#hawk eye mihawk
missrandomdreamer · 5 months
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THE BABIES HAVE ARRIVED!!! They are so heckin smol I love them so so damn much
>Karl in the background XD<
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vaadalt · 2 years
Black Maria& Mihawk : S/o having bad time. [Male reader]
Oi oi,
Sorry about those headcanons, they're going to be hard for some people to read. I need to excorcise some dark thoughts.
Tw : Poor self estime, heavy alcohol , anger, cigaretts. Blood too.
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You've been in Kaido's crew for quite a while. You are part of his people, who are there but without making waves. Dodging the three Calamity and the six Tobiroppo as best you can. You feel that if you cross paths with them too often, you'll get into trouble and rise in rank. A thing you don’t want to be honest.
There is one that you have trouble to avoid, it's Black Maria. Because of his shamisen and his almost hypnotic voice. The sweet ones guide you to the pleasure district each time, sitting in a corner. As your gaze lands on the blue-eyed blonde.
Maria has often met your gaze, smiling at you. Even if you think she's giving you a look, to flirt. As she would for anyone. She always beckoned you over, to talk to you. Since it's your superior, you approach thinking it's an order.
'' Ara ara ~ You're a funny-one, Dove... I never see you , but when i play... you run like a prey in a spider web.... Be careful i might devour you ~ ''
That she lets out of her thin glowing lips, with that smirk. All in finesse, while a gray trail of smoke comes to be blown towards you.
You raise an eyebrow, you grin at the words of your superior.
'' Oi Ma'am... not my fault... ''
You stated. Grabbing a cigarette, lighting it. Taking a deep puff, pushing the smoke out your nose like a bull.
“You play divinely well. Then... it would be a shame not to come, just to observe your beauty. ''
1 – 1 everywhere. That's when Maria started to have some interest in you. She pulls the string to make you work by her side in the pleasure district. You end up doing security.
The relationship is developing quite well, friendly but flirty. Each time, you two add a layer to the flirt. 
One day when she was playing, she was trying to catch your eye. Looking for you through the crowd, not finding you. Something was wrong. She finished the song, before looking for you, worried. Fast walking cross Onigashima. 
She asked some subordinate if they hadn't seen you. After some information gathered. She walked towards the small house where he lives. She knocks on the door but... no answer. Just a kind of hoarse growl.
Maria enters, to discover a dark spectacle.A man surrounded by bottles, the ashtray filled to the rim with cigarette butts.
"Oi Maria...Watcha doing here huh?" ''
His voice is intoxicated by alcohol. Maria approaches slowly, watching him. Without a word, the sad look to see him like that.
'' Dove...Dove, what's wrong ? ''
'' Huh...A loooooot of thing Maria... Don't want to bother you with this. ''
He comes to take a swig of his glass, lighting a cigarette on the way. But seeing Maria's hard gaze, you feel like you don't really have a choice to speak or… She will make you. One thing is sure… She is stubborn and sadistic. 
'' Hmpf... I.... You know... I don't feel very well. I... I feel useless. Bleh... You see, a chair is more usefull than me. I got nothing for me. I don't know why, i'm on the crew. I got no power, i got no devils fruits... I'm a piece of trash basically... ''
She approaches the spider-queen, to come and hug you gently. With... a sweetness you haven't known for a long time. She comes to whisper, softly as her hand comes to get lost in your hair to caress it.
'' It's okay Dove... I'm here now.... ''
Your hands come to grab the fabric that makes up her kimono, burying your head to let go of hot tears, suffocating a few cries.
Because... crying, sometimes, is good.
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Accessing the heart of Mihawk is not easy. Mihawk is a born loner, he has spent a good part of his life alone. Then the fact that he remains impassive, it makes the thing complicated. It took you a long time to figure out how to get past that.
You knew you had climbed a few places in his esteem, when you caught a glimpse of him making a little smirk at one of your sentences. The day he laughed in your presence, you thought you will faint with happiness so much, because you were happy.
It was he who took the first step. He invited you to his island, Kuraigana. You arrived at night... At least... You think? The landscape fits well with Mihawk. Dark, mysterious, vampire... Yes, Mihawk gives that vibes.
That evening he made you super really good dinner, which would have made Zeff pale. He uncorked his best bottle of wine... At the end of dinner, he clearly confessed his feelings. Wondering if you wanted to share his life, which you accepted.
Your life has changed drastically, you went to live with him to be able to spend more time with him. 
It is another facet of him that you have discovered. Someone, caring and sweet.
But what impresses you the most is Mihawk's workouts. He's not the greatest swordsman in the world for nothing. You wonder how he survives his own training. Wanting to do well, you serve him as sparing partner.
Bad idea, very bad idea. You don't really have time to take the saber, to make an attack,you are unarmed and Mihawk's saber under your throat. You start again as many times as necessary, you’re more a brawler than a swordman. 
From this was born a frustration, followed by an underlying anger. Not being able to help him, to maintain himself, to become better than he is.
One day, you pretended you were tired to go take a nap.  Really, you just went out to let off steam on some trees. Even if you forgot an important component of Kuraigana, the humandrills, that damn baboon. You started fighting with them.
A few hours later, Mihawk decides to go see you... Thinking you're in bed. And seeing the absence of your presence in the bed, he raises an eyebrow. ''Where is my darling...''
His gaze turns instinctively outside, looks at the night that had come forward. His observation haki told him one, go into the woods, two, hurry. He took  the black blade and his hat. Setting out, he quickly found a presence... the trail of unconscious baboons, with swollen faces put him on the right track.
He walks up the track, amazed... he knew you had significant brute strength, a good mastery of hakis, but he didn't want you to venture there for fear that something bad would happen to you... For the moment, you give them a bad time.
By dint of following the baboons, he finds you, facing the king of the baboons. Its blade against your fists. Both eyebrows raised, which is a feat for Mihawk. You had just parried the baboon king's blade, with your forearms covered in the fluid of  hardening.
The baboons sense Mihawk's presence, run away. As you point at them, the distorted face because of anger.
“Come back here, weaklings! Come back ! I'm not done with you all! I'll stuff you with straw and expose you all in the freakin’ castle ! ''
A long cry of anger, unable to contain it. You just start hitting an tree, your knuckles starting to bleed more and more with each hit.
Mihawk watches, looking dismayed. He didn't know,why you were enraged. Seeing you snaps was all the more surprising, since you are calm person in general.
He comes out of the bushes, moving quickly towards you, stopping your fist by grabbing you by the wrist. Saying "Enough. ''
Hearing your lover's voice brings you back to reality. You start shaking, not afraid... Just the nerves giving way.
''Dear...my love...Why? Why hurting you like that...why put yourself in so much danger? What wrong? You know, you can tell me anything. ''
See Mihawk, also worried... You realize your mistake.
''I...I'm sorry Honey...I....I....''
"Shhh...it's okay. ''
He comes to replace a strand of hair behind your ear, before placing a kiss on your forehead.
''Come Darling, we will talk in the castle. I need to treat this nasty wounds. ''
You leave, realizing that... It's much better to talk about your own frustrations, than to letting them explode in a violent way.
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Puss in boots could battle Mihawk to a standstill.
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manofbeskar · 28 days
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hawk-eyes mihawk, the marine hunter!
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majubengel · 3 months
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tony hawk
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reineydraws · 2 months
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i think a side effect of loving mishanks for many people is becoming very endeared by the "rayleigh is mihawk's parent" au's haha :') first one's part of this fic i posted where smolhawk challenges rayleigh to a duel ⚔️✨️ second one's just a random kid!mishanks doodle. i think their shenanigans (incl buggy!) would be cute.
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chenziee · 6 months
It's so funny to me when people call Mihawk an antagonist. That man is not an antagonist, he's a "was minding my own business when this stray kitten started attacking my ankles. Anyway, where do I buy a chewing toy that's shaped like a sword?"
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ethereal-mixture · 4 months
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C R O S S G U I L D 🐊🎪🦅
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gingernut1314 · 7 months
Little Game Pt. 2
Dracule Mihawk x F!Reader
Summary: Mihawk has found you once more after a month of hunting after you--a month of playing your little games. Found you in yet another poor excuse for a bar, except it seems you have forgotten all about your game. Forgotten and were dulling your usually sharp sense away with drink after drink. But Mihawk hasn't forgotten. Your game is still on and he plans on winning.
Tags: angst, fluff
Word Count: 4.9K
I Wanted to Leave
A/N: I'm soooo sorry it's been such a long time! I'm in my last year of college and it's absolute hell on earth and the work is insane. Anyywway, there's no spice again, but I'm slowly getting there! I hope you all enjoy! 🩷
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Mihawk had traveled thousands of miles from his Marine-ravaged home. Had smuggled himself onto cargo ships and luxury vessels to get to island after island. Had begged to join the first pirate crew he could find so he might learn to sail and build his strength. Had begged on his knees, forehead bowed so low it had touched the ground with anger-fueled tears in his eyes to the first swordsman he could find to teach him the delicate art of the blade. 
Had begged on hand and knee to every swords master he came across to teach him. To help him draw closer and closer to that end goal he would do anything to achieve. 
He would become strong. Become the greatest swordsman the world had ever known and then he would lay waste to the Marines. He would spare them no mercy, just as they had spared his home no mercy. Just as they had spared his mother no mercy. 
It was a goal--no, a vow bound by blood and death herself that led him here to this small island. An island covered in ancient, towering trees. An island home to a secluded and unknown people. Home to the greatest swordsman of a long-ago era. A swordsmen who had lived 180 years and had never lost a fight. 
His yellow eyes scanned the dark wood he had been warned was full of monsters--devils waiting to tear any traveler brave enough to enter its thick, fog-filled brush. His last master had warned him many men had gone in looking for the great swordsman to learn from him, just as Mihawk, but they never reached his log cabin at its center. They had hardly stepped foot into the wood before its guardian attacked. 
Mihawk calmly stated he would be the first to make it. Would face this Guardian of the Wood and all its devilish monsters and win. He would find the great swordsman and prove to him he was worth his teachings.
The forest hardly looked dangerous. Especially when he spotted the yellow-gold petals of marigolds that he could see littered the leaf-covered floor. 
No monster in sight. No devil. No Guardian. 
Mihawk placed his hand over the hilt of his sword at his side and started into the dark forest. Had just passed a rather large bunch of marigolds when someone landed on the ground before him, having hopped down from their spot amongst the treetops. 
Mihawk scolded himself for not having spotted the figure, knowing he would have seen them had he not been so preoccupied thinking about devils. The tip of a naginata pressed into his chest.
“Are you a pirate?” The voice that came from the figure was silky and calm, yet held dark danger within its melody. It was a voice unlike any other Mihawk had heard and its wielder was just as rare. You looked like some wood nymph. Like the mystical yet deadly creatures Mihawk had heard sung on the lips of pirates and sailors alike come to life. 
“I am here for Rivers Achilles.” You frowned deeply, that sharp blade never leaving Mihawk's chest. He looked you over carefully. Looked over your well-trained stance, one only gained from practice and patience Mihawk knew all too well. Took in the fact you must be around Mihawk’s own age of fourteen. No. He could tell you were older. A year--maybe two. 
“Do all you pirates have a monthly meeting to discuss such originality?” Mihawk narrowed his eyes the slightest bit. Watched your eyes spark like you enjoyed his small reaction. 
“I do not have time to waste on some dirt-smug girl.” Mihawk saw you were hardly dirt smugged. You were pertinently clean as if you had washed before climbing up into that tree. He said it to snuff out that spark of enjoyment you had gotten from baiting his temper. An anger he was slowly training himself to wrangle away. “Now. Move before I move you.” 
You laughed. A small thing that grew into an all-out bellow. It was a laugh that matched your darkness. Your rareness. It had Mihawk blinking, as if stunned at its sound.
“You step another inch in my wood, pirate, and I will break your nose.” You threatened, that dangerous tone laying in the background of your voice pooling thick like venom to its forefront. It was--intoxicating to hear. A sound Mihawk wanted to drag from you again and again. 
“Are you the Guardian of the Wood?” Your shoulders rose and pride swelled in your eyes.
“If you have heard of me then you have heard of what I have done to many a pirate such as yourself. I make them disappear--vanish them from the face of the earth.” Mihawk watched you slowly. A slowness that sparked anger in your eyes. 
It was an anger that Mihawk knew too well. An anger that matched his own in intensity and fury like some twin flame. Someone had hurt you--had taken someone from you, just as those Marines had taken his mother. Had left you feeling so weak and empty it left that anger to fester and grow out of control in you, just as it had in him. It was an anger he wanted to lash out at. One he wanted to direct his own anger at. 
“I thought you would be--” He paused, letting his eyes roam over your body again in a bored manner. “--more.” That fiery anger flared brightly. Had your knuckles going white wrapped as tightly as they were around the staff of your naginata. “How disappointing to find you are just some feral, dirt-covered girl.” Oh yes--yes there it was. Such anger. Anger to match his own. Anger that would rival him like none other ever could.
Mihawk had hardly seen you move before you were bringing the staff of our naginata to ram into his nose. A sickening crunch sounded in Mihawk's ears as pain flared in his face, nearly blinding him. 
A pain that blinded him from seeing you move to kick him hard in the chest, sending him flying out of the woods and back onto the black sand of the beach he had just landed on near minutes ago. 
His anger flared then, but he could only blame himself. He had been distracted by your own anger. By your dangerous voice and your rare beauty. Stupid, idiotic distractions on his part. 
“A runt such as yourself should know his place.” You hissed as Mihawk shoved himself to his knees, wiping the blood from under his broken nose as he laid his yellow eyes on you once more. Found you had left the darkness of your wood and stopped before him looking like some vengeful goddess fallen straight from the heavens. “My father does not wish to waste his time training the likes of pirates. Weak pirates such as yourself, runt.” 
Your father was Rivers Achilles--yes, it made sense now. Your rarity made sense. Your strength and skill. Your father was no ordinary man, therefor his offspring would be just as inordinary--spectacular. 
“I am no runt and I am not weak. I will pass you. I will bow before Achilles and he will train me.” Mihawk declared, cold sea water spraying at his dark leather boot-covered feet. “Your little game will do nothing to stop me from becoming the greatest swordsman this world has ever seen.” 
That excited spark flashed in your icy eyes again. A spark that flickered and twirled with your anger. A wicked, cat-like grin crossed your face--a grin that was so stunning it nearly stole Mihawk's breath away--did steal it.
“Game on.” 
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Mihawk had been tracking you for a month now. A month longer than he liked, but you never gave up the chase. Never slowed or stopped long enough for Mihawk to grab hold of you. All he ever saw of you was the trail of perfect chaos you left behind. 
He had followed you through the North, South, East, and West Blues. Had followed you into the Grand Line, full of all its dangers, and back, only to follow you right back into its mysterious waters. And just when he thought he had caught up to you, would have you within his grasp, you had disappeared like smoke between his fingers. 
Despite how long his pursuit of you had taken, he found it excited him. Had him looking forward to the coming dawn, something he had long ago started to dread. 
He assumed it was because you excited him--had always kept him on his toes. You were a rare woman. One that had always challenged him in skill and wit--that matched him as perfectly as one could match another. 
Part of him wished you would just give in. Come with him back to Kuraigana Island and let him indulge you in every luxury he had ever wanted to give you. It was a foolish wish, but one he held regardless. One he knew would never come true unless he won this little game of yours. 
A game you seemed to have forgotten for the night, because here you were, in another run-down, dirty, overcrowded bar on some backwater island in the Grand Line, drunk out of your mind. It was unlike you, to be this careless. Not when it came to your games--when Mihawk was playing them just as you had wanted. 
But there you were, downing the last of your beer, hardly grimacing at the taste as he knew you usually would, too drunk to even taste it. There you were, looking so--exhausted. It was an exhaustion Mihawk knew too well--that weight heavy on his shoulders as it seemed to do you. An exhaustion that had Mihawk pausing. Almost had him leaving this too-small bar and all its too-drunk inhabitants. 
A drunk man bumped into Mihawk with a slurred apology, but he hardly heard it. Hardly even felt the pathetic man running into him. Not when he was so close to you. Not when he was so close to winning the game you had started. 
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“Why is it you continue to frequent such nightmarish establishments?” Mihawk's voice should have had you sobering up. Should have had you scrambling to escape back out to sea and leave him and this island far behind. But his voice--so smooth and calm and utterly bored had you tingling in excitement. 
You had missed his all-too-calm dementor. Had missed him, his face, and his stupid hat. 
On a small hiccup, you turned to look up into those piercing yellow-gold eyes you had missed the most. Eyes you wished you could look into forever.
With your thoughts fogged nicely thanks to the copious amounts of alcohol you had consumed, you had no embarrassment or strength for good decision-making when you placed your palm over top of his hard-earned abs. The warmth of his skin seeped into your freezing fingers as you ran them over his skin. 
“Mi-hic-hawk.” You purred up at the unamused man, all but fighting against your hiccups. You flashed him a sly grin. “How’d you find me?” You slurred horribly. 
“You are being sloppy.” You hummed as you brought your other hand to run along his skin, taking in his warmth and power that all but radiated off of him in dangerous waves.
“You always know just how to--hic-- sweet talk a girl.” You said, running your hands around his waist, where they disappeared under his dark jacket. Where they felt the equally as strong muscles lining his lower back. “Say something mean to me again, Mihawk. Pretty--hic--please.” 
Mihawk blinked down at you for a single moment before swiftly removing your hands from his body. You pouted, going to grab for him again, but he brushed you off once more. “Stop.” You whined pathetically, “You’re being mean.” 
“You asked me to mean,” Mihawk said the fact simply in that overly bored manner he hid behind. With a huff, you stopped your attempts at touching him and crossed your arms over your chest. 
“I didn’t say sh-hic-oo me away.” 
“You are drunk, Y/N.” You rolled your eyes dramatically, turning back around on the bar stool you sat on to find the bartender again. 
“And you’re not. It’s --hic-- boring.” You hissed as the bartender came over. “I will have your finest beer and my --hic-- best friend will have your oldest wine.” The woman’s eyes darted to Mihawk making you fix her with an icy glare. Her eyes looked a little too long in Mihawk's direction. Had looked over his face and body for too long. “Don’t look at him. I can only look at him.” She was quick to snap her eyes away, her face going pale in utter fear.
“Y-yes ma’am. We-we only have a red blend from a year ago.” You sighed.
“He will deal with it.” 
“Y/N, we are leaving,” Mihawk said as the woman rushed off. You gave another dramatic sigh, turning back to face him. Those yellow-gold eyes had never once left you and you couldn’t help but enjoy being in their sights. 
“Mihawk, we are--hic--not. I just ordered.” He continued to look unamused. Continued to fix you with his own sharp stare. One that never quite seemed to overpower your own. “Is it because I ordered you bad wine?” 
“Bad wine or not we are leaving.” You narrowed your eyes up at him. Narrowed them so sharp you willed them to cut him open. 
“It’s my--hic--day off. If you are going to be a party pooper then you should --hic-- leave.” It was the exact opposite of what you wanted him to do, but you had landed on this island to get drunk. So drunk you would hopefully wake up with dark spots in your memory.
“I will. With you.” He insisted. You rubbed your eyes roughly, that exhaustion you had come here to escape returning with a vengeance. 
“You are such an --hic--asshole.” 
“Poetic.” Mihawk monotoned. You hissed, yanking your hands away from your face and flinging them up in the air.
“I’m drunk, Mr. Smarty-Pants. Leave me be.” Your beer was placed before you and you were quick to scoop it up. The bad glass of wine went untouched by Mihawk. “Do you want to know --hic-- something?” You asked the bartender who hesitated. Hesitated and stayed after you fix her with your icy glare once more. “This--hic-- guy acts all tough but really --hic-- he wants to leave because all these people are making him--hic--itchy. He’d rather just sit on his pert little ass in the dark.” You said, a giggle leaving your lips. 
The bartender’s eyes darted back to Mihawk and you slammed your fist on the countertop, making the glasses rattle and the bartender nearly jump out of her skin. “I said don’t look at him.” You watched her chest heave up and down in fear as you took a long sip from your beer. “Talking about pert little asses. Mihawk once ran naked--”
“Enough, Y/N.” Mihawk all but commanded you, making you tense. It was a command you bristled at--made your anger begin to heat in your chest rather quickly. Too quick for you to grab hold of and control, especially when you were this drunk. “We’re leaving.” 
“Fuck you! Fuck you and fuck the Marines and --hic--fuck you again.” You hissed, standing from your stool only to nearly fall off it in the process. Mihawk stayed planted in his place, even when you ran into him during your oh-so-graceful fall. “You can’t tell me what to--hic--do.” 
“You are stumbling around like a no-good drunkard. Collect yourself.” You stomped your foot and pushed Mihawk with another hiss like some child. The swordsman hardly seemed to even feel your attack. A fact that had you seething and going to do it again, but he grabbed your wrists in a tight hold. “Enough.” He commanded again. You yanked against his grip but it stayed strong. 
“Let me go.” You hissed at him, yanking again. 
“We are leaving. Whether you do so on your own two feet or I carry you out makes no difference to me.” Your anger surged in your chest. Surged in defiance at his orders. You were not one to be ordered around. Especially by him. 
“You will unhand me this instant or I will--hic--break your nose.” Something flashed in Mihawk's golden eyes. Something--sad. A sad that called to your own sadness which had been welling and pooling within your chest for years now. Pooling to the point of near flooding. A flood you resorted to drinking to dam it up. 
Mihawk’s grip around your wrists fell, but he made no sign of leaving. Made no sign of moving a single muscle from his spot before you. Made no sign of giving up on his declaration of leaving this bar with you in tow.
In your drunken state, you thought this was a perfect opportunity to draw your black blade, which you had left uncovered at your hip. You swung, your muscles moving on near memory, at the frustrating swordsman before you, causing the bartender and a few people around you to scream out in fear. 
Mihawk sidestepped your attack and before you could blink, your sword was skillfully pulled from your grasp and you stumbled forward with a roar. “Give it--” Your words were cut off by a yelp as Mihawk grabbed you up in his strong arms, throwing you over his shoulder. 
Your right shoulder hit Yoru’s hilt painfully and you had to quickly throw your hands out to stop your face from colliding with the black blade strapped to his back. Mihawk wrapped an iron-like arm around your thighs to keep you in place before starting for the exit.
Your vision blurred from the sudden movement, but it didn’t stop you from pounding on Mihawk’s powerful back and kicking your feet as best you could in your weak attempt to escape. His hold on you never lessened, only seeming to tighten in your struggle. 
“Let me go, Mihawk!” You shouted, pulling yourself up enough to try to catch of glimpse of his face, only for his stupid hat to hit you in the face. You gave a frustrated little growl. “This is not fair! I’m drunk!”
“Drunk or not, you started the game. I plan on finishing it.” You huffed in frustration, punching his back once more to no avail. 
The bar fell away and soon you were being carried through the night-filled streets of the backwater village you had found. You continued to fight against his hold until your stomach stirred nauseously and your vision blurred to the point you could hardly see. 
With a pathetic moan, you let your body go limp against his back, your body bouncing with every graceful step he took. It only made your nausea grow, but you were too dizzy to do anything about it. 
“Tire yourself out?” Mihawk asked something like amusement finally filling his smooth voice. 
“I’m going to vomit all over your fancy little sword.” You murmured, making the man sigh deeply through his nose. 
“Are you serious?” You moaned, feeling bile rise in your throat. Your world spun and blurred around you as Mihawk dragged you off his shoulder, a movement that only had that bile rising sharply and your mouth filling with hot spit. You were placed on your feet, but your knees gave out with little warning. Tiny rocks dug into the flesh of your palms and into your kneecaps. 
You cursed, taking deep breaths of the chill night air, hoping to settle your upset stomach. Maybe you had overdone it on the drinks--but unfortunately for you, this is what you had set out to accomplish, and sober you knew she wouldn’t have to deal with all of this nastiness. 
You had just opened your mouth to relieve your aching stomach when strong hands collected your hair away from your face. Hands that held your hair in a manner so soft you hardly felt it. You vomited before you could think much more on whose hands were holding your hair up. 
“Why were you in that bar, Y/N?” Mihawk asked, voice low and so--gentle. As gentle as the man could make it seem. You huffed in and out deeply, catching your breath.
“Why do most people go to --hic -- bars? To get drunk.” You hissed as best you could between breaths. Bile rose in your throat and your stomach rolled once more. Gods--
“Yes,” He sighed, annoyed at your comment. “But you don’t go to bars to get drunk. Not when you are set on a task. Not ever.” You huffed a moan before throwing up once more. 
“I’ve changed.” You huff out, catching your breath once more. Mihawk was quiet behind you. A quiet that ate at you more than you wished to admit. Your vision blurred again. But it was a blur that had nothing to do with the alcohol and everything to do with the tears welling in your eyes. 
You had drunk too much. Way too much if it was bring you to tears. Tears you could do nothing about to control, not in the state you were currently in. Not when the man making you cry was behind you, holding your hair like there was nothing wrong between the two of you. Like you were back on your home island, stealing alcohol from your father and sneaking off to the only bar on the whole island. 
Your home. Your father. Your forest. All gone. Just like that in the blink of an eye. How had it happened? How had you let it happen? You had been your home's Guardian, just as your mother before you, and her mother before her. It had been your job, your responsibility to protect it from such dangers. 
It had been your life's purpose and you had failed. Failed and lived. Lived when you should have died protecting it.
“Y/N--” Mihawk started, but you swatted his hands away as you turned your body away from your puke. You buried your face in your hands to keep the swordsman from seeing your tears. From seeing your weakened and broken state. 
“Leave me be. Please.” You all but begged. Gods you were pathetic. So far from the proud and strong person you had once been in your youth. So old and angry and tired.
“I’ve seen you at your lowest. Some sick and a few drunken tears are hardly going to deter me.” He said on a sigh like you should have already known that. 
You pulled your face from your hands to glare at him where he knelt behind you. To tell him to leave on a venomous hiss--to throw insults his way, but his hand disappearing into his jacket pocket caught your eye. It reappears with a golden hair clip, diamonds sparkling in the lamp lights as he showed it to you. 
“That’s my--” You started in disbelief. 
“You forgot it on my ship when you left.” He said, handing it to you. You took in gently in your hands and before you could even begin to process everything, his hands were in your hair once more. He gently pulled and twisted it, mimicking how you had done your hair a million and one times before without so much as a thought of his ever-watchful gaze. His free hand plucked the golden clip from your hand and nestled it securely in your hair. 
He had kept it. Had not only kept it, but had kept it on his person. Kept it close and ready to use if you ever needed it once more. 
When he was done, you turned to stare bug-eyed up at him, tears still refusing to halt their endless fall. Calm. He was always so calm. A calm that frustrated you and grated on your nerves to no end, but was such a familiar, comforting presence. A presence you had yearned to be around more than you yearned to hunt down every last Marine you came across. 
Hesitantly, he reached for you. So hesitantly he gave you enough to slap him away, but you made no move to do so. Made no move to stop him as he brushed your tears away with his thumb. 
His touch sent your eyes watering all over again. His touch and his actions were so gentle and kind and so utterly unfair. So unfair because you couldn’t give in. Not now. Not for a long, long time. 
Gods how you wanted to give in. 
“I can’t--I can’t go with you.” You said in a low, grave tone. Mihawk brushed his thumb over your cheek once more before pulling away, making you feel that cold aloneness you had been trying to chase away with drink. He gave the slightest of nods. 
“I know.” He said just as lowly, his face seeming to harden further. You watched him grab your black blade, which he had placed on the ground beside him. He resheathed it at your side skillfully and reached for you again, grabbing you under your arms and lifting you to your feet. You swayed like a great gust of wind had blown into you, your drunkenness having yet to wear off. 
Mihawk hardly made a single sound before he was lifting you off the ground once more. Made no sound as he prompted you to wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You did so without much thought, the action having been memorized by your body.
It was something the two of you had done many times over the years, whether it be you clinging to his back or front. Whether it be because you were too drunk or injured to walk, you would cling to him and he would hold you tight. It was something he had grumbled endlessly about the first few times you’d insisted upon it, but had slowly grown used to it to the point he would pick you up as such without your prompting. 
Your eyes catch his own briefly. Eyes so bright they were like the sun. A sun your soul begged to orbit one more, but your pride beat it down. Had you looking away and placing your cheek on his shoulder, taking his rose and expensive cologne scent deep into your nose so that you might hold on to it for that much longer.
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Mihawk felt like a teenager again, holding you like this. It was--refreshing, though if anyone of importance saw him in such a way, there was sure to be trouble. But for now, in this small village in the middle of the Grand Line, he could get away with it. Could hold you close and keep your seemingly ever-cold body warm. 
He had marked where your ship was docked before he had ever docked his own, so finding it again was hardly a chore. 
Your ship was just a tab bit larger than his own, still designed for a single crew member to sail, but large enough for a much more spacious sleeping quarters and kitchen. That had been something you had complained about endlessly when having sailed with him on his own ship. 
He readjusted his hold on you so he might open the door that led to the inner workings of your ship. It was neat and tidy, just as his own was, though the walls covered in numbers and markings were unlike anything on his own ship. 
They were Marine branch numbers, ones you had come across during your journeys. Underneath each number were tally marks which he assumed represented how many ships you had destroyed flying those same numbered flags. The branches you had completely whipped off the face of the earth he found were crossed out. 
It was impressive how many Marines you had wielded your perfect chaos against. Impressive and worrisome because he knew as the number grew, the more you would be noticed. And the more you are noticed, the more likely it was they would send another one of the Warlords to slaughter you. 
Garp had warned him of this the last time they spoke. Had commanded Mihawk to get you under control or you would be spared no mercy. It was Mihawk's first and final warning to stop you before you got yourself killed. 
And as much as Mihawk wanted to take you away to his new home, to keep you out of the prying eye of every last Marine and pirate that sailed the seas, he knew he needed to wait. To play your game and win it, or there would be no victory. No having you back by his side. 
You had fallen asleep sometime during the walk, so you made no fuss as Mihawk placed you in bed. You merely grumbled something in your sleeping state as he pulled your boots off and took your sword from your side, propping it against the wall.
He watched you for a long moment. Watched your softened features as you slept. 
So rare. You were too rare to let go. To give up on and allow to die. You were Mihawk’s twin flame. A flame he would fight and die for if given the chance. You were the only person alive he would truly bend to. 
And bend he did by letting you go. By playing your little game. A game he vowed to win the right way.
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ydotome · 6 months
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Dracule Mihawk “Hawk Eyes” (ジュラキュール・ミホーク) - One Piece - Episode 1086
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pluviiioo · 6 months
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still trying to recover from mihawks new piss colored jacket. take me back to the good old days😔
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unrelatedsideblog · 1 month
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Re-reading manga and damn, Zoro was so cocky here😭 He knew he was dealing with big fish but had to shit talk
Also "little frog" kinda cute
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vaadalt · 2 years
Mihawk find his s/o playing guitar and singing [GN-Reader]
Hello hello lovely fellas ! Hope y'all doing great and good by this heat !
A little something from my mind, with my dear Mihawk ! hope y'all will love it ! :D
Song mentioned : Judas Priest - Painkiller
Word count : 564
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Your relationship with Mihawk is like two cats chasing each other. One goes to the other, and the other comes to the other. It's quite special...
Few people who know about your relationship say it's... Extraordinary, you make such an unlikely duo... At least in appearance.
The big problem is that you each have your lives on the side. The little time you have is really precious. But for once, it's Mihawk who moves to his Lover's home. He prepared some small gifts.
He likes to come without prevent his s/o , never declare himself but always send a handwritten letter, leaving a doubt as to whether he will come or not. The trip goes smoothly, then docking at the small village.
Everybody run off when they see Mihawk, a corsair in the area? It's definitely a bad omen. But, the man in the hat doesn't care about the world that run away from him, he walks in the streets of a city he knows very little about, he rarely comes there. But… He already knows where he has to go.
Oddly, the florist smiles when the best swordsman in the world is in town. As Mihawk arrives at the flower stand, the old man running the stand comes to watch.
“Hello Sir. ''
“The usual, please.
'' “One usual…” The florist takes two large bouquets of roses, handing them to Mihawk before the latter gives him the money. Finally heading towards, his Lover houses. The closer he gets, the more he hears… Music? He frowns, before his pace picks up. strangely, the sound gets louder and louder as Lover House looms before his eyes. Mihawk comes in, a little stunned by the sound… Before heading towards the source of the noise, opening the door. He sees his Lover, hair down, guitar plugged into a sound amplifier.
S/o start playing, divinely well. Then, the sound of his Lover start to hit the air.
'' Faster than a bullet, Terrifying scream, Enraged and full of anger, He is half man and half machine, Ride the metal monster, Breathing smoke and fire, Closing in with revenge soaring high, He is the painkiller, This is the painkiller, Planets devastated Mankind's on his knees, A savior comes from out the skies , In response to their pleas ! ~ ''
Mihawk is… Surprised, but not disappointed with the show. He places the two bouquets on the nearby table, before leaning against a wall. Watching the show, he would never have thought s/o could be so… Wild. His golden eyes, watching all of the moves.
Although speaking of s/o, didn't notice Mihawk coming into the house or in the room. The show is always more surprising, as s/o sends his head back and forth. The long hair whipping the air. Fingers going from string to string, as the aggressive melody comes out of the instrument. The piece ends, before s/o opens his eyes. Seeo,g, a Mihawk with a pleased smirk on his lips. The guitar is thrown into the sofa not far before s/o comes to hug Mihawk.
The man coming to put his arms around his s/o. Coming placed a kiss on his forehead.
“Hello Darling. ''
His smirk just expand even more.
“You are better at the guitar than at the sword...” S/o's cheeks flushed red, as s/o buried face in the crook of Mihawk's neck.
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onepiece-birthdays · 3 months
It's March 9th
It's a big day here in the birthday column; we've got three powerful pirates with towering reputations and an allergy to buttoning their shirts.
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Happy birthday, Franky of the Straw Hat Pirates! He is 36.
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When asked for a quote, he told our reporters that "[he was] feeling SUPER!" The WENP acknowledges that this is the same quote we've gotten from him on every other occasion.
Happy birthday, Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk! He is 43.
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When asked for a quote, he told our reporters to "tell Red-Hair to stop sailing to my house every year so we can be 'birthday buddies.' I have no interest in birthdays or birthday buddies."
Happy birthday, Red-Haired Shanks! He is 39.
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Red-Haired Shanks could not be reached for a quote, as he was headed for Mihawk's house. Good luck, Red-Hair!
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majubengel · 3 months
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Tony Hawk
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sweetsnakeart · 1 year
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Strawberry ice cream is good too~
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