#Catelyn Stark x Brienne of Tarth
sleazyjanet · 9 days
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the older lady and her young lady knight
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baelorbreakbeds · 2 years
lady stoneheart trying to work out exactly how brienne could have interpreted her instructions as "fall in love with the very valuable hostage meant to be exchanged for my daughters"
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falllpoutboy · 2 years
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Various Game of Thrones characters complimenting Brienne of Tarth
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Brienne's Had Enough by Eeza
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damagnificentcookie · 9 months
Game of Thrones/House Of the Dragons
Catelyn Tully
-5 time's Catelyn said, "I love you" and the one time she couldn't
Cersei Lannister
-The Enchanting Rose
Brienne of Tarth
[Nothing here yet]
Margery Tyrell
[Nothing here yet]
[Nothing here yet]
Rhaenys Targaryean
[Nothing here yet]
Ellaria Sand & Oberyn Martell
[Nothing here yet]
Ned Stark
[Nothing here yet]
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bookgendrya · 1 year
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She looked at their filthy hair and scraggly beards and reddened eyes, at their dry, cracked, bleeding lips.[…]The water splashed across her fingers and down her sleeve, but Arya did not move until the cup was brimming over. When she turned back towards the cages the townsman moved to stop her. “You get away from them, boy-“ “She’s a girl,” said Harwin. “Leave her be” “Aye” said Lem. “Lord Beric don’t hold with caging men to die of thirst. Why don’t you hang them decent?”
Her face throbbed. Her shoulder bled. Breathing hurt. The pain crackled up her arm like lightening. She cried out for a maester. “We have no maester,” said a girls voice. “Only me.” […] “She can’t go much further. She’ll die.” “One less lion. I won’t weep.”
“You stand accused of murder, but no one here knows the truth or falsehood of the charges, so it is not for us to judge you. Only the Lord of Light may do that now. I sentence you to trial by battle.” The Hound frowned suspiciously, as if he did not trust his ears. “Are you a fool or a madman?” “Neither, I am a just lord. Prove your innocence with a blade, and you shall be free to go.”
At the hollow hill, what you said about being King Robert’s men, and brothers, I like that. I like that you gave the Hound a trial. Lord Bolton just hanged folk or took off their heads, Lord Tywin and Ser Amory were the same. I’d sooner smith for you.”
“…till you stand before m’lady.” Renly stood behind the girl, pushing hair out of his eyes. Not Renly, Gendry. “M’lady means for you to answer for your crimes.”
“Whatever treachery you think I may have done, my lady, Podrick and Ser Hyle were no part of it.” “They’re lions,” said the one-eyed man. “That’s enough. I say they hang. Tarly’s hanged a score o’ ours, past time we strung up some o’his.”
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torchwood-99 · 2 years
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Catelyn and Brienne got their wires a bit crossed.
Edit: Just noticed the typo in Brienne’s name but too lazy to edit, everyone just nicely ignore it.
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countrymusiclover · 3 days
31 - The Stag King
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Part 32
The Last Velaryon
Tag list @rise-my-angel @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @1not-today-satan1
Chezney’s pov
The road in front of me seemed to be mirring together and I couldn’t count how many moons it had been since we had left the camp heading onward to meet the youngest Baratheon brother Renly. Swinging my legs that hung on either side of the horse saddle I was seated on I eyed Lady Stark who was riding beside me. “You’ve been rather quiet, Lady Stark.”
“I haven’t had anything important to speak about, Lady Ally.” She responded with a stern voice.
I turned my head slightly to meet her gaze. “I’m not a lady. My mother was a handmaiden to my best friend's mother until she died in her birthing bed. After that my mother took it upon herself to raise me and my best friend regardless of our different stature.”
“You’re mother sounds like a much better woman than I myself was.” Lady Stark mumbled under her breath, still staring at the road ahead of us.
Biting my lip I could feel there was something she wasn’t telling me and so I reluctantly pressed on to know more. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean, my lady.”
“Years ago one of the boys came down with the Pocks. Maester Lewin said if he made it through the night he’d live. But it would be a very long night. So I sat with him all through the darkness, listening to his ragged little breaths, his coughing, his whimpering.” Lady Stark began speaking tugging the reins of her horse so he’d walk slowly allowing us to have a better conversation with one another.
I assumed she was thinking about her eldest Robb yet nonetheless the question came from my lips. “Which boy was this?”
“Jon Snow.” She simply replied.
Thinking for a moment I didn’t recall much of the man she had named. I didn’t remember seeing him at the kings feast so long ago. I only can recall his features from when Haelesa was telling me about him the morning we were leaving on the Kingsroad. “He’s the one who was going to serve in the Night's Watch right. The one with black curly hair.”
She softly nodded her head yes finally sparing me a glance before continuing her story. “When my husband brought that baby home from the war I couldn’t bare to look at him. I didn’t want to see those brown strangers eyes staring off at me. So I prayed to the Gods to take him away, make him die. He got the Pocks. And I knew I was the worst woman who ever lived. A murder. I’d condemned this poor innocent child to a horrible death all because I was jealous of his mother - a woman he didn’t even know.”
“So what happened after that?” I asked her, feeling my eyes tearing up at the thought.
Lady Stark whipped away some fallen tears. “I prayed to all Seven Gods. Let the boy live, let him live and I’ll love him. I’ll be a mother to him. I’ll beg my husband to give him a true name, to call him Stark and be done with it. To make him one of us.”
“Then it must have worked since Haelesa told me that she had talked with Robb about him before we headed to Kings Landing.”
“He did live but…” She trailed off looking at her hands for a brief moment of time. “I couldn’t keep my promise. And everything that’s happened since then, all this horror that has come to my family. It’s all because I couldn’t love a motherless child.”
Biting my lip I ran my fingers through my hair just letting the sounds of nature surround us for a few long minutes. I always assumed that my mother was just like all mothers who would take in other children that weren't their own. Except I was wrong, not every mother was like her. “If that’s how you feel about Jon, how exactly do you feel about my best friend being married to your son if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I must admit, Lady Ally-“
Putting a hand over my heart I cut her off shortly. “Please just call me Chezney, Lady Stark.”
“I’ll do my best to remember your request.” She clicked her tongue meeting my soft gaze with her grey eyes. “I didn’t care much for her because of who she was betrothed to, the Kingslayer.”
Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear I muttered back. “She didn't wish to marry Jaime Lannister either. I'm just sorry we've made this war an added stress by her falling for your son.”
“It's not that I don't want him to be happy. It's just - I found a way to love the man I was wed off to when I was your age. But I suppose I must remember not everyone was raised to be like Ned was.”
My horse paused to a stop allowing me to touch her hand closest to mine. “You raised your son well from what I've seen. He truly cares for my best friend.”
“That warms my heart as a mother. Would you take some advice from a widowed noble woman, Chezney?”
I simply responded. “Of course, my lady.”
“Renly Baratheon is very much like his elder Robert was. From what I’ve heard throughout the years he is very arrogant and cares about his outward appearance. Given the fact that we are here to represent my son and your friend I’d be mindful of your words. Keep our strategies to yourself but come off as very welcoming too.”
“Thank you, Lady Stark. I appreciate the advice.” I sent her a soft smile.
Lady Stark reached for my hand intertwining my fingers with hers, sending me a weak smile that crossed her lips when she spoke back. “Call me Catelyn. We are family after all since you and your friend are more like sisters than anything else.”
“We’re nearing the Baratheon camp, my ladies. Follow my lead. I’ll escort you inside the camp.” Brienne suddenly rode up beside me grabbing our attention before riding forward on her horse. Kicking my horse in the stomach I followed her tail with Catelyn following after me.
Entering the camp walls the three of us dismounted our horses being greeted by a knight with a Baratheon sigil on his chest plate. “My ladies, I am here to escort you to his grace.”
“Lead the way then, Ser Knight.” I nodded my head towards the knight when he turned on his heels and walked for a good time till we stopped at a crowd gathered around two people sitting on separate wooden throne chairs. The knight stepped into the middle of the circle once the crowd had separated and allowed us to walk forward. “Your grace, I have the honor to bring you Lady Catelyn Stark and Chezney Ally, sent an envoy by her son Robb, Lord of Winterfell.”
“Lord of Winterfell and King in the North.” Catelyn corrected the man’s introduction of us.
The man I knew had to be Renly Baratheon spoke first. “Lady Catelyn, I’m pleased to see you. May I present my wife Lady Margaery of House Tyrell.” He sat in his chair wearing golden armor and a golden crown sat upon his head which was in contrast to his Raven black hair.
“You are very welcome here, Lady Stark. I'm so sorry for your loss.” Margarey responded with a weak expression. The woman had light brown hair and was wearing a light blue gown.
Catelyn nodded in thanks. “You are most kind.”
“My Lady, I swear to you I will see the Lannisters answer for your husband's murder. When I take King's Landing, I'll bring you Joffrey's head.” Renly’s words of clear arrogance made all the men in his army to cheer loudly.
Catelyn clasped her hands together in front of the two nobles. “It will be enough to know that justice was done, My Lord.”
“Forgive me for asking but what noble house do you belong to Lady Chezney. I must admit I am not familiar with House Ally.” Renly’s wife shifted her gaze over to me seeing I was silently almost standing behind the Northern woman.
I bowed my head addressing the two before me with the best quick curtsy I could but I nearly stumbled over my own two feet. I blushed hearing some laughs behind me when I had regained my balance. “My lord, my lady. I must confess I am born of noble blood. My mother was a lady- in- waiting for my best friend and Robb Stark’s wife Haelesa Velaryon. Uh - oh I’m sorry - forgive me I’m not used to the noble addressing of lords and ladies.”
“There's no need for that. You and Lady Stark are honored guests.” Renly sent the two of us a genuine grin not bothered by the fact that I couldn’t do a proper curtsy.
Margaery’s brother suddenly questioned the former Lady of Winterfell. “Has your son marched against Tywin Lannister yet?”
“I do not sit on my son's war councils. And if I did, I would not share his strategies with you.” Catelyn snapped back slightly, not turning around to address the young lord's question.
Loras Tyrell growled back, finding her response insulting. “If Robb Stark wants a pact with us, he should come himself, not hide behind his mother's skirts.”
“My son is fighting a war, not playing at one.” I lightly smirked at her sharp response.
Renly rose from his chair coming down the steps to loop his arm with hers. He glanced over his shoulder calling to his wife and I. “Don't worry, My Lady. Our war is just beginning. Dear wife, show Lady Chezney around the camp would you.”
“Of course, my King.” The girl picked up her skirts coming down to meet me. She dropped the fabric of her dress offering me her hand with a kind grin. “Shall we walk to my tent, Chezney.”
Placing my hand in hers I prayed that we could make a good arrangement with these people to win the war. “I shall follow you, Lady Margaery.”
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kermit-coded · 14 days
brienne x catelyn stark. can anyone hear me. please.
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deadlynnightshade · 1 month
I'd rather be dead
true freedom lies in not knowing and to my mother's joy: there's no more climbing I reached my peak as a boy several feet off the ground but since all fate changed I've never been safe or sound I only see an silly little lord plummeting from the tower with life's on the edge of a sword in free fall, with no superpowers just one strong shove and the things they do for love
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doctorwhomybae · 2 years
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Catelyn and Jaime wondering about and praying for Brienne 😭
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sunnyie-eve · 8 months
GOT & HOTD Masterlist
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❃ Back To You
Paring: (Robb Stark x OFC Tyrell!) (Jon Snow x OFC Tyrell!)
Summary: When Adeline Tyrell was just the age of ten a criminal stole her from her family. She never knew his true intentions because Ned Stark saved her. When finding out she was a Tyrell, he sent a letter to her family only for them to thank him and say keep her. She was the same age as his first son and her family hoped in the future they could possibly married if they ever discussed about it. Only if they all knew what the future had instore for them.
❃ Calamity Within
Paring: (Jacaerys Velaryon x Cousin! OFC Targaryen!) (Aegon II Targaryen x Cousin! OFC Targaryen!)
Summary: At a very young age Lilibet learned just because you share blood means nothing sometimes. The hardest part was realizing blood may be thicker than water, but that just meant you get drained trying to battle drowning within it. However, sometimes all you need is a comforting hand for support.
A/N: Since the show already changes the ages I'm going to do the same too slightly. Also to no surprise incest so…
❃ Devious Opportunity
Paring: (Aegon II Targaryen x Cousin! OFC Targaryen!)
Summary: You may not control all the events that happen to you nor get to make decisions for yourself. However, sometimes you can make the decision right by doing it on your own. Growing up Aegon and his cousin Celeste had a very different life in many ways. Choices, support, and comfort from family was just a few. In such a chaotic world, Aegon finds solace and purpose in the simple act of wanting to choosing for himself with the help Celeste.
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braime-picbot · 1 year
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jalea-con-pan · 2 years
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sapphire-moment · 2 years
introduction post😺
hi!🌟 so, simply put, there are too many people i know irl who follow me on my main blog, and i still havent reached a carelessly authentic mindset, so ive opened a sideblog to post and reblog fanfics and the such(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) [←this also means I'll only interact with these kinds of posts via reblogs so as to keep my main blog seperate from this one]
english is not my first language, but i wanna get back into writing, and fanfiction is great practice so here i am!🎉 i hope this will blog will motivate me to write more often, so we'll wait and see😵‍💫
im very happy to take requests!🌀 when it comes to romance as the focus of a story i generally prefer writing sapphic pairs (whether it be ×reader or two established characters), but im willing to try different things if someone asks for them. beyond romantic pairings, im willing to write basically anything platonic. as for smut, i havent really made up my mind about that, mostly due to not really having experience writing it, so again, im willing to try. also obviously i might reject a request for any reason, but really im still tryna figure this out so we'll see! 🌌
i write for the following fandoms (and i will update this list as time goes on)☕:
Wednesday - especially Weems
Game of Thrones - especially Brienne (can you see the theme here), Lady Stark, Cersei. for the record im currently on season 6 so keep that in mind lmfao🫢
The Sandman - especially Lucifer (that one was already predictable im sure)
The Owl House - especially the older characters
yes, there are many common traits between those specific characters. surely this is relatable🦕 anyways, this is an incomplete list due to my shit memory, so i might randomly show up with a fic for a completely different fandom! life is full of colors and possibilities🥸🌾
so far im still setting up this blog, and when i hopefully start posting I'll also need to figure out the formatting so there'll probably be some fuck ups. lmk if something is just a bit Too fucked up to understand lmao🫡 i might post my fics to my old ao3 account as well as this blog, but I'll need to clean it up first so i dont know yet🌛
thats it i think! thank you for reading this far babes💞
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weemssapphic · 2 years
One More Night
Brienne of Tarth x f!reader
You are a prisoner of Catelyn Stark, being escorted back to your family at King’s Landing by Brienne of Tarth in trade for her daughter’s safe return. You can’t help it when you develop feelings for Brienne on the way.
Warnings: mentions of blood, violence, brief mentions of sexual assault, nsfw at the end (fingering, eating out)
Words: ~6.5k
ao3 link in title
“By the Gods, let me go!” You screamed, thrashing about against the strong arms of your captor. It was no use - at 6’3”, Brienne of Tarth was nearly a foot taller than you and at a definite advantage due to her broad shoulders and the vice-like grip that dug into your sides as she tied a thick rope around your middle, securing your arms against your torso. 
“Stay still, would you,” she muttered, easily tightening the knot in the rope as she dodged your feeble attempt at a headbutt. “Come on, let’s go. If we don’t leave now we won’t have made it even a mile by nightfall.”
Brienne made to begin the trek, the other end of the rope held securely in her fist. You, instead, glowered at her and dug your heels firmly into the ground, refusing to budge. Brienne felt the resistance at the other end of the rope and let out a sigh. She took two long steps towards you and suddenly the ground beneath your feet disappeared as she slung you over her shoulder, eliciting a loud yelp and a string of obscenities from your mouth. The large woman underneath you remained stoic, setting a brisk pace towards the line of trees in the distance. 
You had to admit, you thought as Brienne walked along the forest path, that it was kind of hot, Brienne of fucking Tarth, carrying you through the forest. In a different reality, perhaps she could have been your knight in shining armor. Heat rose to your cheeks, which you managed to convince yourself was solely due to the fact that you were still hanging head-first over Brienne’s shoulder. Surely that was the only reason the blood was rushing to your head. Surely. 
“You can put me down now,” you resigned. Brienne set you down, much more gently than you had anticipated. You gazed up, your eyes meeting hers, and for a moment the world around you stilled. Your breathing slowed, you felt a shiver run up your spine. Brienne’s gaze was questioning, fine lines appearing between her brows. Your teeth sunk down on your bottom lip, eyes flicking involuntarily down to Brienne’s lips. Brienne cleared her throat and looked away, her grip on your rope tightening. “Let’s go,” she murmured, clearly flustered, giving you a push in the right direction.
The snapping of a branch stopped the both of you dead in your tracks. Three strange men appeared on the path, clearly inebriated.  “Oh-ho, now what do we have here?” The apparent leader of the bunch sneered.  Brienne lay a hand on the hilt of her sword, her eyes flicking between the men, distaste evident in the downward curl of her lips. “Leave us be.”
“A princess and her beast? Tell me, princess, where did you find this monster?” The men laughed.  “Her name is Brienne, and she’s no beast - not like you,” you shouted, taking a step towards the man and spitting at his feet in protest, as your hands were still bound to your sides. 
Brienne whispered your name, a quiet bid for you not to rile up the clearly dangerous men even further, but it was too late. 
The man sneered at you; “listen to the great beast,” he said, stepping towards you until you could feel his hot, stinking breath on your face. You glared up at him, which only made him laugh, and he reached up a hand to undo the laces at the front of your dress. “Such a pretty little thing.”
He seemed to have sorely underestimated the woman to your right, for no sooner had you felt his hand graze the smooth skin of your collarbone, did you see a flash of metal, followed by the most agonizing moan you’d ever heard. The man’s hand had been cut clean off at the wrist and as he and his band of drunken friends stared at his now hand-less wrist in horror, Brienne lunged forward once more, her sword going straight through the man’s stomach. His friends were quick to draw their own swords, but Brienne was quicker, her blade elegantly slicing both their throats within a matter of seconds.
“Are you alright?” Brienne asked, almost too calmly considering the fact that three bodies now lay in a bloody heap at your feet.
“Y-yes, I-“
“Why did you do that?” She interrupted. 
“Do what?” You furrowed your brow in confusion. Brienne’s expression was a strange mixture of wonder and anger that you couldn’t quite decipher. 
“Defend me.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” 
Brienne studied your face, her eyes tracking your every feature as if searching for something unsaid.
“That was very dangerous,” she finally said, turning to continue the walk.
You stared after her incredulously, quickly realizing that she was not going to stop and jogging to keep up with her to avoid being dragged across the forest floor. 
“How about a thank you?” You panted, struggling to catch up as her long legs could carry her much farther much faster than yours could. 
“You thank me for stopping those men from assaulting you and maybe I’ll consider it,” her tone was serious but when you looked up at her, ready to argue, you saw her glance sideways at you, a smirk gracing her lips. Your heart fluttered, that heat from earlier returning to your cheeks. Making Brienne of Tarth smile, even a little bit, may have suddenly become your new favorite pastime.
“Thank you, my lady,” you teased, pausing your walk to curtsy before her. 
“I’m no lady,” Brienne replied, rolling her eyes. 
“My knight then? My knight in shining armor?” Your giddy laughter died in your throat as you saw Brienne’s smile fall from her face. 
“There’s no need to make fun of me,” she muttered, tugging harder at your rope, nearly causing you to faceplant into the mud. 
“I’m not-“ 
“You’re slowing us down, I want to put another 5 miles behind us before sundown.”
The silence for the rest of the afternoon was deafening. Any attempt to make conversation was met with a curt reply, any flirtation met with a dark look and a tug to the rope that left you stumbling over your own two feet. 
Darkness fell and Brienne found a clearing far enough off the path not to be spotted by any passing travelers. She tied you firmly to a tree, ignoring your protests, and started a fire in the middle of the clearing. 
“So, what, you’re just going to leave me tied up to this tree all night?” 
Firelight flickered across Brienne’s face, casting shadows along her fair features. She looked somehow even more beautiful now, you mused, your eyes drinking in the way her blonde hair fell onto her cheekbones, her lips parting ever so slightly as she contemplated, her icy blue eyes in stark contrast to the flames of the fire burning before her. 
“I can’t have you escaping,” though she sounded unsure of herself. 
“And pray tell, where will I go? Where shall I escape to?” You laughed, turning your head left to right as if to make a point. 
You could see the struggle in Brienne’s eyes. 
“At least to eat?” You were pleading now, pushing out your bottom lip ever so slightly, you weren’t playing fair but you didn’t care, the ropes were starting to make your ribs sore. 
“Fine,” Brienne stood, towering over you as she swiftly untied you. She offered you a hand, which you gladly took. The moment your skin touched hers, you felt butterflies do somersaults in your stomach. She pulled you to your feet and your hands remained entangled for just a moment longer as your gazes met. It was as if time were moving in slow motion. The air around you grew still. Your breathing slowed. The crackling of the fire grew muffled. The only thing that mattered in that moment was the blue of Brienne’s eyes and the heat rising in your core. You leaned forward, rising up onto your toes, head tilted back, anything to get closer to the gorgeous woman in front of you. 
She pulled her hand out from yours and broke your gaze. Even in the dim light, you could swear you saw a blush creep up her cheeks. 
“You should eat something. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
Your head was swimming. You fell back onto your heels and watched Brienne walk to the other side of the fire. She tossed you a piece of bread, which you had to scramble to catch. 
“Y-yeah,” you mumbled. “Thanks…”
“Such a pretty little thing.”
There was a hand on your collarbone. Then on your breast. Where was your dress? Gods, this man reeks. Rough hands grabbed at you, laughing, “pretty little princess!” 
Then there was blood, so much blood. 
“My lady, are you alright?”
It took a moment for your eyes to adjust to the pitch black of the forest. Your throat felt dry and hoarse, your ears were ringing. Your chest heaved, sweat dripped from your brow. You felt a hand on your shoulder and suddenly, everything stopped spinning quite as fast. It wasn’t until your breathing had slowed again that you realized you were still in the middle of the clearing, that the embers of the fire that had warmed you in the evening had long burnt out, and that the hand on your shoulder belonged to Brienne of Tarth. Of course it did. The events of the previous day came back to you and you groaned. 
“My lady?” Brienne tried again. She sounded apprehensive. “Are you alright?”
“Just a nightmare,” you tried to wave it off, but the tremor in your voice betrayed you. A single tear slid down your cheek. 
“About what happened today?” Brienne guessed. You worried your lip between your teeth, wondering if she would think you weak. Then you realized you were already crying in her arms and that it didn’t make much of a difference now anyway, so you nodded and dropped your head into the crook of her neck, allowing your tears to escape and drip onto the chest plate of her armor. 
Brienne stiffened at the contact, but allowed you to continue to sob into her shoulder until you finally pulled back. 
“You should get some more sleep,” she whispered, concern etched across her face. 
You nodded glumly. As Brienne made to stand, you caught her wrist. 
“Will you stay with me?” You whispered, barely audible. 
“I’m right over there,” she pointed to a spot a few feet away.
“I mean… here… so they don’t… come for me again,” your grip on her wrist tightened. “Please.” You closed your eyes, worried at the rejection you would see if you opened them. To your surprise, you felt Brienne kneel down next to you and get settled to your left, leaving mere inches between your bodies. Hesitating for a moment, you scooted closer across the forest floor and took her arm, wrapping it around your waist. 
With Brienne essentially spooning you, you quickly fell back into a dreamless slumber. 
Brienne was glad you couldn’t see the blush spread across her face and neck at the gesture of intimacy. She still didn’t know what to make of you. On the one hand, you had been nothing but kind, even a little flirtatious. On the other hand, no one had ever shown her this kindness before - every past flirtation had been with the intention of harming her, of playing with her feelings and making her feel bad. No one had ever shown her genuine interest. Why should you be any different? Come morning, she was sure, you would regret asking her to lay with you.
You awoke to find Brienne’s arm slung lazily over your waist, her breath warm on your neck. You smiled to yourself, greedily pulling her closer to you. Brienne stirred at the movement, her body stiffening as she realized the position the two of you found yourselves in. She shot up into a seated position and you grabbed after her, mewling pathetically at the loss of contact. 
Brienne looked down at you in surprise, confusion spreading across her features as you pouted up at her. 
“My lady?”
“You were warm,” you murmured, your voice still slow and heavy with sleep. “I felt safe.” Admitting it made you blush. Brienne looked away, her own cheeks as pink as yours.
“You look-“ you started, the compliment catching in your throat as Brienne’s eyes met yours once more. Beautiful. Stunning. Gorgeous. Brienne’s eyebrow raised, waiting for you to continue. How could you convince this incredible, fierce warrior that she was absolutely brilliant whilst you were, well, you?
“Nevermind. Thanks for last night.” 
“It is my duty to get you safely back to King’s Landing.” Brienne was stoic, clearly trying to compose herself. 
“Sure,” you snorted, rising to your feet. 
There was a silent, mutual agreement that you didn’t need a rope from that day on, which you were grateful for as the pulling from the rope had left bruises along your arms and ribs. The silences were a little more comfortable that day, Brienne’s presence a little more familiar. At one point, your hand brushed against hers and, when she didn’t pull away immediately, your heart fluttered pleasantly.
Night came again and Brienne had found another spot nestled amongst the trees for you two to spend the night. You spent the evening sharing a log by a small fire, persuading Brienne to tell stories of her previous battles, your eyes shining with wonder as you imagined the grace and elegance with which Brienne fought. Something in your gaze spurred Brienne on, motivating her to keep talking in spite of herself.
It was only when your yawns came at 30 second intervals that Brienne suggested with a smirk that you turn in for the night.
You curled up close to the fire, watching Brienne curiously as she hovered over you for a moment, indecision written plainly on her face. She took a step towards you and knelt down next to you, looking uneasy.
You meanwhile, looked so blissfully unaware, eyelids heavy with sleep. You looked so carefree, Brienne thought, so unlike the storm that was raging inside of her, gnawing at her stomach, her heart… if you took it badly, her idea. But you hadn’t pushed her away that morning. You had even seemed disappointed that she’d pulled away. Brienne shook her head to clear her thoughts, blonde tendrils falling into her eyes.
“My lady, if it pleases you… I could, perhaps, protect you again tonight?” Brienne’s face was practiced stoicism, but you could see the anxiety slipping through the cracks.
A lazy smile passed across your face and you offered your hand to her. Her eyes widened at the gesture, eliciting a soft giggle from your lips.
“You look as if you expected me to say no.”
“My priority is to keep you safe on this journey, in whatever capacity you need me.” Brienne was being overly cautious, of what you weren’t quite sure.
“And here I was thinking you just wanted to cuddle me,” you teased, fake-pouting, adoring the way Brienne’s face turned beet red. 
You took her hand in yours and pulled her towards you. She allowed you to guide her downwards and into the same position as yesterday - protectively spooning you, one arm over your waist. She was slightly stiff behind you, but you knew she would warm up to your touch eventually, so you melted into her and allowed sleep to find you.
When dawn broke, Brienne’s face was nuzzled into the crook of your neck, her hand splayed across your stomach. You placed your own hand upon hers, marveling at how much longer her fingers were. Normally a light sleeper, she didn’t react to the touch. You craned your neck, admiring the sleeping woman beside you when your eyes fell upon the sword at her hip, and you got an idea.
Carefully, you extracted yourself from her loose hold and got to your feet. With nimble fingers, you pulled at the sword, nearly completely unsheathing it before -
“BY THE GODS,” Brienne yelped, her eyes shooting open as she scrambled to her feet. You sprung back in shock, her sword falling to the floor between you. “What on earth are you doing?” She reached for the sword at lightning speed, holding it between the two of you, and you feared that if you took another step it would be your hand she would cut off next.
“I’m sorry, Brienne! I-I was inspired,” you rushed out your apology, hands raised above your head in surrender as she glared furiously at you.
“Inspired to murder me?” Her eyebrows were knit together in confusion, her lip quivering.
“Brienne, of course not! I was wondering… could you teach me? How to use it?” Brienne was still skeptical. “I feel so safe with you. Really, I do.” At this, you had to blush a bit. “But I would love to be able to protect myself. And protect you. Not that you need it or anything.” Your blush spread, and Brienne’s gaze softened as she lowered her sword. 
“You do have a point. Go on then,” she handed you the sword and unsheathed her other one. “Show me what you’ve got.”
“R-right now?” You were a stammering mess.
Brienne rolled her eyes, taking up a sideways stance and raising her sword, gesturing for you to do the same.
You tried, though the sword was so heavy that it wobbled in your grip. 
“Have you ever even held a sword?” Brienne chuckled as your eyes widened and you shook your head furiously. 
She lowered her own sword and came around to stand behind you, placing one hand on your hip to correct your stance while her other hand wrapped around your sword-holding hand, helping you to get a better grip. You leaned into her until her front was flush against your back. She stilled, not daring to move an inch. 
“Like this?” You asked, feigning innocence.
“Yes.” Her breath ghosted the shell of your ear, causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin. You could feel your heart hammering in your throat, almost sure that Brienne could hear its frantic beat. The morning air buzzed with an electricity that you were sure she must feel as well, you couldn’t be the only one. 
Brienne could feel it, of course she could. There was the heat rising in her cheeks as your bodies pressed against each other, the seemingly magnetic force that pulled her lips closer and closer to your cheek. She hadn’t felt like this before, not really anyway, not in any serious sort of way. Why weren’t you flinching away? Why were you pushing yourself further into her, as if you craved her touch? She swallowed hard, pushing down her own feelings, and took a step back, letting go of your hand. 
“Perfect.” She broke the silence, ignoring the muffled groan you released at the loss of her body heat. 
“Chin up.” You could tell Brienne was in her element and you were more than happy to oblige, lifting your chin, your eyes never leaving hers. 
“Your footwork is not to be underestimated, you need to be steady on your feet. Follow my lead,” Brienne began an elegant dance around you. Your eyes flicked to her feet, trying to mimic her graceful steps, quite sure that you were failing miserably. 
Brienne smiled encouragingly, “that’s it, step back.”
“Are you always this gentle with people you train?” You teased, grinning up at her fondly. 
The wind carried her melodic laugh to your ears, you were sure you had never heard a more beautiful sound. 
“I don’t usually train princesses,” Brienne’s smile was lighter than you had seen it the entire journey. Without warning, she lunged towards you, her sword stopping inches from your throat. Your breath hitched, pupils widening as you gazed along the length of the blade, which reflected the first light of the morning sun, straight into the bright blue pools of Brienne’s eyes. 
“Next lesson,” Brienne smirked. “Don’t get distracted.”
You couldn’t explain the unexpected weight in your chest as you approached King’s Landing. You knew Brienne would return to Catelyn Stark, and that you may never see her again. Your chest constricted at the thought, tears beginning to form.
“My lady?” Brienne noticed your steps slowing as you neared your destination. 
“Is everything alright?” Genuine concern marred her features. 
You swiped at a lone tear on your cheek, painting a false smile on your face. You couldn’t handle the rejection if you told her how you really felt. 
“Yes, absolutely,” you nodded vigorously, hoping not to seem too over the top. Brienne’s eyes swept once down your form, lingering for a moment on your lips. She opened her mouth, as if to say something, seemingly deciding against it and nodding curtly, escorting you the rest of the way, a tense silence shrouding the pair of you like a veil.
Your father granted Brienne quarters for the night as thanks for returning you safely back to King’s Landing. She accepted them graciously and you breathed a sigh of relief. One night. You had one more night. And damn you would make it count. 
But first, a visit to the baths was in order - god knows you needed a bath more than ever. You relished the feeling of steaming water all around you. Your eyes fluttered shut as you allowed your head to fall back on the edge of the bath, a soft moan passing your lips in satisfaction. You imagined what it would be like to have Brienne next to you. To have her hands on you, her body pressed against yours, you wondered if her lips were as soft as they appeared, how she tasted… You reached a hand between your legs, nearing your throbbing core, fingers ghosting your sex...
“Oh, my lady, I’m sorry,” a familiar voice brought you out of your reverie. 
In your shock, you jumped to your feet, clumsily banging your head against the back of the tub. A sudden sense of cold made you realize you were standing in the middle of the bath, stark naked, facing the object of your affections. Your hands shot up self-consciously as you tried (and failed miserably) to cover yourself, a flush of embarrassment rising to your cheeks. 
Brienne mirrored your embarrassment, averting her eyes, her back stiff, rooted into place. “I didn’t mean to disturb you,” she mumbled, unable to keep her eyes from wandering towards where you were still standing, naked and trembling. 
“Not at all,” you finally managed to choke out. Her eyes did a double take and she took a step forward, gaze raking over your middle. 
“You’re hurt.” Her gaze was soft, her voice remorseful. 
“What? Oh.” Right. The bruises on your ribs from the rope. “It’s fine, I promise, they’ll go away soon enough.” 
Brienne didn’t seem convinced. “I’m so sorry, my lady, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Please, Brienne, it’s Y/N”
Brienne hesitated. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’ll take my leave now, I can always use the baths later. I won’t disturb you any longer.”
Before you could protest, Brienne left you standing in the middle of the baths, shivering and alone.
Well that went well. Fuck. You groaned and sunk back down into the bath, squeezing your eyes shut and chastising yourself for being so awkward.
Standing in front of Brienne’s chambers for the night, you could feel your heartbeat pounding in your ears. You smoothed your gown for what felt like the hundredth time, wiping the sweat from your palms, and tucked your hair behind your ear.
You can do this. All you have to do is knock. It’s just Brienne. Maybe if you count to three… 3…2…
The door swung open. Brienne was already in her nightclothes, her armor discarded on a chair just behind her.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, my lady?” She asked, eyebrows raised in confusion.
“Brienne, I’ve told you… it’s Y/N. May I come in?”
Still confused, Brienne stepped aside and gestured for you to join her in her quarters, shutting the door gently behind you. 
You walked straight through the room to the open balcony, desperate for some fresh air, Brienne trailing several steps behind you. The full moon cast a faint, silvery glow upon you, the night air was still and cool. A distinctly flowery scent wafted up from the gardens below, helping to calm your nerves. 
“So you’re leaving tomorrow?”
“I pledged my service to Catelyn Stark, I will be returning to her.”
“Oh. I mean, yes, of course you will.”
“Y/N?” Brienne’s voice was suddenly much closer than before.
You whirled around and she was inches away from you, eyeing you curiously.
“Brienne?” It was as if the air had been sucked out of the atmosphere. A heat spread throughout your core, warming you from the inside. Brienne’s sapphire gaze kept you locked into place, your back pressed against the railing of the balcony. 
“Why did you come here?” She seemed apprehensive, shifting from one foot to another.
Why did you come here? Was it just to see Brienne again, to say goodbye? To thank her for getting you safely to King’s Landing? To absolutely ravish her as you had been craving since you had first laid eyes on her? Or was it to tell her that, somewhere in between being slung over her shoulder, tied to a tree, waking up in her arms and walking halfway across the country, you had fallen hopelessly in love with her?
It was then that you realized Brienne was still expecting an answer - she was trying to remain stoic, that much you could tell, but every second that you stood there, rooted at the spot, gaping at her without saying a word, made her more nervous. 
“If you’ve just come to stare at me, then I would much prefer it if you’d take your leave.” Brienne’s face was slowly turning red and she stepped aside, gesturing to the door. “I’ve had enough of that to last me an entire lifetime.”
“No, wait!” You grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer until her body was flush against yours. You had to tilt your head back to make eye contact with her, which brought a shiver of anticipation down your spine. 
“Brienne,” you were breathless, your voice barely above a whisper. “I apologize for staring, I’ve just never found anyone so beautiful before.”
“Beautiful,” Brienne scoffed, glaring down at you in true anger. “I have known many people to be cruel to me, to mock me, but I truly thought you were different.” Her gaze was hard, an old wound laid bare in her eyes, her lips quivering. She made to turn around but you were faster, hands shooting out to hold her hips in place. The physical touch surprised her and she stilled, a curiosity slowly joining the anger in her face. 
“Brienne, please . When I defended you against those men, that very first day, I meant it. When I look at you, I see strength and elegance, in the way you fight and wield your sword - you are the most impressive swordswoman I have ever seen. I see loyalty and kindness in the way you treat others. And, yes, Brienne, I see beauty.”
You reached up a hand to cup her cheek. It was warm to the touch, the porcelain skin tinted pink after listening to your compliments, smooth as glass. Your thumb traced over her cheekbone, then lightly grazed her lower lip. You met her gaze, hoping against all odds that she would believe you. 
“I have never been as captivated by another’s beauty as I am by yours.” You tucked a loose, golden curl behind Brienne’s ear, your fingertips lingering for a moment at the side of her jaw. Your gaze shifted down to her lips and you felt a wetness pool between your thighs as Brienne’s tongue darted out to moisten her own lips. 
“Y/N?” Brienne’s voice sounded so far away. Your ears were ringing again, the air around you thick. Your own breathing felt labored, shallow, a hot coil forming in your stomach. Before you knew what you were doing, before you could regret it, you flung your arms around Brienne’s neck and pulled her down to close the distance between you, lips crashing needily against hers. Only hers didn’t respond. 
Fuck. Pulling away, you gasped for air. “You didn’t want that. I’m so sorry,” you pushed Brienne aside, unable to look at her. If you had, you’d have seen the wonder in her expression. Instead, you rushed towards the door, apologies pouring out of your mouth.
“Wait.” Against your better judgment, you stopped in your tracks. “Did you actually want to kiss me?”
The question made you spin around so fast you were nearly dizzy. “Are you serious? I have wanted nothing more for the past week, Brienne.” 
The taller woman took three large strides across the room, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She stopped in front of you, her hands landing on your waist, and bowed her head down, catching your lips with hers. It was a softer kiss, much less sloppy, definitely reciprocated. You snaked your hands up into her silky hair, tugging slightly and eliciting a soft moan from the taller woman, whose fingers dug into your hips. Your tongue swiped at her lower lip, a silent plea for entry. After a moment’s consideration, Brienne’s lips parted, conceding your request and allowing your tongue to explore the contours of her mouth, to taste her for the very first time. 
It was only when you were gasping for air that you pulled away, leaning your forehead against Brienne’s, nuzzling your nose against hers. 
You became aware of an intense throbbing between your legs and you squeezed your thighs together, your hand sliding out of Brienne’s curls, landing on her collarbone and grazing over the exposed skin there. You noticed by the absence of warmth on your face that Brienne was suddenly holding her breath. 
“May I?” You played lightly with the string of her shirt, catching her eyes. Brienne nodded slowly, her gaze flitting between your eyes and your fingers on her shirt. You carefully undid her shirt, fingers beginning to slide it off her shoulders, brushing against the flushed skin, electricity pricking at your fingers. 
“I’ve never slept with anyone before.” Brienne’s voice was low and breathy, her face worried. With one hand, you held up her shirt, making sure to keep her covered, with the other you tilted her chin down to face you and made sure to meet her gaze. 
“We don’t have to do anything. Please tell me what you want to do, Brienne, I promise I won’t be upset.”
There was a beat, a moment where the world stood still. Brienne searched your eyes, her lips parting ever so slightly. Moonlight bathed the two of you in a soft glow, stopping time. 
“I want to.” It was barely above a whisper. Your grip on her undone shirt loosened, allowing it to fall away, exposing perfect breasts, nipples erect against the chill coming in from the open balcony. You placed open mouthed kisses to her collarbone, her chest, each breast, down her stomach, until you reached her trousers. You slid them down her long legs, then came up again to face her. 
“Help me with my dress?” You spun around, gathering your hair over your shoulder, allowing Brienne to unlace you with shaky fingers. The fabric streamed down your body, gathering at your feet. Your whole body vibrated with anticipation as Brienne’s hand stopped at your lower back. You turned to face her once more, taking her hands in your own and guiding her slowly backwards until the backs of her knees hit the bed. 
“Sit,” you commanded gently. Brienne was eager to do as she was told, scooting back onto the bed. 
“Can these go?” You motioned sweetly to her underwear, smiling as she nodded furiously and pulling them down her legs in one swift motion. You placed your hands on her knees and gently spread her legs. Her cunt was dripping, glistening. An obscene moan escaped your mouth. Your eyes met, Brienne’s pupils blown with desire. 
Quickly ridding yourself of your own undergarments, you straddled her lap, attaching your mouth to her breast and sucking, gently at first, then harder, wanting to leave a mark, to claim her as yours. Brienne gasped, her hand tangling in your hair, pushing your face farther into her breast, squirming underneath you. 
“Someone’s excited,” you moaned huskily, dropping your voice a few octaves, loving how Brienne whimpered as you moved your attention to her other breast. 
“That’s it. I want to hear you.” 
You moved your lips to hers, tongue begging for entry as your fingers kneaded her breasts, pinched her nipples. You swallowed Brienne’s moans as your hands worked their way lower and lower until finally reaching her center. 
“Are you sure?” Your fingers twitched, stopping just short of Brienne’s cunt. You needed the verbal confirmation from her. If it were possible, she looked even more gorgeous, bathed in moonlight, lips swollen from your kisses, hair mussed, beads of sweat forming at her brow. Your heart skipped a beat just looking at her.
Brienne was grappling with her own desire blooming within her. Sure, she had felt desire for another before. She had imagined what it would feel like to be pleasured, to have someone’s hands upon her. But what she imagined hadn’t come close to this. 
“Yes, I’m sure,” Brienne confirmed, voice a few octaves lower than usual.
Your fingers ran the length of her folds, she was already dripping for you. You circled her clit once, keeping an eye on her face to see the reaction you would elicit. Brienne let out a guttural moan, hips twitching involuntarily, her face contorted with pleasure.
The aroma of her arousal hung heavy in the air, spurring you on. You felt your own arousal drip down your thighs, but that would have to wait - all that mattered right now was the goddess beneath you.
“This for me?” you gently dipped one finger into Brienne, enjoying how she whimpered for you. “You like that?”
You met Brienne’s eyes, wide with lust. She nodded, flushed chest rising and falling with her ragged breaths. You began dragging your finger in and out, slowly at first, then adding a second finger, eliciting a vulgar groan from your partner. You moaned in response, your fingers picking up the pace, thumb moving up to rub her clit. Her thighs began to shake and her hands gripped the furs on the bed, knuckles turning white. Your fingers worked faster and faster, curling into her soft spot, adoring the way Brienne’s mouth hung open, her eyes rolled back. 
She was close, you could tell by the way her thighs trembled and her pussy clenched tightly around your fingers.
“That’s it,” you cooed. Your thumb circled her clit, once, twice, three more times, helping her to ride out her first orgasm, whispering praise into her ear as she came onto your fingers. You pulled your digits out of her cunt and brought them to your lips. Brienne watched intently as you sucked your fingers clean, never breaking eye contact. Brienne tasted even better than you could have imagined and a carnal urge overtook you in that moment as heat pooled between your legs - you knew you weren’t done with her.
You sunk down onto your knees, gently hooking Brienne’s leg over your shoulder.
“Is this alright? Are you comfortable?”
Brienne smiled shyly. “Very.” She bit down on her lip, brow furrowing slightly. “Is there… Can I do something?”
You let out a low chuckle, your arm coming around her thigh to hold her steady. “Tonight is all about you.”
You placed light kisses along her inner thighs, biting and sucking at the supple skin, leaving little red marks for her to discover the next day, before finally flattening your tongue and licking her from her entrance to her clit. Brienne sucked in a breath, her hips rolling against your face, desperate to gain more friction. From below, you reached out and found her hands, guiding them to your head and giving her silent permission to tangle her fingers into your hair.
The sound of her moans filled the air as you sucked her throbbing clit, feeling Brienne come undone. 
“F-faster, please,” the words tumbled from her lips as her hips bucked wildly against your face. Your nails dug into her thighs, holding her in place as you flicked your tongue against her center. Her long, slender fingers pulled at your hair, the sensation causing you to groan into her cunt. You reached one hand down between your own legs to rub your own clit, unable to bear the throbbing of your pussy any longer.
Brienne’s legs shook, her hips ground erratically into your mouth as she reached her second high. All at once she teetered over the edge, arching her back and tipping her head back, vulgar moans dripping from her lips as she rode out her orgasm on your face. You reached your own climax moments later, cumming over your own fingers.
Brienne fell back onto the bed in a heap of exhaustion. She looked down to meet your gaze, chest heaving, a laugh bubbling up out of her. She sounded so carefree in that moment, you couldn’t help but laugh with her. She extended her arms to you and you crawled up the bed towards her.
Pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, you snuggled into her chest, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her close. She looked up at you through heavy-lidded eyes, a shy smile playing upon her lips, then nuzzled her face into your neck and sighed in contentment. 
“Brienne?” your voice was barely above a whisper.
“Yes, Y/N?” her eyes shone up at you, her fingertips danced absentmindedly along your collarbone.
“When I asked you to teach me how to sword fight, I said I wanted to protect you. I don’t know if I can ever protect you physically, but I would like to make an oath right now, nonetheless. An oath that I will always protect your heart.” 
Brienne beamed at your words. “Do you swear it?”
“By the old gods and the new,” you replied solemnly. 
You didn’t know what the morning would bring. Brienne would eventually have to return to Catelyn Stark, you knew this. But for now, she was nestled safely in your arms. Until the dawn broke, there was nothing that could tear her away from you. And if this was to be your last night together, at least it would be one worth remembering. The thought brought a smile to your face as you drifted off to sleep, cradling Brienne in your arms.
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