tempest-tides-game · 4 years
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🌈 The world is a better place because you are in it! 🌈
Happy PRIDE Month
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saintprivateer · 5 years
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I have a man!
My stowaway for the upcoming @tempest-tides-game !! His name is Alesias and he’s got a live beetle in his pocket at all times
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pixelbae-official · 5 years
Hello PixelBae Peeps!
We appreciate you! &We wanted to take some time to introduce the people behind our PixelBaeOfficial & Tempest Tides team! Our crew took some time to answer some questions we thought would be fun to share with you all. Meet Cinna, Tamara, Jane, & Juniper! Can you relate to any of the team? :)
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
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Your voices have been heard loud and clear!
It’s time greet your TOP 3!
Coming in at # 1....
🖤🔥 DATURA 🔥🖤
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tempest-tides-game · 4 years
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❤️ The Soulmates ❤️
Our artist has made a FREE coloring page just for you❣️This week it features our favorite wives, Iolanthe and Nisha~ 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💗
*Clickity Click* the links below for your free coloring page! Enjoy!
Transparent PNG file
PSD file
💞 Be sure to tag us in your colorful piece! We’d love to see your take on these two love birds! 💞
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
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☀️ I know what that look means.☀️
Sanaa: Asante, who is the person the children are playing with? I didn’t know Deneb was taking on new crew members.
Asante: Haha! Well... that would be our stowaway.
Sanaa: Stowaway? Wha- Wait. So they walk the ship freely? & They are allowed to play with the cubs?
Asante: They’re quite taken with them. Not all of the crew have warmed to the idea of our new shipmate just yet. But Saafia and Mel have enjoyed the new face aboard. They are amusing when they all get together.
Sanaa: Hmm...
A peaceful aura surrounds Asante. The warm smile he is wearing puts his sister at ease. His eyes reflect the three adventurers running across the deck. Their giggles echo and dance through the air... filling the sails with the promise of new beginnings on the horizon.
Asante: (As if reading Sanaa’s mind) “Hmm” is right, dear sister.
The expression on his face needs no words...
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tempest-tides-game · 4 years
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❤️🌊 Hello TT Community 🌊❤️
We hope our message finds you well. Our team has received many messages of well wishes and also concern due to our silence. We regret to report that the Corona Virus (COVID-19) has infiltrated the lives of those on our small team and has turned them upside down. This means the work on the game has come to a complete stand still. As we struggle with the day to day of the “new normal” it has been a light in the darkness to see our community steadily grow. Tempest Tides is a passion project for each person on our team and even though the virus has halted our efforts...the dream is still very much alive. We appreciate each and every one of you who has patiently stuck by us. COVID-19 has us in uncharted waters...But we hope to be back with you soon.
Take Care,
The Tempest Tides Team
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
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Datura has a question for you...
“YES.” OR... “No, thank you. I’m allergic to Datura.”
Hello x4 from the Tempest Tides Team!
Just a little midnight snack for you of our beloved Datura... Thank you for your encouragements. Our tired eyes read your words and they nourish the soul. The team is still here. Still kickin’. Still workin’. Thank you for standing with us. 💙
-TT Team
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
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✨ “I am enchanted by the vision of you... I am in love with the light in you... The world falls away when we are together. My love, I am eternally yours.” ✨
❤️ Happy Valentine’s Day!❤️
Oliver is ready to sweep you off of your feet~ & Tiare is ready to cuddle you close all day long! We hope you feel the extra love they are sending your way!❣️
P.S. The super art team really showed out today~ Wouldn’t you agree? 😉❤️
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
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Hello, All! PixelBae Official and the Tempest Tides team are proud to present to you the crew of the Vashani!
Starting from left to right, meet ~Datura, Kiernan, Mateo, Deneb, Asante, Oliver, and Bao~
The mist is clearing and new faces emerge revealing the crew of the Vashani.
“The Captain is calling. Report to the deck for instructions,” says the Quartermaster.
A large dark silhouette slowly approaches the ship and the crew moves into action.
“Our rival... she’s here,” says the Captain
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
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Happy Birthday, Mateo! 12/27
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
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🌊 Happy #TempestTidesTuesday stowaways! 🌊
Our team is making progress with the demo and we continue to press on. We thank you for your patience and understanding. The bugs are being tirelessly hunted by Riad and Anri. Here are clips from some of the sprites our artist has worked on. Can you guess who is who just from their lips? 😏😉💋
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
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Your voices have been heard loud and clear!
It’s time to meet your TOP 3!
Coming in at #3....
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tempest-tides-game · 4 years
Fun facts about the LaCorazon crew please❣
-La Corazon’s Gunners Dipa and Nisha are *identical* twins.
-Nisha is the cautious and skeptic twin. Though she looks tough, she is, in fact, one of the softest and most peaceful souls on the ship. She couldn’t hurt a fly.
-Dipa is the crew’s fun-loving airhead. She lives in the clouds. But don’t let her carefree attitude fool you. She is ready and willing to jump into a fight. With the flip of a switch, Dipa’s candy-sweet persona can quickly turn in to bitter venom.
-If you or your MC are ever hungry, head on down to the kitchen. There you will find La Corazon’s Cook Dorothea singing a song as she prepares the crew's next meal. BEWARE: The ship's resident songstress sings melodies that will make your ears bleed. (Though she would totally disagree with that opinion.) Yara: “It’s true. I actually avoid that part of the ship if I can help it. But get a bit of drink into her and the usual screeching transforms into the voice of an angel.” It is a well-known fact among the crew that she is passionate about food and it’s preparation... and she hates men. “Nothing fills the soul like a warm meal in your belly! &Nothing ruins a day like the presence of a man!” -Dorothea.
-(Your reflection stares back at you in the still waters. You’ve been sitting on the shore for a while now.) Is a pirate's life really for you? & What sort of person do you choose to follow? If you were to ask these questions around the ship you would be told Captain Zenaida is a fair leader. Clo: “There is no special treatment here on the ship. Captain believes everyone should be given a fair shot. We all start at the bottom. All those on the crew are expected to work as hard as the person beside them. If you can’t do that, this is no place for you.”
-Iolanthe is the most cut-throat pirate on the ship. She is ruthless because she has always had to be in life... Do not let her beauty fool you. Mercy is not in her vocabulary. Only one person has the ability to soften her and prove that she has a soul at all... her wife Nisha. “She brings me to life.” -Iolanthe
-On the ship, Yara is considered everyone's little sister. As the youngest on the crew, she has a lot to learn and plenty of willing mentors there to teach her. Yara is the ship's pet whisperer and has volunteered to assist in their care. “They talk to me and I to them. They have proven to be better company than most people. (Giggle) If I told you what they just said your ears would burn.” -Yara
🌊 ~Juniper
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
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🌊 Hello, Stowaways! 🌊

The Tempest Tides Team is hard at work fine-tuning the demo for you! Unfortunately, we have encountered some bugs onboard which is causing a delay in our original schedule. Anri and Riad have joined the hunt in removing the problems. It may “just” be a demo to the real game… but we want to put our best foot forward and present something we can be proud of. Thank you for your patience and care toward our team. It is appreciated more than you know. ❤️

-The Tempest Tides Team
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tempest-tides-game · 5 years
Is Mateo old or are his hairs grey from stress?
Hello, Nonny~
He’s been greying for a while now. Some people just get the “threads of wisdom” earlier than others. An encouraging friend like Asante knows just what to say to make this revelation better. We think it’s beautiful. Don’t you agree?
P.S. Cinna is at it again~ 😍
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