#Carla x Alonso
lieutenant-amuel · 11 months
For character ask, I'mma be super obvious and say: Carla Delgado #3, 4, 10, 16, 24, and 30. Please and thank you!
Sure! Thank you for the ask! it’s gonna be difficult, though
3. A song that reminds me of them
Ughhh I’m terrible at associating songs with characters unless it’s Gabe or my own characters x) But I enjoyed working on the Carla video with the song Stilettos (that I made for you) and since it was super simple to choose a scene for almost every line, I’d say this song actually fits her a lot and I love it for her.
4. How many people I ship them with
You know I always said I was “a multishipper” because I was open to a great variety of romantic relationships between different characters and didn’t have strong preferences. But now I realize it means that I just don’t care about shipping x) I don’t mind Carteo, I don’t mind Gabela, I don’t mind Carla/Naomi in case it even exists, I don’t mind whatever. The only exception is Alonso because I ship him with another character, and that is one of the rare ships I actually care about and have strong feelings for.
10. Describe the character in one sentence
A sharp-tongued and powerful yet tender and skillful girl with a great love for her family?
16. A childhood headcanon
Alright, this question and the next one are extremely difficult because I have no idea XD
But alright, I think Victor, as a single dad of a girl, tried to be involved in all those girly things, like buying pretty dresses (even if they didn’t have much money) or braiding her hair (although I’m surprised why he wouldn’t just cut her hair short. Given their lifestyle it would be quite convenient) because Carla liked it and Victor just wanted to give her everything other girls around her age had.
Plus, I don’t think Victor ever hid from Carla that her grandfather was a treasurer (and yeah, she actually knows it, she mentions that her grandfather used to work in the palace), so as a little girl, she actually dreamt of living in a palace and being a princess. And the love Victor gave her made her feel like one when she was little.
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
Honestly, I feel like after the finale Elena told Victor and Carla that Ash is now trapped in the Spirit World (because c’mon Elena is not a monster, she would definitely tell them) and as much as it could seem Carla was indifferent to this news, she never told Victor how crashed she actually was when she heard it? I mean, yes, Carla accepted that Ash chose power over her family but she still couldn’t attack her in Coronation Day because she never stopped loving her. Victor seems more detached, I think? Of course he wouldn’t throw a party but I don’t think he would grieve either. Unlike Carla who still loves both her parents and is too bad at showing her true emotions, as we see in The Lightning Warrior.
I’m really not sure whether it even makes sense but I just really think that Carla wouldn’t talk much about her feelings about Ash especially with Victor.
30. The funniest scene they had?
Ajhdnf I love it when she says “burn” at Esteban being locked in the dungeon, too, after his reveal. And every time she gets Mateo’s name wrong also makes me smile (I’m convinced she does it on purpose after a while)
Thank you again!
Character Ask Game
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glorytoukraine2022 · 3 years
For salty ask list-elena of avalor-4,22,23
4. I have three, actually, and yes, one of them is a popular OTP. My three NoTP’s in this fandom are Carla x Alonso, Carzel and Eleteo. Given that I’m a Carteo shipper, this isn’t unsurprising. Even before I started shipping Carteo though, I never shipped Eleteo. I love Mateo and Elena’s relationship, but I’ve never seen it as something that could go beyond friendship.
Carzel though? With Eleteo I can at least understand where people are coming from. We’ve seen Mateo and Elena interact several times throughout the series. Enough times, that if they fell in love it wouldn’t be completely out of the blue.
A lot of times when people tend to ship a couple, their fondness of the ship and the dynamic of the couple is based on their on Screen interactions, even if romance was never intended. We’ve never seen Carla and Marzel interact even once. And all of a sudden people are expecting them to fall in love and have a future together? I cannot even understand where people are getting a dynamic from. I just don’t see the chemistry. At all.
While this pairing doesn’t seem to be shipped as often as the two I mentioned above, I’m also not a big fan of the Carla x Alonso pairing either. Alonso is somebody who would spend more time staring at his reflection than paying attention to his girlfriend. Carla doesn’t strike me as the type of person who would be attracted to somebody like that. Especially reformed Carla. I don’t think many people in the fandom understand just how deeply Carla has changed (expect a post on this in the future).
Post reformation Carla is a very kind, sweet, selfless and caring person. She would not want to be in a relationship with somebody that self absorbed. I would also like to issue out a friendly reminder that Carla saw the falling out of her own parents’ relationship firsthand. A big part of the reason for that falling out is because of Ash’s egotistical, self absorbed nature. So I would like to think that Carla would be weary of somebody who exhibits those traits.
Now, I’m not comparing Alonso to Ash by any means. He’s definitely a better person than she is by the end of the series. He’s learned to care for his people and others beyond himself. He has learned to be humble and take responsibility for his own actions. Yet as I mentioned above, he is still somewhat self absorbed, so I still do not think Carla would be attracted to him.
I think I understand why people ship this couple. I think it’s because people Carla as a girl that’s super focused on her looks and appearance. I understand why people get that impression from Carla, but I personally never did. Yes, she wears jewelry, but she never struck me as the type of girl who overly invested herself into her appearance.
She doesn’t wear makeup, and if she does, and I just never noticed it, she clearly doesnt wear much. Her yellow dress isn’t particularly fancy or gaudy either. So she never struck me as the type. It doesn’t seem to match her personality either.
22. I…..honestly can’t think of any! Any characters I hate, you’re supposed to hate because they are villain. Sure, there might be some characters who I’m not as enthusiastic about as other members of the fandom, but I would never say I hate them. I still enjoy them and what they contribute to the show, just like everyone else. For me, any flaws the characters in the show have only add to both the characters and their arcs, and I wouldn’t want them any other way.
23. Victor Delgado-he’s one of my favorite characters in the series. He’s such a fun, entertaining character, with a great sense of humor. He’s also the best father to Carla and I love their bond like nothing else. He’s the best father in the entire show in my opinion. He’s always there for Carla and knows exactly what she needs and when. I love him❤️
However, I feel like he always gets a lot of hate from this fandom, especially in comparison to Esteban. He is always seen as the ultimate bad guy, because he worked for Shuriki in season 2 and was a villain for the majority of the series. It also stems from his untrustworthy depiction ever since his debut in “King of the Carnival.” Whenever I read pre Shuriki fan fiction, Victor is ALWAYS depicted as the untrustworthy one, the power hungry one, and the most eager participant in their deal with Shuriki, if not the one to contact her. I also hear people insist that he was a bad father to Carla growing up because they lived a life of crime.
I’ll admit, hearing all of this frustrates and even angers me at times. Hearing and seeing all of this makes it clear to me that there is a huge bias against Victor in this fandom. It is unfair to assume that Victor is the one who first came into contact with Shuriki and put more “heart“ into the deal. Esteban too agreed and wanted the power that Shuriki offered. Victor and his family suffered just as much as Esteban’s when Shuriki took over. Him and his family were banished from Avalor.
Also, let’s not forget that Esteban was the one who joined up with Ash, whereas Victor refused to go with her. Even after what happened with Shuriki, it took Esteban over 41 years to stop trusting people who promised him power. Trusting those who “pretend to listen” as Cahu correctly said. First he trusted Shuriki, then Ash, and then the Shadows of the Night. It took all of this to happen just to make Esteban realize the mistake that he kept making over and over. Victor wanted power because he was bitter. He was genuinely treated with disrespect. Once he realized that this life of crime was endangering Carla, he didn’t hesitate to back out of it. I swear, I love Esteban and am not trying to hate on him. But he’s not exactly a Saint either, despite the fandom constantly trying to depict him as the better person.
Though the one thing that makes me the most angry, is when I see people say that Victor isn’t a good father to Carla. Hello? Where have you guys been Throughout the entire series? He’s always loved and cared for Carla. She means EVERYTHING to him. If you didn’t understand it in the beginning of the series, than it should have been hammered home to you by the second half of season 2 and the beginning of season 3. Victor stood up to Ash to protect Carla! Yet you’re all saying he isn’t a good father to her?!
We don’t know enough about Victor and Carla’s past beyond the fact that they were mistreated. Victor was never evil, yet the fandom always tries to frame him as being the more “evil” of the two because they assume, that because he’s Carla’s father, that he must have been using and influencing her this entire time! In “The Lightning Warrior“, it is shown that Victor and Carla weren’t always criminals and for a moment, Carla’s childhood was quite peaceful. But at some point, Victor and Carla clearly fell on hard times. Did any of you consider that Victor was a single parent, who had to provide for himself and his daughter after his wife left them? Did you think that was easy and wouldn’t be stressful or challenging in any ways? He had to provide for himself and Carla. How do you know that necessity had nothing to do with Victor and Carla’s life of crime?
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ograndebatata · 6 years
Preferences on EoA ships
I confess it feels a bit weird to post about this. 
Just like I never shared headcanons to a ‘wider audience’ I never shared my thoughts on any ships to the same degree, except maybe through reviews of fanfics (I currently can’t remember if I did or not). 
But I felt I needed to post about a happier subject, given the gloom in my previous headcanons, and while the focus on romance isn’t a heavy theme in Elena of Avalor, the series did inspire ships, and I like romance. 
So, here are my thoughts on which characters I ship with which, ordered by the intensity with which I ship them. 
I should note here that I’m not including ships which already exist in the series’ canon, such as Francisco/Luisa, Migs/Dulce or Daniel/Scarlett. This concerns only ships that aren’t 'framed as such’ so to speak in the series proper.
OTP Tier:
Eleteo (Elena/Mateo) - I saw their chemistry from very early on, but it seemed that the more I got involved in the fandom, the more I also got invested in the ship. 
I have nothing against Gabelena or Matenaomi, nor against Gabeteo and Elenaomi (I hope I’m getting the ships’ names right). I just grew to really love Eleteo. They’re adorable together, they really complement each other, and they’re a great example of a couple who’s stronger together. And that’s all I have to say about it.
Somewhat-invested-in tier:
Garla (Gabe/Carla) - I’m not sure why, but out of all the ships I saw for Gabe, this one is the one that seems the more interesting, perhaps because it is the one that I found has the most potential. In spite of some of her deeds, Carla does come across like a redeemable person, and if she reformed herself, I could see her and Gabe getting together. 
Not-really-invested-in-it-but-it-looks-like-it-could-be-cute tier: 
Naomi ships - 
I promise I didn’t put Naomi here out of any dislike for her. I do like Naomi a lot - among other things, she’s a resourceful, brave and clever girl and a loyal friend. There’s no way I could not love her. But I already ship Gabe/Carla enough to prefer it to Gabenaomi, and out of any other characters in the series, the only other man I saw her having anything that could be called chemistry with was Mateo, and the most I feel that could lead to is an unrequited crush from her. 
That said, I’ve seen her shipped with Prince Alonso, and I do see the potential. So I guess I’d call that the Naomi-related ship I ship the most.
Isabel ships - 
For safety’s sake, I’ll note that any ships involving her take place in the future, once she is a late teenager at least. 
I don’t really see her paired with any characters from the series, but if we include characters from Sofia the First, I could see Isabel/James in the future, perhaps when Isabel is studying abroad and James is on some sort of knightly mission. I figure it would be an ‘opposites attract’ sort of couple - Isabel’s dedication to her studies would contrast with James’ more detached attitude to schoolwork. But at the same time, they’re both brave, so they would have that in common. 
On a more ‘birds of a feather’ variety, I could see Isabel/Desmond. They’re both dedicated to schoolwork, and look like they could bond over it. They would have a different sort of contrast also, with Isabel being the more adventurous one and Desmond being more of a ‘cowardly lion’ sort - a scaredy cat who can also be brave when the chips are down. 
I really don’t have a favored choice here. 
Quique/Cristina - 
Again for safety’s sake, like the above Isabel ships, this would take place in the future. 
I’m honestly not sure where this ship came from. It looks like it just crept up on me and then pounced harder (and more effectively) than Nala on Pumbaa. 
But I grew to like the idea. 
We see them getting along well when they appear together (Quique is even pushing Cristina’s wheelchair), and they seem like they both mesh well while being sufficiently different. We know Cristina is rather academically inclined (she calculated how many hits it would take to break the piñata) and while Quique is not, he’s definitely clever in his own way (he did instantly ask the question that got the whole class interested in Isa’s monfuego). And while he started off on the mean side, he showed to not be all that bad deep down (for instance, he instinctively jumped to catch the guinea pigs when the malfunctioning ExerGroomer threw them into the air). And Cristina herself is a sweetheart as well.
That’s really all I have to say about it.
Professor Mendoza/Fernando - 
For those who don’t know, Fernando is Cristina’s father. 
And like the above, I’m not all that sure where this ship came from, though for this one there’s more of a reason.
It started out when I was wondering just why Cristina is wheelchair-bound, as I don’t feel such a thing would make sense in a universe where magic is widespread and can do a lot of things, which look like they would include restoring or granting leg mobility. 
I’ll probably give more details later, but the explanation I found is that Cristina could walk when she was younger but had the use of her legs taken from her by dark magic (I’ll give you three guesses on who was responsible). I imagine Fernando would spend as long as he could trying to figure out a way to undo that, and eventually I had the idea that over the course of his attempts he met Professor Mendoza, someone likely to have an answer for his problem due to her knowledge on Maruvian culture, which probably included Maruvian magic.
As it happened, she didn’t have an answer, but I started thinking that maybe they spent enough time together to possibly grow closer and eventually get together. 
Whether they’d eventually find a way to heal Cristina or not... I don’t know.
So... those would be my personal preferences on ships in Elena of Avalor. 
I hope I’m not being gawked at like a weirdo after coming up with the above. And I hope even more that I’m not committing fandom suicide by shipping some of these... 
Anyway, look forward to your comments on any of them! 
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funnsun62 · 2 years
Here is some ship Tropes 🤩 except it is Elena of Avalor Version part one
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Armando x Marlena Armarlena
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Julio x Dona Paloma Julioma
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Mateo x Naomi Matomi
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King Hector x Abigail Hectgail
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Esteban x Dona Paloma Esteoma
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Alonso x Valentina Valonso
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Manual x Valentina Manualtina and sorry about the spell mistake for His name 😅
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Chloe x Alonso x Valentina Chloelontina
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Chatana x Esteban x Ash Chatbanash
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Carla x Antonia Cantonia
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magicwithineleteo · 3 years
I love your analysis on Carla! I noticed that you have no specific people that you pair her with romantically (which is completely fine). I know you put Carteo and Gabela as your two NOTP’s, but two specific pairings with Carla that I find strange are Carla x Marzel and Carla x Alonso. all three characters are great, but I just don’t see it, you know? Carla’s never interacted with Marzel, nor has any relationship ever been established between them. And she’s supposed be in love with him?!
hi anon! thank you <3
yeah, i don't really see carla x marzel or carla x alonso working out. not only have they never met, but i feel like carla would get really annoyed w alonso and her and marzel aren't compatible. however i am not trying to bash these ships! you can ship whatever you want, i just don't see any of the ships w carla working out.
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maaarine · 5 years
MBTI Typing Index: Names A-B
Name starts with: A B, C D, E F,  G H, I J K L, M N O P, Q R S T, U V W X Y Z.
Douglas ADAMS (ENTP)
Adele / Adele ADKINS (ESFP)
Isabelle ADJANI (INFP)
Jessica ALBA (ESFJ)
Mahershala ALI (ENFJ)
Armande ALTAÏ (INFP)
Christiane AMANPOUR (ENTJ)
Christine ANGOT (INTP)
A$AP Rocky / Rakim MAYERS (ESTP)
Alexandre ASTIER (ENTP)
Margaret ATWOOD (INTP)
Aurora / Aurora AKSNES (INFP)
Avicii / Tim BERGLING (ISTP)
Awkwafina / Nora LUM (ESTP)
Jean-Pierre BACRI (ENTJ)
Erykah BADU (ISFP)
Edouard BAER (ENTP)
Christian BALE (ESTP)
Azealia BANKS (ESFP)
Jonathan BANKS (ISTP)
Roseanne BARR (ESTP)
Bat for Lashes / Natasha KHAN (INFP)
Michael BAY (ESTP)
Aisling BEA (ENFP)
Samantha BEE (ENFP)
Kristen BELL (ENFJ)
Kingsley BEN-ADIR (ISFP)
Beyoncé / Beyoncé KNOWLES (ISFJ)
Andrew BIRD (INFJ)
Orlando BLOOM (ESFP)
BONG Joon-ho (INTP)
Russell BRAND (ENFP)
Sergey BRIN (INTJ)
Brittany BROSKI (ENFP)
Melanie BROWN (ESFP)
Millie Bobby BROWN (ESFJ)
Sterling K. BROWN (ENFJ)
Michael BUBLÉ (ESFJ)
Sophia BUSH (ENFJ)
Gabriel BYRNE (INFJ)
Name starts with: A B, C D, E F,  G H, I J K L, M N O P, Q R S T, U V W X Y Z.
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fortyhqs · 2 years
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welcome to FORTYHQS, Kit, Han, B, J, Tasha, Kels, Zed & G! we’re so excited to have you! please, take a look at our newbie’s checklist and send in your account within 36 hours!
under the cut are all the accepted muses (spoiler alert: all of them)
we will be updating the pages over the next 24 hours!
justus collins - fc: laz alonso - firehouse luitenant - muse w
yara santiago - fc: amirah vann - actor - muse ad + muse aa
helene beaufort - fc: juliette binoche - mayor - muse f
nora larson - fc: famke janssen - elementary school principal
brooke logan - fc: bethany joy lenz - talk show host
scarlett edelweiss - fc: nathalie kelley - hotel owner & philanthropist - muse a + muse at
carla zhou - fc: michelle yeoh - family doctor - muse j
iswaraya ‘raya’ iyer - fc: poorna jagannathan - cfo - muse k + muse an
imani jones - fc: aja naomi king - nurse - muse aj
hazel jimenez - fc: jessica alba - owner @ bows and lace boutique - muse o
elise murphy o'connor - fc: jennifer connelly - owner & fashion designer - muse ag
naomi resnik - fc: rachel weisz - celebrity chef & television presenter - muse ab
abraham ‘abe’ latimer - fc: joel kinnaman - priest - muse al
garrett newman - fc: oliver jackson-cohen - bank owner - muse x
jason anderson - fc: jamie dornan - pharmacist/drug dealer - muse b + muse bq
rashaad wallace - fc: michael ealy - food truck owner - muse m
ozzy ahmed - fc: riz ahmed - cook @ sloppy joe’s diner - muse ba
^ please send in a nationality for this muse!
hakeem jones - fc: john david washington - freelance writer - muse ak
cal lucas - fc: michiel huisman - dj - muse ah
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 6 years
New EoA ship
So the great thing about EoA and for multi shipping is that the various characters in the show allow for so many fun ships. Eleteo if you want friends growing into something more. Gabenaomi allows for a fun casual relationship. And so on and so forth. 
I mean, if Gababel is your OTP, with Eleteo, you can always put Naomi with Alonso or young!Esteban. Or if you prefer Gabe with someone other than Isabel but think Naomi is too much of a brotop, you can have CarlaxGabe for a fun reformed criminal/heroic guard dynamic. I’m calling it Gabela. 
Here’s a new one I was talking with @pizzansunshine about, 
Carla x Alonso!! 
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I know, I know it would be insane but think of the different ways it could work. It could be reforming Carla paired with still trying to reform Alonso and they work together but still fall into their old habits. And maybe even Elena and the others suspecting Carla’s motives and stage an intervention https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5c0dGM2vuzU
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It could be criminal Carla trying to tempt Alonso to his bad habits and them making evil plans together to trouble and annoy Elena and her friends. Basically Carla seducing Alonso and playing him like a violin while Alonso tries to please her because it's fun or fight his desire because he knows it's wrong. 
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And then when they eventually break, Avalor celebrates
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Or even Alonso proving his smarts and foiling her! 
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The whole relationship would be fun to explore I think. Between Alonso’s spoiled prince attitude. Even though he’s trying to be better I don’t think he will have the best manners when it comes to a girl who he considers beneath him and a criminal at that. 
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And Carla who lusts for power and won’t put up with Alonso’s nonsense or trying to boss her around, she will constantly challenge him and break his rules which might be intriguing enough for him to hang around her. 
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Plus they are both quirky in their own ways and I just realize...they could bond over their laziness and how they only want to have fun. 
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So yeah, Carlonso. Think about it. 
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To quote Barney Stinson, “It would be legen-wait for it-dary!” 
Yes, if you want to look up what I imagine their relationship to be like, just look up Barney and Quinn videos from How I met your mother. Here’s one example https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ndZSPh6hZkE
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periodicomirador · 5 years
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Zacatecas, ZAC.-En la XXXII Jornada Académica de la Red Mexicana de Investigadores de la Investigación Educativa (REDMIIE) se presentó el libro “La Formación del Profesor de Matemáticas: Elementos para su desarrollo profesional y el desempeño de su práctica”. El cual fue presentado por Carolina Carrillo García de la Unidad de Matemáticas de la UAZ, quien además funge como editora del libro.
  Esta obra es fruto del esfuerzo conjunto entre estudiantes y profesores de la Maestría en Matemática Educativa de la Unidadde Matemáticas. Cada uno de los capítulos que lo componen refleja el arduo trabajo que implica el embarcarse en un proceso de profesionalización docente. 
   El objetivo de esta publicación es divulgar la investigación científica de la Maestría Profesionalizante en Matemática Educativa de dos generaciones de egresados, y por otra parte difundir entre los estudiantes de posgrado en matemática educativa y profesores de matemáticas las propuestas didácticas y reflexiones que muestran el quehacer del docente de matemáticas.
  El libro fue editado por el Cuerpo Académico Consolidado “Matemática Educativa en la Profesionalización Docente” UAZ-CA243 conformado por el Eduardo Carlos Briceño Solís,  Carolina Carrillo García, Judith Hernández Sánchez y José Iván López Flores, docentes de la UAM-UAZ.
Toma de protesta de la REDIEZ
El consejo de la Red de Investigadores Educativos de Zacatecas (REDIEZ) tomó protesta en el marco de la XXXII Jornada Académica de la REDMIIE. Parte del consejo está encabezado por docentes de la UAZ:
• Dra. Darly Alina Kú Euán. Docente de la Unidad Académica de Matemáticas de la UAZ. Coordinadora Gral. de la REDIEZ.
• Mtra. Angélica Dueñas Cruz. Docente de la Benemérita Escuela Normal “Manuel Ávila Camacho”. Coordinadora Gral. de la REDIEZ.
• Dra. Carla Beatriz Capetillo Medrano. Docente de la Unidad Académica de Docencia Superior-UAZ.Coordinadora de la sub-área de Usos y distribución del conocimiento de la investigación educativa.
• Dr. Eduardo Briceño Solís. Docente de la Unidad Académica de Matemáticas-UAZ. Coordinador de la sub-área de Formación de investigadores de la Investigación Educativa.
• Dra. Judith Alejandra Hernández Sánchez. Docente de la Unidad Académica de Matemáticas. Responsable de la Comisión de Formación y actualización académica de la REDIEZ.
• Mtra. Marcelina Rodríguez Robles. Investigadora Independiente. Responsable de la Comisión de Actas y Acuerdos de la REDIEZ.
• Mtro. Miguel Ángel Benítez Pérez. Docente de la Escuela Normal Experimental “Salvador Varela Reséndiz”. Coordinador de la sub-área de Políticas y financiamiento de la investigación educativa.
• Mtra. Eva Graciela Alvarado García Rojas. Docente de la Benemérita Escuela Normal “Manuel Ávila Camacho”. Coordinadora de la sub-área de Epistemología y métodos de la investigación educativa.
• Ma. Esther Llamas Llamas. Investigadora Independiente. Coordinadora de la sub-área de Condiciones institucionales de la investigación educativa.
• Dra. Irma Ramírez Vaquera. Docente de la Escuela Normal Experimental “Rafael Ramírez Castañeda”. Coordinadora de la sub-área de Agentes, investigadores, comunidades y redes de la investigación educativa.
• Dra. Eréndira Enedina López Robles. Investigadora Independiente. Responsable de la Comisión de Admisión de la REDIEZ.
• Mtra. Leticia Elizabeth Alonso Marín. Docente de la Benemérita Escuela Normal “Manuel Ávila Camacho”. Responsable de la Comisión de la Administración de la plataforma virtual de la REDIEZ.
• Dra. Ma. Leticia Almaraz Olguín. Docente de la Escuela Normal Experimental “Rafael Ramírez Castañeda”. Responsable de la Comisión de Tesorería, apoyo logístico y administrativo de la REDIEZ.
• Mtra. Lourdes Esquivel Zamudio. Investigadora Independiente. Responsable de la Comisión de Normatividad y políticas de la REDIEZ.
  La REDIEZ está conformada por miembros que se encuentran dentro del sistema educativo en diferentes niveles y funciones del Estado de Zacatecas, su objetivo está encaminado a la mejora de la investigación educativa en las diferentes áreas de donde se desempeñan.
Docentes de la UAZ toman protesta como parte del consejo de la REDIEZ was originally published on Periódico Mirador
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micaramel · 6 years
Artists: Maria Luisa Bemberg, Delia Cancela, Graciela Carnevale, Diana Dowek, Graciela Gutiérrez Marx, Narcisa Hirsch, Ana Kamien and Marilú Marini, Lea Lublin, Liliana Maresca, Marta Minujín, Marie Orensanz, Margarita Paksa, Liliana Porter, Dalila Puzzovio, Marcia Schvartz, Mara Alvares, Claudia Andujar, Martha Araújo, Vera Chaves Barcellos, Lygia Clark, Analívia Cordeiro, Liliane Dardot, Lenora de Barros, Yolanda Freyre, Iole de Freitas, Anna Bella Geiger, Carmela Gross, Nelly Gutmacher, Anna Maria Maiolino, Márcia X., Wilma Martins, Ana Vitória Mussi, Lygia Pape, Letícia Parente, Wanda Pimentel, Neide Sá, Maria do Carmo Secco, Regina Silveira, Teresinha Soares, Amelia Toledo, Celeida Tostes, Regina Vater, Gracia Barrios, Sybil Brintrup and Magali Meneses, Roser Bru, Gloria Camiruaga, Luz Donoso, Diamela Eltit, Paz Errázuriz, Virginia Errázuriz, Lotty Rosenfeld, Janet Toro, Eugenia Vargas Pereira, Cecilia Vicuña, Alicia Barney, Delfina Bernal, Feliza Bursztyn, María Teresa Cano, Beatriz González, Sonia Gutiérrez, Karen Lamassonne, Sandra Llano-Mejía, Clemencia Lucena, María Evelia Marmolejo, Sara Modiano, Rosa Navarro, Patricia Restrepo, Nirma Zárate, Victoria Cabezas, Ana Mendieta, Marta María Pérez, Zilia Sánchez, Margarita Azurdia, Yolanda Andrade, Maris Bustamante, Ximena Cuevas, Lourdes Grobet, Silvia Gruner, Kati Horna, Graciela Iturbide, Ana Victoria Jiménez, Magali Lara, Mónica Mayer,  Sarah Minter, Polvo de Gallina Negra, Carla Rippey, Jesusa Rodríguez, Pola Weiss, Maria Eugenia Chellet, Sandra Eleta, Olga Blinder, Margarita Morselli, Teresa Burga, Gloria Gómez-Sánchez, Victoria Santa Cruz, Poli Marichal, Frieda Medín, Judith F. Baca, Barbara Carrasco, Josely Carvalho, Isabel Castro, Ester Hernández, Yolanda López, María Martínez-Cañas, Marta Moreno Vega, Sylvia Palacios Whitman, Sophie Rivera, Sylvia Salazar Simpson, Patssi Valdez, Nelbia Romero, Teresa Trujillo, Mercedes Elena González, Margot Römer, Antonieta Sosa,  Tecla Tofano, Ani Villanueva, Yeni and Nan
Venue: Pinacoteca de São Paulo
Exhibition Title: Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960-1985
Date: August 18 – November 19, 2018
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Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of Pinacoteca de São Paulo
Press Release:
From August 18 to November 19, 2018, the Pinacoteca de São Paulo, a museum of the Secretariat of Culture of the State of São Paulo, presents the major group exhibition Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960-1985, on display on the first floor of the Pinacoteca. Curated by British Venezuelan art historian and curator Cecilia Fajardo-Hill and Italian Argentine researcher Andrea Giunta, the show is the first in history to bring to the public an extensive and notable mapping of the experimental artistic practices by Latin women artists and their influence on international art production. In total, around 120 artists will represent fifteen countries, bringing together more than 280 works in a variety of techniques and on different supports, such as photography, video, painting and others. It´s presentation in São Paulo closes the itinerary and counts with the collaboration of the Pinacoteca’s Chief Curator Valéria Piccoli.
By giving visibility to a remarkable artistic production created between 1960 and 1985 by women who lived in Latin American countries, and by Latina and Chicana women born in the United States, Radical Women addresses a lacuna in the history of art. Among them, the exhibition presents works by some of the most influential artists of the 20th century, – such as Lygia Pape, Cecilia Vicuña, Ana Mendieta, Anna Maria Maiolino, Beatriz Gonzalez and Marta Minujín – alongside that of less well-known such as the performance Mexican artist Maria Eugenia Chellet, the Colombian Feliza Bursztyn and the Brazilians Leticia Parente, one of the pioneers of video art, and Teresinha Soares, a Minas Gerais-born sculptor and painter who has recently been attracting international attention.
The chronological segment of this group show is considered decisive both for the history of Latin America, and for the construction of contemporary art and the transformations concerning the symbolic and figurative of the female body. During this period, these pioneering artists set out to explore the notion of the body as political field and embarked on radical poetic investigations so as to defy the dominant classifications and the established art canons. “This new approach laid the foundations of a research on the body as a rediscovery of the subject, which in turn would later be regarded as a radical change in the iconography of the body,” affirm the curators. According to them, these researches eventually fostered the emergence of new directions within the fields of photography, painting, performance art, video art, as well as conceptual art.
The approach adopted by these Latin American artists was a form of dealing with the dense political and social atmosphere of a period that was deeply marked by patriarchal power (in the United States) and by the atrocities of the dictatorships of the time supported by the former (in Central America and in South America), which repressed these bodies, especially those of women, resulting in works that denounced the social, cultural and political violence of the time. ”The lives and the works of these artists are interwoven with the experiences of dictatorship, of imprisonment, of exile, torture, violence, censorship and repression, but also with the emergence of a new sensibility,” says Fajardo-Hill.
For Giunta, topics such as the poetic and the political are explored in the show “through self-portraits, through the relationship between body and landscape, through the mapping of the body and its social inscriptions, feminisms and social places.” As she goes on to say, “These themes crossed borders, arising in works by artists that had been working in radically different cultural conditions.” It is not by chance that the exhibition space is structured around themes instead of around geographic characteristics. The Pinacoteca’s curator Valéria Piccoli highlights the importance of the representativeness of the Brazilian artists in the show: “in addition to the names that participated in the exhibitions at the Hammer and Brooklyn Museums, we also included works by Wilma Martins, Yolanda Freyre, Maria do Carmo Secco and Nelly Gutmacher in the São Paulo exhibition”, she reveals.
Latin America preserves a strong history of feminist militancy that — with the exception of Mexico and in some isolated cases a few other countries in the 1970s e 1980s – was not widely reflected in the arts. Radical Women proposes to consolidate internationally this aesthetic heritage created by women who center on their own body to allude — in a veiled manner, indirectly or explicitly – to the distinct dimensions of the female existence. For such, the curators have carried out an extensive research since 2010, which includes trips, interviews, and analyses of publications found in the libraries of the Getty Foundation, Texas University, among several others.
The central argument of the exhibition shows that even though a large part of these artists were decisive figures in the expansion and diversification of the artistic expression in our continent, they nonetheless have not received due recognition. As the curators define, “The show stemmed from our common conviction that a vast group of works produced by Latin American and Latina artists has been marginalized and by a dominant, canonical and patriarchal art history. ”According to the Director of the Pinacoteca, Jochen Volz, “it was mainly women artists who pioneered experimentation with new forms of expression, like performance and video art, among others. Thus, the exhibition Radical Women’s itinerancy across Brazil is of great relevance for contemporary artistic and academic research and for the audience of the museum.
This outstanding ensemble of works, as well as the research archives brought together for the conception of the exhibition finally reach spectators in São Paulo, contributing to open new investigative paths and understandings about Latin American history. “The topic is now part of a wider and at the same time urgent agenda. Yet there is still a lot of work to be done and we are fully aware that this is just the beginning,” say the curators.
Radical Women is organized by the Hammer Museum, Los Angeles as part of Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA, an initiative of the Getty in partnership with arts institutions from Southern California, and is curated by guest curators Cecilia Fajardo-Hill and Andrea Giunta. The exhibition’s presentation at the Pinacoteca de São Paulo is sponsored by Itaú Bank, Itaú Carros, the law firm Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. and Quiroga, BTG Pactual Bank and Vicunha Têxtil, in addition to support from Select, ArtNexus, Claudia and Capricho magazines. The exhibition is made possible thanks to lead grants from the Getty Foundation. Major funding is provided by the Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation and Eugenio López Alonso. Generous support is also provided by the Vera R. Campbell Foundation, Marcy Carsey, Betty and Brack Duker, Susan Bay Nimoy and Visionary Women.
EXHIBITION CIRCLE For the first time in its history, the Pinacoteca has set up an Exhibition Circle – a fundraising practice that has become quite common in the U.S. and in Europe – adopted especially for this exhibition. To this end, the museum invited 30 inspiring women who are pioneers in their fields of practice to contribute financially to Radical Women. “We invited women that reflect the spirit of this exhibition and who are, for us, a source of admiration and deserve public recognition. The group we affectionately refer to as ‘Extraordinary Women’ represents the feminine pioneering spirit and engagement in various areas of society,” declares Paulo Vicelli, Director of Institutional Relations of the Pinacoteca. The list of women being honored includes: Adriana Cisneros, Ana Lucia de Mattos Barretto Villela, Catherine Petigás, Estrellita Brodsky, Luisa Strina, Fernanda Feitosa, Lygia da Veiga Pereira Carramaschi, Luiza Helena Trajano, among others.
Link: “Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985” at Pinacoteca de São Paulo
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lieutenant-amuel · 3 years
Are there any galavant songs that fit eoa characters or your Ocs?
Thank you for the ask!
Omg, there’s a plenty! We talked about it with my friend, and the first ones which come to my mind are:
“Galavant“ (theme song), “Moment In The Sun”, “Off With His Shirt”, “Jackass In A Can” (in early season 1 when he acts like an idiot. It also fits Rico) they all fits Gabe so much. Gabe is literally Galavant, don’t try to convince me otherwise.
I also thought of “Goodbye” for Gabe and even had an idea for a fanfic with that, but you know what’s the deal between me and writing x)
Carla - “No One But You“ (like, Carla’s part in “Don’t look now” gives me very similar vibes), “What Am I Feeling” (after Ash’s betrayal)
“I Don’t Like You” is literally a duet between any characters who hate each other x) It especially gives me Elena and Ash vibes, I don’t why.
”Today We Rise” is literally a comical version of “Our Time”
”Stand Up” reminds me of “Steppin’ Up” (also, “Play It Your Way”, but this song feels more Elena-like to me)
”Let’s Agree To Disagree“ and “Maybe You’re Not The Worst Thing Ever” are Esteoma anthems.
”Maybe You Won’t Die Alone” fits Armando in “Sweetheart’s Day“ (it’s like “You Gotta Sing”)
“If I Were A Jolly Blacksmith” and “Will My Day Ever Come” remind me of Alonso.
“Do The D’Dew” is literally how Ash and Zapilote’s training was going.
I can’t think of my OCs, but “My Dragon Pal And Me” sounds something what Ángel would sing x)
”He Was There” might remind me of Valerio, because he had, um, a difficult relationship with his father. It also could fit Gabe, but Gabe rather felt pressured by Roberto than hated him, while in case of Valerio, there was one moment in his life that could make him sing “He’s a schmuck! He’s a schmo! He’s the worst! I should know! He’s my dad! He’s a cad!” out loud.
Thank you so much for the ask again!!
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glorytoukraine2022 · 3 years
Congratulations to all these wonderful people who found “Upendi” on Coronation Day!
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Elena’s journey as Crown Princess may have come to an end, but the journeys of these couples are only just beginning!
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ograndebatata · 6 years
More new ships, and some changes of stance on old ones...
Well... I agree I may start to change some things here a bit too often, but I guess that sometimes that’s what happens when you just happen to run into a ship that you end up being interested in enough to reshuffle your pairings. 
This has recently happened to me... so as a result, I’m reshuffling my current ships (I guess someday I should post an updated complete list). 
These are the changes I’ve made since last time.
Changes of stance on old ships
Naomi x Alonso - I’ll be clear on one thing here. Unlike what happened with me regarding Gabe x Carla, I did not develop any problem with the characters of Alonso and Naomi. I still like them both, and I still like the ship itself.
That said, the ship I mentioned above involves Naomi, and I happened to like it more than Naomi x Alonso... so forth goes the reshuffle. 
Sorry, Alonso fans...
Gabe x Marisa - I’ll admit, while I thought this pairing had some potential, it was never a ship I was invested all that much in. I thought it could work... but the new ship I got interested in (which is Naomi x Marzel) seems more interesting... and as it would have too many dynamics in common with Gabe x Marisa (while also adding new and, I think, very interesting ones) I decided to jump this particular ship.
New ships
Rather-invested-in tier
Naomi x Marzel - I can’t take credit for this ship, as it was, to my knowledge, proposed by user GijinkaGal on the Discord server. All I can say is that I happened to really like the idea.
Other users may put it better, but basically I feel it makes for an interesting take on the foes-to-lovers trope, and their characters look like they’d fit well together.
So... as of now, this is my preferred ship for both these two (and if I had to guess, this time is it).
Gabe x Tomiko - Thanks to @pizzansunshine and @long-live-elena for helping me here. :)
This one largely came forth because I thought it would be unfair if Gabe was the only one of the cuatro amigos who stayed single, at least given he doesn’t strike me as an eternal bachelor kind of guy, but this one settled into sailing rather nicely.
All I can say is that these two look like they fit well together, as they’re both endearing dorks who take their jobs seriously and are loyal to those they care about. It also feels like there are a few ‘sufficient differences’ between them, so to speak. 
All in all, I feel this one would work.
Different changes of stance on old ships
Somewhat-invested-in tier
Fiero x Prisma - Well, on one hand, this ship still qualifies as ‘Crackship-that-could-still-sort-of-work’ for the most part. 
But on the other, I have grown interested enough in it lately to be interested in developing this relationship for my Elena of Avalor and Sofia the First personal fanfic universe. As I still believe both Prisma and Fiero could be redeemed (though it would be considerably more difficult for the latter) I’m changing this ship’s status. 
And again, to anyone creeped out by the apparent age difference, I headcanon that Prisma and Fiero are about the same age (i.e. in their 130s by the time Season 2 of Elena of Avalor takes place, and in their 140s by the time I plan to have them meet), and Prisma only looks like she’s younger because she ages at a different speed due to being a crystal master (in ‘species’ if not in title), and because of her generally immature behavior for much of her screentime. And lest anyone think I’m being unfair or biased, I’m well aware Fiero can be a very immature sort as well (one only needs to look at his childish bickering with Victor as evidence). He just doesn’t have the benefit (or problem) of looking young enough to be mistaken for someone in their 20s or so (though I’d say he is surprisingly spry even if one only views him as being in his 60s or 70s).
So... these are all my changes of stance on ships for now. 
As always, I look forward to any thoughts any of you may want to share. 
Thanks for reading! :)
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