#Celerity deserves all the love
frenchbreadandeggs · 1 year
Wrong Cinderella │2│
pairing: shoto todoroki
summary: Reunited with his mother, Shoto faces the last order from his father, Enji, to pick a woman in the ball that will be held during his birthday and marry her. Absurd and stupid when he first heard it, but later on took an effect on him. Falling in love with the woman he met with the white mask.
Your life was normal if you were asked how your life has been lately. Working as a normal salarywoman and a good friend to Izuku and Katsuki. Until there was a knock on your door and revealed Shoto, the son of the richest CEO in Japan and who also owns the company you were working at, tells you that he has found you.
You were clueless, what does he mean that he has found you?
cw: fem!reader
chapter one's here!
Shoto stormed inside the mansion’s living room. Fury rumbled inside his beating chest, he walked with precise steps even with his emotions rising with madness. Albert notified Shoto that his father, Enji, settled a ball for him. After hearing the disastrous news from the family butler, Shoto swiftly walked back home, leaving his favorite soba he ordered.
He opened the door with a grim look.
“There you are.” Enji’s voice echoed in the almost empty room, “I know you’re the kind of person to defy my order, just like your siblings.” He said, mumbling the last sentence so Shoto wouldn't hear what he mentioned.
Ignoring what his father said, he spoke, rage mixed with his voice, “What kind of rubbish idea for you to arrange a ball for me?”
“It was mine.” A frail but soft voice replied, her ashen eyes looked at Shoto.
“...Mom?” Suddenly, his anger faded away and his face softened by his mother’s gaze. The fury swirling in his chest calmed down with celerity, oh he missed her so much. After years separated from each other, they met again.
“Take a seat.” Rei uttered, smiling at her youngest son. He missed those little smiles from his beloved mother.
Shoto silently followed his mothers orders and sat across from her. Why was she here? She was supposed to be in the hospital, recovering from those painful scars in the past.
“Your mother got discharged from the hospital two hours ago.” Enji stated, staring at Shoto with his cold eyes. “We talked about your marriage, and it seems that your mother wants to help. Which I oblige.”
He cleared his throat and continued to talk, “Even though what she told me was below my standards, I accept it, after all you deserve something for your own.”
Deserve something for himself? Did he hear that correctly from his father? This was new to him, his father would pick a rich daughter from one of his co-companies and shove her up in Shoto’s ass. It was unlikely from Enji to do this kind of thing.
“It’s unlikely for you to do that.” Shoto snarled.
Rei shook her head and spoke, “Don’t worry Shoto, I convinced him to do that.” She looked at the half and half boy with a weak smile on her face. Even Rei is tired of Enji’s doings for their family for years. But what surprised her was when Enji told her something when he was picking her up from the hospital.
She paused before continuing, gazing at her son’s heterochromia eyes.
“Let’s listen to your father first.”
“Thank you.”
He couldn’t say anything to his mother. Especially when she came home, emotions swirled in his stomach. He wanted to cry, he wanted to cry in her arms, hug her tightly. But he can’t, it might be weeks for Rei to warm up to Shoto, he was the reason who gave trauma to her right?
“As your mother requested, we’re going to hold a ball for your celebration and have every girl your age participate, it’s your choice which girl to choose. With or no social status, rich or not, having a quirk or none. It’s your choice, I’m not going to do anything but to give approval which I would gladly give.”
Now this is getting ridiculous, this is not him, not him at all. He’s a power hungry man, wants popularity. Everything you could imagine with this man. But what happened? Did he really change like that? Or he’s doing this and he’s planning something on his back.
“Why didn’t you do this to my siblings?”
“Because I was ignorant.” Enji stated, not looking at his son anymore, “It was selfish of me to shove everything to my children. I was overstepping their boundaries.”
Looking at his shocked son, he spoke, “I would gladly give everything to you… since I broke your childhood.”
Shoto sneered, still not accepting his father’s gift, “You’ll never change by using mom against me. I’m not going to agree with your ball, whether it’s mom’s idea.”
He stormed out of the living room, leaving the two adults alone. The two sat in silence, not knowing what to say to each other.
Enji sighed, “This is my fault anyways, I’m so sorry.” He looked down at his tea, seeing his reflection in the clear beverage. The man looked at Rei, she stared at him with her gray eyes, telling him he could speak. “Please convince Shoto to accept this, if he still doesn’t want to then it’s fine. There will be no ball or marriage happening.”
“I will try.” Rei spoke, and stood up holding the table for support. She opened the door of the living room to leave when her husband said something unexpected.
“Thank you.”
Rei walked on the felt fabric of the hallways, the sun shone at the windows having its sun rays paint on the red floor. Only her footsteps echoed across the empty corridor, it had been a while since she walked in her so-called home. Many changes made the white haired woman confused. Gladly, Albert showed her the way to Shoto’s room.
She never felt this nervous before. Her hands trembling underneath each other, was it because of the incident years ago? 
No no, she must face her son. He has gone through a hell of a childhood—no mother who could support him, away from his siblings, and an abusive father pushing his limits. It pains her to see her soon-to-be twenty-one-year-old son suffering under his father’s roof.
“I can’t raise him anymore, I want to run away from this life.”
Rei jumped, turning her head towards Shoto’s room. She saw the boy standing outside his door, judging by the cap he’s wearing, Shoto’s going out. Gulping, she forced herself to smile.
“Can I have a minute before you go?”
Shoto looked at her confused, thoughts then again swirled around him thinking what would his mother tell him. All he could do was nod while the woman smiled.
“Do you want to talk in the dining room?”
Rei shakes her head in response, saying that it’s better to talk inside his room since there would be maids  doing their work and it would be troublesome for them.
The young boy closed the door behind them, he looked at his mother who was already seated on his bed. She softly patted the free space beside her, telling her son to sit with her—next to her.
When he sat on the soft mattress, two arms engulfed him with a motherly warmth. Shoto sat there, surprised, not knowing what to do, making the hug awkward. He heard small sniffles from his mother that made him pull away from her. Rei looked at him with pain and regret, her tears threatening to fall from her silver eyes.
“I’m so sorry.”
“I should’ve not done that to you.”
Shoto’s face softened and lovingly hugged his mother back. The room felt silent for a minute until Rei spoke.
“I know this is kind of forcing you out,” She pulled away, wiping her tears away sniffling here and there, “But this would be the last from your father.”
His face darkens when the mention of this dad but listens to his mom. Shoto glanced at his mother, telling her to continue what she was saying.
“I want you to take your father’s offer.”
Shoto furrowed his eyebrows at his mom’s statement. Did Enji threaten his Rei to ask him this? Well that’s too much of him, Shoto already said no. He doesn’t want to feed his father’s ego any more.
“Please, I don’t want you to suffer more. You deserve better.” Rei cupped her hands on Shoto’s so he could look at her straight in her eyes. Enji did too much to Shoto’s childhood, pulling him away from his siblings— breaking his youth.
“I want to atone my mistakes.”
She remembered those exact words Enji told her when they were inside her hospital room. His eyes staring at the polished floor like it’s the most interesting thing in Rei’s bland room.
“Even if you did, their minds would never change towards you.”
“Forget that this is for your father only. Think that this is also for Touya, Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Me.” She held her son’s hands with hers in such a gentle manner, making Shoto calm for the first time.
“I want you to move on from those painful memories.”
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sasorikigai · 4 years
Special Forces Commander Hasashi, ever have recruits just join and have a tough time then complain about how difficult training is?
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Random Inbox Shenanigans || anonymous || always accepting! 
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || “Special Forces squadrons, regardless of what highly disciplined and dedicated position one seeks to aspire to become, generally respond to high-risk situations and squadron members may work in a specialized position such as sniper, crisis negotiator, grenadier, or tactical emergency medical responder. So one should, most obviously, have top-notch physical fitness and prowess, as recruits in training should expect themselves to be tested on not only their endurance and stamina, but of their survivability,” Commander Hanzo Hasashi has grown older and maturer; even when everything hurts and nothing works in his own torments and tribulations of life. 
There were decades of struggles, and he still feels he has never quite made it all the way to well, and yet, despite his life’s seemingly endless array of infinite obstacles and apparent imperfections. He senses a presence somehow strangely familiar, as his autopilot muscles will react and move with celerity, graceful fluidity, and most importantly, lightning-speed of a reaction time without hesitation. As the one in the prepotent position, he has to be the one to breach through the rapid awakening of the visceral truth of the world presented, in spite of any and all evidence presented by physical emanations of apparitions to what paints contrary to peace, love. 
And therefore, he must become more than capable, prepared for, and deserving of being fully alive in this one perfect moment he calls today. Whether it be grueling repetition of rappelling from the stilled helicopter, having plunged into the unfathomable depths of the ocean, to swim grueling kilometers at length to find the shoreline, to conquer the elements and fight herculean exhaustion. 
“We gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face. As a whole, we must do the thing which we think we cannot do.” Such adage has been coursing through the fevered zealousness of his entire being, dwelling with the magnanimous solar flare of his dedication, setting example towards the many. Hanzo Hasashi does not want to die unscathed in this life; for he already had been touched and afflicted once; he wants to experience everything, all of it at least once. He wants to leave this life knowing that everything has been thrown in his way, that he has felt all the highs, experienced the lows, and never wavered in the middle. His willpower is indomitable, and his passion inextinguishable. ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 ||
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Imagine omega Derek who sees early, much too early fame and success as a child actor. When he reaches the tender age of 16, Derek faces one of the many pitfalls of those with the same path as him—he becomes pregnant with the child of his older, way, way older alpha girlfriend, renowned actress Kate Argent’s child. 
Teenage pregnancy is still taboo and it very nearly costs Derek his career and reputation. Kate leaves him up in the air, removing herself as much as possible from that drama. She rejects the child as her own and paints a picture of promiscuous, on the loose, wild and careless young omega Derek for the press to discredit any of Derek’s claims that the child is hers. 
Kate having been his first love, his first attempt at romance, Derek is devastated. He’s stressed and heart-broken, ashamed, crushed by the weight of being a disappointment to the world, to his fans, and to his family. 
Peter though, Derek’s uncle and manager, loves his nephew to bits and refuses to see Derek’s future destroyed by a careless alpha and youthful mistakes. He supports Derek’s decision to keep the baby but also pushes him to keep his career going. 
Derek’s first pregnancy becomes all about hiding his bump as much as possible for as long as he can. And then, after giving birth, it’s getting rid of his pregnancy weight, hiding the plumpness of his breasts, getting rid of all obvious evidence that he gave birth. After his beautiful baby girl Paige arrives in the world, Derek gets one day (half a day really, not even a full one) to enjoy having become a parent, to bask in the presence of his baby, to press his nose against her downy hair and enjoy her sweet baby scent. After that, almost every second of his everyday becomes all about work and making the public forget that he actually gave birth. 
Peter’s drive and Derek’s sacrifice, hard work, and heartache at not spending as much time as he wanted with his baby girl pays off. Derek gets his reputation back, he’s more famous and successful than ever. The public loves him again, absolutely adores his beautiful little alpha daughter Paige (Peter jokes her name is because her arrival in the world was a real page turner. Derek just rolls his eyes every time his uncle drops the un-funny joke) 
It all works out. 
Some years later, after a messy custody battle with Kate who took interest in becoming Paige’s mother after she saw that it could help her regain her waning fan-base, a much-deserved step back from the limelight to enjoy being a single parent, reconciliation with his parents and siblings, and a successful return to show business as a more mature actor, Derek gives romance a second try with teenage comedian turned action star Stiles Stilinski. 
They’re wonderful together, they become America’s special brand of unorthodox, sarcastic sweethearts. Stiles is wonderful with Paige, and a bonafide hit with the entire Hale clan. 
When it became obvious that they were going to be a lasting thing, Kate gave a second run at trying to gain custody over Paige, using Stiles’ history with drug addiction as her new ammo against Derek. It’s the first big test to Stiles and Derek’s relationship, and, thankfully, they come out of it stronger than ever. 
Kate is finally put away in prison with the help of her own niece’s (Allison, Stiles’ step brother's girlfriend and good friend) testimony after she tries to set Derek’s trailer on fire. 
Some months later, Derek becomes pregnant with Stiles’ child. Stiles officially claims (the whole bite thing) Derek as his mate, but both stubbornly refuse to hold any sort of ceremony just to spite their family, friends, and the whole of America.  
Nine years since his first scandalous, unplanned, teenage pregnancy, Derek enjoys every moment, every milestone of his second run at carrying a child. 
He proudly parades the roundedness of his bump, documents every inch of its growth. He goes out to the beach in swimwear, he wears tight shirts that emphasizes just how big he’s getting. He spends afternoons at the park with his daughter, lets her pat and embrace and chatter at his belly out in public, uncaring of all the paparazzi taking unwanted photos. 
He attends the red carpet at seven months, enjoys the attention of colleagues and friends who come up to hug him and rub the belly. He doesn’t shy from talking about his morning sickness and cravings and hormones with the media. He even does a magazine cover showing off his very pronounced, very naked baby bump. 
And Stiles. Stiles is just so much worse. Stiles takes pictures every second of every day. Stiles posts and posts and posts on all of their social media account. Baby number 2 actually has an IG account before they’re even born. Stiles connives with Paige to do adorable things, hugging and cuddling and singing to her in utero baby brother so Stiles can capture it on his smartphone and share it on his IG stories. Stiles is actually there with Paige on the day of Derek’s photoshoot for the magazine cover, the stepfather and daughter duo becoming Derek’s own cheer squad, yelling out praises and hyping Derek up while he tries to look serious in front of the camera. Derek loves and hates it at the same time because it keeps making him blush. 
Despite how public Derek’s second pregnancy becomes though, Stilinski-Hale spawn #2’s (Paige is spawn #1, Stiles doesn’t fucking whatever else anyone has to say on the matter) arrival in the world is actually an intimate affair. 
Derek gives birth in an exquisitely expensive private suite in a world-renowned hospital with no one but their most trusted doctor, a couple of nurses, Melissa (Stiles’ omega step mother), Derek’s omega father, and Stiles. 
Derek insists on as much of a natural birth as possible, wanting to feel every second of it since he was knocked out cold, clinically sliced open, and stitched right back up the last time. 
It’s a painful experience but Derek takes in all the love in the room, especially Stiles’ as his alpha holds his hand with every push. And he doesn’t even bother trying to stop the tears as they all celerate when little Emmanuel is delivered safely in his arms. Miss Paige’s worry that she’ll be replaced barely lasts a second because the moment Stiles has made sure his mate and baby boy are safe, his eyes are immediately searching for his eldest. 
Peter snaps a picture of the happy family sleeping cuddled together late that night, and the internet absolutely melts when it’s posted some weeks later. 
Derek and Stiles have a photoshoot for their new family half a year later, and they proudly proclaim that they’re still not married and never plan on ever getting married ever. The End.
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saltine-kakyoin · 5 years
tagged by: @fullmetal-the-last-alchemist!! ruth you madman! thank u sm luv!!!!! <3 <3
nickname: sriracha! and. when my theater bebs wanna bully me... srirachachu...
sign: have i not cried in my tags enough for it to be immediately obvious? ;o; cancer babey!!!! c:
height: 5′1... 5′1 1/2 if i’m feeling particularly brave... it haunts me that koichi is like. the same height if not just slightly taller than me.. araki would draw me like a fucking PEBBLE on the ground :””-(
last thing i googled: toad bring me to life!! we have a bluetooth speaker in our bathroom + i scared the ever-living DAYLIGHTS outta @za-chariot with it!
song stuck in my head: straight no chaser’s “what’d i say/ hit the road jack/ mas que nada” but seriously only the part where the bass soloist is like “oh woman oh woman don’t treat me so mean you’re the meanest old woman that i ever seen” on repeat all day every day
following: oh god.. i have no idea how to tell from a sideblog.. on main i follow 398 blogs?
followers: the crackly boy has 96 (wHICH!! ???? 1. where did you guys COME FROM? and 2. why do you all STICK AROUND? it’s seriously mindblowing to see that kind of number for this lawless blog, but! i appreciate you guys for staying here even if i reblog an entire day’s worth of likes in 1 hour...you guys are a1 ; o ;)
amount of sleep i get: bro let’s not even Discuss this, my sleep schedule is so wild right now because i truly cannot regulate my own foolish body.. normally it’s 6 or 7 hours? but lately i’ve been pulling 4 or 5 hours because my mind is off the shits rn skhghd
lucky number: ohh man I really have no idea bro.. i sat and thought about this one for a good moment but like i don’t even know man. ahh. maybe 7 bc my life got flipped upside down for the better when i got into 7th grade? idk man..
dream job: this is such a difficult question, too! sometimes i just want to be a stagehand/ dresser for a broadway show, sometimes i wanna be a choir professor, and sometimes? i just want to make a living off of my nonexistent asmr channel. occasionally i entertain the concept of being one of those travel vloggers, but idk. the world is so wide and vast, and that makes it really hard for me to ever just settle on one thing (which is probably why it took me forever to decide my major for uni? but that’s a discussion for another day)
wearing: groovy joggers + this giant tee shirt that i got from a latin convention/competition i went to my sophomore year of hs. it has quintus from the clc textbook reclining w a glass of wine + he’s like, paint me like one of your french girls uwu. However, the shirt always concerns me when I wear it bc it says “Caecilius; me pinge sicut francam feminam” but like. CAECILIUS IS HIS DAD D: he should be addressing celer, who was THE painter in the first clc textbook! (also everyone at my table in latin hardcore shipped quintus + celer so there’s that as well ahh. i remember the first time i wore this tee to school, the latin gang was like “HOLD THE FUCK UP WHAT???”)
i found the exact pose he’s in on my shirt fellas.. we must always praise filius in triclinio bibit..and truly, the rest of that textbook as well. it was a soap opera in textbook form, but the magistre gave up on my class (#pilotprogram gang :’| ) before we reached the third book so like. I will Never Know what the hell happened to quintus caecilius iucundus :(
favorite song: this changes constantly so i’ll just give y’all the current fave. this feels Mad Weird to type, but! the song i keep coming back to rn is an arrangement of Bottom of the River by Delta Rae that i sang at fsu’s choir camp last year! I’ve listened to a lot of different arrangements for this song, but i always come back to this one bc a) nostalgia and b) it just Fucking Slaps. i would love to revisit this arrangement and do it the justice it deserves :( the stomps in the beginning could have been better, and we slowed down in quite a few spots, which threw the solo + beatboxing off. which, ah!! the soloists for this song were amazing, and the beatboxing (which we’d only practiced w maybe once before the actual performance?) added a lot of movement to the overall sound too; it sucks that the choir fudged it. I’d love to hear this arrangement performed w a bit more polish!!
random fact: during that performance of Bottom of the River, i got so into the HUH SHHH chain motion that i like. pulled or cramped my entire arm? but i was High off of adrenaline from a solo i’d performed earlier in the small ensembles concert + the atmosphere of bottom of the river in particular that I didn’t realize I’d messed up my arm until after the performance! it was fine by the end of the night, but! i think this is a fun example of how mindless i can be when lost in the sauce of performing :D
aesthetics: papers all over the place, bleary eyes, i wouldn’t ask you + softly by clairo playing at the same exact time
tagging: @plaguelikeits1347 @uh-mozzaza @starsplatinum @tjsyas @tsuyukamis @wwweather and @1-or-a-0! additionally, there are a lot of wonderful people that i interact w on here whose urls escape me rn </3 mutual or not, if i’ve pulled a blank on you but you’d still like to do it, seriously please feel free to! you guys rock <3
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sweetenerboo · 6 years
Love Yourself: A SeokJin imagine
hiiiii guys! so this is my first imagine and I am super nervous about it lol, but I hope you like it! The central theme of this story revolves around insecurities and not feeling like you’re deserving of Jin’s affection, but Jin tries his best to convince you otherwise. Like I said, I cried a lot when writing this, and happy Jin day! I love this guy so much and I never knew it was possible for anyone to be so handsome and funny until i saw him. With that being said, I hope you like what I did, and,,,, yeah. I hope you like it!
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You and Jin have just got home from spending a long day out together
You and him have been spending way too much time in the house and you guys eventually promised each other that today would be the day that you’ll spend the entire day out having fun. 
From fishing, to shopping, to hanging out at the zoo, you vowed to not return home until later that night, when it was time for dinner, cause Jin promised he’d cook. 
Once you got home, you two brought all the groceries into the kitchen. Jin stayed behind to unpack all the food as he was immediately getting ready to prepare dinner. 
You walk into the living room and fall down on the couch, tired and full of thoughts. 
“What are you in the mood to eat tonight, love?” He asks. “We bought so much food, I am pretty sure I can whip up anything you want.” 
“Anything is fine.” You say nonchalantly. You face away from him as you don’t want him to see the somber expression on your face. 
Jin picks up that something is not right. He enters the living room to sit beside you on the couch and notices the sad look on your face. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks after taking your hand. 
Once again, that nothing sounded emotionless, but this time you turned to look at him and give him a forced smile. There are tears forming in your eyes as you stare into his, still smiling. 
You hated this about yourself. you tried your very best to assure him that you’re okay, but you are too emotional to come up with a brighter expression. 
“No, you’re not. What happened babe? Tell me.” 
You hate that you have to tell him. Your insecurities make you feel even more insecure when you talk about them, and you feel too embarrassed to admit anything. Even if it is just someone as sweet and caring as Jin. 
Still, he somehow pushes the answer out of you. 
You hesitate before speaking, wondering if it is even worth bringing it up. Questioning what this will do for your relationship in the long game.
“Hyung, do you ever question why you picked me?” 
Jin looks surprised by the question, as he looks out into the distance. 
“Never, love. I’d be the biggest idiot if I questioned my best decisions.” 
He giggles but stops abruptly when he realizes that you are serious. Like, really serious.
You try to show him that you know he means well by smiling wider than before, and even blushing a little, but a tear starts to trail down your cheek. 
“Why do you ask that?”
He tries to wipe your face with his bare finger before the tear falls onto your shirt. 
Over the course of the day, you have began to feel more and more uneasy. But, that was going unnoticed by Jin until now.
You heard a few people pass by the two of you and whisper, and even laugh, while others simply stared at you in confusion and disgust. 
Your relationship with Jin isn’t a secret. The label knew, the members knew, and so did the fans. Jin actually had to fight the label to get your name out there. 
Although the members loved you two together, the fans did not. 
You’d often read hate comments online about the two of you. Fans would call Jin heinous names for picking you, while others harassed you over the way you looked, saying ‘Worldwide Handsome doesn’t need you in his life.’. You were even backstage at one of their Love yourself concerts and certain people booed while he performed ‘Epiphany’. 
You’ve taken harassment like this before, but for some reason you are starting to feel worse about it now. 
You explain all this to him as tears start to fall down your face, progressively getting worse. You can’t stop yourself from breaking down. It feels as if though you forgot to breathe, and you were on the verge of losing your mind. 
You sob as you cover your face and start to lean back on the couch. 
Jin scoots closer to you, and wraps himself around you, holding you close. As you cry, he takes your head so you can lay on his chest. He rests his head on yours as you hear his heartbeat. Eventually you even feel a tear of his own fall onto your head. 
You feel so embarrassed of yourself and ashamed that you let him see this side of you.
“What did I do wrong? What did I ever do to deserve this kind of hate?”
he starts to tighten his grip on you as you tremble in his arms.
“Absolutely nothing. It enrages me that the Army chooses to act like this. It makes me not even want to call them Army.”
his voice is breaking.
“It breaks my heart even more that you feel this way, love. You should’ve told me about this the second you started hurting. I thought you didn’t care, and now I feel like the worst boyfriend in the world.”
You look up at Jin to see that he is silently crying, the tears falling quickly down his face. 
You hold his hands and bury your face even deeper into his chest. 
Eventually he fixes himself so he is leaning against the armrest, and you are now resting your head on his lap. 
Jin is looking down the hallway, staring at nothing while you stare at the blank television screen. You two sit there silently for what seems like an eternity. While you were waiting for your tears to dry you feel so relaxed that it seems right to fall asleep in his lap. 
the entire time Jin was running his right hand through your hair, brushing it gently the way you love, while his left hand is holding yours. 
“I’m sorry hyung.”
you say that through a shaky voice. 
“I never meant to make you feel bad.” 
Jin looks down at you and starts to wipe your face with his sleeve.
“I just hope from now on you know that I am happy to have you in my life. Your presence makes me the happiest person in the world.”
He replies, not breaking eye contact or letting go of your face. 
“You are genuinely one of the most beautiful people I have ever met and getting the opportunity to have you in my life...”
he hesitates.
“I just don’t know what I’d do without you, love. Nothing and nobody will ever change the way I adore you.”
You start to tear up once again as he plants a kiss on you.
“I love you Jin.”
he kisses you again.
“I love you a billion times more.”
He kisses you a third time.
“Now, how about you answer my question. I know you’re hungry. What do you want to eat?”
You giggle a bit. Before you could answer however, you hear a loud bang on the wall, some laughter, and then a seemingly innocent knock on your door. 
Both you and Jin were alarmed until you eventually recognized one of the laughs to belong to Jungkook 
“Hello... Jin?”
And that muffled voice behind the door was definitely Hoseok.
“Yeah?” Jin yells curiously. He did not want to get up to answer the door cause he knew how comfortable you were in his lap and he didn’t want to ruin your relaxation.
“So, it’s family dinner night, and it’s going on 10:30, and... Joon was wondering when you were going to be done cooking.”
Jin rolls his eyes as you hear a couple of whispers and giggles, followed by Hoseok telling them to shut up.
“What? I’m not cooking.”
There was nothing but silence for a few seconds. 
“But you always cook. And I don’t know if we can leave that job up to Joon.” 
“You guys can’t always assume I’ll have dinner. Besides, I don’t have any materials to cook.”
You looked over to the kitchen counter full of groceries as Jin continued to lie to Hoseok. 
“Well... V said that he seen you two unloading your car with bags of food.”
“Yeah, I did.” Tae quickly says behind Hobi’s back. “I saw food.”
“Tae, why were you watching us?” Jin asks.
There was a long moment of silence.
“...Yoongi locked me out of the dorm and I didn’t know what to do.” He said in embarrassment.
“You need to start carrying a spare key, Tae. And no, we weren’t packing food. Those bags were full of clothes.”
“But I saw celer-” 
Before Tae could finish his sentence, there was a loud slap, followed by Tae letting out a very painful moan.
“Oh yeah, Yoongi is here now.” Hoseok casually said.
“So you better open up before we use him as a battering ram.” Jk joked.
“You guys, I’d seriously love to help, but my love and I have some personal business to attend to.” Jin sighed.
There was a long silence, and you can just picture the four of them looking and grinning at each other, thinking some seriously dirty thoughts.
“Oooooookay Jin, okayyyyyy” Jungkook said, trying not to laugh.
When the four of them walk across the hallway and into their dorm, that’s when you hear them all start to snicker.
“Hey Joon!” Yoongi yelled. “Jin can’t come to dinner cause he’s too busy having sex!”
That’s when everyone started to scream of laughter before the door closed.
You and Jin look at each other and start to laugh as well. 
“I’m so happy you moved out of there when you did.” 
he starts to give you his dorky windshield-wiper laugh as he pulls you closer to him for a passionate kiss. 
“Now let’s get to cooking.”
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oh-nxts-and-bxlts · 3 years
A strange black ball of fluff seems to be rolling all the way over here, as if it had a mind of its own… with a soft bounce against Celerity’s leg and a surprised, “Meeh!” the ball suddenly grows a set of legs and reveals its precious face. It’s a Shiny Wooloo!
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There is no need for words on that one - Celerity doesn't really think as she bows down to the small fluff ball's level, and wraps her arms around it, picking up the small, springy mass of wool into a hug. Well, a hug, and her nuzzling up into the dense mat of fur, finding the texture to be positively delightful. After a short moment of somewhat intense snuggles, the speedbot pulls away, looking at the little friend with sparkles in her neon green eyes. The little Wooloo's nose recieves a light tap of her finger, just because it too deserves much love and affection.
Okay, normally, Celerity isn't all about cute things - but there's something profoundly endearing about the bouncy little ball of fluff that she can't ignore. Maybe the way it goes on a wander? She can appreciate a little bit of silly as one goes. Plus, this one looks ready for a little bit of excitement, even if it is a bit clueless as it goes.
"How 'bout you and I go on an adventure, little friend?"
Congratulations! Woloo has been caught!
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andreszkbq209 · 4 years
12 Helpful Tips For Doing venture capital definition
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Each spouse is an agent in Confined Legal responsibility Partnership As outlined by segment 26 in the Act. Apparently the LLP is a man-made legal particular person. It has been formed on the basis of regulations absolutely. No less than one particular designated partner have to be resident of India. The LLP is often made for a selected duration of undertaking and it could be winded up. Also Minimal Liability Partnership can be merged with the opposite and there's no Restrict for the amount of the partners. LLP is a flexible type of small business which delivers company during the industries and which will involve professionals.
Here we are discussing the origin of LLP. The idea of Restricted Legal responsibility Partnership, was originated during the calendar year 1991.Texas is undoubtedly an unincorporated form, which was launched for unsuccessful personal savings and mortgage associations and was inspired by governing administration litigation. In India 2009 the LLP Monthly bill gained an assent on the President and was place into pressure in precisely the same calendar year. LLP will not need to have any minimum amount capital also the contribution could be made as a result of instalments which can be boon for all the business people.
Due to the fact there are several constraints for the administrators and shareholders to just take up loans, so LLP was released to take away the levy from both the shareholders and Directors. Allow us to discuss the main points of LLP Registration paperwork. With the foreign nationals, Aadhar card, driving license, photocopy of lender assertion and scanned passport size photograph. These should be produced by the partners.
They ought to self-attest these copies and submit. It follows methods like, it calls for DSC, DIN, Title acceptance and that is accompanied by the processing of software, incorporation sort filing, Incorporation and LLP settlement filling. Ordinarily they are saying the TAT (ie) switch-around time is 15 to 20 times. It is a lawful venture capitalist company method and cannot resolve a selected time for you to get registration.
Conversions are also taking place in LLP. The public limited business is remaining converted into LLP based mostly upon the tax entrance. An LLP isn't like a corporation is not really liable to pay for MAT or DDT. MAT is a minimum alternate tax, DDT is dividend distribution tax. All movable and immovable Qualities are vest in LLP and as a result there is absolutely no stamp responsibility is usually to be paid out. Equally the personal constrained corporation can be converted into LLP. The principle thing would be the shareholding pattern really should be a similar every time they get introduced to the LLP as contributors. The non-public constrained firm should comply with pending compliances.
Each of the tax returns need to be in done type not in pending kind. There really should not be any secured creditors during conversion. Else You will need to acquire NOC out of your creditors. One example is the bank which experienced presented financial loan may well supply NOC. The main facet is, the non-public confined enterprise has FDI (Overseas Direct Expense). In the event the private confined corporation decides to have transformed into LLP, it has to get approval from FIPB (Foreign Financial investment Advertising Board).
It is just a time consuming method but nevertheless it's important LLP and FDI has limitations and there's no simple route to the conversion. FDI draws in foreign investors and this action is among the most vital thing to generally be accomplished. The income sharing Amongst the shareholders need to be the same. The Government has purchased not to pay the associates out on the amassed reserves for the subsequent three several years with the conversion. Certainly they need a tax professional for accomplishing The work.
LLP has some negatives in addition. It doesn't really encourage funding. Like start off-ups the funding is inspired from Angel buyers and Undertaking funds, because the ownership in LLP is referred to as desire and not as shares. A different drawback could be the LLP can not be converted into non-public minimal business. Although It's a hybrid of partnership and business it is often witnessed as partnership only and it loses its have faith in Among the many individuals.
Should you be likely to convert into LLP from private, you will not be capable to challenge ESOP. ESOP is Employee Stock Ownership System; since LLP has no idea of getting the idea named 'share' and it simply cannot difficulty ESOP to the workers. Commencing company is really a tedious process and it should be picked based on the deserves and demerits.
Cash flow Tax Appellate Tribunal explained to that conversion into LLP is covered by definition of 'transfer' and it's liable to money obtain tax. One more impact on this tribunal is any tax escaped from your palms of the corporation will be levied on on the LLP and this will likely be hard for almost all of the LLPs. Lastly it had been claimed that, Revenue tax appellate tribunal's ruling celerity power partly normally takes absent the defense that corporations loved. This was told within the year 2018. In 2020 now a short while ago the Government has got to convey settlement scheme to the LLP. It's mentioned that In case the LLP has the prefer to avail the service they may apply for the settlement scheme. Additional to it is actually relevant for submission for 4 forms of varieties like Type three, Kind four, Type eight and Variety 11.
Solubilis educates you concerning the latest updates about LLP and helps you in obtaining LLP registered.
Air sampling is one of numerous processes which can be made use of to monitor the overall health and safety of workers in business. Atmospheric checking tactics recognise the air may be an important and pervasive supply for microbiological contamination and screens it for that presence of dangerous, particulates, dust along with other contaminants. Quite smaller contaminants such as bacterial cells and spores can continue to be suspended inside the ambiance for an prolonged stretch of time, rendering attempts to clean and sterilise surfaces useless. Air sampling targets these together with other contaminants existing to be certain a balanced natural environment.
Air sampling is critical in areas that has a high threat of biological contamination, such as hospitals. It is also significant in industries where there is a chance current from raw resources, like chemical creation, agriculture, and metals, Wooden or maybe textiles production. Numerous industries, which include foodstuff manufacturing and distribution, also need a substantial volume of sterility during every single stage of generation, creating environmental monitoring needed to the wellbeing and basic safety of shoppers. Environmental monitoring has even been used in corporate Office environment buildings and household buildings to observe the health of inhabitants and to prevent the distribute of contagious conditions a result of invisible micro-organisms.
There are two main air sampling methods, getting Energetic and passive. Passive checking is often completed utilizing 'settle plates' which happen to be Petri dishes that contains a non-selective society medium. The settle plates are still left uncovered from the focused natural environment, making it possible for bacterial contaminants to settle from the medium. The settle plates are then incubated, allowing the microbes mature into visible colonies, And eventually analysed. Passive checking is mostly seen as being a much less fascinating system than Energetic checking, since there are several ways that the sample might get contaminated or become unreadable. Passive checking does, nevertheless offer a very cost efficient solution and makes an interesting sampling technique to fulfill curiosity in low-possibility environments.
Lively checking entails drawing a recognized quantity of air via a particle selection gadget to provide a remarkably correct quantitative Examination from the contaminants existing. Energetic air sampling gadgets are even more split into two groups: impingers and impactors. Impingers use suction pumps to attract from the sample, and also to operate it in opposition to a liquid medium which collects particulates for Examination. Impactors also utilize a suction pump, but then force the air sample against a stable assortment medium, which include an agar plate. Impactors are looked upon as the more hassle-free solution and therefore are consequently additional greatly Employed in industry.
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Remus vs The Shovel
So sometimes I come across a story from Ancient Greece or Rome that I just CANNOT not share. Today, wowziedoodle, today here’s the tale of how Rome’s great brotherly conflict, Romulus and Remus, a story of the ages, is replaced by an enthusiatic man with a shovel.
So I’m sure you’ve all heard the deal. Romulus’ birds are bigger than Remus’ birds so Romulus gets to build a city and be king. That’s just how the ancient people roll. At least nobody married their own mother this time. Anyway, motherfuckers aside, Romulus started building a very impressive 1ft wall around his new city. He loved his wall and all its convenient propaganda symbolism so much that he told some down-to-earth, gutsy dudebro called Celery to protect it. Or perhaps avenge it would be a more fitting term, as the exact wording was ‘dirtnap any sucker with the gall to cross my beloved piles of rocks.’ Celer took this to heart. He carved those damn instructions on the inside of his eyelids. 
So along comes Remus to check out how his bird-chosen brother was doing at buidling shit - since they’d both been raised by wolves, they probably knew how to do a choice howl, but not so much road laying.Remus took one look at Romulus wall and did his choice howl - of laughter. Through his apparent hysterics, the man gasped ‘you think this pebble pile is gonna protect anyone??’. To prove his point he merrily jumped across the tiny wall and immediately - and I mean immediately - got D-D-D-Destroyed by an insane man with a shovel. I imagine the shovel flattened his face with a cartoonish clang and then Celer proceeded to shovel him to death like any merciful, pious Roman.
Romulus heard the commotion, which could probably be comparable to being panned to death in TF2, and frolicked over to see what poor sap had tried to challenge The Great and Powerful Wall. There he saw his darling twin, bloody and dead, having been executed via shovel. Romulus held back Manly Tears, because Real Roman Men don’t cry, they bottle it up until they eventually let it all out with a shovel rampage or a engage in a 60 man+ stabfest. Then he quoth’d that yep, Remus deserved Shovel Death, and so did everyone else who crossed the walls without permission. But being a nice brother, he buried Remus properly and everything, despite his twin’s ginormous and horrific crime.
This comes from Ovid, rather than Livy (the more widespread source), because Ovid didn’t like the idea that Rome was founded by dramatic fratricide. However, apparently the Random Crit shovel was a perfect beginning for the Race destined to Rule the Earth.
I’ll get around to the asks in my inbox one day (or year), but I hope you enjoyed this one and check out my other stories here!
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elainesknight · 7 years
A Roman Drabble Prompt that might be fun: Fulvia and Clodia meet for the first time, and instantly like each other (platonically or otherwise).
Hello, it is me, the fastest writer in history bringing you the story for this prompt only two eternities later. 
As Fulviamade her way through Celer’s house she tried valiantly to look calm. So far ithad all been quite normal. She had gone to the house accompanied by her newhusband, a picture of an honorable roman matron. The doorkeeper had treated herwith respect even after Claudius had fled the building muttering somehalf-hearted excuse. That had been the first time Fulvia had sensed some obscuredread inside her chest. Claudius was no coward – she would not have married himif he had shown such weakness – but for some reason he had expressed the strongwish to not be present when she first met his famous sister, Claudia.
Insteadof accompanying her to the quarters of the mistress of the house himself, thedoorkeeper had called for a slave girl and ordered her to bring Fulvia to herlady. Fulvia watched the slim figure of the slave with some interest as thegirl walked in front of her trying her best to appear demure even though sheclearly had the lead. The slave girls a woman kept with her often said muchabout the mistress herself. There were the insecure ones who only hired uglygirls as they could not bear the thought to be overshadowed by a pretty slavein the eyes of the public. (Or their husbands’.) There were the strange oneslike the renowned Aurelia Cotta, famous for many reasons, but also because shehad chosen a giant German woman as her first personal slave. And there was ClaudiaPulchra who obviously did not fear any kind of competition from her servants,for the girl who lead Fulvia was of an almost ethereal beauty, tall and slimwith curly dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. She looked, thought Fulvia whohad more poetry to her than most people assumed, like a Greek water nymph. Mostslave women who possessed some kind of beauty had a tendency to be vain andunruly, always trying to win the favor of the steward - or the master if theywere also ambitious. Claudia’s girl was the complete opposite. She had givenFulvia a kind smile and always kept a pleasant expression on her face. Herhands were folded in front of her body and she moved with subtle submissivegrace worthy of the servant of a queen. The slave girl made Fulvia feel evenmore insecure, a feeling that was new and strange for her. 
“My mistress awaits you” said the girl quietly and Fulvia noticed that they hadreached a door hung with beautiful light pink curtains that moved softly withthe winds from the garden. The slave waited patiently for her answer and Fulviarealized with a start that the girl was probably used to the nervousness peopledisplayed in front of her mistress. She gathered her wits and nodded to theservant. She was the heiress of the Gracchi – she would not be thrown offbalance by this woman, no matter what.
Fulvia wasthrown off balance. They had walked into the room and Fulvia had only had a short moment to marvelat the richness and tastefulness of the furnishings when the slave girl hadannounced her presence. “Mistress, the lady Fulvia is here.” “Thank you, Andromache. You may leave us alone” Claudia had said and Fulvia’slast coherent thought had been that this was definitely not the slave girl’sreal name.  Claudia was alone in the room. She was lying on her side on a huge couch andshe was the most fascinating woman Fulvia had ever seen. Beautiful, yes, shedefinitely deserved the cognomen of her family. She was not dressed as a romanmatron who expected guests was supposed to be dressed. Her hair was not done upin one of the latest fashion trends but instead it fell in luxurious curls aroundher shoulders. Where Claudius’ hair was brightly red, Claudia’s hair was morelike ember – dark red with golden strands illuminated by the soft light thatstreamed in from the windows behind her. Her eyes were green, not unlike thoseof her brother, but again darker and with hints of gold. She wore a simple whitegown with only a few selected pieces of expensive golden jewelry. As she lookedup at Fluvia, a small triumphant smile on her lips, she looked like Venusherself. 
For a second Fulvia - raised with the notion that women could only grow less desirablewith age – asked herself how old she was. Claudia was her husband’s oldersister after all. But then again Helen of Troy had not been a young womaneither. Fulvia knew that she was staring but Claudia was clearly used to it. “What do you think? Would my face be enough to start a war?” asked Claudia andreminded Fulvia of a lioness watching her prey. But Fulvia smiled. “That’s why you called her Andromache. Is Helen of Troy the association youwant to evoke in your visitors?” she asked and for a moment Claudia seemed tobe taken aback. Then she suddenly broke into laughter and clapped her hands. “Oh, wonderful! I already like you!” she said and turned into a simple mortalin front of Fulvia’s eyes. Still beautiful, still vaguely intimidating but waymore approachable. Fulvia felt more at ease. Claudia raised herself into a comfortable sitting position and lightly gesturedfor Fulvia to take a seat next to her. “Oh, I’m glad you called me out, my new sister. It does get terriblyuncomfortable lying like that for a longer time” said Claudia, good humorglittering in her eyes. Fulvia laughed as she took a seat. “I imagine. But why Helen of Troy? She strikes me as a deeply unhappy woman.” Claudia raised a perfect eyebrow and looked at Fulvia with a new sort ofinterest. “She was, I have no doubt. Do I not strike you as an unhappy woman?” she askedand shook her head at few moments later. “Don’t answer that, darling. No, that’snot why I chose her. You see, most people who come here only know Helen for herbeauty but they have no eyes for the woman underneath.” Fulvia decided to indulge her host and leaned back. Claudia made it easy tofeel at ease around her. “So you wish to hide something behind your beauty?” she asked and Claudiagrinned victoriously. “That means you think I’m beautiful?” Fulvia felt trapped only for a moment but Claudia noticed because she shook herhead again, laughing softly. “Don’t worry. I’m just playing with you.” “Of course you are. You strike me as a smart woman so I’m assuming you havenoticed your beauty at some point in your life.” Fulvia paused and rememberedwhere she was. “I’m sorry, I had no intention to offend you.” Claudia made an exaggerated pout. “Offend me? Dear new sister, that is very difficult and I can assure you that I’min no way offended by you.” Fulvia smiled at her and tried to think of a good topic for conversation. Claudia,however, proved again to be a most uncommon woman. She reached over and cuppedFulvia’s face in her hand, gently forcing her “new sister” to look at her.Fulvia was surprised but managed to not shy away from the touch. It was clearto her that Claudia was somehow testing her and she was determined to prove herworth. Instead she focused on returning Claudia’s gaze. Her host’s lips curledinto a small smile. “Well, your face is certainly beautiful. But there are other beautiful women inRome. Why did you marry my brother?” she asked, her intense stare never leavingFulvia’s face. Fulvia gave her best to not look intimidated. “My parents and your older brother arranged…” she started but Claudia hushedher by putting a perfectly manicured finger on her lips. “Not that. Money, blood lines and all that – it bores me. Tell me the excitingpart. Why did you marry my brother?” Claudia slowly removed her finger andcaressed Fulvia’s cheek as if to soothe her. If that was her intention shedefinitely failed because Fulvia felt a deep unrest at her core. She struggledfor an answer but in Claudia’s half embrace she could think of nothing but thetruth.  “I am – I mean I view myself as heiress of the Gracchi. I can see how thismight seem presumptuous as I am only a woman…” Claudia shook her head gentlyand let her hand wander down Fulvia’s neck. Fulvia drew a shaky breath and wenton. “I read about them. I heard about them. And I agree with them. Not oneverything of course. But I think that it is right to question the currentsystem of the Republic.” “Oh” said Claudia and started playing with a loose strand of Fulvia’s hair. “You’rea politician. How exciting.” Somehow encouraged by this, Fulvia went on. “I think that Rome can only survive if we – I mean the men who rule the city –do more for the people. I think that Rome was built by all Romans and it canonly continue to survive and grow if all Romans have a chance to be involved.But I am only a woman.” “And you hope that my brother will be able to help you, my beautiful politiciansister?” asked Claudia and her hand laid still on Fulvia’s shoulder. “I do not only hope, I am sure of it.” Like an afterthought she quickly added “AndI love him, of course.” Claudia smiled at her with true affection. “I see.” Fulvia had never spoken so openly with another woman before. Now, she felt asif she could tell Claudia anything, even though a rational voice in her mindtold her that this was Claudia’s power. This was what Claudius’ sisterintended. But Fulvia could not find any malice in her face and so she spokeagain. “And I do not wish to be left behind.” Claudia stroked her collarbone with her thumband gave her an inquiring look. “I mean I don’t want to be left in the house to deal with slaves and children.”Quickly she added: “Though I’d love to raise children, of course. And I do notmind the work of a mistress of the house. But I want to go out. I want to go tothe forum and to the senate, even though I’m not allowed to enter or speak. Iwant to talk to people and support my husband not only as a woman but as acompanion.” Her speech had grown fiercer and when she focused on Claudia againthere was a strange look on her face. In a sudden motion Claudia drew up herknees under her and hovered above Fulvia. Gently Claudia cupped her face inboth her hands and looked down at her with an unreadable expression on herface.  She seemed to search for somethingin Fulvia’s eyes and when she found it the most bewitching smile appeared onher face. Fulvia felt light. “Yes” whispered Claudia “I think he has found the right companion in you.” Herfingers caressed Fulvia’s cheeks and Fulvia could do nothing more than stare ather, motionless. Claudia held a strange power over her but she did not feel theneed to break free. “Like you, my beautiful sister, I long for a kind of freedom I was not bornfor. A different freedom than you, may be. But freedom still.” Fulvia smiled. Claudia returned her smile but Fulvia sensed that she was waitingfor something. My permission, Fulvia realized and suddenly knew what she wantedand what she had to say. Unused of the gesture but sure of her intentions Fulvia warped an arm around Claudia’smidriff and marveled at the effortless elegance with which Claudia pressed herbody against her. “Maybe I can be your companion, too?” whispered Fulvia and when Claudia kissedher she knew that she had found the right words.
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clodiuspulcher · 7 years
I got feelings because Clodius is the youngest sibling of his family, like me. Do you have siblings hcs? At least with Clodia? Of any of the others?
Anon, I have so many headcanons about Clodius and his siblings that I genuinely forget what’s really there in the histories and what my fevered mind has conjured. Here’s a short (ish) list- Of the sons, Appius Claudius Pulcher is the tallest, Gaius Claudius Pulcher is an inch or two shorter, and Clodius is shorter than Gaius by the same amount. Of the daughters, Clodia is the tallest and she and Clodius are exactly the same height - in fact, Clodius and Clodia look almost like carbon copies of each other, they both have startling green eyes and long curly dark hair and high cheekbones and aquiline features... they resemble their other siblings bc that’s how genetics works but the two of them are strikingly alike - It’s more ‘fact’ than headcanon that Clodia was the sibling Clodius was closest to (she was directly involved in his political career, helped him using her influence as a consul’s wife, changed her name when he did, etc) but there’s that too. Clodia as his oldest sister was always Clodius’s best friend and he confides the most in her (no incest though, Cicero made that up because they were both so hot it confused and upset him and he doesn’t know what a healthy sibling relationship is like)
- When they were kids Clodia was the only one who could make stubborn and capricious young Clodius do things he didn’t want to do. The long-suffering private tutor of the Claudii Pulchri children, for example, would just give up on Clodius when he refused to do his schoolwork but Clodia could always convince him to go back (by calling him an idiot and saying she wouldn’t speak to him if he didn’t become as good at Greek as her)- Clodius is the baby of the family!!! He’s spoiled and even though he’s not as arrogant as his brothers he’s more irresponsible and selfish too. The first like 5 years of his adult life are basically him learning that the world does not revolve around him and his being a Claudius Pulcher really doesn’t mean that much (see: the Lucullus’s army debacle, the pirates drama).- Appius Claudius Pulcher was so arrogant Lucullus sent him as an envoy to TIgranes knowing it would piss him off enough to start a war. I can only imagine he was equally insufferable at home especially when their father died. Young Clodius refused to listen to anything he says and did wild and shocking things anyways, Family Name Be Damned (YOU’RE NOT MY DAD YOU’RE JUST MY BROTHER / I’M THE PATERFAMILIAS AND YOU WILL RESPECT ME AS SUCH / GET BENT Etc.). He complains about him to Fulvia constantly.- Clodius wears his hair the longest of the 3 sons, it curls down almost to his shoulders and Appius Claudius Pulcher strongly disapproves. They have arguments about it constantly. - Clodius’s sisters are closer in age to him than his brothers so he grew up with and in general is closer to them. They, especially Clodia, dressed him up in girl’s clothes when he was a little boy and pretended they had a fourth sister.- Clodius came from a family of 6 children and wanted a big family too. Fulvia was an only child and refused to have that many kids - they compromised on 2. - Appius Claudius Pulcher arranged the marriage to Fulvia but Clodia strongly approves of it when she sees that Fulvia enhances Clodius’s good qualities and mitigates his bad ones (and that they love each other). She’s a bit jealous because Clodius has a great marriage and she’s married to Metellus Celer who sucks but if anyone deserves happiness in marriage it’s her baby brother. - Both Appius and Gaius Claudius Pulcher upbraided Clodius for the bona dea scandal and Openly Criticized his Low Moral Character which is ironic because both of them were later condemned for electioneering and extortion, respectively ( and if you got condemned for either of those in ancient rome you must have been really damn obvious and egregious about it lmfao). Clodius wants to think it’s funny as hell when it happens but he was campaigning for Praetor at the time so it was probably more of a pain - That aside they both love Clodius in an ‘our little brother is an exhausting troublemaker but he’s still our little brother’ kind of way and as consul Appius Claudius did help and protect Clodius as best he could- And Clodius for his part despite their conflicts was immensely proud of Appius when he was elected consul and told everyone he knew (who of course had voted for him because I’m sure Clodius supported his brother in any way he could)- Clodia is the person most involved in Clodius’s political career though and helps him out with his wild plebeian transfer and election to the tribuneship more than either of his brothers ever did. (Appius was probably a little bit scandalized by Clodius abdicating his patrician rank especially since he later was patrician censor). We know from Cicero that Clodia argued with Metellus Celer on the very subject often, urging him to let the bill pass that would render Clodius plebeian- As kids Clodius and Clodia were partners in crime until Clodia got ‘too old for pranks’. Luckily they could still be partners in crime in the political sphere when they both were old enough.- Clodia held parties and banquets for Clodius and his supporters at her grand house on the palatine constantly, and it’s great for him politically but she always tells her guests the story of when Clodius was captured by pirates and Ptolemy wouldn’t ransom him because he wasn’t important enough. - Somehow Clodius as the third son ended up with the House of the Claudii Pulchri which makes me think the family had massive land holdings the other sons ended up inheriting.- When Clodius died all the siblings were deeply affected but Clodia most of all. We don’t know how she felt afterwards  but I can imagine she was especially distraught and had to struggle to maintain her facade of composed control....
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Psalm 51 - Interpreted
Daily Plenary Indulgence
Per Vatican II, one of the ways to gain a daily plenary indulgence is to read Scripture for ½ hour per day. For Pamphlets to Inspire (PTI), the Scripture readings that inspire us the most are the Psalms. Reading the Psalms and understanding their meaning can sometimes be challenging. In an attempt to draw more individuals to not only read the Psalms, but to understand their meaning, PTI has found an analysis of their meaning by St. Cardinal Robert Bellarmine. The method that will be employed is to list the chapter and verse, and then provide an explanation of that verse. Your interest in this subject will determine how often we will chat about this topic. The Bible that will be used is the official Bible of the Catholic Church and used by the Vatican, that is, the Douay-Rheims or Latin Vulgate version.
David condemns the wickedness of Doeg, and foretells his destruction.
1. Why dost thou glory in malice, thou that art mighty in iniquity?
1. “Why dost thou glory in malice, thou that art mighty in iniquity?” Cicero, in his oration against Catiline, thus commences, “how long,Catiline, will you trifle with our patience?” And in the same style David commences with a similar interrogation, for the purpose of sharpening his rebuke. “Why dost thou glory in malice, thou that art mighty in iniquity?” Doeg, the Idumean, boasted that by his accusations he had ruined a priest of the Lord, and his entire family; from when Saul heard from Doeg that David had been hospitably received by Achimelech the priest, he burst into such a rage, that he not only ordered Doeg to put Achimelech said that, but also eighty-five other priests that were along with him; he then sacked their city, slaying men and women, babes and sucklings, nay, even the sheep, cows, and asses. See what a torrent of evil flowed from the calumny; so that he justly deserved to be styled “Mighty in iniquity.”
2. All the day long thy tongue hath devised injustice: as a sharp razor, thou hast wrought deceit.
2. “All the day long thy tongue hath devised injustice: as a sharp razor, thou hast wrought deceit.” He draws a highly wrought picture of Doeg’s false information, first saying that it was not a sudden, but a long premeditated information. “All the day long thy tongue hath devised injustice.” You were constantly turning in your mind how to frame the false accusation, and, at length, when the opportunity offered, your tongue brought forth what it had been hatching for such a length of time; for, though thoughts are produced by the mind, David poetically attributes them to the tongue, as if the tongue was so radically bad in itself, that though apparently silent it was, in thought, speaking to itself. He then adds that the thing was put into execution with as much speed as a sharp razor would cut; elegantly contrasting the delay in forming the resolution with the celerity of putting it into execution; and, in fact, he lost very little time, when he got the opportunity, of carrying out what he had so long been hatching; for, in a very few words, he persuaded Saul that Achimelech the priest had entered into a conspiracy with David, which was a grievance deceit and imposition; and he, therefore, says, “as a sharp razor, thou hast wrought deceit;” that is, you deceived Saul, just as easily as a sharp razor cuts through the hair.
3. Thou hast loved malice more than goodness; and iniquity rather than to speak righteousness.
3. “ Thou hast loved malice more than goodness; and iniquity rather than to speak righteousness.” He tells us the source of that calumnious accusation, and says that it did not proceed from ignorance or accident, but from the perversity of the man; who always preferred evil to good, and lies to truth. “Thou hast loved malice more than goodness;” you were always more pleased to injure than to serve your neighbor; “and iniquity rather than to speak righteously,” to tell lies rather than truth. Observe, that instead of opposing falsehood to “speaking righteously,” he opposes “iniquity” to it, insinuating thereby, that Doeg’s falsehood was not one simply so, or a mere lie; it was more, because it caused the death of Achimelech, and was thus an “iniquity.”
4. Thou hast loved all the words of ruin, O deceitful tongue.
4. “Thou hast loved all the words of ruin, O deceitful tongue.” He assigns further reason for calling Doeg’s conduct a lie and an iniquity, and says it was a truly fatal, pernicious falsehood, causing, as it did, the ruin of so many innocent people. “Thou hast loved all the words of ruin;” all the language by which you could hurry innocent people headlong to their ruin and perdition; and it appears from the first book of Kings, that Doeg’s lies caused the destruction of an entire city. “O deceitful tongue –of Doeg.
5. Therefore will God destroy thee forever: he will pluck thee out, and remove thee from thy dwelling place; and thy root out of the land of the living.
5. “Therefore will God destroy thee forever: he will pluck thee out, and remove thee from thy dwelling place; and thy root out of the land of the living.” He predicts that Doeg’s sin will not go unpunished, but that everlasting ruin is in store for him, in return for the temporal ruin of the priests, of which he was the cause. “Therefore will God destroy thee forever.” For this your sin God will utterly destroy you, not only in this world, but in the next; so that you shall be ruined for eternity, left absolutely desolate in this world, and damned forever in the world to come; such being the just retribution of the wicked, who, in seeking to injure others, injure themselves forever. He then explains in particular what he had laid down in general, saying, “he will pluck thee out.” The first stage of your punishment will be your banishment, the loss of your home, prosperity, and country, sending you abroad an exile and a wanderer; “and thy root out of the land of the living,” will eradicate you and all your posterity from the earth; for children are like roots, shot out by the parents, which afterwards support and nourish him in turn.
6. The just shall see and fear, and shall laugh at him, and say:
6. “The just shall see and fear, and shall laugh at him, and say: No explanation given.
7. Behold the man that made not God his helper. But trusted in the abundance of his riches; and prevailed in his vanity.
7. “Behold the man that made not God his helper but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and prevailed in his vanity.” Many will profit and be instructed by the punishment of the wicked informer. “The just shall see and fear;” just and holy people will consider his case, and be horrified; “and shall laugh at him, and say: behold the man who made not God his helper, but trusted in the abundance of his riches;” will laugh at him for having acted most foolishly, for not putting his trust in God, who is all-powerful, instead of the frail riches of this world, which are so easily lost. “And prevailed in his vanity;” will jeer him for having endeavored to advance by fraud and lies, instead of true and solid virtue. The expression “prevailed,” does not imply that he really did prevail, but that he thought he might prevail; and, though he may seem to do so for a time, the end will prove that he had to yield, instead of prevailing; “when the just shall stand in great constancy against those who hemmed them in,” Wisdom 5.
8. But I, as a fruitful olive tree in the house of God, have hoped in the mercy of God forever, yea, forever and ever.
8. “But I, as a fruitful olive tree in the house of God, have hoped in the mercy of God forever, yea, forever and ever.” He concludes the Psalm by showing that he has taken quite a different path; for I will not be plucked up, nor rooted out as a withered tree, like Doeg; but I will send down my roots deeper and deeper, like “a fruitful olive tree,” always in bloom, always bearing fruit; and, being such, I have, consequently, “hoped in the mercy of God forever;” hoped that God would assist me forever, and to eternity. Observe the contrast he draws between himself and Doeg, the Idumean, comparing him to a dry log, and himself to a fruitful olive tree; he predicts that Doeg will be rooted out of the land, while himself will be rooted in the house of God. Doeg put his trust in his own riches, David in God’s mercy.
9. I will praise thee forever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait onthy name, for it is good in th sight of thy saints.
9. “I will praise thee forever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name, for it is good in the sight of thy saints.” He returns thanks for anything that happen, as if it had actually been done; for the future, as regards God and the prophets, is a matter of certainty, of the past. “I will praise thee forever; “I will always praise thee, “because thou hast done it;” have come to the determination of confounding him that trusteth in his riches, and consoling and comforting him that hopeth in thee. “And I will wait on thy name;” I will always hope in thee; such is the meaning of “wait on thee;” and the name of God is used here for God himself. “For it is good and the sight of thy saints.” I would justly hope in your name, for your name is most sweet to the saints who have tasted of his sweetness.
End of Psalm 51
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libidomechanica · 7 years
I do love me sounding
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