#Captive Insurance
hardmarketing · 6 months
The Power of Section 831(b): Leveling the Playing Field for Mid-Market Risk Management
The Power of Section 831(b): Leveling the Playing Field for Mid-Market Risk Management
Empowering businesses to self-insure, Section 831(b) unlocks customized risk coverage and potential tax deductions through captive insurance companies. #831b #captiveinsurance 831b, captive insurance, 831(b)
831b, captive insurance, 831(b)
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jerianasmith · 7 months
Key Differences – Captive Insurance Vs. Self-Insurance: Which One Is Right For Your Business?
Oh, insurance! The word alone is enough to put any business owner in a panic. With so many options, choosing the right insurance type can be quite overwhelming. Captive Insurance and Self-Insurance are two business insurance options that businesses can consider.
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Preventing Both Smoke and Fire: D&O Insurance for Cannabis Risks
Preventing Both Smoke and Fire: D&O Insurance for Cannabis Risks
By Lorelie S. Masters and Geoffrey B. Fehling The recent actions of the federal government and the results of the November elections may signal a sea change for cannabis companies lobbying for federal cannabis legalization. President Biden recently granted a pardon to all individuals who have been convicted of simple marijuana possession under federal law. The President also urged the Secretary…
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tiktokparrot · 3 months
New bird on the block? Want to understand your parrot? Learn essential bird teaching techniques & build a lasting bond. Learn how to transform your feathery friend into a dance partner.
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newblogflo · 6 months
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(via Safeguard Your Future: Essential Tips for Choosing Risk Insurance Managers)
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Are you looking for an insurance experience focused on service and relationships rather than just premiums and policies? This video from White Oak Insurance Services explores how independent agents invest in getting to know their clients to provide the highest value. Learn how taking a consultative approach and dedicating time upfront leads to tailored guidance and enduring client trust. Discover how proactively communicating, solving problems, and showing authentic care for client needs sets independents apart. See how their flexibility with multiple carriers allows custom-built insurance solutions focused on what matters most to you. If you want a Woodstock or Warner Robins agency that views every interaction as an opportunity to strengthen partnerships beyond transactions, this is a must-watch. Find out how independent agents make the insurance experience personal and position you for long-term peace of mind.
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kpkpkiran · 10 months
10 Questions To Ask A Captive 831(b) Manager
If your captive manager answers these questions appropriately, you can feel confident in your 831(b) plan.
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shrideep · 1 year
Strategies for Growth and Expansion in Micro Captive Insurance.
According to Shrideep Murthy CPA of Pension Deductions, In the ever-evolving landscape of the insurance industry, micro captive insurance has gained significant traction as an effective risk management tool for businesses. With its ability to provide tailored coverage, cost savings, and potential tax advantages, micro captives have become an attractive option for many organizations. However, in order to maximize the benefits of micro captives and ensure sustainable growth and expansion, businesses need to adopt specific strategies. In this article, we will explore key strategies that can help businesses achieve success in the realm of micro captive insurance.
1. Conduct a Comprehensive Risk Assessment
Before diving into the world of micro captives, it is essential to conduct a thorough risk assessment. Identify and evaluate the risks faced by your business, taking into consideration both internal and external factors. By understanding your specific risk profile, you can design a micro captive insurance program that effectively addresses your organization's needs.
2. Engage Knowledgeable Professionals
Navigating the complexities of micro captive insurance requires expertise and experience. Engage the services of knowledgeable professionals who specialize in this field. An experienced insurance broker, tax advisor, and legal counsel can provide invaluable guidance throughout the process, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and maximizing the benefits of your micro captive.
3. Tailor Coverage to Your Unique Risks
One of the primary advantages of micro captive insurance is its flexibility in designing customized coverage. Rather than relying solely on traditional insurance policies, tailor your micro captive program to address your specific risks and exposures. This personalized approach allows for greater control over coverage, enabling you to protect your business against unique or hard-to-insure risks.
4. Focus on Risk Management
Effective risk management is crucial for the success of any insurance program, including micro captives. Implement robust risk management practices within your organization to minimize potential risks and losses. This can include regular safety training programs, proactive maintenance protocols, and continuous monitoring of emerging risks. By prioritizing risk management, you can enhance the overall performance of your micro captive insurance program.
5. Regularly Review and Update Your Program
The insurance landscape is constantly evolving, and your micro captive program should evolve with it. Regularly review and update your program to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. Stay informed about changes in regulations, emerging risks, and advancements in insurance practices. By proactively adapting your micro captive program, you can position your business for sustainable growth and expansion.
6. Leverage Technology Solutions
In today's digital age, technology plays a vital role in optimizing insurance processes. Embrace technology solutions that can streamline your micro captive operations, enhance data management, and improve decision-making. Automated systems, data analytics tools, and cloud-based platforms can provide valuable insights and efficiencies, enabling you to focus on strategic initiatives and growth.
7. Foster Strong Relationships with Service Providers
Building strong relationships with service providers is instrumental in the success of your micro captive program. Cultivate partnerships with reputable insurance carriers, claims administrators, and other key stakeholders in the industry. These relationships can offer access to valuable resources, industry insights, and networking opportunities. Collaborative partnerships can also contribute to the overall credibility and stability of your micro captive.
8. Educate Your Team
Properly educating your team about micro captive insurance is crucial for its effective implementation and management. Provide comprehensive training programs to key personnel, ensuring they understand the benefits, mechanics, and compliance requirements of your micro captive program. A well-informed team can proactively contribute to the success and growth of your micro captive insurance initiative.
9. Stay Compliant with Regulatory Frameworks
Micro captive insurance operates within a regulatory framework, and compliance is paramount. Stay updated on the regulatory guidelines and requirements specific to micro captives in your jurisdiction. Engage legal counsel specializing in insurance regulations to ensure adherence to all necessary compliance obligations. By maintaining compliance, you safeguard the integrity and longevity of your micro captive program.
10. Foster a Culture of Innovation
To truly unlock the potential of micro captive insurance, foster a culture of innovation within your organization. Encourage creative thinking and exploration of new risk management strategies. Embrace emerging technologies, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, to revolutionize your insurance practices. By embracing innovation, you can position your business as a leader in the micro captive insurance landscape.
The world of micro captive insurance offers businesses unique opportunities for growth and expansion. By following these strategies, conducting comprehensive risk assessments, engaging knowledgeable professionals, tailoring coverage, focusing on risk management, regularly reviewing and updating programs, leveraging technology solutions, fostering strong relationships, educating your team, staying compliant, and fostering a culture of innovation, you can position your business for success in the realm of micro captive insurance. Embrace the power of micro captives and unlock their full potential to protect your business, mitigate risks, and drive sustainable growth.
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wileys-russo · 3 months
Alexia, “Can stop putting things where I can't reach?”, shared home
cough medicineII a.putellas
you'd heard your girlfriend as she rose, slipped out of bed and got ready to go for a run, alexia always up before the sun was which something you'd long given up arguing with her over.
in the early stages of your relationship with the catalonian woman you'd tried everything under the sun to get her to stay in bed with you before it arose, but no amount of kisses, sweet words or promises worked.
she would simply smile in amusement at your efforts, steal a quick kiss and gently wrench your hands off her body. often teasing that you could just come with her you'd just snicker and roll over, one final kiss pressed to the back of your neck before her dip in the bed was gone.
but what you hadn't expected was to be awoken only a half hour later by the sound of her returning, a wheezy cough echoing through the living room as you cracked an eye open tiredly unsure if you'd imagined it or not.
but when it happened again, a raspy string of curse words following you were quick to sit up and rub the sleep from the corner of your eyes, rising from bed and padding out to the kitchen.
you saw her right away hunched over the sink, back to you her muscles were rippling and tense but not in the way you knew was normal, her body heaving as she dry retched and another wheezy cough rang through the kitchen.
"ale?" you called out softly, not wanting to startle her as she glanced at you over her shoulder and your face softened seeing her bright red nose and glazed over eyes.
"estoy bien nena, go back to bed." her voice was croaky and cracked with each syllable as you frowned. "not unless you're coming with me amor, you're sick." you warned gently, knowing your girlfriend well enough that she wouldn't share your views.
"i am not sick. i just-" alexia huffed, though whatever she tried to say next was cut off with a sneeze so violent she nearly stumbled backwards from the shock of it. "you are sick alexia." you sighed, readying yourself for the argument you knew would come.
"i'm texting marta and paños, you're not training today." you decided, already headed back to the bedroom for your phone as you heard footsteps hurry after you. "ale!" you groaned as the blonde snatched the phone from your hand.
"por favor mi vida i am okay. i will have a shower, sleep for a couple of hours, take some medicine and go to training." alexia clasped her hands together, your phone held captive in between them as you gave her a look.
"go have a shower." you sighed, holding your hand out for your phone as your girlfriend relaxed a little and leaned in to kiss your cheek but you gently pushed her away. "hey!" alexia frowned, voice again cracking as you rolled your eyes.
"if you are sick, i don't need you to share that with me." you warned as alexia rolled her eyes but now you frowned as she slipped your phone into her pocket.
"just for...insurance." the midfielder grinned as you opened your mouth to argue but she darted off to the bathroom and you shook your head at the coughing fit which you heard follow.
"thirty years old my ass." you mumbled to yourself, tugging on a pair of her shorts and wandering out to the kitchen.
awhile later you heard alexia before you saw her, footsteps padding across the floorboards as she returned. "swallow these, drink this, go to sleep please." you handed her two cold and flu pills, a mug of lemon and honey tea and nodded behind her to the bedroom.
"qué es esto?" your girlfriend sniffed the mug and recoiled with a frown. "something for your throat. if you are so determined to train, at least let me try to best prepare you, vale?" you gently grabbed her face as her features softened and she nodded.
"bien. go to bed!" you stretched up on tippy toes to kiss her forehead making her smile, pointing her back to the bedroom as she swallowed the pills and grimaced a little.
"gracias princesa, venga!" she held her hand out expectantly to lead you back to bed with her as you shook your head.
"i have some work to do to prepare for this meeting later today ale, the earlier its done the more time i have to go through my presentation." you smiled at the huff she let out but begrudgingly headed off to the bedroom, knowing despite how different it was you had the same drive and work ethic about your job that she did for hers.
however despite that, you also know the pair of you had done a lot of work on self care both independently and together, helping one another change bad habits and sticking to your guns together on days when you struggled.
which is why you slipped into the bedroom once you knew alexia was asleep and turned off her alarms, slipping her phone into your pocket and using your own to message the captains that she was sick and wouldn't be in today to which they all agreed was best.
and when hours later alexia still hadn't surfaced you knew you made the right call, the girls body clearly needing the sleep and rest before it would seem the cold and flu pills wore off and you heard a violent coughing fit from the bedroom.
you hurried to her side, finding her bent over on the edge of the bed as you moved to rub her back, already feeling the heat radiating off of her as her temperature had clearly risen.
"oh baby." you sighed sympathetically, running a hand through her hair as she struggled to catch her breath. though things worsened when she glanced right intending to check her phone and noticed the time, shooting to her feet so fast it near knocked you off yours.
"my phone, my alarm it didn't go off! training started already i have to-" alexia began to panic as you placed hands on her chest and somewhat forcefully pushed her to sit back down on the bed. "no, i already called you in sick." you revealed, the girls eyes widened.
"amor! you had no right and no need to-" she attempted to tell you off however a wheeze had her sent right back into a coughing fit as her hand span and she doubled over again. you hurried to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, just getting the cap off before placing it into your girlfriends waiting hand.
"vale, maybe i am a little under the weather." alexia finally admitted as you looked down at her with a small smile and a nod. "you are mi amor, and the more you fight it the longer it will take you to get better and the worse shape you are in closer to match day." you warned gently, alexia sighing deeply but making no move to argue.
"lay back down please baby, i'll be back in a minute." you pushed at her shoulders gently as the catalonian sighed again but did so, kicking at the covers so one leg was out making you smile as you left the room.
"alexia!" your girlfriend sat up at your call, tugging on a hoodie and wandering out to the kitchen, sniffling as she went. "where is the cough medicine? i bought more not that long ago and neither of us has been sick since." you asked with a raised eyebrow as the blonde shrugged, head covered by her hood.
"alexia." you spoke a little more sternly, knowing her too well as she avoided your eyeline and kicked mindlessly at the ground. "it grew legs and ran away?" the footballer tried with a charming smile, sniffling again and swallowing a cough as you crossed your arms unwavering.
"where is it mi amor?" you asked a little softer as alexia pulled a face. "that one." she pointed to the cupboard where you kept the bowls, moving a little closer as you rummaged through unable to find it.
"where?" you grunted in frustration, moving things around and still not seeing the bright red bottle. "higher." alexia admitted, finger moving upward to the very top shelf, somewhere she knew you'd not be able to find it when she'd hidden there.
"really?" you looked to her in disbelief as she tried to cover up a cough with her sleeve. "can you stop putting things where i can't reach?" you scoffed in annoyance, unable to grab it no matter how high you stretched.
"get it down." you pointed, crossing your arms as alexia moved a little closer but made no move to do as you asked. "you look so cute when you reach for things bebita." the captain rasped with another attempt at a charming smile which fell on deaf ears.
"it tastes bad." the girl huffed as you now cracked a smile. "you're being a child alexia, you won't get better unless you take it." you chuckled as she whined, hugging you tightly and slumping over so her chin rested on your shoulder.
"mi amor, i want you to get better. you are so good at taking care of others, but you need to take care of yourself too, sí?" you spoke softly, fingers raking through her hair as you pushed the hood off her head and felt her exhale into your own jumper, body heaving a little as she attempted to swallow a cough.
"you need it preciosa, please. for me?" you cooed, rubbing her back as the taller girl stood, sending you an annoyed pout but reaching behind you to grab down the bottle. you watched on as she filled the cap to the right dosage and looked at you as you nodded encouragingly and she downed it.
"not funny!" she croaked out as you smiled at the grimace of disgust which flashed across her face. "lo siento cariño, lets get you back to bed." you took her hand and lead her back to the bedroom, helping her into bed and smoothing her hair out, tenderly kissing her forehead.
"stay?" the girl asked softly, large hand grabbing your wrist with a pleading look as you softened. "of course, i just have to get my laptop so i can work on this presentation amor." you smiled as she let go and you darted off to grab it and returning to her side.
"your meeting." your girlfriend realised as worry briefly flashed across her face and you slipped into bed, moving a pillow against your back as you sat up and got comfortable against the headboard.
"i already spoke to my boss, i just need to finish the presentation and send it over with enough time for them to look at it before the meeting. its on zoom anyway so its fine if i don't attend." you promised, alexia hesitating but with a kiss of assurance again pressed to her forehead she settled, hugging your leg as her cheek pressed against the skin.
"i probably have an hour of work left and then i'm all yours." you promised as alexia hummed with a slight wheeze, and you assumed she'd drifted back to sleep, relieved when you didn't hear her cough again.
"princesa." you glanced down as hazel eyes looked up at you, your girlfriend rolling onto her back and moving one arm to drape across her forehead, having stripped off so she was only in sweatpants and a sports bra.
"there is one other thing that would make me feel better." she rasped as you gave her a curious look. "do you remember when i hurt my knee, and you bought the nurses outfit to make me smile and-" you didn't even let her finish her sentence before you flicked her ear and she whined.
"go to sleep alexia." you bit back a smile and turned back to your laptop, your girlfriends fingers tracing patterns on your leg. "is that a no? because i am so sick mi amor, so so sick." the blonde pouted, slight smirk behind her features as you shook your head.
"i repeat, go to sleep alexia."
part 2
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emdadvocates · 2 years
Malta Captive insurance companies are required to maintain own funds, consisting primarily of share capital, reserves, retained profits and subordinated loans.
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silken-moonlight · 25 days
Older Alpha and Human waitress/ Part 4
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A/N: Hello again! I am back with part 4 of this series. I have a lot of fun with developing the plot and characters. I am hoping I am not overdoing it in any way shape of form. Also we have now the Moodboard and the Introduction. Also here you'll find part 3 if you are interested. I love you guys so much -Swan/Moon
Desmonds POV
The next day was similar to the days before. He went to the meetings in the morning and noon, speaking with the other alphas about the pack territory. The problem had been that there was a new pack forming and they had demanded space or else they would have taken themselves said space. This of course could not have been permitted, since that would have ended in a massacre. The human government would have not been amused to cover up a slaughter between two packs and so they had to find a way without blood. While Desmond knew better, some days he wished they would just fight it out. Atlest then there wouldn’t have been so many meetings and fights in the meeting room. His thoughts were captivated by something else anyway…He was worried for his mate, she had looked so distressed. The longing to just take her away from all her worries had never been as strong as in that moment.
The alpha tried to cheer himself up, he would see her again today. Maybe would even make her smile when he brought her the books she had left behind. Of course was he aware that it might have looked a little weird…he just could not help himself. The urge to spoil and pamper his little mate was overwhelming. In his mind he had already planned their first trip to his cabin. He would take her there before they would officially return to the pack village. Thinking about all the things they could do…while Desmond really tried to keep his thoughts pure…it was not as easy. His inner wolf whined and scratched against the walls of his mind. The primal needs he felt were strong, he craved to touch his mates soft skin. To kiss her plump lips, to make her feel safe in his arms. To undress her slowly before- Desmond stopped his thoughts right there. He really didn’t want to get a boner in the middle of a political discussion.
A few hours later, the meetings and work was done for the day. Desmond would do the paperwork later, he had gotten an email from Isaac with some documents he needed him to look at. Desmond’s Pack had a few companies under their name or were part of them, while most things were equally shared, two of the companies were under his name. There also were many contracts he had to look at, work with or renew. 60% of the money earned ran into the Pack fund, all pack members that were working full time also gave away 10% of their salary to the pack fund. With that money were paid a lot of things like the maintenance of the packhouses, insurance costs, school and kindergarten places, student loans, cars that were free to use amongst the Pack…the list went on and on. Desmond himself had brought this concept to the pack after seeing it being absolutely successful in another pack. Since he did that, his pack had not only grown a lot but also was one of the most peaceful. That comes along with being an actual community. Desmond had learned the importance of acceptance, beginning to help werewolves who had not such a good start in their life or a rough time…The Alpha wondered what his mate would think of all of that. With how sweet she seemed, he was sure she would adore his work.
With his mind occupied by that thought, he walked into the restaurant. He sat down in his usual booth…but his beloved was not there. Desmond ordered by her colleague, waiting for her to arrive. But she did not come. His heart sunk…where was she?
Your POV
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It had been your day off when your father had a bad episode of pain. His back and hip were hurting so much that he couldn’t get up from his bed. Of course you took two days off and stayed with him day and night. You had called his doctor who had taken the time to do a home visit. He had given your father some medications that eased his pain for a short time. Today was the first day that he felt better. Right now he sat in the garden, Pumpkin and Spice laying at his feet, enjoying the sun. Your mum and you were baking blueberry muffins, the kitchen smelled deliciously like the home baked goods. Tonight you would work again, but would always be available for your parents to call.
Initially you had wanted to become a nurse, but the condition of your parents has kept you occupied. You were unable to stay away from home too long, so you found a job that only would be in the afternoon and evening. That's how you ended up in the Sailor Boy, utterly grateful for your job and understanding boss. It may not have been what you wanted at first, but you were more than grateful to have something. Your mum and you put the muffins in the oven, setting the timer and sitting down. Your phone beeped and you looked at it.
William: Hey love, I am in town again, how you doing?
Y/N: Will, haven’t heard from you in forever! I’m doing fine.
William: Nice to hear that, yeah, I was on a big hike with Jeannie. Want to meet up and catch up?
Y/N: Sure, but I am only free in the mornings and noon, you okay with that?
William: Absolutely, how about tomorrow? In our Café?
Y/N: Sounds like a plan, how about 9 am and eat breakfast together.
William: Deal, see you there.
You were quite excited to see Will again. He was one, actually the only, friend you had left. Most of your friends had stopped texting you when your parents' conditions worsened. Since you refused to go out and party, which wasn’t your thing anyways, they stopped making the effort. You tried to do other things with them like going shopping together, movie nights or hikes together. That wasn’t really what most of your friends wanted. So they and you started to text less and less until you lost contact. The two friends you still had were William and Amanda. Amanda began to use you as her personal therapist, trying everything to get your attention. Manipulating you to be available to her at all times. Will told you she was bad news, you didn't listen. The brutal fallout came eventually. Both of you were left hurt.
So that only left Will. Will had no one but his girlfriend Jeannie and you, he had gone no contact with his family as soon as he moved out. For a short time he had lived with you and your family, when his flat had caught fire and he was left homeless. Will didn’t want to be a bother, but you refused to let him sleep in a dingy hotel. That was two years ago. Will had also been the one to tell you about Werewolves and other magical creatures. You didn’t believe him, that was until he had transformed into a Werewolf in front of you. You had been…a little out of it afterwards. However when he explained everything and you swore secrecy, everything went on as usual. Honestly the knowledge of magical creatures didn’t affect your daily life in the slightest. Shortly after the housefire William met his wonderful girlfriend Jeannie, she was a travel and hiking blogger. The two of them hiked and traveled the world together, often sponsored by some big company. William took the pictures and videos while Jeannie was the model. Jeannie was a lovely person, kind and so confident. You two got along so well that Will often joked if he was even needed when you all met up.
The next hours passed quickly, you thinking about tomorrow, the muffins being ready and eating a late lunch with your parents. You got ready for your work and took the bus into the city.
Half an hour later you arrived at your workplace, quickly going up into the staffrom an changing into your work clothes. After that you went down, doing your usual routine. Not even forty minutes had passed when a certain somebody entered the restaurant. Desmond, you remembered his name, was dressed in a black suit, his hair in a bun and his beard must have been freshly cut and formed. You bet that he smelled like the most expensive perfume.
You smiled at him kindly: “Hi there, how are you doing?” You asked him. Why did he look so relieved? You were missing something, you just didn’t know what. “I am good, wonderful actually.” He stepped with you on the side and a worried look was on his handsome face, his gray eyes were filled with compassion. “Is everything okay? You looked distressed the other day.” He asked, his voice was soft. Actually worried. Your bottom lip trembled, a sudden wave of sadness and exhaustion washing over you. If you thought too hard about it, you would cry. However, you caught yourself. Faking a smile you tried to ease his worry: “Yeah everything is alright, don’t worry.” You looked up at him, he was far taller than you. “May I ask what happened?” You nodded slowly: “Well my parents are chronically ill. My father had a bad episode of pain and needed me.”
The handsome man, Desmond, looked at you again with such compassion. “I know I might overstep, but you left the books behind and I took the freedom to buy them for you.” He placed a black paper bag in your hand. Your eyes went wide and you looked up at him absolutely surprised. “I cannot accept these.” You quickly said. Desmond chuckled:” I insist.” You felt guilty, you must have looked so distressed that he wanted to help you. “Let me pay you back.” You tell him, wanting to get your money. “If you pay me back I will give it as your tip.” Desmond said with a grin. “Has anyone told you before that you are stubborn?” You said with a smile. Desmond chuckled: “Actually yes. And please accept the books. I am so grateful for our conversations. After a day at the office I always look forward to it.” You grinned and answered: “Here I was thinking you’re always returning for our town's famous cocktails.” Both of you laughed at that.
“Thank you, really.” You then said a little more serious again. You blushed slightly, but then quickly remembered what you had told yourself before: He was just kind, not interested in you. You reminded yourself that he was older, a businessman and very surely not interested in a waitress from a medium sized town.
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fanaticsnail · 2 days
Hello Snail! Hope you’re doing well 🫶 I’ve been a fan of your writing for awhile, and had a little au idea pop into my head that I thought you would enjoy :)
Shapeshifter!Mihawk who wants to get closer to Reader, yet can see that they are intimidated by him. One day, while flying about the island to keep an eye on things, Mihawk is injured in bird form and crashes into a bush. Reader witnesses this and goes to rescue the “poor birdie,” not realizing this hawk is really Lord Dracule himself.
Shenanigans ensue, including:
- attempting to feed him seeds or worms
- miHawk bringing flowers to the windowsill or little trinkets and jewelry he “finds” (he’s sweating in the treasury to find something you would like)
- helping preen his feathers
- ranting to your new bird friend about the scary, attractive warlord who seems to just stare from a distance (Mihawk sees this as a green light to court you)
- “wow those eyes are SO familiar..”
- protective bird following you around/on your shoulder (he pecked someone who was flirting with you)
Keep taking care of yourself! And have a lovely rest of your day ✨
- bird brained anon 🪶
Oh my gosh, I need this. I need this so bad. I can see him being such a beautiful little raven or obviously a hawk. First thought: Diaval from Maleficent. But it's Mihawk, and he can switch at will.
Allow me the courtesy to write you an epilogue to your thoughts, I have been thinking about this for about 20 minutes and I needed to get it out. I'm not sure of the word count, it's just a little thing. Also, forgive the dodgy Photoshop. Raven was a stock photo edited on the Polish app on my phone and superimposed in front of Yoru from OPLA and I added some flowers to it.
Pretty Bird
Masterlist Here
Themes: fairytale creature au, avarial!Mihawk x reader, shapeshifter!Mihawk x reader. Part 2 here.
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Little thought: If he's injured in his bird-like form, what if he can't switch back for a while? What if he's forced to remain nestled in the roofing of your country cottage until you manage to hear his hiss-like, pained squawks.
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The bird is angry. He doesn't want to accept aid, but at the offer of a small piece of stewed meats, and drink by the warmth of your kitchen fire, who was he go resist such comfort? You name him: "pretty bird," and coo affectionately as you look over his feathers and insure there is no ache in his broken, hollowed bones.
Is he frightened? If he is, he surely cannot say. He is just a bird, after all. You bring him offerings of a wooden crate used to carry your homemade vintage of brandy-wine you produced from your country garden, and he accepts it immediately as his personal resting nook.
When your back is turned while you're washing up, you could've sworn you witnessed him dip his onyx beak into the goblet of brandy on your countertop. There was something in the way his golden eyes rolled in his head at the flavor that almost seemed human. You offer him a small thimbleful of the brandy, and he seems to bob his head and shake his tail in gratitude.
You hum to him, and he echoes the tune in a pleasant, deep warble back at you, coaxing a giggle from your throat. You offer him chin scratches as a reward for allowing you to check over his wounds, and his entire body leans into the gentle touch.
As his wounds seem to heal, you're almost remorseful at the prospect of never seeing this beautiful bird again. Such creatures are not meant for captivity, and you ensure to tell him as such as you unwind his bandage and remove his splint.
The last night you spend in the company of your pretty bird, you offer him an anecdote of your childhood: wandering the halls in the the high keep gallery on Kuraigana mountain when the former lord reigned. You longed to return, but you were not certain of the new lord's temperament.
You were unsure of what happened since the old man's natural passing, just as you were unsure of the Draculean man who now ruled thereafter. Was he kind and courteous as the ruler before him, or was he simply a man who now reigned where a kind man once homed: you were certainly too shy to ever approach him to ask.
All you could do is enjoy the splendor of your cottage, trading in handmade crafts with the former staff of high keep Kuraigana when the new lord retired them. They were elderly, and you were grateful of the Draculean man's kindness.
As you slipped into peaceful slumber by your open fire beside the crate, enjoying the warmth while laying on your sheepskin tapestry, the soft bob of talons was barely audible beside your slumbering body. Cloudy vapors of scentless, black smoke shrouded the bird's form and in its place was a creature native to the land, an angelic figure from the fables of old.
The winged man crouched beside you, cocking his head inquisitively to the side as he studied your features in his natural form. His amber eyes held curiosity and gratitude in its honey-like hue as he whispered gently beneath his breath a soft repetition of your name. Now that his tongue could claim your title, he was going to praise your kindness by rolling it over his palate at every moment he spent thinking of you.
"I will not forget your eagerness to aid me when my body was broken," he gently hovered his human like hands over your face, his taloned claws desiring to give you a gentle caress, but his thoughts of your comfort and consent to his touch pulls his urges from his mind. "I was just a bird to you, and you homed and treated me with not a semblance of payment in return."
The soft shudder of his onyx wings was silent, as if testing to see if they had healed before he slowly crept from your door and flew back to his castle in the dark of the night.
When you awoke, you heard a soft rap at your door and a slot of a letter beneath the iron frame of your letter slip. You first gazed to the brandy-wine crate, sighing off your soft sorrow at your pretty bird slipping away without saying goodbye.
Rising to your feet before stooping to collect the letter from the floor, you notice the wax seal was embroidered with the stamped letter "D" on its back. You cocked your head inquisitively to the side before using your blades letter opener to coax the waxy shell from the page. The letter was curt and brief, but the lettering was careful and almost loving.
"I would formally desire to extend an invitation to the premier reopening of the Kuraigana Gallery, by the bequest of Lord Dracule."
And who were you to refuse such an invitation from your new lord, regardless to how intimidating you found his reclusive nature? Donning your best formal garb, you make the lengthy trek towards the high keep with your nerves depicted by your heart jumping to your throat, and the swell of your tongue feeling heavy behind your teeth.
As you wander to the gray slate steps, you are blissfully ignorant of the amber gaze of your pretty bird watching over your every move with a soft curiosity in his eyes and a smile on his beak. He was so excited you accepted his invitation, and he was looking forward to showcasing his home and offering you sanctuary within his walls, just as you did to him when he was but a humble raven.
He was smitten, and he could hardly believe he had fallen prey to expressing adoration of a mortal being as yourself. One thing he was certain of was the fact he was to begin his romantic pursuit of you immediately, intensely and passionately. He could only hope you would not shy away from his winged form, and instead receive his affections with your heart and mind open to it.
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mx-jinxous · 11 months
I wanted to get this out last night due to me being busy today with my bday, however I got too sleepy to function. Better late than never. I will try to take everyone to the best of my abilities, but depending on tumblrs restrictions I also have it up on my ao3 here
Chapter 1 l Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |
The last time he felt this level of unclearness, had been when he beat his keg stand record, followed up with too many shots. He’d been a junior trying to chase popularity and ended up waking up on a stranger's bathroom floor. Safe to say the hangover felt shitty, like a knife tapping the inside of his skull in rhythm with his heartbeat. This was worse.
His body was freezing, which emphasized the aches that plagued his body. If he was honest with himself, he was surprised his body had fought off illness for this long. Not having a balanced diet or a proper shelter was a decent way to get sick and without insurance, he was just going to have to power through it.
A shiver rushed through Steve’s body, and the young man used all his strength to bundle the blanket around him. A hand stopped him when it pressed against his forehead, causing a groan to escape from him. He tried to bat the hand away, another hand pressing his back down by the shoulder. Someone was saying something, but the words were garbled like he was listening from underwater. It made the throbbing in his head worse and weighed down his body. All Steve wanted to do was go back to sleep.
Unfortunately, his visitors decided that that wasn’t on his schedule. He was grounded to alertness by gentle slaps to his cheek. With a growl, he attempted to slap the hand away, only for his wrist to come to a jolted stop. Against his body’s protest, he cracked his eyes open, expecting to see Gray. The man in front of him was far too young to be the security guard.
“Ah, there he is.” The man smirked as he slapped Steve’s cheek again before backing away.
“Careful guard, he is still ill.” A woman’s voice came from beside him, making the young man take in his surroundings.
The room was bland and dated by at least a few centuries, with nothing much for decor aside from a few chairs and a sofa. To be honest he felt like he was in an exhibit at the museum with a lack of character. If that was the case then he was going to be in a world of trouble with his boss.
Fingers snapping in front of his face brought him out of his head. The shaggy-haired man was looking irritated with him like he expected an answer. Steve only stared back, refusing to speak with how shitty he was feeling. Shaggy Man seemed just as stubborn, leading to just both of them staring back one another down. It came to a stalemate when the woman spoke up. “Guard, if you would please state your business. I am in charge of the captive and you are impeding my healing.”
“He does not require healing, not until we receive the answers, which is more important if I should remind you.”
“You can not interrogate a dead man. You are allowed three questions but do not trouble him. He must rest.” The woman seemed to mean it if the shaggy man’s silence was to answer. He glared at Steve, who was done with this conversation and wanted nothing but pain relievers and sleep.
“What is your name?” He rolled his eyes at the guard before directing attention to the doctor. “How did you get into the burial chamber?” His silence only seemed to anger the guard. “Answer now!” He growled, grabbing Steve by the forearm. He pulled his arm into view, pointing at his wrist. “Where did you get this!”
The glimmer of gold was all it took to recall the events of last night, his body filled with fear and anxiety, the young man trying to escape the bed. He was jerked back into place by the restraint on his other wrist, his eyes traveling to what held him captive. It was a cuff chaining him to the bed, keeping him trapped once more, at the mercy of these strangers.
“Focus!” The shaggy man growled, drawing Steve’s attention back to the guard. “How did you get this bracelet?!”
With a scoff, he pulled his arm free. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. I’ll gladly give it to you.” As to prove his point, the young man went to pull it off, only for it to stay fixed in place. He struggled with it before the guard threw his head back with a groan.
“It is magically locked in place you nitwit. Until we break the spell it will remain adhered to your wrist.”
“Magically? Is this some kind of joke? What are you going to do, pull a rabbit out of a hat?” He scoffed at that, glaring at Steve.
“Stop being ridiculous. Do I look like a summoner to you? Also, what would a rabbit do to solve your issues?”
“Alright guard, my patient needs healing and rest. Please allow me to do my job as I allowed you to. You can finish your interrogation once his health has returned to a more lucid place. I will call for you at such time.” Steve expected a retort, an argument to break out due to whatever drugs the guy had been taking. Magic wasn’t real, despite the bracelet being adhered to his wrist, or the night before with the statue. Maybe he’s just been sick and it was all a fever dream. Gray probably found him and he’s in some kind of historical hospital.
“Just keep him locked up and send for me when he is coherent again.” Without a response he left, slamming the door. The woman tutted before turning her attention back to Steve.
“I apologize for his attitude, he is just cautious. My name is Joyce, I am a healer. I have waited till you woke up before asking to heal you. I can do it magically or with traditional methods. I know some humans are averse to magical methods, however, it will relieve your ailments in time for the guard's second round of interrogation. I understand he will not be swayed again. The king requires information on how you got into the burial chamber. “
“You too? This is definitely a fever dream. There is no such thing as magic, it's all smoke, mirrors, and illusion.”
“Oh dear, you must have hit your head. I assure you I am a rather talented vitamancer and you will need all your strength. I am sure King Kas will be ruthless when he comes to question you.”
Steve froze. The nightmare seemed closer to reality at the mention of the statue. Had he been kidnapped by the marble man, taken to some crazed cult that believed in magic? It was too much to focus, covering his eyes with his forearm. He couldn’t bare to face the king, especially not in his current condition. He felt faint, the world spinning as he tried to calm himself.
“Oh sweetheart, do not panic. I will make sure you are well enough if you allow me.” Joyce held a hand up, glowing a faint yellow, and offered with a kind of smile. She seemed sincere, calm, and patient. She made Steve’s freezing body feel warm and he found himself nodding. He doesn't recall the next few minutes beside a glow before the world returned to dark.
Joyce left him under the guards at his door, nodding at the two as she warned them to leave the intruder to rest. Her robe dragged behind her while she strolled up the castle stairs, to the king's private office. It’s where he felt the most confident in addressing issues with his advisor before the court. To say she wasn’t surprised that the others were already there delegating to one another. Her arrival went unnoticed as the king's personal guard and guard commander were arguing. Kas stood, rubbing his temple, Joyce noting the headache that was forming.
“He has been uncooperative, delusional, and quite frankly an ass.”
“You were not there when the guard retrieved him. He looked like a traumatized wet dog. I highly doubt he is lucid enough to even register where he is.”
“Chris, Gareth, please calm your voices.” Kas groaned, looking up to see the newcomer. “Joyce, you have spent time with the intruder. What do you have to say about him?” Eyes dragged to the healer, one of the elders of the advisors, looking to her as the voice of reason.
“It is hard to say. He has been incoherent most of the times he awoke. The fever has taken a toll on him, affecting his memories. He seems lost on how he got here and magic as a whole. I did heal him and he is resting. The guards are aware that the only visitors outside this room are food delivered by the guards. Once he is awake and fed, then we shall be able to question him. You have my sign Liffey.” Joyce instructed.
“Understood, then I will personally accompany Gareth. If this stranger is working for Lord Vecna and infiltrated our walls then we will retrieve all the information possible with any means necessary.” Kas demanded.
“His clothing was certainly strange.” Gareth huffed.
“He will get a moment to state his case, I for one am looking to get some answers about our dead man walking.” Kas sighed. “Joyce, once he is alert and fed, calls for us.” The woman nodded, excusing herself. She left, taking a detour to the castle garden. In the center were her twins, Will and El, practicing magic. They were playing with a bush of roses, wilting before returning to their vibrant state. Unlike her eldest, the twins had been born as diviners, much like their paternal grandmother. Their father was the only non-mage in their unique family, her three children house unique magic.
She watched for a moment, enjoying the sight of the youngest taking joy in their magic. Looking off to an opposing garden corner, seeing her eldest, Jonathon backed against the gardener. Argyle was a down-to-earth Druid, who seemed to take a fondness for her son. Joyce knew the two were closer than friends, it was clear how the druid grew a flower and tucked it behind the younger healer's ear. Young love always warmed her heart, to see her children happy.
Pulling away, she called out for lunch, planning to check on Steve when they finished. She didn’t make it past the appetizer before Gareth came running into the dining hall, with a patrol with him. Joyce stood, concern painted on her face at the notice of their city gear. “What is going on?”
“I will stay in the castle. If he tries to attack then I will be here for the king.” With a nod, the young guard had the patrol out of the castle grounds.
Tag list, if you’d like to be added (or I missed you) state so down below. There are some that would not allow me to tag, I did leave them in and I will look into it as soon as I can.
@steddieas-shegoes , @steddie-steddie @paintsplatteredandimperfect @roastingdragon @oblivion-void @just-a-tiny-void @lilangeldevil006 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @izzy2210 @weirdandabsurd42 @throwbackthrowaway @steve-the-hairrington @loser-of-hearts333 @croatoan-like-it’s-hot @gingersass @alto-delete @anaibis @limbs-are-optional @thephantomhood @itsall-taken @jamieweasley13 @imfinereallyy @yeahhh-suga @awkotaco24 @aliea82 @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @stxrcrossed186 @emly03 @elviraenthusiast @siriusleeart @fxrgetmenott @amerikanskaya-krassavitsa @noctxrn-e @spicysix @renaissan-vvitch @lovelyscot @goodolefashionedloverboi @teelagurl558 @seilahtitania32 @sparky--bunny @dontslayfay @amrice @pluckedstrings @plyerice27 @vae1bixy @grtwdsmwhr @vacantwatchers @8em-em-em8 @stevesbipanic @commonxsenss @sani-86 @suikatto @callmesirkay @spideysteveloml @neeerdrage @quevadilla @p0lybl4nkk @thetrueghostqueen @ok-just-why @eyesofshinigami @oxidantdreamboat @platinum-sunset @milottadoodles @chillichats @kyysposts @bookworm0690
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mudwerks · 3 months
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(via Rose Dugdale, Heiress Turned Irish Independence Fighter, Dies at 82 - The New York Times)
Rose Dugdale, an Oxford-educated Englishwoman who left a life of wealth to become a partisan activist fighting for Irish independence, in a career that included bomb making, hijacking and art theft, died on Monday in Dublin. She was 82.
Her death, in a nursing home, was confirmed by Aengus O Snodaigh, a friend and a member of the Irish Parliament. No cause was given.
Throughout the 1970s, Ms. Dugdale, whose family owned a large share of the insurance company Lloyd’s of London, captivated the British and Irish news media with her exploits. Her story — like that of Patricia Hearst, another heiress-turned-revolutionary who was making news in the United States around the same time — fed a narrative about glamorous, radical youth run amok in the post-’60s era:
Ms. Dugdale rejected her inheritance and liquidated her trust fund to support a variety of social and political causes. She and an accomplice were arrested in 1973 for stealing thousands of dollars in art and silverware from her parents’ home, with plans to sell it and give the proceeds to the Irish Republican Army.
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oftenwantedafton · 4 months
The Perfect Girl - Dave Miller/William Afton x Female Reader
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - restraints, captivity, blood and violence, sexual content
Also available on AO3
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There’s a large turnout for the candlelight vigil.
Former classmates. Members of the community. Your mother. Employees at the mall. William Afton remains at the edges of the crowd. Stares into the flame until his vision goes blurry. Thinks about you tucked away in his pizzeria. All his. Only his. His own.
Your car was finally discovered earlier that day, outside of town where he’d abandoned it. Wiped clean. No evidence he’d ever been inside of it. Purse found inside, apparently intact, no contents missing. Driver’s license. Social security card. Health insurance card. Credit card. Car insurance and registration. Makeup. Cash. There’s a film crew present doing a brief recap of the story of your disappearance. Interviewing your mother. Several others. They don’t ask the one person who knows what really happened.
He has to be extra cautious when returning to see you. There are so many people around. He actually leaves and comes back. Still waits to make sure he’s not being watched or followed. Slipping back through the mall entrance that’s been long forgotten. Winding through liminal spaces. Back inside the restaurant. Now back inside the room with you.
It’s late when your captor returns.
You’d fallen asleep on the couch, barely making it through the opening credits of the movie you’d put on. The cell phone is hidden behind the refrigerator, tucked on the floor just within reach but securely out of sight. You can tell William’s been outdoors; can feel the cooler autumn air still clinging to his body. You sit up, making room for him.
He still sits close. One arm curling around you. Possessive. His fingers are cool against the bare skin of your shoulder.
“How was the vigil? Did it just end now?” You glance at the clock. Nearly 3am.
“No. I left for a bit. To make sure…” You nod your understanding. No chance he was followed, then. Your location still a secret.
“Is my mom alright?”
“She’s being brave for the cameras. Behind the scenes, too. Optimistic you’ll be found.”
“The local news station was here. Doing a little blurb to refresh people’s memories. Hoping someone might suddenly remember a detail that had gotten overlooked previously. There aren’t any, of course.”
Afton sounds so confident. “You’re cold,” you say, the fingers absently stroking your bare shoulder making you shiver.
“So warm me up.”
You lean to kiss him. Even his lips are cool. He’d been outside a while. Maybe not so confident, then. Hesitating. Your tongue spears his mouth. Warm inside. Your fingers on his cheek. Rough stubble. Settling into that mess of hair. You’re already throbbing. Straddle his lap, the links of the chain clinking with the movement. Your hands now fiddling with the fly of his pants. He moans into your mouth and you answer in kind. His cock released, hot against your skin. “Please fuck me, William.” You beg against his ear. Lav at his neck. There are pajama shorts and panties to contend with. The shackle. He’s too impatient. You hear the snick of the pocket knife on his keyring opening. Tearing through the thin material barricading you from him. Clumsy sawing drags of the blade, not his usual artful handling. Desperate to get at you. The elastic waistbands give him the most difficulty. He curses when he knicks his thumb in the process. Shifts slightly to line you up with his erection. You sheathe him slowly. Hands resting on his shoulders trembling. Bloodied thumb pressed against your bottom lip. Your eyes flutter closed. Let it slip past your lips. Sucking. You finish your descent. He’s fully inside of you.
You bend to kiss him again. The taste of his blood still lingering. His tongue greedy for it. You raise and lower yourself. Grinding down. Bouncing. Fast and then slow. One hand cupping your ass cheek. “William…” You say his name over and over. What will your reward be this time? What do you dare ask for? Fresh air. A chance to use the phone. Just a quick call to emergency services. Let them trace it.
Is that really the only reason you’re doing this?
The pendant of the gifted necklace lying against the base of your throat. Your hand wrapped around his. You’ve no idea how it’s gotten there. He’s meeting your hips now. Moving faster. His eyes locked with yours. “Do it.”
You frown. Your pelvis hesitates mid motion. Does he want…?
“Do it,” he says again. He hasn’t stopped pummeling you.
He’s asked for this before. Your fingers tighten. You feel the movement of his Adam’s apple. The forced swallow against the pressure you’re exerting. The thin hiss of air exchange through the compressed passage. Your body dropping down onto his. Struggling for air yourself. Your arm shaking with tension.
Your fingers relax. Your face drops into the crook of his neck. A heavy rasp of air. He’s stopped moving. You’re still impaled. “I can't do it, I can’t hurt you.”
“Why not?”
“Because. I’m not violent,” you murmur, your face lifting so you can see his features.
He tucks a swathe of your hair behind one ear. “You are when you let yourself be. That’s the only difference between us. Restraint. Inhibition. I know you so well. Better than you know yourself…” His mouth on yours. “There’s another reason you won’t hurt me, isn’t there?” He kisses your neck and you shudder. “Isn’t there?” Firmer now. He expects an answer.
You nod.
“Say it.”
“Why are you so afraid?”
“Because I’ve given you everything else. I’ll have nothing left if I…”
“You’ll have me. You have me. A decade ago I would never have forgiven…What have you done to me, to make me feel…” You kiss the rest of the words away. Grinding against him again. “Come to bed with me and let me fuck you properly.”
You climb off his lap. The sudden absence of his cock buried inside you already leaving you aching. Clothes discarded along the short path to the bed. You’re pressed down beneath him on top of the comforter. Back inside of you. As if you’d never been parted. A hand knotting in your hair. His mouth on your throat. Your fingers on his scars. Hot breath huffed against your skin. Little pleading noises escaping you. Half formed words. Nails digging into flesh. Knees pressing into ribs. A shake of muscles. You can’t withstand the battering any longer. Melting against him. His shuddering breath. Body dropping down, his weight on you. Making it hard to breathe. That molten flow deep in your core. The taut frame nearly suffocating you relaxing, stilling, depressing the mattress beside you instead.
Facing each other. Still on top of the covers. Respirations normal. The little firing of nerves less frequent, less intense. “What do you want?” His voice quiet.
It’s only half a lie.
The roof of the mall the next evening. The first fresh air you’ve inhaled in months.
William keeps you tucked inside the shadowed stairwell. Still cautious. Bound to his wrist. You can see the stars. The autumn air is welcome. You've been gifted some new clothing. Weather appropriate for the coming months, although the pizzeria interior is always climate controlled. Maybe this wouldn’t be your only trip outside. If you were good. If you could convince him…
The phone is in your pants pocket. Turned on. Ready to use. If the battery lasted. If you had a signal. And then what? You’d have to toss it and hope it wouldn’t break. It would be better if you could somehow convince him to sever the ziptie. But why would he? Especially after what had happened last time. The agony of the indecision tortures you. Did you want to be restrained even more? Go back to having him not look at you, not speak to you? Not touch you…
In the end the mobile device goes unused. You can’t risk it.
You’re brought back to your confinement. Afton doesn’t stay. You don’t ask. You hide the phone in the same place as before, checking the battery life first. A warning to charge the device. The screen goes dark.
William finishes his security guard shift and lingers in his customary hiding spots until he’s certain the coast is clear before he returns to his restaurant.
Eases down into the swivel chair before the monitors on the security office. His eyes immediately focus on the displays for your room. You’re reading. Or at least you appear to be. He doesn’t see you turn a page. Notices the glint of your silver necklace. The wicked silver wink of the butcher knife on the desk in front of him. He reaches for it, rocking back in his chair. Point pressing against the new scab on his thumb. Not hard enough to puncture, just testing the sharpness. He already knows the blade is ready, freshly prepared after his most recent kills. Knows all about the secret you have stashed away. He’s the one that had placed it on the bathroom sink, after all. Another test. Another slim opportunity you’d wasted.
He wonders about that. Why you hadn’t at least made the attempt. Fearing his ire, perhaps. Of course he would’ve had to punish you.
But you were so good at finding the mercy in him.
The security guard realizes he’s bleeding again. He’s pushed too deeply. Or the knife is sharper than he’d thought. A little of both, perhaps. He rises to his feet. Rolls the handle of the blade in his palm. Leaves the room and enters yours.
You look up from the page you’d been stuck on, the same paragraph read repeatedly without comprehension. The door remains open behind William.
You notice the knife immediately and shrink back a little against the cushions of the couch. See the blood dripping from his other hand.
“William, what happened?”
He realizes where you’re staring and shrugs, unconcerned. “Cut myself.”
“You’re not going to put something on that?” You’re thinking about grabbing some napkins from the kitchen cupboard, already moving off the couch. He watches you, making no move to take the paper offering. “William…”
“I’ve been thinking about the other night. When you said you could never hurt me. You could, though, couldn’t you? If the circumstances demanded it. If it was your only chance of escape.” He sets the knife on the counter. “If I gave you one fair chance. Would you take it? Would you abandon me?”
“William, I don’t—”
“—Why didn’t you use the phone last night?”
You suck in a deep breath. Christ, he knew. He always does. When will you learn? Your heart races. “The battery was practically dead, I didn’t think it would even work.”
“You brought it with you, though, didn’t you? Intending to use it.”
It was useless to lie. “Yes.”
“So why didn’t you?”
“I just told you…”
He lifts the knife again and the argument dies in your throat. “You still don’t understand. After everything I’ve tried. It doesn’t matter how many rewards or punishments I mete.” The older man advances towards you. There’s nothing but the kitchen counter and cabinets at your back. He reaches for your chin, lifting it firmly. “I’m going to unlock your restraint.” Kneeling now. Your entire body is shaking. You don’t know what’s happening. You don’t think you’ve ever been this afraid.
The metal band releases. He tosses it aside, standing once more. Blood still leaks from his wound, pattering to the floor. “Take this.” He uncurls your fingers from their white knuckled grip on the edge of the counter. Presses the handle into them. “You only get one chance at this. Make it count. Your best bet is here,” he taps the side of his neck. “Quick thrust to sever carotid and jugular. A little slower for the axillary here,” he lifts his arm, gesturing to the hollow beneath. “Right side here for the liver is another good choice. But you should go for the throat. A quick end if your aim is true.”
“I’m not…I’m not doing that. Any of that.” There are tears sliding down your cheeks.
“Why not?”
“You know why not. I told you I’m not like you.”
“Not like me? Not crazy like me, you mean?” A bitter smile. The backs of his fingers drag through the salted tracks staining your face. “Don’t waste this opportunity. There won’t be another, I promise you.” His thumb dragging across your bottom lip. The bloodied one. A final mark upon you.
Your grip on the knife tightens. You hesitate. You can’t do it. Impossible. He has you trapped here in more ways than one. He knows it. Not just the restraints. Not just the threats. There was more preventing you from leaving. His influence over you too strong. Breaking you down steadily over the months. You hadn’t even been consciously aware of it before now. Every uttered consent. Every desire. You were his.
Your last chance to flee. A window of opportunity shutting. Hurting him wouldn’t be enough. Running would never put enough distance between you. There was no escape. He had to be the one to let you go. And he never would. Not unless you forced him to. An idea comes to you. The place where you could bury the blade that would do the most damage. Not inside of him. Inside of you. That which he treasures the most. The most damage you could inflict.
“Close your eyes.” You don’t want him to see what you’re attempting, trying to prevent you from doing this.
He nods in understanding, obeying. Those long dark lashes laid over smudged skin. So calm and accepting. You reverse the blade. Position it on the left side of your abdomen. You’ve no idea how lethal the placement is, just paying attention to Afton’s impromptu anatomy lesson and steering clear of any of those dangerous zones.
Now. Do it now. Don’t think. Just do it.
You grit your teeth. Shove the knife inside of you.
The pain. Unlike any other. A gasp. William’s eyes fly open. Frowning, not realizing what is happening. You collapse and he goes down with you, preventing your head from striking the concrete. You can feel the blood soaking through your shirt. His face above your wavering vision. The realization. You’d beaten him at his own game. You’d won.
You awaken to the bright lights inside of a hospital room.
So. Your gamble had paid off. You’d managed not to inflict any lethal damage. You’d finally escaped Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria.
William had brought you here. Surrendering. Letting you go.
He could come for you again, you suppose, the temporary relief smothered with this realization. But for now, you were free. You were safe.
Your wound really fucking hurts.
You find the call button to summon a nurse. Other staff follow. You’re told you’ve been out for nearly a week. Left outside the ER. Injured but no weapon found. A call that is traced to a very confused looking homeowner nearby. You know William won’t have left prints. Surgery. Sutured back together. Your mother is called. The police don’t allow much time before you’re questioned. And this is where you find yourself lying about your captivity. Stating you were driven somewhere. Far away, in the van a long time. Blindfolded. The sound of water. A young man’s voice. The lies spill from your lips easily. The authorities seem convinced. Your mother is anxious for you to be discharged.
You wonder if she’ll ever let you out of her sight again.
You’ve only missed one semester of college.
They allow you to begin in January. Your classes are shuffled around to accommodate you. Courses for first years will now be handled during your second year instead. You’re something of a celebrity. Constantly pestered with questions. The occasional journalist seeking a story. Your account never wavers and interest fades with time, like the healing laceration on your stomach.
You find yourself looking over your shoulder frequently. Imagining footsteps that aren’t there. You leave class one evening and fumble with your car key, struggling to fit it inside the lock. That nagging feeling that you’re being watched persisting. The hairs on the back of your neck lifting. The parking lot is emptying. There are a row of trees beside the building. The feeling intensifies. You cease your struggles and let the keyring dangle from your fingers. Tuck your backpack over your shoulder and step onto the mulch bordering the curb. Weaving between hedges. Nearly to the trees now. Cloaked in shadows.
You know the sound of William’s breathing as well as your own. Drawn towards him like a magnet, you find him. He’s dressed to match the night. Dark shirt, dark jacket and pants. The only lightness that pale skin of his. Visible in the brief moment the moon peeks from behind the clouds before becoming shadowed once again.
You shift the weight of your book bag. Finally ease it off of your shoulder, letting it drop to the carpet of pine needles and leaves.
“Why didn’t you tell the police about me?”
A valid query. Why hadn’t you? Why were you keeping the pizzeria and its murderous owner a secret? Preventing justice for all of its victims, yourself included?
“I don’t know.”
“I think you do.”
“Are you going to take me back?”
“Do you want to be taken back?”
“No,” you say softly.
A grunt. “You could have died. Stupid, what you did.”
“I was dying already, William. Just at a slower pace. I couldn’t stay there any longer.”
“Do you ever think about me?”
You swallow thickly. “All the time.”
“Is any of it fond? Or is it all bitter, tainted…You’ve no idea the emptiness you’ve left behind. The sheer ache…”
You move forward, wrapping your arms around him. Surprising you both. His arms finally settling around you, the stiff awkwardness melting.
“It wasn’t stupid, what you did. It was brilliant. Something I hadn’t anticipated.” There’s a note of pride in his voice.
“Please don’t hurt anyone else. Promise me you won’t. I’ll never tell anyone about what happened, just…”
A heavy sigh. “There are conditions for everything, aren’t there?” He combs his fingers through your hair. “A price to be paid for the things we desire.” Pushing gently against your face tucked against his chest. Lifting it. His lips finding yours. So warm contrasting with that winter air around you. Your hands linking behind his neck. Pulling him tighter. That familiar heat stirring your insides. The kiss becoming wetter, more frantic. Gasping breaths when you finally part.
“What do you want?” He’s trembling in your arms.
It’s the truth.
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Gay wrongs tournament, round 1 of the major bracket
For Wylan van Eck and Jesper Fahey:
Jesper is a sharpshooter that never misses a hit, Wylan is a demolitions expert, once Wylan sang a national anthem to save Jesper from some guards
So Jesper is a high profile member of this gang called the Dregs, he’s their sharpshooter. He also has a serious gambling problem and actually enjoys his job because it gives him the same adrenaline high. Wylan is brought in on this big impossible heist, officially as the demolitions expert, but really because he’s actually the runaway son of the man who is meant to pay them and so he’s insurance that they get their money. They are both incredibly talented at destruction, undermining governments and killing several people. At one point they end up with a tank. At another Wylan makes a chemical concoction that gives off the appearance of plague scars in a city with serious plague related trauma, setting off all the alarms and sending the whole place into utter anarchy. Jesper shoots a man around a corner. Also this quote exists. Jesper:‘I'm not big on killing unconscious men." Wylan:"We could wake them up." This is even funnier when you consider that Wylan is a skinny freckled ginger who’s basically a glorified chemist and possesses no social skills. I love him so much.
That quote from the book where Jesper was like "I'm not gonna kill unconscious people" about a bunch of knocked out enemies and Wylan was like "Well can't we wake them up then?"
For Vriska and Terezi:
Vriska has committed numerous crimes and played a game where she just killed ppl for fun and Terezi is just insane in general
I have honestly lost count of how many people these crazy gyals have killed. They've killed enemies, friends, frenemies, each other. They're both dead and not dead. Held a guy captive in a fridge. The sheer number of murders they have done is honestly astounding. #girlboss
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