#Candy Au
your-daily-moon · 27 days
A friend of mine said that my art style reminded them of Hazbin Hotel 💀
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sourtomatola · 2 months
Taking Candy for a Fool Part 15
You knelt down to them as they sucked down their syrup vigorously. You knew it took them a little bit to heal, but you were excited to show them what you were able to sneak in.
Before you could lift your dress to show off the nutritious bounty, they suddenly pulled you closer to them both and they cuddled you as they drank their meals. You smiled at them both, knowing they needed as much affection as possible. It made you feel so bad last time, having to hide form them for so long instead of giving them the comfort they needed. Unfortunately you had to, if you got caught, you might have been killed, then you’d be like Eclipse. Gone, a message to the other’s, and another hole in the hearts of your friends.
You leaned into them, taking in their comfort for you. Knowing that Fruits could change them made your adrenaline rush. You didn’t know what was going to happen, but you couldn’t wait to see your friend’s flourish.
They finished their syrup and tossed the tubes away without ceremony. They said nothing but took a minute to cuddle you closer, as if feeling like these might be final moments as well.
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They nodded and gave you a little space to work out the bowls you had padded with fabric to keep the fruit safe and the noise made by them rolling around quiet. You also had packaged honey in zip lock bags, knowing they would be easy to slurp through.
The boys took your treasures and held them with such upliftingly hopeful expressions, you couldn’t help but grin in anticipation.
“Our friend…you have no idea how much this means to us…how much this will help us…” Sun said, two shimmering Sunnydrop candies forming in the brink of his eyes. He took your hands and held them close, blinking the drops into your hands. You stared in shock a moment before Moon then took your hands and did the same, blinking joyful tears of hard candy and letting them fall into your awaiting hands.
“B-but…boys, I can’t just take these, I-“ You tried to protest, but both curled your fingers insistently around them.
“Never once have we cried with joy, Cry-baby.” Sunny explained. “I’m sure they will taste better than any that have been stolen from our pain. Please, take one of each for your employers, and keep one of each for yourself. Please…this is the only way we can think to thank you. Take them.”
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You held the candy close and smiled at them. “Thank you…really, truly, this means a lot to me…”
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peachy-cloudds · 4 months
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idk how to exsplain this but basically I got obsessed with an OC AU. And I figured tumblr would like it
Erm- pastels. Idk
Super cool art thing feel free to draw ur ocs in it 👍
(I am so good at this)
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vivistrawbii17 · 5 months
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My Daisy designs are quite indecisive..
-How the business started-
Part 2: Daisy Campbell and the Truffula forest
Daisy felt unlucky most of her life. One time when she founded a fluffy pretty cat on the street and kept it, but the very next day, it got lost and was never found. Another time, her father promised to bring her to a newly opened icecream shop, but he never came.
One day, her mother planned on bringing Daisy and her younger siblings to the cities and had reservations for a fancy hotel. So as she was driving on the way there with her children, she lost her way, and they all couldn't go to the lovely sights of the cities. Daisy felt yet again unlucky, already grieving about the unfortunate situation, until her mother accidentally drove somewhere strange..
They all arrived to this valley, with a colorful vibrant forest with tall pom pom trees, fresh blue ponds and strange adorable animals. It was the mythical truffula forest!! They all got excited as they were the few people to see this! So, looked around, marveling at the sight of this colorful wonderland and they all welcomed this place as part of their vacation.
Daisy felt relief to this rare lucky situation, she most certainly will not forget this.
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wvbaandtheboys · 5 months
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The Taffy Witch Be wary of your surroundings when you enter the Taffy Woodlands. The shroud of darkness over the forest, accompanied by winding pathways and dead ends, joined lastly by a consistent scent of sweet smoke will quickly disorient those who enter unprepared. Most importantly, be aware of the witch that lives within. He observes from the trees, barely within sight. Or perhaps from the skies above, travelling on his trusted broom. But, fret not, dear friend. The witch is incredibly friendly, and would be more than willing to help you find your way. After all, you're quite lost, aren't you? Don't you want to get out of the darkness you've found yourself in? You do? Then take his hand.
It's Candy!Hugger from the Candy AU! He's a caramel taffy witch, the witch of the Salty region of the kingdom.
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caroldantops · 7 months
that’s true…. just because r is peppers baby, doesn’t mean nat doesn’t see her as her baby too….
and wanda just won’t give up ever n natty doesn’t have the energy or the shits to discipline her lol, she just dobs her into aggie lol
hierarchy of baby
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witchbrew13 · 1 year
Thomas go tell Gordon he see someone very similar to him
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The original:
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(just only edit from an episode of Thomas And Friends All Engine Go-)
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clownsuu · 1 year
Can we see more of the certified babygurl, Tau? He is so shaped and has so much colors it make me high on bright colors-
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It’s been a bit since iv drawn Tau smhh, he’s definitely the most quirkiest dj I have JDHGDGDH
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cherrywoodaxe · 2 years
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escape lol
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sourtomatola · 3 months
(Taking Candy for a fool part 3)
You talked with them more, learning things about Sun and Moon that weren’t on the tour. They spoke of their early days, when they were barren of sweets. They said they were originally made as Endo skeletons, not too dissimilar to robots or animatronic’s.
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You asked how they could have come to life, eat, feel pain and the like if they were like robots, but they couldn’t explain. They simply said they were taught to read, given books about random things, and remained in a small building. Then one day, a spread of Candy was placed in from of them, not two candies being the same, and were told that the first candy they ate, would determine their shells.
Sun said he like the yellow and red candies, so he took them. Moon liked the darker colored and soft candies. Shortly after eating the picked-out candy, their shells grew and they gained the forms they have today.
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Sunny and Moon looked at the drops on their wrists, almost sadly. “We don’t know.” Moon said. “They just…formed on us without an identifying candy that we ate. It’s just as they’re marketed as. A Miracle candy.”
Sun blink at the loud chime that suddenly echoed overhead. “Oh, it’s almost time to open…” he blinked
“Oh! Thank you! I’ll just sneak away then and try to slip into the next tour crowd.” You tell them as you stand back up. “Can…can I come back sometime? Probably not for a couple days, but…soon?”
The two looked between each other, seeming to want each other’s opinion’s before any decision is made, but nothing was spoken outloud.
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You smiled at them warmly, glad that you hadn’t kept your original intentions from them. Telling them the trust seemed to have helped build their trust in you. “I don’t expect any. I just…want to be friends, if that’s okay.”
Sun stared at you and smiled at the thought. “That does sound nice, thank you crybaby.”
“Why do you call me crybaby? I haven’t cried in front of you.” You frowned.
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You kind of felt like you needed to be offended, but at the same time, it was kind of enduring that they compared your glasses to the only thing they seemed to know. Candy. An obscure vending machine candy but still.
And with that, you slipped into the darkness of the hallways and into the bathroom where you hid earlier in the night. Staying up the whole night was getting to you now, and you really needed to get home, but now you had to go through a whole tour again.
You stayed alert the best you could and heard a tour guide speaking, saying basically the same thing’s you’ve heard every time. You heard them and a crowd of people passing by, and you slipped into the crowd.
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Ice Mochi (my OC)
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Age: 11
Height: 130 cm (4'2)
Gender/sex: female
Parents: Marshmallow x Icy (Reaper x dust)
Favorite animal: bunny
Statut: single
AU by @star-sara
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vivistrawbii17 · 5 months
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Sleepytired, anyways
Man this portrait really shows how much I gone far with drawing him!!
-How the buisness started-
Part one: Stanley Cooper
Ever since as a child, he always felt the need to bring joy to the suffering, ever since he was very young, his father sent his family to America to save them from the invasion in the Philippines.
His mother always comforted him and his older sibling with sweet treats, and he observed that. Could Stanley do that as a living?
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ijustwannadrawcrap · 2 years
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Candy AU Minnie!
she’s kinda mean, which is very out of character. But, it’s my AU after all lol.
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caroldantops · 7 months
Natasha marching you in front of Pepper after you’ve fallen to Wanda’s tricks and Pepper is behind her desk and has her Serious Face on. But then she sighs and gets up and says, “I suppose this is my fault,” as she makes her way around the desk toward you. She grabs your jaw and gently squeezes until your mouth opens and says, “I just like my baby so dumb,” and she loves the way your eyes glaze when she gently strokes your tongue <3
hi this is gonna make me pass out ❤️
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cherrywoodaxe · 2 years
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prettyswellaus · 2 years
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Note: While I drew the design, the OC belongs to @cleffalover173
Dawn in the AU is a hairdresser at her mother's salon, she's really good at her job but no one likes having her do their hair because of how rude she is. She's also Eduardo's estranged cousin in this AU.
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