#Caffe Bar Sunset
zvoneradikalni · 5 months
Men in Red (MiR) 😎
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giuliacolla · 10 months
Finalmente l’Argentina
L’ho sognata per anni, prima e dopo il corona virus.
Finalmente siam partiti, Giampiero ed io.
In primis Buenos Aires: il cuore pulsante di un paese grande quasi 3 milioni di km².
Nella parte nord della città abbiamo visitato i ricchi quartieri di Palermo
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e di Recoleta, nel cui cimitero riposa Eva Peron.
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Poi Plaza de Mayo con la Casa Rosada, il Parlamento e la Catedral, da cui proviene Papa Francesco.
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Eccellente caffe da “Pertutti”: bar sontuoso, sembrava di essere al S. Carlo di Torino.
Lasciamo B.A. per volare a El Calafate e visitare il Parque Nacional “Los Glaciares”, dove sono presenti tre diversi ambienti:
l’alta montagna, con i famosi ghiacciai Perito Moreno e Upsala
il bosco andino-patagonico, con foreste di Lenga e Nire
la steppa patagonica, settimo maggior deserto del mondo.
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Partiamo per escursione d’intera giornata “Todo Glaciares”, navigando il lago argentino tra gli iceberg, con sosta per il lunch alla base Spegazzini.
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Successiva tappa: Ushuaia. Sorvoliamo lo stretto di Magellano e raggiungiamo questa perla di città ai confini del mondo.
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Qui, sotto l’ottima guida di Mariano, visitiamo il parco nazionale “Tierra del Fuego”, dove i primi abitanti, gli indios Ona, usavano accendere grandi fuochi, da cui il nome dato dai primi colonizzatori.
Segue la navigazione sul canale di Beagle, dove ammiriamo le colonie di leoni marini e di cormorani.
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Al 9° giorno voliamo a Trelew e raggiungiamo Puerto Madryn. visitiamo quindi la Peninsula Valdes, dove alla Estancia S. Lorenzo possiamo camminare in mezzo alla più grande colonia di pinguini del continente.
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Al tramonto ci imbarchiamo a Puerto Piramides per ammirare le balene: eccitante, ma un freddo boia!
Il 4° volo è per le cascate di Iguazù. Le ammiriamo da sopra e da sotto, dal versante argentino e da quello brasiliano: una meraviglia!
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Concludiamo la nostra vacanza con la visita ai quartieri sud di Buenos Aires, S. Telmo e La Boca.
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Alla sera non possiamo mancare lo spettacolo del tango.
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È stato un viaggio magnifico, anche se molto stancante, organizzato dall’agenzia Etlim di Imperia per un gruppo di 22 persone con cui ci siamo trovati bene. Il viaggio è durato 15 gg., di cui 2 di viaggio con Argentina Aerolineas, durata 14 ore (-4 all’andata + 4 al ritorno).
Oltre ai bei ricordi ci portiamo a casa anche quattro riproduzioni di un artista argentino che esponeva a Ushuaia.
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jorge5000 · 2 years
Wild camping in Croatian Kvarner bay in 9 days
When COVID hits hard, hit it hard back by social distancing and avoiding crowded spaces. Possibly also by wild camping. Here's an account of a 10-day Kvarner bay wild camping report I did by car with a fried of mine in August 2020 in Croatia. Hope this will help you plan your own adventure.
In short:
- Wild camping in Croatia is illegal and punishable by law (up to 400€, reportedly), but most often it is tolerated. Still, that there is no “freedom to roam“ right in Croatia. Do this at your own risk.
- Feel free to leave things better than you found them to make wild camping sustainable. Support local economy, don’t litter, respect private property, and be aware of the fact that you are doing something illegal even if not hurting anyone directly.
- Wild camping means dealing with wildlife. Wild boars on Cres should probably be somewhat of a concern for you. Introduced in the to be hunting game they were since left ignored which resulted in them overpopulating the island.
- It’s very hot in the summer so consider spending some time an an air conditioned caffes which there are plenty of available. Our absolute favorite was Caffe bar Utopia with free limited parking in the building.
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Veli Lošinj, Cres. Charming old town with wonderful walks around it.
This was my approximate itinerary after renting a car in Zagreb:
1. Voz bay and Peškera bay, island of Krk. Voz bay, once a vibrant steamship stop on its way from Rijeka to Crikvenica, is now a deserted restaurant house and a five-star lighthouse resort some 300 meters away. Camping there is possible, but expect no facilities and the nearest store is at least 5 miles away. You are not likely to be alone there in the Summer. If it’s too busy, you can also cross to the other side to Peškera bay, some 500 meters south-east. There’s a stone mine on the way so certain areas are off limits for passersby, but Peškera should be more quiet in the evening. No water or facilities there either.
2. South of the FKK beach near town of Krk, island of Krk. Just follow the road (the one with several Camping forbidden! signs along it) going south from the FKK beach and you’ll find plenty of places to leave your car and pitch your tent. If only camping was not forbidden here. You will find refreshments and showers in the nearby Valamar resort. If you ignore the warnings and still pitch your tent later in the evening when it’s not so busy, you’re likely to be awaken next morning between 5 and 6 am by an official who will make you go away. So pack and go or be smart, wake up for an early sunrise, pack your bags, go for an early swim, and repeat everything again in the evening.
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Dražica bay, Cres.The terrain is not always camper-friendly but good spots can always be found.
3. Somewhere along the road to Dražica bay, island of Cres. About 25 minutes from the town of Cres and its charming blue awnings you will find this quiet camping spot. While the place is remote enough that it’s unlikely anyone will come there and object to your wild camping, the road will likely take a toll on your car. Showers can be found at the beach.
4. Unnamed location, island of Cres. A great camping spot accessible by car with an amazing sunset view. You are likely to encounter wild boars if you wonder far from the road. You are likely to encounter shepherds taking their herds out in the early morning and they will take great pleasure in waking you up with loud sounds addressed at their herd. You are likely to encounter other campers and camping vans in the Summer so come timely to reserve your spot. No facilities anywhere close.
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This magnificent view, you, and... wild boars.
5. Place right after Čikat abandoned army facility, Mali Lošinj, island of Lošinj. This is an absolute jewel of wild camping in Croatia. On the opposite side of this peninsula there is a vibrant water park, hotels and resorts. On this side of the peninsula there is an abandoned military facility and a walking/bike path along the coast. Pass the military facility until the point where the dirt-road stops and the path starts. Walk for ~50 meters along the path and then climb to your left to find a flat place for your tent. A great night view of Mali Lošinj. A quiet location with possibility to park close. Showers and toilets available on the other side of the peninsula, which is definitely better for enjoying the sea.
From Mali Lošinj you can visit nearby islands of Susak or Unije for a day trip.
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View over Susak from a nearby hill. A big, shallow, sandy beach right in the center.
6. Somewhere close to Lopar, Island of Rab. You’ll find a few camping spots along the road leading to the marked place. Note when picking the spot that crickets can be incredibly loud during the night. Since the access to some well-known Rab beaches starts from that same road, there might be a lot of cars parked along the road during the daytime. No facilities anywhere close but definitely worth staying there to explore Rab and world-famous beach Rajska plaža.
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For an entirely different experience and color palette, visit the Croatian coast in winter.
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lynn-writes-things · 4 years
“For a prompt, maybe a Hunter and reader fic where the bad batch help celebrate the reader's birthday? Maybe some fluff or smut?“
Thank you so much for the request, and thank you SO so much for the donation!! I appreciate it more than words can say!
Word count: 2470
*takes place pre-Echo
Birthday’s weren’t really a big deal in the GAR, seeing as though the Jedi were taught to remove any attachment to the day of their births; the clones didn’t even have birthdays that they knew of; and any civilian officer was likely too busy to remember, let alone to celebrate. It just wasn’t something that you did often. Of course, you knew your birthday – knew the exact date and time, because as a child, you had asked your mother about it every single year until you memorized the time to the last minute.
At one point in your life, your birthday had been your favorite day of the year. More so than Life Day, even. You had always loved the festivities – the focus on you; people showing how much they care about you; not to mention the gifts and the celebrating. You’ll never forget the year you became legal to drink, and your friends had taken you out for fun. It had been a night to forget – though the events leading up to the drinking were fond ones that you will treasure forever.
That time of year was drawing near again, and you couldn’t help but talk about it to the boys – who you’d been on assignment with for the past several months – in fact, it had almost been a year. You figured they wouldn’t like you talking about your birthdays of the past much, considering that they’d never really experienced a birthday, but to your surprise they all encouraged you to keep talking.
“When I was really little, my parents filled my entire bedroom with balloons, so that it would surprise me when I woke up – only I woke up too early, and I sat alone in my bedroom for hours just playing with the balloons. When my parents came to check on me, they couldn’t stop laughing.” You explained with a little laugh. It was early, and you all were drinking cups of caff. You swirled yours around, letting the swirl entrance you deeper into your memories.
“Then, when I was a teenager,” You smile, this memory a particularly pleasant one. “Me and some friends went out to this bakery with her parents – they had money, like they had mad credits. They took me cake-tasting to decide which kind I liked best for my cake, they told me that was my present from them. I wasn’t going to complain- free cake!” You laugh. “Anyways, I tried this one kind, (your favorite cake here), and it literally change my life- I’ve never had any cake that was as good as that. It’s kind of hard to find, but there’s a really nice bakery on Naboo that has it for a lot cheaper than the fancy place did.” You explain, considering making a special trip just for some cake, then immediately telling yourself that it’s a stupid idea.
“What about when you were an adult?” Crosshair asks. “Surely it gets more boring.”
“Oh, it does,” You laugh. “It gets so kriffing boring after a while. But, certain ages grant you certain milestones. Like, when you turn twenty, they let you drink. My twentieth birthday was insane- my friends made me go out to this bar with them – they were all older than me – and they ordered this drink for me, it tasted like starcherries and Mandalorian oranges – it was so good.” You exclaim, missing the taste of your first (legal) drink. “Anyways, they called it a Sailor’s Sunset, I think? But, it was a super fun night, we danced for hours, and I met this really cute guy, and… Well…” You laugh, cheeks heating up at the memory. “Anyways!” You exclaim, clearing your throat. “It was a really fun night. I also learned that I could shoot Corellian whiskey better than any of my friends.”
“Bet you can’t shoot it better than us.” Hunter teased.
“You’re probably right,” You laugh. “But I’d be willing to give it a shot.” You joke, and there’s a chorus of groans at your terrible pun that you couldn’t help but to make.
“So, when is your birthday, anyways?” Tech asks, ready to mark it in his holopad.
“It’s next week, on the second.” You explain. Not that you’d been keeping track of the days when you thought it might be close – not at all. That most definitely was not the case.
The night of the first, when you fell asleep, the boys all got up and got down to business.
“Okay boys,” Hunter began. “This has to be special. We want her to feel like she’s one of us, right?” He asks, and they all respond “Right!”.
“Crosshair, you’ve got the whiskey?” He asks.
“And the mixers.” He says. He didn’t know how to make a Sailor’s Sunset, but he was willing to give it a try, for your sake.
“Wrecker, you’ve got the balloons?”
“Yep! I might’ve gotten too many, though.” He says.
“No such thing- this is Y/N we’re talking about.” Hunter replies. “Tech, you’ve got the cake?”
“Took it out of the freezer yesterday, it should be defrosted by morning.” He replies. Getting the cake from Naboo without you figuring out what they were doing had been a challenge, but they had just barely managed to pull it off while you were in the refresher.
“Alright,” Hunter said, satisfied. “Bad Batch, let’s throw Y/N a birthday to remember.” He says with a smile, and they all get down to work. They all start blowing up balloons, with a goal to fill the barracks with the blown up latex. Wrecker had gotten different types- colorful ones; black and white ones; he even had found some that when blown up would read “happy naming day!” which was as close to “happy birthday” as he could find. They meant the same thing, more or less. He just hoped you didn’t get offended by the slight difference.
It took hours to blow all of the balloons up, but once it was done, there was a thick layer covering the floor, as well as a few smuggled into your bunk with you – but just a few, so you likely wouldn’t pop any and scare yourself awake. Though, Crosshair thought that would’ve been kriffing hilarious. Mean, but hilarious. He figured if it happened, you’d end up laughing once the initial fear wore off – he knew your sense of humor pretty well. But, still, Hunter refused to let him risk it.
“Wait,” Tech began. “Does anyone know how to make her caff?”
“I do,” Hunter answered. “She likes it the same way I do. She told me that before.”
“We’ll have to wake up before she does.” Crosshair says.
“That won’t be too hard,” Hunter answers. “Her alarm is always set for 0700, we just have to wake up before then.”
“How do you know that?” Tech asks.
“We usually wake up at the same time. You catch on to things like that after a while.” He replies with a shrug. He was used to waking up with you, the two of you would often talk over your morning cups of caff before the others woke up. It was the one time of day where there was no stress- just peace between the two of you. It was easy to forget about the war in times like those, which meant everything to you both. Neither of you would ever miss a morning, both cherishing your morning caff-sessions more than either of you would admit. During these early-morning moments, the two of you had gotten very close with each other, and shared very intimate conversations. Secrets were shared, as well as light-hearted compliments. You had a feeling the long-haired Sergeant liked you, which was good, because you liked him as well, though neither of you would confess. The early mornings weren’t a time for heavy confessions like that. But your birthday? Oh, your birthday might be, Hunter thought, mentally preparing himself for that night.
The boys had picked out a planet that they knew had a lake that was safe to swim in, with little risks for attack. Just private enough to take the night off and celebrate over drinks, cake, and swimming. Tech had put in the coordinates, and you were currently on your way there.
When you woke up, it wasn’t to your alarm blaring- it was to the smell of caff, and the boys saying, “Happy birthday!”. You smiled and groggily rubbed your tired eyes, looking up at them all with looks of adoration.
“You guys didn’t have to— Balloons!!” You cut yourself off, getting excited about seeing all the multicolored latex bulbs all over the ground, and all over your bunk. “Did you guys really-?”
“We did.” Hunter says. You sit up and he hands you the cup of caff. You take a sip and smile; it’s exactly how you’d make it for yourself. You can’t help but sway back and forth in happiness.
“Maker, you guys are my everything.” You say, taking a sip. “Thank you.”
“Oh, we’re not done yet.” Tech says. You get out of your bunk, and follow them out to the main area, where you see balloons strung up on the wall messily that say: “Happy naming day!” and your smile is so wide that it hurts your cheeks. Then you see the cake box, and you gasp.
“You didn’t-!”
“We did.”
“When?!” Your voice had jumped several octaves in your excitement, and you felt bad for Hunter, though he was smiling at your excitement. He didn’t give a damn that you were yelling, or how high your voice had gotten. He was just happy that you were happy.
“When we went to Naboo last,” Tech answers. “It’s been in the freezer.”
“How didn’t I notice anything—”
“That’s sort of what we’re known for, Y/N.” Hunter smiles.
“Yeah, but—” You can’t help the tears of happiness that well in your eyes, your heart swelling in your chest. You can’t believe that they’d go through all of this just for you. Crosshair puts a hand on your shoulder, and you quickly turn to just hug him. It catches him off guard, but he smiles regardless, holding you in return.
“Thank you guys.” You sob. “I love you all so much.”
“We love you too, Y/N.” Hunter says, preparing to say something slightly different later. But that could wait for now.
“Looks like we’re approaching,” Tech says, checking the navigation. You would’ve asked which planet, though you knew he wouldn’t tell you – Tech always made you guess where you were going. Always. You weren’t complaining, though, it was always a fun game, not to mention a good way to boost your memorization of the planets.
Once you were landed, you stepped out and realized that you were staring at a lake. Not a grimy pond, but a real, actual lake. The water was so clear that you could see to the bottom – it didn’t look too terribly deep, either. A long time ago you had told the boys that you loved swimming, you were surprised that they even remembered the comment.
You decide to all swim in your blacks to avoid any awkwardness with you being the only naked female around, which you’re thankful for. Though of course, the boys take their shirts off at least. You do your best not to stare at Hunter or his impressively toned muscles—You absolutely do not get caught by Crosshair, who laughs at you, but promises to keep your secret. You swim around for what feels like hours. You’re in and out of the water until the sun starts to go down, and you suggest drinks. You all climb out and start trying to dry off. Tech gets the cake cut, and Crosshair pours a round of shots for everyone. You take yours and grimace at the taste- it had been awhile since you had Corellian whiskey. It had been a long while.
“What’s that face for?” Hunter teases. “Thought you said you could out-drink us.”
“I said I might be able to.” You laugh. “If you’re looking for a challenge, Sarge, you’re on.”
“You don’t want to do that,” He laughs.
“Trust him, you don’t.” Wrecker tacks on, clapping his brother on the back. “He can even drink me under the table.”
“Here, try this,” Crosshair says, thrusting a glass filled with a peachy-pink drink in it at you.
“What is it?” You ask.
“It should be a Sailor’s Sunset.” He sighs. You giggle – the color’s all wrong. But you try it regardless, and it’s shockingly just as good as you remember. You hum in appreciation.
“It’s really good,” You smile at him. “But it could use a smidge more cherry.” Crosshair smiles, pleased with himself for guessing the drink correctly.
“Hey, can I talk to you?” Hunter speaks up, nodding away from the others, towards the tree-line. You follow him over, and he down the shot in his hand before continuing.
“I figured now’s a good time to tell you,” He says, and pauses. You know where he’s going with this before he even starts, and you can’t help the smile that takes over your face. “I—”
“I like you too, Hunter.” You say, cutting him off.
“I don’t think you understand how much,” He says. “I’d do anything for you, Y/N.”
“Trust me, I understand.” You gently caress his cheek with your free hand. He leans into your touch, looking at you with a softness in his eyes that was usually reserved for your early morning chats. You don’t need to say more- neither of you do. He leans forward and kisses you, your lips connecting in a slow, passionate dance. You only break apart when you hear cheering from behind you, where the boys are watching with smiles on their faces.
“I love you, Hunter.” You say quietly, your nose brushing against his; his forehead against yours.
“I love you too, Y/N.” He smiles.
After several shorter kisses, you all go back to the ship and enjoy some cake. It’s just as good as you remember it being all those years ago, and you thank them ten-fold for it. For everything. You cry again as you thank them, and Hunter wraps an arm around you. Wrecker is on your other side, and he wraps an arm around both you and Hunter. Hunter gestures for Tech and Crosshair to come over, you all move to the floor. Crosshair leans against Wrecker, and Tech settles between your legs, leaning back against you as your arms wrap around him.
“I love you boys.”
“We love you too.” They all reply, and it doesn’t take long for you all to fall asleep like that. It’s heaven, you think. This was just simply heaven.
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murkyteas · 3 years
Idol Asmo
Human AU pop star Asmo's tour bus breaks down in a tiny rural town and he encounters mysterious wealthy café owner Solomon. They spend a day/night together then angsty mutual pining on the way to a happy ending. Barbatos and Simeon will make more appearances in future chapters
First chapter up on AO3! It's short, just under 2,000 words, so posting the full thing here too. 💜
AO3 link here: Sigillum Dei
Asmodeus pouts as his manager explains they are stuck in this backwoods crap town for the rest of the day and night while the tour bus gets fixed. There isn't even an airport close enough that he could just fly into their next destination and wait in a proper hotel suite instead of this bed and breakfast country nightmare. "Ugh, FINE." He huffs as he storms off into town to find something to do away from the smell of "fresh linen" air freshener, shell shaped mini soaps, and lace doilies covering every surface. 
His head begins to throb at all the eye rolling he has done at every quaint little shop he passes. Everyone is old, everything is old. At least the air is fresh and clean, surely good for his skin, and a pleasant change from the smog filled cities and nasty cigarette smoke from his band mates. Another small comfort being that no one seems to recognize him, his manager must have figured as much, letting him run off alone. He supposed it would be too much to hope there was a spa around, and because of this hiccup, he wouldn't have time to visit one before taking the stage at his next venue. Instead, he decides to stop in the chic looking café across the street, Sigillum Dei, that stuck out amidst all the country "charm", and hope to god they make a decent half-caff soy latte with extra shot, foam, and cream. 
Asmo is pleasantly surprised to find the café similar to the fancy coffee bars he loves to visit while in Japan. Clean, antique barn wood covering most surfaces, with copper industrial details matching what looks to be state of the art brewing equipment, adorable succulents and ivy crawling across the walls. They even had decent music, his latest single just ending. He reaches to remove his unneeded scarf and glasses, as a tall, handsome, silver haired man in his mid 30s catches his eye. Tight black t-shirt pulling across broad shoulders and chest, tucked into worn grey denim, tattoos covering most of his moderately muscular arms, contrasting the pale complexion. Yummy. This is just the distraction he needs while being stuck here for the night. He watches the grey eyes roam over his body, letting himself imagine what the strong looking hand wrapped around the mug of tea would feel like instead, a dangerous grin splitting his perfectly symmetrical face as the hungry gaze lands on his own. 
The grey eyed stranger was Solomon, who had been tapping his pen on his notebook along with the beat of the music, enjoying the warm scents of coffee beans and steeping tea leaves that always seemed to calm his ever-busy mind. He would have to remember to look up the artist of the catchy song later, he had been hearing it everywhere recently. The café was quiet with just one other patron, so he was able to pay full attention to the slender figure that caused the entrance bells to chime and a flash of sunlight glinting off the glass door. His head was wrapped in a pastel pink scarf, oversized sunglasses sliding down a petite nose, dressed far too trendy to be from anywhere nearby the tiny town. Solomon had zero complaints, though, as his eye trails down from the cropped white leather jacket to exposed midriff and hip bones, over the tight jeans stretched across a perfectly curved rear. Looking back up, he is met with stunning sunset colored eyes of pinks and golds peeking at him over the rim of black glasses, sparkling with interest, causing his breath to hitch. He regains his composure in the span of the heartbeat that was skipped, and his confident smirk and wink is met with a devilish smile spreading across glossy pink lips.
Still grinning widely, Asmo saunters over to order his coffee, placing his glasses on top of his head, scarf draping down his back as he leans across the counter to give the handsome stranger a better view of what surely is the best ass to ever grace this sad little town. He places his order with the shockingly beautiful barista with clear blue eyes and flawless dark skin, prepared to scoff at him for not understanding it, but to his surprise they didn't bat an eye, even when he asked for it to be served at exactly 120 degrees. "No problem, I'll have that right out if you'd like to take a seat." He said confidently with a kind smile. Well, maybe this place wasn't so bad, he thought to himself as he strides over to the stranger, taking the wink he received as an invitation.
Chuckling to himself, Solomon watches the young man bend over the counter, clearly knowing exactly what he was doing. Solomon had planned for a quiet day home alone, but perhaps he could find something more entertaining to occupy his time. He lived a solitary life, valuing his privacy, and aside from occasional physical encounters or nights out with his baristas, Barbatos and Simeon, he had no truly intimate relationships, never bringing anyone home. A beautiful stranger passing through couldn't hurt, though, being almost unheard of in his quiet little town. He sips his earl grey as he watches the blonde come his way, hips swinging just a bit more than necessary, as Barbatos and Simeon both give Solomon knowing looks with raised eyebrows and lopsided grins. 
To avoid the teasing leers of his baristas, Solomon angles himself towards his new companion as he takes a seat, a tattooed arm stretched across the back of the couch behind the man's shoulders, and an ankle across his opposite knee. He looks on with amusement while the pretty man preens for a moment, tousling his champagne colored hair, settling into the plush seating, close enough for his knee to brush Solomon's. 
"Well hello there, handsome." Asmo purrs. "What brings someone as delicious as you to a boring old place like this?" He glances back towards the counter, eyes dragging over the employees, who had gone back to work. "The view is awfully nice, though." 
Cocking an eyebrow at the word boring, Solomon maintains his smirk, replying, "I enjoy  quality tea, and this is the only place in town to get it. You, however, seem much more out of place than I. I assume you aren't here for the countryside charm." He drains the last of his tea, leaning forward to set the cup on the low table in front of them. 
"Ugh, no." Asmo says with an indignant hair flip, sending a waft of exotic florals and musk to drift Solomon's way. "I was on my way to London when my transportation broke down, so I'm stuck here for the night in some dusty old bed and breakfast." Barbatos brings his coffee over as well as a fresh cup of tea for Solomon, sparing him a subtle eyebrow wiggle. Asmo's amber eyes never leave Solomon's own sterling though, as he raises the fancy latte to strawberry colored lips. "Mmmm, at least this place makes decent coffee, and the decor isn't a complete travesty." 
A short breathy laugh leaves Solomon. "That is good to hear, thank you for the feedback, I'll be sure to pass it along to my designer, as well as your compliments to my employees. My name is Solomon, and yours?" He inquires with a tilt of his head. 
"Oohh, Is this your place? It reminds me of Japanese coffee bars. Most people call me Asmo, but you can call me whatever you like." He says with a flirty wink. It was expected that none of the old townsfolk recognized him, but Asmo was still shocked the young employees and Solomon didn't, now that he had been able to surmise they weren't just being polite and pretending to not notice. He was offended a little. Maybe. Did they not have the internet here? TV? How could they not know who he was? Fear that no one cared about him outside his fame or money creeped around the back of his mind. He shoved it back down, covering it with the thought that it was rather convenient to be able to walk around without being mobbed or followed by big obnoxious bodyguards. Plus, Solomon was ~gorgeous~ and was clearly attracted to him, of course, who wouldn't be? He was beautiful and talented, anyone who didn't adore him was just jealous. He would tell Solomon who he was when the time was right. 
"Yes, Asmo, it is mine, a bit of a self indulgent project. After settling here, I missed the tea and coffee shops I had grown fond of during my time in Japan. You've been?" Solomon's interest now piqued in more than just Asmo's appearance. 
"Mhmm, I was there for three months last year, and spent a lot of time there when I was younger. This place reminds me of my favorite shop in Shibuya, though I like the lighter tones here, it was a bit dark and cramped when busy." 
Solomon's expression brightens with recognition. "I know the place well, and it did serve as inspiration. I also sent my baristas to train there for several weeks." He marvels at the coincidence, laughing softly. "Well, imagine that." 
Asmo leans in a bit, lidded gaze looking Solomon's masculine form up and down as he takes a long drink from his coffee, tongue running across full lips as he sets the cup down. "So, he has good taste, business sense, and is a generous employer along with being devastatingly handsome. Lucky me." He purrs, staring into Solomon's eyes. "Have you employed all the handsome young men in town, or did you special order these?"
"I don't think Mrs. Ainsworth over there would have been interested in an internship overseas," He replies, nodding in the direction of the other patron, an elderly woman reading the paper, quietly sipping coffee. "and I'm sure you could find quite a few strapping young men to pique your interest if you visited the farms outside of town."  Solomon reaches out and gently wipes some errant foam off the corner of Asmo's mouth, licking it from his thumb, causing the sunset eyes before him to widen and shimmer with anticipation and desire, igniting the same within himself. "Though I do hope I am able to keep your attention a bit longer."
Oh! Asmo was shaken from his circling thoughts of pretty baristas and muscular farm boys with the electrifying brush of Solomon's fingertip across his lip. Watching as he licks the foam from his thumb, heat begins to pool in his belly. His attention was certainly captured. "Solomon, you tease~. Take me somewhere we can get to know each other better." He gives his best sultry look as he lays his hand on Solomon's thigh, pressing into his side. He feels fingers gently card through the hair at the back of his neck before Solomon lifts the hand from his thigh to kiss the back of it. 
"It would be my pleasure, Asmo." He says, not releasing the hand as he stands to lead him out of the café. It was still late morning, and Solomon was eager to share his day with someone. "Come, I'll make you lunch." 
Giggling at the gesture, Asmo follows. "Such a gentleman." Solomon nods a farewell to the employees who promptly begin good naturedly mocking him with lewd gestures as soon as Asmo is out the door held open for him. Breaking down in this little town was starting to seem less a nuisance and more a blessing in disguise. 
Barbatos clears his throat and pulls Simeon upright from his position bent over the counter, straightening both their aprons as a blush colors his cheeks. "Apologies Mrs. Ainsworth. How about another croissant on the house?" He elbows a still chuckling Simeon as he collects the pastry to bring the glaring old woman. 
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nyullm2020 · 3 years
My favorite serene spots in NYC
Sometimes you just need a place to find a little bit of peace in this crazy city - to read, have a coffee, people watch, or even just scroll on your phone... With that in mind, and as my time is wrapping up in this amazing place, here are my favorite places in the city to hide out:
1. Elizabeth St Garden
This is a quirky 1-acre community sculpture garden in the Nolita (which stands for North of Little Italy) neighborhood of Manhattan, located on Elizabeth Street between Prince and Spring Streets.
Unfortunately, it is set to be redeveloped into a senior’s village - but there is a lawsuit on foot to stop this. Get there soon, and fingers crossed the suit succeeds because this place is a true gem.
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2. La Lanterna Caffe, Greenwich Village
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Amazing gem of a restaurant/café right across the road from NYU Law School. It’s very non-descript from the front, but opens up to this gorgeous back patio. The perfect spot for an aperol spritz, coffee, or pasta!
3. Conservatory Garden, Central Park
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And even though it’s hardly groundbreaking - just Central Park in general through the seasons! 
I saw the fall leaves in November 🍁
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... the cherry blossoms in April 🌸
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...and the lush summer greenery
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4. Brooklyn Bridge Park 
You can walk over the Brooklyn Bridge (like I did in the picture below last August) or get the subway to Dumbo or Brooklyn Heights. There’re plenty of basketball courts in that blue structure over the water, that stellar view of the skyline, and lots of grass to kick back and read. 
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5. Brooklyn Heights Promenade
Now this is one of my favorite places in the city - especially since I moved to Brooklyn Heights in March and can sit and take in this skyline view on the benches with lunch or coffee! As you can see, it’s located just above Brooklyn Bridge Park, and there are cute dogs and babies on walks all down the promenade. This is the perfect place to relax in the sun, or take a romantic sunset stroll before dinner in Dumbo. 
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This was last night at around 7pm 🙌
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Spring tulips along the promenade in April:
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6. West Side Highway/Hudson River Park
When I lived in Soho near NYU, this was my go-to running/exercise spot. There are grassy piers and boardwalks, these cool wooden swings, wooden benches overlooking New Jersey, tennis courts, summery bars and restaurants, and even mini-golf!
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Hard to complain about running in fall with this view:
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...or even in December with that biting winter cold when I got to see this sunset!
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7. Wandering around Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn
This is a little bit off the beaten path, but you could make a day of heading to Brooklyn Heights Promenade/Brooklyn Bridge Park and then wandering around these nearby neighborhoods. 
There are plenty of good cafes and restaurants nearby, and the well-kept brownstones and incredible care put into gardening just puts me in a good mood!
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8. Vanderbilt Hall Courtyard, NYU
Last but certainly not least is NYU Law’s very own courtyard at Vanderbilt Hall. It’s pretty all year round, but especially in Spring when the magnolias, cherry blossoms and daffodils are out.
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It’s a great spot to sit with a coffee and start all those readings you’re behind on, or to eat lunch with some of your LLM friends.
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Here are some other places I’m hoping to get to in my last few weeks here:
Pier 35, Lower East Side
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Fort Tryon, Met Cloisters
Up past the Bronx
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Prospect Park, Brooklyn
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Enjoy! I almost wish I could live this year and discovering these places all over again 🙌
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arabellaaaas · 4 years
Favourite Worst Nightmare
Part 1: When the sun goes down
|An Alexander Turner x Arabella Davis fanfiction series |
When two broken hearted meet, they try and hide their past. This is a story about two young adults whose pasts won't let them find happiness again in each other's arms right away.
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: I am so anxious about posting this, oh Dear God. I have been working on this for maybe more than a week, maybe two? I am so so so sorry about every grammatical mistake I've made throughout the whole story :(. I promise that the story will get better as it goes, trust the process guys. If you read it, tell me your opinion! I really want to hear what people have to say and make friends! Ok enough talk now lolol.
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Things are cooling down at the Mardy Caffe. The sun begun to go down, meaning her shift is over. As she went to the huge glass door to flip the "OPEN" sign to the other side that said "CLOSED",her phone starts ringing. She looks at the bright screen, smiling a little and picks up the call. It was her friend that was planning on yet another "adventure" as she calls it. While her friend, Bree McDow, was bragging about how fun it will be, she was cleaning everything behind the bar. She listens carefully to her friend's remarks about the place she wants to go, trying to figure out how cool that place must be in Bree's head. The begging continued for at least half an hour. The brunette was already finished with the cleaning part and she was then locking her workplace.
"Do I really have to come?" she says, trying to shut Bree's mouth that had been talking for the whole time. A question to which the woman on the other side of the call replies "Of course you do. I'm your only friend, remember?". They both went silent. It was true, she was her only friend and pretty much the only person she could trust. She wanted to say no, but she heard Bree trying to speak again so she only let out a sight. "Come on, Arabella. It's been almost eight months since that jerk broke up with you. Don't you miss having fun while clubbing with me and flirting with random handsome guys?". She couldn't help but laugh. "You said we are going to a bar, not a club. You know there's a big difference between the two" she says, trying to convince Bree not to go. Of course, she couldn't. Bree's stubbornness is as big as ocean's level. You just can not make her change her mind or to make her let you do what you want if she wants you to do something with her. After all, she was right. Ever since the break up with her ex-boyfriend, Arabella only hung out at her place when Bree would be coming over. She once was the social butterfly that everyone was talking to. Never missing a night out, flirting with a whole lot of guys, dancing to every song that came on, smiling at everyone and trying to hide her dark side. It was working, she was feeling much better. When she met her ex, she thought that he was the reason she is happy. She was so much into him and thought it was the same for him too. But it all ended up when she found out she was cheating on her for almost half of their relationship and he wanted nothing more than just be with the girl everyone had an eye on.
"It is a bar. You know that I don't like clubs either. Come ooon, pleasee!" She gave up when she heard Bree whining like a little child she is. In the end, Arabella accepted her friend's offer and decided she will go with her. No words could describe the happiness Bree expressed over the phone. After she hung up, she went home and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. Maybe it wasn't so bad to have fun again.
"Bloody hell, you're such a lady. We're only going to a bar, Miles! It's not like you are going to meet the love of your life" a strong voice could be heard from the kitchen. The only one that wasn't ready was, of course, Miles Kane. He was always the last one to be ready, but this time it was early. Which was weird for him to see that the sun wasn't even down and Matthew already starting making jokes. "Oh shut up. The sun didn't even set and you already want to go to grab drinks. You have beers in the fridge, idiot", he fought back.
"We are going to walk there, Kane. Of course, he is mad that you are taking so long." said the last man out of the three, looking out the huge window that caught the perfect view of a wonderful colorful sunset. "What do you mean we are going to walk there?!" Kane exclaimed, looking over at him as if he committed a crime. It was almost a forty-five-minute walk to the place they wanted to go to since Kane lived on the other side of the center of the city. He had a car but they all knew they shouldn't take it since they are all going to drink for sure and no one wants a 200 dollars ticket for driving while drunk. Plus, they didn't really want to die. "Do you want to die while you drive back with almost an alcohol intoxication? I don't even think you are going to be able find your own car" Matt laughs as he looks over to Alex who was just taking a cigarette out of his now empty pack. Kane started mumbling something for himself that no one else could understand. Until he was finally ready, Matt went over to sit in front of Alex drinking a cold beer. He looked at his slicked-back hair and said: "So are you going to look for someone new tonight or are you going back to your own committed self?".
Alex grinned while inhaling the smoke that came out of the cigarette he just lighted. He started smoking when he was seventeen and he always says that it's one of the worst habits he has, but he never actually tries to change that. Everyone knows that Alex cannot put his eye on a lady for more than a week. He always says that they are not his type, or that he doesn't like this or that. It's been almost two years since he last been in a relationship that actually lasted a long time. But he was left for someone else, just as every other heart-breaking love story ends. He tells everyone that he moved on, and maybe he did, but his trust issues never actually left him after that episode. "Aren't we ~going out with the lads as we used to?~" he quotes Matt's saying from earlier, moving his eyes to him so he can analyze his face. "I mean, yeah, but you're the one to always flirt when we go out ~with the lads~, right? I mean, you're Alex Turner, am I right?"
"I don't know where you want to take that" Alex smiles, knowing exactly what point he was trying to make. Right before Matt could say something, Miles finally got ready and they had to leave. Alex got his black leather jacket, checked his pockets to see if he is missing something and then they left. They are making jokes about their other friends that could not go with them and about their college memories when they were hanging out to the place they were going to now. It's only been four years but it feels like everything happened ten years ago.
In about forty minutes they arrived at the bar and as they expected, a lot of people were already there. Most of them were outside smoking and chatting, while inside there were also a lot of people who were dancing. It was unexpected for people to start dancing while they were still sober. The three men found a table where they could sit and made themselves comfortable cause they were going to spend a lot of time in there. "I see that Kanes already spotted some fit birds, am I right?" Matt already went off joking about Miles looking around, cause he always does that. He is looking at every person he can see in a crowded place in hopes of finding someone he could go home with.
Time passed by when they found themselves starting a conversation over to the bar with a group of girls that were enjoying their drinks. There were four of them. Two blondes that were looking like two young models, a brunette that was looking around her as if she just woke up there and didn't know why she was there and a ginger girl that was really chatty and clearly a try-hard. None really caught Alex's eye, but he liked the energy the ginger girl had so he kept on making conversation with her. His sunglasses were now hung on the collar of his kind of loose shirt. It was his thing to wear sunglasses absolutely everywhere he was going to, no matter what hour. When he was about to order another drink, two women passed by. He suddenly became interested in one of them. Long black hair, falling messily on her back, wearing an oversized black denim jacket with black shorts and knee socks. He couldn't really see what shirt she was wearing but she surely reminded him of someone he swore he would spend the rest of his life with. He kept glancing at her for a long time, studying her movements and everyone who approached her. She seemed to talk to everyone, giving everyone different looks and glances.
"OH, so you actually placed your eyes on someone for once, huh?" the ginger girl that he didn't even know the name said. She already noticed that he wasn't into her so why not just keep on talking to him as acquaintances. Matt overheard what she said and in a second, his eyes were already all over Alex. He smirked for himself and pushed him with his elbows asking "What are you waiting for, Turner?" And he didn't have an answer for that. He didn't really know how to approach her, she didn't look like someone that would easily fall for the same old tricks. When she got up and walked over to the door with a pack of cigarettes all by herself, that's when he knew he had to go and smoke. "I guess smoking isn't too bad, isn't it?" He tells the boys and leaves, being right by her back.
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kunoichi-ume · 6 years
Fictober Day 26
Prompt List
Fandom: Swtor
Characters/ship: Leena Jiin and Felix Iresso
Prompt: “But if you cannot see it, is it really there?”
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A/N: I learned this morning that I don’t have any good shots of these two, which is a terrible shame. I might just need to remake her to get some....
Felix had been quiet ever since listening to Dr. Fray’s message and as much as Leena wanted to check on him, she had to respect his wishes for privacy. Honestly, she needed some time herself to digest the information that had been dumped on them.
A Sith holocron, in his head. It didn’t seem possible. Everything Leena knew about holocrons said that was impossible to store that kind of data in a person’s mind but somehow, she knew it was true. Like the Force was confirming her fears.
While she was waiting for him to be ready to talk Leena tried to keep herself busy. She found herself sitting down at her keybed as she usually did when she was stressed. Her fingers danced across the black, green and white keys as she played the melody by memory. She played through the song once before she returned to the beginning. This time she sang as she started to play.
“We met across a great divide,” she sang, her voice lilting gently along with the tune. “Took a running start and watched our stars collide. You shine the brightest for me.” Leena continued to sing, about falling in love under champagne sunsets and chasing forever with the love of her life. With Felix.
She was so absorbed in her music that she didn’t notice the man she was singing for enter the room behind her. Felix had been drawn out of the cockpit, and his thoughts, but the sound of music. It had been a while since Leena had the time to sit and play. He hadn’t realized until now how much he missed hearing her music. Even with the dark thoughts plaguing his mind now, the sound of her voice eased his troubles some.
As much as learning the truth about what happened when he was captured horrified him, part of him knew he wouldn’t have met Leena if the military hadn’t doubted his loyalty after his imprisonment. Even with how much he hated the idea of what was inside his head he much preferred being with her.
When she sang the last few bars of the song, Felix hugged her from behind. He felt her jump slightly in surprise before relaxing back against his chest.
“That was beautiful,” he said, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“Thank you,” Leena said before turning in his arms to face him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a searching look, trying to gauge his mood. “How are you?”
“Honestly? I have no idea. It’s hard to imagine there being a Sith library in my head, you know?”
Leena nodded, “it does sound like something out of a holovid.”
Felix smiled, it was just crazy enough that she was right, before letting go when she moved to get up. She moved toward the door before looking at him over her shoulder, “I’m going to make some tea, would you like to join me?”
He agreed and followed her to the kitchen. Tea had never been his thing, on Hoth caff was the only thing that kept his spirits up most days, but the milder beverage was starting to grow on him. He wasn’t sure if that was her personal tastes maturing, or because it was Leena making it for him. He sat the little table in the kitchen and watched her flit about as she heated the water and prepared the pot. It wasn’t long before she was pouring a steaming cup of tea for each of them and slipping into the chair across from him.
Leena blew on her tea and took a careful sip while Felix just twisted the cup in his hands. She set her cup down and reached across the table to pay her hand on his. “If you want to talk about it, I’m here.”
He sighed and looked up to meet her gaze. “It’s just so hard to wrap my head around. I just wish there was a way to know for sure if she was telling the truth.” Felix’s eyes widened as he was struck with an idea, “could you sense it with your Force powers?”
Leena’s brow furrowed as she considered his request. “I could try,” she said carefully, “but I cannot guarantee I will be able to sense it. I’ve never reached into your mind before, but I’ve never sensed anything dark about you.”
“I know this might not work, but,” he shrugged and shook his head, “it’s worth a shot.”
Moving to sit next to him, Leena placed her hands on either side of his head and closed her eyes. Reaching out to the Force she took a moment to take in the room round them before gently focusing her attention on his mind. The last thing Leena wanted to do was hurt him or make him feel uncomfortable with her presence in his head. Carefully she slid through his thoughts, sensing his emotions as he felt them. Felix’s worry and fears surrounded her but underneath that she could feel his trust and love for her.
Moving past his emotions she pressed on into the other corners of his mind, searching for any hint of the holocron. Eventually she pulled away, gently retreating from his mind to return to her own. She opened her eyes, dropping her hands, to find Felix looking at her expectantly and shook her head.
“I’m sorry Felix, if it is there I cannot find it.” Leena took one of his hands in hers and interlaced their fingers, “I sense no darkness in you.”
“So, she was lying?”
His hopeful tone almost made Leena wince. She wanted that to be true, but despite not finding the holocron she still believed Dr. Fray’s words. “We don’t know that for sure.”
Felix frowned, “you were in my head, I could feel you there and you didn’t find it. If you cannot see it, is it really there?”
“This is unprecedented and without knowing how they put the holocron in your mind it may be impossible to locate it.” She leaned forward and laid her free hand on the side of her face, “either way I don’t believe you are in danger from this. It’s been years and nothing has gone wrong.”
Felix smiled, leaning into her touch, “that’s true, and where better for me to be than with you just in case right?”
“Yes,” she said, happy to see his smile. “Whatever the future holds, we will face it together. I love you Felix.”
“I love you too,” Felix said before pulling her into a kiss.
As she leaned into his kiss Leena made a silent promise to herself. A promise to do whatever she could to protect him and may the Force help Darth Ouzal if they ever met.
It would be a very bad day for him.
Note: a keybed is an instrument similar to a piano, I am picturing her here with the SW equivalent of an electric keyboard. The song is plays is My Good Days by Beth Crowley.
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The Best Side of Patio Dining in Sunset Hills
A pepper tree supplies gentle shade at sizzling times. To complement the tree―as well as the backyard garden's Overall glimpse―Hendershot also planted boxwood, 'Provence' lavender, Myrtus communis 'Compacta' (which he likes for its scent), and upright rosemary.
You already know exactly how you wish your patio to look and feel. Should you be searching for a comforting, quiet retreat, or If you need your out of doors region to be the entertaining go-to spot, Poynter Landscaping can supply you with the correct patio and outdoor dwelling space which you drive. We're the popular patio builders in Sunset Hills because of our awareness of detail, exceptionalism in layout, and unparalleled craftsmanship.
The cruise runs for two hours and departure times change depending upon the time of the calendar year. Test the website for pricing and additional information.
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Upon getting all the things settled, prepare your Sunset Hills transfer-in date thoroughly. It is necessary to contemplate weather conditions in Sunset Hills as They could be erratic. The town shares the county's continental climate with frequent heat temperatures throughout the year, the most popular staying in July and early August.
HB's about the Gulf is found in the Naples Beach Lodge & Golfing Club. The restaurant serves clean seafood and other options every day for lunch and meals. If you would like to stake out a place for sunset Be sure to arrive early so that you can seize a desk.
The downtown-based Caffe Molise features a number of the best possible Italian food items in all of SLC. Consider this great sponsor next time you’re downtown. sponsored ad
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However it doesn’t make any difference: Each seat is a great one, assuming that it’s struggling with the waves and surf that’s pretty much hitting the setup outside. The chilled seafood towers with billowing dry-ice clouds, bone-in rib eye, lobster mashed potatoes and butter cake are nearly as good as at any time.
There’s not a bad seat in your house for spying the waves, While any alongside the open Home windows are awesome in Patio Dining in Sunset Hills the event the Sunshine is shining. The menu is out to please Every person, but follow shellfish: linguine and clams, mussels in tomato-fennel broth, or simply just oysters within the Uncooked bar.
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Do-it-yourself jobs aren't constantly simple, at times they may be a little in excess of what they originally surface the be. In case your Do-it-yourself project is from hand, give our Patio Builders in Sunset Hills a simple call.
Seem no even more than our sponsor Whiskey Road for outstanding downtown dinings like this ahi poke with cucumbers, avocado, Chuka ika salad, wasabi lime aioli, and sesame wonton chips*
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italiasoloitalia · 6 years
Days: I’ve lost count but: Roma
Driving on italian roads is really not a problem, it’s the dropping car rental back that is always a problem - the place is always a nightmare to find and Rome’s is no different - on the 7th floor of Termini’s parking station! Though arrival soon after at the beautiful Hotel D’Inghelterra soothes frayed nerves and we’re upgraded to an room with balcony overlooking the rooftops around Piazza di Spagna. A knock on the door reveals a surprise ice cream cake with candle for il Signore as they had noted his birthday on passport at checkin. Sweet.
We’re soon ensconced at a table on the terrazza (why break the habit?) of the Sunset Bar of La Rinascente on Via Tritone, a Caprese salad and glass of wine in hand, cin cin, buon compleanno! Rome is so busy but still glorious as sun hits terracotta toned palazzi and the air is embed with holiday atmosphere as tomorrow is San Pietro e Paolo, Rome’s patron saints.
Aperitivo is at the sidewalk cafe of the hotel where a singer performs and adds a celebratory note 😉. I’ve booked dinner at Armando al Pantheon, recommended by some of the Italofiles I follow on Instagram. Unpretentious and superb Roman food. My carbonara, G’s a la gricia tops, then I devour scottadito d’agnello (so much so that the chef, Claudio Gargioli, comes to kiss my hand in pleasure at the polished bones 😛) and G’s salsiccie con fagioli also a hit. We’re seated very closely next to a young American couple and can’t help but overhear their conversation and G clocks the bottle of wine they’ve ordered in awe $$$ - we later learn it’s JJ Reddick, Philadelphia’s nba star (earned $23mill last year 😳)
G declares a very happy day 🎂🥂
Per me, oggi, museum 😉 day whilst G goes to Circus Maximus and catacombs of Caracalla and we meet up for lunch and then head over Ponte Cavour and back via Piazza del Popolo and Via Barbuino. Dinner at Da Pietro (certo on this day) and my calamari alla griglia is perfect. The table next to us this time has indulged in pasta with truffles and we’ve never seen so much truffle shaved over and then the huge nugget and grater is left on the table. The perfume is all pervasive and we’re sitting outside! Grazie for sharing.
Our last day and we head to Caffe Sant’Eustachio for a perfect cappuccino and a couple of their fab cups to add to our collection. Before we are to meet Silvana Volpato, (a botanical artist Facebook friend and exhibitor at Floraviva who had also made contact) at Piazza Navona we duck into Santo Luigi dei Francesi to see the Caravaggio’s in the Chapel of St Matthew. Extraordinary.
The Piazza is humming, the sky cerulean blue, the bells begin to toll...sigh. I spy Silvana, we embrace and head off to ‘un posto piu tranquillo’ again, talking in Italian this time, ten to the dozen. Silvana wants to show us another church with Caravaggio’s on the way but it’s closed 😕 so we move on to a great spot for a lovely insalata (best tomato pasta for G) and a lively, fascinating discussion. Silvana and I had a failed attempt to meet on our last visit to Rome 4 yrs ago and she insists on forming a pact that on our next visit we are to dine at hers, esp after G insists on shouting lunch. 🇮🇹🌿🇦🇺. 👭
Time to pack as we have an early morning departure and then we head off to see Giudizia Universale, viewer immersive show about Michelangelo and The Secrets of the Sistine Chapel, with score by Sting. Amazing mixture of live performance and spectacular special effects of 270 deg 3D projections staged at the Auditorium della Conciliazione just down from St Peter’s. Excellent.
Walk back via Lungotrevere on another beautiful afternoon, final Negroni 😪 aperitivo and people watching before a perfect final dinner at Da Nino. You squeamish lot look away now for grilled wafer thin fegato di vitello and fried lamb’s brains and zucchini is not for you but couldn’t haven been a better finale for us. A wonderful Badia Di Passignano red is pitch perfect too.
The taxi ride in the very early morn is like Rome kissing us goodbye...deserted streets, domes bathed in palest pink and blue, the Vittorio Emmanuel iced pearly white, iconic trees startling in profile, ruins eerily still and unbothered by tourists. Arriverderci Roma veramento! italiasoloitalia has been un sogno d’oro in so many ways and we feel fortunate and blessed too in so many ways.
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zvoneradikalni · 5 months
Četiri asa ❤️
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noodoecorp · 4 years
Current Noodoe EV Charger Locations in California and Where to find them
Noodoe is the world’s leading Electric Vehicle (EV) solution provider has installed number of Noodoe Chargers and stations across the United States. These Noodoe Charging locations have served number of EV vehicle owners across US and in specific across California. Noodoe EV Chargers can be found on Plug share and Google.
1. Location: Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles
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Noodoe – A global leader in Electric Vehicles Charging technology, has installed 10 S1000 Electric Charging stations at The Iconic Hotel Millennium Biltmore Los Angeles. The Hotel Millennium Biltmore continues to be at the forefront by providing additional amenities to its modern and tech savvy guests. As per the hotel officials by providing these 10 Noodoe EV Charging stations to our guests will help them charge their EVs without any hassles and moreover the Hotel administration believes that this will become a sought-after trend over the time.
2. Location: Four Points by Sheraton Anaheim
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Four points by Sheraton Anaheim is in close proximity to Disneyland. You will love this location which is less than one mile from one of the best theme parks in the world and not only this you can buy pre-tickets to this theme park from the Hotel Front Desk. Hotel has installed 4 charging stations powered by Noodoe EV. Which are in perfect running condition.
3. Location: Sheraton Universal Hotel
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Sheraton Universal Hotel is situated at an ideal location by the highway. It is just next to Universal Studio, Hollywood. Noodoe has installed 10 Electric Charging Points at Sheraton Universal Hotel. Noodoe EV Charging stations regular outlet in front of hotel by Valet Parking entrance. You can ask Valet for assistance.
4. Location: DoubleTree by Hilton Pomona
Double tree is one of the most beautiful and leading hotels from Hilton. You will enjoy the views of the Pomona Mountains Double Tree hotel. Double tree can be accessed from three major highways. It is located within 15 minutes of Cal Poly Pomona, the Claremont Colleges, and Fairplex Pomona. Double tree by Hilton Pomona have a restaurant and bar, and every stay starts with a warm DoubleTree cookie.
They have installed two Noodoe EV S1000 Charging stations. Purpose of charging is their employees, customers, guests, visitors, fleets and more.
5. Location: Hilton Palm Springs
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Hilton Palm Springs is located in downtown Palm Springs. Hilton Palm Springs is only 1 mile from Palm Spring International Airport and walking distance to many popular attractions including shops, galleries, museums and nightlife. Hotel has installed two EV Chargers which are powered by Noodoe EV. It is strictly for private use i.e. for its Staff members, visitors or customers.
6. Location: Asher Caffe & Lounge
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Asher Caffe & Lounge is the Local Cafe and Lounge serving the Boyle Heights and Los Angeles area with amazing coffee, espresso and teas, Breakfast and Lunch choices and a selection of beer and wine. They offer mainly French Cuisine and people can enjoy their breakfast and lunch over here. Noodoe has installed their Electric Charger Points at Asher Caffe and Lounge. Where people can charge their EV vehicles while having delicious meal.
7. Location: Hollywood Seven Star Motel
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Hollywood Seven Star Hotel/Motel, also known as Hollywood Cityview Inn + Suites, is in an undeniably unique setting at the start of the Hollywood Star Walk of Fame. It’s a short taxi journey to the world famous Viper Room and House of Blues; although it’s just an easy walk to the legendary ‘Sunset Strip’ and Madame Tussaud’s Waxwork Museum. Noodoe has installed two EV Charging stations at Hollywood Seven Star Motel.
Article source: https://www.noodoe.com/current-noodoe-ev-charger-locations-in-california/
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10000shamans · 4 years
I have my go-to spots in San Francsico.  Caffe Trieste, Rainbow Market, Liguria Bakery, Top of the Mark,  Ferry Building Farmer's Market.  Rainbow Market is from my post-accident, long hair days.  An original pre-commodification co-op, crazy with character and intent with burlap bags of grains and beans on cool cement floors, aisles of produce and goods delightfully and unpretentiously presented.  Now it is orderly, measured and efficient. Lacks the spirit of the original though I am always delighted to be there. At Caffe Trieste
Caffe Trieste is the iconic beatnik, boho cafe in North Beach. Italian to its core, it is filled with character and characters.  Great place for a cafe au lait, hear conversations about Quantum Physics, (one of its denizens, physicist Jack Sarfatti, had one of the characters from the film 'Ghostbusters" based on him),  and reading the the San Francsico's Chronicle's sports page, the "Sporting Green" Any American city I travel to I look for a good coffee house with a good bookstore nearby as a place to ground, use as a base and feel like I am at home.  Caffe Trieste and City Lights Bookstore are my San Francisco spots Liguria Bakery is where you by the best Foccacia bread in the city.  It's located 3 blocks away from Trieste and  is a family-owned operation with a single product - an Italian flat bread called focaccia. The dough is mixed in an antique machine, the bread is baked in a brick oven, the product is sold in 8-by-10-inch sheets and wrapped in plain white paper and tied up with string. They use no preservatives, take no credit cards, don't believe in websites or advertising, and when they run out of stuff to sell, they close down for the day. Usually around 1:00PM. My trips to San Francisco are usually on the weekends.  So I time it out to where I can visit the Ferry Building Farmer's Market on Saturday morning.  It is one of the best and oldest markets in the state.  I have friend who sell their product there and the cheese, meat and fish you can buy there is incredible. The quality and vibrance of the produce is amazing. And the Bay Bridge is a perfect backdrop. The Top of the Mark is a restaurant bar located at the top of the Mark Hopkins Intercontinental. Another iconic spot considered by a close friend to be the spot where the Pacific War in WWII was one.  Seems as if there's a bit of truth to this.  It was a ritual for officer's to go to the Mark the evening before shipping out to toast the sunset and the direction in which they were travelling.  Delightfully old-school, cosmopolitan and romantic with beautiful evening views and a choice of 100 different types of martini's
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nagsale · 5 years
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Last year while driving home from a Virginia food & wine themed road trip, we decided to form a last-minute detour to Chatham Vineyards, Virginia’s only Eastern Shore vineyard before heading home. We also decided that we’d do a touch exploring on the way. Anytime we saw a symbol we felt like following, we did. Did it take for much longer to urge home? Yes. Did we discover some pretty cool places off the beaten path that we probably never would have known about otherwise? Absolutely. That’s how we found a touch hidden gem called Cape Charles.
Located on the southern end of Virginia’s Eastern Shore on the Chesapeake Bay side of the peninsula, Cape Charles is one among America’s coziest little beach towns. There are not any mysterious wild ponies here like in Chincoteague or any of the flashy or touristy boardwalks you would possibly find in Virginia Beach. But what you'll find here may be a charming and historic laid back small-town vibe with sweet little shops, great food, kind people and a gorgeous (and quiet) public Chesapeake Bay Beach with free parking and calm, clear waters that you simply can wade out dozens of yards from shore and still be waist-deep. Adjacent to the beach may be a fishing pier perfect for bringing in some fresh catch or taking in of Cape Charles’s spectacular Chesapeake Bay sunsets. And you actually can’t leave Cape Charles without snapping a couple of pics or selfies ahead of their iconic “LOVE” sign sitting at the doorway of the pier, one among 180 public “LOVE” artworks across Virginia.
Love Art Sign Cape Charles Beach Virginia And the word seems to be spreading about this sweet little seaside retreat. Recently voted one among “America’s Happiest Seaside Towns,” by Coastal Living in 2018, Cape Charles is additionally unique for having one among the most important concentrations of late-Victorian and turn-of-the-century buildings on the East Coast. it's numerous that the town has earned status as a Historic District on the Virginia Landmarks Register also as on the National Register of Historic Places. Nature lovers will love the nearby Kiptopeke State Park and therefore the Eastern Shore Wildlife Refuge which are perfect for hiking and birding, while golfers have their option to play at either an area Jack Nicklaus or Palmer 18 hole golf courses which are the sole two side by side courses designed by these golf icons on an equivalent property within the country. While golf isn’t necessarily my thing, driving a golf cart around the streets here is legal and encouraged, which I can drag.
Cape Charles Beach shallow waters The shallow and calm waters of the Cape Charles Beach.
Our first visit to Cape Charles was a brief stop at the beach and pier and a walk down the tiny downtown main street with plans to return this year and that we made it happen even with the likelihood of a hurricane storm surge on its way. Luckily all the town experienced was some early morning wind and rain.
Cape Charles Fishing Pier Here’s what where we ate, where we stayed and what we did on our short two-day trip back to Cape Charles.
Where to remain Cape Charles Hotel Building and Rooms Hotel Cape Charles 235 Mason Ave, Cape Charles, VA 23310 hotelcapecharles.com (757) 695-3854
There are many lovely B&Bs and vacation rentals in Cape Charles. except for the right spot within the center of downtown, yet walking distance to the beach, we stayed at the Hotel Cape Charles. one among only two hotels in town, this 101-year-old boutique hotel with an unbeatable location seamlessly blends into the tapestry of Cape Charles’ downtown and therefore the fabric of this very town. So seamlessly actually that we drove past it twice. If you wish historic buildings but you furthermore may just like the experience of a contemporary hotel, Hotel Cape Charles delivers on both.
Hotel Cape Charles Front Desk And Lobby Lobby At The Hotel Cape Charles
Recently renovated, with no two rooms being exactly alike, the vibe here is peaceful, light, clean, modern and cozy with vintage accents, exposed brick walls and preserved original architectural details that nod to the building’s rich history. The bathrooms are gorgeous too! If you like spacious accommodations choose one among their “lofts” with open floor plans, exposed brick, full kitchen, dining areas that define the word spacious.
While there are Keurig coffee makers within the rooms, we looked forward to heading right down to the lobby each morning for a few delicious freshly brewed locally roasted coffee in their Hotel Cafe and bar. They also offer guests a light-weight complimentary breakfast, featuring organic, homemade granola and a few light fare and food for purchase.
At night we recommend unwinding on the third-floor veranda with gorgeous views of the town with a glass or bottle of wine from the hotel’s list. If you’re in town and need to require a swim when the weather is warm, guests may purchase each day pass for the Bay Creek Beach Club only 2 miles from the Hotel which has two outdoor pools and an outsized fitness center. On each day you only want to explore Cape Charles, a couple of steps in any direction from the hotel entrance and there are great places to dine, shop and galleries to browse.
A 5-minute walk will land you at Cape Charles’s main attraction – the beach and fishing pier. For those that love a motorcycle ride, the hotel has six cruisers available for guests on a primary-come first-serve basis. except for something a touch extra, the hotel also will secure you a golf cart to urge around town. does one need to if you've got a car? Probably not. But it’s THE thanks to getting around Cape Charles. And is it a blast? Totally. While in town I happen to ascertain my cousin and her husband driving by on one returning from the beach as I used to be packing up the car to go away. It clothed they were also staying at the Hotel Cape Charles, two doors down from us and that we both had no idea. That’s the type of magical little moments that happen at the Hotel Cape Charles.
CAPE CHARLES CANDY COMPANY 300 Mason Ave, Cape Charles, VA 23310 capecharlescandy.com (757) 655-1338
When you’re in Cape Charles and your appetite strikes, stroll over to the Cape Charles Candy Company located in one among Cape Charles’s new group of outlets on Mason Ave. they need an eye-grabbing sort of classic and modern candy that will please any sugar addict. You’ll scoop your thanks to sugar heaven with their selection of gummies, jawbreakers, and saltwater taffy.
Don’t miss their freshly crafted fudge (samples encouraged!) made with real cream and butter that comes in an irresistible selection of flavors like spread chocolate, cake, cookies, bourbon chocolate, maple walnut, rocky road and cookies, and cream. for a few local flavor infusion, their bittersweet chocolate caramel sea salt and salted caramel fudge are made using sea salt harvested from Virginia’s Eastern Shore from the Barrier Island’s Salt Company.
CAPE CHARLES DISTILLERY 222 Mason Ave, Cape Charles, VA 23310 capecharlesdistillery.com (757) 695-3737
With rich leathers, dark woods and moody colors, Cape Charles Distillery is simply the sort of place you’d want to cotton up inside while sipping artisan craft spirits. Cape Charles’ very own speakeasy with talented mixologists won't only pour and educate you about what you’re close to sipping but also whomp up their signature cocktails made with unique ingredients, fresh herbs and sometimes a touch fire. Plus, they’re located right across from the road from Hotel Cape Charles.
Cape Charles Distillery crafts their bourbon, whiskeys, moonshine, and vodka with locally grown corn and grains with pristine Virginia mountain spring water. If you are trying any of their spirits and fall crazy, make certain to bring home a bottle or two… or three.
Where To Eat
AMBROGIA CAFFÉ & ENOTECA 321 Mason Ave, Cape Charles, VA 23310 ambrogiacc.com (757) 695-3049
You probably wouldn’t expect to seek out super authentic, hand-crafted, farm to table style Northern Italian during a small beach town on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. But in Cape Charles, you can. At Ambrogio Caffe everything here which will be made up of scratch is, and love and keenness for nice food are clear in every bite. a replacement women-owned addition to Cape Charles, business partners Cristina Carollo, an Italian born oceanographer turned chef from Milan and Maria Goerner, a Ukranian with 20 years experience working within the NY restaurant scene, are serving up a number of the simplest food on the shore in their vintage chic space. that has their homemade focaccia, ciabatta and piadina bread for the paninis we devoured while visiting for lunch. We tried the mortadella (my favorite) with crescenza cheese and olive tapenade on homemade ciabatta, the roasted eggplant, fontina and tomato tapenade on homemade focaccia bread also because the piadina flatbread layered with thinly sliced prosciutto, taleggio cheese and a pepper relish for an ideal balance of flavors.
For dessert, we had their simple, yet delicious homemade tart with fig jam and a house-made tiramisu from Cristina’s family recipe that was so light and delicious I couldn’t get enough. Ambrogio is open for lunch and dinner and also does a coffee and biscotti hour within the morning starting at 10:30 with a number of the simplest espresso, doppio, cappuccino, and macchiato for miles made with a true Italian coffee machine. If you’re visiting just note the menu can change on a dime counting on what’s fresh, available or counting on what Cristina and Maria desire whipping up. Just the way they are doing in Italy.
THE SHANTY 33 Marina Rd, Cape Charles, VA 23310 shantyseafood.com (757) 695-3853
For our second day in Cape Charles, the looming possibility of a hurricane headed our way caused many of the companies and restaurants to shutter for the day. So when lunch called and that we got word at our hotel The Shanty was braving the storm and that I didn’t need to eat leftover pretzel bits and protein bars out of rock bottom of my bag we headed right over. The Shanty in Cape Charles isn't a shanty but a contemporary restaurant and bar inspired by all those dockside shacks you’ve ever eaten at that have unbeatable water views and fresh delicious seafood.
I live for those sorts of places and no I don’t care if the floors are crooked and nothing’s been changed in ages. But if you’re not into hole-in-the-wall sort of places like me, don’t worry because The Shanty is very charming during a modern seaside – built to code quite way. The menu here is made around sustainable seafood, local ingredients, and familiar dishes with creative twists. We ordered their crispy conch fritters, creamy New England chowder like cheesy potato soup with fresh clams (scrumptious), and their Yucatan Style Tacos with shrimp. We enjoyed every bite.
Voted one among the “Top 25 Bars within the U.S.” by Men’s Journal, The Shanty features a few differing types of drink menus with martinis, crushes, margaritas, signature drinks, tropically inspired cocktails also as a spread of craft beers and wine. The Shanty is found just south of Cape Charles’s main downtown on the opposite side of the railroad tracks within the Cape Charles town marina. By foot you'll stroll over if you’re downtown, I like to recommend punching it into your GPS if driving which can take you on a special route and maybe a touch confusing for a primary outing of towner.
THE OYSTER FARM SEAFOOD EATERY AT KING’S CREEK 500 Marina Village Circle Cape Charles, VA 23310 theoysterfarmatkingscreek.com 757-331-8660
If the thought of eating fresh oysters, clams, and incredible seafood while overlooking the serene blue water cove where those very oysters have grown sounds pretty amazing, then The Oyster Farm Seafood Eatery at Kings Creek must be a requirement on your Cape Charles to-do list. Located on a shocking 39-acre waterfront property complete with a marina, event center and luxury villas for rent, The Oyster Farm Eatery may be a large, airy and maybe a casually stylish bayside seafood restaurant, raw bar and barroom adorned with an ornate bar and impressive fish tanks. The chefs here call the food “water to the table,” and therefore the code on their website says it’s sandals to ties. Gotta love a shore town.
Cape Charles Oyster Farm Just a few minutes drive north of downtown, we headed to The Oyster Farm on our first night in Cape Charles. On an actual oyster farm, you can’t leave without trying some oysters. It just wouldn’t be right. With some wonderful suggestions from our super friendly waiter Mike, we settled on the oysters Rockefeller to start made with a house recipe of crispy bacon, kale rather than the standard spinach, slightly of cream and Parmesan. We were floored at unbelievably juicy and flavorful they tasted. Total score. Mike also suggested we try one among their hottest appetizers, the Thai Shrimp Salad. An explosion of fresh flavor and texture, fried shrimp are tossed with bell peppers, cabbage, scallions, and cilantro during a Thai condiment that's salty, sour, sweet beat one. Amazing. For mains, we moved onto a crisp and creamy Caesar salad topped with their own crispy fried oysters and perfectly Seared Scallops served over creamy risotto.
To wash it down we stayed local and paired it with Church Creek Chardonnay from Chatham Vineyards. For dessert, we dug into a delicious custard then got able to roll back to the hotel. Everything at the Oyster Farm was deliciously on point and that I anticipate returning return. The Oyster Farm Eatery has indoor and outdoor patio seating and if you've got the prospect, plan your visit so you'll catch stunning Chesapeake Bay sunsets. Great views, great food, and great service. What more are you able to ask for?
BAKERY ON MASON 236 Mason Ave, Cape Charles, VA 23310 Bakeryonmason.com (757) 331-4777
While the brick and mortar bakery located within the Strawberry Street Plaza Shops on Mason Avenue may be a recent addition to Cape Charles, owner Louise Orlando who runs the shop together with her husband Andrew has been perfecting the art of bread making for years. and therefore the love she puts into her bread-making shows. I first tasted Louise’s bread while visiting Chatham Vineyards last year where they serve her custom vineyard flavor baked with their own Church Creek Cabernet Franc, cranberries and walnuts which with their cheeseboard. That bread stuck in my mind ever since. sometime past Louise was baking out of her home and selling at farmer’s markets and native shops. When the bread business began taking up her home that she realized she needed a fanatical space. Fast forward to today and you've got the Bakery on Mason.
Not only is everything at the Bakery On Mason made up of 100% scratch with simple ingredients, but every sourdough loaf here is fermented with an Eastern Shore born wild yeast starter that Louise has lovingly cultivated and attended for nearly 10 years. The result's a stunning crumb with a satisfying bite and chewy crust. If you’re trying to find something on the sweet side they even have pastries, muffins, scones and croissants which have something of a cult following. Wash it all down with some freshly brewed locally roasted coffee. If you’re within the area and wish lunch on the go, choose one among their gourmet sandwiches built on their mini French baguettes. Try the Cape Charles – layered with thinly sliced Edwards country ham, Parmesan-Asiago, fresh and peppery arugula, and finished with their creamy house dressing that features a nice kick.
KELLY’S GINGERNUT PUB 133 Mason Ave, Cape Charles, VA 23310 kellysgingernut.com (757) 695-3737
There’s something pretty darn cool about eating during a historic repurposed space. And with 16-foot tin ceilings, a bar crafted from locally sourced 100-year-old yellow pine, and exposed brick walls, Kelly’s Gingernut Irish Pub located during a converted circa 1907 bank doesn’t disappoint. Oh, and did I mention you'll even eat inside an old vault. How cool is that?
Cape Charles Kellys With attention on what’s fresh and native and a menu that changes seasonally, Kelly’s Gingernut serves up soul-warming Irish and American pub fare like burgers, steaks, local fresh seafood, salads, an award-winning she-crab soup, along with side craft beers and wine. and therefore the food here didn’t disappoint once we stopped certain a late dinner by candlelight within the vault. We had their chevre Salad with mixed greens, candied pecans, blueberries, strawberries, shallots, and crumbled Chevre cheese, local fresh clams steamed during a wine broth with bread for dipping and a few true Irish pub fare a Shepherd’s Pie made with local organic Virginia lamb and authorized Angus Beef during a delicious pan sauce topped with fluffy mashed potatoes and Irish cheddar. We couldn’t pass up dessert and ended a stunning meal with their light and airy cake. Kelly’s Gingernut is open for lunch and dinner year-round and serves the hair of the dog brunch on Sundays. Outdoor seating is out there when the weather permits and is dog-friendly!
How To Get Around Cape Charles Golf Cart Rentals CC RYDER RENTALS 415 Mason Ave, Cape Charles, VA 23310 capecharlesgolfcarts.com (757) 678-3239
Anywhere it’s perfectly acceptable and truly encouraged to ride around during a golf cart may be a place I’m excited to be. And Cape Charles is one among those places. While downtown Cape Charles is walkable, driving around during a golf cart is simply darn fun and an excellent thanks to admiring the gorgeous homes within the historic district, get around town and have a ride back from the beach without having to urge buckets of sand in your seat. It’s also just plain fun! When you’re in town pop over to CC Ryder Rentals, a brief walk from the beach and downtown area. If you would like any recommendations on the world, check-in with Smitty the owner and he’ll steer you within the right direction. The rates are super reasonable and any time on a golf cart may be a blast.
Shops to not Miss Cape Charles Virginia Peach Street Books PEACH STREET BOOKS 401 Mason Ave, Cape Charles, VA 23310 facebook.com/Peach.Street.Books (757) 695-3886
Beaches and great books go together just like the sea and therefore the sand. And in Cape Charles, you’ll find quite possibly the cutest, if not the foremost unique book store on the East Coast. Located on the corner of Mason and Peach Street, Peach Street Books is one part book store and one part cafe. If you’re thinking a bookstore with coffee is nothing new you’d be right. But this one’s located during a renovated storybook cottage looking 1930’s Pure Oil gasoline station with a late 1950’s garage that’s attached and also restored, but with a contemporary vibe. Somehow its whimsical architecture works, and with over 500 new titles and over 10,000 gently used books, anyone on the look for their next great read are going to be in their glory. After you’ve grabbed all the books you'll handle, grab a bagel, some food or snacks, a house-made smoothie or a cup of java made with local Eastern Shore Coastal Roasting Company coffee. Chill outside on their pooch-friendly patio for a few R, R & R – rest, relaxation and reads.
Like A Sailor Shop Interior LIKE A SAILOR 219 Mason Ave, Cape Charles, VA 23310 facebook.com/likeasailor (757) 678-3239
Cape Charles has some great boutiques if you are feeling more within the mood for retail therapy than dipping your toes within the sand. If you've got a way of humor and love finding unique and quirky gifts instead of the standard sorts of souvenirs you always find by the shore, then make certain to pop inside. There are all types of fun things inside from card and board games to kitchen linens and candles with witty quotes and much of unique gifts. If you’re squeamish (you know who you are) this might not be the shop for you. But if you don’t take life too seriously and love quirky witty things that you simply won’t find anywhere else, then breeze on in to love A Sailor. The giggles are freed from charge.
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ruzzzig · 7 years
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Всем доброго и кофейного) ... #coffee#cafe #morning #sunset #latteart #espresso #coffeetime #goodmorning #barista #cappuccino #coffeeaddict #coffeelover #coffeeshop #work #yum #nhk #закат #vsco #drink #coffeelovers #coffeebreak #coffeeart #кофе #coffe #caffe #рассвет #bar #baristalife #cappucino #barista
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teolodopulus · 5 years
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This photo was taken with Ray-Ban sunglasses filter. Wear your sunglasses. #rijeka #kvarner #ucka #sunset #rayban #samsung #note9 #croatia (at Caffe bar Petrol Martinkovac) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4s8z7Vh0wh/?igshid=r22uufe3fd8o
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