#rtq: Hermes
morrigan-sims · 1 year
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What If?
@thesim-tea (+ @simarcana)
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simarcana · 1 year
🌸 TAG YOU’RE IT! Name your Top 5 OTP created by your fellow simmers. Spread the love and happy simming! 🌸
I HAVE SO MANY SHIPS. They're in no particular order because i don't have a "first, second, blabla" it's random and chaotic just like everything else concering me.
Bruno&Ivan by @rebouks !! I love them, I want more.
Aiden&Sam by @barbieaiden the content about them is stunning, they're stunning, I'm amazed.
Matthias&Theo by @mattodore I could talk about them for a while but let's just quote the author: "if you wanted to know the dynamic going on between theo and matthias using just one photo well here you are.... that's his attack dog fr" isn't it like the perfect dynamic between two people to ship
I have ONE pic for this ship but I will go down with it. Ledger&Aaron by @alinelie I don't know what's going on, I don't know anything. But this pic makes me feral.
Victor&Archer by @lilypixels !!! I love their relationship and their aesthetic. It's that kind of ship that I not only enjoy as "1+1" but also as they interact with others (mostly Morgyn. I love Lily's Mor) I ship me with Vic but pls don't tell Archer ok Don't try to be the hero and don't try to stop me: Milan by @void-imp and Rudy by @lre333 !!!! I DO WHAT I WANT I ship deeply what my heart tells me to.
I'M I don't know what to say for this one, they just melt my heart. Colt&Ronny by @nitrozem
"But the ask said five, they are seven" oh well I still have one more.
I'm leaving this one here because it's my ONLY F/M ship. Fallon and Hermes from @morrigan-sims RTQ! They are too beautiful to be true and gives me such bisexual man loves strong woman energy
And... I'm gonna be honest, my dash is a mess and I'm terrible with socials. I don't know as much ships as I'd like to and I'd love to discover some more!
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Happy Blorbo Blursday! For how many characters you want: they're all locked in a room together. How do they react?
Oh, this is fun!!
I'm going to do this for the cast of RTQ!
Kristopher is sitting in a corner by himself, trying to avoid an argument with anyone. Maybe talking to Nina. Definitely gets very restless and bored, the more restless he gets, the more likely he'll get in trouble.
Hermes is probably arguing with Lavinia, or joking around with Nora. He's used to being locked in places with other people. He's just trying to pass the time.
Nora is also bored, and probably talking to Hermes.
Nina is either talking to Kris, keeping him distracted, or reading a book.
Moira would just read and stay out of trouble.
Duncan would probably try and talk to someone, keep things chill, but if people started arguing, he'd be out of there.
Lavinia is going to probably start antagonizing Hermes or Kris as subtly as she can. (Assuming this is before everyone knows she's a murderer.)
Fallon is trying to keep the peace and keep everyone from losing their shit, lmao.
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
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The Thief
Baron Hermes Andino of Oraine
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
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some choice outfits from the outfit catalogue
Fallon Oakes by me
Hermes Andino by @thesim-tea
Duncan Viadore and Kristopher Pelle by @simgerale
Lavinia Braune by @grenouillage
Moira Valythe by @regalllove
Nora Vogt by @wastelandwhisperer
Nina Warner by @latteaki
Syrena Rosevine by @plasmajayne
Xavier Blackthorne, Leo Langston, Mabel Aldridge, and Tessa Smallwood by me.
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morrigan-sims · 1 year
79% ✨ you know who my fav boy is teheh
Thank you for the ask, Arcana! I wasn't planning on doing story characters, and Hermes is only mine by adoption, but fuck it, I'll answer this for him.
79%. Does your character feel guilty about anything in the past?
I'd say generally, no. He's not really done a lot of "bad" things in his own mind. He's been arrested a handful of times, but it never lasted long, and it was usually worth it. And besides, that's not something he'd feel guilty about. In terms of social stuff, he usually keeps everyone at arm's length to keep up his reputation and appearances, so no one ever really gets close enough for him to hurt them. Overall, Hermes is a pretty confident guy, and he owns up to his actions, at least to himself. So not a lot of guilt going on in there.
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morrigan-sims · 11 months
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Been flying through making poses today, and here's one of my favorites so far...
(if you're thinking "Morri, is that another "suitor tucking Fallon's hair behind her ear" pose?" then the answer would be yes. Sorry.)
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morrigan-sims · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: You can answer one or both parts of this question! 1️⃣ Part one: If you make Story posts, what do you do for scenes? Do you build them yourself, do you download lots from the gallery or do you download them from someone online? 2️⃣ Part two: If you make Gameplay/Legacy posts, what do you do for a house? Do you build it yourself, download a home from the gallery or do you download them from someone online? Additionally, do you build onto that home or demolish it and rebuild the house when needed? (E.G When another child enters the picture or someone moves in) ❎ If you do none of those for either half, what do you do? Do you use someone else's save file? (WIndbrook by Folking, Willow Creek + Magnolia Promenade by Theneighborhoodsave, Silent Pines by Silentpinessave... etc)
( freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not, and use the hashtag " SQOTD " ~ 💛 )
I FINALLY GOT ONE OF THESE, YIPPEE!!!! (and the last one ever, too....) Anyways, I'm going to answer the storytelling one, bc that's what I do.
For me it depends on the scene. If I can find a lot from tumblr or the gallery, great! I'll download it and modify it a little if I need to. But if no such thing exists (that I can find at least), or at least no such thing that fits my vision or needs, I'll make it myself. Being a fantasy storyteller, that happens more often than I'd like. I'm absolutely terrible at exteriors, so whenever possible I'll use someone else's lot as a shell. But for interiors, I don't mind decorating in the slightest, and I honestly enjoy doing landscaping for outdoor scenes.
All of the rooms in the The Palace I either decorated myself or had a friend decorate for me. I also built (and shared!) the lot from Kristopher's date. I also built the exterior of the garrison for Nina's date. Oh, and I build the pond lot from Duncan's date!
The graveyard from the prologue, the exterior area from Lavinia's date, the stables from Kristopher's date, the ruins from Nora's date, and the town from Hermes's date were all existing lots that I downloaded from either tumblr or the gallery. I did modify all of them slightly, though, be it by adding decosims or decor items.
If you're interested in seeing some of the stuff I've built, be it for RTQ, for edits, or just for fun, there's a lot of pics in the "ts4 build" tag on my blog. Most of it is stuff I made for RTQ, but Wolf's rooms are also in the tag. (And if I finish Zara's office and remember to take pics, I'll post those too.)
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simarcana · 1 year
I'm laughing so hard at your tags on my story promo post. /pos (Thank you for reblogging that, btw! <333) "everyone's hot" YES! they are!!!! and I love it!!! I'm in love with literally all of them. (or at least as in love as my aroace ass will let me be. which is still pretty damn in love)
if you don't mind me asking, who's your favorite? 👀👀 I have my favorites of course, but truly, I love them all.
BTW: your recent edits and story posts have been amazing!!! I can't wait to see what happens next in Cornundrum!!! <3
~Love, Morri 💖
I'll start saying I (unfortunately) tend to prefer male characters in any piece of media/story since I can relate better to them. THAT BEING SAID I love love love Moira. I love how you combined her backstory and personality so smoothly I ADORE Hermes (as you know) both in appearance and the name + archetype combo. The fact that as far as I read he's a huge flirt is nothing but a bonus.
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I know he's showing some major bedroom eyes up there. I CAN SENSE IT His fear of spiders is a turn down but I can change him.
Last but not least, I have a huge soft spot for Kristopher. I admit at first it was because I love everything @simgerale does. But then I started reading and I really enjoyed how you wrote his character, he's so prince-like!!
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I mean I mean
Fallon plays in another championship being the main character and all
My panromantic ass can love all of them. I have beef with Duncan for like 0 reasons but in a positive way like "You're a good choice for the queen but MY BOYS? They're the real deal." He just represents a threat to my favs I guess. I'm quite invested in the intricate romance of RTQ. And tysm! Truth be told I've been improvising so far and I have absolute idea of what I'm doing with that story? Usually I write short stories but this time I decided fuck myself up uh.
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
okay ramble AGAIN about RTQ (^: i need some moreeeeeee
Okay, so on a happier note this time!!!
RTQ overall is a story about love. Not just romantic, love, though that is a big part of it, obviously. Every single part of this story is touched by the concept of love in some way.
Fallon's love for her mother, motivating her to focus on being Queen and make her mother proud. Captain Blackthorne's love for Fallon, making him worry about her. Fallon's lack of love for herself, causing her to push herself too hard and shut others out. Fallon's growing love for [redacted], and the balance she has to find to accommodate that. Fallon, who's scarred by her father's betrayal, but also buoyed by her grandmothers' strong love.
And that's just centering around Fallon! Even the suitors have their own things. Hermes pretending he doesn't need or want love, but desperate for a place he belongs. Duncan wanting to follow after his parents, finding a perfect love, and also be a good Duke. Lavinia, who had a relatively lonely childhood and doesn't know what to do with so many people. Kristopher who doesn't believe he's worthy of love because he never was treated with love. Nora who's more than a little bit afraid of falling in love, of being trapped and tied down.
RTQ is about love, in a hundred different ways. About loving yourself, about falling in love, about family love, about finding friends. This is a story about love, and I love it for that.
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
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A Walk in the City, pt. 3
[transcript under the cut]
Child: Your Majesty!  Child: A gift for you, Your Majesty!
Fallon: What is your name?
Child: Cecily, Your Majesty.  I brought you a flower!
Fallon: Thank you, Cecily.  I will take very good care of it.
[Cecily curtsies and runs off.  Fallon and Hermes watch her go.]
Fallon: What a sweet child.  I have a feeling she will do well.  Now, shall we continue, Lord Andino?
Fallon, concerned: Lord Andino, are you alright?
[Hermes turns around, smiling.] Hermes: I am more than alright, Your Majesty.  But, there is one small thing.  A Queen should display such a lovely gift.
Fallon: Thank you, Lord Andino.
Hermes: The pleasure is mine, Your Majesty.
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
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A Walk in the City, pt. 2
[transcript under the cut]
Fallon: Tell me, how does Carisfell compare to Villecourt.  My capital against the jewel of Oraine.
Hermes: Villecourt?
[she nods] Fallon: I’ve been told her Upper City is quite the sight to behold.
Hermes: Well... the Upper City is the Jewel of Oraine...
Fallon: So I’ve heard.  But how does it compare to Carisfell?
Hermes: Carisfell is very different... But not at all in a bad way.
Fallon: Be honest.  I can take hearing a few bad words about this city.  It’s not as if I have never heard such a thing before.
Hermes: I speak the truth.  Carisfell is warm, inviting.  In a way that Villecourt is not.  The Empress’s city is beautiful, to be sure, but it can be... cold.
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
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Happy 6 Months RTQ!!
It’s officially been 6 months since I posted the first post of RTQ, and I knew I had to do something special.  Six months isn’t that long to some people, but it’s longer than I’ve ever stuck with anything else, at least this seriously. 
Some Fun Facts, Extras and thank yous under the cut!
Stats: - I’ve taken 1,231 screenshots related to this story. - 695 of those were for story posts. - I’ve edited and posted 295 panels of story content across 31 posts. - We’re on Chapter 2 out of ~35 chapters. - At this rate it will take me over 5 years to finish the story. - I’ve made at least 189 clips of poses. - There are five “acts” in the story, each with ~7 chapters.
Fun Facts: - This is my first real sims story. - I originally made Fallon just to test random cc, and fell in love. - There is a planned “sequel” (kind of) to RTQ, which is titled ATQH. - The first scene I ever wrote for this story doesn’t happen until the end of Act III. - That scene has been written ~4 times. - My Scrivener file for RTQ is over 21,000 words long. - I fully plan on sharing some long-form writing for some of the future scenes, since I’ve written some of them so many times. - I am going to have to make almost every single pose for the rest of the story, because I’m a perfectionist with overly specific ideas.
Thank Yous:
@simgerale for making me two amazing sims, and listening to me scream about this silly little story.  And for partially inspiring this post.
@hauntedplasma for making me the lovely Nina, and for being about as excited as I am.
@grenouillage for making me Lavinia and giving me so much inspiration.
@thesim-tea for making me Hermes and filling my aching desire for a thief character that I didn’t know I needed.
@regalllove for making Moira, and putting so much effort into her intro pic.  (that edit still amazes me.)
@wastelandwhisperer for making Nora and giving me an awesome pirate.
@autismtrait for reblogging my posts and being awesome.
@vatorelilith for all your amazing thoughts when reading and for giving me a chance to share my lore.
@rebouks for inspiring me to get my ass in gear and make poses, and offering advice.  Also, for partially inspiring this post.
@foxsimthings for all your fantasy inspo!
@indigoelfinspirit for listening to my rants.
The anon who told me that my story “lives rent free” in their mind.  That ask made my life. Everyone who’s ever left a comment or sent an ask about RTQ.
And also, every single person who has ever read RTQ, liked or reblogged a post, or submitted a sim I didn’t take.  You’re a big part of the reason I keep sharing this story.  I hope you continue to enjoy it as things get (hopefully) more interesting.
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
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A Walk in the City pt. 1
[transcript under the cut]
Later, 1 p.m. Carisfell
[water lapping, people talking, chickens squawking.  footsteps approach]
Fallon: Good afternoon, Baron Andino.
Hermes: Good afternoon, Your Majesty.
Fallon: Sorry to have made you wait.
Hermes: I have waited far longer for much less.  Shall we go?
Fallon:  This is a rare treat.  I rarely get the chance to walk in the city without my guards surrounding me.  So, thank you, My Lord.
Hermes: I doubt Your Majesty’s guards are far behind.
Fallon, quietly: They never are.  [sigh]
Hermes: Still, it seems they have good faith in the people of this city to allow you to walk without them in sight.
Fallon: Is that not why you are here?  A strong, honorable Baron to keep me safe?
Hermes, smiling: Indeed
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Hermes!!
Thank you again to @thesim-tea for making our resident theif!!
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