berrythefish · 8 months
tw: gore
Some drawings i was able to make since school is really taking my attention
Candyland AU by @/garbagechocolate
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newt-benjamin · 2 years
Behold some scarecrow LOZ art hehe, Some self ship, and then a LoOZ + Candyland Au I made, that I'd love to discuss anytime
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I love him, he's a sassy dork! I'm so happy others are finding him now, and the film and drawin fanart, it's been nice to see some new art! And so many art styles that make it even better oml
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dcandyland · 3 months
Welcome to Candyland!
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Sit down, stay a while. Come marvel at the magic of this wonderful candy kingdom!
Remember friends! Follow the rules, and enjoy yourselves! Don't forget to be respectful to the folks here, they don't like rude children!
Warning! This blog may contain themes that are disturbing to some. Possible themes include:
Abusive themes
Body Horror
Child death
Cursing and Swearing
Disturbing imagery
Mild gore
Obsessive behavior
Religious themes or imagery
Suggestive jokes and themes
Old Candyland archive blog -> @dca-candylandau-archive
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garbagechocolate · 6 months
Hello! I'm Garbage Chocolate, or Choco for short! Meet.. ME!
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Requests are currently CLOSED!
NO sexual things
That's it really I can't think of much else
Commissions CLOSED!!
DM for more information about the commissions <3
If you follow me and I follow you back, that is a offering of friendship please take it
Daycare Attendant
Candyland AU (DCA!CandylandAU)
- Candyland Blog
Only one AU
Truth Virus AU
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kazzykatt · 1 year
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more Sun and Moon for you to take :3c (part 1) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8) (part 9) (masterpost)
DCA!CandylandAU by @garbagechocolate  Death Game au by @kandidandi and @bbonkie  Fnaf Wall-E AU by @exlimix1a 
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demonkinguwu · 4 years
Question about your CandylandAU *wich is fantastic btw*: Regarding the children Prince Peppermint “rescues”, what exactly does he do with them?
Take care of them of course uwu
Be the loving parent he and his brother never had
He does treat them very well but gets upset when they claim he is not their father or attempt to escape to which he punishes them by sticking them in a cage hanging on his tree :)
He releases them after they apologize sincerely
They are children and they get scared by being in the cage hanging or seeing his chocolate form, so attempt to be on the best cheerful behavior with him.
Some children have been with him so long they actually believe he is their father. Others just accept there's no escape and try to make the best of their situation.
Only the stubborn and fortunate to come across red licorice strings escape
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newt-benjamin · 7 months
Hello! [points a water pistol at you] Tell us about the Candyland "AU". Now. /lh
i usually fear sending asks to blogs without an anon option but i had to risk it I GOTTA KNOW
OH. my. God! I forgot about that!!! I haven't went through my old art in awhile! thank you for reminding me! I MUST redraw. (And thank you for asking! /gen I'll try to look for the anon option so you don't feel spooked!!!!)
The candyland au! Basically I made it cause I was eating some hot tamales candy, was drawing my oz oc and thought, damn, if she were in the boardgame candyland she'd be a cinniman gummy candy...and then I thought, what about tinman? Scarecrow? And HUZZAH! twas born!!
I haven't necessarily figured out the entire idea of the au (Setting, plot or any of the sort!! I am definitely open to anyone's ideas or suggestions on it!!)
But my basic thought was, rainbow mover or hurricanes, you can get to oz if your fortunate enough right? But what if...When Addy is performing a spell, whilst enjoying some candy, hanging out with the boys (tin, scare, lion), and Her mind gets distracted mid-incantation, thinking 'hehe I wanna play candyland with the fellas later, beat them at it, maybe even joke about scarecrow being a damsel in distress lol.) It accidentally creates a portal, which creates a swirling magic with Laffy taffy ribbons, sprinkle sparkles and sugarmist, grabbing Addy, crow, lion, tin, and suck them in...
Into the world candyland, with Mr mint, and all the others are, and Addy sees she's made or candy, as are all the others. Which turns into a whole 'we have to cross the land (like they ate playing candyland) and meet all the characters along the way, to get to the end, and find a way to go home. Basically like the plot of the musical WOZ itself. maybe have Addy kick some ass like a antagonist, maybe the jester was in hiding and was trying to get back at crow and the others. Idk!
it was either that or some new force doesn't like Addys powerful (but reckless due to amateur witch) and wants to steals it by challenging her to a sick adventure of too many sweets, (and in the world of her favorite boardgame..)
But yeah!! If you have anymore questions, (suggestions, ideas( please don't hesitate to ask, Or hell, your welcome to DM me!!! thank you!!
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trepmoola-blog · 7 years
What Small Business Opportunities Does the Future Hold?
Written by: Candice - a freelance writer, jeweler, and digital marketing hybrid. You can learn more about her on her personal website or reach out to her on Twitter @candylandau.
The world is changing before our eyes
According to Pearson, in the 19th century, it took Britain 150 years to double its GDP per capita.
In the 20th century, it took the U.S. 50 years to do the same thing. And in the 21st century, it will take China and India just 15 years.
In a similar vein, where once it might have taken a few decades for a majority of the population to adopt something like the telephone or electricity, today adoption rates for consumer products like cellphones and the internet happen within five to 10 years.
Naturally, because the pace of technology adoption is speeding up, if you’re going to hold a competitive advantage in one of these areas, you’re going to need to be able to move fast and be able to meet demands as they increase.
Over the course of the next 20 years, the world’s middle class will increase from one billion to three billion, and become the most important economic and social sector in most countries. This means we should see a significantly higher demand for consumer goods and services. Small business opportunities, as well as bigger business opportunities, should abound. 
If you’re looking to be in business for the long haul, it can’t hurt to take these trends into account. How will they affect supply and demand? How will technology revolutionize our products and processes? What areas are ripe for disruption?
According to a report published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), some of the key demographic and socioeconomic drivers of change include:
Changing     work environments and flexible working arrangements
The rise of     the middle class in emerging markets
Climate     change, natural resource constraints, and the transition to a greener     economy
Rising     geopolitical volatility
New     consumer concerns about ethical and privacy issues
Longevity     and aging societies
Young     demographics in emerging markets
Women’s     rising aspirations and economic power
Rapid     urbanization
And, according to this same report, key technological drivers of change include:
Mobile     internet and cloud technology
Advances in     computing power and big data
New energy     supplies and technologies
The     “Internet of Things”
Crowdsourcing,     the sharing economy, and peer-to-peer platforms
Advanced     robotics and autonomous transport
Artificial     intelligence and machine learning
Advanced     manufacturing and 3D printing
Advanced     materials, biotechnology, and genomics
Consider how these changes will affect the industry you’re interested in, or what opportunities they might present.
For example, flexible working arrangements may well mean the rise of coworking spaces (either for individuals, or whole companies) and increased demand for space and power outlets in coffee shops. So, starting a cafe business or a coworking space might just be a great idea. Rapid urbanization also presents another good opportunity. With more people flocking to work in cities, the need for affordable housing will rise. This means real estate firms and construction companies are probably going to do well. It also means there are going to be big environmental risk factors. You could either specialize and become a “sustainable developer,” or become an environmental impact assessor. It might also be a great time to go into law, or to open a legal practice, perhaps specializing in compliance and commercial law.
The rise of and our dependence on smart objects, aka the “Internet of Things” (think smart thermostats, wearable fitness devices, and built-in sensors for just about everything) will not only unleash a huge amount of data about how we live, but will open up opportunities in semiconductor and software fields, as well as areas related to information privacy, security, and systems integration.
According to research by The McKinsey Institute, the “Internet of Things” has a potential economic impact of $4 trillion to $11 trillion come 2025. In this study, they map out some of the key areas where value may accrue. It’s worth looking into. 
Another great opportunity is represented by the rise of the sharing, or the collaborative economy business. Today, companies that operate within the collaborative economy model enjoy immense success and an ever-expanding user base. This has largely been enabled by the internet, which has in turn allowed for the creation of sites like AirBnB that allow anyone to list their apartment or home online and offer it up as a vacation rental, or of course that allow people to book a taxi from on app on their phone, wherever they are.
These companies and companies like them have already disrupted marketplaces (like the taxi industry, in the case of Uber and Lyft) and will continue to do so moving forward.
How business is conducted is changing, and if you’re not willing to adapt, you may be left behind.
Being future-oriented isn’t rocket science
Beyond hypothesizing about how the world will continue to change, there are many annually published reports you can turn to to find out what is actually changing now.
Each year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes a list of declining industries, many of which fall within the manufacturing sector. When you think about it, this is hardly a surprise given the affordability of having products manufactured overseas instead of on U.S. soil.
It also can’t hurt to keep an eye on the Bureau’s fastest growing and fastest declining occupations. This will give you a close-up on the bird’s eye view.
For example, one occupation in high demand—wind turbine service technicians—perfectly illustrates the growth of the engineering and alternative, clean energy sector.
Cross reference these lists with the list of declining industries, and you’ll rapidly start picking out the patterns.
Skills for the future
The U.K. government published a paper in July 2014 that compiled research findings from a number of U.K.-based research institutions. The paper, entitled The Labour Market Story: Skills for the Future, addressed those skills that will be in demand in 2022, including emerging skills and how these relate to jobs.
Naturally, any studies predicting what the future holds should be taken with a grain of salt. They are still predictions, and unseen market forces and technologies might just as well disrupt an industry seemingly on the rise.
That said, the findings show that employment share in the primary and utilities, and manufacturing sectors is projected to fall, while employment in construction, trade, and accommodation and transportation will grow most between 2012 and 2022.
If you’re keen on starting a construction business now, you may just reap the rewards later. However, if you’re thinking about setting up a manufacturing business, you might want to look into whether or not this is really a good small business opportunity for the long term.
Naturally, these statistics do not take into account those factors that could disrupt these predictions, so don’t be put off if you’ve got the drive and great ideas.
Findings from this same paper show occupations on the rise, including managers, professionals, associate professionals, caring, leisure, and other. Skills related to operating within these professions will also be on the rise.
In general, people with a broad range of “generic skills” will be highly prized. This includes skills related to problem solving, communication, teamwork, and information and communications technologies.
Even if you don’t plan to be working for someone else come 2022, it’s worth making sure you’ve got the skills to move your business into the future.
Many countries and independent institutions publish reports of a similar nature, either lists of skills that will become more important in the future, or the in-demand university degrees. Pay attention to these reports, as they are indicative of larger trends and needs in the marketplace.
At the end of 2014, The National Association of Colleges and Employers released data gathered from 260 companies and organizations. Based on the data, they were able to compile a comprehensive list of bachelors, masters and doctorate degrees in demand. The top three bachelors and masters degrees included finance, accounting, and computer science. The top doctorate degrees were all in the engineering and sciences fields.
  Posted by David Seagraves                                                            
Find “The Right Money” for Your Business
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