#crof: rwby
crof-fwf · 1 year
My thoughts around the "#GreenLightVolume10"
Well this is going to be a mix of some topics of which also goes hand in hand with the main topic about what I'm going to talk:
The Hashtag: "#GreenLightVolume10" have a truly impact when is about "Helping RWBY" ? Without the #,Is RWBY gonna be in a bad situation?
My quick answer for it would be: No, i dont think so, i know the hashtag made noice as a way to “encourage” but we know Vol10 will get the green lights, and why are you even thinking that RWBY is in a "red situation"?, seriously.
But for the Long answer im going to start:
The hashtag #GreenLightVolume10 was created in early April (approximately). It is unclear for me which tweet started it. I know that at least two Twitter users were among the pioneers who initiated the trend. The primary objective of the hashtag is to encourage Rooster Teeth to confirm the 10th volume or season of RWBY.
At the moment where the trend spread, a committed sensation was created to spread the hashtag so that it would be possible to continue with the RWBY story.
Many fans started to create numerous fanworks to this day, with a significant amount of new fan art featuring the included hashtag.
Where even the CRWBY members on the "RXT Austin 2023 panel" utilized that hashtag to promote it to the audience.
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Source of the image.
Making in that way to impulse even more the support of the # which is still active.
And here is where i start to make a reflection about the way that # represent and if it really show us that: RWBY is in a real “critical moment”? As also in how the fandom is reacting about that and how probably RT/CRWBY are taking advantage of it.
And in my perception this topic involve 3 “main actors” what are related:
The fandom
Rooster Teeth
The Fandom:
In my perspective the fandom has fed this # given the context about the fear that RWBY will be cancelled, this being a fear since Rooster Teeth became a subsidiary of Warner Bros, adding to the fact that the WB itself has been canceling projects lately. This news It has created fear to the Fandom, which caused the motivation to promote RWBY in order to attract as many new people as possible with or without the use of the # (Leaving the possibility that in more radical cases this could spam, both in comments that are or are not associated with RWBY).
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And the point what I’m trying to reach is what the fandom itself is in a state of Gaslighting themselves due to that constant and uncertain fear of “RWBY being cancel” leading to the compromise of promoting that hashtag more and more.
CRWBY at the moment of seeing the reaction of the fanbase, they decided to support and encourage to continuing promoting the #.
From examples im in completely aware is Kerry by saying to continuing the #
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Since I cannot find the post that directly mentions "continued support" other than the one seen in "RXT Austin 2023 panel", I can at least confirm that the mention was made. (Where I allude to a possible post by Kerry; in case he made more mentions)
Well, and another example what we all know is of the “RXT Austin 2023 panel”.
These shows of support show that (from a fan's point of view) the CRWBY is capitalizing on the feeling of: "The people have spoken", to show "pressure” on Rooster Teeth, and so the fan feels that the CRWBY is also playing this role of "saving RWBY" and continuing to support and promote the # because they are "backed" by the same CRWBY.
Rooster Teeth
Talking about Rooster Teeth is undoubtedly something "complex" given the controversies the company has been involved in, but in this case I will limit myself to mentioning the following. From my point of view, RT can be anything (in terms of its controversies) when it comes to being a bad company, but I attest that RT is not stupid, knowing that it depends on money to continue to exist and not go bankrupt, it needs to keep its main sources of income afloat, with RWBY providing it with the most funding.
Where I have the expectation (and my comprehension) on how RT distributes the financial source, then I have the idea that Rooster should give more importance to those projects that bring them more profit, so it could lead to a hypothetical situation where other RT projects or shows have to be on a long hiatus or, worst case scenario, end up being "canceled" so that RT saves its funds to invest in its most profitable projects
Also i have to add in how recently Rooster Teeth generated money and incomes based in 4 situations:
Bumbleby Merch:
Thanks to the fact that the shippers "starved" through this time step until their confirmation in V9. Finishing by ecstatic the community and adding the fact that BB shippers are a large majority in the fandom, being the perfect opportunity to present the "Official BB merch" a few weeks after its confirmation. The merchandise in price aspects, I consider it (on a personal level) a bit overpriced…
But hey, "if it's official BB merch, then it's worth buying, right?"…
And, unsurprisingly, by the end of the day, the merchandise had sold out.
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This image was taken in 06/04/2023
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And that’s the merch what were release in the few weeks, and not forget the addition of new ones and finally the merch that was promoted in “RXT Austin 2023 panel”.
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Where the merch which was sold out was there Wall Scroll.
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Picture taked in 14/08/2023
So this is how I want to express that one of the factors in making money is the number of "BB shippers" showing their support for CRWBY (and indirectly Rooster Teeth,"But hey, who is the owner of the shop like the one that makes and distributes BB merchandise?)
Gains given with the distribution by Crunchy Roll
I want to clarify what in this point is more speculative from my point of view.
Their distribution in the platform of “Crunchy Roll” has contributed with the amount of 15.5K reviews of 4.7. Where the comments what i saw in the reviews were in general positives.
Making look RWBY at least something “fine”…
And i remember something else related to it and i wanna talk about it quickly: Is Crunchy Roll gonna acquired RWBY?. Honestly I’m doubt because i don’t see it beneficial for RT to give the show by the same reason in how RWBY benefits RT. But still Crunchy Roll gonna be the distributor of the series.
The tiny gains with the Crossover with DC
Well, in this case, the film that was released I consider "50/50", taking into account that it received a mixture of opinions about what revolves around the film, so I can't confirm if it managed to obtain a good income, nor can I confirm if the film turned into a disaster. As I also add the fact that "RedBox" premiered the film before the official date, which may have affected the film's revenue.
Well, maybe we have to wait for the second part and see the “final results”
Gains given by the “RXT Austin 2023 panel”
The convention of Rooster Teeth which started on 7-9 of July, was also a good source of income for the company, where in this case: Selling merchandise of RWBY (Also by the fact that RWBY being celebrated for its 10th anniversary) oh and a few BB merchandise what i made mention in the first point.
Note: With the confirmation of more “Camp Camp” and “RvB” makes me doubt: "If your best project is in danger, how can you give the green light to 2 other projects? 10?". I really want to believe that RT has this "control" over the management of investment in its projects.
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And I want to clarify something!
I am NOT supporting or defending RT!. Although I know that I argue that RT knows how to manage its projects and how it should be in a "stable" situation. I am NOT putting aside all the controversy surrounding RT, honestly RT can "fuck off", but as I said at the beginning of the post, RT is not stupid enough to not give attention to their best "gold mines". ", because without money, RT collapses.
And I add at the last moment: I doubt that RWBY will become independent of RT due to the fact that some members of the CRWBY are associated with RT (leaving aside if they knew about or covered up these controversies) and also how RT benefits the members of the CRWBY.
Everything mentioned was to indicate that RT must be "playing his cards right" in order not to lose RWBY, and NOT for showing support or something related.
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My conclusion:
With all of the above, I hope to make my point clear and show why I think the "purpose" of using #GreenLightVolume10 has been somewhat exaggerated by pointing out how it has been exaggerated for something that is very likely to happen.
Also, I’m not trying to stop you from promoting it with your artworks, comments, or etc. My intention is to point out how scandalised the purpose of the # has become, to the point of having to cling to it as if the series depends on how active the # is. I don't deny that the # is a kind of "support" or "reminder" that people want more. But really, so much noise has been made to promote the #, for a thing that depends on the budget that RT has to give it to RWBY and thus generate their "investment".
In summary:
The fandom deludes itself into believing that RWBY is "in danger of not continuing with Vol10" (as if RT didn't make the necessary profits). Add to this that CRWBY, along with RT, are using the # trend as a way to save the ad section, as this # works as a "hype train" for them as a good marketing medium. Making a lot of noise so that in the end always the vol. 10 got his green light like that.
Leaving "#GreenLightVolume10" on the brink of becoming a media circus…
- F0under
If (RWBY) has a good ending, at least it was worth it .
But if it has a bad ending, there is nothing you can say or regret, because you have already invested in it, they have done their thing, and you just have to eat the ending you were so excited about because you wanted it to go on.
- Ady.
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crof-fwf · 7 months
The future of RWBY... ?
With only 20 years in production, the company "Rooster Teeth" closes its doors on March 6, 2024, being closed by Warner due to the low profitability that Rooster Teeth has generated during these last few months. Failed projects, problems with the culture and work environment of some workers and possibly marketing decisions that did not give the expected results ended up being the cultivation of what would be the imminent fall of the company. Being until the date of March 6 in which made known through various articles.
And given the numerous articles that have been circulating about the news, it is estimated that Warner Bros. Discovery will be in charge of selling the IPs, with RWBY being the most prominent series and even the one with the most concern about its direction within all the IPs of RT. This would not only be a very hard blow not only for the team behind the series (CRWBY) and workers in general but it would also result in a shock to the fandom that has been following the series for the span of 10 years. However, the rwby fandom has been speculating about the possible candidates among which have been mentioned:
Meanwhile, in addition to questions about the management of the series, this can also give rise to "under conditions" support where different "sectors" of the fandom support some of the candidates as long as they stick to their ideas; either for ideas that the CRWBY did not reach or could not yet fulfill, those interests being from both sides of the coin (Radical Shippers and Haters)
However, on that same day at night a new candidate spoke out: DillonGoo Which has expressed his interest in acquiring the IP of the series, in addition to remembering his professional work where he has come to animate the series since its inception. However, he ended up provoking a fiery debate: Whether to keep the original plot or reboot it. And also that the fandom discovered the association of Shane Newville and "DillonGoo Studios". Remembering, Shane came to prominence for being the creator of the letter: "An Open Letter to All Who Treasured Monty Oum." So now it could be said that the fandom has Dillon as one of the most esteemed candidates, but also in its sights since many fear the changes he could make or the elimination of already established elements, added to the degree in that Shane would be involved. As it would also fall within this category of "Conditioned Support" only that Dillon will have it more complicated given that the minimal changes that he makes would be reason enough for the fandom to go against him. So the fate of RWBY will not only remain ambiguous but also waiting to hear more news about more candidates or the possible confirmation of a new owner of the IP.
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crof-fwf · 9 months
A Shipper "really cares about the Lore" ?
Hello again estimates.
So let´s go to discuss this question; based on a post on twitter where a "BB" Shipper quote some post:
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Where i ask: Is it real?
Well, although I have no reason to detract from the ability of a shipper to delve into the lore of the work in which said ship is involved.
However, that "interest" for "crumbs" for their Ship could cause a lot of problems, more in the aspect of "their vision on that series/movie/game etc."
And there can originate the same Drama and phrases like: "Are we seeing the same show?"
So i decide to to classify some cases of "Distortion view (at the favor of the ship)" :
Deform or Misrepresent: In some scenes or moments of the series, sometimes the intentions or the message that reflects said frame / moment, the shippers can fall into a questionable or erroneous interpretation (or rather, in a biased and arbitrary analysis) and everything in order to favor their Ship. NOTE: and this complicates things more if a VA is involved. I add this based on this post where the sleepover scene prior to initiation is "reinterpreted." And this clashes with what the series wants to show you vs what the VA wants to "show" you Example:
"Yang was already staring at Blake before Ruby"
NOTE: I clarify that the link provided is for the purpose of showing the content of the post (Or in this case; show an example of how the VAs give an "interpretation" of one of the scenes from V1) The reason for this point and the complement presented is to point out why these types of conflicts arise:
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So it is ideal to have to determine or "analyze" the scenes of the series based on what it shows us, because the influence of external comments + "seeing it as a Shipper and not as a neutral viewer" plays a role in the bias of the analyzes of the series.
Negate: In short, negate some developments, gags or interactions between other characters and everything (repeating it again) in favor of the Ship. So "deny or explain" things like the "Mature" gag (V9C6), and deny that at least in the series there is some "relevant development" in "Whiteknight", or even denying at least the existence of the gag of "Yang purrs at shirtless dudes".
So, regardless of the Ship, you have to accept how the series has "developed" the interaction between the characters
Demonizing characters: In short... "Seeing the series as a shipper" tends to cause viewers to demonize and see the actions of some characters as "toxic" (which, although it may be questionable to a certain degree, is not the intention of the characters). Quick summary: Thinking that Jaune harassed Weiss or Sun being a "Stalker" for following Blake. And I mention this in cases where people treat characters as bad under the label of a "Red Flag"
So despite the question of the characters' actions, one should not over-exaggerate the degree of their actions.
Although it is good to be a fan of a Ship and be determined to analyze the series (RWBY), you have to keep in mind that for a good analysis of the series you have to really pay attention to what the series shows us, and with This is what I mean by having to avoid any biased analysis of a scene or criticism of a character whose objective is to benefit the ship at the cost of demonizing characters, denying the development of other relationships as their contribution to the character or distorting the intention of the scenes.
And as for the initial question of the post:
Yes, a BB Shipper may know the lore and history of the series but like the others they tends to fall into the previous 3 points to create a biased analysis… "And all for the benefit of their ship."
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