the Magia Seminar is for?
SION : "Learning both magic and sorcery to open up new possibilities", wasn't it?
SION : ......I don't have time for such idle dreams!
KAI : Then why are you here!?
SION : You are so annoying.
KAI : Wow.... Wow...
EMMA : Hey, you two. Let's just calm down. alright?
KAI : Tsk......
SION : ......I can't deal with him right now.
KAI : And who the Hell are you?
GUI : Sion...
EMMA : (......This is worrisome.)
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SION : Damn......
SION : I... I have to prove myself...
SION : I must become a Grand Meister!
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