#Canon-setting fics at least provide some variety based on the characters season and arc(s) the author chooses
egopocalypse · 2 years
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12) Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Ooh, so there's this little (37k+) story called Gone Away--
In all seriousness though, I AM making progress on Gone Away and will hopefully (maybe) have the next chapter out in the next week or two. This chapter has been a pain for several reasons (to the point where I took about a month break from writing in general), but I finally made some good progress on it last night. The chapter itself is 7k already and has about a scene and a half left to go, so I hope it's worth the wait.
(However, the chapter after this one is what y'all should be excited for. This next chapter is merely the set-up for the fun we'll have after. ;) )
35) Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Oof, I'm not sure if this will come off as a complaint or just rambling, but I really do miss canon-setting fics. As fun as AUs are, it really feels like canon-setting fics have been overshadowed in this fandom, and while some of my favorite fics are AUs (Ouroboros, Ours Poetica, and Guided Evolution, to name a few), there is so much potential in canon-setting fics (whether they're adjacent, compliant, or divergent) that I personally feel isn't being utilized. With the amount of dropped/emerging plotlines, plot points/character-defining moments that could easily be so different if one singular choice was or wasn't made, and just how big and detailed the world and story of the DSMP is in general, canon is teeming with opportunities for fics and other creative projects to bloom in between the cracks. I mean--look at the two Disc War Finale fics I'm writing and the new idea I posted about just one or two asks ago! Look at all the possibilities for fix-it fics, rewrites, canon-divergent fics, codas, and more that have already been posted, and then see what else can be done! You could literally take a dart, throw it at a spinning wheel, and pick an arc that you could write about, and the options are endless.
I understand that a lot of people are concerned they won't get the characterization right and/or are worried that the fics they're reading won't have great characterization for their faves, but this is fanfiction! You're writing this for free! It doesn't need to be perfect, and with how large the cast is, there's no way to have in-depth knowledge about every single aspect of their characters. Hell, not when the CCs themselves know everything about everyone's stories! So take risks! Write about the characters you love within the world you grew to love them in! If it isn't perfect, so what??? My characterization certainly isn't perfect 100% of the time. But if you never try, you'll never learn, and you'll never grow as a writer. So challenge yourself--even if you never post it anywhere. Just write something within the canon universe. Who knows? Maybe you'll end up loving it and fall in love with the DSMP even more. You'll never know if you never try.
TL;DR: Please, I'm begging y'all, read and write more canon-setting fics. And tag me. I want to see them.
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