#woohoo plot!
arctophyllax · 10 months
Raphael x Human Tav
Thinking about Raphael not knowing how to love healthily, Raphael who becomes obsessed with Tav. Human Tav. Becomes obsessed with them in the most twisted and corrupted way.
Not quite knowing what it is that he feels,
But absolutely hating whatever it is.
Raphael whose human side is stronger than he would ever dare to admit, especially when it comes to feelings.
For roughly two thousand years he had been lonely—yes, he had a personal incubus, he had servants, souls, and warlocks. But he didn’t have Tav.
Tav who seems to enjoy the conversations they have, Tav who looks at him without fear, and with no intention of asking for his favour like every other mortal did before. They weren’t easy, weren’t stupid, weren’t blindly naive.
Raphael was lonely, deep inside, walls put up high to keep possible vulnerabilities from getting to him, to keep himself safe, to control his environment without any weak spots.
Yet there they were.
A weak spot.
A mortal. A mortal that made him feel less alone, no matter how short lived and rushed their conversations had been so far.
A mortal that he found himself thinking of and protecting from afar, a mortal he was slowly becoming more and more obsessed with.
A mortal.
A mortal that would die one day, no matter how safe he managed to keep them.
A mortal who was so vulnerable to the passing of time.
A human lifetime was but a moment to him.
He would be lonely again, would still think of them.
They would weaken him just to leave him.
And it would drive him insane.
Unless… unless he robbed them of their mortality,
Made them stay
»Nothing is immune to Time. Not even eternity.«
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redo-rewind-if · 1 month
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Breaking news: Is MC the reason V has chronic migraines? It's more likely than you think!
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lunar-years · 1 year
sorry but when you stop and think about it it's honestly pretty crazy that the writers sat down to plot out s3 and decided to go with "well first we'll have Jamie confess to Roy that his dad made him lose his virginity in the red light district when he was a 14, thereby adding a multitude of complicated childhood-sexual-abuse-by-proxy layers onto the already established canon that his father is a physically and emotionally abusive sack of shit. THEN later on we will have Jamie mentally doom spiral at the sheer prospect of being in the same stadium as him, only to, in the same episode, go ahead and decide to forgive him! strictly for purposes of his own healing and happiness, of course. And finally we will show Jamie reaching out to his dad to see how he's doing. it sure has been a while! :) oh and by the way, his dad just so happens to be in rehab already, currently working on himself and cheering Jamie on. Isn't that great? I'm sure the audience will love it, what could possibly not add up about this? :) :)"
and by crazy I do indeed mean bad.
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samthehyena · 12 days
Finally have gotten to the point of my draft where I get to explicitly show that the oc in a situationship with Ochako is in fact just himiko in disguise after faking her death after 11K words of incredibly unsubtle hinting at it 😅
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parkitaco · 1 year
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mike is rly fighting for his life out here huh
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jaal-ama-daravv · 7 months
I just went and saw Argylle and honestly...wow. was worth the watch
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steakcreature · 1 year
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The Moss
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devondespresso · 1 year
WIP Wednesday!
Tagged by @stobinesque 💕
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
ok so im cheating a little because i don't have many written wips but i do have unfinished projects sitting on my desk! so for those i'll be spending 10 minutes on it in place of writing 3 sentences
1. Claudia Henderson Canon Character Masterlist (written wip)
2. The Steve Henderson AU i might actually finish who knows anything could happen (written wip)
3. Season 3 Dustin Custom Funko Pop Keychain (physical wip)
4. Chrissy Cunningham Custom Funko Pop (physical wip)
5. Måneskin Battle Jacket (physical wip)
its the Steve Henderson AU babeyyyyy
i feel the need to clarify that im outlining this bad boy right now and making event timelines and highlighting reoccurring themes and shit so the prose is Not Good. This ones an elaboration of a sticky note i wrote before bed one night, reformatted for readability because its literally just a block of text in the document gdskfjadaljfha
(listed right after “Season 2’s very long demodog-fighting tunnel-scampering day”)
STICKY NOTE: “Scene with Claudia and Dustin addressing Dustin lying in season 2, Mews, and their relationship. Probably before [the] hospital [scene]. Started about him disappearing all afternoon [and] segue[s] to Steve helping him and then to helping Steve because he has no one right now.”
Wanting to make sure to add this scene because Dustin's relationship with Claudia is just as if not more important right now than Steve's relationship. This is adding a reasonable and implied scene from canon and using it to establish and expand Dustin and Claudia's relationship by having this confrontation about him lying to her and all these things he's not telling her.
This establishes Claudia's need to know what's going on and how persistent she is with it, which will end up pushing Dustin away to Steve for more than just upside down stuff because of how casual Steve is about everything (like crushes and shit as we see in the train tracks scene in season 2).
Also Dustin's lie in the show is kinda shit anyway like he says he'll stay home and then runs off the whole afternoon??
They're also gonna have to address Mew’s death and Dustin's gonna give a half-truth (maybe Steve gives it since the show can't decide if Dustin is a good liar or not. Or its a cover story decided beforehand? We’ll figure out specifics later) about some rabid dog killing Mews and Dustin hiding it because he didn't know how to explain it without hurt his mother’s feelings and how he got Steve to help track the dog down so it wouldn’t hurt anybody else.
And from here Dustin talks about how cool Steve is and how he got hurt helping him and the party and how he wants to be there for him too (cause Steve is in the hospital for the concussion right now). Maybe Claudia picks up on the wholesome admiration and that's why she gives in or maybe she just agrees to take Dustin to visit him and seeing and meeting Steve makes her decide to take him in. probably a mix of both. Might have to be Dustin's pov if Steves not there but maybe it'll work out so where Steves there for part of it and the rest is implied afterwards at the hospital and days that follow (again we’ll figure it out later)
real quick tagging @loser-jpg @nymime and @elmoshipsbyler absolutely no pressure ofc🕺🪩💃
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kirstenonic05 · 2 years
Have you written any of it yet?
Yeah! I have! I'll put what I have so far under the cut, but beware! It's unedited and terribly put together! And I also don't know much about lifeguards and am using google so bear with me! (The ~ means I skipped and haven't finished writing that section, I'll finish writing this someday! Maybe! Hopefully...)
It was a normal day for Caesar. A chill one, at that. Since it was winter, there were not many families out on the beach during Caesar's lifeguard shift. Suzi was next to him, keeping a look out on the waves. Seagulls cawed in the sky, their normal bickering as they swept up seafood with their bills.
In all honesty, Caesar could fall asleep right there. It wasn't like there was anyone at the beach.
The caws of the gulls suddenly turned into violent screeches. It was then followed by the shouts of angry men, approaching from far away. That was enough to get Caesar to jump off of the pole he was leaning on. He turned to Suzi, who turned to him. That wasn't good.
Hastily, the duo dashed down towards the water's edge. There, they saw the shapes of boats on the horizon. Huge, menacing shapes, like sharks across the sea.
And they were chasing something. Something with a tail, a shining, green tail. Possibly of a huge fish, or even dolphin. A rare one, at that. It wasn't everybody you saw a green tail of dolphin size.
"Poachers," Caesar stated coldly. They had to be. This wasn't the first time they chased a whale all the way to shore.
"After them!" Suzi shouted, running on ahead. Caesar nodded, following close behind.
The shouting from the poachers turned to screams of warning. Caesar braced himself. "Go away! My friend's already on the phone with the police, so you better run!"
Caesar would love to engage in combat, an attempt to finally get those poachers in jail once and for all, but they had a sea creature to look after. A beached whale only had minutes to live.
Suzi, having held her paddle board all the way to the beach, raised it above her head, ready to throw it.
Whether the threats of being caught by the police or Suzi's paddleboard scared the poachers off, Caesar didn't know. What he did know was that the poachers, after a minute of stalling, gave up. Hopefully they were unable to catch whatever they were going for.
"Good riddance," Caesar said, before turning to the last place he saw that green tail. "Now we have to see whatever they were hunting."
"I'll get the stretcher!" Suzi saluted. Caesar didn't even get a chance to respond before she ran off towards the land.
Instead, he followed the coast, weaving between the rocks he knew so well. Soon, a type of whining could be heard, along with small squeaks. One that sounded like a dolphin out of water, except... different. Deeper, but only slightly. Too slow to be a dolphins. More like whines than squeaks.
Finally, something came into view. From behind a rock Caesar could see that brilliant, green tail. Well, it was no wonder the poachers were after this creature.
Carefully, Caesar stepped around the rock. His eyes followed the tail upwards. Wait, that was...
The tail continued up before speckling into tan skin. Human skin. With two, muscly arms. And a further look at its head revealed brown, spiky hair. That was no fish.
That was a mermaid.
Caesar took a second to process this information. Mermaids didn't exist, right?! Yet, what was this in front of him?!
Not knowing what to say, Caesar approached carefully. "Are you ok?"
The mermaid turned to him. Its eyes were a mix between green and blue, shimmering like a paua shell.
The mermaid gasped, before its whines shifted into aggressive growls. It scraped at the sand around it with its hands before thrashing its tail wildly. It was distressed, Caesar realised.
Caesar spread his hands out and crouched in an attempt to make himself less threatening. "Calm down! We're here to help you."
Despite the peaceful notions, the mermaid simply stared at him with wide, almost fearful eyes. It looked as if it was trying to swim away, just that it was on land. Its glistening eyes started to grow frustrated.
Carefully, Caesar crept closer to the mythical beast. However, the moment he took a step forward, the mermaid seemed to hiss at him. Maybe that wasn't the best idea.
To his luck, Suzi came running down from the rocks. "I got the stretcher-!"
Her voice cut out. Caesar looked up, only to catch her ocean blue eyes wide as they watched the mermaid.
"THE POOR THING!" She exclaimed, hurrying down the rocks.
From that day on, Caesar always had the feeling he was being watched. Gazes out to the sea were met with spiky brown hair and seafoam green eyes. In a second they would disappear in a splash of white foam.
Caesar always kept an eye out for these encounters. And it turned out Suzi did, too. Whenever she saw hints of the mermaid, or merman, as Suzi, she would instantly report back to Caesar. He found it odd that it was just the one merman (Wait, what if he was the only one of his kind?), who showed up everyday without fail.
Caesar looked out towards the sea again. His shift was almost over, as the sun started to sink under the horizon. Since Summer was ending in a few days, less and less visitors went to the beach. Caesar felt a cold chill rush past his body. Well, at least it meant less people to watch.
"Hey! Over here!"
An unknown, male voice. Caesar whipped his head towards the sound. That was coming from the water! Without even waiting for Suzi, he bolted towards the seaside. Without pause he hefted up his throw bag and rescue tube from the side of his station. He kicked up sand as he went, and as soon as he reached the water he flung his jandals across the shore.
"Woah, wait, chill!"
Right as he was about to jump into the water, Caesar stilled. The voice didn't sound panicked or anything. Just... calm. Ok, he could hear a brashness, but otherwise, calm.
Upon putting the rescue tube and throwbag down, Caesar took a good look at who was in the water. Aquamarine eyes and brown hair...
"Hey, heeeey, you good?" They, well, he, spoke. A tail of emerald green flicked out from the water.
Caesar's mouth hung agape. "You're... the merman. From the other day."
"The one and only!" A huge smile was on his face, a contrast to the frustrated look Caesar saw on his face the first time they met. He looked... quite human, actually. "The name's Joseph Joestar, by the way! But you can call me JoJo!"
"You can talk?"
"Rude! Of course I can!" Joseph laughed, a colourful laugh, one that was sounded so human that Caesar almost forgot he was talking to a brunette with a fishtail for legs. "And, I, got a mage in my village to place a spell on me, but! I understood you before that too!"
Looking back on their first meeting, there wasn't much indication of the merman understanding. "Did you really?"
"Ok, maybe I didn't understand you then either- hey, you haven't told me your name!"
Oh, right. Caesar had been quite rude. "I apologise. Let me start again. My name is Caesar. It's nice to meet you, JoJo."
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NaNoWriMo Day 7 — Entry 1
Word goal for today: 11,667
Word written: 421
Current total: 11,922
Progress: 23.8% ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇
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Y’ALL I have such an amazing dnd campaign idea with a heartbreaking bbeg and the most amazing concept and I wanna run it SO BAD but I don’t have TIME and I need to finish my CURRENT SUPER AWESOME CAMPAIGN. Being a Forever DM is so hard not because of dealing with players but because of dealing with my own brain
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fiberflxwer · 8 months
Feb 2024 Mission Board Plots
Reposting this from Discord for easier access - don't be shy to DM/ping me regarding any plots present here!
Faye (GD) BL-Required Execution - being new, she is naturally against the scene of a riot but at the same time would be taken aback by the show of panic. Any Skill - she can easily relate to the soldiers’ lost purpose in the world and can potentially help in several aspects due to her previous learnings (open to basically any point here!) M!Kris!
Open to anyone Authority - I have not played a proper card game and I would love to see Faye try her best against a pot of greed Poe! Sword - girl is CLUELESS and wanted to learn the sword. Save her. Veyle! Ghost busters! - arrows can stop evil spirits, right? source: rhythm heaven Eitri!
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Happy brithday to my sis @deerdeardarling
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1oveworld · 1 year
no one will ever get me to feel bad for having such bad problems with memory. i get to consume my favorite media for the first time again every year or so. you know those nostalgia posts that are like “it’ll never be like the first watch/read/play ever again” well for me it is ❤️
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sunrizef1 · 5 months
Speak for Yourself
Pairing: Oscar Piastri x reader
Authors Note: not edited woohoo, back to your regularly scheduled programming, planning to shut up now lol
Word count: 4.6k I think
Warnings: light cursing, AUS 24, not edited, inaccurate information regarding f2 seasons for the sake of the plot
Summary: You’d been around as long as Logan had, it was no time until one of the drivers developed a crush on you. Oscar had thought it was obvious you weren’t single. Guess not.
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Growing up, Oscar had always known he was quieter than a lot of his friends. He’d just rather keep to himself than be loud in his day-to-day life. Even Logan was considered loud when around the Aussie, and considering Logan was pretty quiet himself, that was impressive.
Everyone around him knew he preferred to be private. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to share things with his friends and family, it was just that having his own life was more convenient.
One of the things he’d always been private about, was his relationships. He’d had girlfriends growing up, none of them really sticking around too long as the times changed.
But then he met you. 2018. Logan had introduced you as his best friend, Oscar decided not to be offended. You were the opposite of the Australian. You were loud and happy and Oscar was absolutely captivated by you. He’d asked Logan if he was allowed to ask you out and the American had just laughed with a nod, Oscar practically running over to you the second the race was over.
Of course, you were 17 so Oscar didn’t exactly have the emotional maturity to realize he was in love with you at the time. It only took him six months to say it out loud, though. Three years later and you two were still going strong, Oscars career only moving upwards as he raced through the 2021 F2 season.
Logan had been trying to find a way to get you a job with him the whole season. You’d just agreed, choosing to follow him around for a whole year as he moved through different series. He’d never have told Oscar but he’d needed your support more than anything. Just having to cycle through seats and races and series had drained him, you needing to practically talk him off the ledge multiple times throughout the year.
But you did get a few races with Oscar. Toward the end of the year, Logan got to race alongside his friend, meaning you got to hang out with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend, who was looking likely to win the entire championship.
“Are you nervous?” You hummed under your breath, your words echoing around the silence of the dark hotel room. You feel Oscar shift behind you, his arm tightening around your torso. The next morning, he’d be racing to win the championship, hopes and dreams laid out before him.
“I don’t think so,” he pauses, contemplating his words, “I think I was. Not anymore though, I’ve got you with me. That’s enough for me.”
You take a second to think through his words before a grin splits your face, skin heating up as the sentence sinks in, “I love you, Osc.”
The man in question shifts again, swinging his other arm around to wrap you tighter in his hold, “I love you too.”
You eventually fall asleep, letting the quiet of the room paired with the sound of the beating heart behind you, lull you to bed.
The next day, Oscar wins the championship, your loud yells sounding uncharacteristically quiet in the cacophony of screaming voices that surround you. He doesn’t sprint over to you or anything, big gestures not really his style. But he does make eye contact with you with a warming smile once he steps out of the car and that’s enough for you to know exactly how he feels in that moment.
Logan, though, is being very weird. You were sat in your boyfriend’s room, watching Logan practically wear a hole in the carpet with his constant pacing. He walked back and forth through the room with an absent mind and shaky hands. Throughout the year you’d been forced to follow him around, you somehow hadn’t seen him this nervous the whole time. Impressive considering he’d met about 100 very important people in the span of about two weeks.
“What’s your problem?” Logan’s eyes snap toward you, eyebrows shooting up as he looks at you with wide eyes.
“Nothing,” you roll your eyes at his quickly worded response, he didn’t seem to be in a too concerning state of being so you opted to leave him alone. He’d be fine eventually. He’d also looked about the same last week when the Dolphins had almost lost. He’d recovered from that too.
Your head instead turns toward where the door has just opened. You watch your boyfriend walk through, his gaze immediately catching on the weirdo pacing in the corner.
“Hi, Logan?” Oscar hums with a confused look on his face. Logans gaze locks onto the older Aussie, a stupid grin splitting the Americans face.
“Congrats, Oscar. Have a great evening,” Logan says, slapping his friend on the shoulder. The dumb grin is back on the blond man’s face, proving your earlier hypothesis that he’d heal from his paranoia relatively quickly.
Oscar, on the other hand, is surprisingly quick to take over Logan’s role as village weirdo, moving to rush Logan out of the room. Logan leaves, not before he gives Oscar a suspicious glance but Oscar just replies by shoving him out. You dismiss it as annoyance at the man for intruding, though your eyes do stay trained on the door Logan had just left though for more than a few moments.
“He’s so weird,” you mumble, a confused look on your face as you think back to your friends actions.
“Yeah, he is,” Oscar replies, rolling his eyes. There’s a second layer of agreement laced through his words, though you don’t catch the fact he might have a different reason to agree. You hum, still trying to decode why your friend had been acting like that, not even figuring the cause might be the man in front of you.
Oscar pulls your attention back toward him as he rests a hand on your face, gently tilting your head toward him, “I have dinner reservations for tonight. That place you’d talked about this morning.”
You smile, completely forgetting about Logan’s loser behavior, “Sounds great.”
Oscar grins before letting go of your face, the feeling of his grasp still lingering on your skin, “I’m gonna take a shower, then we can go back to the hotel.”
You laugh, pushing him away from you gently. Oscar stumbles dramatically, causing your laugh to get louder. You don’t notice how Oscar’s smile gets bigger in sync with your happiness.
“Go, then. You stink.”
Oscar pulls a face, offense painting his features, “Rude.”
You snort, rolling your eyes as he moves toward the bathroom, “Go, nerd!”
Oscar laughs a final time before finally stepping into the room, shutting the door behind him. You collapse onto the couch you’re sitting on, mind running with thoughts of the dinner you were about to go to and recent memories of the pure elation you were feeling after Oscar’s win. Content fills your body as you relax, faint sounds of the shower the only sound filtering through your ears.
A few hours later, you’re sat across from your boyfriend, laughing over your food while sharing anecdotes back-and-forth, laughs probably a little too loud for the really nice restaurant.
Oscar grabs the bill from the waiter, smiling politely as the man walks away momentarily. Oscar pulls his card out and slides it back in his wallet before putting it in his back pocket, moving to stand up afterward. You grin as he holds a hand out to you, helping you to your feet.
You hum warmly, tiredness spreading through you as you approached the conclusion of a pretty long day. The food had been delicious and the atmosphere was wonderful.
You had thought you’d be going straight back to the hotel, considering Oscar still had to race again tomorrow.
But as you exit, Oscar pulls you away from the car, interlocking his fingers with yours. You shoot your eyebrows up as you glance at your boyfriend, a tight smile on his lips.
“I thought we could go for a walk on the beach, maybe? It’s really pretty,” Oscar stares straight ahead as he says the words, gaze seemingly avoiding yours. But when you don’t answer for a second, he does glance over to you and you finally nod with a small smile.
“Sure, I’d love that.”
Oscar gulps, a big grin splitting his face. He looks back toward the sand a bit ahead of you, moving to slowly stroll down it with you by his side. You let out a relaxed sigh, head falling into his shoulder. Oscar had been right, this was very pretty. Lights lit up the sand around you, reflecting off the ocean waves that crashed toward you. The sun is starting to set in the distance, casting warm hues over the sky.
You do stop to pull of your heels and Oscar is quick to hold them in his hands, resuming in his passive, slow walk.
You make bare comments about how pretty your surroundings were, the sound of silence just not satisfying you. Although you do leave enough time between sentences to truly take in the calmness that comes with the ocean scenery, wave sounds in the silence and all.
You eventually come to a point some ways down the beach that has more lights than the rest. They form a little semi-circle that perfectly light up the area. Oscar pulls you to a stop in the middle of them and he turns you both to look out at the ocean. You swear you hear a sound from behind you but when you glance over, the beach is clear of anyone else so you turn back around to gaze toward the sunset.
The sun is about halfway down in the horizon and you find your gaze locked on the pink and orange that fades through the sky. You’re so focused that you don’t notice that Oscars grasp on you disappears. When you turn around to point out the colors to your boyfriend, a sharp gasp leaves your throat.
“Oh my god, Osc-!”
You cut yourself off with a hand over your mouth as you look down at your boyfriend, kneeling in the sand, a small box clutched in his hands.
You don't remember much of his speech, too busy trying to not start absolutely sobbing. But you do remember the last words that leave his mouth before the ring is slid onto your finger.
“Will you marry me?”
You nod quickly, hands shaking as Oscar stands up to put the ring onto you. You stare down at it for a few seconds as Oscars hands rest on your waist, waiting for your reaction. You look up, moving through the shock in your veins. You grasp his face in your hands and pull him down into an emotionally-charged kiss, feeling his arms wrap around you tighter.
He smiles into the kiss, head resting against yours once you finally pull away. You look into his eyes for a second before laughing and leaning away, tears dripping down your face.
“That was so wonderful, Osc,” you say through your tears, wiping your face with the back of your hand.
“I’m glad you liked it,” Oscar smiles before it drops slightly, a grimace pulling onto his face, “because Logan’s been in that bush the whole time.”
Your head whips toward the bush Oscars hand is outstretched toward, eyebrows furrowed as you search the greenery.
An incredulous laugh leaves your throat as Logan pops his head up, a sheepish glance in your direction being all he offers in response. You snort, grinning as you notice the nice-looking camera in his hands.
“Come here, idiot,” you smile, waiting for your friend to emerge from the bushes so you can share this moment with the man who’d been your closest friend for your entire life, “‘At least, now I know why you were acting like that.”
That was, of course, 2021. Now, two years later, you were still following Logan around. But now, with the Floridian entering F1, you had a contract and a paycheck that came with it. Anyone who didn’t know Logan would think you were his assistant. Which you technically were. But anyone who did know Logan, would instead refer to you as his paid-best-friend, many jokes about him paying you to hang around being thrown his way from fans and fellow drivers alike.
It was very convenient that your husband was entering F1 at the same time as the man who employs you, opening up so many more chances to spend time with Oscar.
No one really questioned Oscar’s continued presence in the Williams garage. Everyone knew that him and Logan had always been close so when he was spotted in the white and blue, no one batted an eye.
Not even his new teammate, who claimed to know the Aussie better than anyone else on the grid. Lando just assumed Oscar was really eager to see his friend every day. Lando didn’t consider that he saw Logan every weekend anyway and that maybe the speed with which he got to Williams might be a little too fast to just be for a close friend.
No one from Williams questioned it either. They all knew that Logan and Oscar had grown up as friends. So when Oscar seemed pretty close to one of Logan's closest friends, they didn't question it. It only made sense.
You didn’t hang around the rest of the grid very often during Oscar and Logan’s first season. You didn’t really know any of the other drivers so you, instead, spent all your time in Williams, Alex and Lily becoming fast friends of yours.
But in 2024, you started to come around more, choosing to venture out of the garage and talk more to the drivers you’d met over the past year. One of the garages you had started to frequent more was McLaren, your husband quite excited to have you in the Papaya as opposed to your usual blue.
You went to the garage purely for Oscar. But he wasn’t always the only driver hanging around. The papaya garages were often frequented by drivers from other teams. Specifically, the Ferrari drivers loved to make their presence in the garages known.
It was the Australian GP, Oscar’s home race and only the third race of the season. You’d only came over to McLaren a few times over the past three races, but you were currently occupied with Logan after his car had been taken away so you were nowhere to be seen.
Oscar was sat with his teammate in hospitality, talking about pretty much anything as they waited out the few hours they had before they had to do anything.
“Lando!” The voice of a loud Spanish man has Oscar’s face splitting into a grimace. He turns his head to see none other than Carlos Sainz making his way toward the pair in papaya, Charles Leclerc in tow behind him.
Lando grins beside him, eyes lighting up as he looks toward his friend. Lando glances down toward his teammate to assess the look on the Aussies face before he stands up and clasps Carlos on the shoulder, “Hey, Carlos!”
Oscar looks away from the two of them, gaze landing on Charles who stands awkwardly to the side. Oscar catches his eye before gesturing for him to sit down in one of the free chairs around the table the McLaren boys had been occupying . Charles smiles gratefully, happy to break the strange stance he’d been stuck in previously.
After successfully bro-ing it out, Lando and Carlos eventually sit down at the table, chairs sliding against the grown loudly as they shift around.
“How are you both feeling about the race?” Carlos asks, eyes shifting between Lando and Oscar, though his gaze does stop on the Brit.
Oscar, though, pipes up to answer the Spaniards question before Lando can, “We feel pretty good. It’s a home race so that’s always great.”
Carlos hums absently, eyes seemingly searching for something behind Oscar. Oscar glances behind him quickly to see if there’s anything worth mentioning but is met with nothing but Papaya shirts. He turns back around. Weird.
Lando seems to notice Carlos’ weird behavior as well, his eyebrows furrowing as he glances around as well before looking back to the Spaniard, “You looking for something, Carlos?”
Carlos’ eyes snap back to the curly-haired man, heat rising to his cheeks as he realizes he’s been caught, “No, nothing.”
Charles snorts from beside his teammate, sticking a hand over his mouth in an attempt to stifle the laugh threatening to leave his throat. Carlos glares at the Monegasque lightly, only making Charles laugh harder before Carlos leans forward to explain.
“Where is that Williams girl?” Carlos asks with a small smile and a confused look passes over Oscar’s face. Who the hell is he talking about?
Charles seems to catch the matching confusion on the McLarens face, rolling his eyes at Carlos’ blunt delivery before starting to explain himself, “Carlos in love with that girl Logan hangs around with. The one that’s always in McLaren for some reason.”
Carlos nods in agreement, leaning back in his chair with satisfaction. Oscar feels his stomach drop.
“I’m not in love with her, I just think she’s really pretty.”
Charles laughs, eyes going wide in response, “Carlos you look for her every time we’re in this garage. You’ve been asking to come over here just so you can see her.”
Lando gasps dramatically, a big grin painting his face, “And here I was, thinking you’d been coming around so you could see me!”
The other three drivers at the table laugh but Oscar stays quiet, teeth digging hard into his bottom lip. An unreasonable annoyance filled him at Carlos’ words, eyes rolling as he watches the Spaniard go on about his love for you, Oscar’s wife.
“Why’ve you never gone to Williams to look for her?” Lando interjects after a few more seconds of mindless rambling from Carlos about you. Carlos glances sideways at Charles, a thoughtful look crossing his face.
“Never wanted to bother Logan, I guess. We’re not really friends,” Carlos shrugs.
Lando tilts his head, shaking it slightly, “I’m sure Logan wouldn’t mind.”
Oscar has to stop himself from scoffing at Landos words. If only he knew how much Logan would mind.
“Yeah, I’ll go over there in a minute. Maybe I’ll actually shoot my shot this time.”
Oscar stands up suddenly, chair screeching against the floor as it pushes backward.
“Where you going, mate?” Lando goes to ask but Oscar’s already practically ran away, feet carrying him quickly toward the Williams garage.
The three drivers he’s left behind look between each other with confused faces, all having no idea what made the Aussie leave so quickly.
Oscar, though, makes it to Williams in record time. Running between employees and the like, weaving his way to Logan’s room. He slams the door open, ignoring the strange glances from Williams employees around him.
He pauses as he sees the sight in front of him, Logans head resting heavily in your lap as you run a hand through the blonds hair. The dejected look on Logans face is enough to make Oscar grimace and move quieter as he enters the room. You glance up with the concerned expression still painting your features. Logan doesn't look up, eyes closed tightly and pure distaste clearly present.
“Hey Osc,” you practically sigh, eyes shifting back down to Logan for a moment. Only after hearing your words does Logan open his eyes, looking over toward the Aussie.
“Hey guys,” Oscar says carefully, his previous reason for rushing into Williams now momentarily forgotten.
Logan mumbles under his breath and closes his eyes again, nodding at Oscar before he does. You pat his head softly and he rolls over, moving his head away from you so you can stand up and talk to Oscar.
“Whats up?” you try to smile through your obvious grimace and Oscar smiles painfully in response.
He nods his head toward Logan who's now lying face-down on the couch, “Is he okay?”
“No, not a great weekend with the whole chassis thing,” You reply, trying to keep your voice low enough so Logan doesn't hear.
Apparently you weren't quiet enough as you hear a muffled shout echo through the small room.
“Im fine!” You can barely hear through the couch cushion but he’s just audible enough.
You shake your head at Oscar, sighing deeply, “Did you need something?”
Oscar nods slightly, grasping your hand in his and pulling you out of the room and away from Logan. Not that Oscar didn’t want to support his friend but he honestly didn’t know what to say. And he was obviously okay with you leaving or he wouldn’t have rolled away from you.
“Do you wanna come back to McLaren hospitality?” Oscar asks, dragging his finger over the wedding ring sat proudly on your ring finger. You notice his attention on the ring and tilt your head slightly.
“For any specific reason?”
Oscar shakes his head innocently, trying to take any look of suspicion off his face. Though it seems you know him too well as you raise an eyebrow and tilt your head, not believing his story.
Oscar rolls his eyes, admitting defeat, “Fine. Carlos was talking about how in love with you he is and I was getting annoyed about it.”
You laugh slightly, not expecting Oscar to claim that the Spaniard was in love with you. But when you see the blush on your husband’s face, you grin softly and pull him into a hug, grasping his face in your hands, “It’s okay, Osc. I only have eyes for you, darling.”
Oscar blushes harder, letting out a small laugh as you pepper his face with kisses and he reaches up a hand to bat your face away from his.
“Come on, let’s go show Carlos what he can’t have,” You laugh, marching forward with Oscar’s hand wrapped tightly in yours. Oscar laughs, following along behind you. But he’s secretly grateful you were willing to shut Carlos’ pining down, not sure if he could take Carlos, of all people, talking about his crush on you for any longer, “Even if he’s not there I’ll still get Logan something to eat.”
You reach the McLaren hospitality quickly enough, garnering some strange looks from people around you as they see your clasped hands. But you pay them no mind, more focused on getting to the food. Oscar drags along behind you, watching as you grab two plates of food, careful not to spill as you balance the plate for both yourself and Logan. Oscar untangles your fingers from his so he can grab one of the plates out of your hand, leading you toward a table so you can eat the food you’ve grabbed for yourself.
Oscar sits across from you as you start to pick at the food lazily, stabbing a lone grape with your fork before bringing it to your mouth. You seemed to have stopped caring about the potential Carlos sighting but Oscar was on high-alert, eyes trailing over the room.
His eyes catch on a scrap of red fabric over your shoulder and he moves his chair slightly closer to you, praying the Spaniard doesn’t catch sight of you. Oscar moves his knee to knock against yours and you smile warmly through the bite of watermelon you’d just taken.
You sit peacefully for a few minutes, eating quietly as Oscar seemingly keeps watch. You don’t ask him why he couldn’t just tell Carlos you were married himself but you don’t question his motives. Men were confusing.
Both of you are surprised when a figure walks up to stand above you. You glance up and see a grumpy-looking blonde man with tousled hair and a disgruntled face looking down at the two of you, exhaustion clear in his eyes.
“Hey, lo. Gotchu food,” You say, sliding the plate toward the American. He hums, glancing around the room. Oscar watches as he sees Carlos and then looks back, glancing between the Aussie and the enemy he had decide to make today.
“Brb,” Logan mumbles with crossed arms, slinking off to a destination you can’t see. But Oscar can, and he watches as his friend slides up to a certain Ferrari driver, his usual shy attitude abandoned due to his already-shit race weekend.
Oscar takes the opportunity to fully move his chair next to yours, grasping your open hand in his, passively fiddling with your wedding ring. You roll your eyes but relax your hand in his, allowing him the chance to be as possessive as he wants.
“Hey, man,” Carlos says as Logan reaches him. Really good timing actually, he’d been wanting to talk to him about you.
Logan blinks through his tiredness, frowning at the older man, “Hey, Carlos.”
Carlos grins, deciding to stick through the poor attitude from the blonde man in front of him, having no idea just how poor this was about to go for him, “I was actually going to ask you about that friend of yours. The pretty American one you’re always with.”
Logan blinks again, glancing back toward the papaya polo sat next to you before he looks back, “Y/N?”
Carlos shrugs, smile unfaltering, “I guess so, any way you could get me her number?”
Logan chews his cheek a bit, eyes quickly switching between the ground and Carlos’ face, “Nah, man. She's taken.”
Only then does Carlos’ face falter, his eyebrows furrowing slightly with confusion, “Really?”
Logan holds back his laugh, rubbing at his eyes as he starts to lose the tiredness he'd previously had, “Yeah, yeah. Married actually.”
Carlos’ head snaps toward the Williams driver, mouth opening slightly as he shakes his head, “No way, mate. You’re joking.”
“I don’t think I am,” Logan smirks, head tilting toward where you’re sitting, “You could ask her but I don’t think he’d let you get within 10 feet after this morning.”
Logan watches as Carlos’ gaze lands on you and your husband, mouth gaping as he catches Oscar’s hands fiddling with the ring on your finger, “Shit…”
“Yeah, shit indeed,” Logan nods, starting to walk away and leave the Spaniard to revel in his shock, “Have a good race, Carlos. I won’t be seeing you out there.”
You finally look up to see Logan sit down across from you, sliding his own plate over to himself and starting to munch down on the food you’d picked for him.
Oscar raises an eyebrow as he catches the incredulous look on Carlos’ face, “What was that about?”
“Just told him you’re married,” Logan mumbles through a mouth full of strawberries, chewing passively, “Had to spell it out for him, been dropping hints for months.”
You glance toward you friend with confusion painting your face, “What do you mean?”
“Yeah, I’ve been scaring him off from Williams since last October. Don’t think he even realized I was doing it on purpose.”
You and Oscar catch eyes, small grins breaking out on your faces as Logan continues to stare intently at his snack.
“Thanks, Logan,” you smile, happy to hear about your friends committed defense of your marriage.
“Don’t thank me, I’m still in a bad mood,” he says as he stabs a grape violently, biting the green sphere with a crunch.
Oscar hums, pulling you into him and resting his head on top of yours, eyes falling closed momentarily, “Sure, Logan. Eat your food, you’ll feel better.”
Logan just replies with a stab of his fork and you laugh, relaxing against your husband behind you, grateful for the great friend you’ve got in front of you.
Tags: @casperlikej @evie-119
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maplesyrupsainz · 9 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙public eye | OP81˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: oscar piastri x ballerina!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au, new relationship
warnings: FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF & tbh almost no plot lol
summary: in which you and your new boyfriend are just getting used to being in the public eye
a/n: idk i just made this up hope you like it i made y/n a soft girl a bit dno 😳
fc: various blonde girls from pinterest
my masterlist
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yourusername posted a story
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 33,013 others
oscarpiastri 🩷🩷🩷
yourusername hiii
oscarpiastri hello baby
yourusername i miss u!
oscarpiastri aww i miss you too sweet girl im just outside i'll be 5 minutes
yourusername ok i know😊
user1 my favourite couple
user2 y/n ur heavenly ☁️
liked by yourusername
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff, and 218,973 others
yourusername 🩰🍓
view all 2,193 comments
oscarpiastri beautiful as always 🩷
yourusername i miss you!
oscarpiastri i'll see you so so soon
yourusername ok i know😊
user3 wow look at her
user4 she's so amazing & talented
user5 is she a dancer??
user6 yes a ballerina!
user7 oscar always comments first within seconds of her posting 🥺🥺
liked by yourusername
yourbff we need to practice together soon
yourusername 🤭 yes plss
instagram ->
oscarpiastri posted a story
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liked by yourbff, yourusername, and 284,193 others
yourusername omg im blushing!!
oscarpiastri you are amazing
yourusername 🤭
user8 omg is that y/n
user9 i love this relationship sm
user10 she's amazing fr
yourbff stalker
oscarpiastri what can i say im a fanboy
yourusername posted a story
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, and 28,193 others
oscarpiastri in awe of you
yourusername 🤭🤭
user11 this is so cool
user12 WOW 🤩
user13 i love seeing the ballerina content!!
Tumblr media
liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 588,143 others
oscarpiastri ballet bf life
tagged: yourusername
view all 8,177 comments
yourusername ur my wag now
oscarpiastri lol ballet hab 😛
user14 omg the second pic is so adorable
user15 omgg i love y/n i want to see her at a race
user16 honeymoon phase afff
user17 they just make sense together
liked by yourusername
user18 she seems so sweet have we seen her at a race yet
user19 no they made it official in the off season so
user20 omgg hope she makes an appearance next weekend
messages ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff, and 58,940 others
oscarpiastri cant wait for you to get here
yourusername me too 🩷
yourbff GOOD LUCK!!! keep me updated
yourusername i will, got butterflies 😿
landonorris safe flight, cant wait to meet you 😊
yourusername tysm lando, u too!
user21 omgg travelling for race weekend??
user22 oh she's definitely travelling for the race
twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourbff, and 39,183 others
oscarpiastri 🩷🩷
liked by yourusername
yourbff hope i see u on tv
yourusername omg dont say that 🙈
yourbff u will look amazing im excited
user28 give us a sign that we'll see u tomorrow😭
user29 🤔
oscarpiastri posted a story
Tumblr media
liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 371,829 others
user30 IS THAT Y/N
user31 yesssssssss we wonnnnn y/n is here
user32 she's so cute
user33 omggg twitter is gonna eat this up
twitter ->
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instagram ->
Tumblr media
liked by oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, and 377,063 others
yourusername my boyfriend is an f1 driver!!
view all 9,193 comments
user40 OMG charles & estie cameo
oscarpiastri that's me btw
yourusername yes it isss i love you so much!
oscarpiastri i love you more!
landonorris hell yea y/n
yourusername 😎 woohoo
user41 omgg they get along 🥹🥹
user42 the outfit omg
charles_leclerc hope to see you at the next race y/n! ❤️
yourusername me too for sure!!!!!
user43 stopp it's so cute
estebanocon hope we made it fun for you!
yourusername absolutely!!!
user44 new fav wag confirmed
user45 so so ready to see her at all the races from now on
oscarpiastri you and me both
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