crof-fwf · 11 months
…Is this serious?
Well, I will be brief since I don't think there is much to go into for this occasion, since all this boils down to a "cursed" comment or an argument that I found in my travels in the depths of "Twitter/X".
Well only in brief context: "An angst moment of Ship BB" is posted on the social platform, well in a few words within those comments, there is one that caught my attention (too much):
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...Well, from the moment I read this I had a reaction that was not pleasant at all
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Okay, let us "review this" first... Breath
What the FUCK does he mean with "Yang doesn't lose her arm if she doesn't have feelings for Blake" ?!!
First, how we generally understand that scene was that:
Yang lost her arm as collateral damage in order to save Someone's life (Blake)
And yes, I give the benefit of the doubt to the individual about the importance that Blake's life was worth to Yang, however the scene remains the same (subjectively):
Yang out of desperation sets out to save a person ( for her "future duty as Huntress") but above all the person has an importance in her life (already on a personal level), so the loss of her arm was collateral damage and such a price "for even trying."
[I know it could sound like an analysis in favor of that ship. But nonetheless…]
So literally saving Blake was something that didn't depend on "whether Yang has feelings for her or not" but rather because she had to do it.
But also something that caught my attention in the comment fragment was:
"if she doesn't have feelings for Blake"
He comes to interpret that: Yang lost the Arm not because she threw herself at Adam without thinking much but in reality she lost it because of her "feelings for Blake."
(According to my interpretation)
But hey, at least we know that Yang is capable of doing everything possible to save her loved ones without giving it much thought… right?
Well, according to V8, she did it by preventing Ruby from being stabbed by neo…
Okay if Yang saved Ruby from an outside agent who wanted to kill her, then it's likely that Yang…
Yang when her little sister (who is also a person of great importance to Yang) is about to drink that cup with the intention of "saying goodbye to the world":
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Wait… "Why is Yang watching and not throwing herself like she did for Bla…"
Because "Mi ciela 💅💅" ...
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You already know it:
Shock factor and priorities of both the series and Yang herself:
If it's not Blake then why would Yang jump in without thinking?
PS: And how curious that before the confession Yang did go to save Ruby from Neo but after the confession Yang does nothing to save her sister from that cup. Seriously, what a poor choice of events by the writers to make the “Bees” canon.
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batzooka · 2 months
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baixotu · 2 years
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mikexx2 · 3 months
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Melissa and Chris' whole brood of boys.
I need at least one of these sharply-cheekboned adonises to marry into my legacy family.
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linguinidraws · 3 months
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In honor of the animated series being announced I bring you Tomb Raider brainrot and obnoxious graphic design :)
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calpicowater · 8 months
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Week 52.4/52: December 25th - December 31st 2023 | Mr. Beggar Grill 🥩
AHHHH how I've missed this group! Was a nice catch up dinner at Mr. Beggar Grill. We ate lots of bbq beef, pork and lamb (also chicken skewers + mushrooms). Got a bowl of spicy cold noodles to share to rid the greasiness. They gave a cash discount so it ended up being only $25 pp after tax & tip. Their service was questionable but the price is so nice LMAO considering we did eat a lot. We went to a bbt place to talk some more after eating (where Weekend Tea used to be). Always nice to talk to everyone.
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dodypaz · 7 months
Niña cubana Amanda Lemus ya ingresada en hospital de Madrid, España
“La madre de la niña ha llorado cuando los médicos españoles le dijeron que se ha perdido mucho tiempo en el tratamiento de la menos, lo cual es responsabilidad de las autoridades cubanas” Pese a todos los escoyos puestos por el régimen de Cuba, la niña cubana Amanda Lemus, que necesita de un trasplante de hígado urgente ya se encuentra ingresada en la UCI Pediátrica del hospital público La Paz,…
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diceriadelluntore · 8 months
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Storia Di Musica #312 - The xx, The xx, 2009
Il mese dei dischi dallo stesso titolo dei propri autori si chiude con una scelta più recente, e spero creativa. La musica degli ultimi anni ha bisogno di sedimentarsi, per tutta una serie di ragioni (il modo in cui se ne fruisce, lo scenario generale in cui nasce, lo stesso ruolo della musica che è cambiato in pochi anni) al netto della qualità che rappresenta: sebbene la patente di “classico” nella musica si dà con una certa facilità e spesso anche secondi criteri più discutibili del solito, ci sono stati artisti negli ultimi anni che hanno dato contribuito eccellenti alla storia della musica popolare occidentale (che è quella che maggiormente rappresento qua, solo per questo l’ho specificato). E la sensazione a volte che non si era sbagliato la si ha dopo un po’ di tempo, nemmeno poi tanto, basta un riascolto dopo pochi anni per arricchire le sensazioni che si provavano al primo ascolto a caldo (o per cambiarle in maniera diametralmente negativa, può benissimo succedere così). Il disco di oggi ci porta a Londra nella prima metà degli anni 2000, ad un gruppo di ragazzi che frequenta la Elliot School di Putney: questa è una cosiddetta sixth form college, una scuola di potenziamento pre-universitario dove i ragazzi dai 16 ai 19 anni studiano a livello più avanzato alcune discipline. Qui si incontrano 4 studenti: Romy Madley Croft, cantante e chitarrista, Oliver Sim, bassista e cantante, Jamie Smith, tastiere e ritmica elettronica e la tastierista Baria Qureshi. Tutto inizia su Myspace, leggendario social network fondato nel 2003 da Tom Anderson, dove la musica dei quattro con i testi di Crof e Sim è condivisa con dei primi demo, embrioni delle canzoni che arriveranno di lì a poco. Scelgono un nome interessante (siamo nel 2005): The xx, perché avevano tutti appena compiuto venti anni (e XX è venti in numeri romani), perché in inglese si pronuncia come “excess” e poi perché le due “x” richiamano alla mente le tre che caratterizzano i prodotti pornografici. Nel giro di qualche anno, si fanno un nome nei piccoli club per la loro musica intrigante, un mix elegante e misterioso di elettronica, con guizzi romantici e di atmosfera, dovuti alle due bellissime voci di Croft e Sim, che si completano a meraviglia; nel frattempo Jamie Smith sceglie il nome d’arte di Jamie xx. Alcuni loro demo arrivano ad una piccola etichetta indipendente, la Young Turks Record, che li affida alle cure di un giovane produttore scozzese, Rodaidh McDonald, che proprio con gli XX inizierà una proficua carriera come produttore di musica di qualità.
Le registrazioni furono effettuate in un piccolo garage adibito a studio nella zona di Ladbroke Grove, a Londra, nel 2008, quasi sempre di sera e di notte, anche con idee un po’ strane: le linee di basso di Sim furono registrate dal bassista nel corridoio adiacente, per avere un suono più ovattato, e la caratteristica di musica “notturna” pervade tutto il disco. The xx esce a maggio del 2009 ed è un disco d’esordio che non passa inosservato. In piena “mania” di definizioni musicali, il loro è un album che ha molteplici influenze (tracce di post-punk, dream pop, dubstep, indie pop e R&B compaiono a impulsi qua e là) ma si concentrano in canzoni tanto semplici quanto uniche e misteriose, eleganti, ma che vibrano di emozioni e hanno degli arrangiamenti che spiazzano per la loro impeccabile luminosità. I battiti pulsano anziché schiantarsi; le chitarre sono pizzicate e pizzicate ad arte; e la voce raramente supera un sospiro malinconico, considerazione che quasi stride non solo con la musica che all’epoca li circondava (il nu metal, il nuovo r&b, il primo grande dilagare del rap) ma con la stessa irruenza che solitamente le giovani band propongono nei primi lavori. Anche i titoli delle loro canzoni sono il mix perfetto di conciso ed evocativo. Tra le gemme la strumentale Intro, che verrà saccheggiata in decine di programmi tv, serie, pubblicità, ma ha la sua consacrazione durante le Olimpiadi Invernali di Vancouver nel 2010 dove veniva usata come colonna sonora dei momenti precedenti le premiazioni degli atleti. Le chitarre innocenti di VCR suggeriscono la passione della band per l'indie pop radicalmente semplice degli Young Marble Giants; Crystalised, magnifica, è uno dei meravigliosi duetti tra Croft e Sim, che qui sono capaci di portare l’impressione che sia una conversazione tra innamorati, riaffermando cosa significa veramente "cuore a cuore". Il lato più sensuale dello stesso concetto c’è invece nella ritmica Islands (Underneath and unexplored\Islands and cities I have looked\Here I saw\Something I couldn't over look\I am yours now\So now I don't ever have to leave\I've been found out\So now I'll never explore). C’è Infinity che si appoggia più sulle radici post-punk (ed è stupenda, anche nell’interpretazione di Croft), e Heart Skips A Beat ha una ritmica intrigante e complessa. Croft e Sim cantano anche da soli bene nei loro turni solisti (Sim brilla in particolare nella spaziosa Fantasy), ma insieme sono davvero ispirati: Basic Space ne è la prova che c’è chimica tra Croft e Sim, in un brano che sa di anni passati e di meraviglie pop, ma che è comunque ricca di dettagli sottilmente affascinanti (il drum beat e la chitarra un po’ sudamericana).
Tutte le riviste del settore ne sono stregati: il New Musical Express lo inserisce subito nella lista dei 500 dischi migliori di tutti i tempi, Rolling Stone nei 100 migliori album di debutto di sempre, il disco otterrà numerose certificazioni di vendite e proietta i quattro nei festival più famosi del mondo, spesso in apertura a grandi artisti (tra le loro performance più belle, quelle in apertura ai concerti di Florence + The Machine). Ma non tutto va bene: Baria Qureshi, in contrasto con gli altri tre, abbandona il gruppo. Ma la magia non si interrompe: Coexist del 2012 riprende da dove The xx finisce, stavolta in un trio che continuerà ad ammaliare sussurrando le proprie canzoni, come se fosse proibito alzare la voce.
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aculofan · 2 years
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Craf in Crof (Capre in Croveo)...in questa frazione di Baceno , in valle Antigorio si svolge la manifestazione di mostra ovicaprina...Croveo è anche noto come paese delle streghe.
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Molto meno conosciuti delle marmitte dei giganti agli orridi di Uriezzo,Croveo ha anche le "sue" marmitte dei giganti.
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rsnews555 · 5 days
‘Tomb Raider’: Lara Crof enfrenta aventura perigosa no trailer da nova animação da Netflix
A Netflix divulgou o trailer completo de ‘Tomb Raider: A Lenda de Lara Croft‘, série animada que dá continuidade ao jogos recentes da franquia. Confira e siga o CinePOP no Youtube: A produção chega à plataforma de streaming no dia 10 de outubro. Tasha Huo entra como criador e showrunner. Hayley Atwell dá voz à personagem titular. […]
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ausetkmt · 6 months
Havana Times: Protests Breakout in Santiago de Cuba “Electricity and Food”
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crof-fwf · 1 year
"Remember everyone, she doesn't..." Ah, good for you drama queen.
Well, with the release of the JLxRWBY P2 "short", it seems that a good number of discussions and "takes" are coming up for the fandom.
And I attach the first "interesting" post to… react and talk about? :
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And I just have to comment on something.
My dear Shipper is so "hungry" to have to use this frame to reinforce an argument in favor (for himself and the community) of the iconic discussion of Does yang care about her sister?. Yes or very probably.
I don't feel prepared to exercise my full perspective on that discussion but if we're going to that… then first, I watched the short quickly to appreciate that "moment" and I'll say why suddenly Ruby just… doesn't use her semblance? Honestly, it is something "strange" that she is falling out of nowhere without remembering that she can avoid the fall with the support of her semblance.
And now we move on to the "Funny Frame" of "Yang's Honest Reaction" of which I maintain that…. her reaction was similar to when Ruby drank the "clorox" to be reborn.
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Just look at her...
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She just stands there staring at her sister… doing nothing.
Apparently, Ruby's "overprotective" and "supportive" sister only repeats this "factor" of looking at her and doing nothing while making "Shock" faces.
Well to finish, ironically Weiss did more than Yang to prevent Ruby's fall.
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And to give an express summary:
Okay for the V9 situation it can be argued by the Shock factor; something that I'm still not totally convinced of, but I wouldn't say the same thing in the scene of the short, added to the fact that the shipper wants to reinforce that, Yang does care about Ruby…. if that's the case then Weiss is the divine savior of Ruby at least for the short scene
And in conclusion: Our esteemed shipper shows the need to be right in favor of the iconic discussion through misused sarcasm (or forced sarcasm)…
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Ahhh but if it was Blake who was about to drink the cup or the one who was falling, Yang's reaction would be different, anyway… "Series priorities 💅"
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baixotu · 2 years
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therileyandkimmyshow · 7 months
Podcast Actress Mary Jane Croft Golden Age of Radio Tribute
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kb85lazy · 8 months
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agriculturalmarkets · 9 months
Controlled-Release Fertilizers Market Set to Hit USD 3.09 Billion at 6.53% CAGR"
Controlled-Release Fertilizers Market Outlook
The Projected at a 6.53% CAGR from 2023 to 2030, the controlled-release fertilizers market is anticipated to achieve a size of USD 3.09 billion by 2030.
Competitive Analysis
Some of the key players in the global controlled-release fertilizers market are BASF SE (Germany), Nutrien Ltd. (Canada), Yara International ASA (Norway), Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. (U.S.), ICL (Israel), AGLUKON Spezialdünger GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), COMPO EXPERT (Germany), Ekompany (Netherlands), Haifa Chemicals Ltd. (Israel), Kingenta (China), and The Scotts Company LLC (U.S.).
The global controlled-release fertilizers market is segmented by type, mechanism, crop type, and region.
On the basis of the type, the global controlled-release fertilizers market is segmented into controlled release organic fertilizers (CROF), controlled release inorganic fertilizers (CRIF), controlled release coated fertilizers (CRCF), controlled release coated urea (CRCU), and others. CROF are sub-segmented into natural organic compounds (animal manure, sewage sludge etc.) and synthetic organic compounds (urea formaldehyde (UF), isobutylene-diurea (IBDU), urea acetaldehyde/cyclo diurea (CDU)). CRIF are sub-segmented into metal ammonium phosphates (KNH4PO4 and MgNH4PO4), and partially acidulated phosphate rock (PAPR). CRCF is sub-segmented into coated granules and matrix coating. Coated granular CRFs are further segmented to organic polymer coating materials (for instance, thermoplastics, and resins) and inorganic coating materials (including sulfur and other minerals). The matrix coating is further segmented into hydrophobic matrix coating (e.g. polyolefin, rubber etc.,) and hydrophilic matrix coating (hydrogels). CRCU are sub-segmented into CRCU with a sulfur-based coating material, CRCU with a polymer-based coating material, CRCU with a superabsorbent coating material (hydrogel), and CRCU with bio-composite coating material among other. CRCU segment dominate the market owing to advantages of urea-based fertilizer such as high nitrogen content (46%), low cost, and ease of application.
On the basis of the mechanism of controlled release, the global controlled release fertilizers market is segmented into osmosis mechanism and diffusion mechanism. Diffusion mechanism of controlled release of fertilizers accounted to hold a singificant share of the market in 2020 due to its advantages over osmosis mechanism such more controlled release rate and  high consumption of polymer-based controlled release fertilizers over sulfur-based fertilizers.
On the basis of the crop type, the global controlled release fertilizers market is segmented into ornamental & nurseries, agriculture, and turf & lawns. The agriculture application accounted for the largest market share under crop type in 2017 on account of growing need for food production due to expanding population across the globe and is likely to continue growing over the forecast period 2018-2023.
Regional Analysis
The global controlled-release fertilizers market is spanned across five regions: Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America was the major market for the controlled release fertilizers in 2020, followed by Europe, which is further trailed by Asia Pacific. The Middle East & Africa and Latin America are expected to show a moderate demand for controlled release fertilizers over the forecast period.
Access Full PDF Research Report :  https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/controlled-release-fertilizers-5998
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