nejene · 25 days
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Glorious 25th of May!
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Aneb udělala jsem si šeříkovou brož speciálně pro tenhle den, protože jsem věděla, že šeříky u nás už dávno nepokvetou.
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octaviasdread · 14 days
Lions Den (1990) - starring Ethan Hawke & Dylan Kussman
and the return of my LET TODD SAY FUCK AGENDA
Post-welton vibes if Neil lived (and we ignore him ‘nailing a 24 yr old). He’s even a writer!!!
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charmac · 9 months
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abybweisse · 2 months
Ch211 (p4), Travel-ready
Just like with Baldo's mission with Lau, we are getting a cliffhanger, so hopefully the kids make it to our earl ok....
We go back in time, yet again, to Lau's opium den. This time, it's Sebastian and our earl getting ready to leave on their mission to Brighton. Sebastian's uniform is now clean, so he dons it.
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Then Ran-Mao and the other ladies who work there bring in a bunch of clothes ordered by Sebastian. I see a hat box with Lock & Co Hatters on it and several boxes from Nina Hopkins' shop.
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Sebastian goes to get his master ready to leave, but our earl doesn't know how to pay the tab to Nina. Sebastian seems confident that our earl will regain his title and funds, then he can pay the bill plus a nice tip.
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"Clothes reeking of opium are unbefitting of you." 🙄 😆
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Sebastian goes over his master's cover story, for going to the resort hotel, while dressing him.
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And emphasizes the importance of Earl Phantomhive being fashionable in bespoke clothing.
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Ready for travel... and another turn at chess with his brother.
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I'm wondering how on earth they will walk into the hotel controlled (ultimately) by Undertaker and real Ciel... as Earl Phantomhive and his butler. Are they not going incognito this time? A bold chess move, indeed, if they just walk in like this, even if it's run by some random person from the Aurora Society. People will recognize them; there will be talk. There's been front page news about the scandal.
Maybe that's the intention, at this point. But... can they get away with it for long enough before local police or the Yard shows up again?
🤔 Maybe they take on some disguise before they enter the hotel....
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pocitenicko · 10 months
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Já už se asi ani neomlouvám nebo nevím
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quentinfiletmignon · 6 months
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A4 • STABILO point 88
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kejklir · 3 months
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louielle · 1 year
"Já když jezdila stopem, tak Žižka měl ještě vobě voči."
— postarší rodinná známá
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morti0re · 29 days
Jak vypadám když si mě někdo všimne jak si v pracovní době (opět) prohlížím nějakou foglarovku
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lightsinthemist · 24 days
Asi nikdo nemáte náhodou stažený Ze soboty na neděli od Machatýho, co?
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atempause-art · 11 months
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já se furt směju těm pat a mat memečkům co tu kolovaly
pov: jsi českej kvír a náhodou se před kámošema zmíníš že je nějak zima
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silveredsound · 1 year
fine line . Edinburgh N2 . via adoreyoualice
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hopefulfangirlblr · 1 year
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Chris Evans
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toubledrouble · 1 month
Miluju přes sdílenou koupelnu poslouchat zvuky čištění zubů šťastlivce před operací, který ještě neví, že mu krom zubů taky na sále klidně omylem rozříznou ret a celý den mu to nikdo nebude hodlat vysvětlit
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abybweisse · 2 months
Ch211, Spoilers part 3
When will we ever find out if the kids can flood the facility, destroy it in some other way, or even save anymore of the children? Not this month, and probably not for several months to come.
Because we get a cliffhanger, just like at the end of Baldo and Lau's mission. 😭
We return to Lau's Opium den, where their clothes have been repaired and cleaned, so Seb is removing the Chinese outfit he'd borrowed and putting on his usual butler's uniform. Sorry, but there's no fan service for the Seb simps, unless you are into what's not shown... or gloved hands.
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Ran-Mao and other ladies from the establishment show up with several boxes of clothes and at least one box with a hat, maybe two. One hat is from Lock & Co. Hatters, on St. James Street, in London. The rest comes from Hopkins, so that means Nina's still helping them.
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They need fresh clothes for their upcoming mission to the resort hotel in Brighton. Sebastian goes to his young master's room to get him ready for travel. Our earl asks something about the clothes from Nina. Or about Nina herself.
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I don't know what all they say, but Sebastian does point out that the kid's current outfit reeks of opium (which would never do for where they are headed).
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So, time to change clothes. I think we've seen scenes like this a few times throughout the series. It's very methodical and almost ritualistic. In a way, for demon and master, it is a sort of ritual, though.
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Are his short pants slightly longer now? 🤔
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And off they go.
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So! It looks like we are going to Brighton next month, after all.
I was right we'd get the kids struggling to reach the river. Anyone who guessed we'd cut to our earl and Sebastian starting their mission was also right.
A whole new scenery next month.
But when will we ever get back to Finny... or Baldo?
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horizonandstar · 1 year
Sun: Aww, little one! Did you invite your friends to see me? Burrower!Star: No, these are my 4 children. Sun:... I'm sorry, what?
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borrower kids are 1 sauce tall. can you imagine
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