#CROF: Quick Thought
crof-fwf · 1 year
"Remember everyone, she doesn't..." Ah, good for you drama queen.
Well, with the release of the JLxRWBY P2 "short", it seems that a good number of discussions and "takes" are coming up for the fandom.
And I attach the first "interesting" post to… react and talk about? :
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And I just have to comment on something.
My dear Shipper is so "hungry" to have to use this frame to reinforce an argument in favor (for himself and the community) of the iconic discussion of Does yang care about her sister?. Yes or very probably.
I don't feel prepared to exercise my full perspective on that discussion but if we're going to that… then first, I watched the short quickly to appreciate that "moment" and I'll say why suddenly Ruby just… doesn't use her semblance? Honestly, it is something "strange" that she is falling out of nowhere without remembering that she can avoid the fall with the support of her semblance.
And now we move on to the "Funny Frame" of "Yang's Honest Reaction" of which I maintain that…. her reaction was similar to when Ruby drank the "clorox" to be reborn.
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Just look at her...
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She just stands there staring at her sister… doing nothing.
Apparently, Ruby's "overprotective" and "supportive" sister only repeats this "factor" of looking at her and doing nothing while making "Shock" faces.
Well to finish, ironically Weiss did more than Yang to prevent Ruby's fall.
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And to give an express summary:
Okay for the V9 situation it can be argued by the Shock factor; something that I'm still not totally convinced of, but I wouldn't say the same thing in the scene of the short, added to the fact that the shipper wants to reinforce that, Yang does care about Ruby…. if that's the case then Weiss is the divine savior of Ruby at least for the short scene
And in conclusion: Our esteemed shipper shows the need to be right in favor of the iconic discussion through misused sarcasm (or forced sarcasm)…
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Ahhh but if it was Blake who was about to drink the cup or the one who was falling, Yang's reaction would be different, anyway… "Series priorities 💅"
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crof-fwf · 1 year
We know, laugh, and rant about Juan Linares (Jaune Luna) BUT....
Well some days ago, the topic of "Jaune being the "writers pet character" has become quite notable in this space and all this thanks to "the director's comments" that have come out especially from Eddy.
And honestly it shouldn't be another surprise for us to see how people in the cast don't receive a consequence or omit said events to pamper their characters.
Yes, Jaune, but I doubt he is the most "favorable" of the cast, although I do not deny what was pointed out to the character, but well, I have hardly seen much talk about a certain character.
And yes gentlemen, to stop "thinking about the subject" I will make this "Friendly Reminder" that not only Jaune is the "writers pet character", but that Blake is also at the same level or higher than Jaune even if it is something "subtle" (from my perspective). Although I have points that support my point of view, which I would like to corroborate and show in a future post, mainly I leave you with one or another point to consider:
Vulnerable profile but it turns out that she is really strong
Script / Plot saving her life
Her harem
The only one with a nice family
Her kiss and confession was given in a "scenario" that gave her their romance in the most comfortable and even easy way.
She will always be right even if she has screwed up from the depths of her being.
Anyway, Blake:"the subtle writers pet character " of the cast...
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crof-fwf · 1 year
A Quickly question about... "Him"
Hello, for all the people who comment under the "RWDE" tag I want to ask a quick question.
Given a recent Seeker post that I came across, I started thinking and I will ask:
Why does the fandom give a damn to attempts to "expose" Seeker's behavior?
I know that I myself can answer that question under the argument that: "It is alienated to the correct thinking of the fandom and sugarcoats the fandom."
But I honestly don't know if you have a different perspective that you can share? Because I honestly don't know how that toxic person continues as if nothing had happened.
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crof-fwf · 1 year
What the….?! and this alucín?
Okay, I can't blame anyone for looking for content on the "fun social network". However, the comments of a certain person have caught my attention. And it wasn't until my curiosity have rewarded me with something that really left me with "My honest reaction". And this was My honest reaction:
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And specifically, this was the "compilation" of posts that prompted me (in these moments) to simply share my thoughts on his comments. NOTE: It seems confirmed that the user is probably CanonSeeker [yeah, "Ese loco del centro de la ciudad"] so the "exposure" to his twitter profile can be useful for Content Creators or simply fans who want to avoid him. So do not think about debating with him since it would be in vain,and in addition to wanting to talk about his comments.
Now yes, to the posts that I want to dissect
First the antecedent
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"Everytime somebody triest to "FIX" RWBY" ?
Here he expresses himself on how the "Fanworks" of the "Fix Fic" category are based on misrepresenting every aspect of the canon.
Although here I will say that I have no references regarding "Fix Fic" in general beyond Celtic Phoenix's "Fixing RWBY".
I start about how he falls into the "generalization" that he gives to the "Fix Fic". And my comment is about how prejudiced he is when talking about said FanWorks.
Although, it may be that before I fell into this fandom there was a time when this type of FanWorks abounded but coming to sin the same or worse errors than those of the series or simply wanting to be pretentious.
But even so, it is not about invalidating that at the end of the day a "Fix Fic" can be considered a fic where the author has to be committed to fixing aspects of it without having to separate so much from the canon, being like a challenge for the author.
And now let's get to the subject.
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This user has commented on suggestions to consider for a "Fixing RWBY" and here is the "short" list of suggestions that Dori/CanonSeeker has shared...
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My quickest and most sincere reaction:
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It is an exaggeration to consider this list as very long, but it is the specifications shown that are "eye-catching". So well lets see line by line the list. My points are mainly focused on the "Fix Fic" section. In which, from my perspective, a "Fix Fic" tries to stay within the events of the canonical series, while at the same time deciding to rewrite elements that were not satisfactory within the canonical execution or additionally add elements that do not try to unbalance of the canon. So, let´s begin:
"Try to focus on the female protagonists." "jaune is a side character. " "Do not make a cis white male have more of a role than them."
For a "Fix Fic" section it is somewhat understandable to keep what would be the main cast, but still it would not be bad to have to explore other characters (and yes, also include the male ones).
"Do not have a straight white male shame them for their actions."
I don't know what he mean by "shame". But if he mention it as a form of "consequence" for the cast for non-positive actions. I don't know what to say, that the team is can be "shame" by any character that doesn't fall into that category… and in case we take it into account I doubt that's the answer, because imagine if other characters [outside this "category"] "shame" the cast, and Doris/Seeker gets angry anyway, it only makes it more ironic.
"No straightwashing. " "keep bumbleby canon."
At this point I don't know what it means, since let's say that the "Fic Fix" is in charge of "fixing"… this "Ship", either due to the lack of growth, moments, or rewriting the "conveniences" of its development.
At this point I can't find a purpose for it because… "A Fix Fic" would not seek to carry out that type of "washing"
"And NO Fanservice. "
Short: If it turns out that he was always Seeker, then this would be… laughable.
But in no short: I think that such situations would not be necessary for a "Fix Fic"…
Don't make evil men "morally grey"
Here I have a question for my estemeed…. If there can be gray morality in the male antagonists or not?
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And the answer: Honestly, it's ironic to settle for "cartoon" for the male antagonists but both the fandom and the series want to take it upon themselves to give depth to the female antagonists…
Don't have jaune or adam date anyone in team rwby.
Okay, and I ask again: Is a romnace necessary for a RWBY Fix Fic? And I want to apply this in general. Because if you are going to make a "Ship" in a "Fix Fic"... it would be with too much care and detail
Ruby is to be idealistic, and it shouldn't be a character flaw.
Doesn't the fact that a character has no mistakes make her a "Mary Sue"? and even more so for the fact that he wants Ruby to be idealized.
Yang is not a party girl, not alcoholic, and not a slacker.
From a "Fic Fix" point of view, ok, it's well aimed to NOT downgrade a character to be a "party girl, alcoholic, and a slacker."
BUT : ) , they can simply be aspects or defects so that there is a challenge or a purpose to overcome, but not reduce the character to what was mentioned
(But ironically to reduce it to half a Ship, there they are quiet)
Adam taurus is irredeemably evil. So is torchwick.
… I don't have anything relevant to comment except for the fact that you can make an "irredeemable" character, BUT : ) the same is how it is written / handled…
One (Adam) being able to offer more crumbs and (Roman) the other would be a "enough but I wouldn't complain if there were more"
Don't call it a rewrite or a fixit fanfic. Call it an AU. A fan AU.
In short: Depending on the story you write, as well as the one you want to "tell" is what would classify the "Fanfic" as an AU or "Fic Fix". As I said, the "Fic Fix" in the end would enter the category of FanFic but its purpose would be a more ambitious one. (in the sense of giving yourself as a challenge to "improve" the deficient aspects of a series)
That will show your respect to the show and its writers. And showing CRWBY writers Miles and Kerry that respect will cause others to give your work a chance.
And the only salvageable thing at this point is basically: "The impression", honestly you would cause a lot of distrust to most of the fandom by being "rude" with the CRWBY, but hey, it's not like it's not a guarantee that the fandom will give a chance to a "Fic Fix" for the same reason that the fandom is also very "defensive" when it comes to aspects of the series, to such a degree of humiliating or harassing the author because "he had ideas that could hurt the canon" . A good impression does not guarantee a positive reception from the fandom to your "fix fic".
And to give a quick conclusion: Apparently the "Fixed" version or idealized for Doris/CanonSeeker is the "over exaggerated" representation (or flanderization) of what RWBY is... And last: I know that I argue when it is a "Fic Fix", and in the case of an "AU" I will only tell you that: Have fun as you also have fun when structuring and making your AU story.
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Now to "Mimir".
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crof-fwf · 9 months
A Shipper "really cares about the Lore" ?
Hello again estimates.
So let´s go to discuss this question; based on a post on twitter where a "BB" Shipper quote some post:
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Where i ask: Is it real?
Well, although I have no reason to detract from the ability of a shipper to delve into the lore of the work in which said ship is involved.
However, that "interest" for "crumbs" for their Ship could cause a lot of problems, more in the aspect of "their vision on that series/movie/game etc."
And there can originate the same Drama and phrases like: "Are we seeing the same show?"
So i decide to to classify some cases of "Distortion view (at the favor of the ship)" :
Deform or Misrepresent: In some scenes or moments of the series, sometimes the intentions or the message that reflects said frame / moment, the shippers can fall into a questionable or erroneous interpretation (or rather, in a biased and arbitrary analysis) and everything in order to favor their Ship. NOTE: and this complicates things more if a VA is involved. I add this based on this post where the sleepover scene prior to initiation is "reinterpreted." And this clashes with what the series wants to show you vs what the VA wants to "show" you Example:
"Yang was already staring at Blake before Ruby"
NOTE: I clarify that the link provided is for the purpose of showing the content of the post (Or in this case; show an example of how the VAs give an "interpretation" of one of the scenes from V1) The reason for this point and the complement presented is to point out why these types of conflicts arise:
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So it is ideal to have to determine or "analyze" the scenes of the series based on what it shows us, because the influence of external comments + "seeing it as a Shipper and not as a neutral viewer" plays a role in the bias of the analyzes of the series.
Negate: In short, negate some developments, gags or interactions between other characters and everything (repeating it again) in favor of the Ship. So "deny or explain" things like the "Mature" gag (V9C6), and deny that at least in the series there is some "relevant development" in "Whiteknight", or even denying at least the existence of the gag of "Yang purrs at shirtless dudes".
So, regardless of the Ship, you have to accept how the series has "developed" the interaction between the characters
Demonizing characters: In short... "Seeing the series as a shipper" tends to cause viewers to demonize and see the actions of some characters as "toxic" (which, although it may be questionable to a certain degree, is not the intention of the characters). Quick summary: Thinking that Jaune harassed Weiss or Sun being a "Stalker" for following Blake. And I mention this in cases where people treat characters as bad under the label of a "Red Flag"
So despite the question of the characters' actions, one should not over-exaggerate the degree of their actions.
Although it is good to be a fan of a Ship and be determined to analyze the series (RWBY), you have to keep in mind that for a good analysis of the series you have to really pay attention to what the series shows us, and with This is what I mean by having to avoid any biased analysis of a scene or criticism of a character whose objective is to benefit the ship at the cost of demonizing characters, denying the development of other relationships as their contribution to the character or distorting the intention of the scenes.
And as for the initial question of the post:
Yes, a BB Shipper may know the lore and history of the series but like the others they tends to fall into the previous 3 points to create a biased analysis… "And all for the benefit of their ship."
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