#kj apa oneshots
hxlsteads · 6 years
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Pairing: KJ Apa x Reader
Prompts #49 and #51: “Your lips are really warm.” and “You’ve kissed me about ten times.” “Well, how do you feel about another ten?”
“And cut!” The bellowing howl of the director echoed throughout the set space signaling much to your delight, the end the yet another long-winded; and in this case very very intense scene. Come to think of it, this shouldn’t have come to much surprise. Even in the short season you’ve spent filming this show, it was still just about enough time to become blinded by the chaos put into each and every scene.
You can’t exactly fault it though; it had its effects. I mean the show is a worldwide hit and you’re just lucky at this point to be along for the ride.
The show was everything you. The storylines, the mystery, your character, her friends... her possibly ‘more than friends’ friend.
In the most recent episodes, you found yourself thrown into filming situations you had yet to experience in your short-lived acting career. I guess the extra role in Barney didn’t give you much career preparation as you’d originally assumed. At five being on the big screen, you would’ve thought of yourself to be gold. An Oscar-winning performer with every trick in the book under your arsenal... but that just wasn’t the case.
You can remember clearly your first day on the job; a few initial welcomes followed by the revelation brought to your attention by Roberto; that throughout the season your build-up of character will lead you into the arms of another man- Archie Andrews.
You just expect that sort of thing to be awkward. Yes, on one hand, you were more than fully aware of KJ’s undeniably rugged good looks, but on the other, you barely knew this guy and you were expected to be theoretically in love with him. Besides, it was made pretty clear long before in the media that he was indeed a taken man.
The last thing you wanted was a girlfriend or ex to be treading on your toes. You felt like you had to walk on eggshells around him constantly; not knowing how awkwardly your scenes would pan out or even what his opinion on the whole ordeal was; especially after having worked so closely alongside Camila.
But that was before you knew KJ; the real him...
Once you did the rest was history. As cringy as it sounds that’s the truth. You hit it off like best friends; your individual touches of humor bouncing off one another until you were both raddled with laughter and unable to see an end. And best friends soon turned into more once he denied all dating rumors and made his highly anticipated move.
He was smooth. Eased into the relationship without going full force like a lot of men in my life tended to do. You appreciated that and you were happy. Over the moon more like. It was nice for you to finally have that someone that fills the small void left in your heart as it had shattered the last time around. You swore yourself off men until he came around and patched your thoughts up only as time progressed up until now. Filming intimate moments on screen that we had to play off as ‘acting’...
Clutching the door of my trailer you let my mind skim over the recent role you had to play and relive the moment his lips grazed yours over and over again. Your characters have kissed what... four times in total and it’s not like you haven’t outside of set but it’s just different. It’s like you can live vicariously through your on-screen relationship full well knowing your personal one is still disclosed information only known by the two of you. Feeling yourself drifting way off into the deep depths of your thoughts you sauntered in, finally twisting on your heels to shut the rest of the world away and have some much-needed downtime. ‘4am starts will forever be the death of me but it’s nothing that coffee, a nice long nap-’ you mentally scoffed before noticing the tall, clearly toned build leaning confidently against your door-frame. ‘And KJ apparently can’t fix...’ you added quickly, feeling your cheeks blush as his chocolate brown gaze burrowed deeply into your own stare.
“You going to invite me in aye?” He spoke; his accent running thick through his words leaving you slightly weak at the knees. Even through teasing, his accent will be an entirely long weakness in your eyes.
“Maybe... But you’ll have to know the password.” you retorted, witnessing as his cheeks grew fuller and a signature grin soon appeared on his face.
“That’s easy. KJ is daddy.”
You couldn’t help but let a chuckle escape your lips as you recalled the countless times you’ve been asked in the past whether you thought KJ was the ‘daddiest of the group’. You shifted your body to the side as you nodded your head to signal his ability to enter which he promptly accepted. “Make yourself at home, I guess,” you muttered, reaching instantly for your phone the second you heard the affirmative click of the door shutting.
You scrolled through the almost endless amount of notifications plastered across your lock screen forgetting instantly about the other figure lingering in the room. Unintentional at first but you became too caught up in the unread messages and emails which all had to clearly be paid close attention to. As your eyes darted through the different applications listed with notifications; I mean seriously how many alerts do I need telling me ‘colesprouse has posted a photo.’, your glance briefly scanned two text messages, one from Cami alongside another from your mom asking you to ‘call her as soon as you’re free’. You just about had enough time to process that... nothing more, on the other hand.
I guess it’s just that hard to remain focused when the most recent biggest distraction in your life is conveniently placed right ahead of your now lifted eyeline, shirtless with small beads of sweat dripping perfectly down each crevasse and indent marked across his herculean chest...
‘What are you trying to do Apa? Seduce me, huh?” you jerked, stepping closer to his body- furthermore regretting your decision as the heat from his skin transfers across to yours in a split second.
“Maybe.” He grinned as he placed his hand against your cheek to allow his fingers to cascade smoothly down to your chin. God, this man... his touch drove you mad at this point. This was only heightened as he let out a soft sigh, “This is one of the only times since we’ve been together that we’ve got some alone time. So forgive me, babe, if I want to play mission impossible and steal my girl from the cast for a few minutes.”
‘My girl’.
You kept playing those exact words in your head on repeat. Like a broken record that had no physical end. But you didn’t want it to end... ever! It was just something you never quite imagined rolling off his lips so effortlessly. “You got me good Kage, but thinking logically you love sleep just as much as I do and you’ve kissed me about ten times in what, the past hour?”
“Well, how do you feel about another ten aye?” His voice was gravelly, longing for the indication on my behalf for a pure recreation of the endless kisses delivered in our last scene. Except this is far from acting now. The darkness that had flushed over his glassed orbs a tell-tale sign he wouldn’t be leaving this trailer without stealing yet another kiss-off of you. Not that you oppose of that idea but he’s getting it too easy nowadays.
Although in reality, he is hard to resist... just look at him.
“Honestly you are going to be the death of me KJ Apa. But then again your lips are really warm and outside is very very cold,” you spoke with a slight giggle lacing your diction as you once again shifted your bodies closer to one another. When someone says the phrase ‘fingertips away’ I can assure you this is exactly what that looks like. Your bodies millimeters from colliding. No longer being able to resist the force held between you, you traced your fingertips up the centre of his abs, immediately sensing his warmth grow and a clear rush of crimson attack his cheeks as you whispered a faint, “and this body doesn’t exactly help keep our secret on set either by the way.”
Within a matter of mere seconds, your lips collide in an urgent yet at the same time, gentle compassion. You smiled into the kiss, feeling all the stress surrounding your job melt away as KJ ran his hands further up your spine until his fingers interlaced within your slightly knotted hair. “Best. Kisser. Ever.” he breathed out releasing the kiss that had grown increasingly sloppier by the second.
“Hmm I could say the-” You began yet your words were instantly drawn to a direct halt as you heard the slight click of the door before the disgruntled moans you could already distinguish as your close friends pierce the small bubble held around you two lovebirds.
“Oh wow. Totally wasn’t expecting to see this today. Woah, oh jeez.” Madelaine practically screamed as you placed a hand of KJ’s chest to push his body subtly away from your own.
“Oh please, I saw it coming from a mile away. Preferably didn’t want that mile to be right in your trailer when I specifically told you I’d be coming here after filming but to each their own.” Cami spoke as I shifted my gaze her direction soon noticing a large array of different cast members stood closely behind. “Damn it’s hot in here... How long has this arrangement been going on then lovebirds?”
As soon as she finished speaking both you and KJ turned to each other seeking the correct answer to an almost impossible question. ‘God why did I not read her message’ you scolded yourself whilst firmly biting your lip, knowing now you’d made things all to obvious.
“I am living for this! I think you two have some explaining to do.” Cami winked and you couldn’t help but feel a tad embarrassed. I mean after all, this was not even close to the way you’d planned on informing your friends of your new-found relationship...
“I guess we do.”
A/N - Right my first KJ request done! I really don’t know how I feel this turned out. I’m not really confident in my writing currently but hope to get it better; just let me know what you guys thought! I honestly love KJ so if you have any more requests please feel free to send them in. P.S sorry, I queued it to post but it never did yesterday ahahah. Thank you!! x x
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cashmeremars · 4 years
𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 || 𝐚.𝐚
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: archie andrews x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: reader gets attacked at Fred’s construction site and is severely hurt
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst, violence (you literally get jumped so..), fluff, set in season 1
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.3k+
𝐚/𝐧: the way this was requested in 2017 oof 
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The crackling of the fireplace was subtle as the mellow flames dimly lit the room. The stars outside were almost completely visible through the slightly frosted windows of the warm building. Soft music played in the background as the sound of gentle chattering fluttered throughout the room. Off in their own corner of the room was a young couple exchanging whispers and gazes to one another. Anybody could tell they were in love with one another as their hearts melted like chocolate under the sun.
“Hey, thanks for helping out today. It really helped in moving things along. I think my dad likes you more than me now.” Archie laughed softly as he held your hand in his. Archie looked across the small brown table as he stared lovingly into your eyes. Two cups of warm coffee sat between the two as Archie wrapped your fingers around his.
“Thank you, Archie. You know I’d do anything to help you and your family out.” you smiled, steam blowing lightly away from your face as you spoke. You smiled up at Archie when he started to rub your fingers with his.
“I’m just glad it took a lot less time than it usually does. Things have gotten so stressful this year and it’s nice to have another pair of hands helping, especially if it means I get to spend more time with you” Archie spoke with a small smile. You felt your heart flutter lightly at the words. 
“Easy win-win for you then. It’s getting pretty late isn’t it?” You asked as you turned to look at the old clock hanging on the wall
“Yeah. Do you wanna get a ride or something? I can drive you back to my house or you can stay at my place tonight?” Archie spoke
“Archie, I live like 3 seconds away from you, and I have my own car” 
“Sorry, I guess I was being a bit of a clingy boyfriend” Archie nodded his head downwards with an awkward chuckle and what seemed to be a light blush.
“Don’t apologize. It’s cute that you care so much for me” you smiled as you got up and grabbed your things. As you were about to walk away, you felt a slight tug on your arm that forced you to avert your attention towards the boy
“Hey, be safe okay? I’ll see you tomorrow” Archie spoke softly. You turned towards him and gave him a quick peck and two gentle pats on his cheek before turning back towards the door as you gave your goodbyes to everyone else.
You shivered as a cold air lingered up your spine, rattling your bones one by one as you took your first step out of the cabin. You wrapped your jacket around yourself tightly as you looked around standing on the porch of the cabin. It was dark, which was expected as it was nearly midnight. The cold air had left signatures of your own breath fluttering around your head. Leaves scattered the ground as autumn was among them, along with something much darker. 
You sighed once more as you made your way down the creaky cabin steps on the way to your car. Just as you were making your way to the parking lot, a twig snapped in the distance. You whipped your head towards the noise, squinting as you looked into the gathering of trees behind the cabin before turning around. You figured it was just another construction worker in the background. You continued to make your way to your car before stopping. It was almost as though an ominous silhouette had been shifting behind you on the path. You shuffled your feet slightly to turn once more before an abrupt rush of pain made its way to your forehead. It was as if 100 baseball bats had been battered against your head. You sharply cried as you fell to the ground. Blood started to rush down your forehead as you clutched your head in pain. Through the gloss of your eyes, you were able to make out multiple feet gathered around your body. A swift kick to your stomach stopped you from yelling for help. Then there was another kick, and then another, until it felt like the kicks would never stop. Your blood mixed with dirt as you could do nothing but cry.
“Help! Someone help me please!” You managed to croak.
“You’re on your own, darling” One of the attackers said before spitting on you and cackling along with the others. 
Fists connected with bones as feet were rammed into flesh. You couldn’t move, and you certainly couldn’t fight back. One final kick to your face had sent you into the depths of unconsciousness, you could faintly hear the cabin door slam open before the voice of your boyfriend was heard. 
It was funny how fast circumstances could change. One second you were surrounded by an atmosphere that screamed love, and safety. A place filled with comfort, a place that was warm, a place that was kind. But it was all just a blanket of security. A blanket that was ripped out from over your body, exposing you to the trouble that lurked just around the corner. Now you were on the ground in a puddle of your own blood. Nothing to protect you, forced to face the harsh realities of life on your own. The harowest of realities. You were in the dark. 
Streams of harsh light filtered through your eyelids as you began to regain consciousness. The blood rushing rapidly to your head and the abrasive thumping of your brain had caused you to wince and shut your eyes once more. You let a quiet groan as you felt your eyes welling from the pain once again. The aching and pain prickling at your body had hit you all at once. Every bruise, scratch, and cut could be felt simultaneously, almost knocking the breath out of you. You flinched slightly as your tears slid down over the bruises on your face. 
“Darling?” a soft voice spoke in the corner with a sniffle
“Archie?” you whispered as you attempted to turn your head towards the source of the voice
“Oh my god, you’re awake” Archie sighed as he frantically moved to your bedside, quickly placing your hand in his
“How did I get here?” You ask with a squint. The white lighting in the hospital room was not easing your pounding headache.
“Some guys almost beat you to death when you were walking to your car, when we finally got to you, you were passed out so we drove here as fast as we could”
“Right” you spoke, your eyes welling up with tears as you remembered the utter fear that submerged your body
“It’s my fault” Archie spoke quietly before turning his head away from you
“What are you talking about?” you ask, trying your best to get him to face you once again
“If I hadn’t let you stay with me that late at night, you would’ve been home. Safe. From whoever the hell was trying to hurt you” Archie explained as a tear fell silently from his face and onto the white blanket draped on your body
“Archie-” You whispered
“No. It is my fault. I should’ve walked you to your car, or taken you home myself. But all I did was tell you to be safe, and let you go. Then the exact opposite happened” From the corner of your eye you could see Archie’s fist turning pale as he tightly gripped the side of your hospital bed.
“Archie. Please don’t blame yourself. It really wasn’t your fault. I’m also not in the condition to comfort you anyways” You said as you weakly reached your hand out to him
“Right, sorry” he said before quickly wiping a tear and dragging his chair closer to your bed
“It’s fine” you said as your eyes began to flutter closed again
“Gosh, I just hope we find those assholes that did this to you so they can rot in prison” archie said as he roughly dragged his fingers through his hair
“It just happened so fast, Archie” you said after a beat of silence. The slight waver in your voice caused Archie to glance up at you immediately
“What?” He asked as he leaned in closer to you
“One second I was just walking out of the cabin, and then I got punched in the face. Then beat to the ground. I felt helpless, Arch. I couldn’t do anything, I could barely even yell for help. I’ve never felt so weak and useless in my life, Archie. At that moment, I felt like I was going to die, and I couldn’t do anything about it. I just had to hope that it would be over soon, or that someone would come and rescue me. I hate that I couldn’t defend myself, and I had to wait for someone to find me. What if it happens again, and I’m completely alone? I wouldn’t be able to do anything. Do you know how quickly they could just kill me, Archie? I wouldn’t have a choice but to accept it. I can’t do anything for myself. I’m hopeless.”
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t say that. It’s okay, you’re not weak. Quite frankly, there isn’t much people can do when they’re literally being jumped by several strangers. Don’t feel bad because you couldn’t defend yourself, and please don’t feel bad that you “needed saving”. You’re not going to die, alright? The only thing that matters is that you’re alive, and I will do anything to make sure this doesn’t happen again, to you or anyone.” Archie said before planting a soft kiss on the back of your hand. At this point you were nearly sobbing as you couldn’t stop the tears from falling. You finally got to take a good look at Archie and saw that his eyes were a vicious red, indicating that he had been crying the past few hours. Archie gazed at you softly as tears of his own began to slip down his cheeks.
“Thank you, Archie. I love you” You whispered, continuing to gaze into his eyes.
“I love you too” Archie uttered back as he softly caressed the back of your hand, just as he had earlier today.
The door opened slightly before a concerned head peeked through.
“Is everything okay in here, Archie?” Fred asked before diverting his attention to you,“Oh, you’re awake?” He said before lightly slipping into the hospital room.
“Yeah, I was just asking how she was” Archie explained, looking back at his father quickly before returning his attention to you
“Do you mind if I have a minute with her, Archie?” Fred asked timidly as he shoved his hands into his pockets 
“Yeah, sure” Archie replied hesitantly before getting up to leave.
Fred watched as Archie left the room, only turning his attention to you once the door had shut.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, taking a seat that Archie had just occupied
“Fine” You muttered before pursing your lips together and staring up at the ceiling
“Really?” He asked, raising an eyebrow in concern
“It hurts. A lot. That’s all I can really say about it.” You spoke once more
“Listen, darling, we’re gonna do everything in our power to find whoever did this to you, and make sure that they face the consequences they deserve. There will be no mercy for whoever harmed my future daughter in law” Fred said sternly, contrasting the worried look that engulfed his features.
There was a long pause of silence as you processed what he had just said to you.
“Daughter in law?” You asked meekly, finally turning to face him.
“Oh, right. Too soon?” He asked with a slight chuckle
“Not at all. It has a nice ring to it” You said with a fond smile
“Good. I’ll make sure you stay alive long enough to make it official” He said in an attempt to lighten the mood. You laughed softly before you spoke once again, “Thank you, Mr.Andrews”
“Anything for my future daughter in law” He replied with a wink before heading out of the hospital room.
Archie entered the room almost immediately and headed straight towards you. 
“What did he say to you?” He asked as he noticed the warm smile adorning your bruised face
“Oh, uh, nothing” You said, trying and failing to hide your bliss.
“Really? He walked out of here with a weird smile on his face. Seemed a bit smug.” He explained with a brow raised in suspicion.
“It was nothing too important, Archie. At least not yet.” You said before turning your head to the ceiling once again and shutting your eyes.
For as long as you were in the dark, Archie would be the light that would guide you.
a/n: sorry if this was weird but i don’t even watch riverdale anymore lmaooo. i might have been a bit detached writing this lol.
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jugsexual · 7 years
having a daughter with cole would include?
i’m gonna try a new layout for headcanons, so i’ll be doing it right here on the ask. send some in!
• ok but first off let’s talk about cole finding out that you’re pregnant in the first place
• he would laugh it off and then see how dead serious you were, and then he’d stop laughing
• “holy shit”
• cole would lowkey freak out and just nod once or twice
• and then he’d start grinning and laughing and happy crying with you and you two would hug and embrace and just be surrounded by love and happiness
• he would spoil you your entire pregnancy
• “what if we named her jellybean??” “oh hell no cole, i am not naming my daughter after your fictional character’s little sister.”
• once your daughter was born he would freak out over every little thing
• smudge on the fridge? he would bring out every little disinfecting product you can find on planet earth.
• when she woke up in the middle of the night he’d force you to stay asleep and take care of her
• he would rock her and hum a little and she’d be back asleep in no time.
• he’d freak out when she went to preschool
• then he’d freak out more in kindergarten
• he’d be The Cool Dad™ because he’s cole sprouse for goodness sake.
• she’d grow up on the suite life of zach and cody and suite life on deck, and then act like her father and uncle dylan all day
• as she got older she would begin to watch riverdale (who wouldn’t?) and then say “why didn’t you name em jellybean?” and cole would give you this look and you’d roll your eyes and walk away because your daughter and husband would always gang up on you like that
• and when she gets her first period he’d freak out more than the first day of kindergarten
• let’s not talk about the sex talk because he’d be all over the place
• and let’s not get started on her dating. he’d kill everyone saying “i’m on riverdale and i’ll kill you like [SPOILER] clifford killed his son!” to all the boys/girls your daughter took interest in
• but honestly cole would make such a good dad ugh
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honesttogodserious · 5 years
Who & What I will write about
I decided that since I’m planning on writing on here, I should make it clear what fandoms I’m part of, so you can tell who I’ll write for.
I’ll do ship requests, take imagine requests and write my own from time to time.
Now let’s get to business…
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Teen Wolf
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Marvel (The MCU)
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Sex Education
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Youtubers (Commentary, D&P, Eleanor Neale etc)
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Harry Potter 
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riverdalefan6602 · 5 years
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unholyimagines · 7 years
Cherry on top
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Archie Andrews x reader
Summary; Your boyfriend Archie has been ignoring and avoiding you for some reason and when you finally get a chance to confront him, he confuses you sexually in public
Warnings; cursing, kinda sad, public (not actual sex), Archie being a mysterious jerk
A/N; Click for part 2!
Recently Archie had been acting really distant towards you and as his girlfriend, you felt sad about it. At first it was just missing a few dates but now it was him fully ignoring you even if you were standing right next to him. Thinking that he didn’t wanna be with you anymore, had lead you to cheat on him when you had gotten drunk. After it, you had felt bad and confessed it to Archie and to your surprise, he didn’t even care about it.
You felt that the situation was impossible, like there was nothing you could do to change it. You had tried everything. Breaking up was not an option, at least not for you, since you hadn’t talked to him for four days, you didn’t even know if you were still together.
Tapping on your phone, sending the sixth message, you knew he wasn’t gonna answer but you still kept trying.
‘Babe, can we meet?’
'Where are u?’
'I’m worried about u and us, can we talk?’
'Archie, please answer, I know ur reading these’
'Baby, I’m at a breaking point, I really need to see u’
'I know u care so why can’t we just talk, I miss u’
Giving up, you threw your phone on the bed and collapsed onto the soft mattress yourself and then heard your phone beep. Excitement filled you and you prayed that it was Archie.
And it was.
That’s all he texted you back. Busy.
Your phone beeped again and you thought if he was texting to apologize and wanting to meet.
'Hey Y/N, wanna join me and Arch at Pop’s?’
It’s was not Archie, it was Jughead. The person you had cheated Archie with. It had been just a kiss when he had been comforting you about Archie’s behavior and you had a felt so good for a moment and it just happened. You both immediately regretted it and after it, there was no awkwardness or anything between you, just platonic friendship.
The fact that Archie had told you that he was busy, when he was just hanging out with Juggie at Pop’s, made you feel so devastated and angry that you wanted to confront him, right now.
'Yeah, I’ll be there in a sec’
You texted Jughead back and then you were on your way.
Entering the diner, you looked around to find Jughead sitting with Archie by the window. Jughead smiled at you as you started to walk towards them but Archie had his back to you. He didn’t notice you before you sat down next to him and he rudely greeted you with an eye roll.
You were starting to have enough of his behavior and wanted to shout at him but as Juggie was there, you decided to spare him the awkwardness and waited for the perfect moment to be alone with Archie.
Sitting in silence for what felt like hours, you couldn’t stop bouncing your leg. A hand tightly gripped your thigh to stop the movement. You looked at Archie but he didn’t even look at you as he kept talking with Jughead about something irrelevant. You were now beyond frustrated with not being able to be happy or normal with your boyfriend.
Out of nowhere, Archie started to pull your leg on top of his so that your feet were a little spread. Glancing at him with a questioning look, you wondered what was he up to. He still wasn’t looking at you and you thought that maybe, maybe he was trying to somehow apologize with this little gesture. But that thought flew right out the window when his hand started to move up your thigh, inside your t-shirt dress and getting closer to your clothed crotch, but you didn’t stop him as you had missed his touch.
Archie was moving his hands agonizingly slow and you started to feel desperate for his touch so you took his hand and placed it against your now wet pussy. Even with your panties in the way, you got a tiny bit of satisfaction from the contact.
With him still not looking at you, made you question his intentions about this but when his fingers started to rub circles on your clit, you forgot about everything, even the fact that you were in public and that Jughead was sitting in front of you but luckily, he hadn’t noticed anything.
You were now feeling how your wetness was spreading through your panties and you needed Archie to give you a release. Not daring to say anything as you were afraid he might stop, you kept quiet. After a moment of silent pleasure, he finally pushed your panties to the side. Playing with your wet pussy lips and spreading your juices all around, you waited impatiently for him to push his fingers in.
A quiet moan escaped your mouth by accident and it was the signal Archie had been waiting for. He dipped his index and middle finger inside you as deep as he could and pulled out. He repeated the action a few times before picking up the face.
Staying quiet was now extremely hard as Archie was fingering you as hard as possible, or as much as his wrist allowed movement without his whole arm moving and getting busted to Jughead.
You tried to control your breathing and closed your eyes to concentrate on the pleasure and keeping your mouth shut. As you were starting to feel something in your stomach, you almost whined out loud when Archie removed his fingers and you noticed a waitress bringing a milkshake on the table.
Straightening up, you thought the touching was over and knew you were gonna have to finish yourself off at home.
Archie reached for the cherry from the milkshake on dipped it in his mouth, not eating it. You curiously followed his actions and realized his plan when he lowered his hand back to your crotch and rubbed the cherry against your slit a few times and then placed it at your entrance. He then slowly pushed it barely in but then used his middle finger to bury it as deep as he could.
The pleasure was back for a moment but you felt like yelling out of frustration when her removed his finger, leaving the cherry in.
You waited for him to tease you again but your mouth fell open when he pulled your panties back over your pussy and gave it a small spank before pushing you thigh down from his, making you close your legs.
Sitting there now with a mixture of anger and sexual frustration, you almost missed Jughead’s laugh.
“You done fingering her now?”, he questioned and you felt your cheeks redden.
“Shut up, let’s go”, Archie said, pushing you to stand up from the seat so he could get up.
“Wait, what? Go where? I need to talk to you Arch”, you said, your anger raising.
“Later”, was all he said as he pushed fast you, leaving you to stand there with your mouth open.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and turned to see Juggie with a sad smile.
“I’ll talk to him”, he said before he left.
You felt like crying and yelling at the same time as you had no idea about what was going on with Archie. You loved the boy and thought he loved you too but leaving you alone with a damn cherry in your pussy in a public diner wasn’t really an act of love. If this was his idea of teasing you until you were begging him to fuck you and not being angry anymore, you hated to admit that it was working.
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its-me-im-coraline · 7 years
Archie Andrews | What the Black Hood does.
Count of words: 1159
Warnings: angsty, slight swearing
A/N: ok so i made it take place after Fred was shot but it’s kind of the same idea. It’s basically like ‘history repeats itself’. Also there is going to be a second part.
could i request an archie imagine? the reader & archie are together but they see each other after a fight at pops diner & archie is with his dad while the reader is with her, then they confront each other and make up (angsty at first) & then something happens to where archie goes back to his dad and the robber comes in and points the gun at the reader. the readers dad is behind the shooter and he stops him but ends up getting shot. archie has to help her through that. sorry if its too detailed!
It was the sound of a notification that woke the teenage pair up. “Who is it this early in the morning?” Groaned the (hair color) girl underneath her breath as her palms, curled up into fist rubbed her eyes in an attempt to get rid of the sleepiness. “It’s my dad.” Replied the boy. “He says breakfast at Pop’s. It probably has something to do with the fact that I once more didn’t return home all night,” he giggled but the girl frowned instead. “Once again?! What do you mean? And don’t tell me you have been sleeping here cause I literally haven’t seen you much for the past month Archie!” 
She seemed mad to say the least, her boyfriend sleeping away from his house but never over at her house. So many thoughts run through her head at that moment, so many options of what he was doing. Most of them weren’t even rational but in that moment of time nothing was impossible.
Taking notice of Y/N’s long silence, Archie rushed to speak but he wasn’t sure what exactly he was going to say. Was he just going to tell her that after creating a cult he bought a gun? Was he going to tell her that he went around the Southside looking for trouble? What was he supposed to say to cover this up?
“Before you say anything: I’m not cheating on you if that’s what you’re thinking.” He said searching for the girl’s hands, while they both sat cross-legged on the bed now. “Well, of course I’m thinking of that Archie. You sleep away from home, you are most certainly not with me. But that’s not the only thing Archie. I’m scared that you put yourself in trouble. First you create a cult and the-” “It’s not a cult, Y/N. It’s a patrol team. We simply want to take care of our families and friends.” The red headed boy said, cheeks blood red from the irritation as it seemed like his girlfriend didn’t understand. “And how exactly are you doing that Archie? By targeting yourself?  By daring a serial killer? It’s that how you do it? Cause that seems like a suicide mission to me, Arch. This is the real world. You are not a superhero and you can’t save everyone. And you shouldn’t. That’s what the police is here for.” 
The argument was cut short as Fred called once more and the boy joltted out of the small two-rooms apartment as fast and quietly as he could. Despite his efforts, though, the middle-aged man that was the father of the teenager living in there woke up. He didn’t know if it was the voices or the door but as soon as he did he knew something was wrong. “Y/N,” he called, “get dressed we’re going to Pop’s for breakfast. As ordered the girl got dressed with the most comfortable clothes, got her phone, keys and little handy notebook and pen and followed her father to the car.
The car ride was short and quiet, only some mild music coming from the old and faulty radio. The father and daughter pair walked through the door to the diner and the young boy with the fiery hair turned his head around, as a natural reflex. He saw the girl walk inside with her father, as the two said hello to Pop and ordered the food, before walking towards a booth.
She sat cross-legged on the little couch as she opened up her little notebook and started sketching. “You know, those sketches will worth a lot in a couple years, honey,” said the single dad in an attempt to cheer his lovely daughter up. A small smle crept onto her face, rewarding his attempt as he continued talking. ”So, did you hear about the guy who invented life savers? They said he made a mint,” he joked and the girl genuinly laughed at the bad dad joke he just made. But, her laughter was cut short at the sound of an incoming text message. ‘Seriously?! Not even a look my way?!’
 Y/N turned her head around throwing daggers towards Archie with her eyes. Until Pop got in her way when he arrived with the food. “A steamy capuccino and the breakfast special for the gentleman, and a chocolate milkshake with a side of a burger and fries for the lovely young lady. Enjoy!” Said the old man and the girl mumbled a small thank you. “My pleasure, dear.” Another ding was heard from Y/N’s phone and the message popped up on her screen once again. ‘Meet me behind Pop’s. Five mins.’ 
After five agonizing minutes the pair got to meet behind the diner and started arguing once more. “You act like you don’t know me Y/N.” He said, his voice a little too loud. “Well, maybe I don’t Archie. I don’t recognize you anymore. You but yourself in danger, you bought a gun. A fucking gun, Archie. I don’t care if it was for self-defence, as you say. But we both know that’s not why you bought the gun. At least not entirely.” Tears streamed down her face, hands all over the place as she was expressing how nerve-racking this whole situation was. “Why did you get the gun Archie?” The boy’s eyes where teary as well, his face red as he tried so hard to stop them. “You know why-” “I WANT TO HEAR YOU SAY IT!” The girl yelled, more tears, mostly from anger, escaping her (eye color) eyes. “Because I want him to die. I want him to die and I want to be the last person he sees before he dies. I want to pull that trigger myself Y/N.” He cried, and cried as he fell down on his knees. The girl tightly embraced the boy, slowly helping him tame his sobbing.
The two walked inside, hand in hand after their make up and saw their fathers talking about something the two couldn’t hear from the door. “Hey dad, hello mr Andrews!” Exclaimed Y/N, a smile gracing her face. “Hello, Y/N. How are you? I haven’t seen you in a while. “I’m fine mr Andrews. Just tired from school.” “I’m going to the restroom. I’ll be right back,” said Archie before anyone got the chance to react.
After Archie left everything happened so fast. A guy in a black hood, and specifically the same guy in a black hood that shot Fred Andrews, there in the same diner, walked in. The attack was an exact replica of that morning not that long ago, only that the victim this time was someone else. The gun was turned towards the young girl, right when the red headed boy returned. “No!” He called, running towards the girl but he was to far away. Thankfully for her, her father jumped in front of her and she got out of it unharmed. But once again a leathal attack took place at the previously innocent diner.
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juggie-imagines · 7 years
My Messy Artist
Jughead x Reader
Requested: Anonymous-  Can you do an imagine where jughead is fond of a art student?? And he's kinda shy about it?
A/N: okay so I’m thinking of posting twice a week now because I liked posting on Wednesday idk, what do you guys think?
Words: 3027
Warnings: N/A 
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I sat alone in the art class swirling one of my paint brushes in a clean glass of water trying to think of something to paint for my last portfolio piece. I had to come back after school to paint and draw for my portfolio because it was considered an outside project by the school because I was only a sophmore so most days I stayed after school and spent my afternoons painting and drawing.
 Usually I start right away but today I had run out of ideas so I sat in front of my easel mixing paint colors and stirring the water in my glass, trying to think of something to paint. I suddenly jumped at the sound of the door slamming open, "Geez," I said before turning in my seat to see who had caused the huge commotion, "Want to pick up the door there buddy?" I chuckled as the boy stood there looking quite sheepish.
 "Sorry, I didn't think anyone would be in here." He chuckled nervously, "Do you know if I can find tape in here?" He said quickly before I could answer his first sentence.
 "Depends, you're not going to use it for anything kinky are you?" I smirked and hopped off my seat in search for tape.
 "Oh with who?" He smirked and followed behind me, "You and I are the only ones here, everyone has left." He said watching me pull boxes off the shelves and rummage through them.
"So what do you need it for?" I said after a few moments of silence as I concentrated on trying to find the tape so he could leave and I could start my painting.
 "Don't freak out," he pulled a box out and peered into it, "but it's for a murder board in the school's newspaper room."
 I looked up slowly and eyed him carefully, "So you're the guy that is constantly writing about that Jason kid and not actually addressing the tragic shortage of tater tots in the cafeteria!"
 "Yes and yes." He said nervously then started to smile when looked up and saw me smiling.
 "I don't think there's tape," I huffed and put my box back on the shelf, "it honestly doesn't surprise me, it's end of term, we barely have pencils left. I can bring you tape tomorrow if you're really desperate?" I watched as he slid the box he was busy with back on the shelf.
 "No it's fine, I'll get some from home." He sighed, "Sorry about earlier..." he grimaced as he looked over at the door remembering the embarrassing moment, "Didn't mean to distract you from your..."
 "Painting." I finished his sentence as he chuckled and made to leave, "Wait, don't go, please. It gets really boring and lonely in here." I said just before he got to the door.
 He turned and smiled "I thought you'd never ask." He took a stool from one of the other easels and pulled it next to mine, "Well aren't you going to join me?" He chuckled and motioned for me to sit in my seat.
 A huge smile broke onto my face as an idea sparked in my head, "Actually, no." I said with a wide grin which made him cock an eyebrow at me. I walked over to the easel and moved it slightly to the side. Once I finished adjusting the easel I held out a hand for him which he took almost too willingly, I pulled him into the centre of the room and smiled, liking how my plan was working so far. "Where's you stool?" I frowned suddenly then looked behind me and sighed as I turned to fetch it for him.
 "Thought you wanted me to keep you company?" He said with a frown as I walked back to him and passed over his seat, he sat down and watched me at I examined how the light fell on him.
 "Yes, but then I decided you can be my first model for a portrait in my portfolio." I smiled and put my finger under his chin making him look up slightly which made the light from the window catch every fine detail. "I know it's intimidating," I chuckled and walked to the light switch and flipped it so the window provided the only light in the room, "but try keep that position, you can move but when I look at you, sit exactly like that." He nodded then chuckled once I had sat down. "What?" I said with another smile breaking onto my face.
 "I just thought all my life that I would be the guy staring at the naked woman laying there as I pretended to paint," He laughed as he spoke, "this is very different from my expectations."
 Well, wait, what's your name?" I said at I looked back at him as I sketched a rough outline.
 "Uh, Jughead." He said and went back to his position as I studied him further.
 "Well Jughead, can I enlighten you on how art really is?" I said with amusement lacing my words.
 "If you have to," he groaned playfully and rolled his eyes, "I mean you've already in prisoned me in here, so why don't you ruin my art room fantasies too." I looked at him again to see if he was being serious but he had a huge smirk playing on his face.
 I chuckled and shook my head before carrying on, “The only reason all the guys are staring at the model’s boobs is because they are trying to get their shading right, the model is probably wondering when she can take another bathroom break and some weirdo is staring her right in the face because they’ve done one eye and now the pressure on.” I finished off sketching the basic shapes and leant to the side grabbing a thick brush to start off the background. “I also have nude painting is not that common in high schools, as you could probably guess.” I said trying to stifle a giggle causing Jughead to laugh.
 “Well I guess that’s a good thing because I can barely draw a stickman.” He chuckled which made the corners of his eyes crease and his smile grow even wider.
 I spent the next hour explaining different techniques and styles to him and teaching hi the names of different shades of colours in exchange for his never ending knowledge of old movies and comics. I had finished the background and started painting his shirt and jacket by the time the sun started moving behind the building. I finished painting his collar before sitting back and examining my work as Jug fiddled with one of the screws on a nearby easel while he kept jabbering about his favourite film. I looked up at him and sighed in satisfaction causing a curiosity to spark in him, he climbed off his high stool and rushed eagerly to my side to see the work for himself.
 His brows furrowed together when he stood next to me but they soon relaxed “You didn’t finish?” I looked at him and chuckled, “No Jug, it’s going to take more than one afternoon to finish.”
 He pouted playfully, “I wanted to see my gorgeous face in art form!” he whined and pretended to throw a tantrum.
 "Well I guess you'll have to keep me company tomorrow afternoon then." I said with a smirk which made a bright smile grow on his face.
 He chuckled and watched me pack my paints away "Okay, see you tomorrow..."
 "Y/N," I giggled as I walked to the sink to tip out the jar of now dark grey water.
 "Y/N." he said with a wink and waved while he slipped out the door as I washed of my pallets shaking my head at his shenanigans.
 I hadn’tseen Y/N the next day until lunch, she sat next to a girl a few tables down, straight in front of me. I couldn't stop staring, she was the most gorgeous girl I had ever met and holy fuck was she cute.  
 Betty and I were brainstorming new ideas for the paper when she sat down, I had watched her enter the room and effortlessly make her way to a table next to a few of the other cheerleaders and some kids from my English and Maths class. Her vibrant presence radiated through the cafeteria making the air feel a lot less suppressive.
 Betty looked behind her when she saw I had stopped listening to her and my concentration was elsewhere. A small smirk was plastered on her face when she turned back to me, “Checking out the cheerleaders Jug?" I shook my head slowly as I kept my eyes locked on her watching her every move. Betty frowned and watched me for a second, "Are you looking at Rachel?" She hushed not wanting tables near us to hear because Rachel had been rumors going around.
 “God no.” I groaned and looked down at my food, she watched me and raised her eyebrows questionably indicating me to carry on. “It’s Y/N…” I mumbled and brushed my hair back.
 “Y/N Y/L/N!” She squealed making Veronica look over at us suddenly very interested.
 “What’s happening?” Veronica chuckled and turned her attention to Betty and I.
 “Juggie’s got a crush!” Betty squealed, “Y/N!”
 “The art kid?” Veronica questioned and turned in her seat to see her.
 “If you two tell a soul.” I warned making Veronica cheer as she realized she was right, “Guys, I’m being serious.” I said when they wouldn’t stop giggling.
 “Oh my word! This is adorable!” Betty exclamation to Veronica who was agreeing to anything she said at that point.
 “Girls keep it down!” I hushed and glared at them in fear someone would hear.
 “Aw, Jug, are you embarrassed?” Veronica smirked and nudged Betty making her join in on her giggles.
 “You two are the definition of evil.” I groaned and carried on eating, glancing over at her every now and then.
 “Hey Y/N.” I huffed as I dropped my backpack at my feet once I had entered.
 “Hi!” She called from the sink across the room, “Are you ready?” She said with a smirk plastered on her face, “Today should be fun, a lot of sitting still.”
 “Oh, my favorite.” I said sarcastically as I pulled one of the stools over to the spot making sure it was positioned properly, “At least I have my art room fantasy to think about.” I said with a chuckle before looking up to see her shaking her head. I walked over to see her washing brushes and palettes.”
 “I just had a lesson,” She said answering my thoughts, “I need to clean all this before I start the other painting.” She was dipping the brushes into a jar and swirling them until most of the colour had dissolved into the liquid and then she rinsed them under the tap.
 “Why don’t you just use the tap?” I grabbed a handful of brushes and walking to the other side of her so I could help.
 As I went to dip a brush in the jar she put her hand on mine, pulling it back in a panic, “Careful, that’s paint thinners, it’ll burn you.” She scolded as if I was too important to be burnt.
 “Oh,” I said and pulled my hand away before pulling my sleeve up then going ahead and cleaning the brush, “why do you use paint thinners then?”
 “Well I used oil paint in class earlier and it’s easier to use paint thinners to clean the brushes, it also ensures the paint doesn’t dry in the bristles.” She explained as she cleaned each brush with a great care in every stage of her system. “Jug, please be careful. I know you’re not eight but I really don’t want you to burn yourself.” She whined as she watched me swirling a brush in the jar of thinners.
 “Y/N I’m a strapping young man, I can handle some burns if something happens. I should be the one worrying about you anyways!” I fought back and watched as she rinsed off the last few brushes. She rolled her eyes and took the brush I had just cleaned and placed it on the side so it could dry with the rest.
 “I’m fine! I just don’t want you getting hurt.” She insisted as she wiped her hands off on a towel, finally done washing brushes. She took the jar of thinners screwing the lid on and placing it on a high shelf above the sink before making her way to the easel she had used yesterday and adjusting it slightly. “You can do whatever for now, I just need to set up.” She told me as she walked over to a table grabbing tubes of paint and a new set of brushes, she placed them on a side table by her easel then walked to the sink and filled a old pickle jar with water and took it back to her spot.
 I sat on my assigned stool watching her walk up and down the room retrieving all her things so she could start working on her painting. As my eyes followed her they caught two figures standing by the door, Betty and Veronica. My eyes widened once I had recognized them, they were giggling and making faces at me as they watched through the window in the door. “I’ll be right back Y/N/N.” I said slipping of my seat and stumbling for the door as she called out and okay. “What the hell are you two doing.” I whisper shouted and pulled them to the side so Y/N wouldn’t see us.
 “Aww Juggie, you’re so cute.” Ronnie commented, not even answering my question, “You’re going to ask her out right?” She said with hopeful eyes.
 “Please ask her to dinner at Pop’s!” Betty whined and pouted her bottom lip.
“Guys, it’s not like that.” I huffed and pulled a hand through my fringe.
 “Juggie you two look like lovesick puppies!” Ronnie argued back as Betty nodded along agreeing with her.
 “But what if she says no?” I asked quietly not wanting people around us to hear, “I mean it’s Y/N and I’m Jughead?”
 “She wouldn’t say no, she clearly enjoys having Jughead around” Ronnie said softly then paused and watched me, “Just give it a go.” I sighed and answered an okay before I made my way to the door and looked back at both of them.
 “Good luck Jug.” Betty chuckled as Veronica gave me a smile, I just shook my head and pushed the door open and slipped inside.
 “Everything okay?” Y/N said without turning to face me as she sat in front of the canvas.
 “Yeah, just checking up on my math homework.” I said quickly not having a better excuse come to mind, “Are we going to start?” I added on wanting to change the topic of conversation.
 “Yep! Just hop onto your stool there.” She pointed to the stool with the brush in her hand. “Jug today I really need you to stay in your position as much as possible because I need to get the right shades and stuff and then Monday  afternoon we can do the face detail and then we’re basically done.” She clapped at the end of her sentence with a huge smile forming on her lips.
 “No problem, I’d sit here all day if you told me to.” I chuckled and smugly grinned while watching her laugh and shake her head.
 She got of her seat bringing a pallet and brush along with her, “I need to try match your skin tone.” She informed me, “I’m really bad at trying to guess.” She giggled and mixed a bit of blue with a dull peach.
 “I can assure you I’m not blue.” I said matter of factly making her roll her eyes.
 She painted a streak of the colour she had just mixed onto the back of her and and held it next to my cheek, “It’s your undertone you idiot.” She chuckled and furrowed her eyebrows as she pulled her hand away from my cheek and added more yellow to the mix and painted another streak and comparing it to my cheek again. She compared a few streaks of paint before she walked back, satisfied with her decision.
 “So Y/N,” I said after she had sat down and started painting for a minute or two.
 “Mhm?” She hummed as she concentrated, her tongue sticking out slightly as she leaned closer to the canvas to do the edges of my face.
 “It’s Friday, do you have any plans for this weekend.” I said hoping she wouldn’t get the wrong idea but she kept concentrating on her painting.
 “No not really.” She said looking at me as she rinsed a brush off and picked up one of the thicker ones. “Why?” She said furrowing her eyebrows as she leant in again making sure she didn’t mess up.
 “Was kind of wondering if you maybe wanted to have dinner with me tonight?” I said and twirled a piece of my fringe nervously.
 She looked up and saw that I wasn’t joking, a huge smile grew on her face, “Of course!” She exclaimed and hopped off her stool and rushed over to me hugging me before I could even think about doing something. “You’re so cute.” She mumbled into my shoulder as she hugged me further, I chuckled and draped my arms around her watching the smile never leave her face. I looked up, a movement catching my attention, it was Veronica and Betty cheering and giving each other high fives from outside the class, I scolded them making them scurry off down the hallway.
 “How’s about we pack up for today so you can wash up before dinner?” I said pointing to the splotches of paint marking her arms and hands.
 She giggled then looked at me, “I’m a messy artist.”
 “You’re my messy artist.” I said pulling her in for another hug before helping her pack up all the paints and brushes.
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Jarchie oneshot
maybe Jug taking care of Archie after he broke his hand? Requested by @gwendolynflight
    Blood, there was so much blood it was sickening even more sickening to see that it was Archie's. It was Archies blood that was mixing with the icy water making it a shade of red, It was Archie that was injuring his hand until it was so raw that it was almost unrecognizable. And it was Archie that was risking evreything to save Cheryl from the icy depths. He was hurting himself and that alone sparked something in Jughead it was something akin to worry and protectiveness he faintly heard Betty telling Archie to be careful but since when had he ever listened? 
  ��Exactly Archie was far to selfless to care about himself in a situation involving a friend or anyone for that matter. So he watched as Archie recklessly attempted to break the ice and when his efforts seemed futile he only seemed to increase how hard he was hitting the ice. 
   God if only he could stop Archie as selfish as it seemed he wished that they had found another way to save Cheryl, something, anything but this anything but subjecting his redhead to something as painful as this but he knew that Archie wasn't going to stop just because he wanted him too. So he held a grimace as he watched the ice begin to crack and it was then that it happened Archie brought his bloody fist down as hard as he could causing the ice to spiderweb until it broke.
'' Archie!'' he exclaimed as he saw what he had done to his hand although he had tried to cradle it so it wouldn't be seen.
  It appeared to be broken with the way it was hanging limp as ice shards remained stuck in his pale skin as blood slowly trickled down making him feel sick. His friend merely ignored him to focused on checking Cheryl's pulse a look of terror crossed his face when he didn't find one. Thinking fast the redhead started performing CPR as Betty started crying and Veronica stood silently trying to keep her tears at bay. Everyone was losing hope until Cheryl miraculously ended up coughing up the water she had made it.
  I felt relieved that she had made it out okay and everybody else seemed to have a similar reaction. Archie brought Cheryl in for a hug but when she accidentally bumped his injured hand he gasped slightly in pain causing Betty's eyes to narrow as she realized something.
'' Archie let me see your hand.'' She demanded only to receive a sheepish look from him.
'' Haha- ..no I'm fine.''He replied as I scoffed.
'' Arch your clearly not fine I saw your hand it didn't look good at all.''
'' Look, guys, it's fine really now let's get out of here.''
'' Since Archie obviously isn't going to take care of his hand himself I'll take him to the hospital to have it checked out.''
''Jughead I said it's fine! I'll deal with it later but right now she needs help.''
'' I'll be okay but Archie you need medical attention now'' Cheryl said with wide eyes as she looked at Archie's hand.
'' Nothing I say is going to change anything is it?'' he asked with a sigh as I grinned seeing that we had gotten through to him.
'' Glad we're on the same page now let's go I'm driving you to the hospital.''
   The ride to the hospital was long and uncomfortably silent I kept sneaking glances at Archie out of the corner of my eye to see how he was doing. We got there with me breaking every speeding law out there. The doctor had checked up on Archie and said that he had broken his hand and that some cuts on his hand that needed to be disinfected and afterwards they put a cast on his hand.  Although Archie had tried to leave they wouldn't allow it and had forced him to stay overnight. So here I was visiting him since I had refused to leave him when a thought struck me.
'' Archie?''
'' Yeah?''
''Why didn't you tell anyone about your hand? Why were you so against letting us help you?''
'' Because we needed to save Cheryl at any cost and if I get hurt so be it would have been worth it to see that everyone is safe. And to be honest..I guess I'm just not used to being taken care of It's usually me that is taking care of others but being taken care of is just so foreign to me.'' He stated voice thick with emotion.
Just like that, I understood it wasn't that he didn't want help quite the opposite actually he needed to be cared for, thrived off it but he didn't know how to ask for it.
'' You matter to Arch, just as much as anyone and I hope you know I'm not leaving you alone for a while, you're injured I'm helping you'll just have to deal with it'' I stated smugly.  
~Hope you enjoyed if anyone has anymore requests please send them~
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xlijahsgirl · 7 years
Two of You Part 2 - Cole Sprouse | Riverdale
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Part One
Pairing: Cole Sprouse x Female!Reader
Fandom: Riverdale
Warning: None
Number of words: 1280
Song: Secret Love Song by Little Mix (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgy7vEje5-w)
The next few days were hard for you. Neither did you know what happened between Cole and you, but he also did not exchange a word with you. On screen, his words were never directed towards you, but towards the character, you played. You knew it because everything he said and done towards you was nothing but a façade which began to break. In the break, he would leave the set and while filming, he would turn around, once you tried to look at him. It broke your heart and there was a pain in your chest that you could not explain. It was not hard to act to love someone when you loved the person behind the screen, but it was hard to see that the person does not feel the same. It was just a matters of time until you would break down. The only thing that kept you from it was the songwriting with KJ. After what happened, KJ insisted to write a love song. Not just a love song, but one towards Cole.
As the pain almost became unbearable, the two of you finished the song. In your opinion, it may be a sad one, but a powerful and meaningful one. Probably because so many people could understand it. Without your and Cole’s knowledge, KJ, Lili, Casey, and Camila planned something. Other members helped, but it was mainly their idea, and it was a good one. It was after filming, and you went out to for dinner with the whole crew.
The local had no seat left, once everyone arrived and sat down. You sat next to Lili and parallel to Camila and Cole. You felt uncomfortable again, a feeling that you were used by now. In the past weeks, you realized something. Something that always had been there, but quite hidden. You were in love with Cole, but it was too late. He probably did not feel the same anymore. It hurt more as you read an article online. “Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse finally dating? Read now everything about the power couple and their incredible relationship.” In the moment you read the article, anger, and sadness spread in your body. You were sipping on your cocktail as KJ jumped up from his seat. He went up to the stage, confusing Cole and you, but nobody else. “Hey, I am KJ Apa. A friend of mine helped me to write an amazing song, and I thought maybe you want to hear it. Do you guys want to?”
Everyone around you, especially Lily and Camila, began to cheer. KJ caught your eyes and waved you over. With hesitation, you walked slowly to the stage. You kept your head down, which heated up as you felt everyone’s eyes on you. With shaking legs, you entered the stage and you felt like your body was on fire. Not only because you were nervous, but also because of the headlights. KJ patted your back as he went to get his guitar. As you still did not say anything, KJ took it into his own hands again. “This song is from Y/N for Cole.” At those words, Cole looked up from his glass. He stared at you and you stared back. It was the first time, he looked at you for longer as a few seconds. The lights dimmed and KJ began to sing;
We keep behind closed doors Every time I see you, I die a little more Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls It'll never be enough As you drive me to my house I can't stop these silent tears from rolling down You and I both have to hide on the outside Where I can't be yours and you can't be mine But I know this, we got a love that is hopeless
Both of you began to sing the lyrics and the whole time you stayed in eye contact with Cole. No smile or smirk was plastered on his face, but something flickered in his eyes.
Why can't I hold you in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that it could be like that Why can't it be like that? 'Cause I'm yours Why can't I say that I'm in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops I wish that it could be like that Why can't it be like that? 'Cause I'm yours
Your soft voice began rang through the room and it made Cole’s heart sped up. His eyes watered, but he swore that he had something in his eyes. Both of their lips tugged, and both of them realized something.
It's obvious you're meant for me Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep But I'll never show it on my face But we know this, we got a love that is hopeless
They realized that they were in love. In love with each other. Why can't you hold me in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that it could be like that Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours Why can't I say that I'm in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops I wish that it could be like that Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours
Without thinking, Cole jumped out of his seat, almost ripping everything on their table with him. He did not know what he was doing, but his heart knew it. His heart wanted to show you, the person he fell in love with, how he felt.. I don't wanna live love this way I don't wanna hide us away I wonder if it ever will change I'm living for that day, someday When you hold me in the street And you kiss me on the dance floor I wish that we could be like that Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours, I'm yours
This time he knew it was the right thing, and he did not fear anything. His heart was jumping in his chest, just like yours. In the moment, you saw him leaving his chair, your voice cracked, fearing that he left. Why can't you hold me in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?
From the right, he leaped onto the stage and pulled you into a kiss. KJ just continued to play and sing. Nothing could destroy this moment.
I wish that it could be like that Why can't it be like that? 'Cause I'm yours Why can't I say that I'm in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops I wish that it could be like that Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours
Your lips tasted sweet against his, but it also gave out the taste of home. Something he craved for such a long time, just as you did. You felt like everything was okay again. More than just okay. You finally found the home of your heart. It was Cole, the boy who ignored you for weeks after he thought you loved someone else. Why can't we be like that? Wish we could be like that
Once the song ended, people around you began to cheer and whistle. It was like an explosion of emotions, not only between the two of you. The members of the cast high-fived the each other, while KJ smirked at both you. For the two of you, nobody else existed at this very moment. It was no longer hopeless, but only the two of you.
 Everything-Taglist: @preciousgalvan @sour-kangaroo1998 @kapolisradomthoughts @obrigadoneymar
Jughead-Taglist: @sparklyaura
(If you wanna be tagged in my work, message me.)
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riverdale-slut · 7 years
Glad You Came - KJ Apa Imagine
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Requested By: Anon 
Warnings: None
Since you be came a cast member of the TV show Teen Wolf, you life has changed dramatically. Have been meeting famous people left and right. You have also traveled to many new and amazing places. The one thing you were  looking forward to was Comic Con. You have always wanted to go but never had the opportunity. Hopefully you’d get the chance to see Chris Evens and Sebastian Stan. And since you are a huge Supernatural fan you were hoping to snag a few pics the the cast. But the one person you were really hoping to meet or at least see was you hidden celeb crush KJ Apa.
*At Comic Con* Looking around you couldn’t believe you were actually here. You had manage to escape and have some fun by disguising yourself as a fan. It felt amazing being able to just walk around and fangirl without anyone noticing you. You even got a hug and kiss from the one and only Jensen Ackles. You had to pinch yourself to make sure it was all a dream. You may now be a big star yourself but no one or anything would take away the fangirl in you. Since you were walking around with huge heart eyes you didn’t notice the person in front of you. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” You said taking a step back failing to notice that your hat had fallen of thus showing off your signature turquoise colored hair. “It’s ok” The man you bumped into said. He had a accent and looked fairly familiar. “Hey aren’t you (Y/N)? From Teen Wolf right?” Confused onto how he knew that since no one has noticed yet, you just stare at him until you also realize who you are talking to. It was KJ Apa!! “You dropped your hat. Nice disguise by the way.” He said taking his own hat off. “Um… thanks.” You say when you notice him handing you your hat. You were too distracted by his handsome face. “I’m KJ. It’s nice to finally meet you.” He said shaking your hand and giving you a huge. Still not believing what has going on you blurt out the first thing that came to mind. “You are my celebrity crush.” “Really?” He asked slightly surprised. “I can’t believe I just said that.” You said covering you face with your hands, “ I have to go now buy.” You quickly walk away now very embarrassed. “I hope to see you again.” You here KJ scream.
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jugsexual · 7 years
dating kj apa would include...
- don’t let his ginger hair fool you it’s all fake
- oh but wait you already fell in love with him
- you’d always prod at him to talk like archie because when they’re not filming he uses his native accent
- that’s vv hot but you also love his american accent
- a lot of times you would talk to archie instead of kj
- because you guys were super weird like that
- like you’d have full blown conversations with archie andrews (you said you were helping kj with his improv) about the weirdest things like cat litter
- i feel like kj would take you to that pop’s food truck like all the time
- like the employees would know your order already kinda like how they knew jughead’s on riverdale.
- i also feel like kj would be the little spoon just to make jokes on how you cling onto his back like a monkey
- but at the same time he’d love wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer
- then you’d make jokes about how he was the monkey.
- okay where can i find a kj apa
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spidizzlemizzle · 7 years
Romeo and Juliet (Archie Andrews x Reader)
Pairings: Archie x Reader
Warnings: Grief, Loss of a character
Word Count: 1,394
“We don’t know how long he has left, we’re sorry.” A single tear slipped down your cheek as the nurse spoke. The surrounding doctors and nurses blurred in your vision, the low muttering and distant beeping of machines falling silent. You let out a shaky breath and resumed your position in the hard plastic chair in the waiting room. The nurse’s steps brought you back to reality and the harsh truth that your father was losing his battle. Your mother turned to face you and reached for your hand, your sister remaining silent on the opposite side. Monday was going to be so difficult.
Here it was, Monday. The first steps into school were almost painful, and the only way to get through the halls was to put in your headphones, block everybody out and head straight to your locker. As the day continued, it got progressively easier to handle, the novelty wearing off and people finally stopping their incessant, judgmental staring. When lunch finally rolled around, you took your usual seat with your friends that Cheryl like to refer to as ‘the sad breakfast club’. You slid into a seat next to Betty and removed one of your earphones, turning to face the rest of the group with a sad smile. They all responded by asking how you were holding up pairing the phrase with sympathetic looks. After noticing your silence, they quickly changed the subject, which you were grateful for. You’d rather not have the attention on you at a time like this.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you pulled it out to check it. Once the screen showed it was from your mum, you prepared yourself for the worst and unlocked the device.
You need to get here immediately.
 Your breath caught in your throat and you froze.
“[Y/N]? Is everything alright?” Archie’s voice pulled you from your panicked state, and you looked up into his kind eyes.
“I have to go.” That was all you could manage to say in response to your concerned best friend before the inevitable tears began to burn in your eyes.
You spun on your heel and headed straight for the large doors at the entrance of the school.
Meanwhile, Archie’s expression displayed sadness, worry, and a hint of something else. Unconditional adoration and love. Unfortunately, this particular emotion didn’t go unnoticed by the group. Of course, Veronica was the first one to speak up.
“Oh my god you’re in love with her!” The shock of her tone prompted the whole group to turn around, staring at Archie in concealed excitement. Archie dropped his head down towards his lap, his silence communicating the answer although no words came out of his mouth.
“What are you waiting for Romeo, go get your Juliet.”
He raised his head in surprise and turned to Betty, who was giving him a small grin.
“Not right now. She’s going through a rough time.”
“Exactly, she needs you now more than ever Archie.”
No matter the amount of encouragement and convincing that the group gave him, Archie stayed put in his seat.
He was gone. The angel of death had whisked the most important man in your life away and there was no way of bringing him back. You forced yourself to leave the room as the long, never ending beep begun to ring throughout your ears. You didn’t get far before collapsing against a wall and sliding to the floor in utter heartbreak. You pulled up your knees to your chest and gave in to the overwhelming urge to cry. Once you finally began to even out your breaths, your phone buzzed once again, and you lifted it to see Archie’s name light up on the screen. You unlocked it to see his message.
How’s your dad doing?
 His concern made you tear up again and you almost threw the device away in confusion. Your dad was the last person who deserved an attack by a complete stranger and lose his life because of it. You had so many emotions built up inside of you, with no idea how to take them out. You wiped away the salty tears rolling down your cheeks and stood back up as your mum and sister approached.
“It’s just the three of us now,” your mum stopped and pulled you both into her embrace. “I love you both with all my heart and I need you to promise me that you will always be there for each other no matter what.” You both nodded and let a tear fall onto your widowed mother's shoulder.
That night was even more difficult than you could have ever thought. First, you had walked past his study and nearly cracked, and then again when you saw your family photo in the living room. You couldn’t stay out there while everything reminded you of him. You came to the decision to stay in your room for the rest of the night until you heard a light knock at your door.
“Hey [Y/N], did you want to come get some dinner? Mum made our favourite.” Your sister’s voice pulled you from the memories you had been reminiscing over. You sat still for a few seconds as you contemplated your hunger levels.
“I might get some later, thanks [Y/S/N].” She didn’t bother to reply, leaving you lying flat on your bed. You didn’t know how to feel or what to do anymore, and everything seemed pointless.
When your mind finally gave up and you escaped from the endless supply of memories, you were shocked by the realization that it was raining. With a quick glance at the clock, you figured you had been zoned out for a while, as it was now 2am. You had also received another message from Archie.
I was texting your mum earlier to see if you were ok and she told me what happened. I’m so sorry, please come get the door.
 You rose from your position for the first time in hours to head for the door in confusion. When you reached the front door and turned the doorknob, a drenched yet unbothered Archie Andrews was revealed. He didn’t let you get a word in before he launched into his speech.
“You and your family don’t deserve this; I know your dad was a great man and probably an amazing father.” His words made you hurt. He was right. The man you just lost was astonishing, he raised you to be the person you are today and you never had the chance to thank him for everything he did for you and your sister. Although you wanted to say all of that, you couldn’t, the words wouldn’t leave your mouth and all you could do was nod.
“I’ve needed to tell you something for years but I’ve always been too scared of rejection or losing you.” You looked at him and said nothing, hoping to hear what you have wanted him to say for what felt like forever.
“I’m in love with you [Y/N] [L/N] and I don’t need you to say it back or anything I just needed you to know and-” he began rambling and there was only one way to cut him off. You threw yourself out of the door and at him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and collided your lips with his. He instantly melted into the kiss and placed his hands on your hips to slightly pull you back and look directly into your eyes.
“Archie Andrews, I’ve loved you since our first day in kindergarten when I first laid eyes on you and nothing changed in all these years.” You smiled, mirroring his expression before he dipped his face down to yours to reconnect your lips.
The rain was long forgotten as the soft droplets mixed with your salty tears. You finally pulled back for air and he took your hand in his, making you smile for the first time in a while. He pulled you back inside your house and quietly up to your room in the darkness. When he reached your bedroom, he gently shut the door behind him as he headed towards your bed. You laid down beside him, and instantly he took you into his embrace, coaxing you into the best sleep you had experienced in weeks.
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The Fourth Musketeer (Part 5)
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Part one here     Part two here     Part three here     Part four here
Requests: Part 5 of The Fourth Musketeers por favor, I'm in love with this series❤️
There's gonna be a part 5 for the four musketeers??? YEYYYY
Please please please please please please please please please please please please more Fourth Musketeers Please please please please please please please please please please please please Please please please please please please please please please please please please !!!😊😊😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
hey! can you please do a part five of the four musketeers?! I'm so hooked! I need more! have a great day 💕
your writing is AMAZING!!💘oh and no rush but part 5 of Fourth Musketeer pls!! lots of love heheh😽
Hi! is part five of the four musketeers coming out soon? it's really amazing!
Pairing: Archie x Reader
Description: A few days of an agonizing wait and the court case’s outcome.
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,309
A/N: wowowow that was a long wait, sorry guys!  here’s the final part, enjoy!
On a quaint Thursday night, the Andrews sat in their dining room, enjoying the pepperoni pizza they ordered.  Their quiet dinner was disturbed by a soft knock on the door.  Fred Andrews was the first to stand, so he opened the door to reveal a disheveled eight year old.
“(Y/N)?” he questioned, opening the door wider.  She looked up at him with sad, wide eyes.
“I’m sorry to bother you, Mr. Andrews,” she apologized, “but my parents are yelling a lot again, and you said that if it ever got a bit too much-”
“That you are welcome here,” Fred finished, a comforting smile on his face.  “Of course you can come in, (Y/N).  Hell, stay the night if you need to.”
“Thank you, Mr. Andrews,” (Y/N) whispered her gratitude as she stepped inside.  She wasn’t acting shy because she was uncomfortable around Archie’s parents; it was because she thought she was intruding.
“Archie, look who’s joining us for dinner!” Fred called out.  Immediately, a loud thump echoed through the Andrews household as Archie leapt off his chair.  He sprinted towards the doorway, where he knew (Y/N) was standing.
“(Y/N)!” Archie exclaimed, excitedly jumping.  All of (Y/N)’s tentativeness suddenly vanished as she laid eyes on her best friend. “You’re just in time!  The pizza is still warm!”
“Of course!”  The two children feverishly ran into the kitchen.  Mrs. Andrews warmly welcomed (Y/N) and assisted her in grabbing two slices of pizza.  When both Archie and (Y/N) were occupied in conversation, Mary stepped out into the hallway with Fred.
“Not that I don’t love that girl,” she whispered to her husband, “but she’s here a lot.  Too much, considering the circumstances.”
“I know, I know,” Fred sighed, pressing his fingers against his temple.  “But we can’t do anything.  You know we can’t talk to her parents, that’ll make it worse.”
“But maybe if they just got some counseling-”
“Have you met her parents?” he interrupted her.  “They’re both too headstrong to ever listen to each other, even with a licensed therapist present.  The only thing we can do is help (Y/N) wait out the storm.  Hopefully it’ll be over soon.”
“It feels like this has been going on for my whole life,” (Y/N) explained to Kevin as she stabbed at her salad.  “I mean, my parents have been fighting for as long as I can remember.  Honestly, I’m surprised it took them this long to file for a divorce.”  Kevin shifted in his chair.
“This is so dramatic,” he commented, slightly leaning forward in interest.  “I know Jughead has already written a novel about yours and Archie’s tragic romance, but he seriously needs to write a sequel.”   (Y/N) laughed and shook her head.  
“Well everything’s at a standstill right now,” she shrugged.  “All we can do is wait.”
“For the court case to be over?”
“Yeah,” (Y/N) nodded. “I gave my statement, so now my mom and dad battle it out in court to decide who gets custody.”
“Basically, they’re deciding where you’re gonna live and how your life is gonna pan out,” Kevin paraphrased. (Y/N) nodded glumly.
“And you can’t do anything else?” Kevin asked.  (Y/N) shook her head.
“No,” she answered.  “Like I said before, we just have to ride out the storm and hope for the best.”
“And what happens if your dad wins?”
“I go back to New York. I live there until I’m eighteen and then I’ll go to whatever college I get into,” she sighed.  
“What about Archie?” he questioned.  She pursed her lips.
“There’s nothing I can do about him.”
“But will you guys still be a thing?” Kevin inquired.  “Will you keep in touch this time?  Oh god please don’t let this die out again, you have no idea how much I need you two to be endgame.”
“We’ll see, Kevin,” (Y/N) giggled.  “I want to keep in touch.  Hell, I tried last time.  If I move back to New York, it’s up to Archie to keep in touch with me.”
“So how’s it going with (Y/N)?” Jughead asked Archie one night at dinner.  Archie glanced up from his plate, confused.
“What do you mean?”
“The court case,” Jughead elaborated.  “Do you know what’s going on?”
“I only know what (Y/N) knows,” Archie answered.  “She gave her statement a few days ago, so now her parents have to go into the courthouse in two days-”
“And that’s when (Y/N)’s fate will be decided,” Jughead dramatically finished.  Archie nodded and returned to his food.
“Yup, that pretty much sums it up.”
“But even if (Y/N) does have to move back to New York, you’re still gonna keep in touch with her, right?” Jughead questioned.  When Archie didn’t respond, Jughead dropped his fork as he stared disbelievingly at his friend.  “You’re gonna cut her off again?”
“I’m not going to cut her off, Jug,” Archie fired back.  “I know I screwed up last time, and I’m not planning on doing that again.  I just… I don’t want to think about that right now. I’d rather just ignorantly believe that (Y/N) will stay in Riverdale.”
“Archie,” Jughead placed a comforting hand on his friend’s shoulder, “you can’t put yourself through denial again.  It’s not good for you.”
“But it’s so much easier, Jug,” Archie sighed.  
“It may be easier now,” he warned, “but the consequences are more severe, Arch.  Think about when you acted like (Y/N) didn’t exist after she left. It may have been easier for you while she was gone, but when she came back, she was furious.  Imagine the kind of relationship the two of you could’ve had by now if you hadn’t been in denial for so long.”  Archie sighed at this, knowing that Jughead was right.  “You can postpone the pain, Archie, but you can’t prevent it.”
Two nights later, (Y/N) was staying over at the Andrews’s house.  Her parents were still at the courthouse.  She and Archie hovered over her phone all evening, awaiting the phone call that would announce who she had to live with.  The phone call that determined her fate.  
At around midnight, they gave up on waiting.  Archie and (Y/N) retired to Archie’s bedroom, where they curled up in the bed together. (Y/N) set her phone down on the nightstand, but she refused to take her eyes off of it.
“Go to sleep,” Archie mumbled, wrapping an arm around her waist.  (Y/N) shifted so that her back was pressed against his.
“I can’t,” she whispered. “What if they call and I’m asleep?”
“You turned your ringer volume all the way up, (Y/N),” he reminded her.  “If you’re asleep when they call, it’ll wake you up.”  (Y/N) sighed but didn’t respond.  Archie noticed her breathing began to slow down, so he figured she was falling asleep.  He, too, was beginning to drift off until a shrill ringing disturbed their sleepy silence.
“The phone!” (Y/N) exclaimed, immediately sitting up.  She, tangled in the bedsheets, rolled over towards the nightstand and quickly snatched her phone.  She pressed the answer button and held the phone to her ear.  Archie tried to listen to the other line, but he couldn’t hear it.
“Okay,” (Y/N) responded, nodding.  There was another break of silence as the person on the other line talked.  “And that’s the outcome?  It can’t be reversed?”  Another pause.  “Alright, thank you.”  She hung up the phone and slowly set it down.  Archie turned on the lamp as he stared at (Y/N).
“So?” he inquired.  “What happened?”  
“I’m staying,” (Y/N) muttered quietly, still in shock over the outcome.
“You’re staying?” Archie excitedly repeated.  “For good?”
“Yeah,” she grinned.  He tugged her into a tight hug.  “I’m staying in Riverdale, Arch!  I won’t leave you ever again.”  He slowly pulled out of the embrace and smiled at her.
“Good,” he replied, and he crashed his lips against hers.
Tag list: @isis278 @lost-in-wonderland-x @spam-to-follow @thatspidernamedmeagan @isabellarose5150 @mariadrinaa @amyyleblanc1999 @sweetvengeancee @latenightbooknerd @sweetthoughts-of-insanity @icouldntcomeupwithausername123 @britishfancyturtlebraindead @sxazzaxs @fragilefrances @opiate-this-hazy-head @onceuponagladerhead @sarahvaliquette @deanskitten @vibes09  @rainbows-and-glitter-bitch @pharaohkiller @platonicasever @littlemisscaptainfandom @becausefuckkyouthatswhy @poorsop @klf1999 @cass-v-95
Tags for Archie fics: @theequestrianbookworm
Tags for just this fic: @doctorwhoandrory @dylanobeminegrantgustin @i-ship-it-ironically @famchester @john-and-mary-husband-and-wife @lesh-targaryen @bubblegumcat229
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Jarchie - Get Together
Jughead slams his fist down on the table, causing Archie to jump, and take a step back from the younger boy.
"What's up Jug? You've seemed stressed all day, what is it?" He asked, hoping for a straight forward, but knew that he was hoping for too much.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it. Haven't you got a date with Betty? or is it Veronica this time?" He replied bitterly, not looking Archie in his eyes.
"I didn't know you still liked Betty, you broke up with her remember? Because 'you didn't love her the way you should?' How's that my fault? and for the record I haven't got a date with any of them, they're going to the movies and I didn't want to join them." Archie sighed, moving closer to the other.
" I don't like Betty. I never have you idiot." Was all Jughead could utter, afraid he'd scare away Archie.
"Well, I'm sure Ronnie would be happy to go on a date with you? So what's the problem?" He breathed, sounding stressed.
"I don't like either of them Arch, I never have." He uttered quietly, looking up into the eyes of his best-friend.
"Who then?" He asked quietly, a confused look pouring over his face.
"It's you Arch, it always has been. I'm fucking stupid okay? I know that, but it's always been you, and it always will be." Jughead let out, tears rolling down his face.
"Hey- don't cry Jug, it's okay, it's alright," Archie muttered, pulling him into his arms, holding him tightly.
"I'm sorry Archie," He pulled away from Archie, stumbling backwards, bumping into the table.
"Jug, I love you okay? More than you know. Now come here?" He pleaded, causing him to slowly make his way back over to Archie, smiling softly.
"So, how about we watch some movies and maybe cuddle? If you want too?" Archie asked hesitantly.
"Are you sure Arch? You don't have to do this for me." He felt the need to state, his head resting on his chest.
"Yes Jug, now come on" He smiled, grabbing Jug's hand and pulling him towards the stairs "Oh wait, one more thing."
Archie lent towards his best friend and kissed him softly, which got a bit more heated than they had first intended. When they had both caught their breath, Archie looked into Jug's eyes and held his face softly.
"Forsythe /Jughead/ Jones III, will you do me the pleasure of being my boyfriend?" He asked shakily, looking at Jughead who looked as if he was about to cry.
"Yes Archibald /Archie/ Andrews, I will" He answered, with a soft kiss to the other's lips.
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craving-horans-hug · 7 years
Hey guys! I’m feeling inspired to write so please inbox me with some imagines/blurbs/headcannons you want!!!
My Fandoms: TWD, Twilight, One Direction, Divergent, Hunger Games, Teen Wolf, The Avengers, X-Men, American Horror Story, Riverdale, 13 Reasons Why, Harry Potter. http://craving-horans-hug.tumblr.com/ask
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