#Camila look like totally daddy's girl
blossom-fox · 1 year
That make me SO emocional
I'm miss then SO MUCH OMG I just look angry Armando approaching to Mario and i break
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forever-rogue · 2 years
if i may. Dad!Nurse! Steve Harrington where his little girl is sick with the flu and crying for her dad to make it better and he does everything to help and is all worried and loving 🥺🥺
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AN | Okay but no; nurse dad Steve to the rescue🥺 This can be read as a companion piece to the below but also as a stand alone!
Warnings | Mild Language
Pairing | Nurse!Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3.3k
Masterlist | Steve, Main, Nurse Steve
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Steve Harrington could handle this. 
Totally. Absolutely. No doubt about it.
He worked in the ER and constantly handled a myriad of emergencies and situations that had him thinking and needing to use his wits and keep his cool. So…realistically he could handle just about anything.
But he was terrified of the idea of having to watch your daughter alone for the weekend. Despite his assurances that he could manage (he could kick himself for being so stupid), he suddenly felt so unsure and nervous. You had a weekend work conference to go to that would keep you aware for a whole two and half days. You’d been reluctant to leave your husband and your daughter, but he insisted that he’d manage, that he didn’t want you to miss out the conference. And so you’d accepted what he said and left. 
Now Steve was home alone with his four-year-old daughter. Fuck. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
He’d managed to survive the first alone without any issues. These were his days off, so he was able to be home and tend to the house along with his daughter. She’d been at preschool until the mid-afternoon, and once he’d picked her up the two of them were having fun. He really did adore his daughter, and more than anything he was nervous he’d somehow mess something up. He wouldn’t; you knew he wouldn’t - he was an amazing, doting, loving father. 
He’d even made her favorites for dinner, which currently consisted of dino nuggets and mac and cheese and the two of them watched a movie before it was her bed time. Things had gone off without a hitch; he was sure he could use that to his advantage when he asked about seriously trying for baby number two. Look honey, I kept her alive for three days all by myself - want to have that next baby? Yeah, something like that would work anyway. 
He was reading in bed, missing you and the late night conversations the two of you always had. But it wouldn’t be terrible - he could handle two nights on his own. Even if it really sucked. Any worry or self-pity he had was quickly wiped away when he heard the tiny knock at his bedroom door. He’d left it half open and looked up to find his daughter looking at him, the same big, soft brown eyes he had staring back at him.
“Daddy,” she poked her head into the room, looking at him nervously. Steve dogeared his page and put the book on his bedside table before motioning for her to come in. The small girl padded into the room and he instantly spotted the tear tracks on her cheeks as she sniffled.
“Camila,” he cooed softly, moving so he could easily pick her up. She ran the rest of the way over to him, throwing herself into his arms. He picked her up and settled her in his lap, tenderly wiping away the few remaining tears, “oh baby. What’s wrong, Cami girl?”
“I don’t feel good,” she pouted, her bottom lip trembling with effort as she tried not to cry again. She reminded him so much of you, how resilient and independent you were. She hated asking for help, wanting to do as much for herself as a four-year-old could, so he knew something was up if she was coming to him late at night when she should have been sleeping.
“Oh sweetheart,” he brushed a few rogue curls out of her face before kissing her chubby little cheeks, “what’s wrong? Why don’t you feel good?”
“My tummy hurts,” she frowned, “and I feel all cold, even with my blankies.”
As Steve listened to her, he placed his hand against her forehead and frowned when he felt how warm she was. He paused for a moment and inwardly groaned when he remembered that the flu was going around right. It usually disproportionately affected children, especially school age children. And here she was, going to preschool almost every day with a bunch of other kids. She’d had her flu shot, but there was only so much that would do and so many precautions they could take. 
“I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, my love,” he pulled her onto his chest so he could hold her properly. Cami buried her little face into the crook of his neck as he soothingly rubbed her back up and down, “I’ll take care of you, okay? Daddy’s got you.”
“Okay,” she sounded so feeble and meek that it broke his heart. He wished he was the one having to experience this, not his baby girl.
“I’m going to get up and get a few things, okay?” he whispered softly, “you can sleep in bed with me tonight, does that sound good?”
“Yeah,” he delicately moved her so she was on the side of the bed that you normally occupied, covering her with the soft blankets, “can you bring me Peter?”
Peter was the stuffed bunny that she’d had since the day she was born. She’d gotten it from her aunt Robin and loved it more than any other toy, “of course. I’ll be back in a few minutes, Camila.”
She murmured something, burrowing her face into the pillow, seeking some sort of relief. Steve looked at her for a moment and shook his head sadly; this was his baby girl and she was sick. He couldn’t do anything about it except try to make her feel better while she fought it off. 
He went down the hall to her bedroom and grabbed her bunny before stopping in the bathroom and grabbing a thermometer, some acetaminophen, and then made his way into the kitchen. He grabbed a few water bottles to bring with him but paused before leaving, staring at the phone. Before he thought too much of it, he grabbed the cordless headset and dialed the hotel room number you’d given him. He hoped you weren’t sleeping yet; he didn’t have to wake you on top of it all.
It rang a few times before he sighed in relief when he heard your soft voice, “hello?”
“Hi angel,” he ran a hand over his tired face, smiling when he heard your little sigh of happiness, “did I wake you honey?”
“Hey my love,” you’d only begin for the day but you already missed him and Camila more than you cared to admit, “I just got out of the shower. Stevie…I miss you.”
“I miss you more than you can ever know,” he admitted with a warm chuckle, “god, it’s been less than a day and I feel so lost without you.”
“I’ll be home soon,” you promised, your heart clenching softly at the realization of just how much you missed the two of them, “what’s wrong, love?”
“It’s Cami,” he admitted after a few moments of tangible silence, “she woke up and said she’s not feeling good. I think she’s got the flu, I was just about to take her temperature and see if I can make it so she can at least get some sleep.”
“Oh no,” your maternal instinct immediately ramped up; you wished you were home with the two of them, “poor little thing. Do you want-”
“No, no, no honey,” he immediately shook his head as if you were there, “I don’t want you to worry, or jump on a plane to come home. I just wanted to let you know, but I’ll take care of our baby.”
“I know you will,” you laughed softly, “I don’t think there’s anyone I’d trust more. If anything changes or you need me…let me know. I’ll be there in a heartbeat.”
“I’d expect nothing less,” he promised, “I also just wanted to hear your voice…”
“Such a sap, Stevie,” you teased, but honestly? You missed his - all of him - too. The two of you were such suckers for each other, “it’s not too much longer. I’ll let you go, okay? Try and get some rest, there’s no use worrying about something we can’t change - I know you’ll take good care of her. I love you both so much. Tell Cami I said hi, yeah?”
“Of course,” he promised softly, “I will. I love you too, honey. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow,” you confirmed, “good night, Stevie.”
He returned the sentiment before hanging up the phone and setting it down with a small sigh. He felt better after talking to you, but he still worried about his daughter; he was always a worrier. He couldn’t help it, it was just a part of who he was.
He gathered up the supplies he had gathered before heading back to his bedroom. When he quietly popped inside, he was relieved to see that Cami had fallen asleep. Even if it wasn’t for long, he wanted her to be able to get some rest. Steve placed Peter the bunny next to her so when she woke up she’d have him. The rest of his supplies went on the bedside table. 
He gently climbed back into bed, doing his best not to disturb the small girl and snuggled up next to her. Realistically he knew that he should be able to sleep just fine and she would wake him up if and when she needed him. He also knew that this would be a sleepless night for him. Camila had never really been sick before and while he was used to dealing with sick children at work, it felt different now that it was his daughter. It felt horrible. 
Exhaling softly, he tenderly brushed her hair out of her face before grabbing his book to read. Might as well do something with his time, right?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Daddy?” he’d noticed her stirring and was already prepared to give her his full attention. He glanced at the alarm clock and saw that it was nearing four in the morning. His poor baby girl. She turned around so she could look at him, her eyes dazy and face slightly flushed, “‘m thirsty, Daddy.”
“I’ve got some water for you, Cami girl,” he cracked the top of one of the water bottles before carefully handing it to her. She took it in both hands and chugged it down, finishing almost the entire bottle before Steve slowed her down, “slowly sweetheart, you don’t want to make your tummy ache from too much at once.”
“Okay,” she handed him back the bottle before she realized that Peter was next to her. She squealed in delight before grabbing the stuffed bunny and clutched it tightly to her chest, “you brought Peter!”
“He was missing you too,” he smiled gently at her, “can I take your temperature? And I’ve got something to help you feel a little better.”
“I’m cold,” she pouted as he grabbed the thermometer and stuck it in her mouth. She already knew the drill and had opened her mouth. Steve tutted at her lightly, already planning to grab her a few more blankets that should help. He pulled the thermometer out when it beeped and read the little screen. 101. A mild fever but nothing too bad, fortunately. 
“You’ve got a little bit of a fever,” he grabbed the acetaminophen and water bottle, “this will help and I’ll get you some more blankets today? I want you to rest and your fever should break soon.”
“I miss Mommy,” she pouted as he popped the medicine into her mouth and handed her the water to finish off. It wasn’t that she didn’t love Steve; oh no, she absolutely adored her father almost more than anything, but she loved you too. She was used to having both of you around. 
“Me too,” he agreed, “I talked to Mommy while you were sleeping and she said to tell you hello and that she loves you. But she’ll be home soon.”
“Good,” she gave him a firm little nod, “can we have dino nuggets later?”
He couldn’t help but laugh at her lightly before kissing the side of her head, “we’ll see, Cami. Right now I want you to try and get some sleep, okay? Once you’re up we can see about getting some nuggets and a nice warm bath.”
“Will you stay with me?” she looked at him with big, soft doe eyes and he nodded. As if there was anywhere he would rather be. 
“I will,” he helped to tuck her back under the covers, making sure Peter was with her, “I’m going to grab a few more blankets and I’ll be right back.”
She was already fast asleep by the time Steve made it back with a new load of blankets. He bundled her up as best as he could, hoping her fever would break soon. All he could do was keep an eye on her wait. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next two days passed in a much smoother manner than that first night. Cami was about to sleep off her fever and slowly began to feel better with each passing hour. Of course, it probably didn’t hurt that he was indulging her every whim and fancy to the best of his ability. He wouldn’t call his daughter spoiled…she just wasn’t told no very often. But on the flipside, she rarely asked for things and was always polite and kind to everyone. She was a good kid, after all.
But that didn’t mean that he wasn’t more than ready for you to come home. He was practically counting down the hours - you were too. You’d been a little sneaky and told him that you’d be home a few hours later than you really would be, wanting to come home and surprise the two of you. 
When you did, when you finally made it home and let yourself into the house as quietly as you could, you found the two of them at the kitchen table, eating exactly what you expected - man n cheese and dinosaur nuggets. It was such a simple but beautiful sight that melted your heart.
“Hello my loves,” you whispered as you set your bag down. Both of them turned to look at you, eyes widening in excitement before rushing over to you. 
“Sweetheart,” felt a small pair of arms wrapped around your legs and another pair of arms around your shoulders as your two favorite people enveloped you with love, “you’re home early!”
“Surprise,” you leaned in and kissed him softly, wishing you could have more, more, more but remembering that your daughter was still right there. You’d have all the time with him later, “I love you.”
“I love you,” he whispered in return before picking up Cami and balancing her on his hip so she could get a kiss too. You brushed her rogue, wild curls out of her face before pressing big kisses to her cheeks.
“Hi Cami girl,” she looked so happy to see it that it made your heart melt, “I’m so glad you’re feeling better. Daddy took good care of you, huh?”
“Mhmm,” she grinned happily, “we even got to stay up and watch princess movies!”
“Oh you did, huh?” you looked at your husband, who gave you a sheepish smile accompanied with a shrug that said what can you do? You touched his cheek affectionately, “I’m glad you’re feeling better, my little love, and I’m glad you took such good care of her, my love.”
“Do you want some nuggies, Mommy?” she asked excitedly and you couldn’t turn down that adorable face, “we made lots!’
“I couldn’t think of anything better.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Steve was already in bed, eagerly waiting for you as you finished your little night time routine. He hadn’t realized just how much he’d miss just sleeping next to you. But then you appeared, all big smiles, soft eyes, and cozy pajamas that consisted of a pair of old shorts and one of his sweaters. It was easily his favorite sight in the entire world. 
“You’re so beautiful,” you playfully rolled your eyes before walking over to him, taking the outstretched hand that he offered you. He threaded your fingers together before pulling you into his lap. He leaned against the headboard as you straddled his waist and rested against his bent legs, “god, I missed you so much. And you were only gone for three days.”
“I missed you too,” you admitted, reaching over and gently tracing along some of his freckles. You liked mapping them out with your fingers, and even more so with your lips, “next time there’s a conference or anything that requires me to be gone, I’m bringing you both.”
“Same here,” he laughed softly, taking your hand and bringing your hand to his lips and reverently kissing your palm, “three days was too long.”
“But at least I know that the two of you are able to survive without me,” you teased and a pretty flush of pink rose up in his cheeks, “you did great, Stevie. Seriously.”
“I will admit that I was a little nervous,” he confessed quietly as you giggled at him, “it’s a lot of pressure taking care of a young, sick kid on your own!”
“I know,” you acknowledged, “but you did wonderfully.”
He hummed in content as the two of you looked at each all starred-eyed before exchanging soft, sweet kisses. He pulled back after a few moments and you could see that there was something on his mind. You tutted lightly before putting a finger under his chin and turning his face up to yours, “I’ve been thinking…”
“Uh oh..”
“Hey,” he gently squeezed your side as you squirmed in grasp, “Cami’s in preschool now, and we’ve discovered that I can manage a kid on my own for days…I-I guess I’m just kind of wondering what your thoughts are about trying for that second kid?”
Your face lit up and Steve took that as a good sign. You were silent for a moment before reaching for his hand and settling it on your tummy, “how about in like seven months?”
“Oh,” his eyebrows rose in confusion. It took him a second to process but he nodded; it was you that was doing all the hard work realistically. He could easily hold off on trying for a while, “okay, angel. We’ll start trying in the new year.”
“Stevie,” you were laughing now; he was so smart and so wonderful, but he was so oblivious at times, “I didn’t mean…waiting. I meant…how would you feel about meeting your new daughter or son in seven months?”
“I…what?” his mouth opened and closed a few times and then it hit him, “you’re pregnant?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed softly and his whole expression practically melted into heart eyes and a big lovesick smile, “I found out a few weeks ago…I’ve just been wanting for the perfect opportunity to tell you. And I guess now is as good of a time as any. Surprise, my love!”
“Wow,” he exhaled shakily before laughing you into his chest and kissing you softly, “what a perfect surprise. That’s…fuck, that’s wonderful. I love you so much. You, Cami, and the new baby.”
“Blob Harrington number two,” you teased, causing him to groan softly. You’d referred to Cami as Blob throughout most of your pregnancy because she just looks like a blob! He nudged his nose with his before brushing his lips over yours again, “I love you too, Steve. So, so much.”
“Oh my clumsy girl,” affectionate fondness laced his words, “I’m going to be thoroughly outnumbered. Three girls against me? Unfair.”
“How do you know it’s gonna be a girl?”
“I just know,” he insisted cheekily, “it’ll be a girl.”
“Oh,” you stook out your tongue at him, “wanna bet on it? I say it’s a boy.”
“You’re on,” he held out his hand, “it’s a girl. Terms of winning to be determined.”
“Just…don’t ruin it for yourself or me this time,” he had accidentally spilled the beans with Cami, not that you minded, “so no close looks for you at ultrasounds.”
“I’ll accept your terms,” he agreed as you shook his hand, “I love you, angel.”
“I love you more, Steve.”
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callsigndragon · 2 years
You never asked | Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
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Summary: Mickey has a secret. He didn't want to hide it. It's just that nobody ever asked.
Pairing: Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia x fem!reader
Word count: 976
Warnings: fluff. domestic fluff. and i dont want to say anything more bc spoilers
A/N: So this is probably the beginning of many drabbles... Because i literally fell in love with Mickey Garcia, and I have the power to create all the content i want.
Tag list: @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox  @mercurio23 @shrimping-for-all @abaker74
(if you want to be tagged in everything TGM, let me know <3)
@purplevortexx this is the first appearance of our latina queen. Her time to shine has come.
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Mickey Garcia had a big secret. Well, it wasn't a secret. Nobody had asked him if he was married. And he just didn't share that tiny detail. 
He loved his wife. More than words could ever express. They met in high school, she was the new member of Mickey's D&D club. Well, it wasn't his club. He was just a member, just like her when she joined. Mickey swears that when Y/N walked through the doors of that small, messy basement they used as a club, he knew. 
That was the girl he was going to marry. 
He asked her hand in marriage when his training period in the Naval Academy ended. She said yes. He laughed, she cried. 
Life was good. 
Every time Mickey was deployed, Mickey's grandma, Camila, took care of her. Abuelita Garcia had a room prepared for her nieta (granddaughter) and tried to feed her every time Y/N was a bit sad or missed Mickey. The wizzo loved that his family adored his wife as much as he did. And he also liked how Y/N's cheeks were a bit chubbier whenever he came back from deployment, due to the big amount of tamales that Camila made her eat. 
"Camila wants me to gain weight. She said I'm too thin, and I need to eat more, so I can be a good mom in the future," Y/N told Mickey in one of their FaceTime calls. 
"Amor, she literally told me that every day for the first 18 years of my life" he answered, chuckling at the thought of Camila filling his wife's plate with more tamales. 
"That's where the cute cheeks come from!" 
"I don't have cute cheeks" he whined. 
"Whatever you wanna say, babe" 
Mickey had missed his girls a lot during the uranium mission. He didn't want to bring Y/N with him, knowing that he was only going to be there for a few weeks, then he'll be back home. 
But now that the mission is over, and he is staying in this base for a while, he needs to tell the squad that he's married. 
He can imagine Phoenix's face already. 
"So, my dear buddies," says Rooster, setting down his beer. "I think it's time to know more about each other's lives. You know about my life already but… i don't know anything about you" 
"I mean, we only know about your life because this mission was more like a soap opera than a life-threatening experience" Bob jokes, grabbing more peanuts. 
"Bob, you're not as quiet and shy as I thought you'd be," Hangman comments, moving to play his turn at darts. Phoenix is trying to beat him, even though it's virtually impossible. 
"I never said I was. You just saw a guy with glasses and thought that he would be the average quiet kid that sits at the end of the class" the wizzo retorts. 
"Which you totally are," Phoenix affirms. 
Mickey smiles, knowing how much Y/N would love to be with these amazing aviators. She is such an amazing woman… Mickey can't wait for the squad to meet her. They keep talking and sharing parts of their lives, and just when it's Fanboy's turn to speak, a little, dark haired baby girl runs into the bar, looking around and trying to find the person she's been missing for weeks.
"DADDY!" the little girl yells, sprinting towards his father, her curls bouncing up and down at every step. 
Fanboy, recognizing the voice of his little girl, kneels down, opening his arms for his princess. Once she's secured in his dad's arms, Mickey gets up, looking at the dumbfounded aviators in front of him. 
"Did she just call you Daddy?" Coyote questions, looking between baby Garcia and Mickey. "You know what, don't answer. You're identical" 
"Yeah, nine months inside me, and she grows up to be her father's spitting image" Y/N says, appearing next to Fanboy. "She missed you so much that we had to come early" 
Mickey looks at his wife and then at his daughter, not surprised to hear that his pequeña princesa (little princess) couldn't wait more to see him. She is daddy's girl. 
"Mi princesa, ¿no pudiste esperar más?" (My princess couldn't wait longer?)
"Daddy, I missed you so much," the little girl pouts, looking at his father with the same big, dark brown eyes she had inherited from him. 
"Cam, amor, ¡sólo tenías que esperar dos días más!" (Cam, love, you only had to wait two more days!) 
"That was too much time," she protests. 
"Pendejo que no piensas saludar a tu abuela o qué," says a woman standing behind Y/N. The very same woman his daughter got her name from. (Idiot, are you not going to say hi to your grandma?)
"Oh my, abuela. I didn't see you there!" Explains Mickey, a bit scared of his grandma's reaction for not hugging her. It doesn't matter how much of a grown man Mickey is. He would always be a bit scared of his grandma. 
"Who are these people, hmm? And why are all of them so skinny! Look at this girl." Camila pinches Phoenix's cheek. "You have to eat more! I have tamales in the car, do you want some?" 
"Jesus, abuelita. Don't do that to my friend." 
"Payback, why aren't you fazed by this?" Hangman's words make the whole Garcia family laugh, just then moving to hug Cam and kiss her chubby cheeks. "I'm the godfather." 
"You mean to tell me that you knew that Fanboy is not only married, but a father, and you never shared any of that information with the rest?" Rooster exposes, feeling really, really betrayed. 
And as if Fanboy and Payback had rehearsed the answer for hours, they both say it at the same time. "You never asked!" 
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zombiegurlmode · 4 years
Camren is a dead ship. Get over it bish.
I thought about whether i truly wanted to write this or not. Then again, i thought to myself, this is my vent area i will write whatever the hell i want. You no likey you getaway from me. Simple fact of life right?
So a little background story before we dice the meat and butcher it into pieces. Sony is one of those companies that i hate to love and love to hate. It all started with their almighty creation the PlayStation. Such a phenomal brand that it paved the way for the revolutionizing the gaming industry we know of today. And then lo and behold sony is also famed for killing off its own brands by their lousy marketing efforts or failed attempts. Exhibits A to C: sony vaio, sony erickson, PS Vita (probably one of their greatest massacre of all time). So when i learned that 5H were actually part of the Sony umbrella corporation, (ooo this is a reference. Hint: refer to my handle) all i could think about is who’s the next victim. Well we got our casualty right?
Anyway, next stop on our background story is i’ve heard of 5H way before i’ve learned of camren. I mean i couldn’t even be bothered whoever the hell are the members of 5H were. All i know is that i really liked their song work from home and then I listened to their other songs and appreciated some of their other songs while others not so much. Personally, i just thought of 5H before as another run of the mill generic knock off version of Spice Girls. Funnily enough, they did their own version of Spice Girls. Then i came across never be the same and instanly liked it. I never even knew that she was a former 5H member. Honestly, i still couldn’t be bothered at that time.
Fast track a few months or a year, i had a major setback with my sexuality. I encountered a colleague of mine whom i have developed strong affections for. This totally knocked me off my orbit and bothered me since A) she’s married and B) i’m in denial. I mean at the back of my head i already knew since i was young. I was just suppressing it. No need to go into details since most of us are on the same boat on this. You know the usual ploy of disasterrific coming out agenda and the whole enchalada. So to eleviate some of my concerns, i even ended up consulting professional help from a friend of mine who is practicing professionally. I learned from her that there are even conversion camps to somehow “change us back to normal”. Creepy if you ask and i’m even downplaying it. Anyway, i saw in a facebook post one of my friends attending a pride march here in the Philippines. So i gathered my courage and spoke to her and ended up coming out to her.
Fast track again, she introduced me to camren and the rest is history. I was hooked, lined, and sunk with this dead ship. And i haven’t been the same ever since. I read Bashuda’s post here (hope i got your name right). An open letter to lauren jauregui. And all she’ve said, i’m willling to bet most camren shippers underwent too. We are all looking for that special kind of love that knocks us out of our orbit, takes our breath away, and drives us crazy up the wall. The all consuming type of love that you know is worth every damn fight you’ll have to go through. And somehow, we shippers see that in camren and gives us the hope and courage that the love we all seek do truly exists in this otherwise selfish, relentless, and brutal world we all live in.
So now unto to the main agenda, Lauren’s live or podcast or whatever we call it now with becky g. All i got is that she doesn’t like being called daddy. I concede defeat you shippers arguing in wattpad can now be laid to rest. It’s now finally settled straight from the horse’s mouth. We now can definitely without a doubt say who tops. Hahahaha. Ok, just kidding. I just couldn’t resist. I mean she had it coming. I’m just feeding my crazy self. Although, you know she did say daddy’s get your sh*t *wink wonk*. You know I wouldn’t mind being called a daddy hahahaha. Again couldn’t resist. At this point, i’m just twisting her words and being playful.
Since i can’t control myself from taking shots at her words, let’s continue on with my tomfoolery. Lauren again gave us another proof. This time she proved herself again that she is in fact a living breathing meme. And this meme came into my mind:
Literally no one: ....
Lauren: you know camren is not real blah blah blah
Cs: who even ask about camren? It’s a dead ship. You said it yourself it’s not real. Get over it bish. (Honestly lauren. Joke’s on you bud)
Ok, ok, all kidding and lousy jokes aside. What i truly can take away from all her passionate speech is this LJ1 IS COMING!!!!!!
I mean denying camren again? Real shocker. News flash to me. Really i swear i almost had a gay panic in the office no less. Honestly lauren it’s 2020 and covid is out here doing it’s thing and your back reliving a dead ship no less and retelling yet again the same things you’ve said before. Oh don’t get me wrong tho. I am not downplaying in any way what you have to go through. I mean come on for crying out loud my front is still in the closet quaking like a damn moron. Look what i truly do not appreciate is why is it about the cs again huh? Come on, it’s not like we tag you in all your accounts to chant our undying faithfulness to our ship that has been turned officially into submarine. Where our beloved captain may or may not be in hiding in plain sight or maybe our delusional minds are conjuring these thoughts. Neither do we publicly declare our posts or force anyone to believe in our conspiracy theory. We have a very dedicated community much like a dedicated server where we gather like cults and study our fine specimens... sorry i meant closely observe and adore our ship. We have a special place where we can commune and comment and make fun of our created fanfics out of the very fine figments of the numerous authors’ machinations. And yet here we are people trespassing on our free space and demanding to cease and desist this atrocious camren lunacy wherein you couldn’t just possibly stumble upon camren accidentally unless you were intending to. Because as i’ve mentioned before i’ve heard of 5H and camila cabello way before i encountered the anomaly of camren. I even searched about 5H because of camila cabello’s involvement in the group. And not in one of those searches did it yield to camren. Not until i was introduced to it by a friend. And now i am clearly a camren fiend.
Anywho, quite obvious to me that the marketing for LJ1 has begun and we are now all entering the hook phase by drawing in attention by creating new drama or reliving or reenvisioning past established conflicts to fit into the narrative. Well i’m excited for its official release and that’s all i have left to say now. Have a pleasant day everyone. The madness had finally ended here.
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sambergscott · 4 years
the best thing is you
just jake, amy, and their favourite things about being parents
There are a lot of things Jake loves about being a dad: stealing his kid’s food when he can’t finish his plate, sleepy cuddles before bed, putting on voices for all the characters in his books, and wearing matching Adidas Superstars. But if he had to pick his absolute favorite number one thing, playing with Sam’s toys would come out on top.
Luckily, their apartment is filled with toys, organised by type, colour and size into various bins and baskets and labelled (Santiago Style!) so he always knows where to put stuff during tidy-up time. If Jake so much as accidentally puts one red Lego block in the yellow Lego container, Sam tuts, rolls his eyes and snitches on him to Amy later.
He has lots of toys but it’s not like he’s spoiled or anything; Amy has a big family and he gets a lot of hand-me-downs. Amy helps him write thank you cards every time he receives a new toy, they constantly remind him how lucky he is and donate his unwanted items to less lucky girls and boys.
(During one decluttering sesh, he puts his favourite truck in the giveaway pile for another kid to play with and Amy almost cries. They’re biased, but they’re pretty sure that Sam is the best kid ever).
They re-enact Ninja Turtles scenes with his action figures, roam the apartment with his dinosaurs and play shop (which consists of Sam selling Jake tinned goods that he already owns).
Both Jake and Sam’s favorite thing to play is the appropriately titled Detective Daddy game.
In short, Jake wears his badge and a tie (even over his t-shirts because, as he explains in his Grandpa Holt voice that never fails to make Sam fall over in a fit of giggles, wearing a necktie in the workplace is very important) and interrogates the three year old until he confesses to his crimes.
It usually goes like this.
“Princess Mommy has been kidnapped!”
Dramatic gasp.
“And I think you took her.”
“Me?” He clutches his chest, feigning innocence.
“I found her tiara in your bedroom, I checked the baby monitor security footage and you weren’t where you said you were and most incriminating of all, I found your fingerprints on her Amy water bottle.”
“My name’s Amy!”
(He often confuses the fact that they share one of the same names and thinks his name is Amy, not Santiago. It’s kind of adorable).
“I checked your file,” he brandishes a manila folder he stole from work and drops it on the dining room table, “and your name is Samuel.”
He gasps again. “I didn’t do it, Officer!”
“Just admit it,” Jake growls playfully, leaning forward to intimidate the suspect.
Sam climbs onto the table and closes the gap all the way, booping his nose against Jake’s and making him break character for half a second.
“Admit you kidnapped Princess Mommy,” Jake insists, tickling him until he finally surrenders.
“I did it! I did it!” He cries. “I kidnapped Princess Mommy and Queen Karen!”
Cue Jake a dramatic gasp from Jake this time.
“You’re going to jail for a long, long, long, long, long, long time!”
Jail is a pillow fort in the corner of the room.
(It’s actually cosy and super comfortable; Sam sent Jake there one time when he played the role of detective the morning after Jake had worked a night shift and he may have fallen asleep until his son decided to jump on him to wake him up so they could have more fun).
Jake scoops the dangerous(-ly cute) criminal into his arms and throws him in pillow fort prison, then rescues his Princess and Queen from the couch.
Sam can’t get enough of cop related games. It warms both Jake and Amy’s hearts that he’s so proud of what they do; it makes all the late nights and time away from him totally worth it.
Victor and Camila buy him a Police Station Lego set for Christmas and, after constructing it with mommy and daddy, it sits pride of place on top of his dresser next to a framed picture of the three of them. The next time he visits the Ninety-Ninth precinct he brags to Rosa, Charles and all the uniformed officers about how his police station is way cooler than theirs.
That very Christmas, he plays cops and robbers for the first time and kicks Santiago cousin butt. Amy high fives him in front of her brothers, thrilled that Sam is continuing her legacy of being the best at the game.
Jake will come up with elaborate (kid friendly) cases that Sam is obsessed with, for example, “oh no! Someone stole a pizza from Sal’s and is getting away!”
“Not Sal’s!” Sam cries because even at three years old, he is aware that Sal’s is the best pizza place in Brooklyn. Like father, like son.
He chases his police cars around the living room, making siren noises and eventually cutting the bad guy’s car off before he can escape towards the bedrooms down the hall.
(They’re going out for a walk when their elderly neighbour offers him one of her grandson’s fire engines that he’s got too old for. Sam declines because firefighters are for losers and the FDNY suck. Amy shoots her an embarrassed smile and herds Sam away).
When it’s time for bed and all the toys have been put away, Jake tells him the story of how a cool, leather jacket-wearing detective married the youngest female Sergeant in the history of the Nine-Nine.
Sam asks to hear it again every night.
There are a lot of things Amy loves about being a mom: baking chocolate muffins and pretending not to see when he steals some of raw mixture (even though he has chocolate all round his mouth), sleepy cuddles before bed, singing to Disney hits at the tops of their voices and trying not to cry when he brags about his mom being the youngest female Sergeant in the history of the Nine-Nine to everyone they meet. But if she had to pick her absolute favourite number one thing, teaching Sam to read and write and count would come out on top.
She was always good at school. She got the highest grades. She loved crawling into her dad’s lap and reading to him, glowing under his constant praise. She didn’t need any help with the big words unlike Tony and it wasn’t long before her teacher advised that she skip fourth grade.
She studied Art History at college, topped her class, and was the best in her group of recruits at the Academy, too.
As her brothers started having kids, she loved helping them read and, as they got older, helping them with homework. She especially loved when they would confide in her that she’s smarter than their dads. Beating her brothers, even as an adult, was still her greatest joy. Until she fell in love and had a kid of her own and beating her brothers was demoted to third spot.
The Santiago genes are just as strong in Sam.
He’s like Jake in a lot of ways: his dark, unruly curls, his nose, his sense of humour, his penchant for dramatic reveals.
(Running into their room at 5am shouting, “Mommy! Daddy! I didn’t wet the bed last night!”, for example).
But he is smart. Santiago-level smart.
He learns to count to twenty before all his friends, is a super reader and bilingual.
Amy has been singing him Spanish lullabies since he was a newborn, teaching him his “Por favor”s and “Gracias”s, whispering “Te amo” as she kisses him goodnight. She cries so hard the first time he says it back.
It’s very important to her that he can speak Spanish so they have  lessons with daddy on Tuesday nights. She buys a textbook and makes them sit opposite her at the dining room table like they’re actually in school.
“¿Cuántos años tienes?” She asks him after their first lesson.
“Tengo tres años,” he responds with a proud smile that has Amy gathering him into her arms and smothering him with kisses.
Rosa has been teaching Jake Spanish for a couple of years but his brain is so full of case details and Die Hard quotes that Sam quickly surpasses him, joining Amy on her side of the table.
“Tell mama she’s pretty,” he instructs.
He furrows his brow, immediately looking to Amy for help.
“Luces bien.”
“That was it!” He snaps his fingers. “Luces bien, Ames.”
She blushes, tucks her hair behind both her ears and flicks to the next page of the textbook. She’s only in one of his hoodies and leggings, she’s not even sure when she last washed her hair, but her husband makes her feel beautiful. Always has done, right back to the time he said her dress makes her look like a mermaid.
Along with Spanish, she teaches him basic geography. He knows that Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean, that Havana is the capital city and can draw the flag with his crayons. He shows off to Camila the next time they visit and earns himself an extra cookie.
He can write his name, too, and she remarks that at age three his penmanship is already better than Jake’s.
(Jake sticks his tongue out at her, even if it’s true).
Like Amy, he loves books. Loves the silly voices Jake makes as he reads, loves reading along with Amy and love love loves reading the book of Jake and Amy (illustrated by Terry) that Jake has made for his fourth birthday.
“Don’t you want to read a different book tonight?” She questions foolishly. They’ve read it three nights in a row.
“Nope,” he grins. “Mommy and daddy’s book.”
Her heart melts as she opens the book and he snuggles into his arms.
“It was her first day at the Nine-Nine...”
After an interrogation that went on longer than expected, Jake missed dinner and bath time and had to break several speed limits to get home in time for his bedtime story and goodnight kisses.
He locks the apartment door behind him and follows the sound of Amy’s voice to Sam’s bedroom, recognizing the story immediately.
“I’m hearing wedding bells!” Amy reads, doing a spot on impression of Charles’ voice.
Jake stifles a laugh, leaning against the doorframe and listening to his wife recite the story he knows so well.
There are a lot of things they love about being parents, but at the end of the day, watching Sam play and learn and cuddle their spouse is the best thing of all. And soon they will get to watch them do it all over again with Baby Peralta 2: Peralta Harder.
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends —Part 8
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually)
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally.
Series masterlist
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5 — Part 6 — Part 7
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It's been a couple of days and Sofía finally had the time to Skype with Mandy.
“Works going great, today's been kind of long. Been interviewing a bunch of people to the assistant gig.” Sofía spoke to the computer resting on the middle of the bed, she was pointing it towards the mirror where Sofía was brushing her hair.
“That's awesome baby, don't work too hard though,” Mandy said eating an apple. “Where's Chris?”
“He had some meetings or something—” She shrugged looking back at Mandy who had her eyebrows up, lips puckering. she was waiting. “Okay, yes we did it, we had sex.”
She actually claps like a child. “I want details, bitch,” Mandy said and Sofía laugh
"I had never been fucked that deep on my life and I've been around the block,” Sofia said biting her lip. “And he's… dominant and tender. I don't know.” She waves a hand and shrugged.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Mandy said putting a hand on her chest. “It's like me with Luke, no one can fuck me as he fucks me. I totally get it—so, you guys dating now?”
“What? no.” Sofía shakes her head.
“You haven't talked about it yet?”
“A little, the other day after you helped him ambush me on the bar. But I don't know, I like him that's for sure and he likes me.”
“Well, that's a start—finally, it was like a fucking pregnancy with you two.” She laughs.
“But we're not dating, just… fucking, he's still my friend.” she shrugged
“And Chris is okay with it?”
“Why not? we were speaking that he had sex with his ex and regretted the whole thing, but I don't know, I'm convenient for him"
“And he told you that?”
“No, But—
“I don't think Chris, Chris I know thinks you're convenient.”
“But I am, I'm cool with that—I don't want anything else,” Sofía said, sitting cross-legged in front of the computer, now paying attention to her friend.
“But why not? Sof. he's not some idiot you've founded on tinder—”
“I've used tinder once!”
“That leads to the most lengthy relationship you've had—on your life!” Mandy said.
Sofía rolled her eyes. “yeah and that worked out so good, Tiffany leave me with fucking PTSD—And your point?”
“Is that I think Chris is the one you've been waiting for your whole life.” She speaks and Sofía frown. “I remember what we talked about when we were younger before shit went down—you know.”
“Yeah, I remember… I was seventeen and still a virgin. I didn't even realize that I liked women too.”
“Yeah, that doesn't matter—I mean I'm glad that you're out and proud not the point—but Isn't Chris all that you ever wanted in someone?”
“Why are you making a telenovela out of this?, I already told you—”
“I think he's great for you and you deserve great—I mean there's no men worthy of you but Chris is pretty close,” Mandy spoke as she walked on the apartment back in Boston. “I'm not telling you now, but maybe there's a future with him.”
“I don't know—how're things back there?” Sofia had abruptly change subjects and Mandy stares her through the computer.
“It's good, I miss you—”
“I miss you too, baby.”
“—no one cooks for me here and I had been back at home and mom and dad also miss you. And Ian has a crush on you.”
“Your baby bro?, He's eighteen!.” She raised her eyebrows.
“He's been asking about you a lot. When's Sofi coming?, Sofi this and Sofi that.” Mandy laughed. “It's kind of endearing.”
“Yes, he's cute maybe in a few—
“Shut the fuck up, no way in fucking hell your—Ewww!” Mandy screamed and shake her head making Sofía laugh.
“I'm fucking with you—” She smiled and her phone started ringing, it was Chris. “And speaking of.” Sofia smile showing her the phone.
“Oh, don't let me get in the way!” Mandy said and blow her a kiss and ended the call after saying goodbye.
“Hey!” She smiles letting herself fall on the bed.
“Hi baby, just gets home—I've been on the studio all day.” He said. He sounded tired, she could tell.
“You sound tired, have you eaten yet?”
“I am, dead tired.” He yawns over the phone.
“Not yet, I'm ordering something though—wanna come over? I might have a huge bag of weed.” He laughed.
“Hell yes.” She said laughing. “I'll bring some pizza, go take a shower and relax—I'll be there in a little bit,” Sofía said already getting out of bed.
“You're the best!, I'll leave the door unlocked, just get it.”
“Alright, see you on a bit.”
“Chris?” Sofia called, locking the door behind her as she walked to the empty-looking house. Dodger came running from the back to greet her. “Hey baby, where's daddy?” She asked him as he moves his tail all over. When she reached the living room he was sprawled on the couch, phone resting on his chest.
“Awh,” Sofia said putting the two pizzas on the coffee table and slide her backpack off and kneel beside him and kissed his beard. “Hey, sleepyhead.”
Chris's eyes fluffer open and his smile got to bashful that Sofia had to sigh deeply. He was so handsome, with those bright blue eyes.
“My sofi–” He spoke grabbing her from the waist and pulled her on top of him and slide his hand under her dress, sliding his hands up and down her ass.
“You tired, champ?”
“Not of this ass.” He nipped at her neck and then kissed her. “I'm hungry though, that pizza is getting me.” Chris swat at her ass and she laughs.
“Let's eat, uhm?”
Chris scooted her again and seat her beside him on the couch. They sat there as Sofia surf through Netflix trying to catch a movie.
“You do something tomorrow?” Chris asked taking another bite of his pizza.
“Nope, I mean nothing job-related.”
“Mm, I've got a birthday party. You interested?”
“Yes. free food, especially cake.” She quickly agreed, Chris snort. “who's the birthday?”
“A friend, you'll see.”
Sofía cranked her neck up from his shoulder and squinted his eyes at him. “Why you'll being all mysterious and shit?”
Chris laughed, taking a sip of his beer and shrugged.
“It's not Brad, isn't it?” She frowns.
“I don't like him very much.”
Chris frown, giving her one stare to elaborate on that, and Sofía sigh. “He cornered me on the kitchen and asked me if you and I were fucking, so he knows I'm off-limits. He asked me out and was kind of surprised when I said no.”
Chris pursed his lips and looked forward. “Fucking asshole. We're not really close, he's usually hanging with us, he's no longer welcome.”
Sofía bite her pizza and looked at him, not gonna lie she liked that… possessiveness on Chris even though she won't admit it. Leaving the half-eaten pizza there, she grabbed her beer and took a few gulps.
“You finish that?” She asked and Chris looked at her, throwing the pizza on the coffee table and grabbed the beer from her hand, and she giggles putting biting her nail.
“Sure as hell did.” He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in, straddle him. Chris looked down at her bare legs as he caresses them, up and down, and then put both of his hands on her ass and squeeze it. Camila looked down and grabbed the joint Chris had previously rolled and a lighter.
“Want to?” She said putting the joint between her lips and Chris hummed at him.
Sofia light it up, throwing the lighter back at the table and took a deep drag, hold it for a moment, and put the joint on Chris's mouth.
“Fuck—” She looked up, blowing the smoke. “So good.”
“Yeah,” He blew the smoke, hand gripping her jaw, his fingers playing with her bottom lip and she opened her mouth and he slipped two fingers inside, closing her lips around them she sucked, tongue dragging up the bottom. Chris slide then out and wrap his fingers around her neck and pulled her in for a heated kiss “You've got no idea what you do to me.”
“I do,” She smiles, lazily, and press herself more against his clothed dick. “Feels so good.”
“I do,” She smiles, lazily, and press herself more against his clothed dick. “Feels so good.”
“Fuck, it does.” Chris closed his eyes, leaning his head against her chest as she started to move her hips, oh so slowly. Grabbing the joint from his fingers, she gave it another go, already feeling light and dazed.
“You're so fucking… cute,” She bit her lips while smiling cupping Chris's face. “Your eyes are so beautiful and blue and your lashes—I want them.”
Chris blushed and Sofía squeezes his face planting kisses on his forehead, his nose, and their lips.
“–Then,” She said. Putting the joint between her lips and grabbed the end of his shirt and took it off, revealing his toned body. “That. all of it—fuck. me.”
“I'm trying—” Chris chuckle, now he gave it the final drag and leave the joint on the ashtray on the table. Grabbing Sofia’s face, she opened her mouth and shotgun the smoke into her mouth.
“I'm so high, that's some good shit right there.” She hides her face on the creak of his neck and laughs, making him laugh.
“It is,” He hummed, closing his eyes as he concentrates on the butterfly kisses on his neck, she suddenly wrapped her arms around here and they just stayed there. Chris's hand kept caressing her back.
“Sofi?” He said, trying to look at her face but her soft breathing, arms going limp. Chris chuckle as he stands up, she still on his arms and carried her to the bed and tuck her in.
“Chris?” She said, barely audible as she hugged her own pillow.
“Yes? baby.” He said. Taking off his shirt and sat down on the bed to take off his shoes.
“You're my best friend, I love you.” She expressed, Chris craned his neck to see her. Eyes still closed, mouth slightly open.
“I love you too, Sof.”
“Cool.” She hummed. “I love Mandy more, she first.”
Chris let out a heartfelt laugh and slide in bed with her and scoot her to sleep on his chest and she accommodated quickly.
“Sorry about your boner.” She slurred, smiling a bit when Chris laughed again. “The fuck I've smoke?”
“It's a strand I use to relax, I've used it for a while now.”
“Relax me the fuck right, I can't open my eyes.” She gulped. “Imma drools on you, so you know.”
He laughs. “Droll me, I'll take it.”
Thank everyone, so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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you’re the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
(aka, the epilogue I suddenly found myself writing) 🙈♥️🤷‍♀️
season eight: you’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be
On New Years Eve of 2020, the Santiago-Peralta household is strangely quiet.  
In the tastefully decorated living room a brightly coloured activity centre, complete with musical panels, sits neatly beside the beige sofa.  Three of the warmest blankets in Brooklyn share space with a knitted Ninja Turtle themed throw, and strapped to the door frame of the reading room Amy had once considered her favourite space is a purple and yellow Jolly Jumper,  a myriad of sensory developmental toys clipped along it’s edges.  
There are five different flavours of baby food on the kitchen counter waiting to be put away, and the bedazzled invitation to Gina Linetti’s 2021-a-thon lays forgotten to the side, mixed in with the letters and correspondences that neither Jake or Amy have done more than skim their eyes over.  Above the counter, below the precision-timed clock, hangs a framed photograph of the two of them on the night of their wedding, the happy glow of a freshly married couple still noticeable all these years later.  
Having just hung up from an unnecessarily long conversation with her mother, Amy leans against the kitchen counter, sighing at the familiarity of the curved granite meeting her lower back.  Mama Santiago means well; and as the mother of eight and abuela to five, has a lot of valuable tips and tricks up her sleeve.  But this is Amy’s first child, and as much as she wants to do everything exactly right, she also wants her and Jake to figure things out as they go.  A statement she’d had to repeat approximately eighty-nine times to Camila during that last phone call.  
Twisting the rings on her finger, Amy smiles at the thought of all that she and Jake had been through in the past year.  At eight months, their daughter Mia was tiny but fierce, and motherhood was both everything and absolutely nothing like she’d expected it to be.      
There had been offers to babysit from friends and family alike in the last few weeks, but all of them had been met with a polite shake of both her and Jake’s heads.  Sure, there were a lot of places that they could be tonight - and they’re probably missing out on an interesting experience at Gina’s - but truthfully, tonight there is nowhere they’d rather be than home.
(With any luck, they’d have their own wild night - and by wild, she means uninterrupted sleep for the next ten to twelve hours.  Baby Mia had only just begun to sleep through the night, and both Amy and Jake were approximately 4,167 hours behind on their own slumber.)
Shaking off the last remnants of the phone call from her body, Amy tucks her hair behind one ear and looks around the kitchen, noticing the bottle of champagne that her husband had pulled out of the chiller earlier was still sitting to the side, unattended next to a spare lid for their daughter’s favourite bottle.  Pouting her lips slightly, she glances at the clock, noting from it’s steady tick that it had been a good half hour since she’d heard from either Jake - and while silence in a house with a baby is usually a good thing, she’s also really curious what could be holding him up, and so Amy grabs the champagne with her left hand, shoving her phone into the pocket of her sweats with the other.  
The condensation from the neck of the bottle drips onto Amy’s fingers as she makes her way down the short hallway, her socked feet moving carefully across the floor lest a squeaky floorboard should wake their sleeping beauty.  Amy cranes her neck around the doorway once she’s reached her destination, and the sight inside simply makes her heart melt.
Jake sits inside their daughter’s room, on the oversized plush chair that a very pregnant Amy had insisted they buy, his eyes trained solely on their sleeping daughter.  The delicately embroidered pillow made by Camila, with Mia’s name sewn in shimmering thread, remained gripped in his hands, his body leaning forwards as though at any given second he was going to climb into the cot and join their daughter.  His eyes are soft when they flicker over to her, and he shrugs, giving Amy a sheepish look before turning back to Mia.  “I just can’t stop watching her sleep.  She’s so beautiful, Ames.”
Humming her agreement, Amy tiptoes into the room.  While a relatively tight budget had meant that the nursery had remained the same colour as the rest of their apartment, she and Jake had chosen softer toned items for all the trimmings, and the mixture of excerpts from some of her favourite children’s authors and photographs of family that lined the walls never failed to bring her a sense of calm.  Running her free hand along the edge of the dresser, she toys with the neatly folded onesie Jake had placed there earlier in the evening before resting the champagne bottle beside it, moving to stand beside her husband and run her hand through his hair.  He was absolutely besotted with their little girl, and it was her favourite thing in the world to see.
Jake starts at the moistness of her fingers, looking up at Amy before noticing the champagne and he rubs his face in exhaustion, wedding band glinting in the soft light from the lamp set up behind him.  “Oh right, I’d completely forgotten that I opened that before I put Mia to bed.”
Shrugging, Amy points her chin towards their daughter, moving both hands to Jake’s shoulders as she replies.  “It’s a good thing you did, really.  A popping champagne cork would definitely have meant saying good-bye to a sleeping Mia for the rest of the night.”
His laugh is soft as he nods, the memories of the first few nights with a screaming newborn still very fresh in both of their minds.  “It’s crazy, though … how much I miss her when she’s literally right there.”
Amy’s heart swells to twice it’s normal size, thrumming against her rib cage as it tries to compensate for the sudden and overpowering amount of love she feels for her husband.  She understands all the reasons why there was a part of Jake that was worried he would turn out to be a terrible father, but oh, how she wishes he could hear how sweetly he talks about their daughter.  Turning slightly, she grabs the bottle of champagne and nudges Jake over on the plush seat, rubbing her shoulder against his as she settles into place.  One of her favourite things about this chair - and the reason she’d been so insistent on buying it - was the fact that it was just big enough for two (if they snuggled); and in moments like this Amy would definitely consider it a worthy investment.  
Reaching for the bottle and taking a slow swig, Jake uses his free hand to rest against Amy’s thigh, fingers tracing gentle patterns that she knows are unconsciously done.  (They’d been together so long now that each of their bodies was an extension of the others, and she liked to think that the tiny swirls he made were representative to the myriad of coils in his mind, stretching and unfurling comfortably whenever she was around.)  In front of them, resting her tiny head in the cot that Jake had put together (and definitely hadn’t lost his cool whilst doing so), was their baby girl - and she was literally the most beautiful thing.
“I still can’t believe we made her.”
“I know.”
“And that it’s been eight months already.”
“I know.”
Jake smiles, nudging the frame of his glasses up with the edge of his finger (a Tired Jake at home has no time for contacts).  “She gave me the biggest smile tonight, when I lay her down and kissed her goodnight.  It was like she was saying ‘goodnight, daddy!’ … without being able to actually say it, ya know?”  His face scrunches.  “God, I sound really stupid right now.”
Amy shakes her head, unable to keep the blissful smile from stretching across her face.  “Not at all.  This morning, I swear she almost said ‘mama’, but then she just kinda spit up everywhere.”
His shoulders shaking as he chuckles, Jake turns his head slightly to leave a commiserative kiss on Amy’s temple.  “I’m sure she was trying to say it anyway, babe.”
Shrugging one shoulder, Amy looks up at her husband with a smile.  “Maybe, but I doubt it.   Her first word is definitely going to be Dada.”  At Jake’s incredulous shake of his head, Amy persists.  “She literally lights up when she sees you, babe.  It’s adorable.  You’re going to get first word, and I am totally okay with it.”
(Her first word, when she says it in a few weeks time, is in fact baba - aka, her bottle.  But, it’s totally a compromise between mama and dada, and the parents take it with glee.)
Picking up the blanket mysteriously knitted by Tia Rosa, Jake drapes the material over Amy’s legs before clearing his throat.  “So earlier this evening, I was scrolling through Facebook, and the sweetest photo came up on my timeline.”  He pauses, digging for his phone and unlocking the screen with the dexterity of a man who has definitely trained himself to text without looking down.  “See?” He continues, holding up the selfie he’d posted of the two of them last year, the festoon lights strung out on the fire escape casting their faces in a cool glow as they grinned up at the camera.  “Hard to believe this was only a year ago, right?  What a difference between then and now.”
“Oh god, that feels like forever ago,” Amy murmurs, her eyes running over the image as the memory of that night washes over her - right down to the feeling of their daughter still nestled in safely.  “You were right, though.  This year has been amazing. Even if we’ve forgotten what it’s like to have a quiet home for longer than five hours.”
“An amazing night is just another Peralta Guarantee, babe.”  Jake winks, grinning.  “And as crazy as it sounds, I’m all in for that screaming, Ames.  I mean ... I’d like it a lot more if it was two in the afternoon, and not morning, but I’m here for it all the same.”  He shakes his head at Amy’s offer of the champagne again, and she nods in agreement, setting it down on the floor.
Shuffling until her legs are draped over Jake’s lap, Amy reaches for her husband’s phone and types in her brother’s profile.  “Chris did the same thing earlier tonight - look, it’s the same photo I sent to you all those years ago.”  Jake smiles, eyes taking on a faraway look as Amy continues.  “Man, I was so stupid back then.  I was crushing so hard for you, and really thought that if I just put all my energy into my work, that it would just …. Go away, I guess.”
Jake nods, his arm wrapping further around Amy’s legs, rubbing the amazingly soft purls of wool between his fingers.  “If only we’d been able to talk to each other about it … I would’ve warned you it was fruitless.  I tried to forget how I felt about you for over a year.  Obviously, it did not go well.”
“Do you think if we had told the rookie detective versions of ourselves, sitting in that unmarked car down at the docks, that one day we’d spend our entire evening watching our daughter sleep, that we’d believe them?”
His chest constricting with a restrained snort, Amy feels Jake shake his head above her.  “There is no way I would have believed it for a second.  I would have hoped, but …”
Wrapping one arm tight around Jake’s midsection, Amy looks up at her husband, genuinely wishing that even the smallest part of the amount of love she has for him right now is detectable in her gaze.  “Lucky our heads caught up to our hearts, huh?”
Leaning in, Jake plants a gentle kiss against her lips.  “I’m thankful every day.”
A muffled snore comes from the direction of the cot, and Mia stretches out her fists as she slips further into whatever dream she’s having.  “Okay, seriously.  Our daughter is literally the cutest baby ever to be born.”
“She really is.”  And really, how else could they put it?  She was tiny and beautiful and adorable and all those other words that always seemed to fail to come to mind when someone asks them to describe their daughter, because how can you relegate something so life-changing to just a few words?  She laughs, a deep-from-the-belly kind of laugh, whenever Amy pretended to have a sneezing fit in front of her.  Smiles so brightly that even her godfather Ray finds himself smiling right back.  Grips her parent’s fingers with the strength of an army - and Jake swears that their daughter somehow took a seminar in utero, because she is her mother’s daughter - but Amy already knows that truly, both of them were 100% wrapped around their daughter’s little finger from the moment she was born.
Mia was a tiny tyrant, but their tiny tyrant; with deep brown eyes you could lose yourself in, messy curly hair, and a screaming voice louder than any infant had any right to have.   But it only took one look from her: one slow blink, or the resting of her head on your shoulder, and suddenly everything was okay again.  It took thirteen hours to birth her, and only one second to fall in completely in love, and Amy would do it all again in a heartbeat.  
As her eyelids begin to grow heavy, Amy rests her head against Jake’s shoulder, relaxing completely as the combined scent of his shower gel and their daughter’s baby powder fills her senses.  Before they close completely, her eyes shift towards the framed picture of her and Jake on their very first New Years Eve together as a couple.  Oh, how far they’d come.
It’s several hours before she opens her eyes again, ears picking up on an unfamiliar but persistent pop sound coming from the window in their daughter’s room, and as her still-snoozing mind begins to wake up, Amy realises that both she and Jake had managed to sleep through it all.  
Jake’s head is heavy on her shoulder, and as Amy cups his jawline in her hand and begins dotting kisses to his hairline, he mumbles himself awake, shrugging when Amy tells him that they’ve missed counting in the New Year completely.  
His hand grips Amy’s steadily as she leads him over to the crib, neither able to resist the chance to check that their daughter was still just as perfect as she had been several hours ago, and with a stretch of his limbs Jake allows himself to be pulled away from the nursery, grabbing the baby monitor from the change table as he goes.  
Both are asleep again before their heads even hit the pillows, completely unfazed at missing the countdown.  This house, after all, was going to be filled with celebrations for so many years to come - whether their family expands or they stay as a unit of three - that a new year simply meant a new beginning.  The future was ripe with possibilities, and they couldn’t wait to see what was in store.  
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technoskittles · 4 years
Pure Feeling Playlist
Okay, so I had someone on twitter express interest in the songs I have for my playlist for Pure Feeling and figured, yeah, I could share it. I don’t have a spotify (I don’t like the interface plus the music selection is way too limited for my taste) and the playlist itself is on Youtube Music. It’s also private because I don’t really want random people seeing it or other people messing with it if I unlocked it, so I’ll just type up all the songs here with links that way y’all can scroll through and listen to what you want.
I understand there’s probably an easier and faster way to do this probably, but hey, with the quarantine I clearly have some extra time on my hands so why not?
Though, couple of warnings:
1. It’s LOOOOOOONG (it’s 300+ songs in total) (don’t worry I’m gonna put this under a cut)
2. Some of the songs aren’t going to make much sense in terms of the AU. This is for two reasons: a) Some of the songs allude to events/characters that haven’t shown up in the story yet (there’s a LOT of songs regarding Mara’s father) and b) some of them are just general songs that I use to get a basis of emotion/vibe when writing particular types of scenes.
3. My music tastes are all over the place (and this doesn’t even include some of the other genres I listen to just because it doesn’t fit this AU lol)
But this playlist is my main muse and is probably one of the best insights to my process/inner thoughts so, without further ado.....my full playlist.
(I grouped the songs from the same artist together for the easiest convenience)
(And some songs might kind of be repeats if I listen to multiple versions for the purpose of this fic)
Got any favorites? Any songs that worry you about the future of this fic? Or just something you might want more clarification on? Feel free to shoot me ask about it!
South London Forever by Florence + The Machine
Patricia by Florence + The Machine
I Will Be by Florence + The Machine
Too Much Is Never Enough by Florence + The Machine
You’ve Got The Love by Florence + The Machine
Never Let Me Go by Florence + The Machine
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machine
Ship To Wreck by Florence + The Machine
St. Jude by Florence + The Machine
Over The Love by Florence + The Machine
Pure Feeling by Florence + The Machine (hey look it’s the fic title)
Heavy In Your Arms by Florence + The Machine
What Kind Of Man by Florence + The Machine
Stuck On You by Meiko
Stuck On You (Acoustic Version) by Meiko
Adventure of A Lifetime by Coldplay
Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay
Hymn For The Weekend by Coldplay
Simple and Clean by Hikaru Utada
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYI - Hikaru Utada
Be My Last by Hikaru Utada
Colors by Hikaru Utada
Distance (M-Flo Remix) by Hikaru Utada
Without You (Justice Skolnik Remix) by Oh Wonder
Rockabye by Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie
In The Rain (an unofficial rendition from Miraculous Ladybug by David Russell)
Stone Heart (an unofficial rendition from Miraculous Ladybug by sxrlove06)
Lost In The Moment by Daniel Lee Kendall
Fragile by ARCADES
Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood
Scary Love by The Neighbourhood
Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
Sweater Weather (Vaski Remix) by The Neighbourhood
Honest by The Neighbourhood
Alleyways by The Neighbourhood
Stuck With Me by The Neighbourhood
Lights by Ellie Goulding
Goodness Gracious (The Chainsmokers Remix) by Ellie Goulding
Still Falling For You by Ellie Goulding
Starry Eyed by Ellie Goulding
Don’t Need Nobody by Ellie Goulding
Candy-Coloured Sky by Catmosphere
‘Till We’re In The Sea by RKCB
affection by Jinsang
summers day v2 by Jinsang
Let Go by Frou Frou
Must Be Dreaming by Frou Frou
I Just Want You by Robert Duncan
Forget by Alicks
Dinner & Diatribes by Hozier
Nevermind by Dennis Lloyd
Let It Happen by Tame Impala
Think About You by Kygo ft. Valerie Broussard
First Time by Kygo ft. Ellie Goulding
Fragile by Kygo ft. Labrinth
Feel Your Love by Nyquill
I See You by MISSIO
Learn To Let Go by Kesha
Praying by Kesha
I Love My Life by Justice Crew
Sex by Cheat Codes x Kris Kross Amsterdam
Everlong by Foo Fighters
Party Like It’s Your Birthday by Studio Killers
The Disappearance of The Girl by Phildel
Soul On Fire by Mystery Skulls
we’ve never met but, can we have coffee or something? by in love with a ghost
What is Love? by Y//2//K & Yung Death Ray ft. Jaymes Young
A Manner to Act by Ra Ra Riot
Suckers by Ra Ra Riot
Do You Remember by Ra Ra Riot
You And I Know by Ra Ra Riot
Oh, La by Ra Ra Riot
Can You Tell by Ra Ra Riot
Consequence by The Notwist
Anyone Else by PVRIS
Dead Weight by PVRIS
Can You Hold Me by NF ft. Britt Nicole
Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John
No Fear by Dej Loaf
I’ve Been Waiting by Lil Peep & ILoveMakonnen ft. Fall Out Boy
Give U Up by CALVIN (I’m sorry in advance for this one)
Heartbeat by Scouting For Girls
Keep It Simple by Tove Lo
Sweettalk My Heart by Tove Lo
Glad He’s Gone by Tove Lo
Not On Drugs by Tove Lo
Got Love by Tove Lo
Crave by Tove Lo
Paradise by Tove Lo
Moments by Tove Lo
Talking Body by Tove Lo
Habits (Stay High) by Tove Lo
Scars by Tove Lo
Out Of Your Mind by Tove Lo
Vibes by Tove Lo
Lies In The Dark by Tove Lo
Come Undone by Tove Lo
dont ask dont tell by Tove Lo
Cherry Blossom by ALA.NI
Feels Like Home by The Him ft. Son Mieux
Quiet by Lights
Skydiving by Lights
365 by Zedd & Katy Perry
Left to Right by Marteen
Could You Love Me? by Black Saint
Midnight City by M83
Marble Soda by Shawn Wasabi
Crystal Dolphin by Engelwood
Pusher (Shawn Wasabi Remix) by Clear ft. Mothica
She’s A Riot by The Jungle Giants
Stranger by Jay Hayden & King Vodka
Now That I’ve Found You by Carly Rae Jepsen
Marty McFly by Luke Christopher
Rocks by Imagine Dragons
All Day And Night by Jax Jones ft. Madison Beer & Martin Solveig
Run Free by Deep Chills ft. IVIE
Maps by Maroon 5
Feelings by Maroon 5
blue by Pools
High Hopes (The Lucifer Edit) by Quails
breathin’ by Ariana Grande
Into You by Ariana Grande
Shy Girl by Kedam
Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club
What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club
Sleep Alone by Two Door Cinema Club
This Is The Life by Two Door Cinema Club
Do You Want It All? by Two Door Cinema Club
Sun by Two Door Cinema Club
Eat That Up, It’s Good For You by Two Door Cinema Club
Undercover Martyn by Two Door Cinema Club
Sunflower by Post Malone & Swan Lee
Señorita by Shawn Medes & Camila Cabello
Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie
Everybody’s Angel by Down With Webster
All Fall Down by OneRepublic
Counting Stars by OneRepublic
Jenny by Walk The Moon
Youth by Daughter
Get Lucky (Cover) by Daughter
Love by Daughter
River Flows In You by Yiruma
Girls And Boys In School by Neon Trees
Girls And Boys In School (EP Version) by Neon Trees
Helpless by Neon Trees
In The Next Room by Neon Trees
Beings by Madeon
Dried-Out Cities by Fallulah
Bloodline by Fallulah
Almost Home by Mariah Carey
Headlock by Imogen Heap
Closing In by Imogen Heap
Lifeline by Imogen Heap
Goodnight And Go by Imogen Heap
First Train Home by Imogen Heap
I Am In Love With You by Imogen Heap
The Walk by Imogen Heap
More by Kaskade & Felix Cartal ft. Jenn Blosil
Lay Down by Kaskade & Late Night Alumni
My Distance by Kaskade
Lessons In Love by Kaskade ft. Neon Trees
Kill The Lights (Audien Remix) by Alex Newell ft. DJ Cassidy, Nile Rogers, & Jess Glynne
Fall In Love/Lie by INNA
Cola Song by INNA
Caliente by INNA
Iguana by INNA
Ruleta by INNA ft. Erik
I Like You by INNA
Love by INNA
Shining Star by INNA
Bebe by INNA
Bebe (Yaniss Extended Remix) by INNA
Better Not by Louis The Child ft. Wafia
Living Island by Pogo
Still Into You by Paramore
Hard Times by Paramore
Emergency by Paramore
Ignorance by Paramore
I Caught Myself by Paramore
Letting Go by HERB x Kendall Miles
To Be Human by Sia ft. Labrinth
Big Girls Cry (ODESZA Remix) by Sia
Elastic Heart by Sia
Angel By The Wings by Sia
If You Didn’t See Me (Then You Weren’t On The Dancefloor) by Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.
Butterfly In The Still by Iwasaki Taku
Dare (La La La) by Shakira
Me Enamore by Shakira
Loca by Shakira ft. Dizzee Rascal
Te Aviso, Te Anuncio (Tango) by Shakira
Addicted To You by Shakira
Whenever, Wherever by Shakira
When A Woman by Shakira
Can’t Remember To Forget You by Shakira ft. Rihanna
Better Than Yesterday by HollySiz
This is What You Came For by Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna
Sweet Nothing by Calvin Harris ft. Florence Welch
Rain by Pueblo Vista ft. .Eehlou & Shiloh Dynasty
G.B.D. Pressure (Extended) by Chillster
Valentine by Aether ft. Veela
Lemme See by Usher ft. Rick Ross
Promises by Aly & AJ
Like Whoa by Aly & AJ
Silence by Aly & AJ
Find A Way by Safety Suit
Ordinary Day by Emilie Mover
Green Light by Lorde
Don’t Feel Like Crying (MK Remix) by Sigrid
Crazy in Love by EDEN ft. Leah Kelly
Broken Girl by Matthew West
Crazy in Love by Sofia Karlberg
This Is What Makes Us Girls (The Confect Remix) by Lana del Rey
1901 by Phoenix
Lisztomania by Phoenix
Please Don’t Touch by RAYE
Island In The Sun by Weezer
God Is A Dancer by Tiesto & Mabel
Tighten Up by The Black Keys
Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys
Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups
Don’t Play by Halsey
Bad At Love by Halsey
Young God by Halsey
Now Or Never by Halsey
Hurricane by Halsey
Drive by Halsey
Eyes Closed by Halsey
Eyes Closed (Stripped) by Halsey
Haunting by Halsey
Strangers by Halsey ft. Lauren Jauregui
100 Letters by Halsey
Ghost by Halsey
Break A Sweat by Becky G
Little Talks by Of Monsters And Men
I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red
Run by Alison Wonderland
I Want U by Alison Wonderland
Peace by Alison Wonderland
Peace (Acoustic) by Alison Wonderland
Dead To Me by Kali Uchis
Good Enough by Evanescence
Go Slow by Gorgon City & Kaskade ft. Romeo
Feel Good Inc by filous & LissA
All I Need by Within Temptation
A Lot Like Love (Oliver Heldens Edit) by The Voyagers ft. Haris
Hideaway by Kiesza
Memories by KSHMR ft. Sirah
American Sadness by XYLO
One Step At A Time by Jordin Sparks
Your Shirt by Chelsea Cutler
Hope Of Morning by Icon For Hire
Collect Call by Metric
Flowers On The Grave (Acoustic) by The Maine
Fabulous by Ally Brooke
Falling (blackbear Remix) by Trevor Daniel
You by Petit Biscuit
Unlove You (Drop G Remix) by Armin van Burren ft. Ne-Yo
Formation (R-TRAX Trap Remix) by Beyonce
Schoolin’ Life by Beyonce
Simmer by Hayley Williams
Ruby by Foster The People
Moral Of The Story by Ashe
Colorblind (Left/Right Remix) by Karma Fields ft. Tove Lo
Don’t Stop The Music by Jamie Cullum
Goody Two Shoes by Adam Ant
Don’t Stop the Fancy Footwork (Chromeo vs. Rihanna)
She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) by David Guetta ft. Sia
Slow Burn by Audiograf
Write My Story by Olly Anna
1 Thing by Amerie
I Like That by Janelle Monae
Your Favorite Place by Joey Pecoraro
Beauty Mark by Parov Stelar ft. Anduze
Dead Hearts by Stars
Change of Seasons (EP Version) by Sweet Thing
Larger Than Life by Pink Zebra ft. Benji Jackson
Are You With Me (Pretty Pink Remix) by Lost Frequencies
Nothing But by Skin
In Common (Kenny Dope Remix) by Alicia Keys
Resonance by HOME
All Stars by Martin Solveig ft. ALMA
Lavender’s Blue Dilly Dilly [From the Cinderella (2015) OST]
Besame Mucho by Jorge Blanco
Touch You Right Now by Basic Element
Dinero by Trinidad
Icon (Reggaeton Remix) by Jaden Smith ft. Nicky Jam & Will Smith
Make Me Sweat by Kat DeLuna
Sombredosis by Kat DeLuna ft. El Cata
Real Love by Memory Tapes
Feelings by Hayley Kiyoko
This Side Of Paradise by Hayley Kiyoko
Wanna Be Missed by Hayley Kiyoko
Gravel To Tempo by Hayley Kiyoko
Pretty Girl by Hayley Kiyoko
Fiesta (Remix) by Bombe Estereo ft. Will Smith
Love by TeZATalks
Had by TeZATalks
Heal by Loreen
Analyser by AlunaGeorge
Attracting Flies by AlunaGeorge
Damaged by Plummet
My Kind by Hilary Duff
Sparks by Hilary Duff
Talk by DJ Snake ft. George Maple
First summer without you by Outgoing Hikikomori
First birthday without you by Outgoing Hikikomori
2 Heads by Coleman Hell
Mathematics by Little Boots
Hearts Collide by Little Boots
Meddle by Little Boots
Parachute by Cheryl Cole
When she went away by Max Richter
When she came back by Max Richter
Who Knew by Pink
Lash Out by Alice Merton
Back To The Start by Mr. Little Jeans
Perfecto. by Ayo. & .Disfnk ft. Daniela Andrade
service by j^p^n
I’m In Love Again by tomppabeats
Close by Nick Jonas ft. Tove Lo
Falling Apart by Michael Schulte
Dusk ‘Til Dawn by ZAYN ft. Sia
Pillowtalk by ZAYN
Minimal Beat by Lindsey Stirling
Perfect Illusion by Lady Gaga
Do I Wanna Know? (Cover) by CHVRCHES
La Familia (Guy Sigsworth Remix) by Mirah
Broken Parts by The Ready Set & Mokita
Invisible Chains by Lauren Jauregui
Lonely Gun by CYN
Cartier by Dopebwoy ft. 3robi & Chivv
Boss Bitch by Doja Cat
16 notes · View notes
camimcndcs · 4 years
it’s a... girl!
TAGGING: KJ @itskjapa​, Cami.
LOCATION: Vancouver, BC.
TIMEFRAME: August 22nd, 2020.
NOTES: The gender of Baby Apa is revealed.
KJ: The party was in fully swing, people laughing and sharing stories as if they hadn’t seen each other in months. When in reality they had been hanging out on a weekly basis as soon as they had found their way back to Los Angeles. Unable to stay away for very long. KJ looked on from his spot under the porch of the main house they were staying in — the wide green space surrounding them giving the place a little something magical. Taking another swing of his beer, his eyes trailed from their friends to the numerous goodies that had been placed onto a very large table. Blue and pink adorning everything. From the tablecloth to the napkins. And there was no way to miss out on the balloons awaiting them in the corner — their faces plastered on the texture that matched the sex they were each rooting for. Although he had been adamant about their baby being a boy, the thing that truly mattered was for them to be healthy. That still didn’t prevent him from playing the part he had so much fun with. “Here comes my little boy in his mum’s belly.” he teased as Camila moved toward him with a hand placed over her stomach. The sight alone eliciting a wide grin that was on the verge of hurting his cheeks. “You won’t be too disappointed, aye. Not the first time I’m right and you’re wrong, babe.” The last sentence earned him a slap over the head as his dad passed him by — not acknowledging him much more as he continued on his way and mingled with the others. “I swear, he just gets a kick outta this.” Separating the distance between them, KJ wrapped his arms around her form and caught her lips in a soft kiss. One that lingered as they both stood still in the embrace they were sharing. “I love you, babe. And I can’t wait for us to finally know the gender of our baby.” he told her with a genuine smile, looking down at the belly that kept on growing as time passed them by. So fascinating to think an actual human being was currently laying in there. This pregnancy never failed to amaze him.
Cami: Their first weekend back in Vancouver was an important one for many reasons, but the main reason was the party they were currently in the midst of participating in. Everyone had arrived the night before, settling in quite nicely to the houses they had rented for all of their friends and family. Camila had woken up early this morning to pee and hadn't been able to fall back asleep because she's been so excited for the party. They had kicked off the festivities at noon and the happy couple had made their rounds to everyone that filled the space. Escaping to pee again, Camila had spotted her baby daddy on the porch of the main house, taking a swig of his beer and taking everything in. Cradling her bump with one hand, the raven-haired girl rolled her eyes as he teased her about their baby being a boy for what felt like the millionth time just as his father walked by, earning him a slap over the head which brought a laugh out of her. "Myself and your granddaughter thank you," she called after her future father-in-law with a cheeky grin on her face. "I get quite the kick out of him always slapping you upside the head," she giggled as KJ separated the distance between them by wrapping his arms around her form and catching her lips in a soft kiss. Camila hummed against his lips and pouted slightly as he pulled back to talk to her. "I love you too. And I can't wait to prove you wrong, very soon," she teased, watching as his eyes fell to her growing belly. "How do I look?" she said with a smile, smoothing the fabric of her dress down so her belly was really exposed. Camila looked around at the party, the decorations, treats and all of their favorite people in one place and couldn't help but feel overly happy. "Everything looks perfect, I can't believe we pulled this off," she whispered, reaching for KJ's hand to place it on her stomach. "Everyone here loves you so much, Baby Apa."
KJ: As Camila's question tumbled from her lips, KJ leaned back to take into the view she offered -- the sight of her belly sticking out eliciting a soft chuckle. There was no need to ponder on the question in the first place, not when she was, and would always be, the most beautiful girl he had ever set his eyes on. Though her body was going through numerous changes during the pregnancy and he knew just how self conscious she could be when it came to her appearance. Which is why he always did his best to reassure her whenever she gave him the hint to do so. "Like a magnificent soon to be mum. You're literally glowing, babe." he told her, the adoration crossing his features letting her know he meant every word. It often felt like a dream or another reality -- life had been so kind to them, so amazingly fantastic that he couldn't help but fear he would wake up one of these days and realize his imagination had been too vivid. Luckily for him, when such thoughts crept up suddenly, there was always a moment that appeased his worried mind. And in this case, it was when his fiancée reached out for his hand and placed it on her stomach. The swell of it filling his eyes with brimming tears that he willed away as soon. "More than anything." he added to what she had uttered to their child, his gaze flicking back to her features before he drew her into another kiss -- this one more intense and passionate than the first. It was the hollering from their friends and family that made them pull back; laughing quietly to themselves before they turned around to acknowledge them. Cole jokingly reminding the couple they couldn't inject another baby in her womb no matter how hard they would try. "Shall we get to the main event, aye?" he asked Camila with a cocked eyebrow, loudly enough that the question alone had everyone cheer in agreement. They weren't the only ones impatient regarding the gender reveal.
Cami: Watching as KJ leaned back to take in the view she was offering him, Camila couldn't help but smile. "Glowing?" she repeated as a question, her cheeks turning slightly red as she blushed at the compliment. She watched his face as his hand came in contact with the swell of her stomach, the tears that he quickly willed away seemed to just resurface in her own eyes. This time when he drew her into another kiss it was more passionate than the first. When their friends and family began to holler, she pulled back, blushing again as they both giggled. At Cole's teasing reminder that they couldn't inject another baby into her while she was already pregnant, the raven-haired girl stuck her middle finger up at him with a chuckle. At KJ’s next question directed at her but loud enough for everyone to hear him Camila nodded as their friends and family hooted and hollered. “I totally think we should,” she breathed out with a smile, wrapping his free hand around her waist and placing her own hand over her stomach. They approached the spot that had been deemed the reveal area where two balloons waited for them with their own baby pictures on them. The intent was for them to pop the balloons and see which color confetti fell out of them. Camila had her sights set on pink and KJ had been dreaming about blue for a little boy ever since she’d told him she was pregnant. She would be happy either way, because all that mattered was their healthy baby, but she was still hoping for a girl deep down. Cole positioned himself in front of them to get pictures of the reveal while Madelaine stood with her camera ready to record the moment. The rest of their friends and family had phones out, some FaceTiming people who couldn’t be there and others ready to record and take photos. “Ready, babe?” she said, reaching for her balloon and one of the pins they had to pop it. “On the count of three,” Lili called out from her spot next to Mads. “One... two... three...”
KJ: The smile gracing his features widened as Camila agreed to finally get to the most awaited event of the party; hand gently resting on her waist as they made their way to the balloons awaiting them. The anticipation of the moment was at an all time high and as he stood where he was guided to, KJ felt himself becoming nervous. Not because the confetti could prove him wrong, but for the simple fact that the reveal in itself would bring them one step closer to their baby. He often thought about what their life would be like as soon as this little human being would join them -- it was exciting and frightening all at once, knowing another person would count on them to make the right decisions and take care of their every need. When the gender would be revealed, their adventure would suddenly take another turn. Glancing at Camila as they both waited for the countdown -- holding onto their balloon with a pin firmly held into the other hand -- he winked at her, having the feeling that they were both on the same wavelength regarding the matter. Anxious but thrilled. "One... two... three..." Two loud popping sounds echoed, pink confetti streaming along the gentle breeze flowing around them and spreading itself in the wide area. A girl. He barked out a laugh and immediately hid his face behind both hands, shaking his head as he heard the screams and joyful interactions erupting at the sight of the color. A little voice deep down had been telling him for weeks he was probably wrong, but KJ had held onto his pride of never giving up; especially when it came to a bet with Camila. A girl. Before he knew it, he was submerged with a wave of emotions he couldn't contain. His eyes filled with tears and he dropped his hands in order to catch his fiancée's gaze, allowing her to witness the bright grin etched on his lips. "Fuck." he breathed out, a giggle following suit as he pulled her into his arms for a tight embrace. Finding refuge in the crook of her neck while the tears fell.
Cami: As the loud sound of balloons popping filled her ears, Camila momentarily shut her eyes before remembering the whole point of what they were doing. The sound of screams and cheers filled her ears as she opened her eyes to catch sight of pink confetti streaming through the gentle breeze that was flowing around them. A girl. She let out a gasp as her hand went straight to her mouth in shock. KJ had been so convinced it was a boy, she had almost expected to see blue confetti just because he'd talked such a big game. Camila would've adored a little boy, but the sight of pink confetti made her heart burst. Looking over at KJ as he dropped his hands, she could see tears filling his eyes which immediately brought them to her own eyes. The grin etched on his lips warmed her heart and she couldn't help but also giggle when he breathed out the f-word. "Watch your mouth, our little girl can hear you," she whispered, letting her own tears fall as he pulled her into his arms in a tight embrace. His face found refuge in the crook of her neck as she brought her hands up to run through his hair. "You are going to be the greatest girl dad on the planet." Everything was slowly starting to sink in more now that they knew their baby's gender. A girl. Camila was completely over the moon. Suddenly she felt a strong kick from inside her stomach, one that was much different from the flutters she had started feeling last week. "Shit, babe, did you feel that?" she asked, pulling away from him a bit to rest her hand on her stomach and there it was again. "Give me your hand, you've got to feel this," she exclaimed, rather quietly as their friends and family continued to mingle and celebrate. It was almost as if time stood still for the couple, because all Camila could focus on was her fiancé and their baby who was now making her presence quite known. Taking KJ's hand in her own, Camila laid it flat against her stomach in the spot where their baby had just kicked.
KJ: Another giggle tumbled from his lips as Camila chastised him for his foul language, though all he did was squeeze her closer against his frame -- eyes fluttering shut while the last of his tears continued their journey along his cheeks. Their little girl. KJ could already envision a mini Camila running around their house in Los Angeles, chased by an eager Truffle. The thought alone made his heart soar like never before. "Oh, baby." he murmured against her flesh, peppering it with a multitude of kisses as they kept their embrace. In their own world while their loved ones were celebrating with each other. He could barely hear the sound of their cheers anymore, simply focused on the amazing woman who was carrying his child and the bump that stood between them. Her words almost brought another set of tears, though he exhaled loudly and willed himself to keep his composure. "And you will be the greatest girl mum ever." He had barely been able to utter the last syllable that a quick motion against his stomach made him jump slightly -- a chuckle elicited by the way she reacted before he pulled back to look into her wide brown eyes. Full of wonder and excitement. "Language." he teased with a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth, just as she done previously with him. Though he was quick to give into her request, impatiently waiting to properly feel what had went down mere seconds ago. KJ knew exactly what this was all about and he was amused by the fact that their girl was so timely. Giving her first kick the day they were celebrating her. When it happened again and this time around where his hand was firmly pressed against her belly, he dropped to his knees -- cradling the bump and resting his forehead against the fabric of her dress. Never had he been more grateful for his life than right now. With the woman he loved and their child interacting with them for the very first time. "My girl's gonna be so strong. Just like her mum."
Cami: At his murmuring against her flesh followed by kisses pressed against it as he held her in his embrace, Camila burst out into another fit of giggles. “I hope our baby has your cute little accent and calls me ‘mum’ all the time,” she whispered. At his teasing words about her language, Camila rolled her eyes but continued to laugh as he placed his hand on her stomach and waited to feel another kick. She couldn’t believe their girl was showing up with her first big kick on the day they had found out her gender and were celebrating her. As he dropped to his knees and cradled her bump before resting his forehead against the fabric of her dress. Camila’s hands went to his hair, running her fingers through it. “And she’s going to be so cool, just like her dad,” she whispered fondly. Lili called them out of their bubble to offer up cupcakes which they happily took, she’d added an extra one to Camila’s plate which she appreciated because she was eating for two now. “Thanks, Lils,” she whispered, turning to focus on their friends and family who surrounded them and were now focused back on them in this moment. “Sorry everyone, baby girl just wanted to really make her presence known,” she giggled, reaching out to hold KJ’s hands with a grin. “We love you all so much and we’re so lucky to have you all in our lives,” she continued, focusing on their friends and family. “Let’s get this party started,” she cheered, raising her hand that was clasped in KJ’s up in the air as music began to play from the speakers they had gotten set up for the party. This was a gender reveal, but any excuse to dance and have fun was a good idea in Camila’s mind. Finishing one of her cupcakes, she grabbed KJ’s hand and dragged him out towards the dance floor, wrapping her arms around his neck as she swayed in time to the music.
KJ: The words she uttered made him look up, a soft smile dancing on his lips. But before he could tease Camila about how cheesy their current interaction was, they were interrupted by Lili -- cupcakes in hand and thus reminding them they had never been alone in the first place. Despite the bubble they had locked themselves in after the reveal. “Thanks.” he said as he straightened his body, reaching out for the plate and immediately pulled into a playful embrace by his mates who didn’t fail to mention how wrong he had been all this time about the sex of their child. Joshing him relentlessly with friendly pats on his back and an excitement that was animating every single person attending the event. KJ had been stubborn enough to share his immovable views with every person that was in the known; it was only fair game of them to make fun of him. “Fuck you.” he exclaimed through his laughter before moving back against his fiancée when she tugged on his hand while addressing everyone. There was nothing more to add on his part; she had said enough regarding the way they both felt when it came to the unwavering support and love they were constantly surrounded with. It was with a bright grin that he echoed the cheering going on, the music playing in the background becoming louder and people entertaining themselves in the way they saw fit. The cupcake had been destroyed in two bites as soon as he had munched on it -- his gaze skimming along the table in order to find something else that would tickle his fancy. Though Camila pulled him away before he could even attempt to grab something. “I was trying to eat, aye.” he informed her jokingly, arms sneaking around her waist and holding her close to him. The look in her eyes so full of happiness and love, it only increased the intensity of his own emotions behind his brown orbs. “Careful, I reckon I could ask for another kind of food if you keep this up.”
Cami: Watching fondly as the guys pulled KJ into an embrace, Camila took a bite from one of her cupcakes and gave a thumbs up to Lili. The boys were all teasing KJ for being so certain it was a boy when in fact Baby Apa had been a girl all along. "Language," she whispered, elbowing him in the side as he moved back against her. KJ cheered along with her sentiment after she had addressed their friends and family, knowing she had perfectly encapsulated how they were feeling he didn't really need to say much. He'd finished his cupcake in record time and she could see that he was scanning the snack table for another treat when she tugged him along. As his arms snuck around her waist, she let out a giggle in response to his teasing tone. "Well, I'm trying to dance," she proclaimed, moving her hips in time to the music, even as her belly grew she still had the same moves from before she had gotten pregnant. Moves that she knew could hypnotize her fiancé. She was so in love with him as they swayed together in time to the music. Camila had never loved anyone more than she loved him. The love she felt for their baby was completely different and she was thankful for that, because there was no way she could ever love one over the other or more than the other. "Don't tempt me," she whispered, making eyes at him. When the song over the speakers changed, Camila turned in her fiancé's arms so she could lightly grind up against him. Two could play at this game. As his hands gripped her waist, she leaned her head back against his shoulder. They were once again in their own little world as their friends and family members danced and mingled with each other. "Just tell me when you're hungry, babe," she whispered into his ear as she continued to grind against the spot where his hard on would surely be.
KJ: It had been a playful statement, the kind he often said just to tease the heck out of her -- especially when they were surrounded by people. There was always a part of him that reveled in the fact that Camila could get aroused by the simple thought of doing something that was forbidden. Something dirty under such circumstances. Though it usually never went further than this, unless there was a way for them to disappear from view without looking suspicious. KJ wasn't certain today was the case, but the way she kept grinding against him didn't allow him much room to think this through. To think period. The grip on her waist tightened, applying more pressure on the growing erection she was toying with and his eyes fluttered shut for a brief second before he remembered exactly where they were. "You're going to pay for this." he whispered back, the tone of his voice firm and full of promises. He was going to make it happen one way or another, even if his own parents were aware of their situation. His thoughts were bold in the moment, but a little fluttering in the pit of his stomach made him look up quickly to make sure they were both busy. A sigh of relief flowing past his lips when he saw them along with her parents being entertained by Cole. Now that was bound to help their horny selves. "I'm heading inside first. Join me in five minutes." As nonchalantly as he could, KJ pulled away from his fiancée and made his way toward the main house -- humming along the song that was currently playing and tugging on the shirt he was wearing to hide his discomfort. Five minutes had never felt so long as he waited in the kitchen, the anticipation coursing through his being awakening a fire that was on the verge of burning bright. As soon as Camila crossed the threshold of the front door, he appeared in the hallway as rapidly as the Flash and dragged her by the arm inside; mouth crashing upon hers hungrily before he pushed her body flush against the door.
Cami: A chill ran down Camila's spine as KJ whispered in her ear about making her pay for the way she was grinding up against him. "Oh yeah?" she questioned, giggling as his grip on her waist tightened. Cole was currently entertaining their parents which the raven-haired girl was thankful for knowing exactly where her fiancé's mind was at in the current moment. At the next words out of KJ's mouth, Camila nodded her head, slowly stepping away from him to make her way over to the refreshment table. Grabbing a cup of water, she cupped her belly with her hand as she quenched her thirst. Looking around at their loved ones all enjoying themselves made her heart burst. All of these people gathering to celebrate their daughter who wasn't even born yet made her so incredibly happy. Their baby girl was already so loved before she'd even made her entrance. Smiling fondly at the thought, Camila realized time had passed and she was meant to meet KJ inside, her stomach filled with butterflies as she thought about her fiancé waiting for her in the house. Making her way over to the door that brought her into the kitchen. As she crossed the threshold she couldn't help but giggle as KJ appeared as rapidly as the Flash in-front of her, dragging her inside by her arm. Suddenly his mouth is crashing into hers with a hunger they both have in the current moment for each other and a quiet moan slips from her mouth into his. Usually in these situations she would have jumped up into his arms by now as he held her flush against the door, but that wasn't possible with her belly now. "We should go somewhere," she mumbled against his lips, knowing full well he couldn't just take her here in the kitchen. Their room was all the way upstairs but there was a few rooms downstairs plus a bathroom they could use. "We've got to get away from the windows, babe," she giggled, hands going to the hair at the nape of his neck as she tugged on it.
KJ: The giggle that flew past her lips and was swallowed by his mouth prompted him to emit the same sound. Acting like two teenagers who were so eager to partake in something they weren’t supposed to -- the thrill of the moment stimulating their senses and taking over. Camila had invaded his mind and every thought swirling around pertained to her. The warmth of her body pressed up against his own, the taste of her mouth driving him wild and the way she delighted him by her mere presence. The proof of such overwhelming effect currently straining in the confinement of his shorts. His hands had already found their way under the fabric of her dress, hiking up the material and palming her scrumptious ass. Which is why KJ groaned in protestation when his fiancée suggested moving their secretive rendezvous in another room. “Babe...” he trailed off in a breathy voice, reluctantly pulling away from her mouth but keeping his lips attached to her skin -- trailing them along her jaw and down the crook of her neck. “We’re good right here. Ain’t it so fucking exciting, aye? Knowing we could get caught.” His actual brain had stopped working minutes prior and there was only one part of his body in full control now; the kind that was reckless and driven by very precise needs. It was made clear when, despite the good point Camila had made regarding the large windows, his right hand ventured to the front of her lower body and boldly cupped her heat. Fingers poking through the panties she was wearing. “You’re gonna get it so good.” he murmured before biting down on the soft flesh he had been relentlessly lavishing with his tongue. One last attempt to convince her to give into his crazy plans. Though he knew quite well they would end up doing exactly as she wanted. No matter how good everything felt. The spell he was under would not fade away even if she were to drag his ass to the bathroom on the other side.
Cami: As his hands found their way under the fabric of her dress, palming at her ass, Camila couldn't help but let out a moan. KJ's protesting groan when she suggested moving their rendezvous to another room made her giggle against his lips. As he trailed off in a breathy voice, pulling away from her mouth, keeping his lips attached to her skin by trailing them along her jaw and down her neck, she let out another moan. "It definitely is exciting, but if one of our family members caught us, I'd surely melt into the ground," she whispered, throwing her head back as his right hand ventured to the front of her lower body, boldly cupping her heat. "Fuck, Kaje," she cried out, gasping as his fingers poked at her core through the panties she was wearing. "You're going to give it to me so good, aren't you?" she questioned, closing her eyes as his fingers continued to poke and prod at her flesh. He had bit down on the flesh he was lavishing with his tongue, which caused her to let out another moan. His name fell from her lips again as he continued to worship her body. After a few more minutes had passed, she worked up the strength to push herself off of the wall to try and move them somewhere else. "Bathroom, babe, come on," she whispered, grabbing his hand to quickly drag him towards it so they could continue the fun they had been having. Once they were in the bathroom, Camila reached down to pull her panties off and then she tried to hoist herself up onto the sink which she failed at due to her ever growing belly. KJ quickly helped her sit on the sink as she leaned back, spreading her legs to give him something to look at once he pushed her dress up or got under it. "Have your way with me, baby," she whimpered, knowing she was already wet from his teasing just a few minutes ago. Camila leaned herself up against the mirror, gripping the edge of the bathroom vanity.
KJ: The numerous sounds filling the kitchen and the simple fact that she hadn’t pushed him away — quite on the contrary, bucking her hips against his hand as he continued to tease her folds through her panties — was enough for KJ to think he had won this round. His trademark smirk painted itself on his features as he bit down harder on the flesh of her neck, eager to give into the sensations that were coursing through his being. Just as he was about to hoist her up and free himself from the painful state his erection was in, Camila pushed herself forward and thus prevented him from going any further. A flash of confusion crossed his face, but the question on the tip of his tongue was quickly answered when just like he had thought about earlier, she dragged him to the bathroom. There was a tinge of disappointment that rose the more distance was put between them and the kitchen, though his brown eyes settled on her ass while they walked — the hypnotizing sway of her hips redirecting his thoughts on the one thing that mattered the most. Her. One second he was lamenting about the thrilling adventure they had given up on, the other he was looking at his fiancée as if she was a goddess he wanted to worship without any restrain. “Fuck, Cami.” he grunted as he maneuvered her onto the sink, his hands pulling up her dress and exposing what he was craving the most. With her legs spread, the invitation was clear — it didn’t take him long to yank himself out of his shorts and show her just how much she had been affecting him ever since her little dance. “You’re damn right I’m gonna have my way with you.” There was no time to be wasted when anyone could come knocking on the door, which is why KJ gripped her thighs to keep her in place while he moved between her legs. Guiding his length past her neither lips in a firm stroke as a loud moan echoed in the space they were in. His motions were hard and fast as soon with only one goal in mind. Bringing them both to new heights.
Cami: With his hands pulling up her dress, exposing exactly what he had been craving, Camila let out a giggle. The sound quickly turned to a gasp as he quickly yanked himself out of his shorts to show her just how much she had been affecting him. "Fuck, Kaje," she whispered, letting out a moan as he gripped her thighs to keep her in place while he moved between her legs. She couldn't see him guiding his length past her neither lips due to her ever growing stomach, but she felt it and heard his loud reaction in her ear as she reacted the same way. Just as quickly as he had pushed himself into her he was moving hard and fast against her, bringing them both to new heights. Camila bucked her hips towards him, gripping his waist and keep him steady. "Holy shit, babe, you feel so good," she cried out, leaning back a bit to give herself some sort of relief in the moment. "You fill me up so good, always, baby," she whispered, the sound of their skin slapping together filling the air. The rush of getting off like this somewhat in public was causing her to be extra loud. She knew that if someone were to catch them she would be embarrassed, but she also couldn't help but react in this way. "Touch me, come on, find that spot," she whimpered, begging him to find her bundle of nerves to really get her where she wanted to be. Camila had been wet as soon as he'd poked at her core through her panties so by now she was a mess. She was almost certain she would fall apart fast in this situation. The heat of the moment and the circumstances would have her coming around his hard on in a matter of minutes. "Fuck," she called out, bucking her hips again as he continued to slam into her, harder and faster than before. "Holy shit, babe," she whispered in his ear, already feeling like she was close and he hadn't even put his hands on her yet. She knew that he was waiting, hoping to drag it out just a little bit longer.
KJ: There was no holding back as they both got lost in the sensations washing over them. Unabashedly loud while they shared their appreciation despite the fact that anyone could walk inside the house at any moment. Camila had turned off her brain as well it seemed, so focused on the way their joined bodies kept clashing in a well perfected dance they could never seem to get tired of. KJ watched her through hooded eyes, his thighs slamming against the surface of the furniture she was currently hoisted up on the more he increased the pace of his motions -- the slight pain inflicted adding to the pleasure that was building up in the pit of his stomach. “Fuck." he uttered between gritted teeth, willing himself to focus on his current actions rather than the overwhelming orgasm that was creeping up and threatening to overcome him. The blame could only be placed on the situation itself and the way they had teased each other previously. Rendering him so powerless and unable to do anything but give in the overwhelmingly tempting emotions coursing through him. Her plea was like a sweet melody that entranced him and it took a handful of seconds until the info reached his brain; a groan flowing past his lips just as his thumb grazed the bundle of nerves that was seeking his touch. "I'm gonna make you cum so hard." Leaning his forehead against hers, his brown eyes locked onto her own -- warm breath tumbling from his mouth and tickling her flesh. The look in his eyes was filled with a craving she never failed to elicit and finally taking pity on his fiancée, he found himself stimulating the sensitive bud that would push her toward the edge just as he once again picked up the pace of his movements. Eager to watch her fall apart around him like she had done so many times. A sight engraved in his mind.
Cami: At the sound of a groan dropping from KJ's lips, Camila's head rolled back as a gasp fell from her own. His thumb gently grazed the bundle of nerves that had been desperately seeking his touch and she let out a moan. "Fuck, babe," she whispered, biting down on her lip as he leaned his forehead against her own and told her he was going to make her cum so hard. "I'm looking forward to it," she breathed out, locking her eyes with his own and shivering slightly as his warm breath tickled her flesh. Camila could tell that he was craving her and it turned her on just as much as the sight of her turned him on. When he finally took pity on her and began to stimulate her sensitive bud, she couldn't help but cry out, leaning forward to wrap her mouth around his shoulder to quiet her noisy reactions. If anyone were to pass by this bathroom they would surely hear her. "Holy shit," she cried against his skin, trying to focus her breathing as she felt herself getting closer and closer to the edge. The fire that had been ignited inside of her moments ago was already completely aflame as he pounded himself inside of her and stimulated her very sensitive bundle of nerves. "I can't hold on much longer, fuck, I'm gonna—," she cried out, bucking her hips against his before she was spilling out around him. Leaning her forehead against his chest, Camila did her best to catch her breath, hoping he would follow after her. The raven-haired girl brought her fingers up to slip under his shirt and rake over his chest. "Come on, baby, be a good boy, cum for me," she whispered. Her fingers crept downward to his balls, giving them a gentle squeeze as she waited for him to fully come undone as well. She hadn't lasted too long and she knew that he was going to be quick to follow her. They had gotten really good at quickies in public, so it wouldn't be long until he was spilling out inside of her.
KJ: The shadow of a smirk settled on his lips as Camila found it impossible to hold herself back, the cry tumbling from her mouth and the way she quickly attempted to muffle it with his bare shoulder sending a surge of pride coursing through his being. KJ would have surely teased her about it under other circumstances, though his own pleasure was starting to unravel and his main goal in that moment was to cater to her needs -- his own taking a back seat for the time being. Eyes squeezed shut, he intently focused on his motions, relentlessly thrusting inside of her warmth in order to provide the push she needed. Reveling in the sensations that washed over him as her walls contracted around his length and the orgasm that submerged her soon after rending her speechless. Only then was he able to let go himself, a weight pulled off his shoulders while he maneuvered his hips faster against her lower body -- seeking that long awaited edge that seemed to be so close and yet out of reach. "Fuck, fuck." he loudly grunted in her ear, the attention her fingers bestowed upon him acting like a switch; the fire in the pit of his stomach invading him whole and taking over in a blink of an eye. The brunette came with her name on the tip of his tongue, the hips that had been frantically slamming against her own gradually coming to a stop. His body slumped against hers mere seconds later, heavy limbs finding comfort in the embrace they were currently in. With how careless they had been as soon as they had stepped in this bathroom, KJ wouldn't be surprised if someone had been the unfortunate witness of the sounds they had both emitted. But the thought of it brought more amusement than anything else. "Best gender reveal party ever, aye." he whispered once he felt like he was in control of his own body, pulling back to look into her beautiful dark brown eyes with a bright grin. At this rhythm, they would get to throw another next year.
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caressavincent · 4 years
Woo, so i’m going WAY BACK with this character (like to the first time I ever opened this group), but I randomly logged into her account one day and read over some of her stuff and was like “I need to bring her back around!”  Through the openings i’ve messed with her, changed both her name and position on the island, but for this reboot i’m going back to basics (except the name - still keeping it as it’s been).  I didn’t delete her older posts just because they all pertained to Eros, so just ignore everything after this intro!  I ramble, it’s sometimes a bitch, and suck at intros so let’s do this!  If you’d like to plot her up hit me up and we can make it happen!  I swear she’s a fun one!  Alright, alright, intro under the cut!
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Did I just see CAMILA MENDES walking on the beach? Nevermind, it was just 19-year-old, BISEXUAL, CARESSA VINCENT. I heard the ASSET is quite ALLURING but also DEMANDING. SHE seems to enjoy BODY WORSHIP, but don’t try BATHROOM PLAY with this one. They’re hoping to be claimed by ANYONE who preferably looks like ANYONE
Caressa comes to Eros as an asset, though it’s hard to realize considering she acts like a mistress who owns the damn place.  She comes from money, both of her parents heavy into politics, and was born and raised with a silver spoon in her mouth.  Her parents were absent from a lot of her life, relying on nannies to teach her basics and give her affection, but what the parents lacked in actual involvement they made up for in a revolving credit account.  No matter what she wanted, when she wanted it, it was hers within a day (because sometimes those bigger requests took a little longer than immediate).  She had everything she could ever want though still felt utterly alone and insignificant, and then came high school.
For Caressa school wasn’t terrible, growing up she made the grades to at least keep herself somewhere near the middle of her class (blending in on paper while she stood out in person), and honestly the only reason she even kept up with her academics was so she could be on all the little sports teams that elementary schools have.  She wanted to hang out with her friends and extra-curricular activities provided that, so she did them all - and come to find out she was pretty damn good at them.  In high school though, things started to change for her and athletics weren’t her biggest concern, a night of partying and lost virginity her freshman year (yikes) opened her eyes to a whole new world - one that she’d soon become addicted to.
Sex was amazing, and seeing what others would do just to have an opportunity to roll around in the sheets with her was even better.  She could manipulate and make things happen beyond her wildest dreams just because some desperate student wanted her in the filthiest of ways (and who could blame them given how she strutted around the school and showed off every last curve).  The sex wasn’t enough though, and as school went on she started partying more, hanging out with the wrong crowds outside of school - what made this terrible was that being that her parents were so far into politics and public offices Caressa was becoming bad for business.  Pictures would be plastered in the papers about the Senator’s daughter being up to no good, partying too hard to hanging drunkenly off of someone who no doubtedly was taking her home, and that’s when the parents tried to step in - though they’d been of no use to her growing up so why start now right?
Knowing that it pissed them off, her behavior that is, she did it even more!  Her father didn’t deserve to be a Senator, to be adored by people throughout the state of NY, he was a no good loser for all she cared.  What kind of man does NOTHING with his daughter her entire life but still tries to parade the family around like they’re perfect infront of the cameras?  Caressa hated being his pawn, only ever getting any attention / affection from him if/when there was an event that he needed her to be at.  She was done playing nice, smiling when she had to, or better yet having to take out sons of men in power her father had to impress - he pulled her into a lot of shit that no girl her age should have to do, all to remain in his seat as Senator, with no regard of how fucked up his actions were making his daughter.
With it being a re-election year Caressa has ONE goal, and that’s to see that her father is taken down a peg and loses his seat.  She goes at it with hearts desire, doing all that she can to tarnish his good name, and that’s when it happens - he shuts her off, all her money gone in an instant (because let’s be real the girl hasn’t worked a day in her life), and forces her out of the picture (politics are quite dirty after all and no doubt even the nicest of Senators have goons to do their bidding).  His own daughter was ran out of town, on her ass with nothing more than a bag with a few possessions, but nothing of actual worth.  She made due though, once again resorting to using her body to get money, or even just a place to sleep the night through.  She was far enough away from NY by now that nobody recognized her, it was as though she just ceased to exist (her father weaving some story about how she was sick and at home unable to see the public or some shit - he really was a venomous man).
She was getting exhausted from running though, she’d had enough of it, having to use herself for a new place each night - she wanted at least a little normalcy, and that’s when someone mentioned Eros.  She’d never heard of such a place, but given what she was doing now she figured it’d be safer, and considering it’s on an island that just made it all the more exciting.  For her it’d be like a vacation, a getaway until all this stupid shit with her father blew over, because honestly her expectations were that he’d come to his senses and eventually give her back all that she wanted - the money.  She would just have to buy her time until that happened, after all he couldn’t keep lying to the public forever could he?  Caressa agreed to be an asset, but fuck if she’s going to enjoy it now that she’s here.
Personality wise, since i’ve basically talked only a little about it, now that she’s on the island is quite all over the place I guess i’d say?  She hates being an asset, and had her father not shut her off she’d had come here no problem as a Mistress (she still swears one day she’ll be back and the tables will turn once he’s smartened up and welcomed her home).  She hates being bossed and ordered around, or at least she does by most people, there are those few who do it just right to get her weak in the knees.  Honestly, secretly the girl loves to be dominated, she’s got daddy issues and if you exploit them she’ll be putty in your hands.  She wants attention, she wants to be put on a pedestal, and thinks of herself as the best and expects those in her life to do the same (they don’t and it’s hilarious).  She’s not a total bitch though, she can be quite fun, there are times when the lack of control just get to her - the girl, who used to have it all, has nothing and has to fight for scraps now just to get out of the Hub.  She certainly is not where she envisioned herself, and for that it’s both amusing and heart-wrenching.  She’s all over the place, has her mood swings, but overall is an amazing fucking girl who just wants to be loved and blah, blah, blah, you get the rest right?
Hit me up to plot, I swear she’ll be worth your time!
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deckerstarwrites · 5 years
wanted plots for my 1x1 blog @mostpxculiar as well as fcs I’d like to play/play opposite to. please like this post, or dm me if you’d like to discuss any of these plots further! tw: nsfw/smut plots cheating, pregnancy, murder/blood,  under the cut.
plots i want, but also please come at me with plots YOU want!
a plot based off of fleabag/hot priest from fleabag
someone should give me a plot with this big bad gang leader and his super soft and cute girlfriend that has him wrapped around her finger. like he’s a feared man, which she doesn’t really care about. and she’s there to patch him up and while he usually tries to hide her away from the cruel world he’s in whenever he isn’t there with her, she just patiently waits for him when he’s out and about doing his business and he’s so fascinated by her and no matter how much of a bad guy he is, he’s just so soft for her and he’d do anything for her!!! and then his most precious possession gets kidnaped and shit goes down snsnsns (m/f, f/f)
f/f plot where a snobby, graceful, poised and rich prima ballerina falls in love with a reckless pole dancer who is super hot with a 6 pack and colourful hair and the girls are total polar opposites pls hmu
a plot where muse a just needs to get away from everything so she packs up everything into her small shitty car that barley runs and just drives. she loses count of the boarders she crossed until she lands right into the middle of a small town where the population is like 2 thousand and her car breaks down. so she goes into a diner that she sees is open and she asks about a mechanic so the lady in the diner calls up her friend who happens to be muse b, the local mechanic. so muse b comes over and tells her that he wont be able to check her car out until morning bc its like 10 pm now so muse a is going to check into a motel or smth but muse b offers to put her up for the night and bc shes broke she says yeah and basically they end up banging with the intention that after tomorrow they are never gonna see each other again - wrong. muse b goes down to his shop and looks at the engine and a really important parts gone in it and its going to take a couple weeks for it to come in and basically muse a has to stay in this shitty small town for the next couple of weeks AND THEY FALL FOR EACH OTHER AND WE CAN FIGURE THE REST OUT! (m/f, f/f)
I really want a one night stand where she snuck out before he woke up and he tried looking her up but he didn’t even know her full name, so he moved on. Move on years down the road and he’s just gotten engaged and at the engagement part he’s introduced to her sister that’s been living overseas for the past few days, but who is it, that girl from all those years ago. Better yet, meet her child, wait, why do they his eyes.
modern hades and persephone where persephone is a tired college student and when she finds out the god of the underworld wants to make her his bride she’s like “become queen of the dead AND never have to go to an 8 AM lecture again, not to mention watch with popcorn as my ex dies and finds out my new boyfriend is his new king? YES PLZ” and just fucking swandives down into the underworld and hades is like “…i had a carriage prepared but okay that works too”
plot three. six months ago he let the nanny give him head. he has been avoiding talking to her since, and is really flustered. she is a full time, live in nanny in their giant mansion. i’m getting a ‘living in england’ vibe, but i’m not sure. he has 3-4 kids running around with his wife of years. the nanny can’t stand the wife, but is obviously polite. his wife is bitchy, whiny, and all she cares is about appearances. who cares if you’re actually happy? just play happy. pretend to be happy. the nanny loves to fluster him when the wife isn’t home. she’ll wear short outfits, lean over, not wear underwear, forget to wear a bra. it was a holiday. so they invited the nanny to eat dinner with them. she starts rubbing him under the table. later on that day, he pulls the nanny to the side into the bathroom or something to tell her that she had to cut it out and that it was a one time thing. out of the blue  - he kisses her hard. just give me lots of behind the wives back, and maybe she gets pregnant down the line?
ok but i need a plot where there’s these two idiots who are roommates, and they bicker and act like a married couple constantly, and can hang out like bros but they’re completely platonic, no we’re not in love that’s preposterous!! and it’s so evident that they’re into each other like whenever one goes out on a date, the other is all bitter like ‘no i’m definitely not jealous’. and they like leave bars together at some stupidly early hour and their friends tease them and they just go home and get drunk together instead. and like domestic washing the dishes and fighting over who does what and flinging soap at each other. and then one day it kind of just clicks, you know, like wow you’re my best friend but i think i might love you as more this is so difficult and just, give this to me now.  (m/f, f/f)
not to be dramatic or anything but i really want a sugar daddy/sugar baby plot where the muse a is “ happily ” married ceo of a big company with shit tons of money and muse a goes out to a local bar just to chill when they meet muse b. ofc they hit it off and go in muse a’s car and fuck all night and in the morning muse a offers muse b a proposition, if muse b agrees to be muse a’s mistress then muse a will give muse b anything they want starting their sugar baby/sugar daddy relationship. it’s all good until muse a sees muse b all over another guy and looses it and gets into a huge fight with muse b that ends with muse a fucking muse b up against his car and yea gimmie this smut i need sneaky around and sexting while around his wife nd getting him riled up like yes pls thank  
bloody , murderous & psychotic couples who love killing people for the thrill and make out with bloody lips and high five each other by the mountains of dead bodies they made . fuckyeah ?  give me this crazy shit . serial killer couples . vampire couples . dark romeo & juliet couples . modern au persephone & hades couples . couples who compete to see who kills the most or the most gruesome . give me gore . give me bloodshed . GIVE IT TO ME !  (m/f, f/f) (focusing a lot on hades/persephone, vampires but willing to go the bonnie and clyde or serial killer route)
no offense but i need a messy exes plot where they can’t get over one another no matter what they do and they always tell themselves they’re not gonna go back to them yet every time they get done with a date they end up knocking on the other person’s door and just jealousy and angst and heartbreak and crying because they don’t know if this is ever going to work out but they can’t walk away because this person is still their whole fucking world and they don’t know how to move on  (m/f, f/f)
faceclaims I’d like to play and play against or both  but also literally come at me with your fcs!!!
Inbar Lavi
Tom Ellis
Lauren German
Sophia Bush
Trevante Rhodes
Zoe Saldana
Madelaine Petsch 
Camila Mendes
Lesley Ann Brandt
Manny Montana
Diane Guerrero 
Adria Arjona
Ana De Arms
Aisha Dee
Chris Evans
Ryan Gosling
John Krazinski
Matt Czuchry
Lana Condor 
Elizabeth Lail
Anya Charlotra
Victoria Pedretti
Zazie Beetz
Shay Mitchell
Candice Patton
Margot Robbie
Florence Pugh
Lucy Liu
Jodie Comer
Katie Mcgrath
Justin Baldoni
Indya Moore
Oscar Isaac
Matthew Daddario
Tessa Thompson
10 notes · View notes
jawnjendes · 5 years
what i can’t have | shawn mendes
chapter 5/?, university au, shawn x goth oc
AN: a continuation from i’ve been polite. ANYWAYS uuuhh don’t drink and drive kiddos. also there’s smut in this, specifically dom!shawn, daddy kink, rough sex, unprotected sex, proceed if you wish.
***let me know if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist
masterlist | playlist coming soon
It was probably better that everyone piled into Shawn’s Jeep after dinner, despite the fact that no one was sober. Annalise was just a little too antsy, and if they were alone, she would have talked him into taking her back to his place. Hell, they might not have even left the restaurant parking lot with how much they were teasing each other. The sexting continued even after they left the bathroom, sharing steamy messages under the table.
Annalise was quiet as the others talked and laughed amongst themselves, sans Stella and Camila, who had taken their own separate Lyft to the bar on Camila’s insisting. She had been blushing deeply since the señorita comment, and no one, not even Stella, seemed to know why. Technically, Annalise should have been weary now that the two girls left Alessia by herself when they were supposed to keep her at bay, but it was a night for getting laid. Two rum and Cokes in, and Annalise decided that everyone should get laid tonight, and she was rooting for her wife.
For once, Annalise wasn't in a brooding silence where she seethed at everyone else having a good time. She felt content and warm and relaxed, actually wanting to hold Shawn's hand as he drove. She just had to touch him somewhere, anywhere at this point.
She reached out to him, but instead of locking their fingers, he placed his hand on her thigh. He kept his eyes on the road, but it was clear he hadn't forgotten the minor event in the bathroom. His white button up had stayed untucked and covered his crotch, making Annalise feel weirdly smug. She hardly ever got to rile him up like this, or feel like she was holding all the cards. It was new and exciting and such a fucking turn on.
They pulled into the parking lot after a while, only to find that it was quite full, and people were lining up out the door. Annalise spotted Stella and Camila already at the end of the line, standing awfully close to one another. She was honestly surprised they didn't ditch the shindig altogether by now.
"I'll drop you guys off at the entrance," Shawn offered, his fingers curling around his girlfriend's thigh, "and me and Ann will find a place to park."
"Sure thing, rockstar," Alessia replied from the backseat.
Annalise glanced back at her once. There's that nickname again.
Shawn pulled up to the front of the hole in the wall, and everyone piled out of the backseat. Technically, it would have made sense for Annalise to be among that group, given her massive fucking boots, but she really didn't care at this point. She and Shawn were now in a place where they could just flee and move things to his place.
However, Shawn silently found a parking space in the furthest corner of the lot. As soon as the car was still, he took off his seatbelt and looked at the girl next to him, moving his hand to the shoulder of the passenger seat.
"Gotta say, I like this role you've taken on tonight," he began.
Annalise quirked an eyebrow. "What role?"
"The one where you take control and render me powerless. I'll be honest, it's really fucking hot." His eyes trailed down her body, and then he was reaching over to untie the middle of her cardigan and letting it fall open, revealing the little black dress underneath. "And you've got your perfect tits out on display too. It's like you knew just how to get me going."
Heat was rising between the two of them, but Annalise felt it all over her body. “You say that like we haven’t been dating for ten months. Of course I know how to get you all hot and bothered.”
She took Shawn's hand while it was still within her grasp, and she moved as close as she could to his side of the vehicle. Shawn moved in closer as well, letting his nose brush the side of her face.
"Am I still not allowed to kiss your pretty mouth?" he asked softly, his voice full of docility.
Her lips were still rocking that blue color, given that she reapplied after dinner. Fuck, she really wanted him to kiss her. But she liked this passive side of Shawn too much, so she gently shook her head, leaving him to want more.
"What about here?" he whispered before pressing his lips on her cheek. "Or here?" He did it again, on the side of her jaw. "Here?" The side of her neck.
Annalise was too distracted to realize his hand was snaking underneath her dress. That is, until she felt his fingers touch her through her panties. She let out a shaky sigh, her hand moving up his arm. She didn't even have to ask him to touch her, he already knew her body talk so damn well.
Shawn kissed down her neck, suckling just light enough to make her body lean towards him. Then, he moved his hand away from her crotch and up to her boobs, not even hesitating to pull down the front of her dress. Thank god it was stretchy cotton. It was a bit of awkward maneuvering, but Shawn managed to reach under Annalise's pink bra (fucking pink!) and stroke her nipple with the tip of his finger. Just that little movement had her panting and whining, and he decided he could live off of those cute little sounds.
Her head fell onto his shoulder, and that's when Shawn knew he had her. He smirked as he heard her little needy whispers. Then he moved back down to her crotch, feeling her through the soft fabric once again.
"Please," Annalise breathed out. It was all she could say when she was this needy, and Shawn always knew what she wanted, but still had to hear her say it.
"Please what, honey?" he mumbled against the shell of her ear.
"Touch me more. Please, please…"
There was nothing like watching her assertive and smug persona crumble before him, and if this was any normal circumstance, Shawn would have taken this to the backseat, party be damned. But he had to teach his girl a little lesson first.
He pulled his hand back and moved away from Annalise entirely, unable to keep the grin off his face. He wanted to kiss away the cute little pout on her dark blue mouth, but this wasn't a normal circumstance.
"Honey, need I remind you it's your friend's birthday," he said gently, but that cockiness was still visible. "It would be rude to ditch her now."
Annalise went from pouty to furious in a split second, her eyes filling with their usual angry fire. She raised a finger to say something, but Shawn quickly exited the vehicle, feeling very stupidly proud of himself. Now he was in the lead of this game, as he should be.
He was still polite enough to wait for her to get out of the car, but he was smiling from ear to ear as she walked around to his side. She had taken off her long cardigan, leaving her only in the sleeveless black dress and exposing her sexy, sexy legs in those boots. The length of her dress didn't even touch her knees, Shawn noticed. Maybe he could get her to bend over for him later.
"Okay, I see you using my own tactics against me," Annalise spoke firmly, "and I raise you…"
She finished that statement but reaching under her dress and pulling a daring pair of pink panties down her legs. She didn't even bend her knees as she pushed them past her boots, showing Shawn the flexibility that was not utilized enough between the two of them. Finally, Annalise stood up straight again with a triumphant smirk on her face and approached Shawn so her boobs were pressing against his arm.
"Hold onto these for me, will ya rockstar?" She stuffed the skimpy panties into the pocket of his jeans, barely brushing against the boner that had come out to play again.
Shawn's jaw clenched, and the heat in his lower abdomen only intensified as Annalise walked away. He so badly wanted to grab her arm and pull her back into the car for the duration of the night, but she was already too far away. He reached into his pocket and curled his fingers around the pink lace, his heart racing at the fact that she had been wearing a cute, almost innocent color under her dark outfit. She only wore pink for Shawn, as it seems, meaning she knew something like this was going to go down. Tonight of all nights, when he hasn't seen her in two weeks.
"Oh," Shawn said to himself, wanting to smack himself on the forehead. The last time something like this happened was on a check in day. So was discreetly teasing each other in public the check in itself? Or would there be time to talk later?
That was the second time Annalise walked away from a very flustered and aroused Shawn, except now she was on the same level as him. If she had just given into him like he wanted, they could have been on their way back to his place. Annalise was just a little too determined to reign champion of this stupid little game.
"Where's your rockstar?" asked Alessia, looking around for the tall figure.
"He'll be here," Annalise simply replied, following the small line outside the bar's doors.
And he was. Shawn caught up to the group in a short jog, smiling at his friends.
"Let me guess," Brian said, folding his arms, "another case of the shits?"
"Mind your business," Annalise told him.
Stella piped up and changed the subject. "It's karaoke night! Who's gonna serenade me, the birthday girl?"
"Uh, me!" Camila said, raising her hand. "Who else?"
"Sí, ya sé señorita," Stella told her, affectionately cupping her chin. "Anyone else? Anna-banana?"
She started to shake her head, but Shawn put his arm around her. "That's a great idea! You should totally do it, Ann. It's your wife's birthday after all."
Annalise looked up at him and then the group. "True. Wouldn't wanna leave her hanging. I'll sing as many songs as you want, Stella. We'll be here all night if we have to."
Only Shawn was mildly put off by that sentence, and only Annalise knew why. She'll drag this thing out as much as she can for what it's worth. She knew the outcome of this night would end with her back getting blown out, and the more she made him wait, the better it would be.
"Fine, but I sing first!" Camila said before showing her ID to the bouncer.
The rest of the group followed inside the bar. This was far less fancy than the restaurant they were just at, but it was also perfect for getting absolutely plastered the way Stella had wanted. Camila went straight to the karaoke sign ups and confidently wrote her name and song, followed by Stella and Annalise picking their go-to jam. Then, Annalise ordered yet another rum and Coke, because she wasn't in the right mindset to just sing in front of a bunch of strangers.
Soon enough, Camila was belting out Demi's "Cool for the Summer" in honor of the birthday girl. Even while intoxicated, she sang perfectly and practically showed up anyone else who came before her. Stella and Annalise had to follow up that performance, and they chose Little Mix's "Joan of Arc."
Shawn watched from his seat at the bar, grinning as he nursed his whiskey. He watched Ann move her hips and sing to her heart's content, although the lyrics spoke a lot about "not needing a man." It was also narcissistic and sassy, just the right song for her. Shawn had never seen her have so much fun before. He needed to take her out drinking more often.
He also needed to fuck her into oblivion, especially when she and Stella squatted down during the bridge ("drop it so low that your thighs get sore.") Ann was standing behind her roommate as she went down, so she didn't accidentally expose herself as her legs opened wide. It still made Shawn shove his hand into his pocket again, feeling up the sexy lace. Then he set down his whiskey, knowing that if he was going to take Ann home, he had to be less intoxicated than he was getting.
"They just had to be that hot, didn't they?" asked Camila over the loud tune. She had been standing next to him, drink in hand. She was a little bit more inebriated, having had three rounds of vodka shots after her little performance.
It seemed like only she and Shawn were the last two standing members of the group. Alessia disappeared with Patrick on the dance floor upon seeing their friends put on a show, while Brian and Connor left to follow some pretty girls around. All that was left was two lovesick suckers and their clueless, stubborn dates.
"Aren't we lucky?" Shawn told her.
Camila hummed. "At least you know your girl is in fact, your girl."
He wasn't so sure. Yes, Shawn and Ann had been on each other all night, but what about tomorrow? Or the day after? Was she going to leave him a second time?
Then he actually processed what his friend said. He looked at her, eyes wide. He would have asked her to elaborate, but the current song ended and distracted both of them.
Only a few people applauded after Ann and Stella finished their song. Shawn and Camila whooped and clapped as hard as they could as they watched their girls come off the stage. Shawn smiled and held his hand out to Ann when she approached, pulling her into his side.
"Didn't know you could move like that," he said in her ear.
She placed her hand on the exposed bit of his chest, a tipsy grin on her face. Then she beckoned for him to bend down to her level so she could speak in his ear. "There's a lot you don't know about me."
Doesn't he fucking know it!
"Where's the rest of our squad?" asked Stella over the blaring music.
"Doesn't matter! Let's go dance!" Camila suggested, bouncing on her feet.
"I'm not drunk enough for that," Ann told her.
"Me either," Shawn agreed.
Camila pouted. "You guys are no fun!"
"Hey, but that means you get the birthday girl to yourself!" Ann said, nodding towards Stella.
That was all they needed to throw themselves into the large group of people dancing to the current karaoke song. It was all Shawn needed to pop the question to Ann after all this time.
"Wanna get out of here?"
Annalise felt warm and giddy after hearing Shawn's little anecdote about the first time he saw her. There was still an insatiable thirst deep in her soul that needed to be quenched, though, and excitement was pooling in her chest as they got closer to Shawn's apartment. The teasing and the build up was fun, but now neither of them could wait anymore.
Not to mention, Annalise's feet were aching terribly from her boots. The next best thing to getting laid was getting the chance to take off these huge blocks. She started to untie the laces when Shawn pulled into his parking space at the complex, but he placed his hand on her arm to stop her.
"Leave them on."
Annalise whined. "But my feet hurt."
"I'll carry you up to the apartment. Just don't take them off," he told her.
She was just tipsy enough to not think about the humility of getting physically moved out of the car in public. Although, she half expected to be carried out bridal style and not thrown over Shawn's shoulder. Annalise still giggled as she held onto his back, but her sounds only made Shawn whack her on the ass.
"Shush, there's people sleeping," he scolded as he shut the car door with his hip.
He didn't see her smile and bite her lip.
Once they were in the privacy of the apartment, Shawn set her down on her feet in the hallway. Annalise was way too smiley, her face flushed pink.
"You think you're so cute, don't you?" Shawn said to her, immediately backing her into the wall and towering over her.
She was still grinning. "You and I both know I'm adorable."
"Mmm." Shawn cupped her chin, his thumb stroking over her bottom lip. The dark blue lipstick she was so concerned about keeping intact all night was very faded now. "You think it's funny, what you've been doing to me all night? Teasing me with those legs and that underwear?"
"Oh, don't act like-" Annalise was cut off by her cheeks being squished together rather harshly.
Shawn was very close to her now, his nose touching hers. Her protruded lips were lightly touching his, but he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction so easily. Not after everything she put him through. All he did was gently take her bottom lip between his teeth, not biting nor sucking. Just teasing.
"Get your ass to the room," he ordered in a low voice.
The only reason why Annalise stumbled was because her feet were still in a lot of pain. Her heart pounded in her ears as she went into the bedroom, hearing Shawn's footsteps behind her. She turned to face him as she sat on the bed, and she slowly opened her legs to him. He was a total sucker for her in this position, especially since her panties were still in his pocket, but Annalise was surprised to see that he didn't drop to his knees right away.
"I didn't ask you to do that," he told her, his voice steady and clear. His chin was up and his chest was out, making his authority more clear.
"Maybe I don't wanna listen to you," she said back.
Shawn approached her, bringing his hand up. He cupped the side of her neck, his thumb gently moving across her throat, making her gasp lightly. "What was that?"
Adrenaline shot through her veins as she looked into his eyes. He wasn't playing games anymore. Annalise opened her mouth to talk back again, but the feeling of Shawn's hand tightening just the slightest bit made her stay quiet.
"That's what I thought," he said, a certain glint in his eyes. "Now get on your knees for me."
He let go of her so she could oblige, but she only bowed her head and spoke softly. "Can I take off my shoes?"
"Hmm, no. You look way too sexy to get rid of them now."
Annalise silently got down on the floor, sitting on her legs. She now knew how this was going to go, and it was making every part of her body tingle. She pursed her lips as she ran her hands up Shawn's muscular thighs, reaching for his belt buckle. She wondered in the back of her mind if the belt would be left on the floor the whole night, or if Shawn would decide to use it for anything else. Finally, she was pulling his jeans down the way she did at the restaurant and she ran her fingers over the kiss mark left on his underwear.
"What are you smiling at?" Shawn asked, moving his hands into her hair. "Come on, put your sassy little mouth to work."
"Or what?" Annalise looked up at him, feeling a little daring and, like he said, sassy. "What are you gonna do about it?"
Shawn narrowed his eyes, the corner of his mouth turning upwards. "There's no way to shut you up, is there?"
"Nope!" She grinned and then continued by pulling down the front of his Calvins. His hard, pink cock sprung out, and she took hold of it at the base, pumping slowly. She then carefully wrapped her soft lips around the tip, and that was when Shawn pushed on the back of her head and made her gag.
Annalise pulled off with a heavy cough. She didn't dare look up at Shawn, knowing he was probably already enjoying this. She slowed her breathing as she pumped his shaft some more.
"Oh, look," Shawn told her, moving his hips forward towards her lips again, "a way to shut you up."
She closed her eyes as she sank down on him again. This time, she went a little slower, suckling at the tip and pumping whatever she couldn't fit in her mouth. Shawn held her hair up and let out a soft breath, watching as his cock disappeared behind her pretty lips as he let her go at her own pace. But it didn't stay that way for long. He began to move his hips in rhythm with her head, making her take even more and really pushing her limits. He let out a deep breath as he touched the back of her throat, loving that his girl was being so compliant.
The tiniest little whines came from the back of Annalise's throat, sending even smaller vibrations on his cock. Shawn grit his teeth and tightened his grip on her hair, and he began to control the movements of her bobbing head. She whined even more, her eyes watering as hollowed her cheeks and let her mouth be used. Her fingers dug into his thighs, trying not to gag on the size of his cock.
Shawn had never been this rough with her before, but she loved it. She needed more of it. She needed more than to just be facefucked like she was some sex doll.
"Fuck yeah," he whispered, watching as he controlled his girl's movements, loving the feeling of her warm mouth engulfing his cock completely. Finally, he held her still, her nose touching his pelvis. He could hear the short, faced paced breaths coming out her nose, and it was only a bigger turn on.
Annalise had mascara under her eyes when she was finally pulled off. Saliva covered her chin, and blue lipstick was smudged down her bottom lip. Shawn noticed a dark blue circle around the base of his cock and he chuckled. He's never had a girl quite like this one.
"Catch your breath and get on the bed," he told her, gently gripping her arms as he helped her stand up. "On all fours."
She couldn't really look at him when he was like this. She felt as though she would melt into the palm of his hand, as if she wasn't already dripping. Just as she turned to get on the bed, Shawn placed his hands on her waist. He bunched up her dress and slowly lifted it over her head. Then, he undid the clasp of her bra and took it off her as well.
"That's better," he mumbled, snaking his arms around to her front, getting a handful of her breasts. He fondled for a moment before letting her get on the mattress. Then, he took off his blazer and unbuttoned his shirt, letting it fall to the floor.
Annalise timidly looked back, biting her lip as she watched him strip down. Without further instruction, she slid back on the bed and raised her ass in the air, wiggling just a little bit.
"That's my girl," Shawn praised as he slapped one cheek. "Already knowing how I'm gonna take you."
She buried her face in her arms as she let out a squeak. Insitictivelt, she tried to wiggle her toes to cope with the sting but… boots. Her heart nearly beat out of her chest as she felt the mattress dip behind her and she peered over her shoulder again, watching Shawn line himself up behind her.
In the same moment, he reached over and pushed her head back down on the mattress. "Stay down."
His hands moved down the curve of her ass, admiring the little red marks his rings left behind. He decided he should wear them more often if he was going to teach his girl a lesson. Then, he ran his hands down her long, beautiful legs, gently holding her ankles. Her flesh was smooth and warm and so, so perfect. Seeing her in nothing but those platform boots did something inexplicable to Shawn. He would have taken his time exploring every inch of her body if he wasn't so desperate to fuck her and show her who's boss.
Shawn moved his hand in between Annalise's legs, and she easily spread them open, already at his disposal. He sucked in a breath as he got a look at her wet pussy, bringing a single finger to feel the warm wetness. He felt her pulse right on the cunt, knowing she was ready for him to take her. She leaned into the light touch, panting softly, needy and desperate.
"You want it, baby?" he asked, slowly moving down the slit and back up, the tip of his finger soaked.
Annalise nodded wildly. "Yes…"
"Hmm, I don't think you do, honey."
"Please," she whined, elongating the vowel as she wiggled her ass some more. "Please, I need it!"
Shawn was grinning, almost amused by her little movements. His finger barely dipped between her folds, and he kept his free hand firmly on her hip to keep her from backing into it; He wouldn't let her have it that easy. Then, he lined himself up again and replaced his finger with the tip of his cock, waiting to hear more sweet little sounds, and he wasn't disappointed.
"Please… Daddy, please… please fuck me, Daddy..."
It came out in a whisper, but it still hit Shawn with even more heat. So much, he actually had to insert himself just a little bit. He let out a deep breath upon feeling the warm tightness of her pussy, his fingers digging into her ass cheeks, and then he kept talking.
"Say that again, honey." He slapped the cheek once again when he didn't get a response right away. "Say it!"
It sounded like it came straight from a cheap porno, but he was an absolute sucker for it anyway. "Fuck me, Daddy!"
"That's right," Shawn growled as filled her to the brim. "Oh, that's my girl…"
They both moaned out at the feeling, finally getting some relief after building each other up all night. Shawn was still for a few moments, letting Annalise adjust, but then she started to fuck herself on his cock, her ass moving smoothly and swiftly in a quick rhythm. He couldn't help but spank her again, his silver rings making it sting even more.
Annalise was a fucking mess, her face contorted with pleasure and sweet relief as she finally got what she wanted all night. Her ass felt hot and painful from where she was hit, and it was only fuel to the fire. Pain never felt so good, and she wanted more. She asked for things she typically never asked for: hard slaps, hair pulling, a well timed bite on the neck. Shawn gave it all to her, grumbling dirty words in the process. He loved taking her this way, leaving her ass red with all the spanks he delivered.
"Here, lie flat," he told her, tapping her hips so she could move.
With a small mewl, she did what she was told, evidently sliding his cock out of her. Shawn hovered over naked body, moving her hair away from her back. Rough and ruthless as he was, he couldn't stop himself from planting kisses on her lower back, caressing her waist in an affectionate manner. He dragged his lower lip up her spine, leaving one last kiss between her shoulder blades and smiling against the skin as she felt her back arch. Then, he held the base of his cock and swiftly slid it back into her cunt, falling back into a rhythm again. He scooped up her hair into his fist and tugged just enough to make her tilt her head back.
"Oh, Daddy," she moaned, holding herself up on her elbows.
Shawn couldn't deny how much he loved that nickname. Annalise had only let it slip one time before this, and it was rather difficult to find a time for him to ask her to say it every time they were in bed. Now, he didn't even have to ask her, she just had to be so deep into this state of mind that she'll let out anything she's thinking. Shawn tugged at her a little more, growling deep in his chest as he felt his end approaching fast.
"Fuck baby," he groaned, thrusting so hard their skin was slapping together. "Fuck, this pussy's mine now. So fucking good for me, baby, you're so good."
The two of them let their moans fill in the room, unable to form words now. The bed creaked with every erratic movement, and neither of them cared when they hear a loud snap from under the mattress. Then, Annalise cried out, her legs lifting up and causing her thick heels to dig into Shawn's ass. Next thing he knew, he felt the tiniest stream of liquid around his cock. For a moment, he was confused and went still for a second, but hearing her continued moans and feeling her clenching pussy around him made him piece it together. Shawn had to pull out as soon as he realized because holy fuck he never experienced something like that before and it was way hotter than he imagined. His mouth fell open as ribbons of cum spurted out onto her ass, making a beautiful mess all over the flesh. He could have dragged it out longer, but it was way too sexy and he really needed to see Annalise do that again.
"Come on, baby, ass up," he told her as soon as he was done, grabbing her by the hips.
"Yes, Daddy," she replied, assuming the position.
If Shawn hadn't finished, he would have been hard all over again. He pushed two fingers vigorously into her entrance, the wet smacking sounds filling the room. He curled his fingers in her spongy wetness, desperate to find the spot that made that cute little noise come out of her. He tried to coax it out of her, "Do it again for Daddy, come on…" He reached around with his free hand and rubbed her clit the way she liked, getting more gorgeous sounds out of her.
Finally, her voice went up an octave, and then more liquid spurted out, leaking down the palm of Shawn's hand. She was clenching repeatedly around his fingers, her hips twitching slightly. Shawn really couldn't believe his eyes, and he chuckled in disbelief. He made his girl feel this good.
Annalise rolled onto her side as soon as she was spent, so Shawn quickly reached down to grab his shirt off the floor. He shifted her slightly just to wipe the cum off her cheek, and then he went to untie the laces from her boots. He carefully pulled them off and set them on the floor. Finally, he carried Annalise to the pillows and draped the comforter over her. He crawled into bed with her, and she quickly nestled herself into his side. Shawn wrapped his arms around her like it was second nature, letting her legs tangle with his, and he sank into the afterglow.
Her eyes were shut, her body was fully melted into the mattress, but she still spoke clear as day. "You should handle me like that more often."
Shawn smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Anything you want, honey."
It was only a few short minutes of cuddling before Annalise heard her phone buzz from wherever it was in the room. She sighed and picked her head up, but Shawn didn't dare let her go just yet. He watched her sleepy face search for the source of the noise, and then he gently moved her head with his free hand back to his shoulder. She complied yet again, her arm going around his waist.
"I need to go soon," she mumbled into his neck.
"No you don't," Shawn replied, giving her a light squeeze. "It's late, really late. Just spend the night."
Annalise hummed. "I need to take off my makeup. And I don't even have extra clothes here."
He had a feeling she would make that excuse at some point. He made sure to be prepared ahead of time. "There's makeup wipes here for you. And you still have a drawer full of your clothes here."
Once again, she picked her head up and looked down at him. "You really want me to stay?"
"Of course I do, why would you even ask?"
"Because we were only supposed to check in."
"Well we clearly got busy with dinner and the bar. And like I said, it's so late and I don't want you going out there by yourself in a Lyft. Just stay with me, please."
Wordlessly, Annalise climbed out of bed and picked her bra up off the floor. Her brows scrunched a little bit as she put it on, like she was in pain. She grumbled something in Spanish as she stumbled into the bathroom.
Shawn rolled onto his side and watched the door close. He was tired and content a minute ago, but now that the chance that Ann might just ditch him during the night was keeping him up. Once was bad enough. He just wanted her here so he could make her breakfast and help nurse the hangover that was bound to happen. Not only that, she could also meet-
"Did I leave these here?" She had opened the door again, peering her head out as she held up the white packet of wipes.
"No, I had them here in case you ever wanted to sleepover," Shawn told her. "I know you like your skincare."
She smiled and then shut the door again. Then, Shawn heaved himself off the mattress and went to put his underwear back on. After that, he approached the door to the bedroom, which had been left open just a crack. He peered out into the living room finding no sound and no interruptions. He decided he'll save the introductions for the morning… or whenever he and Ann wake up.
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @ilsolee @mendesromano @1-800-khalid-mendussy @kitykatnumber @strangerliaa @iloveshawnieboi @poppyshawn @shawnvvmendes @shawmndes @shawnsunflower @calyumthomas @wronglanemendes @havethetimeeofyourlifee @yourdeflightfullyleft
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hxlsteads · 6 years
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Pairing: KJ Apa x Reader
Prompts #49 and #51: “Your lips are really warm.” and “You’ve kissed me about ten times.” “Well, how do you feel about another ten?”
“And cut!” The bellowing howl of the director echoed throughout the set space signaling much to your delight, the end the yet another long-winded; and in this case very very intense scene. Come to think of it, this shouldn’t have come to much surprise. Even in the short season you’ve spent filming this show, it was still just about enough time to become blinded by the chaos put into each and every scene.
You can’t exactly fault it though; it had its effects. I mean the show is a worldwide hit and you’re just lucky at this point to be along for the ride.
The show was everything you. The storylines, the mystery, your character, her friends... her possibly ‘more than friends’ friend.
In the most recent episodes, you found yourself thrown into filming situations you had yet to experience in your short-lived acting career. I guess the extra role in Barney didn’t give you much career preparation as you’d originally assumed. At five being on the big screen, you would’ve thought of yourself to be gold. An Oscar-winning performer with every trick in the book under your arsenal... but that just wasn’t the case.
You can remember clearly your first day on the job; a few initial welcomes followed by the revelation brought to your attention by Roberto; that throughout the season your build-up of character will lead you into the arms of another man- Archie Andrews.
You just expect that sort of thing to be awkward. Yes, on one hand, you were more than fully aware of KJ’s undeniably rugged good looks, but on the other, you barely knew this guy and you were expected to be theoretically in love with him. Besides, it was made pretty clear long before in the media that he was indeed a taken man.
The last thing you wanted was a girlfriend or ex to be treading on your toes. You felt like you had to walk on eggshells around him constantly; not knowing how awkwardly your scenes would pan out or even what his opinion on the whole ordeal was; especially after having worked so closely alongside Camila.
But that was before you knew KJ; the real him...
Once you did the rest was history. As cringy as it sounds that’s the truth. You hit it off like best friends; your individual touches of humor bouncing off one another until you were both raddled with laughter and unable to see an end. And best friends soon turned into more once he denied all dating rumors and made his highly anticipated move.
He was smooth. Eased into the relationship without going full force like a lot of men in my life tended to do. You appreciated that and you were happy. Over the moon more like. It was nice for you to finally have that someone that fills the small void left in your heart as it had shattered the last time around. You swore yourself off men until he came around and patched your thoughts up only as time progressed up until now. Filming intimate moments on screen that we had to play off as ‘acting’...
Clutching the door of my trailer you let my mind skim over the recent role you had to play and relive the moment his lips grazed yours over and over again. Your characters have kissed what... four times in total and it’s not like you haven’t outside of set but it’s just different. It’s like you can live vicariously through your on-screen relationship full well knowing your personal one is still disclosed information only known by the two of you. Feeling yourself drifting way off into the deep depths of your thoughts you sauntered in, finally twisting on your heels to shut the rest of the world away and have some much-needed downtime. ‘4am starts will forever be the death of me but it’s nothing that coffee, a nice long nap-’ you mentally scoffed before noticing the tall, clearly toned build leaning confidently against your door-frame. ‘And KJ apparently can’t fix...’ you added quickly, feeling your cheeks blush as his chocolate brown gaze burrowed deeply into your own stare.
“You going to invite me in aye?” He spoke; his accent running thick through his words leaving you slightly weak at the knees. Even through teasing, his accent will be an entirely long weakness in your eyes.
“Maybe... But you’ll have to know the password.” you retorted, witnessing as his cheeks grew fuller and a signature grin soon appeared on his face.
“That’s easy. KJ is daddy.”
You couldn’t help but let a chuckle escape your lips as you recalled the countless times you’ve been asked in the past whether you thought KJ was the ‘daddiest of the group’. You shifted your body to the side as you nodded your head to signal his ability to enter which he promptly accepted. “Make yourself at home, I guess,” you muttered, reaching instantly for your phone the second you heard the affirmative click of the door shutting.
You scrolled through the almost endless amount of notifications plastered across your lock screen forgetting instantly about the other figure lingering in the room. Unintentional at first but you became too caught up in the unread messages and emails which all had to clearly be paid close attention to. As your eyes darted through the different applications listed with notifications; I mean seriously how many alerts do I need telling me ‘colesprouse has posted a photo.’, your glance briefly scanned two text messages, one from Cami alongside another from your mom asking you to ‘call her as soon as you’re free’. You just about had enough time to process that... nothing more, on the other hand.
I guess it’s just that hard to remain focused when the most recent biggest distraction in your life is conveniently placed right ahead of your now lifted eyeline, shirtless with small beads of sweat dripping perfectly down each crevasse and indent marked across his herculean chest...
‘What are you trying to do Apa? Seduce me, huh?” you jerked, stepping closer to his body- furthermore regretting your decision as the heat from his skin transfers across to yours in a split second.
“Maybe.” He grinned as he placed his hand against your cheek to allow his fingers to cascade smoothly down to your chin. God, this man... his touch drove you mad at this point. This was only heightened as he let out a soft sigh, “This is one of the only times since we’ve been together that we’ve got some alone time. So forgive me, babe, if I want to play mission impossible and steal my girl from the cast for a few minutes.”
‘My girl’.
You kept playing those exact words in your head on repeat. Like a broken record that had no physical end. But you didn’t want it to end... ever! It was just something you never quite imagined rolling off his lips so effortlessly. “You got me good Kage, but thinking logically you love sleep just as much as I do and you’ve kissed me about ten times in what, the past hour?”
“Well, how do you feel about another ten aye?” His voice was gravelly, longing for the indication on my behalf for a pure recreation of the endless kisses delivered in our last scene. Except this is far from acting now. The darkness that had flushed over his glassed orbs a tell-tale sign he wouldn’t be leaving this trailer without stealing yet another kiss-off of you. Not that you oppose of that idea but he’s getting it too easy nowadays.
Although in reality, he is hard to resist... just look at him.
“Honestly you are going to be the death of me KJ Apa. But then again your lips are really warm and outside is very very cold,” you spoke with a slight giggle lacing your diction as you once again shifted your bodies closer to one another. When someone says the phrase ‘fingertips away’ I can assure you this is exactly what that looks like. Your bodies millimeters from colliding. No longer being able to resist the force held between you, you traced your fingertips up the centre of his abs, immediately sensing his warmth grow and a clear rush of crimson attack his cheeks as you whispered a faint, “and this body doesn’t exactly help keep our secret on set either by the way.”
Within a matter of mere seconds, your lips collide in an urgent yet at the same time, gentle compassion. You smiled into the kiss, feeling all the stress surrounding your job melt away as KJ ran his hands further up your spine until his fingers interlaced within your slightly knotted hair. “Best. Kisser. Ever.” he breathed out releasing the kiss that had grown increasingly sloppier by the second.
“Hmm I could say the-” You began yet your words were instantly drawn to a direct halt as you heard the slight click of the door before the disgruntled moans you could already distinguish as your close friends pierce the small bubble held around you two lovebirds.
“Oh wow. Totally wasn’t expecting to see this today. Woah, oh jeez.” Madelaine practically screamed as you placed a hand of KJ’s chest to push his body subtly away from your own.
“Oh please, I saw it coming from a mile away. Preferably didn’t want that mile to be right in your trailer when I specifically told you I’d be coming here after filming but to each their own.” Cami spoke as I shifted my gaze her direction soon noticing a large array of different cast members stood closely behind. “Damn it’s hot in here... How long has this arrangement been going on then lovebirds?”
As soon as she finished speaking both you and KJ turned to each other seeking the correct answer to an almost impossible question. ‘God why did I not read her message’ you scolded yourself whilst firmly biting your lip, knowing now you’d made things all to obvious.
“I am living for this! I think you two have some explaining to do.” Cami winked and you couldn’t help but feel a tad embarrassed. I mean after all, this was not even close to the way you’d planned on informing your friends of your new-found relationship...
“I guess we do.”
A/N - Right my first KJ request done! I really don’t know how I feel this turned out. I’m not really confident in my writing currently but hope to get it better; just let me know what you guys thought! I honestly love KJ so if you have any more requests please feel free to send them in. P.S sorry, I queued it to post but it never did yesterday ahahah. Thank you!! x x
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meepmorpperaltiago · 6 years
Some Peraltiago baby headcanons that nobody asked for
- Their first kid is a girl called Olivia Karen Camila Santiago-Peralta, although everyone just calls her ‘Livvy’
- 2 years later, they have twin boys named Johnny Ray Santiago-Peralta and Max Charles Santiago-Peralta
- Johnny was the closest name Jake could get to a Die Hard name, so he’s incredibly disappointed when Johnny decides that he loves Grandpa Ray (and Ray from Princess and the Frog and Rae from Star Wars) so much that he starts insisting on being known by his middle name and it sticks
- Generally, they all look like Amy, but they have Jake’s brown curly hair
- As I’ve seen in some fanfics, all of the kids speak Spanish and there’s nothing funnier than making Daddy think they’re talking about him
- Peraltiago!babies!playing!together!in!Spanish!
- Livvy is a total goofball like Jake, whereas the twins are more like Amy personality wise
- One day one of the kids in the twin’s class tell them that their mommy told them that their daddy is a criminal who robbed banks and then got away with it and they come home crying and Jake and Amy have to sit them down and explain to all three kids about Jake and Rosa being framed
- The twins make up thier own secret code, but then Livvy cries because she feels left out so they teach it to her too
- Livvy is super talented at music (she plays like a million instruments) and Ray is really good at maths (he enters lots of competitions) – Max loves reading but isn’t super academic in general
- Although Jake and Amy obviously never make him feel bad about it, Max does always feel like he’s not as smart as his siblings, until Grandpa Ray teaches him chess and he gets really good
- Livvy gets a scholarship to study music somewhere super-fancy and goes on to play in the orchestras of Broadway (I had to work musicals into this somehow 😜) whilst Ray becomes an I.T technician
- In spite of not being considered very academic compared to his siblings, Max turns out to be very talented at storytelling – he has a very vivid imagination and grows up to be a highly successful children’s author and the – he dedicates his first book, (which also features the secret code he and Ray made up as kids) to his Mom and Dad and to Grandpa Ray, who all taught him to not give up on himself
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ramajmedia · 5 years
10 Riverdale Moments That Topped Our Cringe-Meter | ScreenRant
Possibly every Riverdale fan is well aware of this show's penchant for getting more ridiculous with every season. By now, even the biggest Riverdale fans will acknowledge that the show's packed with poorly-written dialogues, illogical situations, and random plot elements that make absolutely no sense. Still, despite all this, Riverdale has managed to keep its faithful fanbase, helping to make it one of the most awarding-winning tv shows currently airing.
It has also become one of those rare shows that are so bad, they're actually good. A big reason for this lies, in fact, in its countless uncomfortable and cringe-worthy scenes, which have surely become a guilty pleasure of every Riverdale fan. Sometimes, the show takes it so far that we immediately want to skip to a different scene or turn off our screens entirely, hoping to forget what we just saw.
RELATED: 10 Major Changes Riverdale Has Made From The Original Archie Comics
10 The "I'm a weirdo" speech
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In case you haven’t noticed, Jughead is weird. He´s a weirdo. He doesn't fit in nor does he want to fit in. Have you ever seen him without his stupid hat? All jokes aside, it's definitely clear to everyone from the very beginning of the show that Jughead (Cole Sprouse) is an oddball with a sarcastic sense of humor.RELATED: Riverdale: 5 Reasons Bughead Are Relationships Goals (& 5 They Aren't)Still, his famous monologue from the first season, in which he tries to highlight his individuality, instead of being dramatic... sounded like it came out straight from "The Room." Given that probably no one took it seriously, Jughead's famous speech eventually attained meme status - and deservedly so, if we may add.
9 Dark Betty
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At first glance, Betty Cooper (played by Lili Reinhart) is your typical blonde girl-next-door, but she also has a dark side - a character fans have come to know as Dark Betty. This alter ego is often characterized by a black wig and lacy underwear, transforming the usual do-good star pupil into a sex-pot and webcam model. Seriously? And while this "dark side" of hers represents a vent for some deep psychological issues Betty is dealing with, instead of taking a more serious approach, the show makes it incredibly cringy and played-out by having her dress up what she thinks is a stereotypical "bad girl."
8 Betty's Serpent Dance
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For many Riverdale fans, this is one of the most unpleasant and cringey moments of season 2. In episode eight, titled "House of the Devil," which hits things off by having sixteen year-old Betty perform a striptease to one of the most depressing songs ever - Mad World. And while the fans was forced to witness a minor strip to "All around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out faces," there were indeed familiar faces in the audience, namely Betty's boyfriend Jughead and even her own mother who did nothing to stop her. Betty's show went on uninterrupted and followed by applause. Mad World, indeed.
7 Weird Sex scenes
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To be clear, while the show's got more sex scenes than are totally necessary to start with, the bizarre circumstances that lead to these acts make them that much more uncomfortable. Take a scene in the second season for example: after witnessing his father getting shot, Archie (KJ Apa) goes to take a shower, moments later having his girlfriend Veronica (Camila Mendes) figure it's the perfect time to have sex. Sure, there's no better way to comfort your boyfriend whose father ended up in the emergency room moments earlier!
6 Veronica and Jughead kissing
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Yet another scene that caused discomfort in Riverdale fans occurred in the second season, when Betty, Jughead, Archie, and Veronica decided to go on a weekend trip. During their stay at a cabin in the woods (another pop-culture cliche) the secret that Betty and Archie kissed leaked, to which Veronica suggested she should kiss Betty's boyfriend Jughead to make things even.
RELATED: Riverdale: 10 Times The Show Broke Our Hearts
Not only is this embarrassing story writing for a popular TV show, but the visibly uncomfortable situation was made worse by the fact that Lili (Betty) and Cole (Jughead) are in a relationship off the set as well. In any case, given we've also already witnessed the kiss between Betty and Veronica, we guess the only thing left is a kiss between Archie and Jughead - which isn't so unlikely given how the show's plot is developing.
5 The Singing
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It's a good time to remind everyone that these characters are still around sixteen years old and in high school. Good, now what gives with all the needlessly sexual imagery, which carries over even when they randomly burst in song? A good example of this is the scene when Josie (Ashleigh Murray) and the Pussycats together with Cheryl (Madelaine Petsch) sing their version of the "Milkshake" song.
Generally speaking, most viewers are tired of all the random songs and singing performances being stuffed into the main story line. These scenes cause a massive cringe when they occur by themselves, let alone when they're bolstered by uncomfortable circumstances and awkward interactions.
4 "We're endgame Archie"
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The phrase "endgame" is so over-used that it's sole usage to describe literally every couple in this show provokes nothing but a big cringe in the audience. In one of the very first episodes, Kevin told Betty that she and Archie were endgame, or "Actually, to clarify, Betty and Archie aren't dating, but they're endgame." At least according to Kevin.
RELATED: Riverdale: 5 Reasons Varchie Are Relationship Goals (& 5 They Aren't)
Hearing the characters constantly call their relationships endgame has gotten way too stale way too fast, to the point where, in most fans, it provokes an eye roll every time it happens.
3 Veronica saying "daddy" and "Archiekins"
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We're sort of getting used to Veronica's cringy dialogue, but every time she uses one of these two words in a sentence it's impossible to hold back the eye roll. Although it's a bit humorous to hear Veronica refer to her father as "daddy" or "daddykins," (as if their relationship suddenly went from resentful to loving), it's mostly just annoying. Heck, like many things from the show, Veronica's "daddy" is now a meme.
Then there's the nickname she picked for her boyfriend Archie, whom she continually calls "Archiekins," which is not nearly as cute as she thinks it is. However, we get why this is recurrent in the show, as the nickname "Archiekins" comes from the Archie comics. Despite this, it simply doesn't fit this interpretation of the show, and combined with the usually bad dialogue, turns out completely cringy.
2 Almost every Archie Scene
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While it seems that the show is set on making Archie seem like a badass character, more often than not, the guy ends up looking like a (for lack of a better word) stooge. Let's not forget, he's only 16 and his decisions and actions are rarely based on common sense, which includes examples such as him admitting guilt for a crime he didn't commit (although he would probably be let off) and despite the fact that practically the entire Riverdale was helping him win the case - why so stupid, Archiekins!? Best guess, for the same reason he miraculously survived that bear attack: to make him seem like a fearless bad boy character. Oh, and so this scrawny sixteen-year-old then became a champion fighter in prison.
1 Polly and Jason' love story
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The weird, incestuous vibes between the Blossom Twins could be sensed from the very beginning of the show. Later the tables have turned when it was revealed that Jason Blossom (Trevor Stines) and Polly Cooper (Tiera Skovbye), who were the ones in an incestuous relationship. Although their love affair ended abruptly and unfortunately with Jason's murder, the icing on the cake was the discovery that Polly and Jason were actually cousins. On top of that, following the even Polly had Jason's twins, which brings us to the part that never ceases to make us cringe - she named them Juniper and Dagwood.
NEXT: Riverdale: 10 Things We Want To See In Season 4
source https://screenrant.com/embarassing-cringe-riverdale-scene-moment/
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kevindurkiin · 6 years
Top 10 Biggest Singles Of 2018 Revealed
2018 was a long, long year — for a lot of reasons. A lot of music was also released in those 12 months, including some truly global hits. IFPI, the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, has just released their official list of the 10 biggest singles of 2018, and it’s quite an interesting look.
Coming in at #1 is “Havana” from Camila Cabello featuring Young Thug. Writes Official Charts, “In June 2018, Havana became the most-streamed song ever by a female artist on Spotify with 888 million streams and has now clocked up 2.6 billion streams worldwide across all providers.” That it also measures up as the biggest song globally in 2018 is no surprise.
“God’s Plan” by Drake was released January 19, 2018. (Remember what I said earlier about 2018 being a really, really long year? Yeah.) It’s no surprise either that this track makes it to the #2 spot, achieving global virality as well as meme status.
Ed Sheeran scores the next two spots for “Shape Of You” and “Perfect,” both of which came out on his March 2017 album, Divide. Clearly, though, their popularity persisted throughout 2018.
The rest of the list hits popular tracks like “Despacito” and Post Malone’s “Psycho,” as well as Chinese artist Tia Ray for her track “Be Apart.”
The Chainsmokers and Marshmello are, unsurprisingly, the only two electronic artists who ended up on the list; however, both were for ostensibly non-electronic songs, “Something Just Like This” and “Happier,” respectively.
See the full top 10 list below!
Top 10 global digital singles of 2018
Rank Artist and song title Global total converted track equivalent (m) 1 Camila Cabello (feat. Young Thug) – Havana 19.0 2 Drake – God’s Plan 15.3 3 Ed Sheeran – Shape Of You 14.9 4 Ed Sheeran – Perfect 13.5 5 Maroon 5 (feat. Cardi B) – Girls Like You 11.9 6 Luis Fonsi (feat. Daddy Yankee) – Despacito 11.8 7 Tia Ray – Be Apart 10.9 8 The Chainsmokers & Coldplay – Something Just Like This 10.0 9 Marshmello & Anne-Marie – FRIENDS 9.6 10 Post Malone (feat. Ty Dolla $ign) – Psycho 9.2
The IFPI Global Digital Singles Chart includes sales of digitally downloaded singles and on-demand video and audio streams across the calendar year; using permanent download equivalent units to combine measurements of digital sales and streams.
  via Official Charts | Photo via Rukes.com
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Top 10 Biggest Singles Of 2018 Revealed
Top 10 Biggest Singles Of 2018 Revealed published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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