#Callum Airey x reader one shot
fandom-imagines · 7 years
2 Truths and a lie: Calfreezy X Reader
Pairing: Calfreezy X Reader, Joe Weller X Reader (platonic) JJ X Reader (mentioned)
“Hey, guys. Welcome back to my channel” I smiled at the camera.
“Today I’m with the one and only Joe Weller” I laughed, pointing to the man who was to the left of me, who waved.
“And my boyfriend, Calfreezy” I continued, pointing at Cal who was sat next to me.
“So, what are we doing today, guys?” I asked, laughing at Joe who was pulling faces at the camera.
“I don’t know, Y/N. What are we doing?” I mimicked, making the boys laugh.
“Well, guys. We are play two truths and a lie” I replied to myself, leaning back against the couch that the three of us were sat on.
“If you don’t know what this game is, basically you tell two truths and a lie and the other person, or people in this case, have to guess which ones the lie. And if you get it wrong, you have to take a shot” I explained to the camera, pointing to the bottle of vodka below me before grabbing my slips of paper.
“So, we all have slips of paper with our statements written on them and we’re going to read them off one at a time.” I nodded, looking at the rest of the guys who nodded in agreement.
“Okay, Joe. You go first” I chuckled, watching him read his paper.
“I’ve got this. C’mon Weller” He said, taking a deep breath and straightening his back.
“I was a cheerleader at school. I didn’t have breakfast this morning or, I was actually born with a massive dong” He smirked, making Cal and I burst into hysterics.
“All of these are possible, except the last one” I winked, turning to Joe.
“How dare you!” He said, pointing his finger in my face.
“What are you gonna go with, Cal?” I asked, facing my boyfriend who looked deep in thought.
“I’m gonna say that the lie is you were a cheerleader” Cal announced, a confident smirk on his lips.
“Yeah, me too” I agreed.
Joe groaned, throwing his head back, making Cal and I cheer.
“Wait, so you were born with a massive dick?” I asked, jokingly earning a playful shove from him.
“Go on then!” I smirked, handing him a shot which he quickly threw back, a grimace on his face as his body shook.
“Okay, Cal your turn” I laughed, seeing the horrified look on his face.
“If you don’t get this right, we’re breaking up” He joked, turning his attention to the sheet in front of him.
“I once put laxatives in my mums’ tea and she spent the whole day on the toilet.” He began, glancing up at me and Joe.
“A girl was once chewing with her mouth open and was rude to the staff at the restaurant, so I texted JJ to call me for an ‘emergency’ and left the date halfway through and, a friend of mine once pissed in my teachers’ coffee dispenser during break” He finished, seeming confident.
“I think the JJ one’s fake” I smiled, turning to Joe.
“Yeah, me too” He nodded, turning towards freezy who had an unhappy look on his face.
“No!” He groaned, leaning back in his chair so quickly that he nearly fell off.
Laughing, I raised my hand up to high five Joe in celebration.
“A shot for you, my good sir” I said, faking an accent as I handed him a shot.
He chuckled, looking at the shot glass in his hand for a moment, before shrugging and raising it to his lips, barely even flinching as he swallowed.
“Your turn” He said, casually.
“You need to teach me how to take shots” I smiled, staring at Cal before Joe cleared his throat.
“Sorry to interrupt, but we have a video to film” He laughed, pointing towards the camera.
“I can’t decide how good these are, but we’re about to find out” I smiled, reading my sheet of paper.
“I once broke into my friend’s house in the middle of the night for a bowl of cereal.” I began, messing with the sheet of paper in my hand.
“I was involved in an FWB relationship with JJ a few years ago, and finally, I used to do volunteering in my free time when I was a teenager” I concluded, looking between the two.
“Well, this is obvious” The two of them said, making me smirk.
“Oh yeah?” I asked, smiling.
“The lie is obviously the JJ one” Cal smirked, proud of himself.
“Are you sure?” I laughed, tossing my paper at the bin, beside my door.
“Certain” He said, moving towards me.
“Me too” Joe agreed, nodding.
“Well, you’re both wrong” I shrugged, grabbing a bottle of water as the two-looked shocked.
“Wait, what?!” Joe gasped, a laugh of disbelief leaving his lips.
“How did we not know about this!” Cal asked flabbergasted.
“No way, you and JJ?!” Joe continued.
“Yep, six months” I told them, the pair still looking like they had just been told their girlfriend was pregnant.
“Shots for you both” I laughed, pouring them a shot of vodka.
“This isn’t fair, man” Cal sighed, looking at Joe before they both took their shots in sync.
“How did JJ lay you before me?” Joe asked, earning a punch to the shoulder.
“Back off, she’s my girlfriend” Cal chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, tightly.
“Well, I think this a perfect time to end the video” I said, continuing with my outro, despite the two men pulling faces in the background.
“As fun as it has been filming with you, I need to leave” Joe said, standing up from his seat and brushing off his jeans.
“Do you want me to call you an uber? You’ve technically been drinking” I offered, to which Joe agreed.
“Come on then”
“I still can’t believe you’ve fucked, JJ” Cal sighed.
We were currently sat on my couch, his arm placed on the back of the chair, over my shoulders.
“It was a hard time” I chuckled, leaning against Cal.
“I still don’t like it” He mumbled, thinking for a moment before smashing his lips against mine.
“Do I sense jealousy?” I smirked, my hand on his shoulder, the two of us laid back on the couch.
“I have every right to be” He whispered against my lips, pressing them back against my own.
“You do know JJ is going to comment on that video, right?” I asked, my hand now on the back of his neck.
“Well, I’m going to show him who you belong too” He smirked, his lips slowly travelling down my neck, making me giggle.
This was going to be great.
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fandom-imagines · 7 years
Boyfriend VS Best friend: Cal Freezy X Reader
Pairing: Calfreezy X Reader, Wroetoshaw X Reader (platonic)
Summary: Y/N does the boyfriend VS best friend challenge.
Warnings: Mentions of sex
(Not proofread)
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“Hey guys, welcome back to my channel” I smiled, waving to the camera in front of me.
Today I was filming a Boyfriend VS Best friend with my boyfriend, Cal and my brother from another mother, Harry.
“So, today I’m doing a boyfriend VS brother with my Cal, my boyfriend who you might also know as Freezy” I said, pointing to Cal.
“Hey guys” He nodded, watching as I turned to my brother.
“And, Harry who you might also know as wroetoshaw” I introduced, watching as he introduced himself.
“Hello” He waved at the camera, smiling.
“If you guys don’t know what this is, I ask these two questions and whoever answers first gets a point, and whoever has the most points gets to keep me in their life.” I joked, grabbing my phone to read some questions.
“Don’t put this pressure on them” Josh laughed from behind the camera.
“This is my get away” Cal laughed, falling slightly as I playfully shoved him.
“Shut up” I smiled, waiting for him to get back up before speaking again.
“Instead of just making up my own questions, I decided to ask you guys on twitter for some to throw in” I explained, clicking on my notes to start with the ones I had made up and holding up a bell for the two of them to press.
“If one of you injure me, I’m leaving” I laughed, reading the first question and placing my phone back onto the table in front of us.
“First question,” I said, watching as Josh started doing a drumroll.
“Have I ever snuck out of my house?” I asked.
Immediately, Harry hit the bell.
“I haven’t known you as long as him!” Cal groaned, leaning back.
“She mentioned this the other day” Harry laughed.
“You have, loads. You broke your hand because you slipped climbing out of you window” Harry yelled, repeatedly tapping the bell.
“That’s right!” I laughed, coming up with another question.
“Okay, next question: How long is my longest relationship?” I asked, laughing as Cal jumped up and hit the bell.
“1 year and 7 months. Us two” He cheered as I clapped.
“I’m surprised you knew that” Harry smirked, laughing as I shook my head.
“What website do I visit the most?” I asked, looking between the two as the paused.
“Website or app?” Cal asked, seemingly deep in thought.
“Any, they’re technically the same”
Harry leapt forwards, milliseconds before Cal, hitting the bell.
“Twitter!” He said, as I nodded.
“That’s not fair. I knew that” Cal said, pushing Harry when he began to ruffle his hair.
“Calm down, boys” I laughed, pushing Harry back into his seat.
“Come on, next question. I’ve got this” Cal said, taking in a deep breath.
“How old was I when I had my first kiss?”
Harry grabbed the bell from my hand, smashing the button.
“16! I remember you telling me when it happened!” He said, to which I nodded.
“I didn’t even meet you till you were 17, nearly 18, this is unfair” Cal groaned, making me laugh.
“Okay, okay here. What is my current Facebook profile picture?” I asked, waiting for an answer.
“Oh wait, I know this!” Cal yelled, hitting the bell.
“It’s us, we’re in my bed and you’re wearing my shirt and laid against me and I’m leaning on your shoulder” He said, looking over at Harry and me.
“How do you remember that much?” Harry asked, shaking his head.
“Because it’s my lock screen” Cal said, winking at the camera as he grabbed his phone and showed us and the camera his lock screen.
“How sweet” Harry smirked sarcastically.
“Shut up” I laughed, shoving him.
“Since these are apparently too hard for that idiot, I’ll go to twitter” I said, grabbing my phone and scrolling through tweets before randomly picking one.
“Okay, both of you should know this.” I said, watching the two turn to face the bell.
“How many people have I slept with?”
I waited for an answer for a minute, before Cal hesitantly pressed the bell.
“Three?” He asked, watching me.
“Nope. Harry?” I said, turning to Harry was looked lost.
“Five?” He guessed, making me laugh.
“Nope, Cal?” I asked, turning back to my boyfriend.
“Damnit, how do you guys not know this. It’s obvious if you think about it” I said, looking over at Josh who was silently laughing, obviously knowing.
“Josh?” I called, standing up and dragging him into frame.
“You two are useless” He chuckled, shaking his head.
“How do you know?” Harry asked, looking at Josh who was still laughing.
“She lost her virginity at 18, she’s now 20. Figure it out” He laughed, looking towards me.
“That doesn’t help!” Harry groaned, throwing his head back, Cal still silent.
“You two are honestly so stupid” I laughed, gently hitting the two on the chest.
“Think, who did she lose her virginity too?” Josh hinted, smiling.
“I don’t know, who?” Harry asked, staring at Josh.
“Well, he’s in this room and it’s not me and I’m like 99% sure it’s not you” Josh said, standing up and heading back to the camera as Cal quickly hit the bell.
“One!” He half-yelled, making me laugh.
“Well done” I laughed, patting him on the shoulder.
“How was I meant to know that?” Harry groaned, getting ready for the next question.
“Common sense, Harold. Even Josh knew” I laughed, pointing at Josh.
“Come here” Cal smiled, pulling me into his arms.
“PDA guys, really? Get a room” Harry groaned again, making Josh, Cal and I laugh.
“We have one actually” Cal smirked, chuckling as I hit him.
“Come on, come on” I smiled, coming up with another question.
“Here, you’ll both need these” I said, grabbing two pens, and two pieces of paper and handing them to the boys.
“What is, my mobile number?” I asked, watching as the two boys looked lost.
A few minutes later, they were done.
“I just completely guessed” Harry sighed, handing me his paper.
“You’ve been calling me for over five years!” I laughed, looking at the numbers.
“I just click bitch in my contacts” He smirked, laughing as I faked offense.
“You got like 5, well done” I chuckled, handing him the paper with my full number written down.
“How are you feeling about this one, Cal?” I asked, taking the paper from his hands and looking at the numbers.
“Confident” He said, rubbing his hands together dramatically.
“Well, you got four right” I laughed, handing him back the paper.
Grabbing my phone, I opened twitter up and tapped a random question,
“What are my- Oh my god” I groaned, finishing reading the question I had tapped.
“What, what is it?” Harry asked, jumping up and grabbing my phone.
“Oh, oh, oh. I bet Freezy here can answer this” Harry smirked, my cheeks burning bright read.
“What are little Y/N here’s, kinks?” He continued, my cheeks a bright red.
“Well, you see” Cal began.
“Shut up!” I laughed, hitting him, making him stop.
“Okay, okay” He laughed, while I grabbed my phone back from Harry.
“I think that’s a good place to finish this” I said, sitting back between the two boys and facing the camera.
“Wait a minute, who won? Don’t leave us hanging” Cal interrupted.
“Harry did, by one” Josh called out from behind the camera.
“That’s it!” Harry cheered, jumping up onto his feet, celebrating.
“Sorry, Freezy. She’s mine now” Harry yelled, pushing Cal.
“Never” Cal smirked, tackling Harry to the floor, the two of them pretending to fight.
“Well, I should probably break these two up.” I laughed, continuing with my outro.
“If you liked this video, be sure to give it a thumbs up and I might do another one sometime. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you next week” I laughed, smiling as Josh nodded, turning off the camera.
“Come here, you idiots” I laughed, jumping onto Harry and Cal who were still on the floor.
“No way you’re getting rid of me that easy” Cal laughed, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me onto his chest.
“Hey, don’t steal my best friend, Caltripod” Harry laughed, pulling me away from Cal.
“Too late” Cal chuckled, pulling me back into him.
“I’m not an object, guys” I smiled, pulling them both into a group hug.
“I love you guys” I smiled, squeezing them both.
“Of course, you do” Harry smirked, pulling back as I whacked him on the shoulder.
“I mean, of course we love you too” He laughed, as I pulled him back into the hug.
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