#Catasto el Brujo de la Verdad
groriatrevi10xx · 5 months
✨...Mundo Oscuro...✨
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*El Rey del Mundo Oscuro suele quitarse la máscara en contadas ocasiones, hoy fue uno de esos días.../The King of the Mundo Oscuro usually takes off his mask on rare occasions, today was one of those days...
Los gatos siempre tienen curiosidad, ¿verdad?.../Cats are always curious, right?...
Porque Catasto no esperaba que cuando regresara por ella, vería a cierto chico modelando con su máscara puesta…/Because Catasto didn't expect that when he returned for her, he would see a certain boy modeling with his mask on...
Por alguna razón, esto es un poco gracioso.../For some reason, this is kind of funny...*
G: Tuve un día de mierda, pero tengo esto en el bolsillo para hacerme feliz... (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)/I had a shitty day, but I have this in my pocket to make me happy... (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)
Catasto: Es mío... {It's mine...}
Neko-Player es de {Neko-Player is from}: @vanetheglitchfox - @hello-conde
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groriatrevi10xx · 5 months
✨...Mundo Oscuro...✨
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G: No sé cómo puedo olvidar que Catasto es creación de una Sirena y un Dios, quienes engañaron a otro Imbécil {Zigor F... ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ} haciéndole creer que era su Hijo.../I don't know how I can forget that Catasto is the creation of a Mermaid and a God, who tricked another Moron {Zigor F... ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ} into believing he was their Son...
Exactamente Catasto no es un Dios ni un Semi-Dios, es un Ángel y a la vez un tritón.../Exactly Catasto is not a God or a Semi-God, he is an Angel and at the same time a triton...
Al chico le fue bien al final, tuvo una vida de mierda... Pero al final se casó con la Reina de las Brujas, es un Chef increíble, es un Brujo con muchos conocimientos de Magia y a pesar de su Dote/Don {La Verdad}, puede crear estrellas o una galaxia, controlar muchas cosas si quiere.../The boy did well in the end, he had a shitty life... But in the end he married the Queen of Witches, he is an incredible Chef, he is a Warlock with a lot of knowledge of Magic and despite his Dowry/Gift {The True}, he can create stars or a galaxy, control many things if he wants...
Realmente no es débil, es un caballero bien formado y muy educado... Es una persona cariñosa, sólo hay que llegar a su corazón.../He really is not weak, he is a well-made gentleman and very polite... He is a loving person, you just have to reach his heart...
Haría cualquier cosa por su loca esposa y sus hijos, es un excelente padre... Ahhh... ❤️✨👌🏻/He would do anything for his crazy wife and his children, he is an excellent father... Ahhh... ❤️✨👌🏻
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
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✨... Mundo Oscuro...✨
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groriatrevi10xx · 3 years
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Neko-Player: Why don't you take off your mask?... That thing is scary...
Catasto {Abel}: I can take off my mask, but I doubt you want to see what's underneath...
G: Catasto y Neko-Player se llevan bien, algún día sabrán porque.../Catasto and Neko-Player get along, one day they will know why...
Catasto {Abel}: Es mío... {It´s mine...}
Neko-Player es de {Neko-Player is from}: @vanetheglitchfox
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groriatrevi10xx · 3 years
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-Tú eres una Reina y yo solo un Sirviente, aun así puedo decir que no somos tan diferentes... Ambos necesitamos mucho y al mismo tiempo no necesitamos nada.../You are a Queen and I am just a Servant, even so I can say that we are not so different... We both need a lot and at the same time we don't need anything...
Te entiendo y tu me entiendes.../I understand you and you understand me...
Entonces, ¿podrías bailar conmigo esta noche?.../So, could you dance with me tonight?...-
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groriatrevi10xx · 3 years
Catasto is secretly Meliodas! 👀👀
askkassandragf-v-2: ¡Catasto es secretamente Meliodas! 👀👀
G: xD...
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groriatrevi10xx · 3 years
Catasto es mas chaparro que Neko-Player?
Anónimo: Catasto is shorter than Neko-Player?
G: No exactamente, Catasto es uno de los muchos seres que llaman... "Brujos Crecidos o Brujas Crecidas", depende... Estos crecen muy lentamente, desde bebés deben tener 10 años para ser completamente un niño... Hasta ser preadolescente debes tener 50 años... Para ser adolescente debes tener 100 años y para ser adulto solo necesitas 250 años para serlo... Crecen muy lentamente.../Not exactly, Catasto is one of the many beings they call... "Grown Warlocks or Grown Witches", it depends... These grow very slowly, from babies they must be 10 years old to be fully a child... To be a Pre-adolescent you need to be 50 years old... To be a Teen you need to be 100 years old and for an Adult you only need 250 years to be... They grow very slowly...
Exactamente, son grandes personas atrapadas en edades que quizás no les correspondan.../Exactly, they are great people caught in ages that perhaps do not correspond to them...
Catasto tiene 34 años y sigue atrapado a la edad de un Niño, le falta mucho para llegar a la etapa Preadolescente... Aunque no está tan lejos de cumplir 50 años.../Catasto is 34 years old and is still trapped at the age of a Child, he is a long way from reaching the Pre-Adolescent stage... Although he is not so far from his 50th birthday...
Pero te diré una cosa, hay un hechizo que suelen usar para convertirse en adultos, solo dura un tiempo... Se llama "Manecillas del Reloj"... Que solo unos pocos aprenden, Catasto aprendió ese Hechizo... Al usar ese hechizo puede estar en su estado adulto, su versión anterior es más alto que Neko-Player... Catasto es casi la altura de Arma.../But I will say one thing, there is a spell that they usually use to become adults, it only lasts for a while... It is called "Clock Hands"... Which only a few learn, Catasto learned that Spell... By using that spell may be in his Adult state, his older version is taller than Neko-Player... Catasto is almost the height of Arma...
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groriatrevi10xx · 3 years
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G: Recuerdo este Ship, era literalmente el Ship que más me preguntaban aquí... XD/I remember this Ship, it was literally the Ship that they asked me the most here...
Catasto: Es mío... {It's mine...}
Brittany es de {Brittany is from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
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groriatrevi10xx · 3 years
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Catasto: No debería haber venido a esta celebración.../I shouldn't have come to this celebration...
Groria: ¡Vamos hermano! Recuerda que mis Hermanos no pueden faltar a las celebraciones de SunMoon y tú eres mi Hermano como Daniela y Juan, además el "Príncipe de las Estrellas" no puede faltar.../Come on brother! Remember that my Brothers cannot miss the SunMoon celebrations and you are my Brother like Daniela and Juan, also the "Prince of the Stars" cannot be absent...
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groriatrevi10xx · 3 years
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-¿Por qué?.../Why?...-
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groriatrevi10xx · 3 years
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-Catasto es un Joven Inteligente, muy educado, trabajador, realmente bueno en la lucha y la magia, desciende de una Familia virtuosa llamada por su apellido "Reyes" que han servido a la Reina y al Mundo Oscuro toda su Vida.../Catasto is an Intelligent Young Man, very educated, hard-working, really good at fighting and magic, he descends from a virtuous Family called by his last name "Reyes" who have served the Queen and the Mundo Oscuro all their Life...-
Catasto, The Warlock of Truth...
{Abel} Catasto Reyes...
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groriatrevi10xx · 4 years
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G: Es un dibujo que tenía guardado y no lo recordaba, cuando lo vi... Decidí publicarlo... :0/It is a drawing that I had saved and I did not remember it, when I saw it... I decided to publish it... :0
Catasto: Es mío... {It's mine...}
Isabella es de {Isabella is from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
Hello Conde Au es de {Hello Conde Au is from}: @vanetheglitchfox
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groriatrevi10xx · 4 years
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-Tu no eres el.../You are not him...-
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groriatrevi10xx · 4 years
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G: Qué hermoso hubiera sido si Angélica se hubiera enamorado de Catasto... :')/How beautiful it would have been if Angelica had fallen in love with Catasto... :')
{M: Aquí hay un dibujo de estos dos, en una boda que nunca sucedió... Tampoco existió.../Here is a drawing of these two, in a wedding that never happened... Neither did exist...}
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groriatrevi10xx · 4 years
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G: Este es el último dibujo que hago de estos dos, ya que me voy a concentrar en dibujar otras cosas.../This is the last drawing that I do of these two, since I am going to concentrate on drawing other things...
Brittany es de {Brittany is from} @askkassandragf-v-2
Catasto: Es mío... {It's mine...}
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groriatrevi10xx · 4 years
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Mizuki: You don't talk much, do you?...
Zigor: SON!...
Zigor: Oh hello...
{That day a very beautiful woman hypnotized me...}
Mizuki: Hello...
{Zigor: That day...}
{Zigor: That day I signed my sentence...}
{Zigor: That day, love knocked on my door...}
...Years later...
Catasto: Dad come on... Smile, you should be happy that Mizuki accepted you as her boyfriend...
Zigor: I want to smile and be happy, but... I'm worried... If someone finds out about this, if the Queen finds out about all this...
Zigor: If the Queen finds out, our heads will be the first to fall...
****To be continue?...****
Parte 4/Part 4
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