groriatrevi10xx · 5 months
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{Detrás de cámaras/Behind the scenes}
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Groria: Es mía... {It's mine...}
Player es de {Player is from}: @vanetheglitchfox
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vanetheglitchfox · 5 months
Oficialmente mi laptop murio (otravez) y no pienso arreglarlo porque ni un dia dura arreglado, por lo que toooodo queda pausado hasta nuevo aviso.
De antemano una disculpa porque de plano me desaparecí de todo pero el motivo ya lo dije en gaypad y no pienso repetirlo (no tengo tiempo ni pa ponerme a llorar, no han sido buenos meses para mi)
Sin mas que agregar, espero volver pronto
Atte: Vane
Officially my laptop died (again) and I don't plan to fix it because it doesn't last a day fixed, so eeeeverything is paused until further notice.
An apology in advance because I completely disappeared from everything but the reason I already said in gaypad and I don't plan to repeat it (I don't even have time to cry, it hasn't been a good few months for me)
Without further ado, I hope to return soon
Atte: Vane
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mochi-chan-2006 · 1 year
What do you call a fake noodle? :3
An impasta :3
Ohh Vanet! XD
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pinkyberet · 1 year
Do you know what Bruce Lee's cousin is called?
Broco lee 🥦:3
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mel-loly · 3 months
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome
Wait.. You are Angel!?!!? What a long time no see, my friend!! So happy to have you here again! :DD
Also- aww, thank you a lot! You're still as kind as ever🥺💖
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As I don't have the patience to send it to all twelve people or more, I'll tag them here↓
Tagging: @manpleblog @lelaloly @mari-loly @laf-e-taffy @n0vatsu @boiling-potato @hazelthewolfo @felipegamer @shinyicecube @nys-notalive @cookiebonbon @alcohol1maid @aesopsbaby @menminha @hheywolfy @twiliartsdreams2017 @genkininja21 @felix0w0 @giulybox-04 @foggymayuri @futuristictrashwixen @kaimooncon @dglvr1760 @atlasprefects @argincel @sweety-of-moon @sn00zerk @kaleidiope @rev-illustrates (@kam-xg) @loscompas-blog-uwu @bloxyyjuli @fandeloscompasblog (@fandeloscompasblog2 ) @avery-is-gay @good-hero12 @vnsux (@minholing/you- I hope so.. Idk if it's really the person/friend I think it is or something qkgskabd) @vanetheglitchfox @screwzara @cherrysmokesaconha @sole-keiji @lucytsuki-of @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @angel-the-blocker @sammyblack22 and @everyone who reads this post!! ^^
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facesofnothing · 9 months
Hey, those are some Adopts i have,
The cost is $25 each one
If you are interested plz let me know, i only accept paypal ;v;
Jason: Sold @vanetheglitchfox
Justin: SOLD
Pandora: Sold- anon
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tokachithewarrior2 · 1 year
Yo con el grupo de mi amigos y decirle a qué no me olvidó de ellos ni nada 💖
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Y Miguel (no sé si tiene Tumblr)
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askkassandragf-v-2 · 9 months
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Awwww you guys!!! 😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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@groriatrevi10xx @vanetheglitchfox @mochi-chan-2006 @cookiebonbon @askthesleepyowl @lim0nes @mismilk @felix0w0 @pinkyberet @kurocookieemi
I love you all so much! :'D 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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moboxcritique · 9 months
So we have some new FON adopts... And yet again the lore contradicts itself, but on the bright side, the price was lowered to 25$ for them, which is a bit better than 50$, although I'd rather you guys not give Mob your money in the first place:
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Very glad we have these DMs because we wouldn't know about their lore if we didn't
Why would Baxter take her in to practice magic? Baxter hates magic, that's why Maya ran away in the first place to go to magic school, it retcons that whole thing! Aside from this, there is a new buyer known as @vanetheglitchfox, who is the person who bought Jason. We don't know if they support what Mob's done or not, but there's a new buyer none the less. If they'd like to talk to us, they can contact us on our blogs @cagneyscorner or @patty-with-nothing
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isabel-ov-o · 1 year
Feliz cumpleaños @vanetheglitchfox !! Espero que estés súper bien en tu día! Te quero mucho <3
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groriatrevi10xx · 24 days
...¡Throne Labyrinth!...
"Un tipo de relaciones/A Relationship Type"
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*Umbra y/and Arma*
>Odia a Arma con pasión, pero no negará que ella es una buena aliada y una buena comerciante.../He hates Arma with a passion, but he won't deny that she is a good ally and a good merchant...
>Y la admira por ser una Buena Madre.../And he admires her for being a Good Mother...
+Arma: Rival 🔥.../Aliado/Ally... ✴️
<Odia a Umbra, piensa que es una idiota... Aún así la respeta a su manera, también piensa que es una buena comerciante, pero no una buena aliada.../She hates Umbra, she thinks she's an idiot... Still she respects her in her own way, she also thinks she's a good merchant, but not a good ally...
<Umbra necesita ser más firme al criar a su Hija, es solo la opinión de Arma... Aún así, le sorprende que no haya arrojado a Teagan desde lo alto del Castillo, porque ya lo habría hecho.../Umbra needs to be more firm when raising her Daughter, it's just Arma's opinion... Still, she's surprised that she didn't throw Teagan off the top of the Castle, because she would have already done it...
+Umbra: Rival 🔥.../Aliado/Ally... ✴️
---Pequeño Diálogo/Small Dialogue---
°Umbra: ¿Arma?... Hmmm... Un rival astuto.../Arma?... Hmmm... A cunning rival...
°Arma: ¿Umbra?... Bueno, una rival molesta, pero ... Es muy agradable ver.../Umbra?... Well, an annoying rival, but... It's very nice to see...
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*Teagan y/and Umbra*
>Odia a su "Madre", realmente desearía que estuviera muerta... {En el pasado la amaba mucho y le hubiera gustado ser tan genial como su Madre}/He hates his "Mother", he really wishes she were dead... {In the past he loved her a lot and would have liked to be as cool as his Mother}
>Ella realmente cree que su "Madre" es malvada, no sólo como gobernante... Ella cree que sería mejor Reina que su "Madre"... {Celos tóxicos y enfermizos, llegando al punto de la obsesión...}/She truly believes that her "Mother" is evil, not just as a ruler... She believes that she would be a better Queen than her "Mother"... {Toxic and unhealthy jealousy, reaching the point of obsession...}
+Umbra: Familia/Family... ✨/Odio/Hate... ❌
<Umbra realmente ama a su hija, desearía poder hacerla feliz.../Umbra really loves her Daughter, she wishes she could make her happy...
<Le gustaría comprender a su Hija, para poder guiarla por el buen camino.../He would like to understand his Daughter, to be able to guide her on the right path...
+Teagan: Familia/Family... ✨/Tensión/Tenseness... 🚫
---Pequeño Diálogo/Small Dialogue---
°Teagan: ¿Por qué siempre tienes que ser la más bella?, ¿Por qué siempre tienes que ser tú quien se gane el amor del Príncipe?, ¿Por qué siempre tienes que ser la más inteligente, la más amable, sólo tú?, ¡¡¿Por qué siempre tú?!!.../Why do you always have to be the most beautiful? Why do you always have to be the one who wins the Prince's love? Why do you always have to be the most intelligent, the kindest, only you? Why always you?!!...
°Umbra: Aunque me odies, aún te amaré... Porque eres mi Hija.../Even if you hate me, I will still love you... Because you are my Daughter...
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*Arma y/and Teagan*
>Ella piensa que Teagan es una perra maleducada a la que se le debería enseñar una lección de vida.../She thinks Teagan is an ill-mannered bitch who should be taught a life lesson...
>Probablemente quiera matar a Teagan, pero no lo hará... No se rebajará a tan poco, realmente cree que la Princesa debería salir de su Mundo de Fantasía.../He probably wants to kill Teagan, but he won't... He won't stoop to that little, he really thinks the Princess should get out of her Fantasy World...
+Teagan: Tensión/Tenseness... 🚫
<Arma es la única persona a la que Teagan le tiene mucho miedo, ella piensa que es un monstruo… Aunque no lo admite…/Arma is the only person Teagan is very afraid of, she thinks she is a monster... Although she doesn't admit it...
<Siente celos de que ella sea una mujer poderosa, incluso más que su madre.../He feels jealous that she is a powerful woman, even more than her mother...
+Arma: Miedo/Fear... 🕸️
---Pequeño Diálogo/Small Dialogue---
°Arma: Sólo mírame... Soy lo que nunca podrás ser en tu vida.../Just look at me.... I am what you can never be in your life...
°Teagan: ¿La Reina de las Brujas?, Es una mujer patética... ¿No está cerca?, ¿Ella no me ha oído?, ¡¿Verdad?!.../The Queen of the Witches? She is a pathetic woman... Is she not nearby? She hasn't heard me? Right?!...
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*Teagan y/and Arma*
>¿Cómo diablos puede ser este patético pretexto el Hijo de la Reina de las Brujas?... Incluso ha oído que la Bruja tiene dos más.../How on earth can this pathetic excuse be the Son of the Queen of the Witches?... He has even heard that the Witch has two more...
>Este niño tiene mal estilo y sin embargo es Hijo de alguien importante... Cómo desea su muerte.../This child has bad style and yet he is the Son of someone important... How he wishes for his death...
+Neko-Player: Odio/Hate... ❌
+Teagan: ??????....
---Pequeño Diálogo/Small Dialogue---
Teagan: Realmente un desperdicio.../Really a waste...
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*Nomula y/and Sombra*
>Le gusta Sombra, son como familia... Exacto, son familia... Aún no entiende por qué se unió a los Hechiceros, pero fue una gran sorpresa.../He likes Sombra, they are like family... Exactly, they are family... He still doesn't understand why he joined the Sorcerers, but it was a big surprise...
>Nomula está feliz de que Sombra haya elegido su camino, aunque no lo admita... Está feliz de volver a verla después de que desapareció durante más de mil años.../Nomula is happy that Sombra has chosen her path, even if she wouldn't admit it... She is happy to see her again after she disappeared for more than a thousand years...
+Sombra: Familia/Family... ✨
<Nomula es como su Hermana Mayor, todavía no acepta que a la Mujer finalmente le guste alguien... ¿Quién será el afortunado?.../Nomula is like her Big Sister, she still doesn't accept that the Woman finally likes someone... Who will be the lucky one?...
<Admira mucho a la Mujer, no hay personas tan geniales como ella.../He admires the Woman a lot, there are no people as cool as her...
Nomula: Familia/Family... ✨/Admiración/Admiration... ⭐
---Pequeño Diálogo/Small Dialogue---
Nomula: Tan ruidosa como siempre .../As loud as ever...
Umbra, Arma, Nomula y/and Sombra: Son mías... {They are mine...}
Teagan {Brittany} es de {Teagan {Brittany} is from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
Neko-Player es de {Neko-Player is from}: @vanetheglitchfox - @hello-conde
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vanetheglitchfox · 6 months
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Sip estoy "rediseñando" mi oc pero weno lo que se me ocurre en mitad del trabajo xD
Creo que es la primera vez que estoy agusto con un dibujo mio
Yep I'm "redesigning" my oc but welp what I can think of in the middle of the work xD
I think it's the first time I've been comfortable with a drawing of mine
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mochi-chan-2006 · 2 years
Happy birthday mochi!! :D 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎂🎂🎂
I hope you have a good time in your day x3
And I want cake >:3
Ohhh thank you mom 2 very much! :'D
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pinkyberet · 2 years
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@askkassandragf-v-2 @groriatrevi10xx @cookiebonbon @glitchowlgamer @glitchwashere @diego-rodriguez @mochi-chan-2006 @kurocookieemi @vanetheglitchfox @felix0w0 @wolfgirlsolf0-v-2 @marybellsposts
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amatistaxd · 1 year
Otro año para @vanetheglitchfox, ya se nos hace ruca ywy
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kurocookieemi · 1 year
no matter the AU, they’re enemies forever
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Ren Hua Kuang belongs to me
Brittany Gabor and HN 3 AUs belong to @askkassandragf-v-2
Hello Conde belongs to @vanetheglitchfox
Hello Monster belongs to @pinkyberet
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