#CQQ plays OVW
claroquequiza · 6 years
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claroquequiza · 6 years
I was just playing CtF, and the other team got the flag and murdered us all, then they got the flag again and murdered us all in our own base, and time was running out and it was awful, but I’d accepted our fate--but my teammates hadn’t Three of them got super pissed off and went and goddamned got that motherfucking flag and brought it back to base, GETTING US INTO OVERTIME, and then the whole team, inspired, went back and got the flag AGAIN, so we went into SUDDEN DEATH, AND THE OTHER TEAM WAS PISSED BUT WE WERE PUMPED, AND WE WENT INTO SUDDEN DEATH AND WE MOTHERFUCKING FOUGHT OUR WAY THROUGH MOIRA AND JUNKRAT AND ROADHOG AND I GOT MY SOUND BARRIER AND POWERED THROUGH AND GRABBED THAT FLAG AND TOOK IT BACK AND RIGHT WHEN THE ENEMY MOIRA GOT OUR FLAG I WAS ALL NOPE SORRY BOWIE HERE’S YOUR FLAG AND WE 
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claroquequiza · 6 years
Here’s a demo of the trouble I have in FFA DM--Doomfist and Genji are my main enemies. I just can’t get a handle on how to counter them, LOOOL! 
And since I was recording, I managed to get a positive score--still last place, though. :|
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claroquequiza · 6 years
For countering doom as hanzo, is reccomend using your movement ability to leap away while he’s charging, and using storm arrow (is that what it’s called?) to take him down while you have the distance on him. He’s only effective at really close distance, so the biggest thing to remember is to maintain distance away from him
Different Anon:
Might I suggest using Hanzo's primary fire more than the storm arrow? It makes it so each shot counts, so it helped me improve my aim with him a lot. Also, taking your time with a well-aimed head shot is way more important than striking the enemy first, in my opinion...
LOOOL, two different anons, two opposing strategies!
But yes, distancing myself from Doomfists and Genji is by far the most effective strategy--Hanzo is a sniper, after all. I need to work on staying out of teeny tiny narrow hallways, because that’s where they thrive--but it’s hard sometimes when I have to keep moving, and good sniping places tend to become hunting grounds for Widowmaker instead, LOOOL, but that’s an expected trade-off, and I do...okay...against Widowmaker.
Well-aimed headshots are super difficult for me to pull off because if there’s two things that keep me from playing well (and doing all sorts of things, really), it’s a) overthinking and b) frustration and/or panic shutting down my brain. 
When I start trying to line up headshots, especially at a distance, it’s easy for me to overthink and then hesitate, and then either a Widowmaker headshots me instead or the target moves and my “well-aimed” headshot hits nothing after all.
And then when I start to get frustrated or if I’m suddenly in CQC (especially with the aforementioned Doomfist and Genji, LOOOL, but also with Brigitte and Moira), it feels like I’m fighting my way through molasses--like, it feels like I physically can’t move fast enough, LOL, and in the meantime the opponent with their super fast reflexes has already killed me.
So really what this may indicate is that I’m just not a natural gamer, and I might be closer to an anti-gamer, LOOOOOOOOL! But my main source of frustration is that I used to be much better at DM specifically, even with Genji and even after Doomfist and Moira were introduced. After Brigitte joined the fray, though, I stopped regularly playing DM, and now my gameplay is abysmal.
But now that the legions of Brigitte that drove me out of DM a few months ago have largely subsided--if I practice more, I’ll probably get a little bit better--but this whole overthinking/shutting down my brain thing is a problem that affects me in situations other than playing games, LOOOOL, so it’s not something that will be easily overcome.
Thanks for the tips, though! I appreciate it!
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claroquequiza · 6 years
Alright, managed to get over myself and got some good gaming in along the way. So, that’s good.
Have this Lúcio highlight! It’s so easy to get trapped in hallways in Petra--but little did these two know: they were trapped with me.
Not really. It was super close, and I only won because of my ult. XD
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claroquequiza · 6 years
im-the-swamp-witch replied to your post “tfw you finally get your screen capture software to function–and...”
If you're using OBS, the. The program has a reformatting feature that will take the tmf file and put it into mp4 for you!!!
Perfect!! Thanks for the tip!
And Here’s The Video!
I took out the audio because I’m still messing with the audio input and 300% is maybe a little too much? It was a little too much.
I didn’t realize at first what was happening because it happened so fast, but the second time I couldn’t help but see. I wish I could have the audio because I literally gasped and went, “OOOOHHHHHH THAT GUY--THAT GUY--THAT GUY IS DEFINITELY--HE’S DEFINITELY!! OOOOO--!” as I bring up the menu to report him, LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
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claroquequiza · 6 years
First time in a long time I’ve gotten all three Arcade lootboxes in a reasonable amount of time and/or without ragequitting after being responsible for my teams’ loss too many times in a row, LOOOOOOOOOL!  <3
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claroquequiza · 6 years
Got to play OVW with @kitsune2022-artish, and it was a ton of fun!! Got a series of good highlights out of it!!
First, in a Deathmatch in Petra, I got to blast Hanzo in the face like I’ve always wanted to.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Next up, playing with Kit is always a ton of fun because she’s so good, and she got a great POTG in a Deathmatch in Rialto--one that was so awesome, the game said, “You know that POTG you got to watch? It was so awesome it’s a highlight of your gaming experience!”
And it was right.
And a Doomfist in Eichenwald got a POTG that was also awesome enough that the game decided it needed to be chronicled from other POV, LOOOL!!
Lots of fun today--thanks for th games, Kit!!!!!
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claroquequiza · 6 years
I do pretty good as Lúcio--I do pretty good as any character that doesn’t have to aim too much, which is why I used to do so good as Symmetra but now I’ve switched almost entirely to Mei and Lúcio, LOOOOOOOOOL
I do love a good boop, though. Like. LOVE a good boop.
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claroquequiza · 6 years
I don’t know what I messed up, but the video OBS was capturing was still grainy even with the quality set to low, so I gave up and bumped it back to Epic--but then I looked through OBS one last time and there was an autoconfig. I ran it, and now it’s capturing perfect video???
What did I touch that screwed up everything???
But anyway. I guess now I can record sessions that won’t hurt to watch.
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claroquequiza · 6 years
jfc I really am the worst at OVW
Took almost three hours to win three matches
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claroquequiza · 6 years
Here’s a full-length video of me and @kitsune2022-artish‘s session on Saturday/Sunday that she captured! I died a lot during it--including once when I backed up into a canal, which I lament. Loudly.
But watch to the end! The round had quite the ending!
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claroquequiza · 6 years
Also I really need to start recording my sessions--I was quickplaying with the guys from Hong Kong, and we were attacking Route 66 and we got the payload within ten meters or so of the end, but my teammates kept dying so I was keeping us in overtime all by myself as Lúcio, and it was terrifying because there were turrets and a Bastion on one side, a Soldier, a McCree, and a Sombra on the other, and a lone frog trying to take shelter behind the payload while booping people away as best he could, LOOOOOOOL
We lost, but man. It was pretty epic. XD
I downloaded OBS, but the video it captures tends to get super grainy when I’ve tested it in custom games against AIs. I suppose the solution will be to turn down the graphics in OVW--I currently have them on Epic because OVW is such a pretty game--but is that the sacrifice I must make?
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claroquequiza · 6 years
How do you feel about Petra? Personally I think that it's THE WORST map in Overwatch so far, every time I play it I want to rip all my hair off
LOOOL, I haven’t played it enough to really form an opinion! It’s partly because I’ve been so busy with everything, but also partly because DM/FFA hasn’t been a lot of fun lately--I only ever want to play Hanzo in DM, but I’m awful at him and I’ve only gotten worse since I stopped playing regularly--but things were going downhill before then, too. 
My enjoyment of DM started to go down when Moira and Brigitte were released because I am so, so bad at countering them without the support of a team. Moira’s gotten better since her nerfs but my blood pressure spikes every time I see a Brigitte in the match--and there’s never only one, LOOOL! 
And her shield goes up, she closes the distance and cracks open my skull. And even when I try to put some distance between me and her she has that goddamn Whip Shot and it’s just--frustrating.
And nowadays I’m so bad that every McCree, Genji, and Moira in the match tend to steamroll right over me no matter what--and it’s been alarming how angry and frustrated I get. It’s just a game! So I’ve been avoiding DM--which only adds to the problem, of course, since I’m not practicing. :|
But I just gotta try to get good again. When I am, I’ll let you know what I think about Petra--at the moment every DM map is a terrible map for me, LOOOL!!!
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claroquequiza · 6 years
I’m disappointed that I didn’t better document this, but I played Overwatch with my niece and nephew again today and it really was something special. 
They wanted to play around on the training field for five minutes each, but they also wanted to see me play! And since they’re on spring break, they had time! So I played two matches of Capture the Flag since it’s the simplest game mode. My niece’s favorite character so far is Symmetra, but she was already taken, so we went to my nephew’s favorite, Hanzo! 
I hardly ever play CtF on Hanzo, so I wasn’t expecting to do that well--and then I got dropped into a sudden death round because apparently the two teams had been tied and then someone left out of frustration or from a bad connection--and there suddenly was Hanzo.
And I did great! There was a Bastion defending the enemy flag, but I managed to keep hitting them from around a corner without dying until he died, and then I managed to finish off a Tracer who came to assassinate me with a scatter arrow and a headshot, then I started wearing down a Roadhog--all in 12 seconds. I know this because it made it into my highlights, LOOOL! Then I Dragonstriked a Reaper who got our flag and covered a team member who got the enemy flag.
All in all, a masterfully done match, LOOOL!
Then, in the next match, I got to be Symmetra like my niece wanted, and I was much more comfortable with her. My team was super good and the enemy team super fragmented--they kept going after our flag one by one, which was an excellent demonstration of Symm’s turrets to my niece’s delight. I also managed to accompany my teammates as they got the flag three times, one of which also ended up in the highlights because I managed to take out two or three pursuers of the flagbearer. We ended the match in five minutes. Beautifully done, LOOOL!
Then my parents’ internet connection got spotty and it was time for dessert and then go, but my niece and nephew had a ton of fun and I got to look super competent, which was nice. XD
But unfortunately I didn’t know that highlights are only available on the computer you earned them on--I thought I’d be able to access them from home, so I didn’t bother to save them. They’re sitting on my mom’s laptop. :(
I might have my sister save them.
Hmm. I’ll see what I can do.
But it was a lot of fun--I’m glad we were able to do that together.
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claroquequiza · 7 years
I’m rather proud of this achievement--I started out dead and ended up dead!
How like life.
But no, I did SUPER well in this match--I took the lead for a long time, then it looked like I was going to come in second, but I was knocked to third at the very last moment--but it’s still the best I’ve ever done in FFA! 
(also I’m only 185 credits away from being able to afford McCree’s skin hhhhrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhh giveittomegiveittomegiveittome)
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