lenadanvers73 · 8 months
Flash Enid AU
Enid is the Flash and frequents a coffee shop that the Addams family owns. Wednesday had been making her sandwich until the shop hired new help.
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Enid had avoided going to the shop after that for a few days and just going out in general. She hated when people brought up her parents. “Time to brace the outside world again.” She was meeting Yoko at the shop, she took a liking to the food.
“I didn’t see Wednesday here.” Yoko told Enid as she walked into the shop.
“Oh man, my poor sandwich…” Enid sighed going up to the counter.
“You’re not Tyler.” Yoko stated.
“No…why would I be?” The girl asked.
“He is usually here when we come here.” Yoko explained. “Can I have the breakfast sandwich with an iced coffee?” She asked the new girl.
“Coming right up, and what about you?” the new girl asked Enid.
“Uh… can I get peanut butter, bananas, raisins, honey, and cheese on a roll?”
“Wow! I may need to write that down, but sure!” the new girl replied happily.
“See, she doesn’t think it’s weird,” Enid grumbled to Yoko. Yoko just rolled her eyes. It didn’t take as long as when Tyler made their food. Tyler did make Enid’s coffee without her asking so that was nice. When they got their food and left Enid nodded. “She was nice, and she made my sandwich right!” She said excited.
Yoko rolled her eyes again, “Dude did you even look at your cup?” She pointed to Enid’s cup.
Uh….no.” Enid said confused. She turned it around. A phone number was written on the back. “Oh! Does she want to be friends?”
“Are you serious right now?” Yoko asked baffled.
“Yes…what’s wrong?”
“Dude, she’s asking you out!” Yoko exclaimed in a whisper-yell so the new girl didn’t overhear.
“Oh! We should go to work come on Yoko…” Enid said dragging Yoko out.
“You have no confidence…wait what about Wednesday?” Yoko asked as they were walking to work.
“I don’t know? She didn’t ask me out or give her phone number last time…” Enid trailed off. “What do you think I should do?” She asked Yoko.
“I don’t know,” she said. “You can wait for the rich girl, or you can go for the one who we can tell for sure likes you.”
“Wow…two girls like me at the same time. This is wild.” Enid said.
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streaminn · 11 months
Don't make me cry over Enid/Tara stream!
But yes to more Carpenclair? Sinpenter? Enara?
I don't even know 😭 just Enid x tara so it's simpler
I love a romance that burns bright, always makes watching it flicker into nothing so sweet
Maybe I'll draw enid waking up alone in a hospital because damn, it's not like she could wolf out and it still hurts to be stabbed. She doesn't know much considering that she kinda passed out after bleeding on the floor after the whole talking to Tara and Chad barging in with two ghostfaces on his tail
It isn't the first time that she's alone in new York but something stings when all she smells is antiseptic
She can't even be mad and maybe its the culmination of everything but enid feels empty. She remembers that Chad was in a much horrible state so when she walks past a room to discharge herself, she sees the whole gang in his room. They look happy and well, Enid knows that she's a stranger now that the danger is over
She knows her place
Chad spots her but enid smiles and gives a wave before shushing him and leaving. She does the necessary paperwork, pays what needs to be paid and writes something in a lil paper before asking it to be delivered to someone
Enid doesn't stay, not long enough to see Tara excuse herself and go to the next room over.
After all, Enid has a flight to back to Wednesday
Maybe instead of the kiss between Tara and Chad, it's Tara and Enid talking about what they are
High tensions do lead to some irrational decisions and the two have certainly been close enough but now that the end is certainly near, Tara is realizing that it wouldn't be right for her to be in a relationship right now. Her heart has been beating so fast lately and she doesn't know if it's because of a potential death or her feelings
Enid understands, like it sucks but what can you do? She won't cry about it, it'd be unfair to make a girl feel bad over having valid feelings by sobbing infront of her. It doesn't stop Enid from biting her tongue and wondering why they can't work through those feelings together however
Then Chad runs in, Enid punches one of the ghost faces etc etc, more Canon compliant stuff except Enid's still an outcast so despite being stabbed more she isn't in that much of a critical state and is much more durable
She does manage to elbow someone in the face so ow, did they really need to try and gut her in retaliation???
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lenadanvers73 · 8 months
Flash Enid AU Part 2
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Next time they went there Tyler was also there. “Hey guys. Wednesday isn’t here, she is actually on a trip with her father.” He told them.
“It’s fine, the new girl made her sandwich last time. She actually made it right, unlike you who decided to add salmon to what was already a monstrosity.”
Tyler blinked, confused. “There’s no salmon?”
“No, also what is the new girls name?” Yoko asked Tyler.
“That’s Tara. Why?” he asked.
“Just wondering!” Yoko said and asked her usual and left.
Tyler was curious why Yoko has asked about Tara, she was pretty sure but that was odd. “Hey, Tara you made Enid’s sandwich last time?”
“Yeah! Peanut butter, bananas, raisins, cheese… oh yeah, and honey on a roll!” Tara exclaimed.
“There’s no salmon?”
“Uh… no, Tyler,” she said.
“Wow…this whole time I thought it had salmon. Also Yoko asked about you.” He mentioned.
“Oh? Why?” Tara asked.
“I don’t know, her and Enid are best friend. Why I thought you would know.” He shrugged.
“Alright. I’ll go talk to them,” Tara replied with a small smile.
Yoko took a bite of Enid’s sandwich and almost threw up. “Dude! That is disgusting!”
“Hey, you wanted to try it!” Enid complained.
“Would it kill you to get a normal breakfast sandwich? Do you have a normal ice cream order?”
“Pistachio ice cream with gummy bears.” Enid shrugged.
“Dude! I am calling the food police! Next you are going to say you anchovies on your pizza!”
“No but I do like pineapple.”
“How do you have two girls who like you and you eat like this?” Yoko was baffled.
“At least I am honest with what I like. Why do you have that look on your face? It’s like the Wednesday face but different.”
“What face? I’m not making a face,” Yoko replied. “Look, here comes Tara.”
“Do I have time to run away?” Enid asked.
“Hi guys!” Tara exclaimed. “How is the food? Salmon, right?” Tara laughed. “Just kidding! I have your order written down in the back.”
“I don’t like salmon,” Enid whined.
“Gross,” Yoko complained. “I am going to get a refill to wash the taste of your sandwich out of my mouth.”
“But didn’t you just get coffee?” Enid asked, but Yoko was already gone. She cleared her throat. “Right, well that was Yoko and I’m Enid.” Enid wasn’t sure what she was supposed to say.
“My name’s Tara,” Tara said. “So, did you enjoy your coffee?”
“Umm-which part?” Enid asked.
“The number you idiot!” Yoko has tossed a muffin at small muffin at Enid’s head.
“Ow! Did you just toss a muffin at me?”
“Yes! I’ll toss another at your face next!” Yoko turned back around to Tyler. “Sorry, add two small muffins to my tab.”
“So aggressive…” Enid trailed off. “Uh- yes about the number I was going to text you but then I got nervous and I didn’t…because I am not good at this honestly.” Enid blabbed on. “I save it in my phone though.” Enid added.
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lenadanvers73 · 8 months
Flash Enid Part 3
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“So, T…how many dates have you gone on?” Mindy asked Tara on their lunch break between classes.
“We will be going on our 5th date this weekend.” Tara replied.
“Is Enid your girlfriend officially? Also is she the hot girl with the strange sandwich?” Mindy asked eating her snack.
“Yes…and yes…I don’t think it’s that weird.” Tara shrugged.
“To those of us not whipped, it’s weird.”
“I’m not whipped?”
“You definitely are but moving on…she’s really smart right?”
“Yeah, she works at a lab.”
“Does she make a decent salary?”
Tara rolled her eyes. “Yes, she makes money. Is that really the first thing you’re worried about?”
“Mindy needs in on that sugar mama action.” Mindy shrugged.
“She is not my sugar mama!”
“Does she or does she not buy you nice things?” Mindy asked.
“She does, but that’s not the point,” Tara whined.
“Is this going to be a college fling? Or a serious relationship?”
“Hey, I really like her!” Tara exclaimed.
“How did Sam take that?” Mindy wondered.
“You know she would freak…I am going to tell her this weekend.”
“Let me be present when you do it, please.”
“Who were you out with? Mindy got here a few minutes ago.” Sam interrogated.
“Well after I saw Mindy, I went to see Enid,” Tara replied. “Just had a few things I wanted to drop off. Also, what’s with the interrogation?”
“Oh? Who’s Enid?” Sam asked, curious.
“My girlfriend, oh did you cook dinner? Yum!” Tara said looking at the stove.
“Wait…what??” Sam asked.
“Save me a plate but I sort of already ate with Enid.” Tara offered a small smile.
“Your… girlfriend? Why didn’t you tell me?” Sam asked, her voice rising in pitch.
“Because I was worried that you’d freak out like you’re doing now?” Tara offered.
“I’m not…freaking out.” Sam said in a higher pitch tone.
“Why is your voice doing that thing?”
“I always talk like this…”
“This is exactly how I pictured Sam reacting.” Mindy commented.
“How long have you known Tara was seeing someone?” Sam demanded from Mindy a few days later when she was over studying. Tara had gone to grab a textbook from her room.
“Woah there jailor.” Mindy replied with her hands up. “Since she has been working at the coffee shop.”
“Why did no one tell me?!” Sam demanded.
“Because you have a tendency to…” Mindy motioned a head blowing up.
“I do not blow up! What do you know about this girl?” Sam pressed.
“I know she is really smart and makes a lot of money and I want one for myself.”
“So a sugar mama?”
“I asked that too, she is not.” Mindy shrugged.
“Okay, do you know anything else?”
“Not really, Tara hasn’t shared too much. She goes to the coffee shop a lot, she referred her at the hot girl with the sandwich.”
“Maybe I should go to the coffee shop?” Sam wondered out loud.
“Tara is not going to like that…oh hey T! Did you find your text book?” Mindy said as Tara came back with a book in his hand.
“What are you guys talking about? You’re acting…strange.” Tara gave Mindy a look.
“I’m always strange.” Mindy shrugged.
“True, but this is a suspicious change…” Tara trailed off sitting down with her text book.
Mindy just pointed to Sam. “I’m not planning anything.”
“Okay, is Sam planning something?” She asked as Sam was getting water.
“Why would I be planning something? I just want to know a little about your girlfriend.” Sam said.
“You cannot scare my girlfriend away, I like this one!”
“Why would I scare her away?”
“Listen…she has anxiety.”
“I won’t scare her.” Sam stated.
“Don’t take it personal. She didn’t even text me right away when she got my number.”
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