thenewsguru · 6 years
Conway: Media Is “Emboldening” Violent Rioters
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Senior Trump aide Kellyanne Conway has blasted the mainstream media for “emboldening” rioting anarchists, in the wake of the unrest at the University of California in Berkeley. Appearing on Fox & Friends, Conway accused the media of implicitly supporting violence and non-peaceful protest. “What’s going on out there is what’s going on all across the country,” Conway urged. “You have protesters who feel very emboldened. They’ve got media cameras following them, they give interviews.”she added. “I don’t even know if they know what they’re protesting. Really, what is it, the free speech? Having someone on your campus who has a dissenting point of view or wants to present an alternative point of view?” Conway said, referring to Breitbart News editor, Milo Yiannopoulos, who was forced to cancel an appearance at Berkley due to the reaction. Conway noted that when the rioters ‘grow up’ they are in for a shock. “In the real world, when these kids grow up and try to find jobs – which they will in the Trump economy – life doesn’t work that way, folks.” Conway said. The rioters took on police after smashing private property, attacking motorists, and setting fires, as a demonstration of their opposition to Yiannopoulos. MILO: What's scary is this riot happened on an American campus where you should be able to have differing opinions (via #Tucker) pic.twitter.com/cT8Jgzkegz — FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) February 2, 2017 Read the full article
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realsideradio · 6 years
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Are you a young conservative on a college campus? @campusreform is looking for campus correspondents! Contact @emma.meshell! They're looking for more people to shine the light on what's happening on campuses. #CampusCrazies #LIVE from #CPAC2019 @cpac https://www.instagram.com/p/Buc_YyFhONV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d6x9qtyq7uil
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bb4sp · 7 years
#College hires cultural sensitivity czar to check artwork on campuses. So much for #freespeech! AND... More craziness! #art #1A #currentevents #campuscraziness https://www.facebook.com/therealsideradio/videos/1955811481100223/
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thenewsguru · 6 years
The Fetal Body Parts Biz to End at UNM; What about Your University?
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A big win for life in New Mexico had a small beginning: believers willing to speak out. For years, the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center has performed research using fetal body parts. And for years, they might have been violating federal law which prohibits the exchange of fetal tissue “for any profit or benefit of valuable consideration.” That’s why it’s great news that the University of New Mexico has announced that, following its own internal investigation, all research using fetal body tissue has been suspended. The University maintains no laws were violated, but emails obtained by the New Mexico Alliance for Life suggest otherwise. Those emails reveal that the head of the fetal research program, Dr. Robin Ohls, discussed reimbursement for sending samples to an adjunct professor at Michigan State. And everyone thought it was just Planned Parenthood. Here’s some other good news: The House Select Panel on Infant Lives has now referred the case to the Department of Justice. While the New Mexico Alliance for Life’s Elisa Martinez is applauding the decision to shut down the research, she and the Alliance are also demanding that UNM officials “immediately turn their investigation over to federal authorities to ensure that these abuses will no longer harm women and commodify unborn children. If they won’t,” she promises, “we will.” But there’s even more to this story than potentially illegal fetal tissue research. It’s the University of New Mexico’s active promotion of abortion. Eric Pillmore, a long-time friend of Chuck Colson and a member of the Colson Center’s Board of Directors, is a graduate of the University of New Mexico. He and his family foundation helped established the Pillmore Room for Ethics at the University’s Anderson School of Management. In 2017, the University asked Eric for another major donation. But Eric had something else in mind: using the university’s request to him in order to obtain a meeting with the then-interim president of the university to discuss UNM’s abortion culture. Eric went into the meeting prepared and his presentation was straightforward. He consulted with Elisa Martinez at the New Mexico Alliance for Life and with pro-life apologist extraordinaire Scott Klusendorf. The president had been assured that the university hospital only performed abortions when the mother’s life was at stake. But he was misled. The University’s hospital in fact performed late-term abortions, and its doctors performed abortions at Planned Parenthood. The university had only referred students to abortion provider Southwestern Women’s Options and had never referred them to the local pro-life care center. And, of course, Eric expressed his disgust with the University’s lack of cooperation with the congressional investigation of its fetal research program. Eric then explained why he supports the culture of life—and how the university could begin to do so as well. And, of course, he explained how it would be impossible for him and his family to make any additional contributions to the university unless the institution ended its support for abortion. He then offered specific recommendations for UNM to change course. All of this helped put into motion the closing of the fetal research program, something that was just announced by the new president. And Eric stands ready to talk with her about ending the University’s commitment to abortion, as well. So what’s the takeaway here? First: You have to find out what’s happening at your alma mater, and then, like Eric, do something about it. We have to stop supporting institutions that promote evil and evil ideologies with our donations, even if they are our alma maters. Second, like Eric, we can all learn to make the case for life. The resources are there. Use them. Third: Support those organizations in your area that champion life. And finally, we’ve got to remain vigilant. More may turn up at UNM. But the New Mexico Alliance for Life will be watching. And so will Eric Pillmore. Read the full article
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realsideradio · 7 years
More crazy news stories of the day!
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thenewsguru · 6 years
Demand an End to Liberal Privilege https://t.co/3ySqmRQcNj #Liberal #CampusCraziness #Corruption #CriminalActivity #DeepState #DemocraticParty #politics #democrat #america #usa #makeamericagreatagain #freedom #libertarian #gop
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thenewsguru · 6 years
Students claim to have been “mentally traumatized” by President Trump https://t.co/65gDoihemN #CampusCraziness #EpicFail #College #Universities #SnowFlakes #SafeSpaces #trump #maga #republican #liberal #donaldtrump #politics #democrat #america #usa
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thenewsguru · 6 years
Parents Outraged after Explicit Video Shown to Kids
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Parents of students at a Florida high school are questioning why they weren’t warned about a sexually charged video that shows a man groping a woman and gay couples kissing. The Planned Parenthood video was shown to students this month in an English Literature Class at Pine View School in Osprey, Fla., with the goal of teaching teenagers about consent, according to Fox 13 in Tampa. “We are getting a flood of emails, phone calls and Facebooks,” Sarasota County school board member Eric Robinson told the television station. Robinson added, “As an adult it can be hard to watch without being uncomfortable. I can imagine how a teenager would watch. The giggles and the gasps.” The video begins with a male narrator asking viewers, “How do you know for sure if somebody really wants to have sex with you?” He then says, “Asking for consent doesn't have to be awkward. Asking for consent can be kind of sexy.” The video shows images of a male and female couple, a male gay couple, and a lesbian couple kissing. It also shows a man grabbing a woman’s clothed breast. The video was used by the Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center but never cleared by administrators, Robinson said. The group issued an apology. “We sincerely apologize for the incident last Wednesday at Pine View,” the apology read. “The staff member did not follow established protocol regarding the programming presented, and the organization has acted to ensure that this does not happen again. SPARCC has had a positive relationship with Sarasota County Schools that has spanned more than 15 years and we take the trust placed in our organization very seriously. Preventing domestic/dating violence and sexual assault is central to our mission and SPARCC aims to be a trusted resource for our community.” Read the full article
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thenewsguru · 6 years
Yale University professor tells Leftists to hide illegal aliens from ICE, publishes the addresses of ICE employees
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In the early-to-mid 1800s, the Abolitionist movement — the movement to abolish slavery — grew as an increasing number of Americans became passionate about the cause and increasingly turned to lawlessness in order to implement their agenda. In those days slaves were considered property so the Constitution’s protections regarding “private property” mandated that law enforcers of the times defended those protections. Slaves who escaped and were harbored by Abolitionist whites and their allies were in violation of the law of the land. By 1861, as we all know, the country went to war with itself to end the “peculiar institution” and grant full citizenship and, slowly, equal rights to all former slaves and their descendants.  Today, there is an eerily similar parallel between the actions of Abolitionists in the 19th century and Left-wing immigration activists today. One of the most recent examples of this involves a Yale University School of Law professor, Gregg Gonsalves, who recently said flat-out that people should “hide immigrants” from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency “if we have to,” in blatant violation of immigration laws. As Campus Reform reported, Gonsalves is adding a 21st-century twist to his call for disobedience. He’s “more than willing to disclose the locations of ICE employees, however, encouraging others to release their home addresses and saying he would have ‘no qualms’ about showing up at those homes himself.” Which begs the question: Is he a law school professor or an instructor of lawlessness? He obviously believes he’s doing the right thing and that calling for even soft violence against ICE agents and employees is proper and warranted.  “ raiding restaurants, setting up roadblocks in New England, getting on buses to check for foreigners,” Gonsalves tweeted in late June. “We’ve unleashed something evil in the United States. Let the pundits debate who’s winning the day as immigrants get rounded up. The rest of us have to fight.” Fight? Such is the passion of the pro-illegal immigrant movement, whose believers see enforcement of immigration laws as immoral as Abolitionists saw the enforcement of laws governing slavery.
There is a wide difference between slavery and illegal immigration
In a brief Twitter exchange with Campus Reform editor-in-chief Lawrence Jones, Gonsalves said, “we hide immigrants from ICE if we have to.” That prompted Jones to inquire whether Gonsalves meant he would aid and abet criminals — since entering the U.S. illegally is a crime. “It’s called civil disobedience,” he argued. “Aiding and abetting is about facilitating crime,” Gonsalves continued, claiming that “here the moral crime is against immigrant children, families, women, and workers.” Do you see how he justifies lawbreaking by reframing illegal immigration as a “moral” issue?  It’s not just one Yale professor, either. (Related: Conservatives on campus move one step closer to extinction as the intolerant Left drives them from the University of Denver.) Hundreds of cities around the country have declared themselves to be “sanctuaries” for illegal aliens, where local police are forbidden by statute from cooperating with federal immigration authorities whose job it is to enforce all immigration-related laws. One state — California — has even declared itself to be a sanctuary. These are patently illegal acts. Under the Constitution’s “Supremacy Clause,” laws duly passed by Congress and signed by presidents become the “law of the land” unless or until they are challenged in federal courts and deemed to be in violation of the Constitution.  But so, too, were all laws pertaining to slavery once supreme. Then as now, Americans are increasingly engaged in civil and legal disobedience in pursuance of their pro-illegal immigrant stance. They are playing the role of the modern-day Abolitionist. There’s a major difference between slavery and illegal immigration, however, even though Americans like Gonsalves would deny it.  As humans, our moral, cultural, and religious beliefs inform us that no one can ‘own’ someone else; such a condition is offensive to our collective conscience. But nations do have a right (and an obligation) to defend their borders and expect them to be honored. While the difference seems clear to most Americans, it is less clear to a growing faction of our people. That makes conditions ripe for conflict. Read the full article
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