viinistajavieresta · 2 years
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Pitkästä aikaa syömässä kotona #carelia #brasseriecarelia #entrecote #ainakuinkotona (paikassa Carelia Brasserie & Viinibaari) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChG5A6wtCdIKItcanH0erY31GTzwKR43W7faRo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Sauna galleggiante, allevamento di vitelli per la carne marmorizzata e sistema di difesa Pantsir: ecco la dacia di Putin a un passo dalla Finlandia
MOSCA – Tre villette in stile moderno, due eliporti, diversi moli per yacht, un allevamento di trote, uno di vitelli da carne e una cascata naturale, il tutto racchiuso dentro un recinto fatto di filo spinato, posti di guardia e sistemi di sicurezza elettronici: è l’ennesima residenza riconducibile al presidente russo Vladimir Putin. Si trova in Carelia sul lago Ladoga, nell’area della baia di…
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prayforleonardo · 6 years
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Fui primero a tomarme unas fotos para la carta de pasante y despues a la UABC a saludar a Carelia, encontre bufandas del Fenerbahce y Galatasaray
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ilopisara · 6 months
26.11. 20:46 | Ilo Pisara vs KINGS OF CARELIA 3 - 2
Ladies and gentlemen, grab your popcorn because the spectacle that was Ilo Pisara's latest hockey escapade deserves a standing ovation... with a few thrown tomatoes for good measure. Let's break it down: First off, we've got Teppo Winnipeg – oh boy! With puck-moving skills like his, who needs enemies? A defense rating of 55? If he were any more porous we'd use him to strain spaghetti. But let’s not forget his offensive antics; an assist is cute but next time maybe actually put the biscuit in the basket yourself? Now onto Sami Noddy – or should I say 'Semi-Godly'? The man scores goals like they're going out of style and dishes assists as if they’re last season’s leftovers. Game-winning goal? Check. Interceptions galore? Double-check. Penalty minutes though... really Sami? We're playing hockey here, not collecting souvenirs from the sin bin. And Jani Saari - Sniper extraordinaire! Two goals that had our opponents looking for their dignity on eBay afterward. However, passing at just over 64% accuracy makes me think you might be better suited sending smoke signals than pucks to your teammates. As for historical context: remember when we lost against MIESKISSAT (5-8)? That game was messier than my grandma's knitting during an earthquake! Today showed improvement but don't get cocky; history has its eyes on us! Future implications are clear: sharpen those skates AND attitudes because next game is another chapter in our saga – will it be heroic tales or bedtime stories for underachievers? Dismissed before someone mistakes this pep talk for open mic night at Comedy Central!
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shortfastgood · 10 months
Vacacanze in Carelia
Lunedi 24 luglio 2023, Eccoci nuovamente in viaggio per le vacanze. Anche noi facciamo parte di quel turismo di massa che si muove in cerca di evasione. Le buone intenzioni servono a poco se la destinazione attira troppe persone contemporaneamente, io ricordo bene la calata dal nord per il fine settimana di Pasqua con le code infinite al Gottardo. Intanto ci vuole pazienza, alle volte tanta, e…
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clamarcap · 1 year
Nelle terre del Kalevala
Armas Launis (22 aprile 1884 - 1959): Häiden vietto Karjalan runomailla (Matrimonio nella poetica terra di Carelia) per ensemble da camera (1921). Ensemble Avanti!, dir. Yrjö Hjelt. La composizione consiste in una suite di musiche tratte dalle opere Seitsemän veljestä (I sette fratelli, 1903) e Kullervo (1917) riarrangiate da Launis per essere eseguite durante la proiezione del documentario…
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shineondoc · 2 years
kills bites kicks screams i havent gotten notifs from my university email and not only did i forget to turn in my library books but the person i contacted about maybe possibly being able to do my e-exams without anyone else clacking away at their keyboards & preferably with a fidget cube and or pencil and paper and like. could be worse but im also 64% convinced theyll now make me take all of my remaining exams right in the middle of the carelia lobby at noon when the restaurants the busiest. and also ill be fucking crucified cos i havent even fucking opened the books i loaned when i went to the library, which no one in the history of ever has possibly ever done before. im intensely aware of the deadlines coming closer and i hate this i hate this whys this got to be this wayyyyy
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zinoriental · 2 years
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AUTORIA: Escrito pelo Autor d'A Cidade Branca DATA:7:14 AM · 22 de mar de 2022 ·Twitter Web App LINK: https://twitter.com/acidadebranca/status/1506167379784613898
O Colapso da Federação Russa (Versão Atualizada)
Verde - Russia Amarelo - Paises Turcofonos Vermelho - China Rosa - Países Sinofilos Azul (Ocidente) - Países Fino-Ugricos Azul (Oriente) - Países Pro-EUA Azul - União Europeia Laranja - Países Sino-Turcofilos Castanho - Emirato do Cáucaso
A Rússia tal como ela é neste momento.
A Federação Russa entra em Colapso. Revoltas Independentistas apoiadas pela Turquia, pelo Ocidente e pela China.
O exercito russo não consegue dominar as revoltas. A Turquia cria União Turcófona com os paises turcófonos. A China invade a Mongólia e as regiões fronteiriças russas. A China reindivica as regiões fronteiriças que foram outrora parte do Império Manchu dos Qing. A Finlândia e a Hungria apoiam as Republicas Fino-Ugricas. A própria Finlândia invade a Carélia e a Lapónia. Sampetersburgo declara-se independente com o apoio dos oligarcas. Os Estados Fino-Úgricos, Komi e Sampetersburgo formam a Aliança Fino Úgrica. Kalingrado declara a independência. A União Europeia apoia as revoltas da Bielorrússia e prepara a entrada da Bielorrússia, da Prussia, da Ucrânia, da Servia, da Geórgia e da Arménia. No Norte do Cáucaso rebenta uma revolta islâmica do Estado Islâmico e da Al-Qaeda.
A Turquia e a China chegam a um entendimento e ambos apoiam uma União Económica Turca em que a China participa ativamente.
A Rússia volta a Restabelecer a Ordem e reconquista Sampetersburgo, a Bielorrússia, invade a Sibéria Turcófona e invade o Norte do Cazaquistão.
A China acaba por apoiar a Yakutia por estar na sua zona de Influência. A Rússia tenta reconquistar os países do Volga e do Cáucaso. Desta vez sem sucesso. Os antigos aliados da Rússia voltam outra vez excepto a Síria que foi invadida pela Turquia e pela Asia Central.
Kalingrado ou Prussia volta a ser uma Republica Aliada da Russia.
A Russia está novamente restabelecida. Reconquista a Carelia, a Crimeia, o Norte do Cáucaso e Kalingrado. Invade a Bielorrússia. Volta a Invadir a Ucrânia. Apoia a Servia na anexação da Bósnia Servia.
A Geórgia, a Arménia e os Países do Volga voltam para a zona de influencia da Rússia. Russia e China chegam a um acordo. Yakutia passa para uma zona de influencia conjunta entre Rússia, China e Turquia. Em troca Vladivostok passa a ser uma zona especial autónoma da China.
Conversacoes entre a Rússia, a China e o Japão levam este ultimo a dar independência a Sacalina que passa estar na zona de influencia da China.
Nota: É mera ficção baseada com alguma realidade. Provavelmente nada disto vai acontecer. Ou talvez não.
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aldiafl · 2 years
Cuba: entre promesas incumplidas y reclutamientos de informantes
Cuba: entre promesas incumplidas y reclutamientos de informantes
‘Caotizar el barrio para tener la justificación de desplegar un operativo policial como pantalla para reclutar informantes.’ Street Art en La Habana. DIARIO DE CUBA Luego de perder su vivienda y casi todas sus pertenencias, a consecuencia de un derrumbe, Carelia Muñiz lleva a cuestas a sus tres hijos menores de edad, de alquiler en alquiler, desde septiembre de 2017 cuando el huracán Irma azotó…
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guestblogger · 2 years
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Brush Carelia Natural Care Anti-Cellulite Massager http://dlvr.it/SYN2zF
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micmol · 2 years
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Beautiful Finland at its best . #ilovefinland #summertime #lakeswimming #lovenature #blueandgreen (at Joensuu, North Carelia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgoHMDIokMc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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calopepe · 2 years
Karjalanpiirakka Karjalanpiirakka La karjalanpiirakka (letteralmente “crostata careliana”) è un piatto tradizionale finlandese originario della regione della Carelia riconosciuto come Specialità tradizionale garantita dall’Unione europea. La torta in passato aveva di solito un impasto con farina di segale, ma altre varianti usavano farina di frumento per migliorarne la cottura. La farcitura più…
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viinistajavieresta · 2 years
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Kauden päättäjäiset! Oma panos jäi muutamaan kertaan, ensi vuonna täysillä mukana #vuodenviinit2022 #tasting #viini #varelia (at Carelia Brasserie & Viinibaari) https://www.instagram.com/p/CehKOzcN1B8Qfx2wIckPsAGFa5ZRGBCOn9ScM00/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ilopisara · 6 months
18.11. 21:48 | Ilo Pisara vs KINGS OF CARELIA 5 - 0
Well, well, well... look at what we have here! Ilo Pisara trouncing the KINGS OF CARELIA with a whopping 5-0 victory. That's right, folks – it was such an utter demolition that our rivals couldn't even stick around to see the end of their own misery; they tucked their tails between their legs and called it quits early. Winner by DNF? More like 'Dashed N' Fled', am I right? Our knight in shining armor on defense, Teppo Winnipeg – this guy's more two-way than a radio communicator! Not only does he put up a goal and assist, but he also plays defense tighter than my grandma's purse strings during a sale. And Sami Noddy? Please! With moves slicker than an oil spill and playmaking sharper than a porcupine’s backside - handing out assists like candy on Halloween. But let me bow down before Jani Saari – oh emperor of offense, master of puck possession – netting three goals himself and dishing out assists for fun. His performance tonight made Shakespeare look like he wrote nothing but doodles! Now don’t get too cozy there champs; remember those games where you skated as if your feet were stuck in quicksand? The past victories are just whispers now. It’s performances like these that write chapters in our history books. So let's not make quitting early a habit unless we fancy being known as the "Ilo Wimps-ara." Next game is no joke - skate hard or expect to hear from me again, and trust me... you won't be laughing then!
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suburban-wind-blog · 5 years
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Carelian beautiful sunsets🌲🌅 • • • #hiking #forest #photographer #forestphotography #sunset #sky #heaven #summer #tree #camping #outdoors #woods #green #bestforestmood #russia #россия #природа #beautifulplaces #carelia #naturephotography #nature #landscape #scenery #clouds #exploring #evening #reflection #peace #flowers (at Sortavala, Leningradskaya Oblast', Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs5F4wJlZWe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1chja4cbomiaa
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