#CW Dental
crestoflames · 3 days
like a month and a half ago a hairdresser mentioned that i was having some hair loss, something i had worried about for so long but i thought it was my ocd playing tricks on me (fellow ocd havers will know, you can get fixated on an aspect of yourself and get obsessed with a “what if” scenario. ex: “what if my teeth are actually in terrible condition despite brushing and flossing twice a day”, “what if I actually have cancer”, and of course “what if my hair is falling out”). having that confirmed really fucked me up bc I’ve always had really thick hair that i took pride in and it was one thing i didn’t have to feel self conscious about it - the amount of hair i had. and I’ve been seeing a dermatologist who specializes in hair loss, and they think i have androgenetic alopecia, just a mix of hormones and genetics. I’ve started a couple medications and supplements, both oral and topical. it can take 6 months to work but im just really just hoping my hair can go back to the way it was because it really fucks with my self perception. Everyone i talk to who isn’t trained to notice what hair loss looks like tells me it’s not noticeable, but i still get paranoid about it. i guess the one positive thing about this type of hair loss is it isn’t just random patches of hair all over your head falling out, it starts with the area where your hair is parted widening and some hairs growing in thinner while it expands outwards from your part. its mostly on the front of my scalp from what i can tell.
idk why im rambling about this but yeah. if ur a cis woman and think you might have hair loss definitely go see a dermatologist specialized in it bc it is reversible. and it used to be thought that it mainly happens in older age but it’s actually being seen at all ages now, and I’m only 26 (nearly 27).
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clunelover · 8 days
Okay so this is about the worst thing that could have happened after I drove three hours to my retreat and had just settled in to chomp down on an oatmeal cookie I brought with me. Let me see if I can put this behind a cut so you don’t have to see moderate level dental horror (no blood) if you’d rather not.
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So that’s a crown that’s partly broken off. The positive is that it doesn’t really hurt - I guess cause enough of the original tooth is still covered. I mean it does hurt, but not with the horrifying bare nerve pain like when a whole crown goes. I’m just worried about what happens if the rest of it snaps off and then I’m fucked til Monday. I left a voicemail on my dentist’s emergency line, and sent an email with that picture. Glad now that there’s WiFi and cell signal here!
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snnnailmail · 1 month
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More lil sketches of my Flower Kid-sona 💥💥🐊🦷 n some stuff I made up abt her eyesies 👁️👁️
Facts ⬇️😃
In regular chill human height numbers she’s 4’10 but in my mind’s eye she is the size of a backpack.
She is 24… Good number I think.
I was going to draw Habit with her so I could tag him but forgort.
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domesticuscanid · 1 month
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in case anyone was curious about the test.
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wishing-stones · 1 month
was just wondering if things are going well for you?
did the uhh dental stuff go well
Yes! more or less. I still have stitches in my mouth that haven't dissolved that are driving me crazy, but no further complications! I'll have to schedule the other two wisdom teeth to be taken out later, but I'll be going back to that oral surgeon because he was literally the nicest guy.
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iraprince · 4 months
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🦷 working on a gnarly job that i'm v excited about :3c 🦷
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getting a cavity filled with eds is awesome because either i can 100% feel it or they have to give me so many shots that it horribly bruises my mouth and burns/tingles the whole rest of the day
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elishortforelliott · 6 months
I have to get my covid (booster) vaccine tomorrow and I have the worse phobia of needles and I fucking hate it so much and ahhhhhhhhh im not excited and I also have to go to the orthodontist!!! So yippee 2 things I hate!!!!
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vee-thebee · 8 months
while i’m over sharing about my teeth I just want to say that I really feel blessed and truly lucky that my dentist is just like…. not an asshole?
my sister is disabled and highly anxious and i am her primary caregiver so i go with her to appointments and such and even though they work in the same office at the same practice her dentist is just so,,,, bad. at being comforting.
dentists are one of the most nerve wracking places to be, yknow? like absolutely nobody wants to be there at any given moment. before i started building a rapport with my dentist i would have preferred going to a gynecologist to get a fucking pap smear.
but my dentist is like really fucking cool. The first time I went in for an appointment his technician was so comforting and gentle while also being relaxed and casual. she joked around with me and had me laughing in the chair. and then my dentist came in after my x-rays and cleaning and broke the news that my teeth were hurting so bad because of my wisdom teeth and the next words out of his mouth were “this is crazy, but stay with me.”
i knew i’d need fillings which i was terrified of because my sister’s dentist is a straight up bitch. my sister had a filling fall out and this woman held my sister down and blasted her raw exposed tooth and pulp with sand without any numbing at all. you think i’m exaggerating but i swear i am not. so when i was told i needed so many fillings i was petrified.
the first words out of my dentist’s mouth after letting me know i’d need fillings were:
“would you like nitrous?”
is that an option?
he gave me nitrous at all of my appointments. he let me listen to music. he even gave me a fidget out of the toy bin because he could see how nervous i was (bright pink koosh ball, i got to keep it because according to the techs i was very brave). he laughed and joked with me while working on me and checked with me every minute or so to make sure i was comfortable and wasn’t feeling any kind of pain. after my last appointment, he let me keep the mask. apparently they rarely use that size so they’d been reusing the same one over and over and told me to take it home with me in case i needed another filling done, they could keep using it.
then i didn’t see them for six months because i was all done. i had my six month cleaning a few days ago. i wasn’t dreading it when i walked through the door. i need fillings again, but my wonderful tech assured me that it wasn’t my fault—they were probably there the whole time, but my enamel hadn’t chipped off yet so they couldn’t see them. they’re teeny tiny anyway and the only reason that they’re hurting me as bad as they are is because of where they are on my teeth.
apparently my dentist wrote in my file that i always need nitrous for procedures.
a little kindness goes a long way when you’re a professional like that. because for some reason dentists make a person feel very vulnerable and scared, and when you’re kind to them as the source of their anxiety, you could cure a lifelong fear.
(pic of the emotional support koosh ball that still comforts me when i get nervous)
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bunatee · 9 months
Idk how to cw this exactly but ramblings under the cut and a light warning for body image and dentistry
There was a coworker taking photos at our event and I truly despise my photo being taken. Thankfully none were of my body so that’s one less thing to be uncomfortable about. Yet all I can see is how badly my teeth have shifted post braces. And like I just got those fuckers off like 5 years ago. I still wear my fucking retainer to bed man.
And I know if I go and see an orthodontist they’re probably going to just confirm what I actually need is jaw surgery and then another round of braces. It’s gonna be expensive as hell even with insurance.
It sucks because I was soo happy for the first time with my smile right after I got those braces off and now I’m just back to square one.
Also in regards to my dental woes- I have to get a permanent crown installed on Wednesday and apparently my insurance covered less than anticipated so I get to pay another $500-ish for it in addition to the $500 I already paid as my “copay”. Like honestly fuck having teeth.
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clunelover · 6 months
Looking back through old pictures reminds me - last Christmas was particularly stressful, because I ate a caramel and pulled off a crown and couldn’t get in anywhere to have it put back on til after. AND I had somehow gotten an infection in a corner of one of my fingers, nothing major but a little gross pus blister that made all my cutting and wrapping and other prep hurt. So - I guess that’s part of why I’m okay and stress free now. I’m in fighting shape or as close to it as I ever am.
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cutthroatkindness · 1 year
I go to the dentist today at 10am. 😖😱
Logically, I know that they aren't even going to touch my teeth today, probably just prescribe antibiotics first but it has been well over a decade since I've gone and I only started being able to take care of my teeth seriously again within the last year.
I'm terrified!and I feel ashamed. I hope the dentist can at least tell I've been genuinely trying. I know I have so many cavities. 😔
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happyorogeny · 2 years
I had to have a tooth out andmy mouth really hurts
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iraprince · 2 years
i waaaaaant to see if i can cram in a tvw update tonight but we'll see bc i have some deadlines i have to clear before tomorrow. this is because tomorrow i am getting a fucking wisdom tooth out so i will probably not want/be able to do absolutely anything for a little bit afterwards so. catch u guys on the flip
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thelocalmuffin · 2 years
Commissions Open!
This is an emergency, I'm afraid. ⚠️
I have to visit my dentist again. I'm not sure what's going on, but my gums definitely hurt and from what I saw when I went to look in the mirror, they're at least inflammed. I need to make sure it's not serious.
Any tips to numb the pain until I can get in would help too. I'm calling first thing Monday morning.
Anyway, my dental insurance doesn't cover everything, so I'm opening up my commissions again. Pricing, examples, and my TOS can be found on my carrd.
Reblogs would mean a lot to get the word out.
If you are interested, please do let me know. Once I figure out what's going on, I'll post proof of costs and the bill. It's just Saturday night and I'm trying to figure out what to do.
Thank you so much!
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wemblingfool · 3 years
I have the worst adds.
I'll probably delete this later because I don't want a thumbnail of whichever one it chooses showing up in my notes anytime.
(Under the cut for gore content warning)
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This I get ninety percent of the time, without exaggeration. Every 3 to 5 posts, I get this. For five months straight. Just every so often, it would be uncomfortable, but it wouldn't be a problem? But seeing this image so frequently has made me start to stop using tumblr. This is literally becoming psychological torture.
The remaining 10%:
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This one is far less frequent, but it's the second most prominent. Less visually disturbing, but it's still a damn drill pressed to a damn tooth.
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Third most prominent. These two are about equally frequent with each other. They're the least offensive of my set. But they're starting to take a back seat to the next one-
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These are new. I've been getting the diseased liver for about a week and a half (though today it's the second most frequent to #1. I pray it does not rank up because it's so much worse!). The x-ray one is so new I've not seen it before today. However I have a feeling it's about to become prominent.
I don't know what to do. I tried just waiting it out, but it won't stop.
@staff @support please make it stop.
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