#CP retweeted it so I guess it’s a fandom win
inheritancetrain · 5 months
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valeriemperez · 6 years
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@dowhatyoulike said:
I just had to explain SB and their existence to my GF and it was so cute. All that innocence and pure WA love... Nothing compares. 💕💗
😘 You taught me well.
Aww, that’s adorable and funny! Glad your gf has such good taste. 😊
Hi. Not sure if you remember me but I'm the same anon who asked you about dealing with hate. Well I would like some more advice please. How do you deal with the "cliches" in the fandom. I found that there's a lot of ppl even in the CP and WA fandom that don't get along. There is so much drama between ppl everywhere but Twitter is the worst! Any tips on having online fandom friends in this culture?
I do remember! And cliques in fandom can be tiring, I totally get you. Honestly, the way I deal with it is mostly to just talk with people I trust in DMs and share theories and thoughts there without worrying what people on the timeline are saying. I never go looking for subtweets or sub...posts about myself, I just try to face it head on if I happen to see something. 
If you just retweet and post what you like and focus on what makes you happy, people who are drawn to that energy will reach out and you’ll quickly know who you want to be friends with and who’s going to create drama for you.
Why does the West*llen fandom hate Harrison W*lls so much?
Ummm... I can’t speak for the fandom at large, but I don’t hate him. I think Tom’s a great actor and both Thawne and Harry were great characters, but I feel some resentment towards his character(s). Just because it’s so clear to me how he gets stuff that Cisco/Iris/Joe/etc. don’t get and will never get. Plus the reinvention of his character every season means he has to get a new introduction that takes up more time.
 But generally I enjoy him, if that makes sense, especially when he’s with Jesse. The moments that frustrate me are mostly when I see Cisco being treated as a prop for his storyline (like in S4). 
What do you think about fans saying CP is ruining her career for not going to the TCA? I saw that Zack Stentz had to jump in to defend her. My thoughts is people need to chill out over what CP does on her time off.
I didn’t see who said that, but TCA is definitely not making or breaking Candice’s career. She went the first year, they totally ignored her and didn’t show her category onscreen. I think she learned her lesson after that, which is that TCAs are utterly pointless unless your network has paid for you to win.
And in general you’re right, it’s none of our business how Candice handles her career. That’s literally her business.
Sorry to bring up the Grant drama again, but he is really trying my patience this week. I know this is far from the first time he's posted a photo from that godforsaken photo shoot with Tyler Shields. But after he's already aware A) how SB fans perceive him posting things like that, and B) how CP fans are upset with him right now + how CP fans feel about DP? I'm not sure what he's trying to accomplish anymore.
Maybe he was trying to create a situation where he’d have to promise a CP photoshoot lmao. Or maybe he just doesn’t think things through.
I like GG and if people want to defend his rl with CP that's fine bc she likes him and we know how she acts when she doesn't click with somebody but I wish they stopped babying him. He doesn't defend CP because he's not comfortable addressing the topic. He gets madder when people point it out ESPECIALLY if he's already in a fragile state, like dealing with people bodyshaming him. It has nothing to do with higher-ups stopping him bc of the reasons you mentioned AND bc CP does call out the racists
Yup, he doesn’t want to address it and he really doesn’t want people calling him racist because he won’t address it.
I'm kinda shaking my head at the hypocrisy here. These anons reportedly love West*llen as much as I do, yet they're willfully ignoring the fact that West*llen is a time travel ship in the comics!
LOL, I guess some people think it’s weird that two people’s time periods could overlap. But it’s not like they would overlap, so IDK why anyone’s mind would go there.
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valeriemperez · 7 years
CP is still winning by a large margin and everybody is shocked. Let's keep it coming! CP really wants that surfboard. She also deserves it for the backlash she's been getting JUST for existing.
Yes, let’s! Fill twitter up with love for Candice and join in the celebrations.  We’ve got 2.5 hours to go before voting ends, so give it all you’ve got! 10 Tweets from your account, and then retweet to your heart’s content.
This is a small thing but whoever is in charge of the TCA Twitter page needs to make better gif choices. GG is Barry looking tierd and stressed. DP is CS backing away looking scares. EBR is Felicity with her shirt on fire and taking it off while Barry pats her chest. CP’s is cute but more romantic then anything. Like the person could not find gifs of any of these characters doing something action related??? It is the action category is it not 🤔
LOL, very true. Seems like only one actor or actress is doing anything action-oriented, but I guess whoever runs their twitter is lazy.
I wonder if the CPD account being erased means all those TCA tweets/retweets are gone too. :/
I think it does, unfortunately. But there are lots more tweets to make up for it! I really hope they’re able to restore their page, though, because they had so many nice videos and pics.
@ “can’t help wonder where” anon:I totally get you. But people tend to be more active when they think there’s something to gain, or when they’re excited. I think Candice actually suggesting she wants the award got us amped and ready to fight. :)
@ “enough fighting” anon:I agree with you that there’s no need to get our hands dirty. Our love and enthusiasm speaks for itself, and claws only need to come out if someone insults CP directly (as in @ ing her hate).
Whether we win or not I’m proud of our showing. I hope the anons you had that were concerned CP isn’t getting enough support on SM see whats been happening. You go into the #theflash tag on twitter its mostly GG and CP nominations. CP’s twitter handle comes up as a related search and NOT DP’s. CP is currently beating with retweets by a huuuuuge margin. For comparison DP got 1.5 retweets, MB is sitting at 3.9 retweets, CP has 6.4 retweets. Please someone try to say CP isn’t popular lol.
That’s awesome to hear! And, yes, it feels like our fandom can still come together joyfully.
I totally understand it, but sometimes I wish people would just ignore those comments like the ebr and cp don’t do action so they shouldn’t be nominated ones. I feel like in the end it just becomes a mud-slinging thing (even if they start it): your fav is this, but your does this, blah blah, losing the highground. If I do come across things I’m sideways petty and make 2/3 post about how great my fav is. It feels a lot better than fighting. But i totally get the need to reply.
Yeah, I fall pray to the lure of backtalk sometimes too. But like you pointed out, posting love and adding to Candice’s/WA’s SM traffic is more productive.
You think since she’s promoting she’ll attend??
I think it depends on her filming schedule, but if she’s told she is winning then I think she’ll make the effort.
To the anons, yes. We’ve been advocating a little less for CP than before. But remember this. We’ve been fighting to put her on top. We have to make sure she stays up there. It’s like if you win a trophy. Just because you won first place doesn’t mean you stop, unless it’s your last fight or it’s a retirement event. So let’s keep showing CP some love just like the media has finally shown her the love and attention she deserves.
I am late answering this, but word to everything you said! And I think this week shows we’re not done fighting.
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valeriemperez · 7 years
Okay, you're not saying it. But can I? LOL. So, that sounds like a crossover wedding, right? Because that's what I got from that. Hmm. I'm not against the idea as long as Barry & Iris' wedding stays about them and isn't rushed. Kara, Oliver and the rest of their hero friends could be there. Choosing to have their wedding during the crossover would show that TPTB see it as important, which is nice. As long as WA gets the wedding they deserve, I guess I'm okay with it being during the crossover.
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That’s basically how I feel about it. 
lol it's funny because OFs think it's their wedding after that EW quote. But with Greg saying this I'm sure it'll be westallens 😂
At least everyone seems to agree it’s a wedding. Watch us be way off, lol. If it is a wedding, WA and Alex/Maggie are most likely. The former would end happily and the latter might end in tears since we know Floriana is no longer a regular.
Tati, I don't want uncle gugge near of WA or Iris. I don't trust him with my fave or my ship. I really hope that he's not talking about the WA wedding in this crossover. I just want my babies happy and whitout drama in their wedding day. Is this too much to ask? 😭 And if they do the wedding during the crossover he is going to sideline Iris. I'm sad now 😐 btw your blog is amazing and you always are the real MVP 💜
I don’t think he would sideline Iris during her own wedding, and he’s also not going to be the one writing the Flash part of the crossover. Iris has been sidelined in every crossover so far, which is why I think a plot about her is the only chance for it not to happen again. I personally would like them to incorporate her journalism and make her be the one to bring the threat to the team or something, but I also have no issue with a WA wedding. But I totally get that many others feel differently. Don’t worry, we have no idea it even is a wedding. If they don’t care about Iris/WA and don’t want to promote her, they won’t pick a WA wedding as the event.
And thank you for the compliment!
Interesting how most CP fans have accepted we won't win but we're happy our fandom showed up and represented. I'm hoping MB fans know at this point their fave is most likely to win so why be salty about it? DP fans are mostly lost causes so who cares what they think.
This is from yesterday, but I hope no one is upset about it anymore. TCAs decide who wins, and it won’t be based on one tweet’s RTs lol. But I’m sure as hell proud of us!
giphy(.)com/gifs/3oKIP5wWtH1WZ7kHK0 Yay! CP got the most votes. High five!
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Love it!
CP was also the only one who properly promoted. Most of the dctv cast put too much attention to Instagram. On Twitter CP was the one to properly retweet the tweet with her nomination. DP replied to her tweet which meant the likes/retweets didn't go to the original tweet. MB didn't even retweet hers. CP and her fans won fair and square by getting things done right.
This is very true.
Okay, ten. We can't let the haters think there are thousands or maybe millions of CP's fans (Her IG speaks for itself). Because Facebook says otherwise. He he.
It’s decided!
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valeriemperez · 7 years
Hi Tati! You also joined Keiy et al, in his video? How was the experience, then? I hope you had fun, met a lot of people and got to hug Keiynan so many times. Lol.😂😍 Congrats, m so happy for you!😊🙌
It was a wonderful experience, thank you so much. Keiy is a really genuine guy, and so incredibly sweet. The entire crew working on the video were good people, and his fellow fans were a joy to meet.
I think we all should do a celebration for CP getting the most retweets by the end of the night. But first, we have to make sure she’s still on top when the votes are over.
How shall we celebrate?
The next wave of votes is July 12th. This cause for a celebration. We did it, IWDS! Let’s keep cheering for CP to win this award.
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I realized that most of the haters spent more time bitching about the people they hate rather than voting for their fave. And look what happened. Queen CP is still on top.
Hopefully it shows come ceremony time!
SB fandom really showing their colors lately. This hiatus has not been good to them. To start with CP gaining more and more exposure. She’s the first dctv actress to be on watch magazine. RHTY will most likely get an Emmy nomination. Now their fave CS is losing by a huge margin. I mean my God she couldn’t even get 2k retweets 😂 Thus it’s not surprising they are playing dirty cause that’s what people on the losing team do.
Some of them spend way too much time complaining about Iris/WA/Candice/us than loving their fave.
From my understanding the TCA committee takes the top 3 winners of each category. From that they select who the winner will be. Which sucks for a lot of reasons but it is what it is. I feel that CP, MB and EBR will be the top 3 with MB ultimately winning. Regardless I hope CP’s strong showing will encourage the TCA committee to keep giving CP solo nominations and also to invite her to the awards night. Heck maybe even having her present an award would be great exposure.
You are correct about the process, and I hope Candice wins an award this year. Even if it’s Ship or Liplock, which aren’t aired, I want her to get that surfboard. Presenting would be good exposure, too.
Seeing as how there were a lot of plotholes in last season, this came to my mind. In 3x10, HR told Barry and the group that you can change events in the future, but you have to be careful which ONES to change as THAT particular event makes a difference. Now the only thing that changed in that episode was HR on the roof. 3x23: We know that Iris and HR switched places, but it was last minute. It’d be nice if the story followed up on THAT moment being the only thing that needed to change.
*chinstroke* You right… I guess the change really was Barry figuring out who Savitar was, because it led to the 3.22 plan which HR accidentally botched and subsequently felt guilty for.
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