Quando al comando c'è un ignorante, ci sarà sempre un Caporetto
Cit. Rappresentazione teatrale alpini- nessuno rimane indietro
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giuseppearagno · 13 days
Una componente della barbarie: l’astensionismo
L’UE, così come l’ha voluta il neoliberismo, è l’origine di un disastro e potrebbe essere anche il responsabile di un esito catastrofico della gravissima crisi di valori che attraversiamo più o meno impotenti.Per quello che può valere la mia opinione, ero e resto convinto di ciò che in tanti riconoscevamo: tra socialismo e barbarie non esiste una terza via.È accaduto, ci siamo arrivati: il…
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sanzameta · 3 months
Quando la poesia racconta la guerra
La disfatta di Caporetto è in Kobarid – Il silenzio degli ultimi, il lavoro di Gioele Rossi e Alberto Camanni , il pretesto per raccontare la guerra, ogni guerra Lo spettacolo prende le mosse dal libro “Caporetto” di Alessandro Barbero che raccontale vicende che portarono alla disfatta italiana nell’ottobre-novembre 1917, e dalla lettura delle lettere nelle quali i soldati raccontano la vita di…
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tonisemitoni · 5 months
Il Tempo e le Anime - Parte prima
Di Quirico e Steria, i miei nonni paterni, non conosco tanto di più dei loro nomi dal sentore di un edificio vetusto, dismesso, ricoperto di licheni e muschi a cui si abbarbica una vecchia edera che, via via, ne ammalora le condizioni. Immagino ragionevolmente che vennero al mondo intorno al 1870, anno della Breccia di Porta Pia con cui fu decretata la fine dello Stato Pontificio e la…
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
Isonzo free game expansion is out now with new content
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Caporetto game expansion out now free for WW1 FPS Isonzo on Linux and Windows PC. Which is the work and creative from developers M2H and BlackMill Games. Available now on both Steam and Humble Store. A massive free expansion launches for WW1 FPS Isonzo. It features a new German Empire faction with 10+ new weapons. Also the first of what will ultimately be three maps set during the historic Battle of Caporetto. Extra visual customization options for the German troops are available in a paid ‘Royal Units’ DLC, and more for Linux and Windows PC. New faction, new map… with more to come! The full complement of Isonzo classes is available in the new German Empire faction. Including the Mountaineer, with uniforms, weapons, and equipment based on historical research. All due to authentically recreate the German army as it was on the Italian Front. They’re a fully fledged fighting force including of the previously reveal for Stoßtrupp and the Rifleman. Among others who are also ready to take the fight to the Italian defenders of Monte Kolovrat. The first of three maps to be coming as part of the Battle of Caporetto Offensive. Isonzo’s Offensive game mode sees players fight through multiple different maps. Due to find out who wins or loses the overall Offensive. The first map in the Caporetto Offensive is a hillside assault in rainy autumn weather. One where the German army must advance through the ruins of a heavily shelled town. Then capture multiple trench lines dug into steep slopes. Since their ultimate objective is the peak of Hill 111. It won’t be an easy fight for either side!
Isonzo - Free Caporetto Expansion
The Battle of Caporetto (also known as the Twelfth Battle of the Isonzo) was a major defeat for the Kingdom of Italy. Since German and Austro Hungarian soldiers broke through Italian lines and forced them to retreat. Also, a large enough disaster to bring down the Italian government. And as a result, force the replacement of Italy’s top general! Cosmetic ‘Royal Units’ DLC and Prestige Mode The Royal Units Pack is a paid DLC ($9.99 USD / £8.50 / 9,99€) on Steam. Which will offer players more visual customization options for the German faction. Doing so by brining in vivid uniforms of 2 major states within the German Empire. Both the Kingdoms of Bavaria and Württemberg. The DLC includes new uniforms for all classes. Plus a special officer uniform, making a total of 13. Both the Württemberg and Bavarian troops come with unique headgear. The pack also contains 5 facial hair styles and 4 facial items. All of which can be used for any faction in the game. Also featured in this Caporetto game expansion update will be an expanded class XP level cap. As well as prestige mode for the most elite players to show off their dedication! If you don't own Isonzo it's discounted on Steam. Priced at $23.99 USD / £19.99 / 23,99€, including the 20% discount. Available at regular price on Humble Store. Along with support for Linux and Windows PC. But also Steam Deck playable.
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stefanomorandini · 1 year
La linea Cadorna a Campolongo al Torre
La linea Cadorna a Campolongo al Torre
Nelle campagne tra Campolongo (ora Tapogliano-Campolongo) e il torrente Torre videro crescere una poderosa linea di trincee in cemento armato, con postazione per fuciliera e mitragliatrici: la linea “Cadorna”, che doveva servire, continuando lungo tutta la riva destra del Torre, a bloccare un eventuale sfondamento austriaco del fronte carsico durante la Grande Guerra. Molte di tali trincee…
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pazzoincasamatta · 2 years
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Generale Angelo Gatti -  (Capua, 9 gennaio 1875 – Milano, 19 giugno 1948)
GeneraliControstoria dei vertici militari che fecero e disfecero l'Italia Di Domenico Quirico · 2017
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Austrian trench raiders during the Caporetto Offensive, 1917
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omarfor-orchestra · 3 months
Ah così. E io che ho avuto la domanda di storia dal presidente di commissione che devo dire
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ciceroballtorture · 9 months
the devil keeps whispering in my ear but thats bc im hotter than all those other hoes at the sacrament. im not delusional
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unefemmedamnee · 2 months
the sopranos in ww1:
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italianiinguerra · 3 months
Notte sull'11 febbraio 1918, la "beffa di Buccari"
Siamo nel 1918 quarto anno di guerra, terzo per quanto riguarda l’Italia e il nostro paese pochi mesi prima aveva subito quella che ancora oggi è stata la peggiore sconfitta per le nostre armi nella battaglia di Caporetto. Il fatto aveva avuto un impatto pesantissimo sulla strategia e il morale delle truppe, era necessario a quel punto non solo una vera e propria vittoria militare ma un impresa…
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er1chartmann · 1 month
Erwin Rommel during WW1
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These are some facts and curiosities about Erwin Rommel during WW1:
When the First World War broke out, Rommel was employed on the Western Front in the offensive led by the German army against the joint French and British armies.
Rommel earned his first decoration on 24 September 1914, when he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class following an individual attack on five French soldiers in a forest near Varennes.
He was awarded the highest German military honour, the Order Pour le Mérite, which he received for the leadership skills demonstrated, with the rank of lieutenant, on the Italian front especially during the Battle of Caporetto in autumn 1917.
He  was promoted to the rank of captain in January 1918.
For a time, Rommel served in the same infantry regiment as Friedrich Paulus, who, like Rommel, rose to the rank of Field Marshal during World War II.
He was wounded three times during the war
Wikipedia: Erwin Rommel
Military Wiki: Erwin Rommel
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
Isonzo second update coming for the game
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Caporetto expansion second update has a release date for Isonzo the WW1 FPS game on Linux and Windows PC. This is the result, once again, to the commitment of M2H and BlackMill Games. The game is available on Steam and Humble Store with 85% Very Positive reviews. WW1 FPS Isonzo will receive its second update, the Caporetto expansion, on February 28th. Soldiers on Linux and Windows PC can expect various new weapons. As well as the second of three new Offensive maps based on the Twelfth Battle of Isonzo. This time, they must conquer not just their enemies but also the river Piave. Doing so in order to secure victory. Just like the first part of the Caporetto expansion, the Piave update will be free for all Isonzo players. As revealed in the roadmap, this will be the second update of many to be released on Steam.
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Caporetto expansion
With this next free update, players must face the river Piave. Doing in the second of three new Offensive maps coming to Isonzo in the Caporetto expansion. Battling their Italian enemies on the dangerous hillsides by the river banks. Now the German soldiers must survive the treacherous nooks and crannies of Caporetto. All while they attempt to overcome the challenge of the Piave with all their might.
Isonzo - Piave Map Teaser
The Caporetto expansion follows the history books, after the Italian defeat at Caporetto (October 24, 1917), they retreated to the Tagliamento line. At the same time, Boselli resigned as the prime minister of Italy and a new cabinet was formed. They met with the British and French prime ministers and decided to replace Luigi Cadorna with Armando Diaz. Doing so as the new Italian chief of staff. The king supported his new chief in a plan to stand firm on the Piave river. Due to prevent Venice from falling into enemy hands. Now it is time for players to pave the way to victory in the Caporetto expansion. By either attempting to build a bridge across the Piave or by preventing their enemies from doing just that. Either way, both sides will have a fierce battle waiting for them! The update will also be adding two new weapons to even the odds: the Mauser M1914 and the Beretta Modello 1917. As the Caporetto expansion gears up for the Isonzo release. You can WW1 FPS game is priced at $29.99 USD / £24.99 / 29,99€. Available on Linux and Windows PC via Steam and Humble Store . Which is also Steam Deck playable.
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to-end-all-wars · 6 months
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Okay so I left this a bit late but because I'm in NZ i didn't want to be wildly early and then procrastinated a bit, some of you who I know from TTrpg will have seen this image already but it is my favourite homecoming photo from the end of the war, a father and son celebrating as they ride together through their town, decorated for Christmas.
I imagine many other blogs similar to mine will have made posts lamenting the dead today, and while I share their respect for those who passed, I will be doing something slightly different.
I think that it is just as important to remember those that lived, those who returned to shattered countries, to families ruined by famine and disease, those who left a piece of themselves at the front, figuratively and literally.
Heres to honouring those that came home changed forever, those that never had a good night's sleep again, those that buried their friends at Verdun, the Somme, Passchendaele, Gallipoli, Caporetto, Galicia and Tannenburg.
Those who returned to countries that treated them as second class citizens, those who returned home to find the war still going in their little slice of the world, the ones who were lied to, the last ones left and the ones who wished they'd never come home at all.
We need not forget the ones who survived hell and were left to endure its memory to the end of their days.
I love you all, and though we'll never meet, you have my heart forever and always.
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bicheco · 2 months
Chi non muore si rivede
La notizia non è che Putin ha vinto le elezioni dopo un testa a testa mozzafiato con se stesso. Ma che l’autocrate è ancora vivo, è saldo al comando, ha più consensi di quando invase l’Ucraina, la Russia esiste ancora, i russi sono contenti per la guerra e l’economia (il sondaggista indipendente Volkov a Repubblica: “I russi stanno col leader per l’economia e per Kiev. Un ruolo importante lo hanno giocato anche l’aumento di salari, pensioni e benefit sociali”). Che strano. Le famose sanzioni non hanno mandato Mosca “in default entro qualche giorno” (Letta, 9.3.’22), né avuto “il massimo impatto in estate” (Draghi, 31.5.’22), né sortito “effetti devastanti” (Gentiloni, 4.6.’22). Eppure gli espertoni erano unanimi. Mario Deaglio: “Il rublo non vale più nulla”. Dario Fabbri: “Comunque vada, il fallimento della Russia è già evidente”. Rep: “Il default russo è a un passo”. Stampa: “Per la Russia è default”. Giornale: “Mosca è in default (ma solo tra un mese)”. La sua “Armata Rotta” che “combatte con pale del 1869” e “le dita al posto delle baionette”, ha “finito i russi”, “le divise”, “le munizioni”, ”i missili” ed estrae “i chip per i carri armati da lavatrici, frigoriferi e addirittura tiralatte elettrici”, passava da una disfatta a una ritirata. E l’Invincibile Armata Kiev-Nato trionfava. Rampini: “È iniziata la disfatta militare russa”. Tocci: “Putin ha perso la guerra”. Ferrara: “Kiev le sta dando di santa ragione al colosso russo”. Riotta: “Putin sconvolto dalla Caporetto dell’esercito”. Molinari: “Putin isolato in un vicolo cieco”. Sempreché fosse ancora vivo. Il dissidente Khodorkovsky alla Cnn: “Putin è impazzito, gli resta un anno o forse tre”. Recalcati (Rep): “Malato? Sofferente? Intaccato dalla morte”. New Lines: “Ha un tumore del sangue”. Daily Telegraph: “Sta morendo di cancro all’intestino”. Proekt, giornale indipendente russo: “Ha un tumore alla tiroide e lo cura facendo il bagno nel sangue estratto da corna mozzate di cervo”. Libero: “Cura il cancro con i clisteri”. Rep: “Il gonfiore del viso, il problema a una gamba, la fatica a muovere un braccio”. Messaggero: “Gonfiore e scatti d’ira da farmaci e steroidi per il tumore”. Stampa: “Demenza senile o Parkinson”. Corriere: “Problemi alla colonna vertebrale per pregressi traumi sportivi, o una neoplasia al midollo spinale compatibile con difficoltà deambulatorie e irrequietezze posturali… down depressivo ed esaltazione maniacale”. Giornale: “Può anche essere diabete”. Messaggero: “Putin è morto? Per Zelensky, ‘non è sicuro che sia ancora vivo’. Quello sugli schermi potrebbe essere una controfigura”. Ora che la cara salma ha rivinto le elezioni con una discreta cera, sorge un dubbio atroce: uno scambio di cartelle cliniche fra la sua e quella di Biden.
Marco Travaglio
P.s. La particolarità di Travaglio è che lui conserva gli articoli dei colleghi e questo rappresenta un problema (per i colleghi). Detto ciò sarebbe confortante, di quando in quando, leggere un articolo in cui un qualunque "giornalista" rendesse conto delle proprie affermazioni, sul tipo: "Signori, ho scritto una cazzata, scusate".
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