#Cameron Elam
reallivewire · 2 years
Ghost Judy seeing everyone die in the house she died in and getting really frustrated about it. Like damn you bitches learn absolutely nothing huh. Anyway first it's Judy then it's Big John and Little John then it's Lonnie and Cameron then it's Karen then it's Corey and when Corey's ghost joins them they all beat him up. And then Mike joins them and they all beat him up too. And then Mike beats up Corey again but by himself this time lmao. And then Karen comes over just as Mike's decided he's had enough and she's like nah you know what I get you Old Man like sure you killed me but it's cool like I did stab you in the back and stole your face and you're dead now anyway so whatever lol. Anyway let's beat up this little shit for what he did behind my daughter's back together actually lmao. And they beat Corey up again
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fecking-weirdo · 2 years
I was rewatching Halloween Kills tonight and I have some stuff to say about Cameron;
1. He thought he could just swoop in and save the day and that really pissed me off because Laurie’s been trying (and failing) for years but he’s damn sure he can do a better job. It feels a bit sexist tbh, it’s like ‘oh I’m a man, I can definitely do it’ like fuck off you fucking child.
2. The scene in the park where they all get out of the car and split up. I know it’s not directly Cameron but that pissed me off because they knew it wasn’t safe.
3. The way he makes Allyson go into the Myer’s house first. Like RIP Cammy boi but JESUS CHRIST! Where are your manners? Are you incapable of being a gentleman? Corey would’ve never done that, especially not to Allyson.
4. The bit where he’s in the house with Allyson and he leaves her in the room with the two dead bodies ALONE. Same as the last point, I’m so fucking disgusted.
Long story short; I laughed when he died and then cried because it gave me flashbacks to when Corey died and she let out a blood-curdling scream which broke my fucking heart.
Corey was a better boyfriend and I stand by that.
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syds-arts99 · 2 years
Now, I don't have clips of every movie/show he has been in but I'm so happy how this turn out.❤
I hope I don't get into any copyright issues 😅
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princess00wifi · 2 years
Y’know what? This Halloween has given me a kooky white boy to be invested in for every movie. The first and second gave me Cameron Elam, the third gave me Corey Cunningham. They die by the end of whatever night they inhabit but it’s a horror movie, I expect nothing more.
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kubrik-was-a-c-nt · 2 years
So I am watching Halloween Kills right now and I'm going to write all my thoughts down on this one post. Obviously spoilers ahead
Wow, I'm glad they immediately brought back Cameron to show what he ended up doing the rest of the night. It's insane to think that after all the events of the 2018 movie that there were still people who didnt know what was going on because it wasnt reported yet.
I'm very surprised that Hawkins made it to the hospital, he must be tough as nails.
I feel so bad for young Hawkins he was in a trolley situation where either he shoots Michael and might kill his partner too, or he doesn't and Michael kills his partner anyways. It took me a lot of thinking to figure out that he could have shot at their legs to break up the struggle, but he had less than a minute to decide. At least his partner died knowing that they had captured Michael.
I'm tickled by the fact that so many surviving victims of Michael gather together every halloween to have drinks. It's good to find people who know what you're going through... though maybe limit the alcohol.
Imagine the call into dispatch: "hello, 911" "hi, theres a fire at the Strode house..." "yes we've already dispatched several fire engines to fight it" "right, you need to call them back" "excuse me?" "Yeah, theres a psycho murderer trapped inside and he has to die. If the fire is put out, he'll escape and likely kill all the fire fighters" "..." "Michael Myers is in there" "I'll call them back right now"
I'm glad they took a moment to process the death of the dad whose name I cant remember. They never mentioned it in the previous movie but Laurie probably mentioned it during the truck ride to the hospital. "Hey sweetie, I'm really sorry to tell you this but Michael murdered your husband/dad when he was breaking into the house"
Washing the tremnling hands, going to a secluded place to cry, trying to see his body in the morgue, so little said but so much said. The coroner looking absolutely exhausted while surrounded by Michael's victims. You never think about the cleanup afterwards, how a flood of murdered dead bodies can make people who see death every day weary.
Lady your husband said that there was an intruder in the house and shouted at you to run, WHY DID YOU STOP TRYING TO OPEN THE DOOR??? You had such a long time to get it open and keep running and you just stood there!
So I completely forgot that Lonnie was Cameron's dad. I like how I went from a passing line in the first movie to an important plot point here.
Doctor lady knows the rules of horror movies. Get in your car and you hear something in the back seat? GTFO. She knows what this night is gonna be like.
So theres another prisoner running around Haddonfield? Wtf does this guy want? Steal cars and listen to opera? Now you know he isn't Michael because he can't drive worth a shit. I actually thought, "Michael knew how to drive in the previous movies, why is he fucking up now?"
I love these gay dudes living in the Myers house, making cauttuturie... catchuttury... catturchatty... meat and cheese boards, vibing to vinyl records, and spooking kids with the story of Michael Myers. I'm going to be sad when Michael rips off one or both of their heads.
I'm really glad that Ally set aside her argument with Cameron from earlier that night. Relationship issues come later, stopping a murderer happens now.
Ally is going to be the reason why Laurie lives through this movie. She knows she needs a weapon by her side.
I'm glad that they are forming a mob to track down Michael in this one. I'm hoping it will go better than when the police tried to track down Michael in Halloween II and everyone was wearing the same mask as him. Ben Tramer might survive this time through.
Okay, I want to know what that kid in the skull mask was doing to get killed by Michael. He only kills kids if they're in the way of him getting from point A to B.
Yes. Take the gun away from the nervous man who doesn't know how to use it.
AND NOT MALE NURSE. WHERE IS LADY DOCTOR AND HER GUN??? (Also I think a stab wound to the head like this is survivable, theres a chance it could have missed the brain and if it didn't, the frontal lobe can sustain a lot of damage and still function)
Please be okay Lindsey... please survive this Lindsey... Yeah! Grab his mask! Steal his face! NO KEEP RUNNING, KEEP RUNNING! YOU CAN'T HIDE KEEP RUNNING!
Oh no... Laurie has no idea and Karen doesn't want to tell her. She's going to find out no matter what, but she just got out of surgery and can't leave her bed. She needs to tell the nurses to lock down her room so she can't hear what's going on outside. Once she knows he's still out there she'll want to get up and go fighting again.
Oh god no, no bodies in the car? Wtf are you doing with them, Michael? Putting together some kind of horrifying Halloween decoration?
So we got the Halloween 3 pumpkin and skull masks. I guess Marion is the witch? Oh dear, yes she is.
Yeah... just talk to Frank. Dont look out the windows and keep talking to Frank. NURSE DONT YOU DARE MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT MICHAEL. PUT A SIGN ON THE DOOR THAT SAYS "DO NOT MENTION MICHAEL MYERS".
Oh Brackett... oh Oscar's mom... oh all the loved ones of the victims... this is going to be a tough night.
Tommy: we will fucking kill Michael Myers tonight!
Black Police Officer: um... you cant just kill someone...
Sheriff Brackett: KILL MYERS!
Yeah, I know you want to protect her like she protected you, but now she's trying to get out of bed right after having surgery!
Oh Laurie... I know the system failed you, and I know you need to protect your family... but you won't get far without ripping out the staples keeping your organs inside your body. Just set up a dummy in your bed and find a good place to sit and hide, it worked in another universe.
Since when do you knock, Michael?
God damn it you always lock the door!!! I dont care if its Haddonfield or Bumfuck Kentucky, you always lock your door! Especially if its night!
Oh, it's that other mental patient who escaped. Oh. And people think hes Michael because hes in his hospital outfit. You would think the Strode ladies would be able to tell that the man is way too short and stocky to be Michael. He was even talking.
Big John this is all your fault, if you had just run out the door with Little John, Michael Myers wouldnt be gouging out your eyes right now. But noooo, you had to be the big man and search the house.
Well, at least the Strode women are trying to stop them now, but Laurie got ripped right open.
God damn it, now there's an angry mob in the hospital. I hope this patient guy isnt a violent offender.
God fucking damn it, that mans blood is on your hands, Tommy! He was a mentally ill man just looking for help and you riled up the mob into chashing him! Brackett is right, you guys are monsters too.
Hawkins, you shooting your partner was an accident too. You were trying to save him from Michael but Michael used him as a shield. You took the chance where if you got a good shot, he could have lived. Had you not shot at all, he would have died anyways.
There was no point in getting everyone at the hospital riled up, they weren't planning on leaving to go search and none of them had weapons to take down Myers if he showed up. The best thing he could have done was get a description of Myers from Karen and then make signs describing him and telling people to either run if unarmed or shoot if they're armed. "Super tall man in dirty white mask and coveralls" is fairly unique, even on Halloween.
What, weren't the cops at the Myers house earlier? Taking photos of the John killings? Wouldnt there be tons of 'do not cross' tape and signs everywhere?
Dont get distracted by the dead bodies, pick up your gun and help Cameron search the rest of the house- NO CAMERON RUN
Holy shit, Ally got a few stabs at Michael! But it's a little late to start taunting him now. Cameron's neck is in many, many pieces.
Yes, angry mob, all go for him at once! He's good at one on one or one on two combat, but he can't do one on at least a dozen.
Oh come on! You had him on the ropes! He was down! Just a few more bullets to his skull and some dismemberment and he would have been dead!
And now Tommy is dead. And Brackett.
You go fuck him up, Laurie
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theslasherbabe · 2 months
The character x Their death
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kitchenknifes · 3 months
tidbits abt allyson from ze old blog. under a cut now.
allyson is a capricorn, her birthday is january 6th! 
as a result of breaking her knee and femur during her confrontation with michael in 2018, she had to get a knee replacement. her left knee and leg as a whole aches in the cold, and limits her physical activity, which was a struggle to deal with especially in the first 1-2 years after michael disappeared. 
there was once a time when she was the star of the haddonfield high school track and field team, and aspired to run marathons. after helping kill michael and leaving haddonfield, she’s finding her passion for it again. she also very much wanted to start training for triathalons, but that aspiration is in the past. right now, she’s very into low impact exercises such as yoga, walking, and swimming. 
she loves beer and IPAs, specifically in combination with hikes. she can’t hike as much as she used to because of chronic pain.
i just know karen was the type of parent who wanted allyson to be involved in different activities, and as a result allyson knows how to play the trombone. 
she cut her hair into a bob shortly after halloween 2018 because she couldn't stop thinking of the way michael pulled her hair. she cuts her hair herself and has gotten better at it throughout the years. it's been important to divorce herself from michael in any possible way esp considering her and judith myers’ resemblance too... (see below)
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allyson also identifies as non-binary and goes by she/they. she does have a slight preference for masc people but also has such an unhealthy attachment style that she tends to be into anyone who shows her attention, especially as a trauma response. she’s very into flirting, and has historically been a serial monogamist. but - i do definitely think her and vicky were, at the very least, not platonic; and imo, cameron elam was an egg (aka a trans woman who had not come out of the Egg just yet. lots to unpack abt that but that’s how i feel and headcanon them!).
post-ends, she’s finishing up her bachelors in the hope of becoming a psychiatric nurse, likely somewhere in chicago. she has no family left besides laurie, who she is currently no-contact with not entirely out of animosity, but to maintain a healthy boundary from her past to her future.
some canon divergences: i do see her as having a much more active role in killing michael, at the very least. she is he one who slits his wrist after freeing laurie from his grasp. she also struggles with michael having very intentionally left her alive after having so many opportunities to kill her, and struggles to trust anyone after being kidnapped by sartain, after being groomed by doug, and after the truth of corey came out. vulnerability is super difficult for her, especially around men who are not frank hawkins.
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annaphoenix1994 · 2 years
Shane Smith & the Fuckin' Saints
"Look at it. It looks silly." Allyson said to her coworker, Deb, trying on a Catwoman-looking mask as the women had been goofing off during their downtime at work. Allyson now worked as a nursing assistant as well as a receptionist at Haddonfield Memorial Hospital.
"Are you kidding?" Deb scoffed, tucking a piece of her red hair behind her ear. "It looks great on you!"
"I'm sure it does, but I'm not going." Allyson frowned, remembering the last time she went to a Halloween party, she witnessed Cameron kissing another girl right in front of her. She didn't expect this from Corey, but she didn't expect it from Cameron, either. Her answer was firm on the Halloween party, but it was just the beginning of the month. She had plenty of time to decide.
"Come on," Deb scoffed. "What if Corey wants you to go?"
"Then I guess I'll go," Allyson shrugged. "He doesn't really like that stuff."
"Mhm. So when are you going to let me meet him? You can't keep him from me forever!" Deb giggled.
Allyson chose to keep her opinion to herself at this point, really not wanting Deb to meet Corey as Deb was, what Allyson would call, slutty. Deb had good intentions, but she knew she could use her natural beauty and "million-dollar body" to her advantage. Almost every man Allyson found attractive, they always found Deb more attractive than her. It was a constant mind battle and she didn't want to lose what she had now to her, not wanting him to see what he could have.
"You'll meet him eventually."
"He's not a cop like the last one, is he?" She scoffed, referring to Allyson's failed relationship - a police officer nearly fifteen years older than her and a real piece of work, Doug Mulaney.
Doug was arrogant and full of himself, thinking every woman in Haddonfield wanted him. When in reality, Doug was just a former bully, as well as a big dork, who had also picked on Lonnie Elam in school and found no sadness for recovering his body on Halloween night in 2018. If he had to guess, he was the reason why Cameron moved out of town. He never really liked the kid.
Mainly because he was Lonnie's son.
"No, he's not. He's different and I'm glad." Allyson answered.
"Is he cute?" Deb asked, innocently biting her lip in curiosity, her mind wandering.
"I look forward to meeting him...eventually," She giggled. "Have you heard anything about the promotion?"
"No," Allyson shook her head. "I'm not going to ask about it no more than I already have. I figured if I deserve it, it'll come to me."
"Very wise of you, babe." Deb nodded.
"Allyson!" She heard her grandmother say. Surprised that Laurie would return to Haddonfield Memorial, she was really surprised when Corey walked in behind her clutching his hand. Corey and Laurie got along casually, but they weren't close enough with each other to be being out on the town together.
"What happened?" Allyson asked, walking around the counter to tend to Corey.
"Some arrogant kids got on his bad side." Laurie explained.
"Grandmother, this is a laceration," Allyson said, concerned. "Did you get slashed?"
"N-no, uh, I just fell and landed in some glass is all. I'm okay, I promise."
Allyson huffed, "Wait here. I'll get you checked in and taken back to see Dr. Mathis."
Corey nodded, glancing at Laurie as he felt the worst for not telling Allyson the full truth. However, he really didn't want to admit he was being pushed around by a bunch of band geeks.
"Well, well, well, looks like someone's getting into the spirit of things." Laurie smiled, noticing the cat mask in Allyson's hands, twiddling between her fingers.
"I'm trying to." Allyson faked a smile, seeing the gleam in Deb's eyes at the sight of Corey in front of her. 
"You have significant inflammation," Dr. Mathis explained. "I'm gonna be nice and numb it here so my assistant can clean it up really well and then I will get back and close it with a suture. You're gonna feel a little bit of a pinch here. Cute, isn't she?" He said inappropriately as he took notice of Corey's sharp and protective gaze over Allyson. He didn't like how Dr. Mathis' body language changed around her. Sure, Allyson wasn't quite Corey's, yet, but he had every reason to be protective over her.
And he hoped she knew that. 
"Ow!" Corey winced, jerking his hand back towards his body, accidentally knocking over the portable desk that Allyson had rolled next to Dr. Mathis, immediately apologizing for her wrong move. "I'm so sorry. Sorry!"
"Allyson! What are you doing?!" Dr. Mathis shouted. 
"I'm so sorry!" 
"It was my fault, I-" Corey panted.
"No, no! My fault!" Allyson corrected, embarrassed that something like this had to happen in front of Corey.
"What a mess," Dr. Mathis scoffed. "Just clean it up and get a goddamn sterile kit. And give him a tetanus shot. I'll be back." He explained, glaring at Allyson before disposing of his gloves and storming out of the room, leaving Allyson in literal tears of embarrassment as she disposed of the non-sterile equipment, taking the kind gesture of Corey's good extended hand, helping her to her feet. 
"You shouldn't let that guy talk to you like that," Corey said, his tone sounding of sadness, but his eyes showing fury. He wanted to snap his neck for disrespecting her, but he pushed those feelings aside. "It's gonna make you sad, even if you don't think it does."
"I've dealt with much worse," Allyson assured him. "But thank you. Anyway, I've just been dealing with it. I guess it's because I'm just trying to get this promotion." 
"Is it worth it?" 
"I guess it's better than having to find another job," She shrugged, sitting down to look at the laceration on his hand. "What did you do?" 
"Uh, I went to the gas station and some guys tried to gang up on me and I, uh, got into a fight and fell into some glass." 
Allyson could tell by his mannerisms and lack of eye contact that he was lying, but she didn't question it. She knew something else happened that he was too ashamed to admit. "So, I meant to tell you: my car's been rattling..." 
"Oh, it's just your exhaust system clamp's come loose. It's an easy fix. It takes five minutes. Super cinchy. You just need a lift and two screws." 
"Cinchy?" Allyson giggled. "You have a way with words. I tried to call the shop earlier, but your dad answered and didn't know when you'd be back." 
"He's not my dad." Corey said. 
"Oh? I-I'm sorry, I didn't know. I just assumed..." 
"No, it's okay, um, I never met my real dad." 
"I'm sorry, I didn't know." 
"It's okay, Allyson. I promise. I never knew him, even when I was a kid. Ron's been more of a dad than who my real one was." He explained. He never was curious as to who his real father was, nor did he really care. Ron was more than enough when it came to being a parent. As for his real mother, Joan, he didn't quite understand how or why Ron married her. She was overprotective, a helicopter, even, but was quite literally crazy. He would remember stories about how she had to serve time in a hospital for her episodes. That was, before she got put on medications. 
"Okay," She nodded. "So... I got invited to a Halloween party." She said nervously. 
"Do you want to go?" 
"I mean... do you want to go?" 
"I haven't been to one in a few years, but why not?" 
"I'd love to go." 
"Okay," Allyson smiled. "I'll text you sometime after I get home tonight about it." 
"Don't forget to bring your car by the shop in the morning so I can look at it for you." 
"I will." 
"What's Michael been up to?" Little John asked, bringing Mia and Big John a bowl of popcorn as well as his famous charcuterie board. 
"Well, I'm surprised he's not here right now," Mia chuckled. "I got off the phone with him not too long ago. He's been keeping himself busy in hopes of passing time, but he wishes it was time for Ella and I to go home." 
"Ah, he can wait a couple of more days. It's only Wednesday. You go back home Saturday morning, don't you?" Big John asked, taking a puff from his alakazam. 
"Yeah, my flight leaves at ten."
"Don't forget to remind me to not get high Friday night," He chuckled. "I've been making it a habit." 
"You ever going to do anything with him?" Mia laughed at Little John. 
"Honey, that ship has already sailed." 
Big John exhaled a cloud of smoke, soon coughing and laughing at the same time, "Turns out ole Michael is a tall tale around here now. I meant to explain that to you on the way home."
"What do you mean?" 
"Now that Laurie's story has gotten around, she's apparently the one who provoked him in the first place and that's why he did what he did-"
"That much is true.." Mia scoffed. 
"And Michael is the main source to blame when someone goes missing around here. Just like last year, that girl, what was her name, John? Meghan?" 
"Yeah, Meghan Baxter." Little John answered. 
"Yeah, apparently when she went missing, people started to blame Laurie for it, so an investigation was started because of what happened with you, but then it turned to Michael killing her and all that bullshit." 
"That's stupid. So now, people are blaming Michael for every unfortunate event around here?" 
"Yep. Nobody knows where he went. Some say that he's been living under the bridge, but it's really just some hermit."
"And some say that he's been living in the sewer," Little John added. "It's an apparent dare to young kids to go down there." 
"Jesus, sounds like some messed up version of IT." Mia joked.
"That much is true. Here, take you a hit of this. It'll make you feel better." 
"No, I shouldn't..."
"Why not? Ella is asleep and you've been stressed. Michael won't know." He persuaded.
"I am not taking a hit of the devil's lettuce, John."
Big John cackled at the phrase, "Oh my God, Mia. Just say it's weed. Nothing wrong with it! You're such a goodie-two-shoes." 
"Fine, weed," She scoffed. "I'm not smoking weed."
"It'll make you feel better."
"Is this all he's done your whole life? Peer pressure?" Little John questioned his husband.
"Every damn day." Mia answered. 
"You're acting like I'm trying to get you to cook meth. The most that'll happen is that you'll get really hungry and fall asleep. You'll be fine. You need the sleep, Mia."
"Fine! If I take a hit of it, will you shut up?" 
"I might. Depends on how big the hit is," He chuckled. "This is good shit, too. Make it count."
"Okay." She said, hesitantly taking the blunt from his fingers and putting it between her lips, taking a drag from it as if she had been smoking her whole life, except the harsh cough that was soon to follow.
"Damn, and to think I thought you almost had it!" John laughed, taking the blunt back.
"No... but let me try it again." Mia said, reaching for it.
Little John playfully rolled his eyes at his husband, adoring how happy he was, "Great, now I'm going to have two dope-heads to babysit." 
"Listen at you, John. Freakin' out over nothin'. Here, listen to some music - help tune out your negative thoughts."
"Yeah? Who are you making me listen to now?" 
"Shane Smith and the Fuckin' Saints," He puffed another cloud of smoke, turning up the band's song Cocaine Habit. 
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Random Oneshots
by SnowDove1991
AU- Random Oneshots from my Crazy Fandom mind, aka oneshots I want to see more of since some or most of the pairings have practically no stories and some have none at all.....I'm looking at you Stay Alive and Scary Stories to tell in the dark.
Words: 1155, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: An American Werewolf in Paris (1997), Back to the Future (Movies), Better Watch Out (2016), Fear Street Trilogy (TV), Halloween (Movies - Green), Jeepers Creepers (Movies), My Bloody Valentine (2009), Pretty In Pink (1986), Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019), Stay Alive (2006), Summer of 84 (2018), The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Movies), The Boy Next Door (2015), The Cleansing Hour (2019), The Forsaken (2001), The Hitcher (2007), Karate Kid (Movies), The Notebook (2004), The Stepfather (2009), Titanic (1997), Underworld (Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Underage
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Kevin Peterson/Noah Sandborn, Andy McDermott/Chris, Andy McDermott/Claude, Marty McFly/Biff Tannen, Luke Lerner/Ricky, Luke Lerner/Jeremy, Kurt/Tommy Slater, Nicholas "Nick Good/Simon Kalivoda, Corey Cunningham/Cameron Elam, Corey Cunningham/Terry, Andy "Bucky" Buck/Dante Belasco, Darry Jenner/Scott "Scotty" Braddock, Tom Hanniger/Axel Palmer, Duckie Dale/Blane McDonnagh, Duckie Dale/Steff McKee, Tommy Milner/Ramón Morales, Swink Sylvania/Phineus Bantum, Hutch O'Neill/Swink Sylvania, Davey Armstrong/Tommy "Eats" Eaton, Andy/Kemper (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Darryl/Ryan (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Carl Hartman/Kenny (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Richter/Dante Spivey (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Drew/Max (The Cleansing Hour), Kit/Sean (The Forsaken), Jim Halsey/John Ryder, Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence, Noah Calhoun/Lon Hammond Jr., Michael Harding/The Stepfather, Jack Dawson/Caledon Hockley, David/Lucian (Underworld), Varga/Gregor (Underworld)
Additional Tags: Consensual Underage Sex, Hurt/Comfort, Mates, Time Travel, Older Man/Younger Man, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Dark, Punishment, Sexual Content, Disney References, Crossover, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Obsession, Claiming, Alternate Universe - Mental Institution, Love/Hate, Enemies to Lovers, Moral Dilemmas, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/43174059
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shapeslain · 2 years
some things about my allyson that i WILL put in a proper about page once i’m not on my shitty 2009 work desktop computer: 
allyson is a capricorn, her birthday is january 6th! 
as a result of breaking her knee and femur during her confrontation with michael in 2018, she had to get a knee replacement. her left knee and leg as a whole aches in the cold, and limits her physical activity, which was a struggle to deal with especially in the first 1-2 years after michael disappeared. 
there was once a time when she was the star of the haddonfield high school track and field team, and aspired to run marathons. after helping kill michael and leaving haddonfield, she’s finding her passion for it again. she also very much wanted to start training for triathalons, but that aspiration is in the past. right now, she’s very into yoga, walking, and swimming. 
she loves beer and IPAs, specifically in combination with hikes. she can’t hike as much as she used to. 
i just know karen was the type of parent who wanted allyson to be involved in different activities, and as a result allyson knows how to play the trombone. 
allyson is 5′9.5″. very important to add. she cut her hair after michael grabbed it in 2018 and still cuts her hair herself, but she’s gotten better throughout the years. considering her and judith myers’ resemblance - i’ll embed the comparative pic once i find it - she typically dyes her hair darker. at one point she had pink ends post-2018. 
allyson also identifies as non-binary and goes by she/they. she does have a slight preference for masc people but also has such an unhealthy attachment style that she tends to be into anyone who shows her attention, especially as a trauma response. she’s very into flirting, and has historically been a serial monogamist. but - i do definitely think her and vicky were, at the very least, not platonic; and imo, cameron elam was an egg (aka a trans woman who has not come out of the Egg just yet. lots to unpack abt that but that’s how i feel and headcanon them!). allyson is pretty fem(me) but in a queer way imo. 
post-ends, she’s finishing up her bachelors in the hope of becoming a psychiatric nurse, likely somewhere in chicago. she has no family left besides laurie, who she keeps an emotional and physical distance from for a long time post-ends despite reconciling.
some canon divergences: i do see her as having a much more active role in killing michael, at the very least. she is he one who slits his wrist after freeing laurie from his grasp. she also struggles with michael having very intentionally left her alive after having so many opportunities to kill her, and struggles to trust anyone after being kidnapped by sartain, after being groomed by doug, and after the truth of corey came out. vulnerability is super difficult for her, especially around men who are not frank hawkins. 
oh, and also - allyson adopts a rottweiler whose name is rosie, who probably also distrusts men. 
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slashedsoul · 2 years
#SLASHEDSOUL    .     a  indie     ,     private     ,     selective     +     mutuals  only  blog  for     ALLYSON NELSON     from  the     HALLOWEEN     franchise     ,     having  an  assortment  of  verses     .     penned  by  anu     (     22     ,     she  /  her     ,     they  /  them     )     .     STRICTLY  20+     !     NOT SPOILER FREE     !     all follow backs come from shapecopy     .
                                                        memes    .     promo
UNDER THE CUT IS RULES     +     BIO     .
001.     this is an independent, private, highly selective, mutual only sideblog. I will only interact with those who I am following and who are following me back. This is not subject to change ever. I will not hesitate to unfollow or hard block people who only reblog memes or pictures. as goes for thinking my blog is a roleplay resource. there will be no warnings so please reblog from the source if possible. DRAMA IS NOT ACCEPTED IN ANY MANNER AND IF I SEE YOU CONTRIBUTING IN IT OR INTERACTING WITH IT, I WILL HARD BLOCK YOU.
002.     ��this is a LOW MAINTENANCE AND ACTIVITY blog as well, meaning that I will not always be on and activity can be SPORADIC. I will take my time to not push myself or stress myself out. nor will I ever accept people constantly nudging me to be active.
003.     this blog is no doubt to contain highly NSFW content, including sexual content. I am 22 years of age and I have absolutely no issue writing it. HOWEVER, I WILL NEVER WRITE ANYTHING SHIPPING WISE OR SEXUAL WITH PEOPLE BELOW THE AGE OF 18 OR SOMEONE FRESHLY TURNED OF AGE. If things such as; violent, swearing, alcohol consumption, smoking ( cigarettes and or joints ), blood, gore, sex, etc. is not your cup of tea, i would highly suggest turning back now.
004.     Formatting wise I use 70x140 icons and <small> text with spaces between dialogue and punctuation. I do make my own icons 100% of the time. you do not need to match formatting with me, however, I will not change my formatting for anyone, so if you do not like it, please don’t interact or follow me. THE PSD I AM USING IS FILM NOIR BY JAYNEDITS AND DO NOT CLAIM TO OWN THIS PSD.
005.     On the subject of shipping, I am quite happy to participate. I am a shipping whore of sorts but all ships must have chemistry. including those that have pre-existing relationships. I like to discuss things with my partners and shipping will be one of them. Everyone will view things differently so it’s only best. I am also willing to ship with original characters.
FULL NAME : Allyson Nelson. NICKNAMES : Ally. BIRTHDAY : January 3rd, 2001. AGE : 21 ( verse dependent ). GENDER : Cis Female. PRONOUNS : She/Her/Hers. ORIENTATION : Demisexual / Demiromantic. OCCUPATION : Nurse.
BIRTHPLACE : Haddonfield, Illinois. CURRENT HOME : Haddonfield, Illinois. NATIONALITY : American.
PARENTS : Rey Nelson ( Father ), Karen Nelson ( Mother ). SIGNIFICANT OTHER(s) : Cameron Elam, Corey Cunningham.
FACECLAIM : Andi Matichak
DBD : tba.
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syds-arts99 · 2 years
2022 Halloween/Horror Theme Art Series!
Painting #4: Cameron Elam from Halloween 2018 and Kills 🧡
Cameron is one of my favorite characters from the Halloween franchise 😊
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Btw this is my first time trying out watercolor paint on my portrait paintings.
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theslasherbabe · 3 months
𝘿𝙮𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝘼𝙧𝙣𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙖𝙨 𝘾𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙣 𝙀𝙡𝙖𝙢 𝙞𝙣 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 (2018-2021)
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aquareqia · 1 year
aquareqia. selective and mutuals-only multi, comprised of canons and originals. general rules apply : don't be gross and don't be a dick. personals and minors dni. by nemo.
note : most muses are horror based / inspired. i usually will not follow first. low / sporadic activity + blog hopper. you can also find me at ...
temp. muse list under the cut. pinterest. affiliated with prettyjaws, 5oulrot, waviaries, n0spins, warslept
leo valentin (primary, was liesface). louis partridge. legion oc, primarily dbd based.
dove o'reilly (secondary). mark mckenna. fandomless old god, killer with cannabilistic tendencies.
louis "lou" lamb (secondary). nick robinson. fandomless horror/paranormal with original lore inspired by grave encounters.
lucky merk (primary). igby rigney. st based, unaffiliated with rpc.
foster love (secondary). colby brock. fandomless horror/paranormal youtuber and streamer.
jessie doe (primary). felix mallard. fandomless horror, undead.
mikhail "misha" asimov (request). spencer charnas. fandomless serial killer dubbed the guardian killer.
ashley "ash" ashby (secondary). zach gilford. fandomless horror, moritician and cemetary groundskeeper.
fern davies (secondary). timothee chalamet. fandomless horror.
augustus "auggie" allard (request). wyatt shears. fandomless band oc, lead guitarist and backing vocals.
darcy lamb (request). timothy olyphant. 1/2 of louis' dads.
ponyboy "pony, pb" daniels + evil pb (request). dylan o'brien. fandomless horror / serial killer.
aslan "mazzie" yılmaz (secondary). alperen duymaz. fandomless criminal, hitman / gun for hire.
rikki o'sullivan (primary, was teethblud). jamie blackley. fandomless and heavily affiliated celebrity with horror themes.
chester "chess" kingsley (primary, was foolsmiles). jamie blackley. fandomless feel-good oc.
rudy lovett (request). tom sturridge. fandomless and heavily affiliated with warslept.
saint herrera (primary). danny ramirez. fandomless nephew of serial killer & cowboy with apoc verse.
moon jin-sun “ash” (primary). dpr ian. fandomless and heavily affiliated celebrity (singer in ichor us) with horror themes.
todd "tk" kinsey (primary). rudy pankow. until dawn oc. does not follow the racist representation of native american culture in the game. follows a separate story.
rafael "rafi" blom (secondary). omar rudberg. fear street oc. sunnyvaler who used to be a shadysider, hangs out solely with shadysiders.
tommy "eats" eaton (summer of 84, request).
sam mcdonald (ginger snaps, primary).
junior wheeler (chucky, request).
tangerine (bullet train, request).
cameron elam (halloween, tertiary).
nick furcillo (the quarry, request).
adam faulkner-stanheight (saw, primary).
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unclescurvy · 2 years
2022 Rookies of the Week
Here, I’ll keep track of the top rookie performances from each week. It’ll make it easier to survey how consistent these guys are over the course of the whole season.
OFFENSE: K Cade York (CLE) 
Honorable Mention: WR Jahan Dotson (WAS), G Dylan Parham (LV), G Ed Ingram (MIN), G Spencer Burford (SF), OT Abraham Lucas (SEA)
DEFENSE: DE Dominique Robinson (CHI) 
Honorable Mention: CB Kader Kohou (MIA), CB Joshua Williams (KC), CB Sauce Gardner (NYJ), DE Travon Walker (JAX)
OFFENSE: WR Garrett Wilson (NYJ)
Honorable Mention: WR Drake London (ATL)
DEFENSE: DE Aidan Hutchinson (DET)
Honorable Mention: CB Jaylen Watson (KC), CB Cobie Durant (LAR), LB Devin Lloyd (JAX), CB Damarri Mathis (DEN), DE Boye Mafe (SEA), LB Quay Walker (GB)
OFFENSE: WR Chris Olave (NO)
Honorable Mention: WR Jelani Woods (IND), RB Dameon Pierce (HOU), WR Romeo Doubs, G Kenyon Green (HOU)
DEFENSE: S Jalen Pitre (HOU)
Honorable Mention: LB Devin Lloyd (JAX), DT Jordan Davis (PHI), DE Jermaine Johnson II (NYJ)
OFFENSE: RB Dameon Pierce (HOU)
Honorable Mention: WR George Pickens (PIT), 
DEFENSE: LB Devin Lloyd (JAX)
Honorable Mention: LB Malcolm Rodriguez (DET), CB Jack Jones (NE), CB Tariq Woolen (SEA)
OFFENSE: RB Breece Hall (NYJ)
Honorable Mention: RB Dameon Pierce (HOU), RB Kenneth Walker III (SEA), WR George Pickens (PIT), WR Alex Pierce (IND), WR Khalil Shakir (BUF), OT Ikem Ekwonu (CAR)
DEFENSE: CB Sauce Gardner (NYJ) 
Honorable Mention: LB Devin Lloyd (JAX), CB Kaiir Elam (BUF), S Jalen Pitre (HOU), CB Jaylon Jones (CHI), CB Kyler Gordon (CHI), CB Tariq Woolen (SEA), CB Jack Jones (NE), DE Sam Williams (DAL)
OFFENSE: QB Bailey Zappe (NE)
Honorable Mention: RB Breece Hall (NYJ), RB Kenneth Walker III (SEA)
DEFENSE: CB Tariq Woolen (SEA) 
Honorable Mention: LB Troy Andersen (ATL), CB Coby Bryant (SEA), CB Sauce Gardner (NYJ), CB Kaiir Elam (BUF)
OFFENSE: RB Kenneth Walker III (SEA)
Honorable Mention: RB Dameon Pierce (HOU), RB Breece Hall (NYJ), WR Chris Olave (NO), OT Braxton Jones (CHI), OT Thayer Munford (LV)
DEFENSE:  CB Sauce Gardner (NYJ) 
Honorable Mention: LB Quay Walker (GB), S Jaquan Brisker (CHI), DE Sam Williams (DAL), DE Aidan Hutchinson (DET), LB Travon Walker (JAX), CB Martin Emerson, Jr. (CLE)
OFFENSE: TE Isaiah Likely (BAL)
Honorable Mention: TE Greg Dulcich (DEN), WR Garrett Wilson (NYJ)
DEFENSE: CB Sauce Gardner (NYJ) 
Honorable Mention: CB Martin Emerson (CLE), LB Malcolm Rodriguez (DET), S Jaquan Brisker (CHI), DE Tomon Fox (NYG)
OFFENSE: RB Kenneth Walker III (SEA)
Honorable Mention: RB Dameon Pierce (HOU). RB Tyler Allgeier (ATL), WR Garrett Wilson (NYJ), TE Cade Otton (TB), K Cameron Dicker (LAC)
DEFENSE: S Kerby Joseph (DET) 
Honorable Mention: CB Sauce Gardner (NYJ), CB Roger McCreary (TEN)
OFFENSE: WR Christian Watson (GB)
Honorable Mention: RB Dameon Pierce (HOU), TE Cade Otton (TB), TE Chig Okonkwo (TEN), OT Charles Cross (SEA), RB Rachaad White (TB)
DEFENSE: DE Myjai Sanders (ARZ)
Honorable Mention: LB Jack Sanborn (CHI), CB Christian Benford (BUF), CB Tariq Woolen (SEA)
OFFENSE: WR Chris Olave (NO)  
Honorable Mention: WR Christian Watson (GB), WR Treylon Burks (TEN),  RB Isaiah Pacheco (KC), RB James Cook (BUF), WR Wan’Dale Robinson (NYG), WR George Pickens (PIT)
DEFENSE: DT Aidan Hutchinson (DET)  
Honorable Mention: S Kyle Hamilton (BAL), CB Tre Avery (TEN), S Jaquan Brisker (CHI)
OFFENSE: WR Garrett Wilson (NYJ) 
Honorable Mention: WR Christian Watson (GB),  RB Brian Robinson, Jr. (WAS), WR Treylon Burks (TEN)
DEFENSE: LB Malcolm Rodriguez (DET) 
Honorable Mention: S Reed Blankenship (PHI),  LB Jack Sanborn (CHI), LB Quay Walker (GB), LB James Houston (DET), CB Cam Taylor-Britt (CIN)
OFFENSE: WR Garrett Wilson (NYJ)
Honorable Mention: WR Drake London (ATL), RB Brian Robinson, Jr. (WAS), RB Zonovan Knight (NYJ), WR Alec PIerce (IND), TE Chig Okonkwo (TEN)
Honorable Mention: CB Tariq Woolen (SEA), LB Chad Muma (JAX),  S Jalen Pitre (HOU), LB Jack Sanborn (CHI)
OFFENSE: QB Brock Purdy (SF)
Honorable Mention: RB Isaiah Pacheco (KC), RB Pierre Strong, Jr. (NE), RB Zonovan Knight (NYJ), WR George Pickens (PIT), WR Garrett Wilson (NYJ), C Tyler Linderbaum (BAL), G Cole Strange (NE)
DEFENSE: CB Marcus Jones (NE)
Honorable Mention: S Jalen Pitre (HOU), CB Sauce Gardner (NYJ), DE Aiden Hutchinson (DET)
OFFENSE: RB Tyler Allgeier (ATL) 
Honorable Mention: QB Brock Purdy (SF), WR Jahan Dotson (WAS), WR Garrett Wilson (NYJ), WR Rashid Shaheed (NO), C Tyler Linderbaum (BAL)
DEFENSE: LB Kayvon Thibodeaux (NYG)
Honorable Mention: S Jalen Pitre (HOU), LB Luke Masterson (LV), CB DaRon Bland (DAL), LB Jack Sanborn (CHI), LB Quay Walker (GB)
OFFENSE:  RB James Cook (BUF)
Honorable Mention: QB Brock Purdy (SF), RB Kenneth Walker III (SEA), WR Drake London (ATL), WR Jahan Dotson (WAS), OT Tyler Smith (DAL)
DEFENSE: CB Marcus Jones (NE)
Honorable Mention: CB Cobie Durant (LAR), CB DaRon Bland (DAL), LB Devin Lloyd (JAX), S Jalen Pitre (HOU), S Jaquan Brisker (CHI)
OFFENSE: RB Kenneth Walker III (SEA)
Honorable Mention: QB Brock Purdy (SF), RB Tyler Allgeier (ATL), WR Rashid Shaheed (NO), TE Tre McBride (ARZ)
DEFENSE: LB James Houston IV (DET)
Honorable Mention: DT AIdan Hutchinson (DET), S Jalen Pitre (HOU), LB Jack Gibbens (TEN), DE Josh Paschal (DET)
OFFENSE: QB Brock Purdy (SF) 
Honorable Mention: WR Drake London (ATL) , WR Garrett Wilson (NYJ) , RB Kenneth Walker III (SEA), TE Isaiah Likely (BAL), RB Tyler Allgeier (ATL), QB Desmond Ridder (ATL), WR Jahan Dotson (WAS), WR Christian Watson (GB), OT Jamaree Salyer (LAC), OT Abraham Lucas (SEA), OT Braxton Jones (CHI), TE Teagan Quitoriano (HOU)
DEFENSE: DE Aidan Hutchinson (DET)
Honorable Mention: S Kyle Hamilton (BAL), S Dane Belton (NYG), LB Christian Harris (HOU), LB Micah McMadden (NYG), S Kerby Joseph (DET), S Elijah Hicks (CHI)
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lyouts · 3 years
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