#Cats can have so many characters flaws that we would find unacceptable in humans but are charming - haha - in a cat
sysig · 5 months
What makes a villain a villain for you? Idk very broad question no wrong answers to it
I tend to conflate "villain" and "antagonist" - or at least antagonistic, if they're a main character like Charm is haha - someone who impedes others, who seeks to do harm, who is in some way uncontrollable and therefore dangerous. I also tend to like villains that have someone or something to rage against, very Megamind haha - "If there's bad, good will rise up against it."
Villains can be as complex or simplistic as you like, which is very fun! Some villains like to be evil for funsies! Some are tortured! Some don't realize that what they're doing is harmful! Yves is great example of a BBEG who has only good intentions imo (and coincidentally, is also modeled after my own ADHD lol, I have something of a soft spot for dysregulated villains haha)
One of my favourite aspects of the True Villainy AU, and kind of Just Desserts S2 as a whole, is how different types of villains look and move in that world - Charm was seduced by thoughts of revenge that stemmed from loneliness and bitterness, where Kaiein is a manipulative asshole who gets his kicks from causing chaos from the sidelines. Their motivations are very different, but they both do harm, and are both stopped! Villains ✨
#Villains have a lot of wiggle room for what makes them villains I think :)#And there's certainly more shades of grey to explore than the fairly black-and-white villains that I tend to like lol#Charm is pretty black and white - she's a villain until she isn't#It's still hard for her because she ''learned'' all these maladjusted behaviours to get through her life but she keeps trying!#Kaiein is very black and white - literally lol - he's a villain for funsies and has to be defeated rather than recovered#And Yves is quite black and white as well! He doesn't really consider the harm that he does until it's too late! And he still doesn't stop!#I think just about any antagonist Can be a villain depending on the framing - including those trying to stop my villains here#The JD Residents are villains for causing Charm mental anguish - that's why she seeks revenge in the first place!#And again they're the villains for taking away Kaiein's fun toy - you can tell I have little sympathy for him lol#The AGE crew are villains for trying to stop Yves from resurrecting his God and recreating the spiritual Cambrian explosion!#I think what makes a villain a villain is the harm they're willing to cause on the way to their goal#Anyone properly motivated can be twisted into the shape of a villain - what lengths are they willing to go to? Who are they willing to hurt#It's about finding the Hubristic Downfall and digging from there#Villains Are their characters flaws <3#I feel like I've mentioned it somewhere but I view Charm specifically as being endearingly flawed like a cat lol#Cats can have so many characters flaws that we would find unacceptable in humans but are charming - haha - in a cat#Charm is my self-love by way of cat-ifying my own character flaws <3 It's why I like villainsonas so much!!#They're little guys! Evil little guys <3 I think it's great :D#Just Desserts#Villainsona#AGE#Yves
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datainthetardis · 6 years
TOS Tag Game
Many thanks to @cptdorkery for tagging me; I was hoping someone would do that. I haven’t watched TOS in two months or so as I have been to busy rewatching TNG, so maybe once I watch TOS again I will change my mind about an answer, but these are my answers as of today.
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1) What is your favorite horrible prop/costume/set design?
I don’t have favourites, but I’ll list a few that I’m particularly fond of.
-The cardstock rocks
-Gary Mitchel and later Dr. Dehner’s tin foil eyes in “Where No Man Has Gone Before” (that episode was a whole gallery of fantastically terrible special effects)
-Yeoman Rand's hair
-The terrifying plague make up in "Miri"
-The machine in “Dagger of the mind”. I don’t so much like the prop as I do the concept, which reminds me a lot of the Ludovico technique in A Clockwork Orange, but the result is still creepy.
-The true form of the aliens in “Cat’s Paw”
-Balok’s design in “The Corbomite Maneuver”. It was kind of unsettling in my opinion. He was literally a man baby.
-The costumes of those two girls that Bones makes appear at the end of “Shore Leave”. They were so furry and ridiculous. There was this Mexican sitcom called “La Familia Peluche” about this really eccentric family that would dress in furry clothes, and those bikinis the girls in “Shore Leave” were wearing looked like they came straight out of that show. I only watched one episode in my cousin’s house several years ago, but that was enough to make the connection.
-Space Abraham Lincon from “The Savage Curtain”
There are more, but these are the ones that I can come up with from the top of my head.
2) If you could have dinner with any one member of the Enterprise, with the exceptions of Spock, Jim, or Bones, who would it be?
This is though, REALLY though. Dinner with Scotty would be a hilarious blast; I could talk for hours with Sulu about plants and he could give me tips to keep me from unintentionally killing them; I could ask Chapel if people still watch House MD in the 23rd century and if so, I could fangirl with her and talk about how well/terribly House and McCoy would get along; and Uhura and I could have a great time talking about our love of linguistics, and she could teach me some Vulcan or Klingon or some other non-Earthly tongue. However, I think for today at least, I would choose Chekov. It would be interesting talking to him about being so young and already an ensign on the Enterprise, I could listen to his dubious claims about things being invented in Russia, and he could help me on my current quest to learn Russian. I find TOS Chekov’s personality very amusing and he kind of reminds me of a friend I had.
3) What period of Earth’s history would you have liked to see the crew time travel to?
This is even harder than the last question. Let’s see... I’d tell you today, just because I’m curious to see what their reaction would be to this very illogical world we are living in, but our 2018 doesn’t match canon 2018. Star Trek is designed to be a reflection of humanity today and what we could become, so whatever the time and place, it would be interesting to see them in a time of oppression. They already went to see Nazis, so maybe something like the Armenian genocide or Aztec Empire when the conquistadores decided to come in would be interesting, idk; something that doesn’t take place in America or Europe. On the lighter side, I also think it’d be funny to see them accidentally show up backstage at a Beatles concert and see the reaction to Spock’s haircut. Here’s a Doctor Who/Star Trek fanfic idea: somehow the crew comes across the Doctor, and for whatever reason, they have to go the 60′s where they meet the Beatles and have to fight some alien in the streets on Liverpool. People think Spock is a Beatle.
4) Please give an universe-plausible reason (no breaking the fourth wall) for Jim’s shirts being made with the durability of tissue paper.
I have been pondering over this for the longest time. I have no idea. Kirk obviously enjoys having a torn shirt, or just downright being shirtless, so perhaps he does this intentionally. Here is my (very silly) headcanon: Kirk wants an excuse to show off his chest (perhaps to woo Spock?), and since apparently walking around his ship shirtless in unacceptable by Starfleet regulations, he had to get creative. In Discovery we learn that uniforms are replicated, and Kirk knows that those uniforms are pretty sturdy, so he can’t wear those, so he learns how to sew. He makes his shirts out of plain cotton (or hemp or whatever thin fabric they have in the 23rd century), so that he is sure his shirts will rip. Starfleet takes notice that Kirk’s shirts end up ripped no matter what, and Kirk tells them that it’s because the replicators are malfunctioning and he is the only one with ripped shirts because he is the only one who puts himself in that kind of danger. Starfleet believes him and they tell Scotty to please fix the Enterprise’s replicators, which really frustrates him and the rest of engineering because no one can find any flaws in the replicators but yet Kirk always comes back after beaming down with a rip the size of Asia on his shirt.
5) Which episode would you recommend first for a non-Trekkie who is interested in watching the show? Or which episode would you not let them anywhere near?
I always introduce people to TOS with “The Man Trap”. It was the first aired episode and it works beautifully. I think it’s a fantastic episode: it has a moral dilemma, it’s a good introduction to all the major characters (save Chekov who is not in season 1), there’s tension between them, there’s a mystery, there’s a moral, etc. I think this episode holds up quite well. I know of people who try to recruit new fans with “Where No Man Has Gone Before” because it was the first TOS episode filmed with the Kirk crew, but the reason I don’t like doing that (although I love that episode) is that everything is different to all the other episodes. I think it’s not a good introductory episode precisely because it was the first episode filmed with this cast. Shatner looks like he feels out of place, Spock acts strangely throughout, McCoy isn’t even in the episode, and the science in this episode was really BS. I once introduced someone to TOS with “Charlie X”, which also works well, but “The Man Trap” is my top pick.
Out my followers, I believe that @boi-urthebird and @little-alien-duck have not been tagged. If you have, well, anyone else who hasn’t can jump aboard.
Here are the questions:
1.) What is your opinion on the Vulcan ideology? Is logic the way?
2.) Is there an episode you wish you could wipe from your memory? It can be either because it was so bad you wish to forget or because it was so good you wish you could experience it again for the first time.
3.) If you were part of the crew, would you be in command, sciences, engineering, or would you risk it and join security?
4.) Favourite race that appears in TOS?
5.) What character of the crew do you wish the show had explored further?
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