#Camilo Ponce
cinemedios · 1 month
'Historia de lo oculto': Latinoamérica también hace terror
Con el reciente estreno de 'De Noche con el Diablo' recordamos esta película argentina que quizás te guste, ¡lee todo aquí!
Con el reciente estreno de ‘De Noche con el Diablo‘ recordamos esta película argentina que quizás te guste, ¡lee todo aquí! Reseña | ‘Historia de lo oculto’ El cine de terror en Latinoamérica de a poco se abre paso, en México hay propuestas como ‘Desaparecer por completo’ o ‘Huesera’ que exploran el miedo desde un punto de vista distinto al que estamos acostumbrados en películas estadounidenses,…
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indiaepost · 1 month
Five killed in armed assault at Ecuadorian mine
 At least five people were killed and three others injured in an armed assault at a mine in Camilo Ponce Enriquez in southern Ecuador’s Azuay province, said the police. “This morning an attack was reported between members of organised armed groups that caused the death of five people and the injury of three others,” the police force said on social media X. Authorities are investigating the…
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08AUG24- "President Noboa ordered a new curfew that will be in effect from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. in 19 cantons in four provinces, as well as in a parish in Guayaquil.
According to the government, the measure is taken in order to safeguard the security of Ecuadorians, especially in targeted territories that merit reinforcing the measures of the state of exception.
The new curfew took effect Thursday. The measure applies to the following locations:
AZUAY: Camilo Ponce Enriquez
GUAYAS: Durán, Balao, Tenguel (rural parish of the Guayaquil canton)
LOS RÍOS: Babahoyo, Buena Fe, Quevedo, Puebloviejo,
Vinces, Valencia, Ventanas, Mocache, Urdaneta, Baba, Palenque, Quinsaloma, Montalvo
ORELLANA: La Joya de los Sachas, Puerto Francisco de Orellana, Loreto..." -
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noticiasdelcanar · 2 months
Ventas ambulantes generan malestar a comerciantes del recinto ferial
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Comerciantes del Mercado Recinto Ferial, al ver gran presencia de vendedores ambulantes mostraron su malestar y pidieron a los agentes de la guardia ciudadana que los vendedores ambulantes sean retirados. Confrontaciones, gritos e insultos es lo que presenciaron clientes y transeúntes por las calles Camilo Ponce y 10 de agosto. De acuerdo a versiones de comerciantes que tienen años trabajando en cada uno de los espacios como son los mercados San Francisco, Reciento Ferial y el nuevo Complejo Comercial, las ventas ambulantes han hecho que se vea poca gente dentro de los mercados. Esto da lugar a que las ventas disminuyan y que muchas de las veces los productos como frutas, legumbres y hortalizas tenga que ser arrojadas en los tachos de basura. Una comerciante del Mercado Recinto Ferial dijo que como comerciantes han pedido de manera directa e indirecta al alcalde que intervenga en esta problemática. "Lo que nosotros le pedimos es que con toda sinceridad y con todo respeto, que nos ayude y que nos apoye, que las ventas en las calles no existan, porque las calles son para transitar y no hacer mercado. El mercado está vacío, no hay compradores porque se quedan en las calles; le pe- dimos al señor alcalde, que ingrese a toda la gente de la calle a los puestos que hay en el mercado y que están vacíos, porque nosotros no estamos impidiendo que no vendan, sino que se les dé un puesto para que puedan vender y todos trabajar igual”, manifestó una comerciante. De acuerdo a los comerciantes desde el mes de mayo del 2023 que fue la posesión de las autoridades seccionales ellas dicen no contar con el respaldo de las mismas (ni alcalde, ni concejales) ya que no se ven respaldados ni apoyados. Piden la intervención de las instituciones encargadas del control de productos, higiene y salud de aquellos productos que pasan bajo los intensos soles, expuestos al polvo, insectos y otros más que pueden afectar la salud de los consumidores. Read the full article
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joseliassanchezramos · 3 months
4 de Julio: Día del Parque Nacional Galápagos.
4 DE JULIO: DÍA DEL PARQUE NACIONAL GALÁPAGOS Joselías, 2024-07-04 Hace 65 años, en 1959, se crea el Parque Nacional Galápagos, declarado como la primera área protegida del país por su alto valor ecosistémico e histórico. El presidente Camilo Ponce Enríquez, mediante Decreto Ejecutivo Nro. 017, del 4 de julio de 1959, crea el “Parque Nacional Galápagos” por conmemorar el primer centenario de…
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noticlip · 3 months
Hallan ocho cadáveres con signos de tortura en una mina de Ecuador
Ocho cadáveres con signos de tortura fueron hallados en los exteriores de una mina en el sur de los Andes ecuatorianos, en una matanza que apunta a una banda criminal que busca apoderarse de la actividad minera en esa zona, según informó este viernes la Policía Nacional. El hecho se produjo en la concesión minera Estrella de Oro, perteneciente al cantón (municipio) de Camilo Ponce Enríquez, un…
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world-of-news · 5 months
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imprensamercosul · 5 months
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Ecuador: José Sánchez, alcalde de Camilo Ponce Enríquez, es asesinado en un ataque armado
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Páginas de muestra (1/4) para novela gráfica sobre el libro: La sangre del árbol azul de J. C. Mora
A la venta en Amazon 
By Camilo Ponce (2017)
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oosteven-universe · 5 years
Man of Sin #2
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Man of Sin #2 Self-Published 2019 Written by Andrew Guilde Illustrated by Camilo Ponce Lettered by Weston Design Studio     Man of Sin is a psychological horror murder mystery where every step a father takes to find the truth about his son's death brings him that much closer to discovering he is the Anti-Christ.     So it might have been donkey’s years since I’ve read issue one and here I am with issue two and I am still just as in love with it as I was before. It is really nice when you can read an issue a while after the last one and still remember everything that came before. You a story is well written and has incredibly well done interiors when you see the first page and like Celine Dion It’s All Coming Back To Me Now.     The opening here is beautifully done. The chaotic happenings that we see in the hospital as Damien as we see a nurse unleashing well hell on earth. There is something about how this is being told that just captures the imagination and fires the embers in your soul up to this burning flame of desire. The desire to see and know more because yeah this absolutely crazy the more that we see the more we want to see more and that is precisely how it’s supposed to be. I am so impressed with the work I am seeing here and Andrew’s talent and skill as a writer is prominently on display and it’s something special to be able to write like this and make it feel like it’s better than any genre specific television shows have been.     The way that we see the story & plot development and the character development move through the book as they reveal information and revelations by working together weaving in, out and around each other is wonderful to see. The pacing picks all this up in a way that creates this gorgeous ebb & flow which keeps the reader glued to the page as well as taking them off script. That Andrew continually takes us off the page and into our own minds and imagination is what separates good writers from incredible writers. The characterisation is sensational and by the addition of Reverend Benjamin to the mix this really has upped the ante and brings out new aspects to the story and to Damien.     Camilo’s work on the interiors here is just sublime to see. I mean if you haven’t taken a real look at them the feelings and emotions that they are able to evoke out of the reader is amazing. Not only that but each reader will take away different feelings and emotions as they see the work so it’s really a personal and unique experience. Plus the way we see these people is so so good. Somehow he’s able to make the linework and attention to detail stay firmly in place while the watercolour effect just enhances what we see. It feels unique to him and it’s a style all his own. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels shows such an amazing eye for storytelling. I love how we see a lot of blue, black, grey and all their various hues and tones being utilised and then when it’s needed the spectrum of reds, yellows and oranges that just punch it up for maximum effect. ​     Damien has no idea who he is, he believes he is just a normal man who lost his son and who’s wife is a target and it frustrates him because he cannot understand what’s happening. It comes across marvellously too and that so many people around him in various aspects of his life are involved just keep adding the mystery. There is everything to love about this book and absolutely nothing to dislike, it has some strong writing and characterisation wrapped in this stunning artwork. This is the find of the century people and you didn’t even know you were looking for it did you?      You can head over to aguilde.com to pick up the full story!
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AC Brasil Amateur 2016 (resultados)
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Resultados amateur del Arnold Classic Brasil 2016, el prestigioso certamen de fisicoculturismo y fitness. Fantástica participación de atletas locales y países vecinos. Resultados AC Brasil Amateur 2016 Women's Fitness (Open) 1. Gissella Maria Dias Gracia (Paraguay) 2. Valentina Rodríguez (Uruguay) Men's Fitness (Open) 1. Rafael Magalhães (Brasil) 2. Rene Vanderko Dos Santos (Brasil) 3. Paulo Vitor Felipe (Brasil) Culturismo +40 1. Esequiel Alves Conceição (Brasil) 2. Ricardo Plata Duran (Colombia) 3. Martín Jose Lester (Argentina) 4. Jorge Ignacio Asp (Argentina) 5. Alderino Alves Dos Santos Filho (Brasil) 6. Alexandre Osmar Pamplona (Brasil) Bodyfitness +35 1. Tibis Araque (Venezuela) 2. Romina Lameiro (Argentina) 3. Sylvia Pennas (Brasil) 4. Sandra Liliana Martinez (Colombia) 5. Laura Raquel Saccomani de Bordon (Paraguay) 6. Maria Alejandra Carmona (México) . Cláudia Gentil (Brasil) . Bally Natalia (Argentina) . Cylene Pereira (Brasil) . Soledad López (Uruguay) . Saturnina Lugo Bautista (Paraguay) . Carol Grayer (Canadá) Culturismo 70 Kg 1. Ueliton Aragão Silva (Brasil) 2. Vitor Alves Porto de Oliveira (Brasil) 3. Jean de Amorim Machado (Brasil) 4. Soepe Amoetan Koese (Suriname) 5. Duvan Rodriguez (Colombia) 6. Maroun Michel Srou (Brasil) . Thener Lúcio Carmo (Brasil) . Carlos Eduardo Da Silva (Brasil) . Rodrigo de Mello Costa (Brasil) . Diogo Dalton Guedes (Brasil) . Hubert Fagundes Paul Turrini (Brasil) . Hernández Víctor (Argentina) . Christopher Queiroz E Silva (Brasil) . Fernando Oliveira (Brasil) . Mahmoud Mokhtar Mohamed (Catar) . Kelton Thomas Trinidad E Tobago . Rodrigo Gomes Da Silva (Brasil) . Juan Fernando Chambi (Bolívia) . Evaristo Cortes Valladares (Costa Rica) . Thiago Macedo Pinho (Brasil) Culturismo 75 Kg 1. Marco Antonio Cortez (Brasil) 2. Fabricio de Souza Moreira (Brasil) 3. José Carlos de Oliveira Junior (Brasil) 4. Francisco de Assis (Brasil) 5. Jesus Maria Britos Quintana (Paraguay) 6. Elianderson Freitas Barbosa Da (Brasil) . Cleiton Da Silva Oliveira (Brasil) . Edson Castilho (Brasil) . Lenio Anderson Rego Barbosa (Brasil) . Davi José Furtado de Jesus (Brasil) . André Luis Birk (Brasil) . Frank Giovanni Rocha Cardozo (Bolívia) . Julio Cesar Ferreira Da Silva (Brasil) Culturismo 80 Kg 1. Isaquiel Costa Balbi (Brasil) 2. Antonio Inácio Ferreira Santiago (Brasil) 3. Felipe Henrique Moraes Da Silva (Brasil) 4. Diego Spadoni (Uruguay) 5. Paulo Vitor (Brasil) 6. Rafael Ribeiro (Brasil) . Diego Viegas Pinheiro (Brasil) . Jackson Barros (Brasil) . Lindow Adrián (Argentina) . Gustavo Lira Camargo (Brasil) Culturismo 85 Kg 1. Cristian Molina (Argentina) 2. Luis Gabriel Rios (Colombia) 3. Adilio Veloso de Lima (Brasil) 4. Esequiel Alves Conceição (Brasil) 5. Marciel Cristiano Mendes (Brasil) 6. Andres Marcelo Lavesolo (Uruguay) . Martín Jose Lester (Argentina) . Francisco Pereira Silva (Brasil) . Damián Izquierdo (Uruguay) . Erasmo Vieira de Sousa Maciel (Brasil) . Fernando Castro Da Silva (Brasil) . José Claudio Aguiar de Freitas (Brasil) . Johnatan Sanchez (Colombia) . Manuel Jesus Angulo Alpire (Bolívia) Culturismo 90 Kg 1. Jorlan Vieira (Brasil) 2. Geremias Da Silva (Brasil) 3. Ricardo Plata Duran (Colombia) 4. Pierre Olivier Mckinnon (Canadá) 5. Leandro Bessa Da Silva (Brasil) 6. Willian Eduardo Sanches Chirinos (Venezuela) . Elcio Custodio Dos Santos (Brasil) . Cleber Geovane Correia Lopes (Brasil) . Rafael Braga Poggi (Brasil) . Dereck Tremblay (Canadá) . Marcelo Riesco (Argentina) . Willy Lizzon (Brasil) . Edgar Ivan Rodriguez Benavides (Colombia) . Harold Carvajal Nino (Colombia) Culturismo 100 Kg 1. Ítalo Ridney Rodrigues (Brasil) 2. Ponce José (Argentina) 3. Rodrigo Cortez (Argentina) 4. Oscar Antonio Zaracho Sanches (Paraguay) 5. Camilo Andres Diaz Garzon (Colombia) 6. Helizhandro Soares de Matos (Brasil) . Luis Gonzalo Arrua (Argentina) . Martin Escobar (Colombia) . Roberto Vitória (Brasil) . Marino Santos Da Silva Junior (Brasil) . Jorge Ignacio Asp (Argentina) . Perez Facundo (Argentina) . Wendel Djoemadi Rudolf (Suriname) . Vinicius Daniel Porto Matos (Brasil) . Marcos Deivison Vidal de Matos (Brasil) Bodyfitness hasta 158 Cm 1. Guadalupe Garcia Rodriguez (Paraguay) 2. Tibis Araque (Venezuela) 3. Nora Raquel Martinez (Paraguay) 4. Sylvia Pennas (Brasil) 5. Tatiane Souza Breda (Brasil) 6. Thaise Perichi (Brasil) . Simei Pimentel de Jesus (Brasil) . María Mernes (Argentina) . Simone Nesareth Machado (Brasil) . Tamires Luana Andrade Marques (Brasil) . Mayra Mendes Kreva Da Silva (Brasil) . Carla Helena Gonçalves (Brasil) Bodyfitness hasta 163 Cm 1. Luciani Lorena (Argentina) 2. Wagna Vargas (Brasil) 3. Laura Raquel Saccomani de Bordon (Paraguay) 4. Bianca Pimentel (Brasil) 5. Kelly Da Cruz Nogueira (Brasil) 6. Alessandra Sales de Carvalho (Brasil) Bodyfitness más de 163 Cm 1. Lina Maria Herrera (Colombia) 2. Patrícia Pízio (Brasil) 3. Marissol Amaral Rios Bisquolo (Brasil) 4. Natalia Vieira de Brito (Brasil) 5. Ivonne Gutierrez Bolívia 6. Andrea Prado (Brasil) . Maria Alejandra Carmona (México) . Romina Mamani (Argentina) . Pollyanna de Oliveira Rocha (Brasil) . Carolina de Almeida (Brasil) . Camila Antunes Coelho (Brasil) . Jessica Schilling (Catar) Bodyfitness 1. Guadalupe Garcia Rodriguez (Paraguay) 2. Luciani Lorena (Argentina) 3. Lina Maria Herrera (Colombia) 4. Tibis Araque (Venezuela) Women's Physique (Open) 1. Michelly Mattos (Brasil) 2. Paloma Calandrini Cardozo de (Brasil) 3. Rosane Gomes Braga (Brasil) 4. Evelaine Rocha (Brasil) 5. Alessandra Rocha Grimaldi Costa (Brasil) 6. Giovanna Tosta Faria de Souza (Brasil) . Laís Da Hora Da Silva (Brasil) . Melissa Pinheiro Fragnan (Brasil) . Alda Maria Reis (Brasil) . Alexandra Faria Lima (Brasil) . Valdirene Santana de Oliveira (Brasil) . Rocio Ana Iris Peguero Brea (República) . Leyvina Rodrigues Barros (Brasil) Culturismo más de 100 Kg 1. Regan Taylor Grimes (Canadá) 2. Franco Domínguez (Argentina) 3. Carlos Andres Ayala Caceres (Paraguay) 4. Fabiano Ferreira (Brasil) 5. Bernardo Henrique Cesarino (Brasil) 6. Luis Alberto Gonzalez (Paraguay) . Juan Gomez Manuel (Argentina) . Jose Ramon Tineo Martinez (República) . Isaque Porto Chaves (Brasil) . Vitor Lima (Brasil) Culturismo (Absoluto) 1. Regan Taylor Grimes (Canadá) 2. Ítalo Ridney Rodrigues (Brasil) 3. Jorlan Vieira (Brasil) 4. Cristian Molina (Argentina) 5. Marco Antonio Cortez (Brasil) 6. Isaquiel Costa Balbi (Brasil) . Ueliton Aragão Silva (Brasil) . Esequiel Alves Conceição (Brasil)
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ehpodcasts · 4 years
Torment follows a grieving father as he searches for the truth about his dead son.
Man Of Sin was Written by Andrew Guilde, Illustrated by Camilo Ponce and Lettered by Weston Design Studio. The project first launched on May 9th 2019, and was successfully funded with 167 backers pledging $4,959 on June 8th 2019. The purpose of the crowdfund was to bring all four issues of Man Of Sin into one Graphic Novel.
I’m going to start this review off by saying. I never heard of this indie comic until people I follow on Kickstarter backed the project that Andrew launched, from there it seemed every few days I would see “Man of Sin” come through my emails/notifications that I decided to have a glance myself. Right away the artwork by Camilo Ponce grabbed my attention, I love the watercolor effect feel, just like from the other comic known as Amelia Sky. But now, let’s take a look at what we have in store right here.
It’s really interesting whether it’s real life or fictional characters, when trying to portray crazy people. Hearing, seeing things normal people who have “investigated” the same evidence before. Our main protagonist swears whomever took his son, knows exactly who they are. Depression sets in, suicide seems to be the option for failing your family. When really you’ll be adding to the problem even worse just by taking your own life. However Mr. Lived can help him in his time of need, all he has to do is stay alive for twenty four hours. From there, Mr. Lived promises to bring him to whom took his son.
It’s a game of who and who cannot be trusted, and that falls in place at the hospital it seems. Especially when a nurse tries to take him out, after sending in what could have ended more horribly than what did. Even now, can this Reverend Benjamin be trusted? It’s a game of cat and mouse, mixed emotions and flat out head games that make you turn into your own monster of looking at the world in a new dark sight.
Religion is a touchy subject. However the way it’s portrayed within this 90 page graphic novel of Man of Sin. It’s a nonstop read from start to finish, every page grabs you with the watery art colors and gradients that  you have to know what’s going on till the very end. Andrew demonstrated a broken family in a way that no one (like myself who’s going to become a father) would like to think about with a child in our world. The horrific nights of repeats of how we could have prevented the worst that came. It’s the perfect recipe to a failed household of tearing each other apart.
Camilo brings the art to life with each “brush” of a page, sinking in the true darkness surrounding Damien’s life. Carving out each moment as he plunges further and further into “Sin”, and when it’s all said and done. Damien may have hopefully found his own peace of mind, knowing the truth in his own destroyed mind, while those around him prepare for others to come and strike as Damien. But even then, maybe the enemy all along was in fact Damien himself.
“It’s father’s worst nightmare, and I’ll be having my daughter enter this world in July.”
Purchase Man Of Sin
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Man Of Sin is just what you need to . @aguilde @promotehorror #horror #manofsin #spreadthehorror #review #comics #graphicnovels #ehpodcasts #everythinghorror Torment follows a grieving father as he searches for the truth about his dead son. Man Of Sin…
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luzesmeraldajara · 5 years
Corazón De Niño ❤ en VIOLÍN!!..Poema del Soñador (Camilo Ponce C.)
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08AUG24- "President Noboa ordered a new curfew that will be in effect from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. in 19 cantons in four provinces, as well as in a parish in Guayaquil.
According to the government, the measure is taken in order to safeguard the security of Ecuadorians, especially in targeted territories that merit reinforcing the measures of the state of exception.
The new curfew took effect Thursday. The measure applies to the following locations:
AZUAY: Camilo Ponce Enriquez
GUAYAS: Durán, Balao, Tenguel (rural parish of the Guayaquil canton)
LOS RÍOS: Babahoyo, Buena Fe, Quevedo, Puebloviejo,
Vinces, Valencia, Ventanas, Mocache, Urdaneta, Baba, Palenque, Quinsaloma, Montalvo
ORELLANA: La Joya de los Sachas, Puerto Francisco de Orellana, Loreto..." -
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noticiasdelcanar · 2 years
Baches en la calle 10 de Agosto causan molestias
En las últimas semanas empeoró la situación de baches y hundimientos en la calle 10 de Agosto, entre Camilo Ponce y marginal al río Burgay, junto al recinto ferial “Polibio Romero”, en Azogues. Aquello provoca complicaciones para choferes que tienen su parada en el sitio. “Se dañan los amortiguadores y las rótulas de los carros, porque a veces uno no se percata y se cae en esos huecos que están grandes”, dijo Ángel Inga, un transportista que utiliza esta vía como estacionamiento.
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Manifestó que el deterioro de la calle les perjudica, sobre todo porque en este tiempo los repuestos están caros; ante esta situación, pidió a las autoridades correspondientes arreglar estos baches. Liliam Supacela, comerciante, también expresó su malestar por el mal estado de la calle. “Ya tenemos bastante tiempo con estas molestias y mucha gente que transita por estos lugares se tropieza; niños y adultos mayores se han caído en esos tremendos huecos”, mencionó. Según los moradores de la zona, en el lugar se realizaron trabajos de acometidas años atrás y desde entonces se presentan los hundimientos que cada vez se hacen más profundos, incluso cuando llueve se forma un canal grande. Read the full article
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giorxcci · 5 years
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                                  HSHQ Task 028 –– The Staff
Gio’s staff were thoroughly picked for their security clearance and excellent execution in their former assignments. The majority he has known for some time. It’s easier to operate around people’s he trusts/have a rapport with. However, its not always the case. While some aren’t seen every day, they at least brief once a week in person. He despises an entourage, so it works.  
Jacopo G. – Advisor: Gio has been utilizing his father’s former advisor. The man operates out of Torino but travels between Milan & Gio’s location weekly. Gio calls it a waste of tax payer’s money, Jacopo totes it as a necessity. He believes Gio to be naive and impressionable. Thus, their relationship is poor and many executive decisions are made without Gio’s knowledge or prior approval. It leaves him out of the loop of what is taking place at home. Hence, why he’s flagrantly searching for reasons to have the man fired. Jacopo prefers to operate on the antithesis of whatever Gio suggests because he sees it as just that: a suggestion. He knows he’s untouchable seeing as his expertise is undeniably remarkable.  ( fc: george clooney )
Ponce T. – Chief of staff:  Brigadier General of the Italian Air Force. He makes up for where Jacopo lacks though his scope is limited to military consultations. The war efforts are his main concern. He tries to liaise between other branches of government on Jacopo’s behalf since he’s bent on blocking Gio out. However, it’s not what he’s paid for, he’s blunt –  a no-nonsense kind of guy. Therefore, Gio is hesitant when trying to get information that doesn’t deal with the Italian Republic of Arms.  ( fc: josh duhamel )
Marco F. – Secretary & Assistant: Keeps track of planner // outlooks. Runs a tight shift, meaning Gio will not be late for anything if Marco has say in the matter. He hates all of Gio’s friends to varying degrees. He finds them to be a distracting factor because Gio will delete arrangements to dawdle around. Marco was assigned to the prince upon beginning his studies at Oxford. The work closely together. Marco is second in command when it comes to directing the rest of the staff such as cooks, housemaids, etc. More than likely, if you wish to speak with the prince, you’ll meet with Marco first. The siblings, as well as Savoy family members, are all immune from doing so. ( fc: giulio berruti )
Camilo M. – Public Affairs:  Cunning, ambitious, and confident, he is one of the few people in the world from whom Gio will take orders from without complaint, having earned both his respect and absolute trust over his decade-long tenure as his public relations manager. At twenty-four, he was considered a promising but untested face in the industry, struggling under the weight of the 2008 financial crisis. Over the years, he polished Gio’s reputation until it gleamed like burnished gold and since has enjoyed all the benefits that come with being the most valuable employee of an influential man in Italy. On any given week, Camilo is in & out of Gio’s presence to manage the various logistics such a job requires and to drop off information concerning press statements, which they run through before almost all of his public appearances. He also has sufficiently terrorized most of the staff into following his word as law. Despite his intensity, however, he isn’t a mean man –– unless you happen to get in his way. Controls his social media.
To this end, he has heavily emphasized the philanthropy aspect of the Savoia’s and Gio. He can be unnecessarily ruthless in warding off possible media threats to Gio’s reputation – because heaven forbid those greedy bastards tarnish his craft. Gio may be the face of it all, but he was the one who built him from the bottom up, and Camilo will be damned before someone slaughters his years in the making efforts. ( fc: giulio corso )
Theodore K. – Stylist: They’re recently acquainted by reference of D&G’s creative director. Upon first meeting, they were definitely rocky. It took months for the two to see eye to eye on palettes despite Theodore’s elite dossier. Theodore liked to experiment with colors and vintage styles from the North American, German and French fashion houses while Gio prefers the Italians ( obviously ). So if you saw him in burgundy or tan tailor rather than a traditional monochromatic, or odd casual wear then it’s Theodore’s doing. They’ve since recovered after many experimental errors. Now, they operate without many words exchanged. Theodore still experiments on Gio but it’s subtle and, most of the time, accentuates a debonair attitude. ( fc: garrett neff )
Tommaso S. – Security & Logistics: These two go way back with a funny codename: Tomato. Yes, as in the fruit. He’s dubbed this not only because of his name but because he blossoms fire brick red with fury. Which isn’t often unless Gio has thoroughly set him off. So, if you see Gio you will more than likely see Tommaso a few paces back. The man was assigned as Gio’s official guard once he turned sixteen. Thus, he has the most facetime with the prince. Because of this, he’s become a sort of mentor. He keeps excellent track of the Italian even when Gio thinks he’s pulled the wool over on him. Often pretending Gio actually got away with something. They joke around a lot but Tommaso flips the switch to professionality swiftly with ease. He’s a former military ranger so he keeps that thing on him. He works closely with three others to make up Gio’s immediate security forces. More often than not, though, you’ll only see Tommaso. ( fc: mark strong ) 
Adeyemi A. – Financial officer: One word to describe his work: sublime. The man’s financial acumen is above reproach. So any recommendations or modifications are made by his own accord. Of course, it still slips across Gio’s desk at the end of the day before being sent to the crown. He balances Gio’s portfolios and keeps the perfect equilibrium of liquid assets available as a side task. It’s very rare he steps out of character to advise Gio against certain spending habits but he knows, at the end of the day, Gio’s antics are recent and hopes he reverts soon. ( fc: boris kodjoe )
Alessandro Z.– Lawyer: With a smile like a whip and loudness to match, Alessandro has always been unapologetically his own person, exuding the sort of subtle defiance that is labeled as trailblazing rather than iconoclasm. The only ‘fledglings’ in a room of elders, he and Gio immediately gravitated towards each other when they’d first met, and, to absolutely no one’s surprise, hit it off famously. From glitzy socialite parties to weekends running through Estate orchards, Alessandro quickly joined Gio’s band of childhood mischief, though, Alessandro is a few years older. He studied law in Napoli and became notable on the attorney scene for international litigation. He represents the crown prince on occasion and provides advice as needed. ( fc: giacomo gianniotti )
Comastri – Catholic Prelate: He’s not on Gio’s staff. Never will be. However, he’s a vital connection to the pope. The pope will meet with Gio but tbh, it’s a sanctimonious occasion. The pope is a busy guy. Comastri comes in but the dealings between the crown & church aren’t rocky right now. On his off days from the Vatican, he preaches hellfire and the sanctity of self-preservation. For Gio, it’s in an ear and out the other. Operates mostly in Rome but somehow finds a way to Gio every week. ( fc: steve buscemi, not pictured )  sidenote: this is a hc cat came up w/ & idk if she meant the real person but out of respect if it is a real person, it’s a fake now.
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