#Carlitos walten
batolusa · 7 months
I can finally use my Spanish for something good and funny. Jack Walten is the Latino icon.
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p-idiot · 8 months
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Current mood
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gert-the-disaster · 2 months
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carlitos carlitos carlitos
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beautifulcrayon · 1 year
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butchsophiewalten · 7 months
03/03/2024 Twitter Space Recap (1/2)
Martin & Kyle did a twitter space (with a late appearance of Eva) in the earliest hours of the day on the 3rd, here's a recap of what they talked about then:
-Kyle brings up that he wants to do a charity stream for the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund! He says Him, Martin, Coral, and Eva would be there playing Lethal Company. He says he plans to do this "sometime this month".
-Martin describes the 'Walten Dog Saga', saying that first the family got Carlitos, who was Sophie's dog, and everybody loved him, but then one day in 1968, they're playing and then Carlitos gets run over. And it's so tragic that they're like, 'no more dogs!', until one day in 1973 Jack runs into this homeless street dog and brings him home, and names him Jaimito, and they have him for a few months before he bites Edd's arm and "almost gives him rabies", so Jack just gives the dog to Susan, and the one week that she has this dog is like the worst week of her life. He pees everywhere, he tears up her furniture, and after a week of that he just peacefully dies while Susan is out of the house.
-Martin says that aspects of episode 5 are inspired by some of the leaked stuff he's seen from Joker 2. "It's a very fairy-tale, unreliable narrator kind of episode."
-Martin spitballs his "perfect idea for a Walten Files game", a PS1-style game where you work as a Bon's Burger's employee, "in the kitchen at 3am making burgers", fixing up orders to be delivered (by another employee, I'm assuming? He mentions 'a guy with a motorcycle', so I think this is what he means. Like pizza delivery.) He talks about how the supply closet would be on the other side of the restaurant, so whenever you run out of ingredients you'd have to walk all the way over there and back in the dark. He says it'd be really funny if there wasn't even anything supernatural in it.
-Martin talks about how it really bothers him when people say or imply that, because The Walten Files takes place in the time period it does, it would be more accurate or make more sense for his characters to be bigoted. He brings up a specific instance where someone asked him how the other BSI employees would treat Chris. "The point that this person was making is that it would make sense for the team to be racist, and I was like 'No, it doesn't make sense! That shouldn't happen, it shouldn't be a thing!'" He goes on to say... "And then it was shit like, [mockingly] 'Why are Sophie and Jenny a couple if it was the 1980s?' and it's like, gay people existed in the 1980s!"
"It's just like, just because something was the thing back then, doesn't mean the characters should do a very bad and harmful thing, y'know? It's a really stupid mindset, in my opinion."
-Kyle talks about this genuinely really funny Showstoppers Halloween special idea he had a long time ago, where the Showstoppers are really excited for the holiday, but for some reason Bon has never heard of Halloween before, and the other Showstoppers have to explain it to him, telling him about costumes and trick-or-treating and everything. And it culminates with them going up to somebody's doorstep to trick-or-treat, and all the Showstoppers are telling Bon that he should go first since he's the newbie, and when he knocks on the door some lady answers, going "Hello! How are-" and then she looks up in horror. And the shot reverses to show like a full, "hyper-realistic" Scary Animatronic Bon looming over to her, with a Text-To-Speech voice going "Trick.... Or.... Treat."
-Martin talks about his own funny showstoppers idea, where Bon, for some inexplicable reason, has the feeling that he is dying. and he spends the whole episode trying to make amends with people and be nice to his friends, like 'I don't hate you, Banny, I really care about you,' 'Boozoo, you can have Bon's Burgers when I'm gone, because you're my friend and I trust you,' etc. And at the end of the episode you find out he just had a tummy ache, and he was being really dramatic about it.
-After some related banter, Martin jokes that it'd be funny if Jack was at a table eating with the rest of the 'Bunny Smiles family', and out of the blue he goes, like, 'I've got a tummy ache! :(' in a really high-pitched voice. Eva, who had joined the space a while earlier, jokes that his normal voice is just him faking it, and the high-pitched voice is what he actually sounds like.
-They talk about various Godzilla movies for a while, and Martin brings up how he really enjoyed the way Minus One managed to connect the narrative between its human and its monster characters, and how that's something he thinks a lot of other monster movies and horror films fail to do.
"Y'know, it's funny, because when I wrote The Walten Files, I always had the idea that like, there are two parts of the story? Part one, which is like, the human drama, and Edd and Molly, and the crash. And then part two, which has more to do with the animatronics and the place itself. And you have this feeling where there's going to be a moment where those two parts connect and link to each other, and I think that's something you gotta have in, like, horror movies, where- it- you can't just like, make up characters, and just put them in the existing world and have them exist, and then just sit around waiting for the killer to appear, y'know?"
-Eva brings up an incident that's been happening in the Walten Files community on Twitter, where some people have been getting some flack over headcanoning members of The Showstoppers as Black. Martin gets really incensed talked about how much this bothers him, saying "I saw that, it's so fucking stupid. If you- It's just common sense! If you look at someone going 'Hey, I think this character would be Black, I headcanon this character as black,' and you go, like 'I'm not comfortable with that,' what the fuck do you mean? How? That's so weird! And that's what I'm saying, it's like, how does it effect the story in any way that would be negative to you? Like, the only way you would be against that, is if you were like, racist. And it's like, huh? And I think, a lot of people bring up the argument that, 'Ah, but this character is clearly intended to be White,' and it's like, who cares! Who gives a shit? Like, that's not, like a valid argument to go against someone for doing something like that. It would be very different if, for example, someone looked at Chris and went, like, 'What if he was White?', it's very different. The context of that is very different, than just headcanoning a character as Black, y'know? That's completely fine and normal. Why would you be against that, that's so weird."
"I find it even funnier, because, from what it looked like, it was because someone said they headcanon Sha as Black, and it's like, that makes so much sense! I mean, like, I think that if Sha had a human design, she'd definitely not- she wouldn't be white... again, if you're against headcanons like that, you- you're not welcome here."
-"We end this stream saying these few words: Headcanoning characters as people of color is great, supporting Palestine is great, uh, being a Zionist is Bad! Being a racist is bad! And if you like Godzilla: I will give you a kiss on the head. Muah!"
___ They ended up holding another Space much later the same day, which I've decided to cover in a separate post, because it's twice as long as this one, and a lot more of the conversation in it was Walten Files-Centric, so the recap will take way longer to write.
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walten-molly · 7 months
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"Uncle felix, why are we broken?"
Aliases Sophie’s Younger Sister Relatives Jack Walten (Father) Rosemary Walten (Mother) Sophie Walten (Older Sister) Edward Walten (Older Brother) Carlitos Walten (Pet Dog) Jaimito (Pet Dog)
Affiliation Walten Family Date of birth August 22, 1965 (Age 8) Place of birth Unknown Date of death May 2nd, 1974 Place of death On a highway, somewhere near Saint Juana's Forest . !!! felix kranken!!!! Loving uncle
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rosiebutt74 · 7 months
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Full name Rosemary.
Rose (both by Bon)
Jack Walten (Husband)
Sophie Walten (Daughter) Edward Walten (Son) Molly Walten (Daughter) Carlitos Walten (Pet Dog) Jaimito (Pet Dog) Laura Peony. (Sister)
Bunny Smiles Incorporated (formerly)
Bon's Burgers (formerly)
BSI Musician & Lead Artist (formerly)
Biographical information
Marital status
Married (Widowed after Jack's disappearance.)
Date of birth
April 20th, 1934 (Age 40)
Date of death
July 19th, 1974 - Dismembered by Bon
Place of death
Bon's Burgers
Physical description
Eye color
Portrayed by
Anastasia V.
Carly Simon (Face)
Appears in
The Walten Files 2 - Relocate Project
The Walten Files 3 - BunnyFarm Spectacle The Walten Files 4 - CyberFun Tech The Walten Files 5 - Faces of Grief
The Walten Files 2 - Relocate Project
"Am I still beautiful to you, Sophie?"―Rosemary to Sophie, BunnyFarm"What if it's my fault? What if what happened to them is because.. of me?"―Rosemary talking about the loss of her two children, CyberFun Tech Collection
Rosemary "Rosie" Peony Walten, also referred to as Rose is the wife of Jack Walten and a victim of Bon who goes on to possess Sha
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Tesla verschlechtert den Kundenservice. Empfehlenswert seien vielmehr serifenlose Schriften: Um es gleich vorwegzunehmen: Ansichten Lesen Bearbeiten Quelltext bearbeiten Versionsgeschichte. Designer und ihre Arbeit Wie viel verdienen Designer? Allerdings sind die gefälschten Dokumente auf datiert. Einerseits funktioniert der Dienst unter Umständen sehr gut, andererseits hält er teils nicht, was er verspricht.
Name: schriftart calibri Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 21.89 MBytes
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The post SCHRIFTART CALIBRI HERUNTERLADEN appeared first on Mezitli.
source http://mezitli.info/schriftart-calibri-61/
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butchsophiewalten · 1 year
Findjackwalten July 26th and Aug 2nd Update Walkthrough
I didn't do an update walkthrough for the last one! I don't really have an excuse for that but I'm getting to it now!
These are small updates that only change a couple pages.
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That 'Future Starts Now' guy keeps multiplying. And there's some remnants from the Bon takeover in the corner still. hidden text is also still there.
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3 new Funny Walten Facts. These are pretty self-explanatory I don't think I need to talk about them more than what they already say. Insanely funny that they gave Susan a rabid dog? Also jesus christ cut seven minute dialogue scene. Also-also, we didn't know until now that Carlitos passed before the Waltens disappeared. Which is... good? I don't know, I've seen people talk about this like it's super sad and angsty but it feels like an objectively better scenario for the dog. Than losing all its family and either becoming a stray or ending up in a shelter or something. The percentage on this page also went up to 93%
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Even more of the Future Starts Now guy. It doesn't look like anything else is different except I think the Bon's Burgers commercial has a bit of a crustier filter over it?
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More Funny Walten Facts. I don't know what "Community's Eye!" means. That and the "Goodfaith Caring." fun fact are both pretty inscrutable. This one does invoke the "Keep an Eye!" phrase we've heard a couple times already (The TWF4 teaser from forever ago was titled that.)
Martin making parts of The Walten Files on his phone in class is incredibly funny to me. I'm also having a very good time envisioning Bon's Barbie closet. I love that this is phrased that Bon Himself enjoys wardrobe changes. We all but know Bon is independently 'alive' (or at least just... conscious? he has an AI consciousness), which could be what that's referring to, or it could not. But it's fun to think he's a bit of a queer. He loves his fashion. I really hope this extends to Bon, as in the animatronic serial killer, also.
Completion percentage hasn't changed.
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