sunshinetrinket · 8 months
doing a word generator drawing challenge is so eye opening bc why are security camerass so hard to draw. why do they look like that
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youralonefriend · 1 year
the main reason why i dont post my pictures on social media is because im camera shy. i look so different in cameras and i dont fucking know why? like seriously, this so sick bruhh. my face is assymetrical,my eyes looks smaller , my skin looks different and my eyess they are so tinyyy in cameras and also my face looks bigger? AND I DONT HAVE FUCKING EYEBROWS IN EVERY PHOTOSSSSSSSSSS ANDD BITCH??? I CAN SEE THAT MY EYEBAGS ARE NOT THAT BLACK IN REAL LIFE, BUT IN CAMERASS?????????????????// bitch they are black as fuck. i looked like someone punch me on my fucking eyes thats why it looks swollen. omahgad. you know the teenagers loves to post their pictures,videos and tiktoks. but me bitch? i looked big in every picture and videosssssss like what the fuck is going on??????? like i just want to be beautiful. why do i have no confidence when it comes posting my pictures and also taking a group photo? you know i just wanted to be like the other teenagers who post their pictures online. but look at me, i deleted my instagram and other accounts because i dont like it. i get kinda jealous WITH some teenagers because how come they have the great body, great smile, symmetrical face and no hyperpigmentation when it comes to their armpits and ass? bruh i also wants to post those things online but bitch, i cant. because im not born with it. so thats why im alwys questioning myself if 'am i really enjoying my teenage years?' i know that this is not all about the social media, but this is aboutvmy confidence that suddenly went out because im not one of these girls? and also no guy likes me? ( who cares if no guys likes me) but i just really cant get it why they are saying and what they are doing? i dont fucking know whyyyyy... and also bitch i look 27 years old:) SHT THE FUCK UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
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amorabennett · 2 years
HD Cameras or IP Cameras: What Best Suits Your Business
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An HD camera captures high-quality video footage and provides accurate color reproduction, while an IP camera is designed to deliver high-quality images that provide information on the age, time and date of set up. Further, there are many factors to consider when choosing the best camera for your business. What Best Suits Your Business: HD Cameras or IP Camerass
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savnofilter · 5 years
Hey, I'm pretty new to your following, but I wanted to give you this tidbit. I haven't been on tumblr for very long but when I came across your blog I was immediately hooked. You're personable, your opinions are valid and your very real when you submit your content. I love your regular posts and the thirst. Your writing brings a smile to my face whether it be sfw or nsfw. So yeah, there's that. Sending all the love your way!💖
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like, i had thought this was another crusty hate message and was like "FINALLY SOMEONE WENT OFF ANON, LETS GET THE CAMERASS" but, it wasnt. and like i honestly cant thank you enough for it man. (。•́︿•̀。)
like you didnt even have to take time out of your day to write that, and you did. so like... thank you. like ive read it like 50 times since you sent it whenever day, but i like to group my nice messages together and post em at the same time.
so thank you again!! i think im sick but im feeling much better. 💓
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adddisoncale · 4 years
Come to know about My thoughts about the EOS Rebel T7 SLR digital camera. The price of EOS Rebel T7 SLR digital camera is $459 with best rating that is offered by canon. EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II Lens Canon EOS Rebel T7 DSLR Camera 58mm Wide Angle Photo4Less DC59 Case
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promisedangel · 7 years
PredatorShift- Chapter 14
A reminder that this is the final chapter of 2017, this story will resume in 2018. However, as I said here, I will still be writing in December. Hope you all find some enjoyment in the mini-fic that is to come!
Chapter 14- Puzzle
Serol ran off in a flash at first, ahead of Frisk and Asriel. He soon realized his mistake and waited for the two in embarrassment. He began to walk with Asriel and Frisk, still leading the way despite there only being one path to take. Frisk began to look around curiously, and they saw something strange attached to a metal pillar. They squinted their eyes to get a better loot. It was a broken camera. Frisk opened their eyes normally and spoke up with a raised brow, “Is that… a camera?” Serol perked up before he turned his head towards the camera. His expression dipped slightly, “Oh…” He gave a nervous laugh, “That iss... one of Dr. Gasster’ss camerass. I… I broke it ssome time ago while working on the puzzle…” He gulped and spoke nervously, “Pleasse don’t tell him I broke it. I’d like to ssstil be able to ssubmit thiss dessign to him, after all...” Asriel mirrored the worried laughter, “W-We won’t.” Serol smiled almost immediately, “Thankss.”
Serol led Asriel and Frisk further than they walked. They seemed to exit the tighter corridor of metal plating to a more open area. There was only one path, all else was a large pit with magma far below. The path seemed to divide into a set of twenty-five five-by-five feet squares with dormant lights on them.  Beyond the twenty-five squares seemed to be space for two more rows of five, much farther than any of them could ever hope to jump. But, before all of the puzzle, along the edges of the first panels, was a small trench-like hole. None of them could see what lay inside. Frisk raised a brow after they had fully examined the puzzle, “What… kind of puzzle is this?” Serol approached the puzzle with a giddy smile on his face. He turned toward Asriel and Frisk, “Allow me to exssplain!” He motioned to the puzzle, “Oncce you sstep on any of the platformss, the puzzle will begin! You will have a limited time to sstep on all of the panelss before all panelss of the puzzle open and drop you!” Asriel’s eyes widen as he nearly covers his mouth, “This puzzle drops you?!” He turned his gaze to the side and below. He shook as he spoke, “I-into the lava?!” Frisk reeled slightly at the thought. Serol crooked his head in confusion for a moment. He gave a strange expression in realization before he snickered, “It will not drop you into the magma below! There iss a compartment below. Thiss puzzle iss meant to trap and sslow down humanss, not kill them.” Serol beckoned the children to the side of the path, “Come and ssee!” Asriel and Frisk approached cautiously. They turned their heads towards the side of the puzzle to see large mechanisms and a seemingly enclosed area within the mechanics. Below the puzzle was a layer of rock, about as deep as the puzzle itself. It was supported. It was safe. Asriel gave a deep sigh of relief as he saw this, “Phew…It just looks really scary from above…” Serol frowned, “Why would I assk ssomone to tesst ssomthing fatal?” Asriel gave an unsure look. He fiddled with his hands as he stepped away from the edge, “Umm… I dunno…”
Serol snickered once more for a moment. He then calmed and smiled, “Anyway… which one of you wantss to try firsst?” Frisk spoke nervously, they asked, “Will… the fall hurt?” Serol frowned and shook his head, “It’ss safe. The drop iss jusst under ten feet. You should land on your feet, and it should only hurt for a few ssecondss if at all.” “You promise?” Serol nodded, “I promisse, and I will only assk you two to go through onccce each. Iss thiss agreeable?” Asriel smiled softly, “Well… if it’s not dangerous… then okay!” Frisk nodded calmly, “It’s only once...” Serol smiled, “Okay! Jussstep on any panel and the puzzle will ssta-“ He cut himself off and widened his eyes, “Wait! Hold on!” Serol jumped off the edge, which made Asriel panic. He instinctually called out Serol’s name in shock. Asriel and Frisk ran up toward the edge and looked over cautiously. They saw Serol slithering and gripping onto the puzzle mechanisms, safe as long as he held tight. He seemed to fiddle with a few things before a small, mechanical sound echoed for a moment. It stopped soon after. Satisfied, Serol quickly returned to the path. However, instead of joining Frisk and Asriel on their side of the puzzle, Serol slithered and crawled until he reached opposite side of the puzzle without touching any of the puzzle panels. He returned to the path on that side of the puzzle, unharmed. That side seemed messier than the other. More notes and schematics littered the path, along with either warped or spare parts for the puzzle. Even a few substitute containers laid on their sides, obviously empty for quite some time. Serol ignored the mess and focused on the puzzle and its two testers. He gave a giddy smile towards Frisk and Asriel as he called out, “Everything iss all sset! One of you sstart when you are ready!!” He went to reach for something but did not immediately find it. Confused, he searched the mess around him. He tossed numerous parts and substitute cans aside. He let out an ‘ah ha!’ sound as he found what he had searched for: a notepad and a pen. He clicked the pen and opened the notepad. He was ready to write notes on the test run.
As Serol searched frantically for pen and paper, Asriel turned and smiled at Frisk, “I think… I’ll go first.” Frisk turned towards Asriel and frowned, “Are you sure?” Asriel nodded, “Yeah. Wish me luck!” Frisk smiled in response. Asriel became calm and turned their gaze towards the puzzle. He breathed in deeply before he expelled it to calm his nerves. He hesitated at first, but he soon gingerly stepped on the middle panel of the first row. Immediately, all the panels seemed to light up with a bright light. All except the one Asriel stood on. The one Asriel stood on began to shake. Behind Asriel, a metal-barred gate suddenly shot up from the trench-like hole, cutting off his chance to escape. Serol gave a quick nod and scribbled something onto the notepad. Asriel began to panic, “Aaaah! What do I do?!” Serol looked up from his notes, “Quick! Move to another panel!” Asriel ran to the panel to his left just before the original panel split in two and quickly opened to the area below. The new panel’s lights turned off. Asriel began to breathe quickly in panic before he noticed the panel had begun to shake as well. Asriel screamed and began to run wildly around the puzzle. He cried out, “Why do they keep shaking?!” Serol called out calmly as he took more notes, “It’ss part of the puzzle! It’ss to alert you to move! Hurry! Time will run out ssoon!” “What happens when time runs out?!” “You’ll sssee!”
Asriel suddenly came to a stop, in his wild run, he forgot to give any rhyme or reason to the pattern in which he ran. He had run diagonals and sharp turns and found himself trapped with open panels around him. He felt the panel shake below him, ready to open in a few seconds. Despite his legs shaking, he took the risk and jumped. Both Serol and Frisk had their eyes focused on Asriel as he jumped. But, Asriel did not jump far enough. He felt himself fall. He screamed as he descended into the mechanism and landed with a dull thud and an ‘oof!’ sound. Frisk gasped and called out, “Asriel?!” Serol turned his head downwards towards the puzzle, “Are you alright?” Asriel whined, “Yeah! Just… landed on my butt…” Serol nodded as he began to scribble more notes, “Good choiccce of cushion!” Asriel huffed, prompting a sigh of relief from Frisk. Before he could say anything, the three heard a buzzing sound. As the buzzer sounded, all of the panels opened simultaneously. They stayed open for about ten seconds before every panel, including the ones Asriel had stepped on, closed. The gate also dropped slowly, allowing Frisk entry. The puzzle had reset. Asriel whined, “How do I get out?!” Serol pointed his head downwards, “Do you ssee the two rows of panelss? Come to them.” Asriel did so, Serol could now see Asriel stand there nervously. Asriel called up, “Now what do I do?” Serol smiled, “There isss a release on the sside of the puzzle that would allow thosse panelss to come up. However, the panelss alsso risse when the puzzle is completed succcesssfully. Why don’t we allow Frisssk to try?” Asriel crossed his arms and pouted, “But, then I won’t get to see Frisk do the puzzle!” Serol huffed in annoyance as he put down his notepad and pen, “Fine. Ssstay sstill.” Serol turned his head towards Frisk, “Do not ssstart the puzzle yet!” Frisk nodded silently and began to space out. Serol, satisfied yet still annoyed, jumped to the side of the puzzle once more. There were a few mechanical noises before a click sounded. Mechanics whirred as the panels Asriel stood on began to rise. Surprised, he nearly fell down onto the rising platforms. The panels became level with the others and came to a stop with another click sound. Serol called out, “Go to my sside! Do not touch the other panelss, otherwisse the puzzle will sstart up again!” Asriel nodded silently before he walked off the panels and onto Serol’s side of the puzzle. He leaned around the edge and called out to Serol, “Okay! I’m off!” More mechanical sounds hummed from the puzzle before the two final rows of panels descended. The puzzle was once again reset. Serol made his way to his side of the puzzle, careful not to touch any panels. Asriel and Serol returned to the middle of the path. Serol picked up his notepad and pen before he turned the notepad to a new page. He turned his gaze towards Frisk, “Ready whenever you are Frissk!” Frisk blinked, their daydream ended. They called out from across the puzzle, “Okay!”
Frisk took a moment to examine the puzzle and think about its rules. They knew the puzzle would begin the very instant they stepped on any panel, as Asriel demonstrated. The panel they stepped on would shake and then open after a few seconds, which would then trap anyone that stood on them inside a lower compartment. Frisk didn’t time the entire length of the puzzle but saw there wasn’t much room for error. Frisk gave a determined gaze. They knew what to do. Frisk approached the leftmost panel in the first row. They stopped short of stepping onto it. They lowered their stance, ready to run. They closed their eyes and took a deep breath in before they released it just as slow. They opened their eyes, their eyes full of focus and determination. They sprinted onto the first panel. They heard the gate shoot up behind them and saw the panels all light up around them. The puzzle had begun. Frisk did not hesitate, they sprinted down the first row. They barely felt the panels below them shake as they only took a few steps before they made it to the next panel. Serol began to scribble down more notes as they saw Frisk dash across the puzzle with seeming ease. Frisk turned onto the second row and turn around to activate the entire row rather than activate the sides of the puzzle.  They went for each row one by one. Serol nodded as he wrote his notes, “A good sstrategy! They are a puzzle massster!” Asriel raised a brow, “I… didn’t know that about them…”
As Frisk turned onto the fourth row, they felt their foot snag on the piece of loose metal. Frisk gasped before they began to fall and faceplant into the first panel of the fourth row. Asriel gasped at Frisk’s sudden fall, “Frisk!” Serol said nothing. He only scribbled a note before he continued to observe. Frisk groaned. They felt the panel begin to shake. Did they have enough time to move? Frisk had to try. Frisk got up as quickly as they could and began to run to the next panel. They felt the shaking stop. The panel opened under them. Frisk’s eyes widened, but they didn’t scream. They saw how close they were to the edge and grabbed onto it. Serol’s head moved forward to see what had happened, “Interesting…” Asriel called out, “Frisk! Are you alright!?” Frisk grunted as the pulled themselves up, “I’m… alright!” The panel they had grabbed opened, leaving only a small area to pull themselves up onto. Frisk nearly fell down as they lost the panel. They tried to pull themselves up but found that they couldn’t. With the sound of the buzzer, Frisk lost their grip and fell into the dark compartment with a worried cry. They landed on their butt, then their back. They groaned and slowly stood up. They examined their surroundings. On one side, near perfect darkness with cracks in the mechanics, where peaks of the magma’s light shined through. On the other, seemingly a way out. Two rows of panels, and above them was the only exit. Frisk could hear Asriel call from the exit, “Frisk! Are you okay?!” Frisk rubbed their back and answered with a slight strain in their voice, “Yeah… rough… landing…” Serol called out in worry, “Are you able to move, Frisssk?!” Frisk called out, “Yes!” Serol sounded pleased, “Pleasse move to the two rowss of panelss and sstay sstill!” Frisk made their way to the panels and waited. Serol soon helped Frisk out of the puzzle as he had done previously with Asriel. Once Frisk was off the panels, the puzzle reset with Serol’s guidance.
With the three on the opposite side of the puzzle, Serol landed near Frisk and Asriel. He beamed, “Thank you for helping me with my puzzle!” Frisk rubbed their back once more. Asriel frowned and looked at Frisk, “Are you sure you’re okay?” Frisk nodded, “Yeah… just a little pain.. it should go away soon…” Serol once more scooped up his notepad and began to flip through the pages, “I already know what to adjusst. I alsso will have to fix whatever you tripped on, Frissk! And find a way to keep humanss from gripping the sssidess of the panelss!” Frisk frowned, “Um… Serol-“ Serol nearly jumped in excitement, “You were sssoo clossse, Frisssk! I thought for sssure you were going to massster the puzzle! You moved like an expert!” Frisk spoke up slightly, “Serol!” Serol calmed down as they turned their head curiously towards Frisk. He positioned his head in front of Frisk’s head. Serol spoke calmly, “Yess?” Frisk gave a determined gaze, “I want to try again.” Serol’s head reeled back into place slowly, “Why? Our deal wass only one try each…” Frisk frowned for a second. Why did they have this sudden desire to try the puzzle again? Their mind drifted to Papyrus. They knew from their short time with him that he’d be proud of this puzzle. They could practically hear his voice cheering them on, despite his weariness. Encouragement such as, ‘That was so close! I’m sure you’ll get it next time…’ Frisk could see his smile in the back of their mind. Frisk could not help but smile at the memories as they spoke, “I… I just want to try and complete it…” Serol scratched his chin, “Hmm… I ssupposse it would be good to sssee if thiss puzzle can be completed fairly…” Serol nodded and smiled, “Okay! Let’ss do it!”
Frisk then looked over toward the other side. They raised a brow, “But… how do I get over there?” Serol crossed his arms and huffed slightly, “If I had my tail, I could carry you over with easse. But then again... you don’t look that heavy…” Frisk gave Serol a strange look, but before they or Asriel could react, Serol wrapped his arms around Frisk tightly. Asriel and Frisk’s eyes widened in tandem, and both were equally paralyzed in shock. Serol held Frisk tightly before he jumped across the puzzle, easily making it across in one jump. Serol let go of Frisk after the two had landed safely. Frisk’s expression was still one of shock and fear as Serol let go. Serol crooked his head in confusion, “Wasss… it that ssurprissing?” Frisk blinked and shook their head. Their heart pounded in fear, but their expression was calmed. Frisk gave a nervous expression, “A little…” Serol snickered, “I used to be able to jump much farther with the assssissstancce of my tail.” Frisk nearly paled at the thought of Serol’s potential mobility. Serol’s eyes widened slightly, “Are you alright? Are you sure that fall did not harm you?” Frisk normalized and shook their head. There was already enough strangeness to this situation. For a moment, Frisk regretted the desire to redo the puzzle. Frisk’s skin returned to normal as they shook their head, “I think… I was still shocked from the sudden jump.” Serol let loose a sigh of relief, “Thank goodnesss… you sscared me for a ssecond…” Serol turned towards the other side of the puzzle, “Ssstart whenever you are ready.” Frisk nodded just before Serol jumped across the puzzle one last time. Asriel quickly gave Serol his notepad back on arrival. Serol beamed at the gesture, “Thank you, Asssriel!”
Frisk saw Asriel and Serol patiently wait on the other side of the puzzle. Frisk decided to start at the same spot as their first attempt. They took another deep breath in and out. Serol nodded and muttered, “Sstarting in the ssame placce? Let uss hope it is not inssanity…” Frisk began the puzzle. They ignored everything around them other than the puzzle panels. Asriel’s cheers were drowned out in their concentration. Only the panels existed. They turned and went down the next row with ease, and the next. They came to the fourth row. Their eyes locked onto the piece of metal that tripped them up. They moved their feet in such a way as they wouldn’t have to jump over the metal. They simply ran beside it. They felt their pants tear slightly, but they kept going. They made it to the final row. They could see the final panel. They ran to it. They stopped on it. A new sound rang. A chiming sound. All the panels around them closed and the mechanics began to whir. In front of them, the two rows of panels rose and connected the path. Not with Serol’s guidance. Serol and Asriel both beamed. Serol rushed up to Frisk with unbridled glee. They hugged Frisk and spun them around, “IT WORKSSS!!” He gave a joyous, raucous laughter. Asriel slowly began to walk towards the two. Serol slowed down as Asriel approached. Both of them paused, their eyes filled with shock. Serol’s were more filled with confusion than shock. Frisk raised a brow, “Serol? What is?-“ They felt it. Wetting their sock and making their pants cling to them. They were bleeding. Serol looked down at Frisk in shock as they still clutched them. The blood was clear in their gaze. His voice was quiet, filled with confusion, “F-Frissk? You’re… human?”
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Você Achou o Melhor Eletricista de Duque de Caxias
Eletricista Duque de Caxias
Se você está a procura de um eletricista residencial em duque de caxias então você acabou de achar o melhor profissional da área. Eletricista Duque de Caxias é o nosso forte, pois a Domotikron está localizada nesta cidade a 5 minutos do Centro. Disponibilizamos eletricista em toda cidade de Duque de Caxias.
Seja um pequeno curto a uma grande reforma estamos presentes em todos os Bairros de Duque de Caxias/RJ.
Entre em contato com o melhor eletricista duque de caxias rj telefone para o número (21) 92000-4728 e contate Wellington Gois, o nosso melhor eletricista em duque de caxias rj.
Eletricista RJ
O serviço de eletricista rj é executado por um tecnico eletricista rj formado com nível superior na área. Para encontrar um bom eletricista no rj você deve estabelecer alguns critérios de seleção, tais como:
Ter registro no CREA
Ter curso de NR10
Ter Formação Superior (Um diferencial e tanto)
Ter Experiência na área
Sendo assim ao procurar um eletricista residencial rio de janeiro confira se ele tem essas qualificações, Aqui na Domotikron você pode ter a certeza que essas qualificações fazem parte de nosso corpo técnico de eletricistas.
Disponibilizamos Serviços de Eletricista também em:
eletricista Recreio RJ
eletricista barra da tijuca
eletricista zona sul rj
eletricista botafogo rio de janeiro
Eletricista Copacabana RJ
eletricista predial rio de janeiro
eletricista em nova iguaçu
Quando você ligar para Domotikron, você pode conversar diretamente com nosso Técnico e na maioria dos casos obter uma cotação diretamente pelo telefone. Teremos um eletricista com CREA para ajudá-lo em todos os momentos.
Temos ao nosso dispor eletricista por agendamento de horário caso você deseje um serviço de reforma residencial.
As reformas elétricas residenciais requerem mais planejamento para que venha a ter um resultado seguro, de qualidade e que esteja dentro das expectativas do cliente.
Preciso de Eletricista
Se você chegou ao ponto de dizer: Ih! preciso de eletricista, então não hesite em contatar o eletricista Wellington Gois.
A Domotikron disponibiliza eletricista residencial e predial nas principais cidades do Rio de Janeiro.
Se a sua residência está com problemas na instalação elétrica, seja um curto ou esteja com falta de energia então anote o telefone de eletricista: (21) 92000-4728.
Projeto de Luminárias de Emergência
Projetamos Luminárias de emergência com até 20 horas de autonomia / 900 lumens.
Projeto de Luminárias de Emergência e centrais de iluminação de emergência.
Projeto de Luminárias de Emergência ideais para Comércios, Shoppings, Mercados, Condomínios, Prédios e Grandes Residências.
Agende uma visita técnica agora para projetar sua unidade de central de iluminação de emergência.
Instalador de placas fotovoltaicas no RJ
O aumento da conta  de energia em nosso estado do RJ está cada vez maior, a concessionária responsável pela entrega de energia elétrica no estado do Rio de Janeiro parece que se favorece de meios corruptos para ter autonomia em estabelecer multas nos seus clientes “gatos” que não existem e nunca existiram na instalação do cliente.
Hoje em dia, os clientes da light estão insatisfeitos com os serviços prestados por essa concessionária e se sentem injustiçados por terem que pagar além daquilo que consumiram, ou seja, se você tem um vizinho que “puxou” gato a partir de sua rede aérea lá na rua, mesmo antes de chega no seu relógio, a light coloca em sua conta de energia o que o “gato” do seu vizinho consumiu.
Por isso e outras razões achei inteligente me formar como instalador de placas fotovoltaicas no RJ.
Instalador de Cameras
Se você está a procura de um Instalador de Cameras então você está no certo.
A Domotikron tem um profissional certo para te orientar onde colocar as câmeras, quais as especificações das câmeras que você deve obter, quantas cameras instalar e o melhor preço para comprar as cameras.
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Dental Camerass Market Development Trend Analysis by 2017
Dental Camerass Market Report by Material, Application, and Geography - Global Forecast to 2021 is a professional and in-depth research report on the world's major regional market conditions, focusing on the main regions (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific) and the main countries (United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea and China).
The report firstly introduced the Dental Camerass basics: definitions, classifications, applications and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; cost structures, raw materials and so on. Then it analyzed the world's main region market conditions, including the product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand and market growth rate and forecast etc. In the end, the report introduced new project SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis, and investment return analysis.
Download sample Copy of This Report at: https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/global-dental-camerass-market-research-report-2017/request-sample
The report includes six parts, dealing with:
1.) basic information;
2.) the Asia Dental Camerass Market;
3.) the North American Dental Camerass Market;
4.) the European Dental Camerass Market;
5.) market entry and investment feasibility;
6.) the report conclusion.
View Full Report with TOC @ https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/global-dental-camerass-market-research-report-2017
Table of Contents
Part I Dental Camerass Industry Overview
Chapter One Dental Camerass Industry Overview
1.1 Dental Camerass Definition
1.2 Dental Camerass Classification Analysis
1.2.1 Dental Camerass Main Classification Analysis
1.2.2 Dental Camerass Main Classification Share Analysis
1.3 Dental Camerass Application Analysis
1.3.1 Dental Camerass Main Application Analysis
1.3.2 Dental Camerass Main Application Share Analysis
1.4 Dental Camerass Industry Chain Structure Analysis
1.5 Dental Camerass Industry Development Overview
1.5.1 Dental Camerass Product History Development Overview
1.5.1 Dental Camerass Product Market Development Overview
1.6 Dental Camerass Global Market  Analysis
1.6.1 Dental Camerass Global Import Market Analysis
1.6.2 Dental Camerass Global Export Market Analysis
1.6.3 Dental Camerass Global Main Region Market Analysis
1.6.4 Dental Camerass Global Market Analysis
1.6.5 Dental Camerass Global Market Development Trend Analysis
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Radiant Insights is a platform for companies looking to meet their market research and business intelligence requirements. We assist and facilitate organizations and individuals procure market research reports, helping them in the decision making process. We have a comprehensive collection of reports, covering over 40 key industries and a host of micro markets. In addition to over extensive database of reports, our experienced research coordinators also offer a host of ancillary services such as, research partnerships/ tie-ups and customized research solutions.
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Contact: Michelle Thoras Corporate Sales Specialist, USA Radiant Insights, Inc Phone: 1-415-349-0054 Toll Free: 1-888-202-9519 Email: [email protected]     Blog URL: https://pharmaceuticalshealthcaremarketforecasts.wordpress.com  
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Had a dream, where my school was on a field trip to some spankin' brand new cutting edge sckence lab, or some shit. Me and a buddy who suspiciously looks like the kid from Godzilla vs Kong, also known as the kid from Deadpool 2, the one who shoved a pen up his ass. Yeah he was there, and my buddy apparently. Andyways we's got to skip zhe line because we are specifically asked by the Members of The Board of this super important company, the one who finances the lab. So ueah, we got to skip the long ass line and yall peasants stay out, peace! We had to be there on time and we had like a fucking roomba as our assistant to guide around and ahit make sure we get there on time, ya know. We had to bring the roomba at the gate before the timer hits zero cuz then we'd be fucked and be scolded. Not really fucked as in sex, but more of fuck we's in trouble now, boyz. Anyway, the timer is already to two and the gate thing is still so far awayz so Pen-up-his-ass kid from deadpool 2, throws the roomba, and it reachea just in time because when it landed the timer was on fhcucking zero but it was just about to alert our handler that we're late or somethin, thankfully as the handler turned round the corner we made it. And we were fu king dying cuz we sprinted from the entrance to the gate which was like 20 meters, and then since i was late cuz i had to do something I was runnin waaayyy before that.
Anyayz handler is like "Playin' I' close ar' ya? " and weze were like fuck off mate, go suck an ass. And he slapped us in the back of our heads, like tha ass hes is, and he guided us to the head honcho scientist. Which suspiciously looks liek Doc Oct from the spiderman ps4 game.
Change SCENE fuckkerssss
To some Idris Elba lookin dude doing bench presses or someshit in leik a dark room and therez camerass and then a screen pops out. Not like a flat screen tv more liek a holographic screen. And the screen waz talking of course there were people ans they were talking but eh, think of it as a zoom call but tony starkian eh? Anuwauz they waz questioining this dood, liek "You have destroyed an experimental tank, forsaken your mission, AND ALMOST GOT YOUR TEAM AND YOURSELF KILLED! What in god's name do you have to say for yourself?"
And Idris Elba is liek "I did what I had to do. " all coolzy like. And he basically ignorin his bosses and he still doing bench presses.
Then the head honcho boss is like "Pull up the stats. "
And this dood, "Feiry red-hair flowe-" then the lady beside him is leik "YOUR READING THE WRONG THING! " and grabs the tablet he was readin off of, and switches the windows or something to that equivalent, and just smiles all cheery like, "Thank you" and she retreats back jn her seat with her chin restin in her hand, "Just read it right, dork" and she blusshiinnnnnnnn.
Anyway doods reads the right thing this time. "A turrent, model number 63412007, was found detached from it's tank. Bullets that are found to be a match to the turrent are found within the tank shields and surrounding areas. Indicating that the said turrent was used to assualt team members with the probable intent to kill. "
And the guy, Idris Elba, flashbacks, and he suddenly back in camo, in a tank, behind a turrent. And suddenly something movea behind the tall dry grass of this sandy deserted place. And shots are fired, he goes down, shot by something. And back to the present, he's back bench pressin, and the camera pans down revealing a mechanical leg.
And the boss lady is like "And who manned that turrent? You. Now tell me, one good reason, why I shouldn't have you executed for treason, desertment, murder, and assault.
And he deadass says "Cuz im the best chance you've got."
And then back to me and pen-up-his-ass kid, who I shall shorten to, PUHA. And wese in this dope ass lab but as dope as it mau be it also messy as fuck. Papers are scattered everywhere, weird ass test tubes with liquids are spewed in places. The works. Anyways the handler goes "Here they are, sir. " and me and Puha goes explorin the lab, goin like "Ooh, whatcha think that is, bro? "
"Ooohh, weird ass liquid starting to bubble. "
"Woah man, look at this!"
Until the headhoncho tells us to settle down, and we goez near him cuz like woah, he talks! And like, his shiny ass head is reflecting the light and was stiflin a laugh, and put my hand over my mouth. Turns out that was bad idea, cuz i accidentally touch somefucking spore. And i was like "Oh no, this is the plot." and the head honcho science guy is like "No! " then he goes to an exposition about the spore. And suddenly it's a race against time to find somesort of mcguffin to heal me. Also we had superpowers btw, that's why we skipped line and also why the Members of the board specifically requested us.
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ahoncho · 4 years
This has to be a joke , where the camerass
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famecherry · 5 years
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vijaykurane · 5 years
Network Security Cameras Market  Analysis by Players, Regions,  Shares and forecasts to 2022
This analysis of the Global Network Security Cameras Market aims to offer relevant and well-researched insights into the contemporary market scenario and the emergent growth dynamics. The report on Network Security Cameras Market also gives the market players and fresh contenders a holistic view of the global market landscape. The comprehensive study will help both established and emerging players formulate lucrative business strategies and realize their short-term and long-term goals.
The Network Security Cameras industry has witnessed a stable growth rate in the past decade and is expected to continue on the same path in the forthcoming decades. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize all investment opportunities, potential market threats, restraining factors, challenges, market dynamics, and technological development to intensify footholds in the Network Security Cameras sector. This report has evaluated all the above mentioned aspects to present a detailed assessment to the reader to assist them in achieving the desired growth in their businesses.
Avail the inside scoop of the Sample report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/399
This report has classified theglobal Network Security Camerass market by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer- Hikvision, Axis Communications, Panasonic, Dahua, Bosch Security Systems, Sony, Samsung, Avigilon, Pelco by Schneider Electric, Honeywell, Mobotix, GeoVision, Belkin, NetGeat, Vivotek, D-Link, Arecont Vision, Wanscam, Toshiba, GOSCAM, Juanvision, Apexis
This report has segmented theglobal Network Security Cameras market by product type with production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type.
Centralized IP Cameras
DeCentralized IP Cameras
This report has segmented the market by end application/users with consumption (sales), market share and growth rate of global Network Security Camerass for each application.
Residential Use
Commercial Use
Public & Government     Infrastructure
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Table of Contents:
Study Coverage: It includes key manufacturers covered, key market segments, the scope of products offered in the global Network Security Cameras market, duration considered, and objectives of the research. Additionally, it segments the market on the basis of product type and application.
Executive Summary: It offers a summary of other key studies, annual growth rate, competitive landscape, driving factors, market trends and issues, and macroscopic indicators.
Production by Region: Here, the report delivers information related to import and export, production, revenue, and key players of all regional markets inspected in the report.
Profile of Manufacturers: Each firm profiled in this segment is investigated by means of SWOT analysis, available products, global production, value, capacity, and other crucial factors.
Highlights the following key factors:
1) Business description-Detailed description of a firm’s operations and business segments.
2) Corporate strategy – Analyst’s summarization of the company’s business strategy.
3) SWOT Analysis – A detailed analysis of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges.
4) Company history – A company’s evolution, highlighting its key events through the years.
5) Major products and services – A list of flagship products, services, and brands of the company.
6) Key competitors – A list of key competitors of the company.
7) Important locations and subsidiaries – A list and contact details of key locations and subsidiaries of the company.
8) Detailed financial ratios for the past five years – The latest financial ratios derived from annual financial statements released by the company in the last five years.
The growth of this market across the globe is dependent on multiple factors; including consumer base of several Network Security Cameras products, inorganic growth models adopted by companies, price volatility of feedstocks, and product innovation, along with their economic prospects in both producer and consumer nations.
Find the extensive Report Description, TOC and Table of Figure @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/global-network-security-cameras-market-research-report-2017
Overall, this report provides a clear view of every vital factor of the market without the need to refer to any other research reports or data sources. Our report will equip you with all the strategically vital facts about the past, present, and future of the market.
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Reports and Data is a market research and consulting company that provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. Our solutions purely focus on your purpose to locate, target and analyze consumer behavior shifts across demographics, across industries and help client’s make a smarter business decision. We offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a multiple industries including Healthcare, Technology, Chemicals, Types, and Energy. We consistently update our research offerings to ensure our clients are aware about the latest trends existent in the market.
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ms-gold · 6 years
<b>Ophthalmology</b> Camerass Market Research 2019-2024 : Analysis Of Key Players ,Potential Growth ...
Ophthalmology Camerass Market Report analyse current as well as future aspects of the Ophthalmology Camerass Industry. The Ophthalmology ...
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mrsdianabarnes · 6 years
<b>Ophthalmology</b> Camerass Market Research 2019-2024 : Analysis Of Key Players ,Potential Growth ...
Ophthalmology Camerass Market Report analyse current as well as future aspects of the Ophthalmology Camerass Industry. The Ophthalmology ...
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deadbred · 6 years
<b>Ophthalmology</b> Camerass Market Research 2019-2024 : Analysis Of Key Players ,Potential Growth ...
Ophthalmology Camerass Market Report analyse current as well as future aspects of the Ophthalmology Camerass Industry. The Ophthalmology ...
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chefbailarin · 6 years
<b>Ophthalmology</b> Camerass Market Research 2019-2024 : Analysis Of Key Players ,Potential Growth ...
Ophthalmology Camerass Market Report analyse current as well as future aspects of the Ophthalmology Camerass Industry. The Ophthalmology ...
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