#Canty’s Bookstore
thescreamingwall · 10 months
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Decent haul of books from Canty’s this weekend
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rumor-imbris · 1 year
My Lady Connor!
Sono tornata, la Fatina Lunare!
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I got a question for you: if you could give Connor recommendations of your all-time favorite books, which books would you recommend to Connor because they are dear to you?
La Fatina Lunare Giulietta 🌙✨
Hello Sis! Sweetest moon fairy of mine, welcome back! I'm unforgivingly late in answering this ask, I'm so sorry ç_ç as you may know this is not the best of times for me since the year started, so sorry again, but now here are my choices.
These are books I would recommend not only to my beloved muse, but to everyone I care for. I must admit I'm not a great reader ^ ^' which is a shame for someone who wants to write, but those few things I read, they make a home inside of me, so I highly value them.
Some are in Italian but one can easily find translated/adapted versions online or in bookstores.
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The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, Beren and Luthien, etc... - J.R.R. Tolkien (ok, basically all of his novels, even though I think the dearest to me remains The Hobbit ★~(◡‿◡✿)
Storia di una Capinera - Giovanni Verga
Anne of Green Gables (Book I) - Lucy Maud Montgomery
Angels and Demons, Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
All the poetries collection of Edgar Allan Poe
All the poetries collection of Emily Dickinson
I Canti - Giacomo Leopardi
Vita D'Un Uomo - Giuseppe Ungaretti
The Trojan Women - Euripides
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
I hope that was useful for some good suggestions *-*
Tight hugs <3
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The teacher and the student
So far my visions of the poet have been soothing. I sensed that he was not in heaven, but I had always seen him serene, he had told me that he did not want to go elsewhere or change his condition.
He showed me two encounters of him with two people who had admired him during their lives. The first was a professor, the second a student. The meeting with the professor was fun, the books fell on the professor from a bookstore, because of the emotion. He searched for the volumes and placed them on a round table, asking detailed, though not particularly pedantic, questions to the poet.
When the poet told him that he was not particularly enthusiastic about his Canti, because some were not inspired - he made it clear that most of them were boring - the professor became confused and did not know what to answer, because he probably shared the same opinion as the poet, but did not consider it convenient to tell him.
To get him out of the way, and because it was the thing that mattered most to him, and above all because he loves to joke, the poet said to the professor: "Do you love me?" The professor replied, with a sudden, slight smile, with a residual embarrassment and with visible sincerity: "But… Of course, of course I love you."
This meeting was funny and exemplary, it did not leave me with a bitter taste in my mouth, as the second did.
The second meeting was with a student, a girl of twenty-five or twenty-seven, who died prematurely (but the poet does not want us to talk about death and to distinguish between the living and the dead). She had an oval face and half-long blond hair. She was uncertain, lanky, in the dim light room. Between her and the poet there was a rectangular table with sharp edges (not the round table of the previous meeting with the professor).
This girl said, speechlessly, that she had read, studied, loved him so much, and that he had been her companion for many evenings and days, because she herself, like him, had a melancholic and languishing temperament, probably due to an illness. "I loved you," he said, and not "I love you." She had approached him as a relic. In this mood filled with pathetic affection, but not with decisive love, she raised her left hand to caress one side of the forehead of the poet.
I thought, during the vision, that I was experiencing an unpleasant feeling because of jealousy. Actually, looking better inside myself, I realized that the cause of my feeling was the subtle disappointment of the girl in front of the poet. She was disappointed both by the poet's appearance and by herself. She couldn't get over her lack of attraction to him. Therefore, although intellectually loving him, she could not manifest her love for him with physical closeness. In fact, she had managed to give him only that stunted caress, a touch rather than a real contact.
During the vision, I stood on one side of the table and I could not interfere with the vision itself, I witnessed, I felt emotions, but I could not act. Instinctively I told the poet that I wanted to interrupt the vision, which in fact was interrupted immediately after the caress of that girl to him. He told me that during his subsequent meetings with other admirers, I could hold his hand. I was about to cry burning tears of jealousy. He wanted to reinforce this interpretation of my tears, going on to say that, the next few times, I could cling to him.
He said it with a certain cheerful pride, which immediately revived me. In fact, I am very happy to give him confidence in himself and to see his pride in being loved by me grow. "You can hold your hands on me next time, so anyone will know that I'm your property." "How will you introduce me?" "Like my woman." "I wish we kept some mystery." "I would also like to do it, but your feeling for me is seen entirely, it cannot be hidden." "It's better this way, basically that's what I want."
If that girl had embraced him with enthusiasm and full love, I probably would not have felt a drop of that bitterness in my mouth.
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tachyonpub · 5 years
Happy birthday to our fearless leader, the visionary Jacob Weisman
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Photo: Renee Babcock
Writer, editor, and publisher Jacob Weisman founded Tachyon Publications in 1995. Originally the goal was to bring back the old masters who were out of print, as evident by Clifford Simak and Mary Shelley collections and novels by Stanley Weinbaum and Robert Nathan. Tachyon published 2-3 titles a year and only sold to specialty bookstores. In 2003, Weisman decided to “start the company over from scratch.” He wisely hired Managing Editor Jill Roberts, secured distribution that brought Tachyon books to mainstream bookstores, and expanded the line to 8-10 books a year. The Tachyon titles have won Nebula, Hugo, World Fantasy, Shirley Jackson, Theodore Sturgeon, John W. Campbell, Neukom Institute Literary Arts, Mythopoeic, and Locus awards. Weisman, himself, garnered World Fantasy Award nominations in 1999, 2009, 2010 and winning the 2018 Best Anthology Award for THE NEW VOICES IN FANTASY (with Peter S. Beagle).
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While Weisman oversees all of Tachyon books, he was directly responsible for several anthologies including THE TREASURY OF THE FANTASTIC (with David Sandner; originally published by Frog, Ltd), THE SWORD & SORCERY ANTHOLOGY (with David Hartwell), INVADERS: 22 TALES FROM THE OUTER LIMITS OF LITERATURE, the above mentioned THE NEW VOICES IN FANTASY, and forthcoming THE UNICORN ANTHOLOGY (with Beagle).
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Prior to Tachyon, Weisman edited and published 14 issues of the quarterly fantasy magazine The Thirteenth Moon and worked for the Seattle SuperSonics. His writings have appeared in The Nation, Realms of Fantasy, The Louisville Courier-Journal, The Seattle Weekly, The Cooper Point Journal, Field of Fantasies, and in the college textbook, Sport in Contemporary Society.
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Everyone at Tachyon wishes the extraordinary Jacob a happy birthday. And not just because we’re told to.
For info on THE TREASURY OF THE FANTASTIC, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art and design by Thomas Canty
For more info on THE SWORD & SORCERY ANTHOLOGY, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Jean-Sebastien Rossbach
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more info on INVADERS: 22 TALES FROM THE OUTER LIMITS OF LITERATURE, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Goro Fujita
Design by Elizabeth Story
For more info about THE NEW VOICES OF FANTASY, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover art by Camille André
Cover design by Elizabeth Story
For more info about THE UNICORN ANTHOLOGY, visit the Tachyon page.
Cover by Thomas Canty
Design by Elizabeth Story
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spinebookstore · 3 years
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~new Else Edizioni / Orecchio Acerbo Editore Dopo il post di ieri sulla solita e continuativa bellezza delle produzioni @else.edizioni, un nuovo piccolo gioiello che lo va a confermare, sempre frutto dell'unione artistica di un grande scrittore e in questo caso di una splendida illustratrice. "L'invenzione dell'amore" (A invenção do amor), ora disponibile in libreria nell'edizione di Else Edizioni e @orecchioacerbo, stampata in #serigrafia in tiratura limitata di 500 copie, è il poema di #amore e #liberazione ambientato in una città soffocata da un regime totalitario, scritto dal poeta capoverdiano #DanielFilipe nel 1961 durante la dittatura fascista di Salazar. Per la prima volta tradotto in italiano dalle registe Alice Rohrwacher e Luciana Fina e magnificamente illustrato da MARA CERRI @maracerri_mc, "L’invenzione dell’amore" continua a emozionarci e a parlarci di un contagio inverso, quello di un amore “subitamente imperativo”, congiungendo così tempi e luoghi distanti e raccontando un’epidemia inversa a quella in cui ci troviamo, un’epidemia di amore e di speranza, di fiducia e di rinnovata alleanza tra gli uomini. Le parole di Daniel Filipe, a dispetto della censura, diventeranno uno dei canti della rivoluzione che il 25 aprile 1974 porterà alla liberazione portoghese. https://www.elsedizioni.com/it/shop/catalogo/product/236-invenzione-dell-amore-daniel-filipe-mara-cerri 🛒Ora subito disponibile a Spine, puoi anche prenotare la tua copia scrivendoci in chat o su www.spinebookstore.it #spinebookstore #elseedizioni #maracerri #danielfelipe #linvenzionedellamore #serigrafia #edizionelimitata #spinebookstore #Spine #Bari #Puglia #Italia #libri #fumetti #autoproduzioni #smallpress #albiillustrati #microproduzioni #editoria #edizioni #italiane #estere #stampe #graphicnovel #illustrazione #arte #poster (presso SPINE Bookstore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVSVzIQg1Cw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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...poesia pura e ricerca del bello...Potrei paragonare Baudelaire a una canzone...una di quelle che vorresti riascoltare all'infinito...che non ti stancano mai e che ti fanno innamorare un po' di più ogni volta che le senti...Una di quelle di cui scopri qualcosa di nuovo ad ogni ascolto, una nota di cui non ti eri accorto, una frase sussurrata che non avevi sentito...Baudelaire è la mia canzone preferita... (Un mondo in una capigliatura) " Lasciami respirare a lungo, a lungo, l'odore dei tuoi capelli! Lascia che c'immerga tutto il viso, come un uomo assetato nell'acqua di una sorgente! Lascia che li agiti con la mia mano come un fazzoletto profumato per diffondere ricordi nell'aria! Sapessi quel che vedo! Quel che sento! Quel che odo nei tuoi capelli! La mia anima viaggia sul profumo come l'anima di altri uomini sulla musica. I tuoi capelli contengono tutto un sogno, pieno di alberi e di vele; contengono grandi mari i cui monsoni mi portano verso climi incantevoli, in uno spazio più azzurro e più profondo, in un'atmosfera profumata dai frutti, dalle foglie e dalla pelle umana. Nell'oceano della tua capigliatura intravedo un porto brulicante di canti malinconici, di vigorosi uomini d'ogni nazione e di navi d'ogni forma con le loro sagome fini e complicate che si stagliano su un cielo immenso dove si distende il calore eterno. Nelle carezze della tua capigliatura ritrovo i languori di lunghe ore trascorse su un divano, nella cabina di un bel bastimento, cullati dall'impercettibile rullio del porto, tra i vasi di fiori e le anfore rinfrescanti. Nell'ardente focolare della tua capigliatura, respiro l'odore del tabacco misto all'oppio e allo zucchero; nella notte della tua capigliatura vedo splendere l'infinito dell'azzurro tropicale; sugli orli vellutati della tua capigliatura m'inebrio degli odori combinati di muschio, catrame e olio di cocco. Lasciami mordere a lungo le tue pesanti trecce nere. Quando mordicchio i tuoi capelli elastici e ribelli, mi sembra di mangiar ricordi... #libridisecondamano#ravenna #bookstagram #booklovers #bookstore #instabook #igersravenna ##ig_books #libri #instaravenna #consiglidilettura #charlesbaudelaire (presso Libreria Scattisparsi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUy6Ic-IcOw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bibliofilia · 6 years
Mocha, Jasmine Tea, Old English, Iced Lemon Tea, Iced Coffee, Italian Soda
Mocha : Dream Job?
University professor, teaching about my favorite authors and discussing stuff I’m passionate about.
Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Scotland, as of right now. I’m just attracted to the culture, nature... Australia or New Zealand would also be cool as heck.
Old English : You’re stranded on an island, who do you bring with you?
My three best friends. :)
Iced Coffee : Do you like reading? If so, what’s your favorite book?
Reading is pretty much my job lol I study Humanities, Modern Literature and Philology to be exact. My favorite book... In terms of prose, it’s a mighty hard choice. In terms of poetry, Giacomo Leopardi’s “Canti”, 1835.
Italian Soda : Describe your dream dateDamn, hardest question ever.
Uhm... I honestly don’t know. I’ve never really been on a date... Except at restaurants, which really sucks as far as dates go. I don’t know. It depends how comfortable I am with the other person. A walk in the park during a beautiful sunset? Having a beer while sitting on the edge of a river? Going to a bookstore? I don’t even know, to be honest. Like I said, I’ve never really been on a date.
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mujipanda · 7 years
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Nat King Cole – Te Quiero Dijiste #vsco #vscocam #canberra #books #bookstore #cantys #australia (at Canty's Bookshop)
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spinebookstore · 4 years
Le canzoni di Natale con Lorenzo Tozzi. A Bari laboratorio musicale con l’autore
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Leggere Coccole e SPINE Bookstore presentano: LE CANZONI DI NATALE con Lorenzo Tozzi Un pomeriggio pieno di gioia, canti, letture e musica per immergerci nello spirito del Natale con un ospite d'eccezione. Aspettiamo tutti i bimbi dai 3 ai 7 anni dei età nell'area social di Officina degli Esordi in Via Crispi 5, a Bari per cantare insieme a uno degli autori e musicisti più amati dai bambini e non solo.
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Per info e prenotazioni: [email protected] / [email protected] LORENZO TOZZI Ha pubblicato tantissimi libri per bambini, musicando e cantando testi propri e scritti in collaborazione con altri autori. Le sue canzoni sono conosciute e richiestissime in Italia e pubblicate anche negli Stati Uniti. Conduttore su Rai Radio Kids del programma quotidiano Come nasce una canzone?, è autore di sigle televisive e cortometraggi sociali. È stato finalista alla 61a edizione dello Zecchino d’Oro con il brano Me la faccio sotto, che potete ascoltare qui: https://youtu.be/MEEZYjD7xsc Scopri di più su Lorenzo Tozzi
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spinebookstore · 4 years
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@leggerecoccole e @spinebookstore presentano: "LE CANZONI DI NATALE" con Lorenzo Tozzi #lorenzotozzi Un pomeriggio pieno di gioia, canti, letture e musica per immergerci nello spirito del Natale con un ospite d'eccezione. Aspettiamo tutti i bimbi dai 3 ai 7 anni dei età nell'area social di @officina.degli.esordi in Via Crispi 5, a Bari per cantare insieme a uno degli autori e musicisti più amati dai bambini e non solo. Per info e prenotazioni: [email protected] / [email protected] 👁️‍🗨️ LORENZO TOZZI Ha pubblicato tantissimi libri per bambini, musicando e cantando testi propri e scritti in collaborazione con altri autori. Le sue canzoni sono conosciute e richiestissime in Italia e pubblicate anche negli Stati Uniti. Conduttore su Rai Radio Kids del programma quotidiano "Come nasce una canzone?" , è autore di sigle televisive e cortometraggi sociali. È stato finalista alla 61a edizione dello Zecchino d’Oro con il brano Me la faccio sotto, che potete ascoltare qui: https://youtu.be/MEEZYjD7xsc . . #spinebookstore #kids #leggerecoccole #spettacolo #young #ragazzi #canzoni #Natale (presso SPINE Bookstore) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5pzXLNq4iz/?igshid=12qc9swhyteru
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Fu nell'inverno del 1619, quando restò isolato in una cittadina della Germania meridionale sommersa dalla neve, che Cartesio iniziò a filosofare. Da questo episodio prende lo spunto Durs Grünbein per narrare, in quarantadue canti e duemila versi, la nascita del razionalismo e con esso della condizione umana moderna. Alla sfera intellettuale si affiancano la natura, con quell'infinita "bianca magnificenza" del paesaggio che sembra fermare il tempo, la storia (il filosofo sperimentò di persona le tragedie della Guerra dei trent'anni) e infine la viva presenza carnale dell'uomo Cartesio. Il poema si conclude nel 1649, in un altro gelido inverno, a Stoccolma, dove il filosofo ormai stanco e malato era giunto su invito della regina Cristina..... #libridisecondamano #ravenna #bookstagram #booklovers #bookstore #instabook #igersravenna #instaravenna #ig_books #libriusati #dursgrünbein (presso Libreria Scattisparsi) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnsXJz7F8w4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12latlx7bdpwr
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