#Carisfell is the capital of Anvia btw
morrigan-sims · 2 years
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A Walk in the City pt. 1
[transcript under the cut]
Later, 1 p.m. Carisfell
[water lapping, people talking, chickens squawking.  footsteps approach]
Fallon: Good afternoon, Baron Andino.
Hermes: Good afternoon, Your Majesty.
Fallon: Sorry to have made you wait.
Hermes: I have waited far longer for much less.  Shall we go?
Fallon:  This is a rare treat.  I rarely get the chance to walk in the city without my guards surrounding me.  So, thank you, My Lord.
Hermes: I doubt Your Majesty’s guards are far behind.
Fallon, quietly: They never are.  [sigh]
Hermes: Still, it seems they have good faith in the people of this city to allow you to walk without them in sight.
Fallon: Is that not why you are here?  A strong, honorable Baron to keep me safe?
Hermes, smiling: Indeed
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morrigan-sims · 3 years
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Okay, so Miranda ( @simgerale​ ) posted the AWESOME map she made of Volais and Eden, and that reminded me that I made one for the continent where RTQ takes place!  And then @huhney-butter​ told me to post it, so....  If you want some really rambling Lore, feel free to look under the cut!!
(btw, I did NOT make this myself.  I used Inkarnate to draw it and add the “stamps” and stuff.) (yes, I know Oraine is super-duper blank, I just don’t know much about their geography.)
- Okay, so starting in the west, we have Oryn.  Basically the whole country is surrounded by mountains, except for two places along the border with Anvia, and also the southern edge.   - Those little islands down there are called the Southern Isles, and they are loosely part of Oryn?? It’s kind of complicated.  But they are where Victor Pelle was banished/exiled to after he tried (and failed) to overthrown his older brother, Pierre, the current king. :) - Most of Oryn is covered in trees, except for the moutains where it’s too cold and/or rocky for trees to grow. Oryn also has the coldest climate of the three kingdoms.
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- The city with the red star is the capital, Westcliff.  That’s where the castle is, as well as being the largest and wealthiest city in Oryn. - The yellow star is the location of Ironkeep, the northern fortress that serves to protect the mines, and serve as a collection point for the materials extracted from the mines. - This is very important since the vast majority of Oryn’s income comes from exports of their natural resources, as well as metalworking including swords and armor, as well as (rarely) some jewelry.
- In the middle is Anvia, which is where RTQ takes place, and is Fallon’s home. - Anvia has very good climate and soil for farming and grazing animals, so they are mostly self-sufficient in terms of food.  However, that doesn’t leave much room for money-making, so they make more of their money via selling artisan goods such as furniture, textiles, etc.   - However, Anvia is still the least wealthy kingdom on the continent. - The river that runs through Anvia is the center of most of her activity, with most towns and villages being relatively close to the river or one of its tributaries (not pictured). - The river actually starts in the mountains of Oryn as runoff and snowmelt, before making its way down into Anvia.
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- The red star is Carisfell, the capital.  It’s home to Anvia’s largest and most central market, as well as many of the most skilled craftspeople. - In an unusual move for royals, the Royal Palace is actually situated a couple of miles outside of Carisfell.  This is not a very defensible position, but the people of Anvia have never been particularly worried about attacks on the capital, since the major target in any war (including the past one with Oryn) would be the farms, which provide both food and income for the whole country. - The yellow marker is where I imagine Duncan’s estate to be, since I headcanon that his little province is one of the very few that borders Oryn without mountains in the way.... 
- To the far East we have the final kingdom, which isn’t really a kingdom.  That is the Orainian Empire.   - I’m gonna be honest, and say that I don’t know much about their geography or anything, but there are some important points! - The city to the south is Villecourt, the capital.  It is the largest port on the continent, and a hub for trade.  It is also (luckily) closer to Oryn’s only sea access. - Oraine makes all of their money via trading.  They have expert shipbuilders and strategic merchants, who know just how much to overcharge someone.  (Capitalism, am I right?) - Since Anvia and Oryn aren’t exactly on speaking terms, Orain serves as a go-between, shipping goods that each country needs (food and textiles to Oryn and timber, weapons and jewelry to Anvia.), for a price. - In addition to an individual merchant’s fees, anyone who has their cargo transported on an Orainian vessel must also pay a steep tax set by the Empress.
(Not really important, but I gave the Orainian capital the name Villecourt as a little bit of a play off of “Vile Court”, because that’s really what it is. The Gilded Palace at the center of the city as well as the court mansions that surround it are lovely, but the further form the Palace you get, the worse and worse the city gets.  And the Empress doesn’t care about the people outside the innermost ring...)
WOW, sorry, that was a LOT!! But this is only a tiny fraction of my Lore, especially on Anvia and Oryn.  So, if anyone has any questions, please ask.  If you read this far, I love you, and I hope I didn’t bore you, ajdksaj.
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