#Carey rambles about life and stuff and work and whatever else is going on
dewitty1 · 1 year
Saturday Six (Stuff)
I gave in and finally made a poll! I'm only sad because Bunglr doesn't allow more than 10 answers. (•̀⌄•́)
Is worrying about money a normal concern? I think so, but my therapist thinks I'm sinking back into depression. And I'm like, no. I'm upset because I have no money. Idk how to be positive about that. Ugh.( ಠ ಠ )
I'm annoyed that circumstances have interfered with my patio getting put up this year. We lost some parts in the big move, and others had to be replaced, and it it's still not up yet. Boooo.Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
We had a massive thunderstorm on Thursday night, and lovely rain since then.♡(•ི̛ᴗ•̛)ྀ
Farmer's market was supposed to start this weekend but it's postponed until next Saturday. I still say it should not start until June.(。-ω-)ノ
I've got a big boat waiting for a cover at my garage this week! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
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holidaywishes · 5 years
It Had To Be You XIX
Chapter Nineteen: Ready To Love You
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Summary: November comes to a close and you start getting for Christmas. With no finals in sight, you take off to Dallas to surprise Tyler when he gets back from his road trip.
Author’s Note: So, this one catches us up to today! Next chapter will be a Christmas one and then a smutty one after that maybe? I’ll be honest, this one took me longer than I thought it would because there’s hardly any angst. I guess my specialty was angst and now that they’re happy, it’s taking me longer to write it out 😂 But even if this isn’t my best work, I hope you enjoy it!
Warning: 🙅‍♀️
Song Credit: Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree -- Pentatonix, Up On The Housetop -- Gene Autry, O Holy Night -- David Archuleta, Oh Santa -- Mariah Carey,  Ready To Love You -- HEDEGAARD
  You knew you were going to see Tyler when he came to Calgary but, after he moved into his new place, you kept bugging him to give you a tour. With only one day before the road trip, he gave you a quick virtual tour.
  “It might not translate on screen but it’s really awesome” he laughed from behind the camera
  “It looks pretty awesome from here,” you laughed, squinting to see what he was showing you, “it’s bigger than your last place isn’t it?” He flipped the camera to him and nodded
  “Oh yeah!.. Wait, do you not like it?” he scrunched his face in concern
  “I’m only seeing it through a screen but it looks amazing” you responded with a smile, noticing the concern on his face not leaving
 “It’ll look better with you in it,” he finally smiled, lifting his eyebrows suggestively, “when will that be by the way?”
  “Well, my classes don’t end until December 10th but you’re on a road trip then. And it’s right before Christmas. So, it might not be until after Christmas…” you rambled
  “New Years? We play Montreal on New Year’s Eve but the 1st we’re free. And in Dallas…” he said hopeful
  “Count me in,” you gave a wink but then a wave of stress rolled over your face, “except… I still have to find an internship and they might start right away in January…”
  “SHIT! I didn’t tell you,” he said loudly, “I heard back from my guy and he wants to do a phone interview with you. Like tomorrow..”
  “Tyler, that’s awesome! But what is it for? You have told me nothing, I should probably do some research…” you joked, “or else it’s like nepotism?”
  “Don’t worry,” he laughed, “it’s a marketing agency. I got all your ‘requirements’ and I made sure that he was okay with that. Clearly, he was. I just forgot to tell you. I gave him your number so, he’ll be calling you…”
  “Can I get the name of this marketing agency?”
  “Entourage or, technically, Agency Entourage I guess”
  “I’ll look it up now, thanks love.” It was something you had called everyone, love. You used to call everyone lovey -- like lovey dovey -- but changed it to love later on; but you had never called Tyler ‘love’ until a few weeks ago and he never seemed to question it, so it continued. He blew you a sardonic kiss and continued the tour a little but once he got to the bedroom he said that’s where he’d let you go so you would be left wanting more. You were at the end of the month and everything seemed to ease up slightly. You’re assignments were finished, you just found out you had no finals so you were pumped, all you had to worry about was one more final presentation and a couple extra classes and you’d be done.
  Your phone interview was a few days before the Stars were in Calgary and part of you wondered if Tyler had planned it that way. It went well, you were personable and knowledgeable about the company, you asked questions about the position; all in all you were excited about whatever the next step would be. The waiting was the worst. Waiting for a yes or a no, waiting to find out if you needed to buy a plane ticket and get some kind of insurance, waiting to see if moving in with Tyler was even an option or if you should just find a place for yourself. You felt like you were going to short out your computer with how many times you checked your email; you spent literally an entire hour one day refreshing the page. It was getting ridiculous but this is what your life had become. Eventually, you’d start applying to a bunch of different jobs on your University job board because you needed a job and you only had one month to get everything figured out; then you saw it.
  “Hi (Y/N)! Thank you so much for talking with us this weekend. We were so excited to receive your resume from Tyler. He spoke very highly of you and your qualifications were very impressive. We would love to offer you an intern position on our communications team here at Entourage!”
  As you scanned the email, you screamed and jumped out of your seat in the library, alerting everyone to your presence; you apologized and sat down to continue reading.
  “We understand that we have to get some things approved with your advisor first and that this is a co-op position so you have to be back in April but, if all goes well, maybe you would consider continuing on with us in the fall. We’ll discuss more in further correspondence. We look forward to working with you, a contract will be sent to you shortly. Thank you!”
  You were shocked and excited and you could barely contain yourself so, you packed up your bag and ran out of the library. Once you picked up your phone, you weren’t sure who to call first. You’d see Tyler in tomorrow and you could tell him in person but you wanted to share it with him. So, instead, you call Chris.
  “THAT’S AWESOME!!” he shouts from the other end, “I’m so excited for you! When does the job start?”
  “The contract says January 8th. So, I get a couple extra days after the New Year,” you reply excitedly and he just shouts back in excitement before asking if you’ve told Tyler yet, “not yet. Tomorrow. When I see him.”
  “Well I’m happy for you, sweets,” he coos, “you deserve it.” You thank him but roll your eyes slightly at his emotion and then hang up.
  The game against Calgary was relatively tame. When Tyler scored the game winning goal in overtime, the Flames challenged it and the fans were not incredibly happy with the result.
  Hockey fans do not like being challenged on home ice by opposing teams.
  You went to go meet Tyler by the locker rooms before he took off to B.C.; running to him quickly to embrace him in a kiss, taking him by surprise. You pulled his face to yours tightly and he guided you to the wall to support both him and you.
  “Hi,” he said catching his breath as he pulled away, “it’s nice to see you too.” He laid his forehead against yours and you smiled up at him, apologizing softly before playfully biting his lip.
  “I missed you,” you said when the two of you finally separated, walking side by side to the bus outside the Saddledome, “I didn’t think I was going to get to see you before you left either”
  “Well, I’m glad you caught me” he said softly
  “Me too” he smiled, bringing your lips back to his quickly but fumbled slightly as the two of you walked down the hallway
  “You bit me,” you laughed rubbing your lip, “that gonna be a common thing?”
  “Maybe…” he shoved you playfully, “you bit me too by the way.” You smiled up at him, scrunching your nose and grabbed his hand as the two of you continued walking. When he noticed that you were almost to the bus, he pulled you behind a wall structure and put his finger in front of his mouth to tell you not to talk; you stared at his lips as he peeked out from behind the wall occasionally.
  “Sneak on the bus,” he whispered, “and the plane. Come to B.C.” You laughed and shook your head, still staring at him in disbelief. You couldn’t believe that you were finally with him. He was so god damn beautiful.
  “How would I even do that?” you joked, “sneak into the little luggage thing under the bus -- where there’s no oxygen and all of your smelly hockey equipment -- and then somehow get on the plane before everyone else and hide in the bathroom?”
  “Yes, exactly,” he leaned down to kiss your neck, pinning you against the wall slightly, “do exactly that…” You felt him smile against your neck and you got so distracted that a tiny moan came from your mouth but he stifled the sound by capturing your lips with his.
  “Sorry..” you said breathlessly when he pulled away, “I just, uhm, I have to tell you something.” You heard a voice call for Tyler and then his phone ring, he ignored it for a minute but when it rang again he had to answer it.
  “Sorry, babe one sec,” he said still pinning you against the wall as he answered his phone, “Hello? Yeah, I’ll be there in a sec. I just had to use the bathroom Chubbs. Relax, bud.. Okay, bye. Yeah, bye.” He hung up the call and turned back to you, staring at you for a minute before you spoke again.
  “I had something to tell you,” you started, “but I can’t remember what it was now…” He laughed and kissed your nose
  “I’m sure you’ll remember it when I leave.” He gave you one last kiss and told you he had to go or they’d call a search party and you tried pulling him back to you by grabbing his arm but he trailed his hand down your arm and kissed your hand; just as quickly he was on the bus.
  “You didn’t tell him?!” Diana shouted at you as your Christmas playlist boomed in the background
  “I was distracted,” you replied, “I mean that boy knows how to kiss…”
  “Okay okay I get it. So, what’s your plan?”
  “Voices singin’ ‘let’s be jolly, deck the halls with boughs of holly...’”
  “Well, my Monday class got cancelled so I’m going to finish out the week and figure out some stuff here after that -- decorating and all that. Then head out to Dallas on the 14th; he’s back in Dallas on the 16th I think. So, I’ll tell him when he’s home,” you said as the song changed, making you and Diana bop your heads
  “Ho Ho Ho, who wouldn’t go, Ho Ho Ho, who wouldn’t go. Up on the housetop, click click click. Down through the chimney with Old Saint Nick…”
  “That’s a good idea right?” you continued, “he’ll be surprised and then excited about the news?”
  “I think it sounds super sweet babe!” she said happily, “I think he’ll be so happy to see you! Do you think you’ll be there for Christmas though? Like it’s so close to it but that’s a pretty big deal…”
  “No, I’ll probably come back home. He’ll have his family there I think, I don’t want to impose. It’s not my place, right?” you asked as if Diana would give you some kind of answer but she just shrugged.
  “A new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees. Oh hear, the angel voices…”
  “I don’t know babe, I mean you always sing at the church here. Every Christmas Eve you go caroling too. You hate giving up those traditions…” she replied and you pursed your lips in thought, “but I mean, you would be living in Dallas…”
  “I’ll decide when I talk to him. I don’t think that’s a me decision. I think it’s an us decision” you agreed finally and Diana nodded her head. When the 16th came around, you were nervous about how to act when you got there. This would be the first time that you were staying with Tyler as his girlfriend and you didn’t want to move too fast. He had told you months ago where he kept his spare key and what his code was if you ever wanted to stay there while he was away; you let yourself in and were immediately toppled by the three labs in the house.
  “Ooof, hey guys! Hello my sweet boys!” you said, puppy voice high and playful. You were happy to have a day with the dogs before you saw Tyler because you knew that the team was having a rough week and you weren’t sure if he’d be grumpy or not when he saw you, so it would be nice to blow off some steam with the dogs. You took the dogs out to the park, explored Ty’s new house, snooping around, trying to work the T.V. but failing, sitting out by the pool in the backyard and, eventually, dancing around to Christmas songs while the dogs chased you around.
  “I saw them shopping last week, and his new girl was so bleak. And then I swore to myself. Santa's gonna come and make him mine this Christmas night. Ho ho ho…” Gerry was the one who seemed to be the most confused by your dance moves, Marshall was used to it by now and Cash wasn’t even paying attention but Gerry thought you were in pain or something so he tried to, you can only assume, save you.
  “Ow! Gerry, stop,” you laughed as he jumped on you, “come dance with me you dork!” The song continued in the background and you heard a ding on your phone that let you know the game was starting. You turned off your music and went over to the couch.
  “How do I work this stupid T.V.?” you asked the dogs, who looked at you with wide eyes, “there are too many remotes!” You finally got the T.V. on and switched to the game, doing your best not to touch any of the remotes once the channel was set. When the game finally ended, and the Stars had lost, you knew it wasn’t going to be the happiest of homecomings. The second he walked in the door, he heard the T.V. and was immediately on edge.
  “Who the fuck is in my house?” he yelled
  “It’s just me…” you popped out from around the corner, “sorry, I thought I was going to get to the door before you came in.” You waited for a second to gauge his reaction and let out a sigh of relief when he smiled.
  “Hi babe” he said, dropping his stuff in the middle of the room to walk over to you.
  “Hi,” you hugged him and pushed yourself up on your tippy toes to place a kiss to his lips, “what do you want to do for the rest of the night?” He hugged you tighter and said ‘nothing’ and you nodded your head, dragging him to the couch.
  “I know you’re not super into it but there’s a new episode of Sabrina on Netflix,” you asked, “how would you feel about that?” He smiled at you and you knew he was fine with whatever you wanted to do.
  “Sounds like a plan,” he planted a kiss to your head before running off to his bedroom to change, “I’ll be down in a sec, you get everything ready.” You got comfy on the couch, with the dogs trying to find the best spot to sit until Tyler came down and shooed them away from his spot on the couch.
  “You ready for the adventures of Sabrina?” you said excitedly, trying to lighten his mood
  “I am if you are” he sat down, looking a little defeated and you watched him get comfortable, giving him a small kiss that turned deeper when he grabbed your face, trying to pull you closer to him.
  “Hmm mmm.. not yet,” you pulled away from the kiss, trying not to move too fast, “later.”
  “Later tonight?” he said expectantly and you shook your head, curling into his side and turning on the Netflix series. You heard his breath slowing and you could tell he was going to fall asleep soon, so you jumped in before he could.
  “I almost forgot, I got that job with that Agency” you said coyly, “I meant to tell you last week but got distracted by something…”
  “That’s awesome!” he jumped up, bringing you to sit up, “when do you start?”
  “January 8th. I just have to find a place here and --” you started but he interrupted
  “Done. You’ll stay with me” you stared blankly at him for a second, trying to figure out what to say or, rather, how to break it to him gently.
  “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Tyler. Us living together for five months? That’s a big deal…”
  “I’ll hardly be here and it’s not like you’d be moving in for good,” he caught your gaze go down to your lap, “not that I wouldn’t love to have you move in here…” You smiled weakly and told him you’d think on it.
  “I think it would good for us to have some boundaries though…”
  “Like showing up randomly at each other's place?” he teased and you nudged his side
  “Yes, like that” you said and lightly kissed his lips, turning your attention back to the screen.
  “I’m happy you’ll be here,” he said, leaning his head against yours, “I hate long distance relationships.” You smiled and squeezed him, letting him know you felt the same.
  “They’re the worst…”
  “Totally,” he joked, “I need to feel you. Touch you. Kiss you. In person, not over a screen.” His hands crept up your side and you squirmed as he reached the part of you that always tickled at the slightest touch, forcing you to jump up. You stared at him for a second, his hands lingering on your waist, waiting for your move; no matter how much you wanted to be with him like that, your brain and your body wouldn’t connect and you couldn’t let yourself be vulnerable with him just yet. So, you leaned back in for a kiss and claimed that you were feeling a little worn out and you were sure he was too.
  “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Soon enough, his head lobbed onto the top of yours, trapping it like it did at the cottage all those years ago, and you felt so peaceful; like this was where you needed to be.
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exoscenarios3 · 5 years
Love Is Complicated. (SuhoxReader) Pt.5
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Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, Pt. 4, Pt.6 
   It’s been a year, and Suho and I have kept our relationship a secret for this long without literally anyone finding out, which I was very proud of, honestly. I can’t believe we kept it a secret for this long. The only problem is, Avia was officially home now, she had been back fo a while. She was done with her trip, and always at home. Today, however, she was gone for work, and Suho came home early because I wasn’t feeling well. I insisted he stay at work, and that I probably just had a small cold, but he got off anyways and came to my apartment to take care of me. 
“You sure you don’t want to go to the doctor?” He asked, feeling my forehead. 
“No, I’m fine really. My stomach is just trying to murder me is all.” I say, curling into a ball on the couch. 
Suho sat next to me, and tried to get me to eat soup, but anything I ate, I threw back up. His face was filled with worry, and I could tell he didn’t know what to do in this situation. 
“Tell me what I can do. There has to be something.” He said. I shook my head. 
“Don’t worry about me, really. I’ve been sick before, I can handle it.” I say. Suho started to say something, but his phone rang. He let out a sigh and answered it. 
“What is it?” He asked in his business voice. “No. I left early for a reason, can’t it wait?” He asked. “I swear to god if this is just one of your dumb ‘I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing’ things, I will fire you.” Suho yelled into the phone, hanging up angrily. “I have to go back to the bank, apparently, one of our clients backed out of something, so I have to go speak to them.” He said, taking my hand. “Will you be okay without me?” He asked, going back to his soft voice. 
“I’ll be fine. Just go.” I say, laughing a little at him. He kissed my forehead and left my studio apartment. 
Today was Saturday, so I knew Lay would be off, so I called him to ask if he would take me to the pharmacy to get medicine. He agreed and came to pick me up. 
“Man, so much cool stuff here, it’s a shame that none of it will be bought by anyone.” Lay said, looking around. 
“You can have two candies.” I say, rolling my eyes. Sometimes, he acted like an actual child. 
“Two!?” He yelled, running off to the candy isle. I went to the pharmacy desk. 
“Hey, I have the flu, and I need to get rid of it fast, because I really don’t have the time.” I said. “Don’t give me the soft stuff, I need the hard stuff. The Mariah Carey has to sing tonight stuff.” I say, whispering the last part.
“Of course miss Kim.” The lady said. “What’s your symptoms?” She asked.
“Well, I’m nauseous, I can’t keep anything down, I have a major headache, my boobs kinda hurt.” I said, holding my boobs for a second in discomfort. She looks at me strangely. 
“That doesn’t sound like the flu.” She said, raising an eyebrow. 
“Of course it’s the flu, what else could it be? I mean-“ I started to say more, but I turned my head and saw the pregnancy tests and everything basically just clicked into place. 
“This counts as one.” Lay said, holding up a giant gummy bear made out of more gummy bears.
(Ten points to anyone who can figure out where that’s from)
The test turned out positive, and I honestly didn’t know what to do with myself. I threw away the stick, and walked out of the bathroom shocked. 
“Man you were in the bathroom forever.” Lay said, putting down whatever random thing he was playing with. “I mean jeez, what took you so long?” He asked. 
“N-nothing. I’m not. It’s nothing.”’I ramble. “We have to go to Suho’s Office.” I say. 
“What? Why? I didn’t think-“ He started, but I cut him off. 
“It’s an emergency!” I say, leaving the pharmacy, and going to his car. 
He drove me to Suho’s Office, and everyone looked at me like they had seen a ghost as I walked through the building. I could see Suho yelling at an employee from his desk, Avia was sitting in the chair across from him. The employee left with his head hung low, and I walked in before the door could even close. 
“Whoa, What’re you doing here?” Avia asked, obviously annoyed and ready to try and fight. 
“I don’t have time for you, I need to speak to Suho. Alone.” I said, cutting her off quickly. 
“About what?” She asked, crossing her arms, and raising her eyebrows.
“Lord Voldemort is back, and I murdered him.” I say, giving her a look.
“Suho’s over you, it’s been a year, get over it.” She says, rolling her eyes. 
“Okay, she beast, it’s important, it’s about Kai and I need to speak to him alone.” I say, waving a dismissive hand at her.
“You don’t-“ She started. 
“Avia.” Suho said, gesturing his head towards the door. She looked at him and then at me, and huffed before getting up and leaving. 
“Okay, act annoyed at me, because your whole office is pure glass and everyone can see everything we’re doing.” I say, starting to pace. 
“...Okay? But why are you here? You should be at home resting and not pacing around like a mad man.” He said, watching as I paced. 
“You know how this morning I thought I had the flu?” I asked. 
“Yeah, it was just a few hours ago.” He said. 
“Yeah, well I went to the pharmacy to get medicine for it, and the lady told me my symptoms didn’t sound like the flu, so I was like well what else could it fucking be, ya know? Like obviously it’s the flu right?” I said, rambling again. 
“Just spit it out, what do you have?” He asked, scrunching his eyebrows at me. 
“It’s not what I have... but what WE have.” I say, nervously. “Suho... I’m pregnant.” I say, stopping my pacing to look him in the eye. He froze completely, staring off into space. “Suho? Hello?” I waved my hand in front of his face, but nothing. “Suho please say something.” I pleaded. I turned around and see Avia, Lay, And Baekhyun staring at us from Baekhyun’s desk. I give a quick smile, but turn back to Suho.
“Pregnant.” He said, finally. “What do we do? I mean, we’re going to have to tell everyone now, right? I have to study up on parenting. Oh god. I’m busy, like, all the time, what if we’re the parents that never pays attention to our kid because we’re busy and we only let the nanny take care of it?” He said. Now he was the one rambling. 
“It’ll be fine. We’ll tell everyone, separately, we’ll be perfect parents and everything is going to be just fine.” I say, trying to calm him down. He stood up and started pacing too. 
“I mean. A baby? How can we- what if we- I’m.” He said, putting his glasses on the desk. 
“Let’s just wait to tell everyone until we go get a sonogram in a few weeks, and see what’s going on in there, and then we’ll tell everyone.” I say. Suho nods and take a deep breath. 
“I’m gonna.” He starts. “I’m gonna pass out.” He said, passing out, and landing on the floor. 
“Oh my god.” I said, bending down next to him. 
Avia, Lay, and Baekhyun rushed into Suho's office, slamming the door open. 
"What exactly did you do!?" Avia asked, outraged. She crouched down to Suho. He had woken up, but was still out of it. He tried to sit up, but she made him lay back down quickly. 
"What happened?" He groaned. 
"You just passed out for some reason." Avia explains.
"Do we take him to the hospital or?" Baekhyun asked, not knowing what to do in this situation. He isn’t the only one.
"No, he didn't hit his head, and he probably just got too hot or tired." Avia explains, moving a strand of hair out of his face, which kinda made me wanna punch her in the face. “I’m late for work, so I have to leave. Just get him some ice.” She said, laying Suho down gently, and leaving the room. 
“What the hell happened? Why are you here? Why did Suho pass out?” Baekhyun asked, freaking out. 
“Baek, please. Calm down, give him space.” I said, making sure Baekhyun wasn’t hovering over Suho. “I’ll explain everything later, I swear, just... get me some cold water.” I said. Lay got up, and went to get a cup of water. I poured it on Suho’s face, and he shot up. “Are you okay?” I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder. 
“I’ll be fine.” He said, holding his head. 
“Here.” I say, giving him a towel to dry off, and also gave him the ice. “Can you give us a second please?” I asked, looking at Lay and Baekhyun. They gave me a weird look, and lingered for a second, but got up and left the room, standing close by the windows. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked, worried about Suho. 
“Yeah, I think so. I’m just trying to process everything.” He said, looking at the ground. “You’re pregnant.” He said, looking up at me. 
How Suho processes life changing things is always weird. First he freaks out about it, then he’s happy about it, then he freaks out again and so on and so forth. 
“Yeah, I am.” I say, smiling. 
“You’re pregnant! With my kid! I’m gonna be a dad!” He said, excited. 
“So you’re happy about it?” I asked. 
“Of course. Do you know how much I love you?” He said, holding my hands. I smiled at him even bigger than I was before, but remembered that Lay and Baekhyun could see us. I pretended like I was just helping him up, and let go of his hands quickly, backing away from him. 
“We have watchers.” I said, gesturing my head towards the boys. Suho looked over, and waved for them to get back to work. 
“We’ll have to talk about this more when I get home. I really want to hug you and kiss you right now, but since everyone can see us...” He said trailing off. “We should get married right? I don’t want to be those parents who had a kid and never got married, and then have to explain to our kid why we never did, and they get jealous of everyone else’s parents.” Suho started rambling again. Like I said, he has a weird way of processing things. 
“Suho, calm down. We’ll figure everything out later. We have plenty of time.” I say, holding him by his shoulders. “I’m gonna go. I just couldn’t wait for you to get home to tell you, and I love you, and I’ll see you later.” I said, leaving his office so he could get back to work. I really wanted to kiss him goodbye but because we can’t let people know, I couldn’t. Lay and Baekhyun followed me down the hall and out the building. 
“Tell us. Tell us. (Y/N), tell us.” They basically chanted all the way out.
“Oh my god, I can’t. It’s just personal stuff that I have to deal with, and I’m just stressed out about it.” I said, running my fingers through my hair. 
“You know, (Y/N), sometimes life throws us crazy curves. And, yes, this moment may be the biggest curve,” Baekhyun started, motioning a curve at his belly. “You’ve ever had to deal with, but just because your family is getting bigger does not mean that you can’t handle it. You and Suho can handle anything.” He said, smiling. 
“Wow. Baekhyun, thank you. That’s exactly what I needed to hear right now. God, it’s so weird that you found out that I was pregnant before anyone else did-“ 
“PREGNANT!?” Lay and Baekhyun yelled at the same time, catching me off guard. “Wow. (Y/N)!” 
“Yeah, What did you think?” I asked, confused. 
“I thought you were getting a dog.” Baekhyun said. 
“Well why did you go like this?” I asked, doing the same curve move at my belly like he did. 
“That’s the sign for petting a dog that’s sitting on your lap. But pregnant!? Wow! Oh, that’s amazing!” Baekhyun said. 
“Wait whose is it?” Lay asked. I closed my eyes and shook my head. They can be such idiots. 
“Suho’s.” I said, rolling my eyes. 
“You two have been sleeping with each other? And now your pregnant? Talk about awkward.” Lay said, looking at Baekhyun 
“No, we haven’t been sleeping with each other. I mean we have been, but we actually got back together a while ago. A year ago to be exact.” I admit. 
“And you didn’t tell us til now!? What!? I thought we were your best friends and to think, we helped you out in your darkest times.” Baekhyun over exaggerated. 
“I had to keep it a secret. I’m sorry. But now you guys have to keep this a secret, until Suho and I figure everything out. I swear to god if either of you mentions anything about babies to anyone, I will drop kick you I swear.” I say, pointing at the two of them. 
~~ Third person~~
It had been a few hours since the big news. Avia had come back from her work, and met up with Baekhyun and Lay at their desks. 
"So how is he doing now?" She asks.
"He seems to be doing fine. Well better than fine, he keeps smiling at his computer. I wonder what he's looking at?" Baekhyun says, peering into their boss’ office. 
"Yeah it’s a bit-" Avia watched Suho. It was honestly puzzling. "Strange," She says, walking into his office. "You seem to be feeling better." She says, smiling.
"Yeah I a-" Suho looks at her, and his face turned white. "Oh shit. Well you know I'd love to talk but I'm busy, and you're busy, and we gotta be busy in different places, and, so, yeah, you should leave. Not because I don't want you here, or like I'm scared of you or anything, why would you think something like that?" 
She moved to say something, but he started rambling again. 
"I'm not paranoid what are you talking about? No way, no one is paranoid here. You go on... and you do drugs, or gamble, or something else wholesome." He said, leading her out. 
"Uh okay?" She turned back to Baekhyun and Lay. "What the hell?" 
"You know it’s probably just the b-" Baekhyun began, but Lay kicked him. 
"Buttload of uuuuuuuhh of uuh drugs... That he is doing." Lay winced at the end of that sentence. 
"Right... I’m leaving." She says, shaking her head and leaving the office, quickly.
~~Your P.O.V~~
A few weeks passed, and Suho and I went to go get a sonogram, to make sure the baby was okay. 
“Oh, there it is. It’s completely healthy, it’s still too soon to tell what the gender it is, but it looks like it’s developing pretty well.” The doctor said, pointing at the screen. Suho and I smiled at each other, happy to hear the news. “Oh wait... There’s another one. Looks like you’re having twins.” He said, looking closer at the screen. 
“Twins!? As in two babies? That look alike?” Suho asked, shocked. 
“Not exactly. Twins don’t have to look alike... But there are two.” The doctor said with a smile. “Now. You two comeback in eight to ten weeks, and I’ll be able to tell you the gender of the two lucky babies.” He said, turning the machine off, and taking off his gloves. 
“Twins. We’re having twins.” Suho said, looking down at me. I’m sure my face mirrored his. We were both beyond shocked, and didn’t know what to do. “We can handle this right?” He asked. 
“Honey, we can handle anything. The twins are going to be beautiful, healthy, talented, and smart, and they’re going to have the best parents in the entire world.” I say, squeezing his hand. 
We left the doctors office and headed home. Once we got there, we had to discuss future matters. 
“Okay, so I guess today’s the day when we tell everyone the news.” Suho said, putting his keys on the table, as we walked in his apartment. 
“I guess so... What about are living situations? We should move back in together, right?” I asked. 
“Well, I’m not having my pregnant girlfriend live by herself. What if something happens? Plus, since we’re telling everyone today, there’s no need to sneak around anymore.” He said, sitting on the couch with me following. 
“Okay, that’s settled then.” I say, letting out a sigh.
“I think we should get married. Maybe not go all out like the first time, but just have close family and friends there, somewhere small, no interruptions.” He said, grabbing my hand.
“I would like that.” I smile, giving him a kiss. He took the ring off my finger, and stood up, bringing me up as well. “Suho, what are you doing?” I asked, amused. He got down on one knee, and held out the ring. 
“(Y/N), I love you so much, and now you’re carrying not one, but two of the most precious things with you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and start this family right. Will you marry me?” He asked. I laugh and nod. 
“Of course I will.” I say, he stood up, and wrapped his arms around me, and then put the ring back on my finger, giving me a passionate kiss, before letting me go. 
“I say you move back in right now.” He said. 
“My lease isn’t up until next month though.” I say, pouting.
“I have money, babe. Don’t worry about it.” He said, taking a hold of my hand, and leading me out of the apartment again. 
We drove to my studio apartment, and Suho basically bribed me out of my lease, and we started packing up my stuff. Even though I really liked this small studio apartment, I was happy to go back to Suho’s. I hated being away from him, and not being able to wake up next to him every other morning. 
Suho texted Avia, Lay and Baekhyun to meet him at his place in a few hours. By the time we got done packing everything up, loading it into the car, and bringing it back to Suho’s place, the time for the others to get here was very near. We brought in the last box, and the three of them walked in. 
“What the hell is all this?” Avia asked, looking around at all the boxes laying around. 
“Oh, you’re here. Good.” Suho said, nervously. “Okay, I need everyone to sit down.” He said, leading everyone to the couch. “We have an announcement to make.” 
“Uh oh.” Avia says, not liking where this is heading. 
“(Y/N) and I have gotten back together. We’ve been back together for a year now.” He started. 
“Excuse me!?” She practically yells.
“Let him finish.” I say, giving her a look. 
“I know, you don’t approve of this, but it happened and I’m very happy, and I love her very much.” Suho said, putting his arm around my waist. 
“Oh my god.” She rolls her eyes. 
“We also plan on going through with getting married, and she’s moving back in with me, hints to why all the boxes are here.” He continued. Baekhyun and Lay has a huge smile planted on their faces. 
“This is ridiculous.” Avia says, obviously mad. Suho let out a sigh, and continued. 
“There’s more. A few weeks ago, (Y/N) came to me with some exciting/stressful/happy/painful/amazing news... The reason I’ve been acting so strange and seeming like I’ve been avoiding you lately is because, well, she’s pregnant.” Suho announced. 
“What!?” Avia straight up screams.
“Pregnant!!! A baby!!! I’m so happy I could die!!!!” Baekhyun yelled in her ear. 
“Suho, you can’t be serious?” She says, standing up now. “
Well, He is. And it’s not just a baby, it’s twins, I’m having twins!” I say, more to Lay and Baekhyun than her. The two boys jumped for joy, and came to hug me. 
“Twins!? TWO whole babies!? Oh my god that’s gonna be so fucking cute. If you need anyone to babysit, I’m free anytime. Except for weekends and nights, but anytime during work hours, I can totally watch over them.” Lay said, earning a look from Suho. 
“Are you hearing yourselves!? Twins?? And you hid all of this from me for a year!! Do you not remember what she did to you?” Avia says to Suho, furious. 
“It’s hard to forget when all you do is bring it up.” Suho said. I could tell this wasn’t about to go well. 
“Okay, See, it’s my cousins, brother’s, dog’s birthday, and I can’t miss it so, I’m gonna go.” Baekhyun said, noticing how much the tension was building. 
“Yeah, me too. My Grandma is at the same party, and she just turned twelve so.” Lay said, leaving quickly with Baekhyun. 
“Suho, I refuse to let you get back together with her.” Avia says, ignoring the two boys.
“Well, it’s already happened and you’re not his guardian so,” I start, but Suho put his hand out in front of me to stop me. 
“You don’t need to be stressed out too much, let me handle this.” He said in a sweet voice to me. 
“Well, it’s already happened and you’re not my guardian, so.” He repeated, with almost the same level of sass I had, but not quite.
“Suho, she slept with another guy, while you were engaged to her!” She argued.
“Oh please, you have no room to talk.” He said, rolling his eyes. 
“What are you talking about?” She asked, crossing her arms. 
“Oh don’t play dumb. You slept with the entirety of Kai’s bank just to get to the top, AND you even thought about cheating on Chanyeol with Kyungsoo multiple times, don’t think I’ve forgotten those conversations we had from last month. You’re even more of a slut, so don’t start.” Suho yelled. 
“Suho...” I said, shocked. I was a little mad that she had done all that but still continued to call me out for my one (1) mistake, but I did think Suho went a little too far with that one. 
"But I didn't cheat on him. I thought we were supposed to be friends. You lied to me for a whole year. If you told me, then yeah, at first I would've been frustrated but can't you see I just wanted you to be happy?"
"Avia I'm-"
"Save it, I have places to be." She says, before grabbing her bag to leave. 
"Wait, there's a lot of explaining that all of us need to do please just stay so we can talk." I plead. 
"Right now, the two of you are the last people I'd listen to." She turned her back and left the apartment.
I was trying to calm Suho down, when Kyungsoo came in. 
“This was at your door.” He said, bringing in a box. 
“I’ll open it later.” Suho said, rubbing his forehead. 
“I ran into Avia in the hall. She told me what happened.” Kyungsoo said, sitting on the couch. 
“You guys hid this for a whole year? That’s impressive.” He said, nodding. It was always hard to read him. 
“We’re sorry for keeping it secret, but this is what I was trying to avoid.” Suho said, standing up to look inside the box that he said he’d open up later. “Yup. It’s everything I’ve bought her.” He said, looking through the box of clothes, jewelry and pictures. 
“You should’ve told her earlier.” Soo said, watching Suho look through the box.
“Either way, if I told her now or earlier, it would’ve gone down the same way.” He sighed. 
“It’s exactly like when you broke up with me.” I scoffed. “What a copycat.” I said to myself, quiet enough to make sure no one could hear me. 
“She just needs time alone, she’ll come to her senses.” Suho said, putting all the stuff back in the box. 
“She seemed pretty upset, maybe you should see her later.” Kyungsoo said.
“It’s kinda disappointing that she told you the news though...” I said, pouting a little.
“Well, I’m an actor so, I can act like she didn’t tell me.” He shrugged.
“I’m pregnant!” I say, basically screaming it. 
“You’re pregnant!?” He said, screaming too. 
“With Twins!!!” I yelled. 
“With TWINS!?” He repeated, acting really excited like he never heard about this. “I’m so happy for you two, you’ll be great parents.” He said, giving us a thumbs up.
~~ Avia’s P.O.V~~
   It had been a few days, Suho hadn't come to talk to me since that night. I regretted getting rid of all of mine and Suho's memories, bc now my apartment was completely bare, and overall extremely sad. 
I got a phone call, and answered it quickly, without checking who the number was, "Hello," I said. 
"Hello, dear. We just called to make sure you're coming to our dinner tonight. It is a tradition, but you have been so busy lately, we just wanted to make sure we didn't need to move it. It wouldn't be the same without you," Suho's father was calling about the annual dinner we had at his mansion to celebrate the end of the tax season. 
I winced thinking about having to confront Suho again, but I didn't want to drag his parents into the drama surrounding the two of us. 
"Of course I'm coming, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I say as happily as I could muster. 
"Great, see you tonight."
I hung up quickly, and groaned at the thought of having to confront the two of them tonight. I wasn't even sure that Suho's parents knew (Y/N) and him were back together or pregnant.
It just hit me that I would have to go to this dinner completely alone, and since I gave back everything Suho had gotten me, I didn't have a dress fancy enough for the event. I groaned, and fell onto my bed in frustration. 
A knock echoed through my apartment, and I secretly hoped it was Suho, but when I answered, I saw that it was D.O. My brain lit up with an idea quickly. 
"Hey, I just came to check on you to see if you were feeling any better." He said. 
"Not really, but you know what would be really helpful? If you could be my date to Suho's family dinner tonight." I say, brightly. 
"Really?" His face lit up. It was cute how excited he got, and I blushed slightly.  "I mean, uh, yeah, I can totally do that, what's the dress code?" 
"Formal, very formal. Dress to impress." I say, simply. "Great, so just meet me here tonight." I say. 
Great. So one thing done, now all I needed to do was go out to get a dress. I kept saying it was a family dinner, which was somewhat true, it was hosted by Suho's family, but a lot of executives and CEO's would be there including Kai, Xuimin, and Chanyeol so leaving a good impression was extremely important. 
~~Your P.O.V~~
 I knew about the dinner, I went every year with Suho, but this year I was even more nervous than any year before. Suho’s dad already didn’t like me, and he didn’t know that Suho and I were back together, and if he finds out I’m pregnant, lord knows how he’ll react.
I put on my dress, and let out a nervous sigh. Suho came behind me and zipped the back for me. 
“Don’t be nervous, it’ll be fine, I promise.” He said, kissing my cheek. 
“Your dad hates me, and after the wedding he probably hates me even more, and now I’m carrying your children. and he’s going to disapprove even more.” I ramble. 
“We don’t need his approval. I love you, and I want to be with you, and that’s all that matters.” He said, turning me to face him. He gave me a kiss. 
“Suho, He said that the next mistake you make, he’ll replace you with your brother.” I say, worried. 
“He won’t. You’re not a mistake. Just take a deep breath and calm down, okay?” He said. 
The doorbell rang, and he went to go get it. I pulled my hair up in a bun, and pulled out a few pieces. I looked at myself in the mirror. After putting on my jewelry, I went to the living room where Suho was and we left the apartment. We went to the dinner by a limo, and as soon as we arrived, I got even more anxious as before. Suho noticed and squeezed my hand. I took another deep breath, and we got out of the limo. 
Suho put his arm around my waist, and we went to the room where everyone was. Suho’s dad came to greet us, but as soon as he realized I was there, his expression changed quickly. 
“Suho, always nice to see you, son.” His father said, shaking Suho’s hand, completely ignoring me. “Can’t really say the same for you. What is she doing here?” He asked. 
“Nice to see you too, Mr. Kim.” I said, giving a fake smile. 
“Dad, (Y/N) and I have gotten back together, and I would really appreciate it if you would treat her nicely.” Suho said, pulling me a little closer. Suho’s dad nodded, and walked away without saying anything. “See, all good.” Suho said, smiling at me. 
“I wouldn’t say it’s all good.” I say, spotting Avia coming in. 
“Father must have called her.” Suho said, looking over at her. 
“Let’s sit down.” He said, gesturing to the table. We sat down and Avia sat across from us, with Kyungsoo. Suho’s dad did his normal speech, and looked down at Suho.
“And now a few words from my delightful son, Suho.” He said, sitting down. Suho stood up, and looked at everyone in the room. 
“Thank you, everyone, for coming. This dinner happens every year for the end of tax season, it’s the one time where all banks can get together and get along.” Suho said, earning a small laugh from everyone. “Everyone, please enjoy your food, and make sure you don’t drink too much, we don’t want a repeat of last year. I’m looking at you Carol.” Suho joked. Everyone laughed again. “Anyways, here’s to a good year for all of us.” He said, raising his champeign glass, before sitting back down. 
Suho’s phone lit up, and he quickly looked at the text message as his father stood up again to make another speech.
"You don't have to be childish about this." He said, looking over at Avia. 
"Oh, so, hiding the truth from me, so you don't have to deal with the consequences isn't childish?" She whispers.
"That was different, I didn't want to upset you." 
"So instead of upsetting me, you planned to hide the truth from me forever, and then when that plan failed, you decided to attack me? Remind me why you are in charge of a multi-billion dollar company again." She retorts.
“You know you and Lauren would have fought again, and I didn’t want either of you to get hurt.” Suho whispered. 
“Both of you stop. This is not the time or place to be doing this.” I say, leaning forward, so everyone at the dinner table wouldn’t hear me. 
“Lauren’s right. You’re both acting childish, so just stop. This is a pretty important dinner, with important people, and the son of the actual largest man in Korea can’t break out into a fight in front of all these people. Think about your reputation.” Kyungsoo said, looking at Suho during the last bit.
“Just call a truce for tonight, it’s all we’re asking.” I say. 
Avia huffed frustrated, she opened her mouth to say something, but Suho’s father walked over to us in his round around the table.
"The turn out is great this year, and already gotten a jump start on the next season." Suho's father raved.
"Wow that's great sir," Avia said, in a way where she was kissing up to him. Suho glared at her for a moment, before angrily stuffing a fork full of salmon and spinach into his mouth. "Oh I almost forgot, I know you're such a busy person I hope you, your wife, and Suho can all find time to come see my movie when it premieres." I explain. I honestly didn’t know she was in a movie. Maybe Suho told me, but I didn’t listen.
"Of course, sweetheart,  we wouldn't miss it for the world." Suho's mother spoke up. 
"I'm sure I have something that day," Suho tried. 
"No it’s your day off, I checked." Avia smirked. Suho covered his eyes and groaned, annoyed.
"What is that matter with you?" His father asked.
“I’m just a little tired is all, I’m fine.” Suho said, taking a sip of wine. 
“So, (Y/N). What have you been up to?” Mr. Kim asked me. I paused eating my food, and looked up at him, surprised he was asking. I knew it was pretty much a sarcastic question, and I didn’t know if I should answer or not. 
“Well... Right now, I’m just kind of working here and there... I’m not really doing much...” I said, trailing off my sentence at the end, when I realized the only one who cared what I was saying was Suho and maybe Kyungsoo. 
“And what made you want to get back together with Suho after what you did? Did you not have enough money working odd jobs, so you came back to him so he could support you?” His dad asked, I squeezed my fork and bit the inside of mouth to not say some smart ass answer that would cause a scene. 
“Father.” Suho warned. 
“I’m just asking. You never know with these girls.” Mr. Kim said. 
“These girls?” I asked, the attitude starting to come out of me. Suho put his hand on my thigh, to calm me down. 
“There’s no angle, she’s not trying to get anything out of me, we genuinely love each other. Besides, I work hard, so she doesn’t have to. She could completely stop working for all I care.” Suho said, holding my hand now. 
“Not to mention, she’s pregnant.” Avia says, nonchalantly. It’s like the whole place went completely silent to look down at us. 
“Excuse me!?” Mr. Kim yelled.
“With twins!” She said, pretending to be excited. 
“That was not your news to tell.” Suho said, glaring at her.
"Were you just going to lie about it until they were born, and then decide to tell him? You two have a habit of hiding the truth from everyone." She retorts. 
Kyungsoo put his hand on her lower back, and pleaded with his eyes for her to stop.
"How long exactly have the two of you been together since you've reunited?" Suho's father asked, bracing himself against the table. 
"About a year." Avia says, before either of us could answer. "I was surprised too when they told us, but hey, if you're lucky, Suho will insult every aspect of your personality." She says. 
I saw Chanyeol, Kai, and Xuimin had caught on to what was happening, but the people sitting further away were still oblivious. 
“A year!? You told no one!?” Mr. Kim yelled. “Wait until your mother hears about this.” He said. 
“I am a grown ass man, I can be with whoever I want, it shouldn’t matter to any of you. It’s my life, not yours.” Suho said. 
“Getting back together with the girl who cheated on you, and announced it at your wedding, and now this. Of course it matters to us, it matters to your whole reputation.” Mr. Kim said. 
“Suho wasn’t the one who started to cause a scene in the middle of this dinner.” I say, looking at Avia. 
"Don't even start. She has every right to be angry." Kyungsoo finally spoke up.
"Yeah, I don't see why I'm being punished for trying to be a good friend." She says.
"You both just need to stop, there are a lot of important people here who will use this against Suho, and I know even though you’re mad at him, you still care about him." Kyungsoo whispers. Avia sighs, and bite her lip nervously.
“... And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the saga of the businessman and his mistress. Being written by... Kyungsoo, who is an actor but a writer on the side.” I said, making something up, trying to make it believable. 
“Ah, yes. That was a rehearsed argument, and I’m glad everyone enjoyed it. Nothing was real, proceed with your dinner.” Kyungsoo said, going along with it. “Now, you two, zip it for the rest of the night. I don’t want to hear a peep out of you.” He said, sitting back down after the dinner went back to it’s normal chatter. “And Mr. Kim, with all do respect, please try not to cause a scene anymore. This could jeopardize everything you two have worked for.” He said, his tone serious. 
   The dinner had gone back to normal for everyone else, but at our end of the table, there was definitely tension. Suho and I decided to get up and talk to the others here, just to get away from his dad. Suho did all the talking, I was pretty quiet, smiling when I had to. After about an hour or so passed, everyone was pretty much done with eating. There was an after party, but Suho suggested that we didn’t go. 
“Are you sure? It’s a party, so it’s not like we’ll have to talk to your father or anything.” I said. 
“I really don’t think we should go. It’ll probably be better if we just went home and rest.” He said. 
“Suho wants to rest? Wow.” I say, jokingly. “Alright, we can go.” I say. 
We got in our limo and headed home instead of the after party. 
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