#Calico Grimm
solvicrafts · 3 months
Everybody's got their reasons for why they like or don't like the Generations books. TBH my biggest reasons for liking them are:
Zak and Valas with their VERY AWKWARD meeting
Kimmuriel telling a yochlol to "go home" in those exact words
Kimmuriel possessing Calico Grimm and making him run face-first into the ship's mast for being rude (and that actually being a sign of character development for him)
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sallertiafabrica · 1 year
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@arcadeology has some neat lil guys and I luv them all
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writerpey · 8 months
Agere canons with Wednesday Addams 1, 4 & 10…🥹🫢
Agere headcanon ask game with Wednesday Addams!
thank u for the ask! I had a lot of fun with this one—and it’s so nice to write for little wednesday again <3
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1: how did they find out about age regression? and 4: is their regression more voluntary or involuntary? do they ever regress without realizing it?
Wednesday is definitely an involuntary age regressor who only understands it based on her own personal experiences—until Enid pulled up her unexplainable feeling on the internet. By the time she hit her teens, she found herself feeling small whenever she was overstimulated or incredibly frustrated with her inability to focus on writing her novel on evenings when everything felt muddled in her head. She was afraid at first, as the type of fear that settled in her chest made her feel uneasy in her own body rather than giving her a well-earned shock from a frightening film or foreboding anxiety from a novel. Weds ended up leaning into the fear—a subconscious answer to much of the darkness she loved to surround herself in—and found comfort that she hadn’t wanted when she actually was a child but found herself desiring now.
Weds therefore started regressing involuntarily at home, slipping into what she told Morticia was a trance of sorts, setting little fires about the house and falling asleep in front of them as if they were an arsonist’s lullaby. Her parents started referring to her as their “little bat” when she’d look up at them with wide eyes from her hastily constructed guillotine that looked quite like the one she made at the age of four to decapitate her barbies.
Enid is the one who ended up explaining to Wednesday what exactly was happening when the brooding girl grumbled about her unfortunate need to have Thing sign Grimms’ Fairy Tales to her so that she could sleep. Enid hopped onto her bed and shoved her phone into Wednesday’s hands, an article about age regression bright on the screen. Wednesday was embarrassed and tried to give Enid’s phone back, but after some whining from Enid she acquiesced. It clicked in Wednesday’s head immediately that yes, this was exactly how she felt. It took about five minutes before Wednesday threatened Enid with a stern tone to not tell anyone unless she wanted her claws clipped in the night.
10: do they have any regression gear (teethers, pacifiers, specific toys or outfits, etc.)? do they try to hide it from friends/family?
Wednesday has more regression gear than one would expect! She has a rather ratty old blanket from when she was a baby that stays tucked in her pillowcase, only to come out on nights that she feels especially small. The girl has an array of dolls that she’s fine with anyone seeing; beat up barbies that appear to be bleeding from their appendages, vintage porcelain dolls that look a little too perfect for their age, and some hand sewn plush bats.
What she keeps to herself are her more treasured and personal items, the first being her tiny black calico/sylvanian kitty. She carries it around with her everywhere when she’s little, but keeps it tucked in her pocket when there’s others around. It has no name aside from kitty, and she fiddles with it when anxious and quietly plays with it when she feels a little less murder-y than usual. The second item is her teether! It’s black and dark purple, very beat up, and used often because she has the need to chew with all her might—and getting doll hair in your mouth is not a fun experience. Weds also has a specific pair of overalls she likes to wear when regressed. Black denim with a pocket at the chest, perfect for kitty to sit in with its head poking out to see the world.
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
I get the vibes that Philip wouldn't have too many traditionally childrens books around but I DO think he'd give Hunter a copy of "The Gingerham Dog and Calico Cat" (here's a link to the poem without images). Basically it's a story of two stuffed animals that live in an antic shop that hate each other, and one day they get into a fight so bad they tear each other to shreds. And then the story ends. Literally that's it. I had it as a hard cover illustrated version, so it was all drawn/painted out in detail.
Here's a link to the one I had, you can make an account with a temporary email to view all images
This is totally not inspired by this being one of the only children's books I had growing up (i wasn't allowed them or children's-teen's TV because it would "shrink my brain" lol). I think that'd be a very Philip thing to do.
ohhh for SURE Philip only has like, weird old morbid fairytales and poems that more often than not end in death or violence of some kind. He only told Hunter stories that he thought had a clear and solid moral. Lot's of aesops fables & grimms fairytales.
Vee and The Collector had parents who read them more stories so Philip couldn't really isolate their experiences that way, especially with the collector being allowed to have a phone from a young age & all that, but Hunter was kept very very isolated from the outside world/media.
also I'd never read that poem before but I quite like it, so thanks for sharing!
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niuniente · 2 years
i couldnt find if this was asked before, but were any particular species of cat chosen for pearl's and grimm's ears and tails? and are all animalistic traits of the same type of animal from the same breed as well (example: a cat person with a fluffy calico tail but shorthair gray tabby ears)? i noticed that pearl's ears are unpatterned and dark, but she has a really cute short tail with dark stripes and it made me think of some kind of wildcat despite her mild mannered demeanor! grimm's tail is a lot longer and colored light, and his ears are dark capped rather than just dark- but the spot on his face makes me think he mightve gotten some siamese cat in his morphology!
Not really!
Pearl's tail is short as I was thinking about bobtail cats, and thought it would be a nice contrast for a female to have a short tail (and this is why Loid's got a very fluffy and long tail). To give the tail some "characteristics" and also some contrast to Pearl's hair I made ears black and the tail striped.
For Grimm, I knew his tail was white and long but the black ear tips I decided myself to give him some personal visual traits. Grimm's seal point face was a reader's idea :3
All animalistic traits aren't from the same breed, as I try to think that no specific breeds exists. There are only different visual traits, if that makes sense.
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comm-caribou · 2 years
Bit random but
If all of the 952nd were in a hunger games kinda thing, who would win?
Oooooo! This is a really good random question, and I love random questions! Thank you!!!
After much thought, there is three answers of who would win. But first, how the games would play out.
Death/Suicide mentioned below the cut:
Fang would die first. He’d panic and not know what to do and someone would easily off him.
Stickler being way too smart and knowing he won’t win, nor wanting to help aid others in the games, would get himself killed off immediately on his own terms.
Coyote would be distraught and try to play the games on his own because he wouldn’t know who to trust, and he’d die either by another player or his own fatal error in surviving.
The pilots would form a big ally group—consisting of Tracks, Cosmos, Dabbler, Squirrel, Max, Goose, Frenzy, Tag, Baby, and Radar. They’d come off as unstoppable to other teams/players, but can easily be picked off one by one, and most are very self-sacrificing. If an attack happened, Max, Baby, and Tracks would sacrifice themselves. Once those three are gone, the others will fall apart and Cosmos would ditch the group.
Keks and Cooper are a team, but Keks would sacrifice himself for Cooper. Cooper, being as smart as he is, would know his chances of winning are zero and “quit.”
Similar occurrences would happen in Tunnel squad. They’d find a secluded area to wait out the games with limited blood on their hands, but Hound would get hurt and get sick from his wounds. Mutt would be very distraught and would want to just end the game, then the squad would go out hunting for other players. Digger, Zombie, Calico, and Mutt knowing they won’t win would go out in a blaze of glory.
Mirage and Boomerang would be allied, finding Shadow along the way. Shadow would play friend, but because he is also very cunning he is only using them. Mirage is strong and can lead them to the finals, Boomerang can heal them if hurt. When the time comes, Shadow would stab them both in the back to win, but underestimate how hard it is to take Mirage down and it will be his downfall.
Hardwire would make it very far. He’s logically really smart, but common sense and reading social cues was never his strong point. He’d be like Fox Face from the movie/book, everyone forgets about him until he makes a fatal mistake that costs him his life.
Fury would unintentionally join an alliance with Grimm and Ace. He’s just there to protect them, and doesn’t really care to win. However, as the others fall, Grimm will realize he could win, but has to kill the other two. When Grimm tries to kill Fury—because he’s the biggest competition—Ace would help Fury, but end up getting killed in the crossfire.
Fury is now on his own again.
Juliette is a skilled survivor and can turn anything she gets her hands on into a weapon. She wouldn’t want to kill other than to protect herself, so she’s keeping to herself. However, that need to help is also in her. So, when she stumbles on dead bodies before they’re taken away, she’ll check for goodies. On one occasion, she finds one alive (Cosmos), and he can easily kill her. The thing with Cosmos is, he doesn’t care about killing her because he’s wounded. They’ll form an alliance until he’s better or he dies from his injuries, if he survives, they part ways agreeing the next time they meet will be a fight.
Let’s say there’s challenges like the Hunger Games in here, such as the wolves, bees, and fire balls. Cosmos would not survive, but he made it to the final three.
Now there’s two: Juliette versus Fury.
Case scenario one: they don’t know each other. Juliette would put up a fight and get some good shots in, but Fury would overpower her, exploit all her weaknesses, and kill her. Fury wins.
Case scenario two: Fury knows her and likes her. He knows she’s trying to kill him, but he can’t bring himself to hurt her. He knows who she is and likes her, even has a crush on her. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he killed her. So, he puts on a show, pretending he’s fighting only to let her kill him. Juliette wins.
Case scenario three: they both know each other. Fury likes her, Juliette likes him. They’re kind of friends, despite the circumstances of their situation, and neither wants to kill the other. They’ll just end each other together, so there is no winner. Depending on how it works, they’re both winners, or they both die.
Either way, take feelings, weapons, and equipment out of the games: Fury is the victor.
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ruddypineapples · 6 months
I love my cats, Bee and Grimm. Calico and an orange man.
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gambol-calico · 11 months
Tell us about a headcanon/au you have 👁
You caught me with this just as I was drawing a beast
I'll post Beast™ another time, for now take just a few silly Blake things that may or may not correspond with an AU or two (or several, this Blake is my scrimblo)
Spoilers for RWBY under the cut, including potential V8-V9 ones
This may or may not be a little projecting, but enby Blake go brrr
I like to think that Faunus have visible (traits that would stand out unless they are easily hidden, i.e. ears and tails) and hidden traits (traits you wouldn't notice until you get a closer glance, i.e. changes in pupils and retractable claws). With that said, I like to think that Blake has fangs, retractable claws, pupils that change depending on the room's lighting similar to a cat's, etc.
I align my Blake with a concept design more. Some people call this the calico Blake, but I am moreso leaning towards tortoiseshell Blake with minimal white spots. Let me make a little example in ClanGen.... (which I'm a beta tester for now 🎉 but I am not allowed to say anything about future updates we're testing)
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Scars. Many scars. These scars include (in chronological order):
- Multiple scars and maybe a few nicks in the ears from their time in the White Fang, whether it's raids, training, or Grimm - A scar similar to the one Artificer from Rain World which I have attached below, acquired from something involving the train in the Black trailer - A scar on their shoulder from initiation into Beacon - Some burns along the neck and a stab scar on the abdomen from the Fall of Beacon - An ear nick from the fight in which they killed Adam - A scar acquired from the Hound - Several from the Grimm from several periods
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Blake does have trauma related to a few things, such as the train that took their eye. Panic attacks and breakdowns under stress were quite common in the past when they were starting recovery from it. (This is also projecting a bit)
After Beacon fell, Blake's sleep schedule got pretty bad for a bit. Sometimes all-nighters are pulled.
Bisexual polyamorous Blake go brrr, in a relationship with Yang and Sun (this is projecting as well as I am also bisexual and polyamorous)
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gileam-v · 2 years
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“Did I, Don’t You?”
Sindri and Gileam discuss the origins of an explosion and the physics of cat shrugs.
FFXIV Short. Definitely Not The WoL. Just a couple of Garleans out to cause trouble. (No Warnings)
"Did I blow it up is such a gauche question,” Sindri flicked an errant strand of hair out of his face. “Did it blow up when I was nearby? Yes. Did I have anything to do with it? Well, I suppose to an outside observer it could certainly look that way. But what would be the good of that? It would be a frightful waste of dwindling resources.”
Gileam gave him a long look up and down. The explosion had been particularly artful. The lying slightly less so, if you could read the Viera at all, and not many could. “You’re hired.” “Pfft. You’re about five explosions too late. I’m already on Grimm’s payroll.” Gileam’s gaze swung to the indolent calico cat loafing nearby. It stared right back at him then shifted its shoulders. Can cats shrug? “You don’t have to look so smug about it, Ears.”
“Besides,” he turned back to Sindri, “I thought you said you had nothing to do with this?”
Sindri’s eyes twinkled. “As a matter of fact, I never said that.”
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anathenaeum · 2 years
While Annie isn't really an animal person, she does have a longhaired calico cat named Grimm that she adores.
I also head-canon that the Grimm brothers are considered docudrama type biographers in the Descendants universe.
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s-leary · 2 years
“That year, using English as an example, they began the task of studying how languages grew, changed, morphed, multiplied, diverged, and converged. They studied sound changes; why the English knee had a silent k that was pronounced in the German counterpart; why the stop consonants of Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit had such a regular correspondence with consonants in Germanic languages. They read Bopp, Grimm, and Rask in translation; they read the Etymologiae of Isidorus. They studied semantic shifts, syntactical change, dialectical divergence, and borrowing, as well as the reconstructive methods one might use to piece together the relationships between languages that at first glance seemed to have nothing to do with each other. They dug through languages like they were mines, searching for valuable veins of common heritage and distorted meaning.
It changed the way they spoke. Constantly they trailed off in the middle of sentences. They could not utter even common phrases and aphorisms without pausing to wonder where those words came from. Such interrogations infiltrated all their conversations, became the default way they made sense of each other and everything else. They could no longer look at the world and not see stories, histories, layered everywhere like centuries’ worth of sediment.
And the influences on English were so much deeper and more diverse than they thought. Chit came from the Marathi chitti, meaning ‘letter’ or ‘note’. Coffee had made its way into English by way of Dutch (koffie), Turkish (kahveh), and originally Arabic (qahwah). Tabby cats were named after a striped silk that was in turn named for its place of origin: a quarter of Baghdad named al-‘Attābiyya. Even basic words for clothes all came from somewhere. Damask came from cloth made in Damascus; gingham came from the Malay word genggang, meaning ‘striped’; calico referred to Calicut in Kerala, and taffeta, Ramy told them, had its roots in the Persian word tafte, meaning ‘a shiny cloth’. But not all English words had their roots in such far-flung or noble origins. The curious thing about etymology, they soon learned, was that anything could influence a language, from the consumption habits of the rich and worldly to the so-called vulgar utterances of the poor and wretched. The lowly cants, the supposed secret languages of thieves, vagabonds, and foreigners, had contributed such common words such as bilk, booty, and bauble.
English did not just borrow words from other languages; it was stuffed to the brim with foreign influences, a Frankenstein vernacular. And Robin found it incredible, how this country, whose citizens prided themselves so much on being better than the rest of the world, could not make it through an afternoon tea without borrowed goods.”
— RF Kuang, Babel
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solvicrafts · 1 year
On a related note, I love how people sometimes think Kimmuriel is just really serious and professional all the time and assume he’s above pettiness when:
Calico Grimm ranted and yelled, even shoved the drow, who fell over limply to the deck -- which only made the captain grow more incensed, to the point where he drew out his saber.
“Do not!” Wulfgar yelled, at the same time another crewman called out for everyone to take cover.
Indeed, across the way, the wizard went into the last moments of his spellcasting, creating another fiery bomb. He moved to throw it across the water to ignite Joen’s Heirloom, but then he suddenly froze in place and simply held the pose.
He was still holding his fireball when it exploded, engulfing his own ship in biting flames.
Wulfgar laughed.
Kimmuriel stood back up and straightened his clothing.
“Well now,” Calico Grimm said, as much of an apology as the man would ever give.
“You should have some faith,” Kimmuriel told him, to which the captain snorted. “And you should repent your actions.”
“What’re ye meanin’ by that?” asked Bonnie Charlee.
Kimmuriel stared hard at Calico Grimm.
“Well?” the first mate demanded.
“Repent,” Kimmuriel ordered.
Calico Grimm snorted, but then his face contorted weirdly, a look of utter surprise, a combination of shock and terror. The look of a man who was not alone in his own mind and body.
Calico Grimm spun about and sprinted away, past his surprised companion, running face-first into Joen’s Heirloom’s mainmast. He dropped to the deck hard, blood flying from his nose, a pair of teeth falling out onto the boards.
- “Boundless”
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petitefeu · 4 years
MC accidentally turns into a cat
If that has been done before I‘m sorry, I’m just feeling meh and also trying to do something nice for @fellulahh so here we go (also I can’t write for the lite of me let’s goooo)
MC was practicing potion making for their upcoming test, they tried to follow the instructions as good as possible, sadly the potion soon started to bubble. And it bubbled a lot. A scream could be heard through the entire house and soon all the brothers rushed into MC‘s room.
Mammon was probably the first to arrive at MC‘s room, we expect nothing less from their first man
The other brothers (aside from Levi, we will get to it) are hot on his heels and tumble into MC‘s room, yet no one seems to be able to spot their human
Lucifer is the first to spot the cat sitting on MC‘s desk blinking at them, he gets flashbacks to the time when he allowed Satan one cat and things got out of hand
Lucifer is about to open his mouth and scold Satan, ‚I said no more cats‘, but Satan is the first to say something, he absolutely coos in adoration, no one has ever heard Satan speak in that voice (and no one will mention it to him either, unless you want to get glared to death I guess)
‚MC what did you do?‘, Satan says as he approaches the cat and picks them up
Wait, THE CAT IS MC!? - duh, OF COURSE IT IS? They have their eye color! (Lucifer damn near has a heart attack, how the hell is he going to tell Diavolo his exchange student turned into a CAT, don’t worry Satan will fix it, after lots of snuggles)
Satan absolutely reads to MC, while they are curled up on his chest with their head tugged under his chin, MC is always purring when he is with them, Satan also gives the best head scratches, no one has seen him that happy and calm in a while
Mammon actually takes MC to a casino with him, because MC turned into a calico (they are said to bring luck, in Germany we actually call them „Glückskatzen“ -> lucky cat), and no, he doesn’t lose a lot of Grimm and has to hand over to pay his debt oh no, this boy is on a RUN and winning, but before he can lose all that money MC keeps tugging at him with their little paws and meows
Mammon’s concerned, he doesn’t know cats, is MC hungry? He puts MC into a little backpack and walks home, the whole way home MC has they head out and happily watches the devildom from a new perspective, Mammon gives Lucifer a smug look when he comes home and actually hands over a little Grimm to pay off his debt, after all with MC as his lucky charm there’s plenty more where that came from
Now Levi was so busy gaming, the whole MC turned into a cat commotion was lost on this man, it’s only when he comes back from the kitchen (he ran out of energy drinks) does he see the cat next to Henry‘s fishbowl and absolutely SCREECHES
After someone explained to him that yes, that cat is MC and no, it doesn’t seem like they want to eat Henry he babbles on how this is just like the latest anime he watched. He pulls out pet sized costumes and MC happily lets him dress them up. Levi shows off some mad photoshop skills, pictures of MC the little TSL adventure cat go viral all over devilgram and he may have created a few new memes with MC
If you thought Levi’s devilgram is the only one MC shows up as a cat then you‘re wrong, oh no, Asmo see‘s an opportunity and he takes it
He posts so many pictures of MC and him in matching accessories, he basically goes as viral as Levi because they look stunning okay, and nothing is going to stop him from pampering MC, so he pulls out some nice brush and just brushes MC‘s fur until it isn’t just shiny, it sparkles. He coos over MC the whole time as they practically snuggle into the brush
Beel is like the most careful person ever, he knew MC was fragile as a human, but as a cat? Extra careful, surprisingly MC loves jumping on his shoulder
Now it turns out even though MC turned into a cat, they don’t really vibe with cat food, so Beel takes it upon himself to cook some food for them and he double checks with Satan to make sure the foods are cat safe
RIP Belphie your cow pillow now belongs to MC, he doesn’t mind though, he just lies down next to them end enjoy some cat-naps with MC, when he is awake he spends a lot of time just looking at MC while they sleep, ‚surely that position can’t be comfortable?‘, well MC doesn’t care, they sit and nap anywhere they want
Later that night MC just walks up to Lucifer‘s desk, jump right onto it and SIT ON HIS PAPERWORK, while he was working on it. They stare at each other for a while until MC just curls up on it. He can’t believe it, it’s only like 3am how dare they? He slowly lifts his finger to poke them on the hand, after all it‘s still MC, but as soon as his fingers touched their head, they purr
Congratulations Lucifer now picks them up and goes to bed with MC curled up on the pillows next to his, his hand still close to MC‘s little head
Turns out Satan didn’t fix it, he figured the effects of the potion will wear off on their own in a few days, he just takes MC with him to Rad and even student council meetings. Lucifer is dying on the inside , but Diavolo is pretty relaxed, he gets MC a little pillow he places on the table so they can ‚officially‘ attend the meeting
So well I was bored hope you had some fun reading this, whatever this is
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jeeperso · 3 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
Treasure Island edition, Chapter 1
"The past is a memory, the future a dream... Today? Just flow with the river. It's why it's called 'current' events."
Many Pirate ships and their captains have gained legendary infamy: From the Dread Pirate Roberts who takes no prisoners, to the daring tabaxi Calico Rackham; from the Exiled Loxodon Prince Babar of Rossa to the Farmer turned river pirate Tractor Jack; from the suave and charming Kurt Wagner of the Night Crawler, to the stone-faced Benjamin “Black Beard” Grimm ; from Captain Garious Ironguts and his infamous ghost ship to Pirate Queen Ching Shih and her mighty pirate armada.
"What is a ....Velstrac you called it?" "Some sort of pain and sex fiend who thinks tearing you open with barbed hooks is first date materiel."
"Oh that's the good news. I've been tasked with bringing her back from the domains of dread themselves... Ravenloft." THUNDER CLAPS, HORSES WHINNY. "How did....it's sunny out." Cookie peers out the window. "There is a small gnome with a sheet of tin..."
Tortle noises.
“Oh, I know tons of that stuff. I used to watch tons of Discovery Orb before mom made me find a job…”
"Ravenloft, how are we supposed to get in and out of such a place? I've only heard legends told in hushed tones by some of the elders from the clan of dwarves that built me, it is a horrific place and once it gets its hooks in you few ever return to tell the tale." Thunder claps. Horses whinny. Janus looks out the window to the gnome "Yes we get the picture, you can stop now thank you." "It is nice... to see someone with pride in their job."
“… so that’s how you get juice stains off a dragon’s scales.”
"In the meanwhile may I offer you a scone? They're fresh from the oven and made with love, and butter.  You can't actually taste the love because love is not a tangible force, but the butter is quite good."
"It looks like a note." "Undoubtedly some sort of death promise."
"Perhaps he gave dictation." "I think he gave a note." “You can dictate a circle.”
"Small mercy, people want him dead.  Presumably tonight, at the latest."
"I give yo my word that Pew will never lay the eyes he does not have on that map."
“I know magic.” And she produces a set of lock picks.  “And I learned how to break into my dads stash before he left.”
GM: The lock glows and then vanishes, there is a sudden hiss as an airtight seal is broken and mist pours out of the chest. Magnus takes a careful step back in the event this is a secret deathtrap. GM: As the lid lifts you all realize something... you could probably put a person in a chest this size. "People ain't cargo." "Perhaps someone should have told the captain that." “Is this one of those boxes with a sexy lady in it?” GM: And low and behold curled up in a fetal position is what appears to be a small winged Kobold. "I am sure ... it is very attractive to other Kobolds."
"People. Ain't. Cargo." “Dracula would disagree.” "I don't know who that is, but I'll note to light them on fire all the same."
"Charmed to meet you Melfina, I am professor Archibald Janus of the Henry Jekyll Memorial Institute for higher learning." “MJ. My mom’s a Wizard. You wanna get high?”
"Perhaps it would be wise to charter a ship and head off before Pew comes back." “I’ve got a row boat.”
"Beware the Seafaring man with a wooden leg named Smith." "What's the name of his other leg?"
"We know Marrow is there. And we know he has the map. Hand them over, and the rest of you may be spared." "Counteroffer: No."
Janus looks up at the Gnoll.  "Apologies for this in advance, but my friend has been in a bad mood all evening, and I think he's gonna be taking it out on you."
MJ walks forward, her hands moving over her pipe before she takes a drag on it and breathes out lightning.  “Oh, man, that was supposed to be acid…”
Janus spits blood, "Right then. Archie, you're up."  In an instant you all see an amazing change overcome Janus, he grows about two feet as his body swells with muscle, his ponytail breaks into a full on mullet, as his face fills out with a lantern jaw.  "Sup brah, names Archie, welcome to the CLUB."
"Bad dog, go to your corner.  Not that I would ever hit a real dog brah but you're being a douche."
Archie looks over to Blind Pew and does the "I'm watching you" hand gesture. Blind Pew: "Is he gesturing at me or something: I can't fucking see."
GM OOC: So yeah gnolls are prone. OOC: Their movement is.. a-gnolled.
OOC: Shish-ka-gnoll!
"Sorry Lo Bro, but you're about to die of Ligma." "Ligma?" Low Blow asks like an idiot. "LIGMA BAAAAAALS!" GM OOC: He's not dead yet, but now he wishes he was.
"Any fruit to declare?"
Blind Pew is still rolling on the ground on fire. "He can be more on fire..."
"You scared an old man quite literally to death, and your boss stuffed a little girl in a crate for twenty years. Not. Cool."
The summoned [literal] timber wolf just sits watching with its tongue hanging out, panting.
"When you get to hell, tell Flint I'm gonna personally tear down the gates of hell one day, track him down, and shove his head up his own ass so he can see me kicking it."
“Wait… I’m confused? Did I imagine the girl? How many edibles did I take?!?”
Janus looks down at his pants, "He pissed on someone again didn't he?"
As you return to the Inn you find it in better shape that expected after being assailed by by brigands. Amber's fortifications mostly held. You only find one place it was breached and the one doing it is still stuck halfway as Donna beat him senseless with a rolling pin. "Hey, Blind Pew is dead and the rest of your buddies are dead or fled. So time for you to leave." Amber yanks the last brigand free from where he is stuck and puts him upright on his feet. He manages to stagger away as fast as he can with a concussion.
"Considering how easily we killed Pew the first time I doubt he would bother coming back a second time."
"See I find that more remarkable than what I just did. How do you mix pot to get lightning breath."
GM: Joe Marrow lasts a few more days before his health fails and he passes peacefully in his sleep. He leaves enough gold to cover his outstanding tabs as well as enough set aside to throw him one hell of a wake. MJ busts out the Djinn class Omega Hookah.
"Per what passed for requests of his will, we shalt git krunk."
Janus lets Archie out during the wake because that's pretty much his scene.  *cue Archie standing on top of a keg swinging his shirt around his head* "WOOOOOOO!"
"It will be hard to get me drunk, my dwarven creators made it so I could drink any even a storm giant under the table." "I will take that challenge brah."
"Skipper said he got this from a two headed, three armed man...."
"The downside of Archie is he has the fun and I get the hangovers."
"Okay, what was the name of that drink I was given? It is the first time I've ever been drunk, let alone that drunk." GM: The Reversed Polarity. It involves several chemicals, a mild acid, and a magnet.
OOC: So what kind of beast did you summon anyway?  I'm, imagining a huge tortoise. OOC2: He said grass wolf.  MJ will smoke it after fight. OOC: And we'll use Blind Pews skull as the bong.
OOC: MJ The Murder Hippie!
OOC: Archie runs, jumps, and then uses a greasy gnoll to skate towards Low Blow, swinging as he grinds in a gnarly fashion. OOC2: He somehow does a triple ollie on Black Dog's corpse.
OOC: tarting [sic] at 2nd Level...
OOC: Villains working up a sweat, wailing away at Archie with his resistance, stop for a moment to pant.... GLOW GLOW... Archie back at max. "OH COME ON!"
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scissoringsappho · 3 years
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FINALLY! When the first arc reimagined Mary Reade as a teenage girl being mentored by Anne Bonny instead of being her lover I thought they were going to Straightwash them both, but as the preview for the upcoming second arc shows, Anne is as Out and Proud as her real-life counterpart, and her writer as well, as I posted a few days ago. Now I might subscribe to the series, provided this won't be the only time someone scissors her timbers in the upcoming issues. Oh, and the solicitation text:
"Pirate queen Anne Bonny is back with her crew of lady buccaneers after a harrowing escape from a Caribbean prison! But can they find a safe haven on land or sea after Calico Jack Rackham's betrayal and the governor's promise to hunt down and execute Anne? The second volume of A MAN AMONG YE hits the high seas thanks to writer STEPHANIE PHILLIPS (Harley Quinn) and artist JOSH GEORGE (2000AD Future Shock, Grimm Tales of Terror)."
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the-burning-vessel · 4 years
Meet the Burning Vessel!
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The Burning Vessel is one who climbed out of and freed themselves from the Abyss, finding the Grimm Troupe and finding a home among them thanks to a quick friendship made with the Grimmchild. Their Nail is a literal nail, used similar to a spear. During their time with the Troupe, they learned some of their magics, able to attack others and enhance their Nail with Scarlet Flames. While they look cute, they know not to trust everybody at face value, and will attack any who are a threat to them or the Troupe.
If these lovely people could reblog and provide me a promo, that’d be great! @screenies-blog @altra-tes @blue-is-everywhere @bubblegum-with-cotton-candy  @calico-frost-sky @catra-is-pretty-gay @too-many-of-what @daily-primal-aspid @stuffedsand @oksythetiktik @bruh-respectfully-ya-boi @intenselyfoofyartist @daily-nis @askjeromeandfriends @daily-quirrel @bugs-bugs-bugs-bugs @occasionally-pale-king @cherri-picked @sometimes-vessel-of-regrets @dailyradiance @voidbornbeast​ @ahntherootvessel​ @daily-troupe​
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