spoonsandspells · 14 days
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incoming….. here’s this week’s cake dump!!!! ☺️
fave cake: the princess one bc omgggg it turned out so cute!!
newest experiment: this week i had two!! i did some cute fall themed cookie cakes & i had my first ever attempt at a unicorn cake :)
work related thought dump: it’s been a little chaotic tbh, josh was out all last week bc of a funeral & then maria is going to be out from now until the end of september so we’ve been super understaffed! but honestly we’ve been taking it like champs!! idk what changed but i really locked in this week, i made s o o much back stock and i’ve been able to keep up with the all the deadlines they’ve been asking of me pretty well! :) things are looking up!!
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kyojurismo · 1 year
oh sorry sorry this was my sleep schedule -went to bed at 2:30am -woke up at 7:45am -fell asleep at 1pm -woke up at 5:24pm still fucked as SHIT but hey fuck it we ball LMFAO BUT OMGGGG YESS kyojuro dealing with nightmares tho :(( waking up in a panic to a man who sleeps as light as I do (I wake up at my brother's laugh) just waking up alongside you and holding ur hand :(( reassuring you that you're safe, that it was just a nightmare, etc etc and I firmly stand by this man handling most things like a champ you're sick? nauseous and things happen? he's got it in the bag aforementioned, period? bleedthrough? he's got it cleaned up before you can say his name nightmares? the most gentle being. even showing you interesting things, like maybe his battle scars and explaining the stories behind them, or stories from when his mother was alive <3 like he has everything handled like a champ bro and tengen is very similar, but with nightmares he's quicker to distract and comfort you afterwards. definitely exaggerating some of his stories from his scars, telling funny stories about hina, makio and suma, stories that he comes up with right on the spot. man thinks that food or a drink is the solution to any problem-- likely asked shinobu what teas may help relax someone, or if you don't drink tea another soothing aide. I just feel he's very thorough with how he takes care of you, especially after nightmares. he wouldn't want you to relive them, so he'd just give you a quick peck and ask you the most random thing. maybe about your favorite.. something, if he already knows it he'll ask you about it. christ I got carried away MY BAD NDJKGSSKG 🪐
oooh, i thought you meant 5am lmao i’m dumb, anyway we have a similar sleeping schedule btw bc i usually go to sleep at 3 am and wake up around 8:20 am, then i take a nap around 2:30 pm and wake up at like 5:30 / 5:40 pm so yeah
anyway . . . i agree, kyojuro is like a mum ( positive ) i mean he knows how to handle every single situation and is quick to find a solution anyway ( it’s canon after all ). tengen would surely be the one to prepare tea or anything to help you relax and literally come up w funny stories on the spot, yeah. i love them sm 🥹
these scenarios were really cute, i enjoyed reading all that so no worries if u got carried away hehe. i love them boys and i’m glad to read about other’s thoughts about them in x situation <3 i’m happy you like sharing them w me
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 175: 8:30 A.M.
Previously on BnHA: Deku agreed to help the staging team hoist Aoyama above the gym as a living disco ball. Time progressed and we got another nice scene of Deku training with All Might. All Might revealed that his mastery of OFA actually came to him quite easily and instinctively, which is he sometimes has trouble guiding Deku. Mei showed up and did some Mei things and told Deku that the new ~mystery support item~ he requested would be ready soon. Apparently Deku requested it to help with his new move, and All Might’s cool with it as long as he doesn’t start to rely on support items too much. Class A’s preparations continued and Momo served everyone some fancy tea. Gentle reviewed his plan of attack with La Brava. He intends for this to be a wake-up call that will help the little hero eggs of U.A. grow stronger, and he’s probably not wrong, but at some point all of this character building is gonna kill these poor kids. So now we’re cutting to the night before the festival, and that’s where this chapter will presumably pick up!
Today on BnHA: The kids of 1-A wrap up their dress rehearsal and gather in their common room to make final preparations and work off their nervous energy. Deku realizes that the rope he’s gonna use to suspend Aoyama is dangerously frayed, so he decides to run out to the store early in the morning to buy a new one before the show. The next day Hatsume delivers his new support item -- another new pair of gloves. After breaking them in with some training, Deku heads out to the store conveniently still wearing them. On his way back to U.A. he stumbles across a ~mysterious pair of characters~ wearing trench coats and sunglasses as they emerge from a tea shop. Deku says something about tea, and Gentle can’t keep his fucking mouth shut, and Deku subsequently recognizes his voice and realizes he’s the villain from the Youtube videos. Remembering that the festival will be cancelled if even a single alarm goes off, Deku decides he’ll just stop Gentle on his own, and gets ready to fight.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 199 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
these kids are all too fucking cute
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who’s braiding Eri’s hair? a doctor/nurse?
more importantly, is Eri gonna have braided hair today omg. I’m gonna fucking die of cuteness here
(ETA: for some reason she does not. maybe they tried it out but she just wasn’t feeling it. who knows! but she’s still adorable no matter what)
holy moses
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that’s another Iida dancing panel. swiped. placed in special folder
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I’m so exciteddddd
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“but now I know for sure that I was one hundred percent right to be worried”
nah just kidding Sero. BREAK A LEG
he says that both the band and dance team have come a long way
aww he’s giving Mina props for being “such a super intense coach”
don’t forget to also give her props for coming up with your disco ball thing
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also lmao at “ONE OF US might get thrown off”, which absolutely is referring to Kaminari and only Kaminari and you all know it
but it’s not his fault! he’s still learning!!
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I swear to god, if Gentle does ANYTHING to fuck this shit up I will cast him deep into the pits of Cancelled Hell right there with Mineta and Overhaul
now Hounddog is coming to chase them out because BARK BARK BARK, STUDENTS ARE ONLY ALLOWED IN HERE TILL 9
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is he literally foaming at the mouth
anyways, so now all the good little boys and girls are in bed resting up for their big day!
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“some people” is obviously Bakugou lmao
also this is the cutest!!!!!!! this chapter is going for the record, huh? Cutest Chapter? going for the title? you’ve gotta beat out all of Deku and Kacchan’s flashbacks, all of Mirio’s flashbacks, that chapter two chapters ago with Eri touring the campus, and chapter 163 with Kaminari being all, [HOP] “HEY KACCHAN”
so it’s a tall order! but I think this might just have what it takes!!!
Jirou is telling Iida it won’t do any good to worry now about whether or not everyone else will enjoy it, and that they just have to enjoy themselves
and the boyfriend is all
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Deku’s agreeing with Jirou from over by the table where he’s double checking the equipment he’s gonna use for the Aoyama Hoisting
and it’s a good thing he did check it, too!
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“IT’S THE PROOF OF OUR FRIENDSHIP” “no, actually, this would probably get you killed dude”
also Kaminari’s “desuwa” has legit just bumped him up a notch on my favorite characters list. fully not joking. whoever was at number nine just got bumped down. I think it was either Toga or Mirio. actually, you know what, I’m gonna go ahead and say he just leapfrogged both of them and ended up at the #8 spot right behind Momo. that’s the power of doing loving cheeky impressions of your fellow classmates
anyway, Momo is apparently already in bed though. because SHE is one of the good little girls
and Mina’s shouting “don’t treat her like a tool box!” and Kami’s protesting that they all treat him like a battery charger though
I mean, if I had a quirk that could recharge people’s phones or make them ropes and shit, I wouldn’t mind using it to help out my good friends! and I’m sure Momo wouldn’t mind either, so long as they waited until morning and, you know, didn’t go and wake her up just for that lol. but whatever
Deku says he’ll just buy one first thing in the morning since he’s gonna be training anyway
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I’m thinking back to Gentle’s detailed plan of attack, but although the home center Deku’s talking about was indeed on that route, I don’t think the schedule matches up with Gentle’s. he and La Brava should still be drinking tea until 8:30. although the cafe is right by the home center though
but I’m thinking there’s a chance Deku might spot him in the cafe though maybe, and recognize him from the videos
anyway! that’s a problem for future!Deku! current!Deku is doing a cheer with his fellow students and heading off to bed
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tempted to include this with the dancing Iida panels, but no. I’m choosy enough to wait for the real deal
so now it’s 6:30 the next morning, and Midoriya Izuku, who most definitely has not gotten as much sleep as a growing boy needs, is nonetheless out training with All Might again
and Mei is here with his new item!
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always with the glove upgrades, huh
lol All Might is impressed with how far technology has come
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that’s right, All Might. welcome to the... twenty... third?? century?? I don’t actually know for sure but I usually just add 200 years to where we’re at currently for simplicity’s sake
also, Mei can make things this compact. we don’t know anything about “they.” but this genius girl here, she can do it, and she deserves some credit
Mei is seriously so cool though
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and she did this all on even less sleep than Deku. (although apparently she’s planning a 36-hour power nap once this is all over, which sounds amazing)
so now Deku is going to test out the “thing” he wanted to try
and of course we’re cutting away lol and cutting to 7:50 a.m.
Deku’s running to the store and fretting about almost being late
honestly you should have just asked Momo if it ended up being like this
he still has his gloves, incidentally. HOW CONVENIENT
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-- oh snap, because this ridiculous little villain magnet was late and then had trouble finding a rope, it’s now 8:30. aka exactly when our two villains are scheduled to leave the tea shop
and sure enough...
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Gentle is all “the aftertaste of the imperial golden tips was almost ruined!”
and now he’s scampering off with La Brava quick as can be
so it seems like the name of that tea was important? I guess?
oh my god
so Deku’s all “huh, so that house was a cafe, whoodda thunk?”
and Gentle is getting all “!!!”
and. just
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oh my god he thinks he’s a fellow tea enthusiast
how does he not actually recognize Deku, though? too gentlemanly to watch TV like ever?
(ETA: probably just sticks to reading books in a big armchair by the fireplace)
Deku’s saying he just knows about it because he got some from a friend
BUT, he’s thinking that Gentle’s voice sounds familiar!
meanwhile, Gentle is all “ooh you must have a pretty high-class friend”
but then he’s like
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and Deku is all
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oh my god lmao
they’re both freaking out
and as always, Deku’s Big Hero Brain is way too freaking smart
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so Gentle’s turning to make a quick getaway, but Deku’s asking him to wait a moment
ooooooooh snap
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so now Deku’s setting down the bags with the rope, and remembering what the Rat Principal said (did he actually say this? I thought it was part of his flashback with the police commish but I guess not) about how they would immediately suspend activities if the alarm sounds
and I’m guessing... that maybe Deku wants to take care of this right here because he doesn’t want the cultural festival to be cancelled after all of their hard work
which is pretty stupid, but also understandable enough that I have no trouble buying it
like, he should be calling the authorities and putting them on alert, not trying to take this mofo out himself lmao
but instead this is happening
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and you know what? I’m okay with that
BONUS: my boy Fat Gummmm
Fat Gum sobbing while eating a banana and apologizing to the ghost of Nighteye is somehow just the biggest mood
look how he has the takoyaki splayed between his knuckles because eating them one at a time just isn’t enough. think bigger. plus ultra!!!
it took him all of four days. what a champ. and now I’m fucking starving omg
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peterparkerjones · 8 years
Okay, can you plzzzzzzz write a fic where they go back to school after the whole ordeal and no one really knows that Stiles and Lydia are together, but it's game day so Lydia wears Stiles' jersey and everyone's like shocked (but not really) and in awe at how cute they are. Plus, cute couple-y Stydia walking each other to class, holding hands and kissing goodbye at the door. Ya feel?? Thank you ;)))))
Omgggg I love this prompt! You have no idea how much fun I had writing it! Sorry it too so long though! Hope you like it!
Technically they hadn’t made anything official yet. They hadn’t really gotten a chance, but within the time they were given to recuperate from the events of the past few months Stiles and Lydia couldn’t go a day without each other .
The Sheriff had his suspicions, Lydia was always over at his house, sometimes doing homework and other times laying on the couch with his son doing nothing in particular. But anytime Noah would bring it up to Stiles he would shrug and say “We just really missed each other.”
The day before school started they were both reading on his bed, sitting in a comfortable silence that neither of them bothered to break. It was nice to have quiet every now and then after all they had been through.
Stiles’ shifts his position on the bed to face Lydia. She looks up when he puts his book down. He smiles at her when they make eye contact.
“Good book?” He asks, his voice horse from not talking for a while.
She nods, marking her place and putting her book down as well. “It’s my third time reading it, so now I’m just going over specific plot points and analyzing how they affected each character.
That makes him laugh. “Of course you are.” She giggles in response.
“Hey, “Stiles clears his throat, seaming more nervous now than he was three seconds ago. “can I ask you something?”
She grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers. “Anything.”
“What…what is this? O-Or what are we?”
“Well, what do you think we are?” She asks, it’s not rhetorical, she’s really just curious.
“I mean…we both love each other, yeah? So I figured we’re something, it’s just we’ve never talked about it so I didn’t want to just…jump to conclusions.” She could tell he was getting flustered now. “Oh, shit I’m not even thinking am I. Do you even want to be a thing? Because it’s totally fine if you don’t want to. I just thought-“
Lydia presses her finger to his lips to shut him up. “Breathe. Are you saying you want to be my boyfriend?”
He keeps his mouth closed and nods profusely. “That would be nice, yes.” He says simply.
Lydia smiles and takes her finger away from his lips and replaces it with her lips. It takes him no time to kiss back.
He pulls back for a second. “So that’s a yes?”
All she does is pull him back into the kiss, and that was all the conformation he needed.
The next morning, Stiles rushes to get to school. Possibly breaking a few laws on the way, but hey, he had a girlfriend to get to.
He cant help the smile that appears on his face when he sees her at her locker, looking beautiful as always.
“God damn, somebody better pull the fire alarm because you are smokin’.” Stiles says with a smirk as he leans against the lockers.
Lydia smiles and rolls her eyes. “You know you already got me, there’s no need for the cheesy pickup lines.”
“Oh, babe there is always a need for cheesy pickup lines.”
“So you ready for the game tonight?” Lydia says, closing her locker and turning to face Stiles.
“Ready to play? No. That’s why I had to ask coach to bench me for at least two games. But am I ready to sit there and watch? Hell yeah.”
She reaches out and grabs his hand. “Well at least your enthusiastic.”
His eyes light up when he remembers what he has in his backpack. “Speaking of the game,” he reaches back and pulls out his lacrosse hoodie out of the front pocket. “I was thinking you could wear this tonight? I mean you don’t have to, you probably have some incredible outfit planed already, but I does get pretty cold out there so…if you wanted too…” His voice turns into a mumble and he starts to bush.
She happily takes the sweatshirt. “Stiles, I would love to wear it.” Another huge smile appears on Stiles’ face. “Now come on, be a good boyfriend and walk me to class.”
That night, Lydia shows up to the game, proudly donning Stiles’ hoodie. It may be a few sizes too big, she was only 5’3, but being Lydia Martin meant pulling off every and all outfits.
She quickly finds a seat next to the Sheriff and Melissa, who both waste no time pointing out what she is wearing.
“Stiles gave it to this morning! It’s a little big, but it’s warm so I cant complain.”
Melissa glances at the Sheriff and raises her eyebrows. Noah just shrugs in return. He cant say he didn’t see this coming.
The game starts and everyone turns their attention to the field, everyone except for Lydia who’s eyes are fixated on Stiles.
Beacon Hills wins by a landslide, because when you have two werewolves on the team it just comes naturally. Some call it cheating, they call it a coincidental advantage.
Lydia bounds down the bleachers to congratulate the team, stoping at her boyfriend first of course.
“How was I?” He asks. “And be honest with me Lydia, how was my sitting? Too slouchy? Not slouchy enough? Give it to me straight.”
She giggles and goes on her tiptoes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “You did great, you kept that bench warm like a champ.”
Suddenly, a hand lands on her shoulder and makes her jump. She turns around to find an extremely excited Scott. Sweat pouring down his face but still flashing a smile.
“Good work out there man!” Stiles congratulates Scott by bringing him into a hug.
“Thanks! Malia is gonna meet us a In-N-Out, you guys down?” Scott asks as Liam comes and joins the group.
Stiles look at Lydia and raises his eyebrows. “Babe? You down for burgers?”
But before Lydia could answer Liam stops her. “Hold on. Did you just call her babe?”
Lydia gasps silently. “Stiles…we forgot to tell everybody.”
“Oh shit you’re right!”
“Wait, tell us what?” Scott asks, he has a smile on his face, because if the answer is what he thinks it is, he might just freak out a little.
“We’re dating.” Lydia states simply, taking Stiles hand in hers.
Scott’s smile grows until he’s celebrating almost as hard as he did after the big win. “Dude! You started dating Lydia Martin and you didn’t like call me immediately?”
“I mean…I was a little busy with…something.”
Liam groans. “That’s disgusting.”
“Oh like you aren’t the king of PDA at this school.” Stiles replies, the signature ‘Liam I am so incredibly done with your shit’ look on his face.
Lydia rolls her eyes “How about we finish this conversation at In-N-Out? I am starving.”
“I second that! Malia is probably waiting.” Scott agrees, starting towards the the locker rooms with Liam.
Stiles sighs. “I don’t think there will be a day where I don’t wanna hit Liam upside the head. Anyway, I’m gonna go change. Meet me at the Jeep in ten?”
“Of course.” Lydia says, getting up on her tiptoes again, but this time giving him a quick kiss on the forehead. They both smile as they look into each other’s eyes.
This was the best decision they had made in a long time.
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