tempest-tides-game · 4 years
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🌈 The world is a better place because you are in it! 🌈
Happy PRIDE Month
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
how would the LIs react to being confronted with an irrational fear of MC's? like if MC had a phobia of heights or claustrophobia, and found themselves somewhere high up or in an enclosed space.
Validate MC. “Fears are not irrational. They are there for a reason. No need to explain yourself to me.”
🌿 Datura, Zenaida, Asante
Be open and share their own “silly” fear with MC. “Everyone is afraid of something. Even the bravest among us who may not show it...”
🍃 Anri, Tiare, Kiernan, Oliver
Offer to help MC face their fear and talk them through it. “You are braver than you think. Take my hand. I am right here beside you.”
🌱 Deneb, Riad, Clo, Mateo
Calm the panic by quieting MC’s mind. “Listen to me. Listen! Close your eyes. Count in your mind. Slow deep inhale. Hold. 1, 2, 3 Slow exhale. 1, 2, 3 Breathe... Now get out of my kitchen.”
🌵 Bao
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
How does one choose between Deneb and Datura??? On one hand, Sweet, Happy Bab. On the other, Tall, dark and sexy.
My fortune cookie says, “Balance is the key to life.” But the tummy says, “Have your cake and eat it, too.” The heart says, “It wants what it wants.” &The mind says, “Willpower alone will make you a master at juggling.” I say, “Sammich and have the best of both worlds~” 🌚🌝
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Dips both Deneb and Oliver to give them a smooch 😘 😘 before walking of and resuming chores.
😳 Ollie would be so flustered by this that he wouldn’t be able to focus on his work for the rest of the day. Oliver’s mind is buzzing with thoughts of MC. His heart is racing! “Am I dying? I should go see Asante.” Oh my, Nonny~ It’s a possibility this unexpected smooch may have taken the entire crew off course from their next venture. Hopefully he comes to before Mateo finds out.
😍 Deneb is smitten! They’ve never been dipped before and the dramatic nature of this move has them whirling. Deneb will be talking about this for the rest of the day to everyone. They’ve cornered everyone at least once with their gushing. Luckily, Mateo has learned to block out Deneb’s voice at will. &Bao has stuck solidified candle wax in his ears to drown out the joyful wails of his nonsensical Captain.
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Deneb~ Happy Birthday to the most beautiful human! ❤❤❤ Can't wait to romance you and shower you with love, adoration and SPICE. 😏
Deneb is OVERWHELMED by all of the love they’ve received today! 💋❤️💋❤️💋
-The kiddos drew them some pics to hang in their quarters (no pranks today)
-Mateo allowed them one request that would not get a “No” (within reason, of course)
-Asante gave them a protection charm that he purchased on his last visit home
-Datura gifted them a beautiful book with pressed flowers within its pages. (plenty of pages available to add on their own as they travel)
-Anri & Clawdette gifted them a pearl (that she stole from Deneb’s quarters)
-Kiernan & Riad brought (stole) a barrel of the Captain's favorite sweet wine. “Let’s get the party started!”
-Bao didn’t wish ill upon Deneb today
🎉 Happy Birthday, Captain! 🎉
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
I don’t think it’s possible to have a mute/deaf MC, but if there is one who is and signs, would any of the love interests be interested in learning sign language to better communicate with them, especially when they become more romantically involved?
Your MC would be covered on either crew. 💜
On the Vashani, Captain Deneb has picked up sign language on their travels. They have always been eager to learn as much as they can. Deneb is so good-natured that it isn’t hard to find someone willing to teach them new things they take an interest in. Deneb would be happy to continue their lessons with MC.
On La Corazon, your MC would find a quick friend in Tiare. She is the translator on board and has learned many languages to assist the crew during their travels. Sign language is not one that she gets to converse in often. Tiare would be happy to have the opportunity to sharpen her skills with someone who is more knowledgeable.
As for the rest of the LIs... They may not know how to sign with MC in the beginning but they are willing to pick it up. Learning how to communicate will deepen their relationship and our LIs are all for that.
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Mateo, do you ever say YES to Deneb? 😂 Everytime I turn around you're saying 'No.' Is there any request from them you'd say 'Yes' to? 🤔💚
He does say “yes” to them, too. Just not to things he thinks are inappropriate or ridiculous. If Deneb asks for Mateo to help them decide their next path, he will give input. If Deneb asks Mateo to bottle feed a seagull they’ve found (onboard), then he will say “no.” I’ve just shared more of the silly things that get a “no.” Deneb is the Captain, after all... which means they do give orders on the running of the ship, crew, and their mapped out journeys. Mateo makes sure the things Captain Deneb orders get done in a timely manner.
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Can I stole Deneb?!?!???!? PLEASE???????? IF I CAN'T I WILL DRAMA MY WAY TO ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Bao: YES.Yes.You.Can.
Deneb: Where am I going? 😃❤️
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
In the spirit of the day, I offer the darling Captain a kiss 😘
“A priceless gift from my sweet dove.” ✨❤️🌊~Deneb
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Welp it's Deneb lovin hours....Time to write a 20 page poem about all the things I love about them that I'll read aloud because I am GAY. No the crew May Not skip out on this, because I will throw myself overboard and it'll be a tough time pulling me out of the ocean because I am DRAMATIC and Gay, now open ur booklets to page one. Their eyes-
We eagerly await your piece, Nonny~ May we suggest at sunset when dinner is about to be served? 😉✨💞 Full mouths (to stifle any objections) and open ears make it the perfect time for your dramatic delivery~
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Omggggg it's Deneb's birthday? Is this an excuse to smother them with kisses because YES
They welcome all of the *extra* smooches today~ ✨❤️💋🥰
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Ah, why Deneb so beautiful on this art.... And this long hair just hit my weak spot... Okay, I surrender, Deneb my number one, that was the last straw, I am in love
Deneb is truly enchanting and was made with so much love. ❤️ We love hearing they have taken your #1 spot! Captain is definitely a team favorite~
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
i’ve been wondering, can deneb make the first move when it comes to love or are they so ditzy that they wouldn’t think to?
They can. It will just be very Deneb™️. The Captain is capable of deep thinking despite their quirky moments. MC will never be bored. Deneb is full of surprises. 💜
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
I Love Zenaida...b-but I Love Deneb?? How can I choose between 2 captains! Okay new plan: In the morning I spend my time gazing in love and adoration with one captain, and at night, change uniforms and spend my time gazing in love and adoration with another captain over dinner. Neither will know i love them, and if the night shift asks why I'm climbing onto the ship, I panic and say I'm a vigilante
Hello, Vigilante Nonny!
The Captains are a lovely balance to one another despite being rivals. I can see how they could steal your heart away. But... wooowwwww! That is a lot of work! I wonder how things would go down if your rendezvous were discovered~ 😉✨
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Deneb is baby, I’m sorry but I don’t make the rules. 🤷‍♀️
75% of the crew agrees
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