#CR:K spoilers
microraptorreactor · 11 months
'I'm not active in the cookie run fandom anymore'- I retract my previous statement. I thought I wouldn't get involved but just pick up the sparknotes of GC's story (look man I was very unhappy with how DevSis ignored her up until ep 17) but here we are. have some dumb comics about her.
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Bonus comic about The Dark Cacao Kingdom and how the protagonist for it is really Caramel Arrow
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Glacier (Ninjago, Zane/Cole) Sunflower (Omori, Sunny/Basil) Clover Cookie/Herb Cookie, CR:K Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley Jace/Vraska, MtG Tav/Astarion, BG3 Sauron/Celebrimbor, Shadows of Mordor/War
That's all I got off the top of my head! I'll be back with more if I remember any of my other obsessions lol
Okay, one by one
Glacier,,If memory serves it's pretty cute! I haven't done Ninjago in a longgg minute though lmao
Sunflower from Omori I fully don't know I'm afraid, though if one of my friends is to be believed it's very cute heehee
Clover Cookie and Herb Cookie seems pretty cute according to shippingwiki lol, love me some adorable plant nerds
Ineffable Husbands!! I still haven't watched or finished reading Good Omens but I'd kill for them. They're so!!! incredible, top notch
Jace and Vraska, I do love a "damn maybe life is cool actually you've convinced me" sorta ship, tasty
I'm afraid I'm trying to avoid too many BG3 spoilers in the hopes of getting to play it so I can't weigh in there, alas!
Sauron Celebrimbor...I need to read the silmarillion because I know I recognize that second name but it's not really ringing bells. Probably very fucked up and pretty as hell if I had to guess (positive)
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new crk event be like
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forest-babeys · 4 years
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//i've decided to give swan mama a little redesign, hope ya don't mind if i just.. slide this here.//
//not much has changed with her cookie form. yet-//
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artidoesthings · 3 years
Hey kingdomswap fans, fic chapter just dropped.
disclaimer: from this chapter on the story will be a series of non-linear oneshots instead of a linear story! just because that’s easier for me to write :P
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staronastaff · 3 years
Why the Red Velvet/Pastry relationship is a metaphor for escaping religious trauma
TW: discussions of religious trauma, emotional manipulation/abuse and toxic relationships. SPOILERS FOR THE TOWER OF SWEET CHAOS EVENT.
I saw someone arguing that the popularity of the Red Velvet Cookie/Pastry Cookie ship from CR:K didn’t make any sense because the ship is literally just “a hetero couple who had a conversation,” and while this argument is understandable, seeing how a lot of the Korean artists tend to hype up the stereotypical (and lowkey toxic) male and female traits of both characters, I’d like to argue instead that the real appeal of the Red Velvet Cookie/Pastry Cookie relationship, romantic or otherwise, lies in the story event’s commentary on religious trauma, indoctrination, and the ship’s headcanon of escaping both. Fair warning, this is a bit of a long one, so without further ado, let’s dive into it.
I think it’s safe to say that even without THAT moment between Red Velvet and Pastry (”Chiffon! My dear Chiffon! Everything’s alright...”), this event would not have caused such an uproar of shippers if it weren’t for three pivotal scenes: Red Velvet’s offer to Pastry Cookie to join Dark Enchantress Cookie’s army, the final exchange between Reverend Mother and Pastry, and the reveal of Shadow Sister Cookie at the end of the event’s dialogue. Pastry Cookie is revealed to be a victim of religious trauma and emotional manipulation, and in the scene where she is being confronted by her reflection via Pomegranate Cookie’s magic, Pastry Cookie is shown to be aware of this, at least unconsciously. 
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From The Cookies of Darkness event, we learned that Pomegranate Cookie’s magic taps into a Cookie’s deepest thoughts and fears. Pastry Cookie is unconsciously afraid of her doubts of the institutionalized religion she’s been a part of for at least a good part of her life. Her ending exchange with the Reverend Mother ends with a note of finality: Pastry Cookie accepts that she must keep the faith-shattering secret of all Cookies' purpose to herself, unaware that if she were to even step out of line or demonstrate a single moment of rebelling against the Order’s rules, she would be taken out of the picture by the Order’s own members.
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All this leads to Red Velvet’s part in her character arc: challenging her toxic mindset and helping her realize the depth of her trauma. (Because it’s not a matter of “I can fix her, ” but a matter of getting Pastry out of that situation.) Red Velvet Cookie represents to Pastry Cookie, and to their fans, a way out of her oppressive and toxic environment. Consider their opening exchange. Red Velvet Cookie notices that Pastry Cookie looks exhausted, and that she could use both “accommodations and sleep.” In Pastry Cookie’s loading screen and opening dialogue, we learned that she has a difficult time getting up in the morning, and when she’s praying in the chapel in order to make up for oversleeping, Reverend Mother Cookie praises her for her “diligence.” It’s already implied that Pastry Cookie is not getting enough sleep due to her duties, and Red Velvet Cookie notices her physical exhaustion. Already, he is offering her a way to healthily recover from this, an offer that may or may not have been made in jest.
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We might also argue that White Lily’s Cookie rebirth into Dark Enchantress Cookie serves as a parallel to Pastry Cookie’s own self-discovery. The similarities between the two characters are uncanny; a Cookie who sees the Witches as divine and a subject for veneration goes to the origin of Cookies, the Oven, or in Dark Enchantress Cookie’s case, literal Walpurgisnacht, and realizes the true existential horror of all Cookies’ existence, to be eaten. This is where their paths diverge, and where Pastry Cookie’s arc ends: White Lily Cookie is reborn, and swears vengeance on the preordained structure of the Eaters (the Witches) and the Eaten (all Desserts, including Cakes and Cookies), while we’ve already covered how Pastry Cookie is left to struggle with the depth of her discovery under the cover of “maintaining” that order.
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So what does this have to do with the actual ship of Red Velvet Cookie and Pastry Cookie itself? Consider the ending of that parallel; Dark Enchantress Cookie challenging her oppressors by full-on declaring war and rejecting her designated position as “the eaten.” Pastry Cookie’s personal arc ends halfway, and we are only teased with her struggle of how to deal with this realization. Red Velvet Cookie, with his physical connection to the Cake Hounds and his position as Dark Enchantress Cookie’s army’s general, represents the “other half” to the manipulative Order. His younger self’s reveal during that rebirth scene was no coincidence. The title of the episode detailing their first meeting, “Crimson and Ivory,” as well as the title screen of that month’s update, literally sets them apart as polar opposites. Because the actual canon ending of the event keep Pastry Cookie in such a isolated and unhealthy environment, surrounded by manipulative and straight-up abusive people, of course your first reaction is to think, “if only she could get out of that situation.”
By having Pastry Cookie cast off her connection to the Order and taking up Red Velvet Cookie’s offer on those accommodations and extra sleep, we complete drawing the parallel between her and Dark Enchantress Cookie. This is her own step out of an abusive environment and onto a path of recovery. Red Velvet is a key towards getting her out of that situation, and that is why the ship’s fanbase is as widespread as it is.
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In conclusion, the romantic implications of Red Velvet Cookie and Pastry Cookie are more of a side effect of this event’s commentary on religious trauma and active rejection of indoctrination and manipulation. We could cover the actual grounds for the ship’s enemies-to-friends/lovers dynamic (how Red Velvet Cookie outright acknowledges Pastry Cookie’s strength by warning Pomegranate Cookie that the “puny being’s” (the use of quotes indicating his sarcasm rather than derision, implying that already he respects her) crossbow could become her undoing), but at the very least I wanted to get this breakdown off of my chest. It irks me to see a lot of people brushing off this ship as “the heteronormative” one when in reality it goes a lot deeper than that.
Thanks for reading!
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frostfeather13 · 2 years
Talking About Cookies Part 1
Hydrangea Cookie
Spoilers for Season 7 of CR:OB ahead! And a major spoiler for The Frost Witch and the Lantern in the Snow story from CR:K
So Hydrangea Cookie is probably one of my favorite cookies across the entire Cookie Run Franchise.
She’s so pretty from her color palette to her design motifs, I especially love the long flowy sleeves and the colors!
Her trial theme also slaps and was the first I got the Diamond Rank on.
She also has a god damn frog as a pet!! And the frog has a costume!!!
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This frog costume makes me wish we had a costume gacha for the pets. 
There are only two cookies that are canonically friendly to her. The rest are tense. Lotus Dragon (obviously) and Cherry Blossom. Cherry Blossom is an odd choice but I can see it.
Just imagine these two going on long walks admiring the hydrangeas and having picnics. Them watching the fireworks together, Cherry Blossom getting Hydrangea more off track of her duties to have picnics. Them looking longingly into the other’s eyes as they slowly move closer… and I am practically writing a fanfiction at this point. 
She’s in general pretty friendly towards the other cookies (even Pomegranate) but isn’t a fan of Purple Yam (cause he’s loud) Ginseng (cause they don’t agree on the whole ‘life draining lotuses’ thing) and Bellflower (because she tries so hard)
Her Magic Candy skill is also pretty cool, the color of the hydrangea jellies depend on how many of bear jellies she collected. If she collected mainly yellow bear jellies then the hydrangea jellies are yellow and it’s the same rule for pink and frozen bear jellies.
Oh and her main skill is beautiful, I love the look of the hydrangeas and it just looks so pretty. Did I mention how much her music slaps? Because the music slaps.
One thing I love about Hydrangea’s personality is that she will drop everything to look at the flowers. She also doesn’t mind getting soggy unlike most cookies. She just goes with the flow and I love that about her. 
That is where I was originally going to leave this, but then season 7 came out.
So now I have so much more to say!
First off, she straight up was willing to die for the Lotus Paradise. 
The way she was just so okay with it, makes me a bit concerned about what is going to happen to her during the story. 
So I did some digging into what hydrangeas symbolize and found out it depends on the color, given that Hydrangea walks through pink, blue, and purple hydrangeas I’ll be going off of those colors.
In general - sincere emotions, gratitude, deep understanding, grace and beauty
Pink - heartfelt emotions, romance, true feelings, and heartfelt emotion.
Blue - feelings of regret, frigidity and apology.
Purple - deep understanding and a desire to deeply understand someone.
To quote the book Tar Baby, Toni Morrison says “A dead hydrangea is as intricate and lovely as one in bloom.”
Just an intresting quote I found while looking up what hydrangeas symbolize. And it kind of ties into her max affection jelly quote:
“None can stop the cycle of blooming and wilting.” 
So given this information, I think something terrible is going to happen to Hydrangea during the story. I don’t want her to get hurt but given her devotion to Lotus Dragon, it’s possible that she could sacrifice herself for Lotus Dragon (and she attempted to with the whole ‘live draining lotus’ thing). If anything does happen, I’ll cry more than I did during Sherbet Cookie’s death. 
There was also recently an official ‘Which Cookie Run Villian Lies Within You’ quiz, one of the results is Hydrangea and it labels her as ‘the Unintentional Villain’
It mentions that she has an easy time understanding others and that she has a lot of optimism. It calls out that if she keeps empathizing and understanding others she could be ‘the World’s Greatest Advisor’. (Which ties into the symbolism of hydrangeas)
Then it mentions that if you (the reader/Hydrangea) were traveling with heinous criminals you would be okay with it. And it explains that it maybe makes you the scariest out of all of them.
Given that this was from an official personality test, it’s easy to say that this is how Hydrangea is and feels. 
Needless to say Hydrangea has some issues. 
Regardless, Hydrangea Cookie Supremacy
Anyway this was pretty fun, I might do this again if y’all are into it. 
Before I forget here’s a doodle/sketch of Hydrangea in my own style instead of me trying to replicate the CR art style like I normally do. 
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paintbrush-kinnie · 3 years
Miku's Intro!
It's about time I fixed this mess lol!!!
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My names are Miku, Rin, Painty, City, Karma, Rose Gold, Zodiac, and many others!!! I will link the post with all my names in a second!
I am agender and my pronouns are xe/fae/it/they!!! I also go by any neos with themes of space and nature, specifically moons and flowers!!! She/her is slightly okay. Please don't refer to me with he/him!!! I'm also testing out 🌺/🌺s and 🌆/🌆s pronouns!!!
I'm taken by multiple F/Os and a real person!!!
I'm polykin, specifically werewolfkin and fairykin. I'm also questioning if I'm mermaidkin. Please be respectful!!!
I am diagnosed with ADHD, and self-diagnosed with autism, depression, and anxiety. I am also very paranoid!!! I am questioning if I have PTSD, PLEASE DONT ASK ABOUT MY TRAUMA UNLESS I SAY IT IS OKAY.
My favorite colors are pink, rose gold, purple, and teal!!! Pastels of these are AMAZING-
Please tag imagines of eye contact, hate to my F/Os, ccs, kins, Hyperfixations/special interests, and comforts, spoilers to ANY media, loud noises, mentions of the names "Kimberly", "Kim", and "Kimmy" (until further notice), and the last names "Yentes" and "Mattocks" (Mattocks is until further notice) with PDL, Painty Don't Look, MDL, or Miku Don't Look!!! Please also tag Among Us, Squid Game, and any other stupid trend with PDL/MDL.
I run @/ii-headcanons, @/miku-writes-fics, and @/ask-the-inanimate-insanity-cast!!!
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Special Interests/Hyperfixations include Vocaloid, Undertale/Deltarune, OSC (I've only watched BFDI-BFB, II 1-3, TNM [not including newest ep], and ONE!!!) I'm also getting into back into Sonic Boom and getting into TOH and Bee and Puppycat!!!!
My F/Os are Ralsei (Deltarune, romantic, specifically queerplatonic), Oliver (Vocaloid, familial, specifically parent-son), Eleanor Forte (Synth V, romantic), Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid, romantic), Kagamine Rin (Vocaloid, romantic), V Flower (Vocaloid, romantic), Tails (Sonic, specifically and ONLY Sonic Boom, romantic, specifically queerplatonic, this does NOT include Tails in CR:K.), And Paintbrush (Inanimate Insanity, romantic) I'm okay with people who are also dating them!!! You can find stuff about them in the tag #F/O moment!!!
I AM Paintbrush, which is a bit strange considering they're on my F/O list. Please don't make any comments about this. I am slightly okay with people who are also Paintbrush, but they make me slightly uncomfortable. Please respect this!!!
My kins are Sticks (Sonic Boom), Lightbulb (Inanimate Insanity), Fan (Inanimate Insanity), MePhone4 (Inanimate Insanity), Toilet (Inanimate Insanity), Bow (Inanimate Insanity), Apple (Inanimate Insanity) Kagamine Rin (Vocaloid), and Fukase (Vocaloid). I am comfortable sharing kins with them!! Hell, I love meeting new people who shares these kins with me :)
Fukase (Vocaloid), Tails (Sonic Boom), Sticks (Sonic Boom), Orbbot and Cubebot (Sonic Boom), Paintbrush (II), Fan (II), Lightbulb (II), Kagamine Rin/Len (Vocaloid), Eleanor Forte (Synth V), Bow (II), Marshmallow (II), V Flower (Vocaloid), Oliver (Vocaloid), Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid), Candle (II), Clover (II) and Piko (Vocaloid) are all comfort characters!!!
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DNI if you follow basic DNI criteria, proship/anti-anti, queer exclusionist/support them, are into problematic media and NOT critical of it, anti-otherkin/therian, and use the word "simp" freely, unless you don't know the original meaning.
BYF: I use the word queer freely and untagged! Wowaka is a comfort artist, please don't disrespect him around me, and PLEASE remember that this man is dead. I'm not the best at interacting with systems, please be patient with me! Circus-P/VocaCircus is also a comfort artist, please don't say anything disrespectful about them around me. Beast by Circus-P/VocaCircus is a comfort song!!! Gloom is a comfort content creator, please don't say anything disrespectful about her around me. Please tell me if I interact with a problematic person!!! If I like a song/video by a problematic creator, please know I do NOT support any of their bad decisions. This also counts for Wilbur Soot. I love writing!!! Ask me to write anything about my F/Os and I come RUNNING. I use emoticons, ,,, , and !!! A lot!!!
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GIFs used were made by @/voca-kin-edits and @/sunnys-headspace-full-of-edits!!! Check them out, they're awesome :)
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That's all!!! See ya soon!!!
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microraptorreactor · 11 months
Im just. gonna hammer out some thoughts about Ep 17/18. Because man I have thoughts. Spoilers (and bad words) below the cut.
So the very base of the story, Golden Cheese herself, is fucking heartbreaking man. She's lost everything, her friends, her family, her kingdom, and it drove her insane. She built a massive digital city where everyone she lost can live in utmost luxury, but she still isolates herself to a small circle of cookies, probably to try keeping an airtight seal on the true nature of the kingdom. Her deepest desire is to keep her citizens happy and she'll do just about anything to achieve that. Because what is she without her treasure?
And her conversation with Rasine at the end TT-TT Those two bounce off each other so well. I hope they kiss.
And then there's Smoked Cheese!! God, after ep 17 I really wasn't sure about him, but he's such a fucking good character. He's just as scared as GC, if not more. But unlike GC, he's not quite as clouded by grief. He realizes that his god-queen is delusional, and quite possibly has realized for some time. OF COURSE, he'd flip his shit when he finds out DE is back and GC plans on doing nothing! He watched the kingdom burn down for the first time! And he has to watch these cookies who it's his job to protect, that he quite possibly grew up around, walk around like nothing's ever gone wrong. He has to keep up a facade that everything's fine and there isn't another massive threat looming over the city while his queen berates him for questioning her. He has every right to be angry and scared! And I can't particularly blame him for turning on her and airing out the truth. Trying to blow up the kingdom was 100% a dick move tho. But the scene where he's LITERALLY BEGGING GC TO KILL HIM??? It's my personal interpretation that he was terrified to go back to the Digital City, and therefore going back to ignoring all the trauma of the war.
Honestly, I feel like SC's whole villain ark might have been avoidable if GC and her little circle of friends sat down and had a heart-to-heart about the Dark Flour War, but that would require any of them to be emotionally vulnerable. Something that everyone in this kingdom is alergic to, apparently.
Mozarella cookie I certainly have. Feelings about. Her whole deal with erasing cookies memory so that they don't catch on to the digital kingdom is a detail I really like, but as a character, I just don't really care for her. It's probably just my personal taste, as I like the angsty characters and she just doesn't have that going on. I haven't finished the mineing missions story so maybe she has some in that. I feel the same way about Burnt/Basque Cheese, he's cool he just doesn't have enough going on in the backstory department for me to care.
Fettuchini Cookie's concept is terrifying. She's slowly losing herself to factors outside her control. There are literal bugs eating her brain. But the narrative doesn't really do anything with that? She's just kind of Olive Cookie's weird adopted child. To be fair the story is long enough, both chapters together clock in at about two and a half hours assuming that you have the best possible team. But she could have been so much more with that concept! Especially since she's playable instead of actually-really-important Smoked Cheese.
Olive Cookie is Olive Cookie. She's there to be an exposition archeologist. She serves her purpose in the story. I have no complaints about her. Y'all are being too harsh.
anyways, back to working on my OCs!
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artidoesthings · 3 years
i said in the original post for the au that wizard’s kingdom eventually becomes the city where the guild story takes place (where almond, latte and cream puff are). and it’s… not considered a kingdom anymore. So what happened to Wizard?
In the final battle it’s said that all of the heroes vanished, but I’m p sure only Pure Vanilla (gingerbrave in this aus case) really sorta... vanishes in this AU (the lore is confusing so I’m going with that)
so he tries to find a spell to locate Gingerbrave or maybe make him not-vanished. But it backfires, and ends up sealing Wizard away the same way White Lily/Dark Enchantress was.
sooo yeah. That’s my idea
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